chesterfield apprenticeships

Apprenticeships in Chesterfield now even easier to find online

Young people looking for an apprenticeship in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire have been given a helping hand.

A new online search tool has been launched by Apprentice Town making it quicker and easier than ever before to search for apprenticeship vacancies.

The new search function, which is hosted on the Destination Chesterfield website, enables people to browse the wide range of Level 2 – 7 apprenticeship roles within a 15-mile radius of Chesterfield.

People can search for apprenticeship vacancies based on both subject area and Level, with hundreds of opportunities currently available in the local area.

With thousands of young people set to pick up their GCSE and A Level exam results next month; the Apprentice Town website has been praised by business and education leaders in the town.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director of MSE Hiller, Destination Chesterfield board member and an apprentice employer, commented: “The practical benefits of the Apprentice Town initiative are invaluable both to young people and businesses based in Chesterfield. I have been an employer in Chesterfield for 25 years and I have always made a point of offering apprenticeships; they are an intrinsic part of both Chesterfield’s and MSE Hiller’s growth ambitions.”

Chesterfield College Group Principal and CEO, Julie Richards explains: “We’re proud to have supported so many generations of workforce to Chesterfield employers through apprenticeship programmes. Post-pandemic, it’s pleasing to see that the appetite for recruiting young talent into a business via earning whilst learning is still as great as ever. There are so many fantastic opportunities out there from Level 2 right through to degree equivalent apprenticeships and I strongly encourage those considering their options when leaving school, or even mature learners, to consider an apprenticeship route to achieve the career they want.”

In 2017, Chesterfield became the first town in the UK to declare itself an ‘Apprentice Town’, demonstrating its commitment to growing the future and careers of young people alongside business and the economy.

Chesterfield Borough Council leads the Apprentice Town initiative, which aims to increase the number, levels and quality of apprenticeships available by raising awareness of apprenticeship opportunities in Chesterfield including traineeships, higher level apprenticeships and align these with opportunities emerging in the area.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re proud to be the first Apprentice Town in the UK, an apprenticeship is much more than just a job. They allow people to develop their skills and set them along a career path which leads to higher paying jobs – improving their quality of life and helping our borough’s economy to grow.

“We’re committed to making it easier for our residents to find the right apprenticeship opportunity for them, so that everyone has the chance to build a great career in our borough.”

To access the search tool, please visit:

Or, for more information on the Apprentice Town initiative, please visit:


Apprentice Town - Find Your Apprenticeship - Social Media Landscape2

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Chesterfield firms included in England’s top 50 SME apprentice employers

Chesterfield barbers Less Than Zero has been included in the annual list of top 50 best SME apprenticeship employers across the country.

The business based on Soresby Street in the town centre ranked 36th in England for taking on and developing apprentices.

The Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers 2022 recognises leading small & medium-sized apprenticeship employers for their commitment to employing apprentices, their creation of new apprenticeships, the diversity of their new apprentices, and the progression of their apprentices onto further apprenticeships and employment.

The new annual rankings have been developed by the Department for Education, in partnership with High Fliers Research.

Martin Wallis-Keyworth, Owner of Less Than Zero commented: “We are over the moon. To know that we’d been nominated for it at all was amazing. We then knew we were finalists for the Top 100 then invited to an online TV announcement but we still thought we’d hadn’t been successful and when we hadn’t reached the 51 to 100 we actually logged off.

“That evening we looked at our emails and had 120 unread messages we knew something had happened and the first email we saw was a congratulations from the “Investors In People”.”

Martin explained how his business has worked with its apprentices to achieve the accolade: “It’s about the mindset of the apprentice and the employer being as one. Added to this a supportive and professional learning provider. We’ve been partners of the best for over 4 years now, Realise Training who were given the amazing accolade of Apprentice Training Provider 2022.

“Apprentices are the life blood of the company as they are the next generation of talent. We are always on the lookout to grow our team both in numbers but more importantly talent therefore in terms of people we ensure everyone has a Personal Development Plan and the necessary support in the company to ensure that’s understood and delivered. ”

For businesses considering taking on an apprentice in Chesterfield, Martin had the following advice: “Apprentices aren’t right for all business or put it more specifically, not every business of right for an apprentice.

“There’s a level of maturity needed within the business and also within the apprentice to understand Apprenticeships aren’t a quick fix they are part of a long journey of continual development and that sticking with it is what’s needed. Within my business sector, barbering, it offers learners and new entrants and amazing opportunity to have an amazing lifelong skill, have fun, have opportunities opened up that only superstars can dream of and earn great money.

“We try and empower our apprentices whether that’s a work experience starter on an NVQ Level 1  or a manager within the business on a Level 6.”

Meanwhile fellow Chesterfield company, Clee Hill Plant were also named in the list, with the firm ranking highest out of all plant hire companies in the UK.

Clee Hill has maintained a successful Apprentice Scheme for over twenty-five years which is an important element of its Business Development Strategy for the future.

Gavin Kirk, HR Manager, said: “Clee Hill Plant has a long history of supporting apprentices through their training programmes and enabling them to obtain a nationally recognised qualification in plant maintenance and repair.

“We are extremely proud of our apprenticeship pass rate and retention, with over 40 per cent of our operational employees either undergoing apprenticeship training or having completed their programme and choosing to continue their career with Clee Hill Plant.

“Apprentices who have completed their apprenticeships with us have progressed to become highly competent and experienced Plant Engineers, either workshop based or mobile.

“We offer a three-year advanced apprenticeship in plant maintenance and repair with training taking place ‘on the job’ and through block release at college.”

To find out more about apprenticeships in Chesterfield, go to:

Less Than Zero supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Businesses called on to get involved with Made in Chesterfield 2022

Made in Chesterfield, the campaign designed to bring engineering, manufacturing, property and construction businesses together with schools and training providers, is returning in November and Destination Chesterfield is urging businesses to get involved.

The annual campaign, which will run from 7 November – 2 December now in its eighth year. It has already introduced thousands of young people across North East Derbyshire to the wide range of careers available in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector.

With the skills shortage in the STEM sector becoming an even bigger issue for businesses, Made in Chesterfield 2022 aims to inspire a new generation of employees to join the sector.

Since the campaign’s inception, more than 3,500 young people from schools have spent time in the area’s manufacturing and engineering businesses and Chesterfield College has seen an increase in the number of students getting involved in STEM related subjects. Now, following its success, the campaign is welcoming businesses in the property and construction sector to take part.

Sponsored by The Chesterfield College Group, Made in Chesterfield is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP), supported by Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire North Careers Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and NatWest.

The organisation of Made in Chesterfield is financially supported by the D2N2 Derbyshire North Careers Hub as part of their regional Open Doors programme.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “There’s a huge skills gap and an ageing workforce issue within the engineering, manufacturing, property and construction sectors. Made in Chesterfield is helping local businesses take those all-important steps needed to inspire the next generation and build a strong recruitment pipeline for future growth and stability.

“The workplace tours, which are organised as part of Made in Chesterfield, are a fantastic way to introduce your business to young people who are at school and college now, showing them the number of high-quality career opportunities available on their doorstep.”

Julie Richards, Principle and CEO of Chesterfield College Group commented: “’We’re delighted to continue our support for the Made in Chesterfield initiative. The growth of engineering, science, technology and manufacturing locally is something we have mirrored in our curriculum and facilities with investment in the latest technologies, such as 3D printing and augmented reality, all with a focus on sustainability.

“Our commitment to the next generation of local workforce is to inspire them and equip them with the skills and experience that sets them up for a successful career in industry. A large part of that relies on the involvement of local employers to provide vital opportunities such as industry placements, work experience, site visits, guest lectures and apprenticeships to help a young person experience an industry. As such, we certainly encourage those businesses not already engaged with Made in Chesterfield to get involved and help to generate the next generation of local workforce.”

Clare Talati, CEO of Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP) added: “DEBP looks forward to continuing in our role with Made in Chesterfield. We will be delighted to support businesses in providing fantastic visits for learners; enabling young people to engage with inspirational employers and learn about the amazing employment opportunities on offer locally.”

As well as the workplace tours during Made in Chesterfield, schools can access a range of careers videos and tours of Chesterfield businesses to allow young people to experience the tours, activities and careers information they would receive in person, virtually. Alongside this, young people can access the Myfuture Virtual Careers Exhibition, where they can meet local employers, learn about exciting employment opportunities and much more.

James Brand, Managing Director of United Cast Bar, commented on the importance of developing the workforce of the future: “With an eye on future workforce needs, regularly inviting school children to the foundry through the Made in Chesterfield initiative plays an important part in our recruitment.

Destination Chesterfield is hosting a Made in Chesterfield business drop-in session for those businesses that wish to learn more about the campaign, with a representative from United Cast Bar attending to discuss their experiences and answer any questions. The session will be taking place at United Cast Bar in Chesterfield and will run from 2:00pm – 4:00pm on Thursday 14 July.

If you’re a local manufacturing, engineering, property or construction business that would like to find out more about Made in Chesterfield, please visit the website and register:

To find out more about how your business can get involved with Made in Chesterfield, please visit or contact Direct Education Business Partnership at

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Success for undergraduates completing placement at Mitchells Chartered Accountants

A pair of undergraduates are set to take up permanent roles at Chesterfield’s Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, following a successful placement year working with the firm.

Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers have long been an Apprenticeship Ambassador, helping to promote Chesterfield as an Apprentice Town and raising awareness of apprenticeships and their benefits to strengthen the workforce of the local economy.

Some years ago, Mitchells put in place various strategies to ensure the development of a staff pipeline. Bringing in talented and dedicated people through apprenticeships and yearlong undergraduate placements is a vital element to their sustainable model for the future.

From the moment their training begins, everyone is assigned a mentor who monitors and supports their professional and personal development. They offer a comprehensive, fully supervised, structured training programme which is supported and closely monitored by a leading firm of external tutors. Training consists of a combination of courses at the tutors’ offices, private study and regular tests, as well as on-the-job training. Paid study leave is granted and course and examination fees are paid.

Alongside this, they have the support of Mitchells’ partners and senior staff, all ready and willing to offer guidance and advice at every stage of their journey towards becoming a Chartered Accountant or Chartered Tax Adviser. The openness and friendly nature of all the staff makes it easy to speak up and ask for assistance whenever needed.

Melissa Grafton (pictured right) and Hannah Longton (pictured below) are undergraduates in Accounting and Finance. Melissa studying at University of Lincoln and Hannah studying at Sheffield Hallam University. They have both just completed their year’s placement at Mitchells.  This is what they had to say about their experience:

“Applying for a placement is a very daunting thought, after being in full time education for the past 20 years, the idea of writing up a CV and applying felt very overwhelming but this couldn’t have been put more at ease when we applied to Mitchells. The application process at Mitchells gave us both a great idea of what it would be like to work here with having an interview with both our line manager and a partner at the firm. This showed us how hands on our superiors are with new workers and what our work environment would be like.

“From the moment we started working at Mitchells we were given the space and jobs to help us develop as people both academically and personally. Some of the many personal skills we have developed include confidence, communication, and time management. Working in a corporate environment has greatly improved our time management skills as we have had to ensure we complete jobs on time in order of importance. We both believe our confidence and communication have developed hand in hand as Mitchells have always provided an environment to ask for help off colleagues and superiors to ensure that we are learning and developing on each job and never struggling.

“From spending the year at Mitchells, we can see exactly how transferrable the skills we have gained are to our final year at University. At University it can sometimes be hard to comprehend how theory is used in practise, but from working in different sectors and different clients. We have expanded our commercial awareness and our ability to retain and relate our knowledge. We have both felt our Excel skills have been greatly enhanced from being able to work on special and innovative projects within Mitchells.

“We have not only gained in skills and experience but have also gained an inclusive social work team. Every month our colleagues have made effort to include us and feel welcomed into the workspace by having monthly events such as escape rooms, and meals out. This has helped settle and ease our worries of joining the world of full-time employment. It has also helped us develop good working relationships.

“We couldn’t recommend completing a placement year at Mitchells enough, we have even had the lucky offer of being invited back. Which we have gladly accepted as we know that the Mitchells working environment will give us all the support as we study and work towards our ACA qualification to become a Chartered Accountant.”

Andrew McDaid, Partner at Mitchells said: “Throughout the year that both Melissa and Hannah have spent with us, they have consistently exceeded all expectations. The whole team at Mitchells wishes them all the best in the final year of their degrees and look forward to welcoming them back in 2023 as permanent colleagues.”

Dan Plumley, Principal Lecturer and Recruitment Lead for the department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems at Sheffield Hallam University commented “Mitchells provide an excellent placement scheme for Sheffield Hallam Students and the fact that they then go on to secure full time work with Mitchells after they graduate is testament to the impression they make whilst on placement. This is exactly what placement years are all about for both the students and the employers as it gives them a chance of guaranteeing employment before they have even finished studying with us. We are delighted to work with Mitchells to offer students such great opportunities and experience and are always on the lookout for other local employers that would like to do the same.”

Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Essential Site Skills retains place on government register of apprenticeship training providers

Chesterfield’s Essential Site Skills has successfully retained a place on the UK Government’s Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).

Apprenticeships thrive in businesses with strong learning cultures; they provide a fantastic platform for developing employees, enabling organisations and businesses to grow a skilled workforce who can take on responsibility and act with greater independence.

Providing an equal opportunity for employees to participant in apprenticeship programmes will develop key management skills that they can apply directly into real work-related environments, projects, and tasks while they learn, increasing a manager’s ability to delegate work with confidence.

Essential Site Skills believes the future of businesses requires the responsibility to learn and the responsibility to teach. Apprenticeships, provide the principal building blocks for a culture of learning, they develop careers, keeping employees loyal and more engaged in their work.

Giving individuals the opportunity to combining a qualification with their job through a 12–18-month ‘work-study‘ programme, enables employees to grow professionally, earning while they learn. Consequently, organisations and businesses benefit from the valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied from the beginning of all ‘work-study ‘programmes. If you are an employer looking to up-skill your team, the business case for apprenticeships is a compelling one.

Leighton Arnold, Apprenticeship and Employer Engagement Manager at Essential Site Skills commented: “Apprenticeships are an exciting way to work and study at the same time. Learning new skills while earning a salary and getting a qualification at the end of it.

“For years, Essential Site Skills have been delivering apprenticeships, continues learning and professional development, training, and support into all kinds of industries UK wide.

“It has become ESS mission to secure a talent pipeline, via the correct training and education programmes that have been designed to inspire a workforce to choose and or reset their career path.”

Essential Site Skills already works with organisations and businesses nationally. For organisations and businesses looking to find apprenticeship courses for their workforce, Essential Site Skills are recognised as an approved provider by the ESFA.

For further information on apprenticeships courses with ESS, head over to the company’s website:

To find out more about apprenticeship opportunities across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, go to:

Essential Site Skills supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.




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Chesterfield woman boosts career with apprenticeship after working alongside local skills provider

A Chesterfield woman has recently added to her impressive skillset and progressed within her current role, after taking on an apprenticeship at the age of 31.

Kiera Robinson is a Business Administrator/ Researcher at Railview Ltd. based in Barrow Hill, and has improved her career prospects after working alongside DBC Training to learn new skills and gain vital career support.

Kiera said: “I had previously been to College and University to study Nursing, I decided to have a change of career and joined Railview as an Administration Assistant. It was when I was on the European Computing Driving License (ECDL) course at DBC training in Derby in January 2020 to help develop my IT skills, that I learnt about apprenticeships.

“An employee at DBC overheard me talking about my job and mentioned that the Business Administration Level 3 apprenticeship course would be perfect for myself and a great route to take as was it linked directly to my job and would help me progress professionally.”

Keira explained why she wanted to take on an apprenticeship, despite the perception that the career route is only open to school or college leavers: “I decided I wanted to pursue the apprenticeship because I wanted to develop my career prospects, gain a new qualification that was relevant to my job role, progress further within the company I work for and to learn more about Business and Administration by gaining new knowledge, skills, and experience whilst on the job.

“It was the perfect way for me to progress, earn money, support my family and home, and gain a qualification that would help me in the future. I would recommend anyone to do an apprenticeship, no matter what your personally circumstances or age. You will get a qualification; you’ll gain valuable skills and knowledge to help with your future and your career. Starting my apprenticeship was the best thing I could have done for myself personally and for my career prospects, I wish I had done it sooner.”

Peter Roberts, Digital Marketing Manager at DBC Training Ltd, said: “We provide the local community with enhanced opportunities to learn new skills and receive expert support, providing a pathway to a new career across a wide range of sectors. DBC also work in partnership with local employees to match people to opportunities, providing a vital role in both supporting the local economy and local people.

“DBC Training offers an exciting range of qualifications and learning programmes across multiple locations, sectors and industries that will support your career aspirations.

“Our courses are specifically tailored to support your individual learning needs; and can lead to work experience, paid employment or progression within your chosen career path. If you are looking for your first career opportunity or to further progress in your current role, then we can support you. You can find our full apprenticeship offer here –

Kiera has continued to develop her skills further, and has now enrolled on the Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship with the University of Derby. The University’s Academic Lead for Management Apprenticeships, Spencer Ryan-Prewett commented: “The CMDA has proven to be incredibly popular as a means for individuals to undertake an Apprenticeship and secure a Degree, in addition to providing significant Business Leadership and Management skills from an employer perspective.

“Our Apprentices are consistently demonstrating higher level skills, knowledge and behaviours leading to broad ranging organisational benefits. The University of Derby CMDA Programme is also high performing with 80% of our Apprentices securing high Merit and Distinction results from their independent, external Assessment at the end of the programme.

“The Apprentices are supported by a very structured programme which blends classroom and online teaching in a way that recognises the challenges associated with undertaking a Degree Level programme whilst balancing work and home life. We are delighted to be able to get a programme underway in Chesterfield in September this year and welcome contact from anyone wanting more information about the Apprenticeship

To find out more about apprenticeships in Chesterfield, and how they can support your career, go to:

DBC Training supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Kiera Robinson apprentice town

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Public Sector Apprenticeships: A Platform for Progression

A career in public sector offers a variety of job roles from working in local government, teaching, health and social care and uniformed services.

Those working on the frontline of public services perform a vital role in society, often in the most challenging but rewarding situations.

Choosing an apprenticeship can help kickstart a career in this sector, whilst providing a platform to support career and skills development.

Apprenticeships are open to everyone

Chesterfield Borough Council employs more than 30 apprentices a range of different service areas. The organisation has been named in the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers, which ranks the very best of England’s apprenticeship employers.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship, watch this short video to hear from current apprentices at Chesterfield Borough Council talking about how the opportunity has benefitted them.

Search the current apprenticeship opportunities available at Chesterfield Borough Council by clicking here.

Apprenticeships provide opportunity to learn on the job

Chesterfield College provide over 50 different apprenticeships, individually designed to support yours and your employer’s needs and career goals.

Georgie McGregor 873x466

Georgie McGregor completed her Level 3 Performing Arts and Level 2 and 3 Beauty Therapy courses at Chesterfield College, before discovering a Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship opportunity at the college.

With the support of her family, she chose an apprenticeship to gain more confidence, knowledge, and experience for the job role she wants.

She commented: “I am very lucky to have the support I do from my family. I have changed my mind many times about what I want to do for a career and my family has supported me every time.

“I have always enjoyed learning. I know that by doing my apprenticeship I am gaining the experience and knowledge I need to work in the area I want to. It makes the learning much easier. I am part of a team that is so welcoming. I consider it a big family and I like that most about my apprenticeship.”

Georgie aims to continue to progress in her apprenticeship and eventually wants to move into full time employment with her current employer.

Find out more about apprenticeships at Chesterfield College by clicking here.

Apprenticeships support career development

Derbyshire County Council is one of the biggest employers in Derbyshire and offers apprenticeships across a range of vocational areas including ICT, catering, civil engineering, adult care, trading standards, business administration, road working, learning and development, outdoor education, surveying, landscape and more.

Stuart Greensmith White

Meet Stuart Greensmith White, a Level 7 Senior Leader apprentice at Derbyshire County Council working in the Derbyshire Adult Education Service team.

Stuart started his apprenticeship journey with a Level 2 apprenticeship in Business Administration; the skills, knowledge and experience gained has enabled him to progress, culminating in a level 7 apprenticeship. Now he is teaching apprentices himself and sits on the Apprentice Panel of the Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education, which is helping shape apprenticeships for the next generation.

Since entering the workplace and completing his initial apprenticeship, he has moved between roles and industries and been promoted numerous times. He explained: “I have worked in manufacturing, the NHS, within an academy trust and now with a local authority council.

“Apprenticeships are challenging, but hugely fulfilling courses that build the skills employers and apprentices need to really succeed in the workplace.”

Despite having many years work experience and an established career, Stuart is now using a Level 7 apprenticeship to further develop his career.

He explained: “My current apprenticeship was an advertised CPD opportunity while remaining in my then-current role as School Business Manager. The chance to gain a recognised qualification as an investment in my future was too good to miss.

“I am now three-quarters of the way through my apprenticeship and have recently secured another promotion – I am now teaching apprentices of my own!”

You can search for current apprenticeship vacancies on the Derbyshire County Council website by clicking here.

Overall, a career in public sector provides a diverse range of job roles that cater for every skill set and apprenticeships can help to provide an excellent platform to progress within the sector

You can find out more about this sector on the My Future careers platform

Visit the Apprentice Town website for more information on apprenticeships 

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Workpays Founder Helen Richardson Becomes an MBE

Helen Richardson, Founder of Workpays, has been awarded with an MBE for Service to Young People During the Pandemic, and was presented with her award at Windsor Castle last month.

Throughout the pandemic, Workpays remained open throughout the pandemic going above and beyond to offer extended pastoral services to our participants, in addition to skills and employability delivery. After creating an online learning platform from scratch in less than a month, we provided a laptop and WiFi dongles to those participants without the equipment to access online learning and virtual classes, these were hand delivered to their homes.

Anne Wright, Managing Director of Workpays said, “We are delighted to congratulate Helen for being awarded an MBE, it is an exceptional accolade that highlights the valuable work undertaken at Workpays during the pandemic. I’m extremely proud that the Workpays family became fully united and focused to continue our service and offer excellent support to our young people at a extraordinarily challenging time for them.”

Alex Glasner, Managing Director, said, “This is a huge accolade for Helen and Workpays and testament to the work our team put in day in day out. Workpays will always put our learners first no matter what the circumstances.”

As a skills provider in Chesterfield, Workpays helps people to access the skills & training needed to gain employment.

The company provides Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge to parents, teachers & students and assists employers to develop their workforce through work-based learning and apprenticeships.

Workpays has offices in Derby, Coventry, Chesterfield, Kettering, Leicester, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Hinckley, Redditch, Corby & Market Harborough.

Find out more about the wide range of apprenticeships available in Chesterfield, along with the Made In Chesterfield scheme, which enables school pupils to gain first-hand experience of construction, manufacturing and engineering by taking part in site visits at local businesses.

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Workpays Directors – Helen Richardson pictured centre

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Workpays’ Big Assembly Wins at the 2022 Annual Apprenticeship Conference Awards

Big Assembly, a project delivered by Workpays in association with its partners, has won the FE WEEK AELP Annual Apprenticeship Conference 2022 Award for Promoting Apprenticeships ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the award ceremony in Birmingham.

The annual event returned in 2022, with the broadcast informing thousands of young people about the benefits of apprenticeships. The live event enables schools, parents, students and employers to receive  information and advice about possible next steps in their careers.

For the 2022 event, The Big Assembly teamed up with companies such as Pret A Manger, Bakkavor, Disability Rights UK, the Co-operative Bank & Coca-Cola Europacific Partners.

Alex Glasner, Managing Director at Workpays said: “It’s a real honour to be receive the Promoting Apprenticeship Campaign of the Year Award. Our entire team works hard throughout the year to provide young people with information and real stories about incredible apprenticeships.

“I’m proud that the work we are doing has been recognised with a national award. We will always keep young people and their careers at the centre of what we do.”

Twenty-four awards winners were recognised at the awards including Workpays, revealed at the ceremony in Birmingham as part of the two day conference which is held annually.

There are many great opportunities to become an apprentice across Chesterfield, with more than 2,500 people currently taking part in an apprenticeship in the town.

Chesterfield is the first town in the UK to declare itself an Apprentice Town – demonstrating its commitment to growing the future and careers of young people alongside business and the economy by retaining and developing young talent in the town in order to attract more employers to invest here.

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Print Digital Media takes on new apprentice with help of local skills provider GBS Apprenticeships

Print Digital Media has added to it’s growing team by taking on a new apprentice after working with local skills and careers company, GBS Apprenticeships.

Jasmine Mowbray has been working at Print Digital Media for just over a month, and has already been involved in a number of marketing projects at the firm.

Jasmine explained how her first month working with the business has already given her a range of new skills and experience: “I have had a fantastic time in my first month at Print Digital Media. Working for a small company meant I got to meet everyone involved in the business really quickly and all my co-workers are supportive and always happy to help to help, if I’m ever in need of guidance.

“Everything happens in one building, so I have been able to see the full cycle of the service we provide, from design to proof and print. This has enabled me to become more knowledgeable about the business, which has helped a lot in my projects.

“Since starting my role, I have worked on a range of different marketing projects. I’m always doing something different everyday meaning that it never gets repetitive, and it also means I’m able to test and improve my abilities, resulting in a wider set of skills.

“I wish I had chosen this path sooner! It’s a really dynamic way of learning as you are gaining valuable industry experience whilst also obtaining a degree. If you are someone who’s looking to widen their knowledge but struggles with learning in a classroom and long hours of studying, an apprenticeship would be a better option for you!”

Richard Musgrove, Managing Director of Print Digital Media commented on how much of a benefit Jasmine has already had on the company: “It’s been a really difficult two years for many businesses, especially the hospitality sector but projects that have been on hold are now coming through. The investments we made last summer in new printing presses increased our capacity, dramatically speeding up our turnaround times, which has improved our service offering and enabled us to take on additional works.

“Young people are often criticised, a lot of which is unjust in my experience as the majority just need a platform to learn, develop and grow. At PDM we are very proud to be supporting the younger generation that are starting out, whether it’s work experience or apprenticeship programmes and if we can provide development opportunities, to help them personally or professionally that sets them on the right path, then brilliant. We might just be mentoring the next Ben Francis.”

Richard also praise GBS for enabling his company to find the right person for his business: “The whole GBS team were very supportive and the process was incredibly easy. GBS took a detailed brief of our requirements and really tried to understand our culture and how we work to find the best fit, ensuring the candidates would also fit in.

“What really struck me was how considerate and caring GBS were towards the candidates, as it’s a daunting experience coming out of sixth form or college into an interview process, but they were great.

Coral Guard, Marketing Manager at GBS Apprenticeships said: “Everything we do is for the benefit of both learner and employer. We want our employers to bring bright young minds into the business and give them the opportunity to thrive. Apprentices are able to gain brand new skills, while a business can help build on skill gaps and strengthen their business further. Seeing businesses grow and develop further through employing an apprentice is why we do what we do.

“We are always at hand to help a business get started with employing an apprentice. Just pick up the phone or drop us an email and we can have a chat about what your business needs. We help by evaluating what type of apprenticeship will benefit the business, handle all the advertisement and the recruitment process. There are many benefits of hiring an apprentice including:

  • Bridging the skills gap, particularly those within technology as this helps to move a business forward.
  • Having a fresh perspective. Apprentices may not have work experience but they can offer a fresh perspective and new ideas that can help a business grow. Young people tend to have strong technology skills and they can use this knowledge to build a competitive advantage.
  • The cost of an apprenticeship pays for itself. Within a few years, or even sooner, apprentices can improve a company’s bottom line by improving effectivity and boosting productivity.
  • It’s a cost effective way to train staff or hire new staff.
  • GBS are there to support you and your apprentice from start to finish. We want both apprentice and employer to work together to help build one another’s skills and business.

“Overall, apprenticeships are a great way to provide life changing opportunities to young people and a cost effective way for local businesses to develop their workforce and bridge those skill gaps.”

Find out more about apprenticeship opportunities in Chesterfield at:

Print Digital Media and GBS Apprenticeships support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Step into the world of Creative, Digital and Technology

As a society we are becoming increasingly more reliant on creative and digital technology. The sector is rapidly growing and we are seeing career opportunities becoming widely available to those looking to step into the world of creative, digital and technology.

In fact, the number of businesses engaging with this type of employment has increased by 21% over the last five years in Chesterfield.

To explore the career opportunities and benefits of working in the sector, we talked to current apprentices from Chesterfield based businesses.


Jasmine Mowbray, is a Level 4 Marketing Executive at Print Digital Media.

Jasmine Mowbray 873x466

Jasmine explains why she chose to pursue a career in marketing: “I chose to delve into the marketing sector as this was the subject that I believed aligned best with my own skillset and personal interests. I’ve always been a creative yet business minded person, and marketing for me was the perfect mixture of the two!”

She chose to take the apprenticeship route with local training provider, GBS Apprenticeships, to get into the sector: “After leaving college, I had no idea where to start but I knew that I wanted to get straight into the workplace, whilst widening my knowledge and continue with my education. This is exactly what my apprenticeship has done for me, and I am able to earn, whilst I learn plus gain valuable work experience in the process.”

Jasmine added: “My plans for the future are to progress further into the marketing sector, however by then I will have gained a whole lot of transferable skills, so who knows where life will take me.”

Search for a marketing role like Jasmine’s by using our apprenticeship search tool here

Brandon Howard, Level 4 Marketing Executive at Vicar Lane Shopping Centre (MAPP)

First learning about apprenticeships at Chesterfield College in 2014, it wasn’t until recently when Brandon decided an apprenticeship in marketing was right for him.

Previously working in a bank, before becoming self-employed creating videos and other social media content, he wanted to expand on the knowledge he’d gained during his Level 3 Marketing course and apply it in a more practical environment.

He explained: “Learning about things in a classroom doesn’t compare to applying the knowledge you gain and putting it to use in a real environment. The apprenticeship is a nice mixture between learning and working and I feel like I’m helping the company, as well as my own career progression, move forward.”

Looking to the future, Brandon would like to progress in the business and, further down the line, start his own business.

Read more on Brandon’s story and his advice to becoming an apprentice here.

Information Technology and Computing

Charlie Ballington, Level 3 Infrastructure Technician at Addooco IT

Charlie Addooco

Charlie described the benefits of apprenticeships and how he used his apprenticeship as a platform to get into the sector: “I’ve always been interested in IT and Computing, so having studied both subjects at GCSE and A-Level it seemed like an absolute no-brainer to jump into an apprenticeship in the industry. One of the best bits is that my workload is so varied, so no two days are ever the same.”

He added: “I think choosing an apprenticeship is an easy and convenient path to get stuck into the sector straight away, especially in a practical industry such as IT or Engineering. I’m working along-side industry professionals every day and I have gained so much working experience that students in other forms of education simply don’t have.”

“A huge bonus to choosing an apprenticeship is that you’re likely to get offered a full-time placement after finishing your apprenticeship. I see myself continuing to work at Addooco through the higher-level apprenticeships.”

Like Jasmine, Charlie is also learning with local training provider, GBS Apprenticeships. You can find out more about Chesterfield’s training providers here.

Overall a career in creative, digital and technology can be exciting as the skills developed can be applied across almost all sectors, allowing the opportunity for you to engage with an area of work you find most interesting.

Explore the My Future careers platform to learn about the wide variety of career roles available in the sector.

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