chesterfield apprenticeships

Chesterfield manufacturers encouraged to inspire future talent as businesses celebrate 10 years of innovative scheme

Businesses are gearing up to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the renowned Made in Chesterfield initiative, which brings together schools and local firms to close skills gaps in the town.

Designed to spark interest in manufacturing, engineering, and construction careers among young people, the campaign offers a unique opportunity for businesses in those key sectors to inspire the future workforce.

Destination Chesterfield is seeking companies to participate in this year’s Made in Chesterfield scheme. By engaging with school pupils, your business can offer firsthand insights into the exciting career paths within these crucial sectors.

Celebrating a decade of partnership and collaboration, the Made in Chesterfield campaign will run throughout October 2024.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield and Direct Education Business Partnership, and supported by Chesterfield College Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire North Careers Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, and NatWest, the campaign has a proven track record of success.

Since 2014, over 3,500 students have explored career opportunities in the area’s manufacturing, engineering, and construction sectors.

Chesterfield College Group, the project’s headline sponsor, has witnessed a surge in students enrolling in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) subjects, underscoring the campaign’s significant impact.

Julie Richards OBE, CEO of Chesterfield College Group, shared: “Supporting Made in Chesterfield aligns with our mission to connect students with employers, providing inspiration and creating opportunities for successful careers. Our Engineering, Manufacturing, and Science Centre and involvement in the town’s new Construction Skills Hub highlight our dedication to providing the best career opportunities for young people in engineering and construction.”

Ivan Fomin, Director at MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield Board Member, emphasised the importance of the initiative: “With an ageing workforce creating a skills gap in manufacturing, it’s crucial to cultivate new talent. These tours and interactions give young people invaluable insights into the promising careers in STEM fields.”

Clare Talati, CEO of Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP), added: “We are thrilled to continue supporting Made in Chesterfield, facilitating connections between employers and young people. This initiative provides meaningful experiences, raising awareness of local opportunities and helping employers meet potential future employees.”

Don’t miss this chance to contribute to Chesterfield’s future. Learn more about how your business can get involved with Made in Chesterfield by visiting or contacting Direct Education Business Partnership at

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Chamber welcomes new government support for apprenticeships

Small businesses (SMEs) in Chesterfield and the East Midlands region could get a surge in under 21s taking up apprenticeships, thanks to new government funding announced recently.

The Prime Minister has outlined plans to enable up to 20,000 more apprenticeships with a number of reforms. The government says it will pay the full cost of apprenticeships for people aged 21 or under at small firms from 1 April, and is pledging £60m of new investment for next year.

The government says this will reduce costs and burdens for businesses and deliver more opportunities for young people to kick start their careers. It also says the reforms will remove the need for small employers to meet some of the cost of training, whilst saving time and costs for providers like further education colleges who currently need to source funding separately from the government and businesses.

East Midlands Chamber Head of Employment Services Paul Needham said: “We know the value apprenticeships have on young people, in giving them real skills from a busy workplace and experiencing the challenges a business faces in a real world situation each day. For too long cost has been a barrier for many would-be apprentices and SMEs.

“For opportunities to be opened in this way is something I very much welcome. We work with a number of apprenticeship providers and see success after success when people achieve their goals; often they gain skills they had never envisaged. Businesses really see the benefit too as the enthusiasm to learn translates to good work so they’re a win-win. The more we can help young people get into work and develop the skills SMEs need will have a positive effect on the wider economy in the East Midlands.”

Is your business looking to upskill or recruit? Find out more about the benefits of taking on an apprentice and inspiring the next generation at:

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Apprentice welder and mentor at a local manufacturing business in Chesterfield

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£1.2m degree apprenticeship funding for the University of Derby

More than £1.2 million has been awarded by the Office for Students to the University of Derby to support the development and expansion of degree apprenticeships, addressing skills gaps in key shortage areas within Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

The sum of £1,234,378 was the largest awarded by the Office for Students in this second wave of investment, totalling £14 million across 32 universities and colleges. It will be used to support the delivery of new degree apprenticeships, facilitate continuing engagement with potential apprentices and employers, and raise aspirations of those living in the region. It comes on top of more than £300,000 given to the University by the Office for Students in January.

The funding will be used to develop new degree apprenticeships, including a Project Manager programme to support skills needs in the region. It will provide support for the growing nuclear industry, adding to the apprenticeships offered at the Nuclear Skills Academy, which is run in partnership by the University and Rolls-Royce Submarines Ltd.

A new Public Health Practitioner degree apprenticeship will also be developed, which will help address the training requirements for the UK’s public health workforce, as identified in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.

In addition to new programmes, the funding will support increased awareness of and participation in apprenticeships that currently experience low take-up across the country, building on the University’s expertise in strengthening relationships with employers and the business community. These include programmes in the nuclear and aerospace industries, as well as a range of health care apprenticeships, including in diagnostic radiography and operating department practice.

Dr Denise Baker, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, said: “This funding will provide a major boost to our efforts to address significant skills gaps in our region and across the UK. It will enable us to work even more closely with employers to promote apprenticeships, offer peer support – especially for smaller and medium-sized organisations – and support employers to maximise their use of the apprenticeship levy. The University of Derby already has a strong reputation for its apprenticeships in the region with a proven track record of engaging with industry, and this support from the Office for Students will help us to develop closer industry ties to benefit apprentices and the sectors in which they work.”

Find out more about apprenticeships at the University of Derby:

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The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Classroom of students at the University of Derby

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National Careers Week: How Chesterfield apprentices are unlocking business growth in Chesterfield

Chesterfield businesses are being urged to futureproof their workforces by finding out more about the far-reaching benefits of taking on apprentices in the town.

Apprenticeships have long been recognised as a powerful tool for bridging the gap between education and employment. In Chesterfield, this holds particularly true, as businesses stand to gain several benefits by taking on apprentices.

Ahead of National Careers Week 2024 (4-9 March), a panel of apprentices building their careers in the town have outlined these advantages, from fostering a skilled workforce for the future, to enhancing company culture and driving innovation.

Speaking to Destination Chesterfield and the Derbyshire Times, apprentices in the town spoke of the numerous ways in which they are contributing to their organisations. In an era defined by advancing technology and evolving industry demands, the need for skilled workers has never been more pronounced. By taking on apprentices, businesses in Chesterfield have been able to address this need by nurturing fresh talent and providing them with invaluable hands-on experience.

Lucy Jones, Level 3 Business Administrator Apprentice with DBCP commented: “Apprentices have different backgrounds, ideas and viewpoints which can help to combat challenges which may arise in the business.

Lucy Jones - DBCP

Lucy Jones – DBCP

“They bring a different mindset to everyone else. You get to mould that person for your business and work with them to be a better version of themselves, with a range of skills from time management to dealing with clients. Apprentices are taking their learning and applying it to your business straight away.”

Moreover, businesses have the opportunity to tailor apprenticeship programs to align with their specific needs and objectives, ensuring that apprentices receive training that directly translates into tangible contributions to the company.

By investing in the development of apprentices, businesses not only secure a pipeline of skilled workers but also cultivate a culture of learning and growth within their organisation. This commitment to employee development not only benefits the individual apprentice but also contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of the business and Chesterfield’s economy.

Chanelle Wallace, Level 2 Hairdressing Apprentice at MD Hair said: “Being based at the salon gives me a great opportunity to learn everyone else’s techniques and soak up all their experience. I’m then able to use that to find my style and ways of doing things, which I think helps to strengthen and grow the team. If you work with more experienced people, you’re going to learn those key social skills, which for my area of work is so important.”

Woman in a salon drying another woman's hair

Chanelle Wallace, MD Hair, Level 2 Hairdressing Apprentice

Apprenticeships are crucial in driving innovation by injecting fresh perspectives and new ideas into the workplace. As digital technologies continue to reshape industries, businesses in Chesterfield can leverage apprenticeships to harness emerging talent and foster a culture of innovation.

Isaac Marbridge, Level 7 ACCA Chartered Accountant Apprentice at BHP commented: “If a business has the flexibility to work with an apprentice, I’d recommend it. I have quarterly meetings with my manager, and we discuss my progress. I get to regularly put forward skills which I want to get trained up on, which I’m then able to go and pursue. That could be something unique that nobody else has done. This means I can then bring fresh knowledge into the business, which overall will help the organisation.

Isaac Marbridge, BHP Accountants speaking at the Chesterfield Employability and skills conference

Isaac Marbridge, BHP Accountants speaking at the Chesterfield Employability and skills conference.

“Businesses will gain a lot by getting a different perspective. My industry, accountancy, is transforming and we must keep up with new technologies. Younger people coming through as apprentices and trainees will be better placed to get trained and help to drive the business forward. We’ve had talks about AI and how that is set to impact our sector, and we’ve got younger people already looking at how we can use it to our advantage.”

Furthermore, apprenticeships provide businesses with the opportunity to future-proof their workforce by equipping apprentices with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape. Whether it’s mastering new technologies, adapting to shifting market trends, or navigating regulatory changes, apprenticeships empower businesses in Chesterfield to stay agile and resilient in the face of uncertainty.

Moreover, apprenticeships provide existing employees with the opportunity to mentor and support the next generation of talent, fostering a sense of pride and fulfilment in their roles. This mentorship not only enhances the professional development of apprentices but also cultivates strong bonds between team members, leading to greater cohesion and productivity.

DBCP’s Lucy Jones added: “Most of the inspectors in our organisation are from an older generation. I think that it is important that we get trainees and apprentices into that role to keep it going and ensure the future of our industry. The job comes with a lot of responsibility, so it’s vital we give people that hands-on experience as soon as we can.”

In Chesterfield, businesses stand to gain a wealth of benefits by embracing apprenticeships as a cornerstone of their workforce development strategy. To assist businesses in ensuring they have the workforce required to meet the demands of the future, Chesterfield Borough Council has launched a skills brokerage service, which can signpost firms to the support they require.

Max Denton, Skills Delivery Assistant at Chesterfield Borough Council is currently working towards a Level 4 Project Management apprenticeship. He commented: “The role I carry out aligns with one of the five objectives in the council’s growth strategy, which is ensuring that people in our borough have the right skills to progress in the labour market and benefit from future employment opportunities.

Three men stood having a conversation

Max Denton, Chesterfield Borough Council, Level 4 Project Manager Associate

“I believe that there is a lot of opportunity in Chesterfield at the moment. It is a pleasure to see the amount of development taking place here. It will certainly lead to more employment opportunities in the town. The focus of our growth strategy is to create higher-value jobs and growth, and I would encourage businesses to get in touch with us to see how we can support them.”

To find out more about apprenticeships and skills support for businesses in Chesterfield, go to:

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Chesterfield apprentice employers encouraged to enter prestigious top 100 list

Firms in Chesterfield are being encouraged to enter themselves into the running for the England Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers list.

The Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers celebrates England’s outstanding apprenticeship employers, recognising their commitment to creating new apprenticeships, the diversity of their apprentices, and the number of apprentices who successfully achieve their apprenticeships.

And the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers features the country’s leading small and medium-sized employers who offer apprenticeship programmes.

First compiled in 2020, the prestigious annual employer rankings have been developed by the Department of Education, in partnership with High Fliers Research, who independently assess and rank the nation’s top apprenticeship employers.

Over the past three years, more than 1,000 apprenticeship employers from a wide range of industries and business sectors have entered for the rankings.

The Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers are back in 2024 to showcase the apprenticeship employers that have done the most to provide apprenticeship opportunities over the past 12 months.

Entries are now open and the results will be announced during a special TV programme in the summer – and apprenticeship employers featured in the new 2024 rankings will be invited to attend a celebration lunch at the House of Commons in the autumn.

Previous Chesterfield winners for the top 50 SME list include Less Than Zero barbers and Clee Hill Plant. Find out more about their nominations here.

Together, the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers will reveal which employers – large and small – are this year’s most successful apprenticeship employers.

Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education commented: “Since 2020, we’ve been highlighting the top apprenticeship employers in England, to recognise their ongoing commitment to delivering amazing apprenticeships.

“Last year we received a record number of entries from more than 800 different employers, and this year we want to break that record. We’ve revolutionised technical education in this country, with almost 70% of occupations now available as apprenticeships. We couldn’t do that without you, the fantastic employers who deliver them.

“We look forward to seeing another fantastic range of entries for the 2024 rankings. Thank you and good luck!”

Find out more about the list and nominate your business at:

Apprentice welder and mentor at a local manufacturing business in Chesterfield

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Chesterfield firms urged to access skills support to grow town’s economy

Businesses across Chesterfield have been told they must act today to futureproof their businesses and the town’s economy, by ensuring their staff are receiving the relevant training and skills.

The Chesterfield Employability and Skills Conference (Thursday, 8th February 2024) was hosted in partnership by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield.

The event at the Winding Wheel Theatre in the heart of the town, introduced a new wave of support for firms in the area, signposting businesses to relevant schemes which will help them to upskill and reskill their staff. Attendees at the event were given the chance to meet with representatives from the following organisations:

  • Chesterfield Borough Council, Skills Brokerage Service
  • Chesterfield College
  • Derbyshire BAME Forum
  • Direct Education Business Partnership
  • University of Derby
  • D2N2 Careers Hub/ D2N2 LEP
  • Derbyshire County Council/ National Careers Service
  • North East Derbyshire District Council
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Auto Windscreens, owned by Markerstudy Group
  • East Midlands Railway

The call for businesses to access this support comes as firms in some of the town’s key sectors say they are finding difficulties in filling vacancies with suitable skilled people.

The latest East Midlands Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey showed that more than 70% of businesses in the region are struggling to fill vacancies, with skilled manual or technical roles proving the most challenging. Industries such as construction, manufacturing, engineering, digital and health & social care are just some of the sectors which Chesterfield Borough Council aims to support with workforce growth.

To address those challenges, Chesterfield’s new skills brokerage gives businesses in the borough the opportunity to gain free, impartial, bespoke advice to support them to access funding, alongside connecting companies to training and development opportunities.

The full range of services offered includes:

  • Access a range of fully funded courses to upskill the workforce, ranging from basic skills and business fundamentals to leadership and management, green and digital skills.
  • Accessing a variety of funding streams.
  • Support to employ Apprentices, including how to access apprenticeship funding and information around the apprenticeship levy.
  • Recruitment and retention advice.
  • Succession planning.
  • Advice and continued support.

Michael Timmins, Director at AECOM and Chair of the Chesterfield Skills and Employment Partnership said: “It was fantastic to see so many businesses in attendance at the Employability and Skills Conference. We know that firms across our area are concerned about the future of their workforces, so it is extremely important that we continue to highlight the support that is out there. I would urge businesses of all sizes to make the most of the assistance available. We must all work together to secure the future growth of Chesterfield and ensure that our workforce has the right skills and abilities to meet future challenges.”

Michael Timmins  speaking at 2024 employability and skills conference

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of the Chesterfield Skills and Employment Partnership said: “We work closely with a wide range of partners to help local people develop the skills that businesses need both now and, in the future, which in turn will help ensure everyone can benefit from a growing local economy.

“Our Skills Brokerage service aims to help businesses access the funding and the information they need to deliver skills development programmes for their employees, but this is just one of the initiatives we have launched that aim to help businesses based in our borough to grow. If you are running a business in Chesterfield, please contact our team directly to find out more about the support available to you.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby speaking at 2024 skills and employability conference

For more information about this service or to arrange a meeting contact Chris McKechnie, Skills Brokerage Business Advisor by calling 07583416749 or emailing

Chesterfield Borough Council’s Skills Brokerage Service is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

skills conference 2024

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Chesterfield Businesses celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Several Chesterfield businesses have celebrated National Apprenticeship Week 2024 with new recruits, high achievement and support for local apprentices in our town.

National Apprenticeship Week ( February 5-11) shines a spotlight on the incredible benefits of apprenticeships both for people looking to build a rewarding career and businesses looking to bolster their skilled workforce.

Find out more about how the town’s network of Chesterfield Champions have been supporting apprenticeships in recent weeks and months.

Roy Peters Estates’ George Glazebrook achieves distinction on Level 2 apprenticeship

RS and George

George Glazebrook, who has been undertaking a Level 2 Housing and Property Management apprenticeship with Chesterfield’s Roy Peters Estates, has acheived the highest grade possible on his Level 2 course.

George commented: “I love working for Roy Peters Estates in Chesterfield, being in the industry at a young age is great as I’m always learning and gaining new skills. Surrounding myself with people who have lots of experience and knowledge within the industry is also extremely important to me as I would have not have these same opportunities within a class room.

I have just completed level 2 apprenticeship and was delighted that I achieved a distinction grade across all three elements of the examination, which was extremely rewarding as I had put a lot of hard work into the apprenticeship overall”.

Richard Sherwood, Director at Roy Peters Estates, added: “Everyone here at Roy Peters is delighted that George has passed his Level Two Qualification in Housing and Property Management. George has become a real asset to our business and I understand that he plans to move forward to Level Three which will give us another qualified member of our team.

“This, and the maths qualification he achieved during his apprenticeship will give George an excellent start to his business career. It is encouraging that Roy Peters Estates have received a number of positive reviews about George and I have had personal feedback from valued clients as to how well he represents our organisation.

“Roy Peters Estates have also just won the British Property Letting Award for Chesterfield and I’m sure George played his part, along with the rest of the team, in achieving this award.”

Windowcharm Blinds & Curtain Services announces new content creator apprentice

Chesterfield’s Windowcharm Blinds and Curtain Services has added another apprentice to its growing team.

Romario Clarke is the third apprentice to join the company, and will be working alongside fellow apprentices Katie Wheatley and Matt Willis.

Mike Jones, Head of Customer Relations at Windowcharm commented: “Our experienced professionals from three departments will provide them with on-the-job training, mentorship, and support.

“Romario, Katie, and Matt have introduced new and innovative ideas to our business, which has been established since 1975.

“We are eager to guide them during the early years of their careers and see how their contributions will improve our productivity and performance.”

Romario said: “While only joining recently, I’ve already felt as if I have a very supportive team around me. Doing a content creation apprenticeship at Windowcharm, I already feel like an important member of the team as I’ve been trusted to spearhead the content creation for Windowcharm.”

CMP Legal’s Amelia Bacon to undertake solicitor qualifying apprenticeship

CMP Amelia

Amelia Bacon, who has worked for Chesterfield’s CMP Legal for just over two years as a Paralegal in the firm’s corporate team, is set to take the next step in her career by taking on an apprenticeship to secure her SQE Qualifications.

The SQE is two exam papers set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Therefore, Amelia will be studying for her SQE while undertaking her apprenticeship, gaining the necessary qualifying work which she also needs to be able to qualify as a solicitor.

Amelia’s SQE course will be taught by the training provider with a series of online workshops, lectures and assessments as well as one to one support from a personal tutor. CMP Legal will be supervising her work experience and ensuring that she’s exposed to a wide variety of work to ensure that when she passes her SQE, she’ll be able to apply to the SRA to be admitted as a solicitor, straight away.

Amelia said: “I’m thrilled to be starting my solicitor qualifying apprenticeship and I’m very grateful that CMP Legal are supporting my career ambitions. I can’t wait to get started on the course in March.

Stacey Pocock, Solicitor and Executive Director at CMP Legal added: “The introduction of the SQE is a relatively new concept in the legal profession and so to be able to support Amelia with an apprenticeship is something that we were very keen to do. Employing an apprentice is an excellent way for us to grow our business but equally, it’s a positive way for our valued team members to achieve their career ambitions.”

CCM Change Consultancy collaborates with Rosewood Wealth Management to develop apprentices

Two young women sitting at laptops in an office with a view out the window

Abi Dodd and Demi Walker, Rosewood Wealth Management, Level 3 Business Administrator Apprentices

Chesterfield’s CCM Change Consultancy is currently working alongside two apprentices at Rosewood Wealth Management, to further develop their skills.

The two Chesterfield Champions have worked together, with CCM assisting the finance company’s rising stars Abigiail Dodd and Demi Walker, with assimilation into the workplace and development of fundamental tools. This work is providing a solid foundation for the apprentices to take on technical industry knowledge.

CCM Change Consultancy owner, Nick Gorman said: “Some of our current work is around – Plan & Prepare, Complete v Finish, Right First Time, Internal customer, Flow.

“Working with apprentices is one of the most rewarding aspects of mentoring. Abigail and Demi are an absolute pleasure to work with and the future for them looks bright.”

The businesses featured in this article support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Entries now open for this year’s Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Apprenticeship Awards

The parent company of Chesterfield’s Derbyshire Times, National World is set to celebrate apprentices across our region later this year, by hosting the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Apprenticeship Awards 2024.

The company’s journey with the apprenticeship awards began in 2017, driven by the desire to spotlight the success stories emerging from apprenticeship programs. National World aims to showcase not only the achievements of apprentices but also the invaluable support from their employers, mentors, and training providers.

Apprenticeships provide a unique approach to education, training, and career development. The hands-on learning experience, coupled with the opportunity to earn while you learn, makes apprenticeships a dynamic pathway for individuals exploring diverse industries, from traditional trades to cutting-edge fields like technology and healthcare.

The program often serves as a gateway to full-time employment in industries that apprentices may not have previously considered.

Completing an apprenticeship frequently leads to industry-recognised certifications, enhancing individuals’ credibility and employability and facilitating smoother transitions into different roles or advancements within their chosen fields.

Nominations are open to apprentices, employers, colleges, training providers, and proud loved ones. Specific categories are dedicated to employers and mentors, allowing businesses to showcase their teams and trainers.

The grand announcement of winners will take place at the live event on Thursday, 3rd October 2024, held at The Village Hotel, Nottingham. Register by visiting before the closing date of 6pm on Wednesday, July 31st.

Derbyshire Times editor and Destination Chesterfield board member, Phil Bramley said: “Local apprentices are not only carving out great careers for themselves, but also driving innovation and success at the businesses they’re working with.

“These awards are a fantastic way to showcase the work they do and the success stories they are part of.

“If you’re an apprentice – or business or education provider that works with one – why not enter the awards and put our great local apprenticeships in the spotlight?”

Award Categories:

  • SME Employer of the Year: Open to businesses, with up to 249 employees, which offer an apprenticeship programme.
  • Large Employer of the Year, sponsored by East Midlands Apprenticeship Ambassador Network: Open to businesses, with 250+ employees, which offer an apprenticeship programme.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Programme, sponsored by Auto Windscreens: Open to all employers that run an apprenticeship programme which actively encourages diversity and inclusion.
  • Mentor of the Year: This category is for an individual who has encouraged and inspired apprentices throughout their training programme. Mentors can be the line manager, a training provider or someone that the apprentice works with who has greatly contributed to the individual’s development
  • Intermediate Apprentice of the Year: For an outstanding apprentice who is currently studying for a level 2 qualification (equivalent to GCSE passes at grades 4–9). Apprentices should be enrolled on an apprenticeship scheme before June 2023
  • Advanced Apprentice of the Year: For an outstanding apprentice who is currently studying for a level 3 qualification (equivalent to A Level Pass). Apprentices should be enrolled on an apprenticeship scheme before June 2023.
  • Higher Apprentice of the Year, sponsored by Nottingham Trent University: For an outstanding apprentice who is currently studying for a level 4 or 5 qualification. Apprentices should be enrolled on an apprenticeship scheme before June 2023
  • Degree Apprentice of the Year, sponsored by University of Nottingham: For an outstanding apprentice who is currently studying for a level 6 or above qualification. Apprentices should be enrolled on an apprenticeship scheme before June 2023.
  • Professional Services Apprentice of the Year: Open to apprentices, who were enrolled in their programme by June 2023, and work within the Professional Services sector.
  • Health & Public Service Apprentice of the Year: Open to apprentices, who were enrolled in their programme by June 2023, and work within the Health or Public Service Sector.
  • Construction Apprentice of the Year: Open to apprentices, who were enrolled in their programme by June 2023, and work within the Construction.
  • Engineering/Manufacturing Apprentice of the Year: Open to apprentices, who were enrolled in their programme by June 2023, and work within the Engineering or Manufacturing sectors
  • Technology and Digital Apprentice of the Year: Open to apprentices, who were enrolled in their programme by June 2023, and work within the Technology and Digital Sectors.
  • Training Provider of the Year: Open to colleges, organisations or businesses that provide the training element of an apprenticeship programme to a business or organisation.

The Derbyshire Times supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Apprentice 873x466

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Chesterfield businesses urged to raise awareness of apprenticeships with local school visits

Firms in Chesterfield are urged to get involved in an initiative which aims to raise awareness of apprenticeship opportunities in the area.

D2N2 Careers Hub and The Early Talent Consultancy are calling on local employers in Chesterfield to join the ‘Get In 2 Apprenticeships’ initiative. This collaborative effort aims to engage year 9 students at schools across the region, with students gaining valuable advice from the employers.

Participating employers will conduct on-site sessions in schools, lasting up to 3 hours, and businesses will also have a chance to showcase their apprenticeship programmes and tap into future talent, as well as inspiring the next generation of our workforce.

To be eligible, employers will have an established apprenticeship programme within the D2N2 region and be able to support with the delivery of the sessions.

Helen Eleftheriou, spokesperson for the Early Talent Consultancy commented: “Apprenticeships are available in over 600 occupations in a wide range of industries ranging from entry level at 16 years old up to and including degree level. Over 90% of apprentices stay with their employer once qualified and many work their way up in the organisation.

“It’s an opportunity for employers to promote their apprenticeship programmes and tap into future talent. They’ll be able to share insights into their industry to students who may not be aware. Inspire the future workforce and boost their community impact.

“By investing in young people, businesses are nurturing a pool of talent with the skills their business needs now and in the future. Young people also bring a fresh perspective to a business as they see the world in a different way, bringing creative solutions and insights. Young people are typically more accustomed to emerging trends and technologies.

“Their familiarity with the digital landscape is invaluable in ensuring businesses are at the forefront of the ever changing digital world. Finally, investing in young people isn’t just about business, it’s about contributing to a business’s local community.”

Dates confirmed for businesses to visit schools in Chesterfield:

  • Wednesday, 24th April
  • Monday, 29th April
  • Monday, 20th May
  • Tuesday, 2nd July

Any employers who are interested in taking part should contact or or read more about it here.

College student skills training apprenticeships

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Workpays outlines steps to become a leading training provider in sustainability

Chesterfield training provider, Workpays has outlined the steps it has taken to be a leading training provider for sustainability.

The company has achieved Bronze Level accreditation as a Carbon Literate Organisation with its Managing Director and Director of Excellence, who have led the drive, receiving CLO accreditation. Throughout 2024, the company will roll this out to all staff through its internal Workpays Academy.

Managing Director, Alex Glasner commented: “We want to train a generation of people into careers focussed on sustainability. Therefore, we’re delighted to become the nation’s first training provider not only to offer several specialised green-focused courses, but also to embed green skills into each one of our courses. All Workpays’ courses consist of units such as Environmental Awareness, Domestic Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability.”

The organisation has made sector-specific modules to ensure learners can better understand the importance of sustainability within their area of study and interest, ranging from vocational awards and certificates to green-themed sessions for English, ESOL, and Digital Skills, giving a better understanding of how the sector can be improved and where changing legislation may affect learners’ future careers.

All of Workpays’ courses include a wide range of fusion skills (12 skills identified to be fundamental to the future world of work from research and studies done by NESTA and presented within the Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit supported by the Education and Training Foundation). Every course provides important future-proof skills such as problem-solving, higher-level analysis, and evaluation.

These awards and certificates are fully funded and Workpays has formed a newly-created green progression pathway that learners and apprentices can move through to gain the qualifications they need to find a green career or to gain a better understanding of how to be a sustainable leader.

The Sustainable Leader apprenticeship pathway has been designed to relate sustainability to standards such as Team Leader, Operations Manager, and Improvement Technician to help apprentices understand how to improve their workplace and meet the SDGs, giving real-life examples and experience.

Full green courses include:

  • Entry Level 3, Level 1, and Level 2 Awards in Progression
  • Entry Level 3 Certificate in Progression
  • Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Award in Mental Wellbeing
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Awards in Personal Wellbeing

Alex added: “Workpays is committed to being a specialist in green courses, sustainability, and leading the way in providing high-quality inclusive education for all. We have been asked to join and represent training providers within the FE sector in several forums and groups such as #SustainFE helping other institutions and organisations map and create relatable curriculum content for sustainability. Workpays will continue to build on this in the new year.”

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Why should I start a career in manufacturing and engineering in Chesterfield?

Do you enjoy making things, or using maths and science to solve problems? How about checking for accuracy? Or making sure customers get the best service? If any of these relate, a career in manufacturing and engineering might be right for you.

There are plenty of positions to explore in the sector. However, for many people, it’s often only the warehouse-based roles that first come to mind.

In fact, the sector is so varied, we’re sure you will find an area to suit your skills. Especially in Chesterfield, where 4,000 people are employed in manufacturing and engineering companies.

Read on to hear from individuals about their experiences of working in the sector.

So, what roles can I choose from?

Careers in manufacturing and engineering can range from machine operator to quality assurance or business administrator to electrical engineer. The list goes on! Here are just 5 roles available locally that you could consider.

1. I could be: An Apprentice Fitter

Josh Henshaw is currently undertaking his Level 3 Engineering apprenticeship with his role as an apprentice Fitter at MSE Hiller. A typical day in this role might include visual inspections of machines or test running them to identify any problems and writing reports. Josh tells us:

Man inspecting machines

Josh Henshaw, MSE Hiller

“I decided to become an apprentice as it allows me the opportunity to experience working life and progress physically, while also continuing my education. I am enjoying my career in manufacturing and engineering as it allows me to be hands-on. It also encourages me to use multiple skills at once, like problem-solving, communication, creativity and using my initiative. I face new challenges daily, and the skills help develop you personally as well as in work. I have nothing but praise for the industry.”

2. I could be: A Water Civil Engineer Apprentice

Earthson Edison Xaviour is an apprentice Water Civil Engineer working for AECOM Chesterfield. A Water Civil Engineer designs and builds water-based projects, such as water treatment, sewerage and flood defence structures. Earthson Xaviour said:

Man sitting at a computer with google maps open

Earthson Edison Xaviour, AECOM

“I am passionate about the water recourses sector because this sector is extremely impactful. Engineers involved have an important role in the betterment of individuals and communities. I chose to do an apprenticeship because it would allow me to apply my academic knowledge and develop innovative solutions for problems. By selecting this course of study, I was able to explore a sector that I am passionate about, gain hands-on experience, and earn a degree in the process.”

Search career in manufacturing and engineering opportunities at AECOM Chesterfield…

3. I could be: A Business Administration Apprentice

Abi Lawson works in customer services for United Cast Bar as a Business Admin apprentice, which involves providing office support such as data input. She said:

Woman with blonde hair sitting at a desk with a computer

Abi Lawson, United Cast Bar

“I’m learning a range of different skills and meeting a range of different people from all over the world. So, even though I’m based in the customer service department, I’m getting the chance to work in a range of different departments alongside it. I can focus on the business side of things, working in the manufacturing and engineering sector and then switch it up and focus on the admin work my role brings me. I’m very passionate about where I work and what I do within United Cast Bar. As an apprentice, you are being pushed out of your comfort zone and being made to integrate into an environment that you have never been in before.”

Search career in manufacturing and engineering opportunities at United Cast Bar…

4. I could be: A Quality Practitioner Apprentice

Also an apprentice at United Cast Bar, Harry Snell is a Level 4 Quality Practitioner apprentice. This role involves ensuring that an organisation is meeting regulations and helping develop processes for this. He explained:

Man in orange high vis and yellow hard hat stood working with a steel bar

Harry Snell, United Cast Bar

“Working in the manufacturing and engineering sector can be fun as well as testing, and within this industry you’re able to learn a whole new skill set as well as meet and interact with new people. Even though I am part of the quality team, I interact with other departments and learn what it’s like to be in the sector.

“I am very passionate about my apprenticeship as it allows me to learn all about how a quality team and a business works from within. At United Cast Bar, as an apprentice you are challenged every day to complete new tasks and learn new skills. This has allowed me to grow and become more mature, as you are put into an environment that you have never been a part of. As I am learning all about quality systems and standards it’s showing me all about how a production business operates and this is something that I enjoy doing and learning about.

“My role at United Cast Bar is half office based and half shop floor based which is amazing as I love the flexibility that it has to offer. It has also given me the opportunity to see how things are produced. I can see all the extra work behind production, like all the standards and rules that businesses must comply to. In my opinion this is the best sector to be part of.”

5. I could be: an Engineer

Having completed her apprenticeship, Lauren Turner holds a Civil Engineering Degree Apprenticeship and works for AECOM. Civil Engineers design and oversee the building of structures like roads, railways and power plants. Lauren tells us:

Young woman sitting at a computer and smiling at the camera

“Working in the engineering sector is both challenging and rewarding. So far in my career I have worked on a wide range of projects – from assessing historic railway structures to designing components for a nuclear submarine dry dock. Earlier in my apprenticeship my job role was predominantly based around creating technical drawings and sketches. As I progressed through my apprenticeship and developed my knowledge and theory, I moved into the assessment and then design of structures which is predominantly based around undertaking calculations using both maths and computer programmes.

“In addition to technical based work, I have also gained site experience during my career. I began by assisting with inspections on site. As I developed within my career I moved onto supervising on site and planning/coordinating inspections. For females who are interested in getting into the industry – don’t be put off by the misconception that it is a male based industry. In my short career so far, the number of female colleagues I work with had increased vastly. Hopefully it will continue to do so as more females get into engineering whether it be through an apprenticeship or otherwise!”


Two men working with the slogan 'Find your apprenticeship' written across the image

If you’re feeling excited about the possibility of a career in manufacturing and engineering, there are lots of apprenticeship providers in Chesterfield that you can check out. You could also visit Chesterfield College for one of their Apprenticeship Advice Evenings or get involved with Made in Chesterfield. Whatever role you’re interested in, Chesterfield is a brilliant place to start your career.

Browse apprenticeship vacancies in Chesterfield…

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