business support

December blog- Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield chair Peter Swallow has provided an update to businesses and residents in Chesterfield, as we take a look back on the positive developments which have progressed in the town this year and look ahead to Christmas and 2021.

Peter Swallow Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Despite the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us all, we end the year on a positive note and a message of hope.

It would be very easy to write-off 2020 as an unmitigated disaster. We have all been bombarded with Covid-related bad news throughout the year. However, amongst the doom and gloom there has been some good news, and a common thread of hope throughout the year.

Development and investment, which will lay the foundation for future jobs in the town, has continued throughout 2020. Significant headway has been made on the new Enterprise Centre being constructed on the donut car park, and construction of the new ‘grade a’ offices at Chesterfield Waterside got underway.

Despite the imposed social distancing, I believe that Chesterfield’s communities have become closer and more supportive of each other during the pandemic. Although there are high hopes for the vaccine which has recently been announced, it is important that we maintain the Shop Local momentum over Christmas.

Chesterfield is a resilient and adaptable town and nowhere is this more evident that on our high street.

We have seen businesses adapt overnight – from doorstep deliveries of beer, tea and coffee, drive and buy fruit and veg on the market, to website launches and takeaway gourmet meals to cook at home. These small things have kept us all connected and smiling!

Non-food retailers, restaurants, bars and cafes have had it particularly tough. However, we have embraced the Shop Local message and gone out and supported local businesses enabling the survival of many.

In these challenging times it has never been more important to support each other. I am delighted that Destination Chesterfield and Chesterfield Borough Council have continued to work collaboratively this year on the Christmas in Chesterfield Campaign. Combining our efforts will reinforce the Support Local message.

We may not be able to physically get into the high street businesses, but many independent retailers, restaurants and cafes offer us access to their products and services from the comfort of our homes using our laptops, tablets, telephones and perhaps even carrier pigeons (OK, maybe not carrier pigeons——!)

Making the decision to choose an independent retailer for your gifts and food both now and beyond the pandemic will make a huge difference to our high street.

As we look to 2021, there can be no simpler message for the town other than ‘support each other.’

I wish you all a happy and HEALTHY Christmas and New Year.


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Chamber chief executive writes to Prime Minister demanding greater clarity for businesses in lockdown decisions

The chief executive of East Midlands Chamber has written to Boris Johnson urging the Government to provide greater clarity to businesses over lockdown restrictions.

Scott Knowles told the Prime Minister yesterday (1 December) about the “dissatisfaction” felt by the private sector in the region regarding plans to place Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire into Tier 3 measures.

He said the East Midlands has been impacted by restrictions longer than anywhere else in the country, with Leicester and parts of Leicestershire the first area to be placed under local lockdown at the end of June, and reminded Mr Johnson of the five tests requested by the chamber of commerce – which represents 4,250 members across the three counties – by which to assess decisions taken.

Commenting on the new tiered approach to restrictions in the letter, Scott said: “I understand the difficult discussions involved in this and the numerous factors that have to be taken into consideration.

“However, I wanted to express our dissatisfaction at the outcome for the majority of the East Midlands and ask for greater clarity over the basis on which decisions were taken, future plans for ending these restrictions and greater support for those businesses impacted.”

Five tests for continued coronavirus restrictions on business activity in the East Midlands

The five tests set out in June, when the Leicester lockdown came into effect, were:

1) Any decisions around closures must be based on evidence that can be shared with those affected and taken on as local a basis as possible

2) Businesses must be given enough time to make the practical preparations needed for closing and reopening

3) An exit strategy, including triggers for changes, must be made available to businesses to support them in their planning and decision-making

4) Businesses adversely impacted must be given additional grant support to compensate them for costs associated with being shut, losing trade and investment into making themselves Covid-secure

5) During closures, steps must be taken locally to reduce the risk of further disruption, including improvements made to testing and tracing

Scott added that clear, timely and consistent communication was vital in underpinning these tests.

While businesses accept the country was still learning about the nature of coronavirus in the spring and early summer, he believes there are no longer any reasons why the tests shouldn’t be met nine months on and asked for feedback from Government on decisions taken that affect the East Midlands.

“To be clear, this is not intended to be a petulant request,” he added. “Working with our members, we see the on-the-ground impact that restrictions are having in terms of business failure, livelihoods destroyed and jobs lost, along with the negative social and health fallout of this – which promises to have a longer-lasting and greater deleterious impact than the virus itself – and believe that our businesses and the communities they serve deserve better.”

The Chamber has also offered to work closer with the Government to ensure communication to and from businesses in the region works better than it has to date.

With recognition the pandemic will continue to impact lives for months to come, Scott added: “A strong, growing private sector will be central to securing our recovery and ultimate success. There is no alternative that anything other than a fully open and functioning economy will right the recovery of the region.

“Right now, businesses require more focused and enhanced support, both financial and to support in planning, in order to ensure as many as possible are fit for growth in 2021 and beyond. Meeting our tests will help ensure this happens.”

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Funded training available to employers and individuals facing redundancy in Chesterfield

Funded training has been made available to employers and individuals facing redundancy in Chesterfield and the wider Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire region.

Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) and Skills Support for Redundancy (SSR) are programmes developed to upskill employees within small and medium-sized businesses in the D2N2 area, along with offering tailored training for individuals at risk of redundancy or those who have recently been made redundant.

SSR helps people access training courses in order to further their skills and qualifications to help them get back into the workplace. The project works in collaboration with the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) and the National Careers Service (NCS).

It helps provide advice on how to claim benefits, how to create a CV and provides career guidance. It also works to bridge any skills gap an individual may have that prevents them from getting back into the workplace.

Courses include IT skills, administration, leadership and management, education, health and social care, warehousing and storage and retail operations.

SSW provides recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses to enhance your employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of your business and boost the local economy.

Training on offer includes:

Upskill for workplace success

-Training and advice in a wide range of vocational and sector specific training to help secure employment in your existing business or to help you change your career

Career progression training 

-Developing higher skill levels to take you to the next step in your career, such as leadership and management or supervisory skills and training

Support with securing a new job

-To give you the best chance of securing a new role, the project can help build on your transferable skills and support where required with CV writing, online job searching, completing applications and interview techniques, or signpost you to local services that will be able to offer additional support

Rob Matts, Head of Skills Support for the Workforce at Serco, said: “I would urge businesses looking to train their staff, and individuals looking to progress their career, to take advantage of the funded training on offer. We look forward to enabling more businesses to upskill their staff and grow.”

For more information and eligibility criteria, email or visit

To find out more about working in Chesterfield, click here 


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Digitalisation Grants of up to £10,000 available for Derbyshire visitor economy businesses

Visitor economy businesses based in Derbyshire are being encouraged to apply for digitalisation grants of up to £10,000 to enable them to adapt, recover and rebuild in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is offering business grants to support the development of valuable digital assets such as online booking systems, updated websites and cashless payment facilities to help businesses respond to changes in consumer behaviour.

The grants programme is part of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s European Regional Development Fund project, which has been updated to reflect new business needs that have emerged as a result of Covid-19.

Alongside digitalisation, grants of £1,000 to £10,000 are also available in the following areas:

  • Accessibility – e.g. accessible equipment and facilities for people with disabilities.
  • Cycling – e.g. secure cycle storage and maintenance equipment for use by visitors.
  • Internationalisation – e.g. website translation or the implementation of online booking/cashless payment systems to encourage international visitors.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, said: “We’re delighted to be able to offer these valuable business grants through our European Regional Development Fund project. Derbyshire’s tourism industry is facing some of its biggest-ever challenges and this funding will play a key role in helping businesses to adapt and diversify in response to new consumer trends.

“Digital assets such as cashless payment systems and online booking facilities are going to be vital in driving the sector’s recovery and helping businesses to get back on their feet. We’ve already received a huge amount of interest and we’re urging eligible businesses to get their applications in as soon as possible.”

Businesses applying for the funding must meet the following criteria:

  • Be part of the visitor economy, including sole traders, partnerships and limited companies.
  • Be located in Derbyshire.
  • Have less than 250 employees.
  • Have been trading for more than 12 months.
  • Have a business bank account.

Successful applicants will receive a 50% grant towards the cost of the overall project, with a minimum 50% grant contribution being £1,000 and the maximum £10,000.
To find out more and to register interest for a grant visit:

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Website helps shops and food and drink businesses continue to do business during Lockdown 2

Destination Chesterfield has sprung into action to support local retailers and food and drink business which have been forced to close their doors in the face of the second lockdown.

Within hours of the second lockdown being announced, Destination Chesterfield created a dedicated page on its website packed with details of nearly 100 local non-food retailers, and food and drink businesses that are continuing to operate by adapting their services to meet the needs of the community.

The initiative was originally launched during the first lockdown and proved a huge success. So much so that Destination Chesterfield wants to add even more businesses to the free directory!

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager commented: “The webpage is very simple but highly effective and had a large volume of visitors during the first lockdown. As soon as we heard about the second lockdown, we pulled out all the stops to get it back up and running.

“The mission for Destination Chesterfield has always been to encourage as many people as possible to support the town. Our website, during the pandemic and the uncertainty that comes with it, is playing a key role in helping us continue to remind people to support the town and its businesses.

“Every trader plays an important part in the local economy and we all need to work together to can ensure their survival beyond these extremely challenging times.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “In this second national lockdown, it is important that we all support local businesses in any way we can. It has never been easier to shop local from the comfort of your own home because so many local businesses are being innovative in their approach whether it be offering delivery services, click and collect or simply shopping online.

“As always, we are working closely with Destination Chesterfield to support local businesses and I hope lots of people will use this website to find out how they can also help support our local businesses too.”

Details of retailers and food and drink businesses trading during Lockdown 2 can be found at


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Support for Chesterfield SMEs looking to take on talented graduates

Small-to-medium sized enterprises in Chesterfield are being invited to find out more about support available in adding talented graduates to their teams.

RISE is a unique business support initiative focussed on enabling small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow through the employment of graduate talent. Businesses can receive access to free, tailored recruitment, talent matching, training and funding support.

It has been effective in helping SMEs overcome the barriers faced in graduate recruitment and equipping them with the tools and know-how to become successful graduate employers.

Since 2013, RISE has supported more than 350 regionally based SMEs successfully recruit over 450 graduates. Many of those businesses have gone on to report increases in turnover, productivity, innovation and growth as a result.

The enhanced RISE project now provides even more comprehensive business support and business benefits. RISE is delivered through a well-established collaboration of the region’s local authorities, universities and a specialist private sector delivery partner working together to provide the tailored support your business needs.

Sarah Stanley, SME Engagement Manager said: “We currently have an amazing talent pool of 250+ high quality graduates ready and wanting to work for SMEs in Sheffield City Region, including Chesterfield. Our support is fully funded and we help you to scope and advertise your graduate level role, match suitable candidates from our talent pool and provide you with a shortlist for you to interview.

“As well as helping you to find a great graduate(s) we help you make the most of your graduate hire and provide ongoing support at 3 and 6 months into your graduate’s employment. Our RISE Talent Pool is now live!”

RISE has already helped to match businesses in our region with graduate talent. North East Derbyshire-based urban drainage and environmental consultancy, RES Environmental recently employed Keele University graduate James England, after being matched with him through the scheme.

Alan Ayris, Managing Director at RES Environmental said: “Recruitment can be difficult in this sector and there are additional challenges to interviewing and sourcing new graduates because we can’t dig into their past projects and technical skills in the same way that we would with an established engineer. This is where RISE came in and made a huge impact. The RISE team are skilled at matching people to roles and identifying the additional support a business needs.

“RISE helped us pinpoint the wider traits and knowledge-base we’re seeking and supported us to explore these qualities with candidates during interviews. The traditional recruitment methods we employ can feel like a lottery, but the support offered through RISE significantly reduced the risk for us. We now feel better placed to progress our plans to create more graduate roles in the business.”

RISE is delivered in partnership with Sheffield City Council, Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Sheffield and is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

You can find out more by visiting the RISE website, or by contacting Sarah Stanley via email: 

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