chesterfield borough council

Dozens of Chesterfield businesses given online boost by Digital High Street project

Chesterfield businesses have been given a helping hand to boost their confidence and skills to trade online as part of an innovative project – with tailor-made advice designed to build resilience if their physical buildings are forced to close in a crisis.

Chesterfield Borough Council teamed up with East Midlands Chamber to launch the Chesterfield Digital High Street in June 2021 and the project has since helped 84 local businesses to make the most of their presence online. It offers support and guidance on using online tools but can also provide funding for e-commerce websites.

TwelfthCraft is a retail emporium based in The Shambles specialising in dolls houses, miniatures, accessories, curios and gifts. Since joining the project Caroline Gleadall, who owns and manages the store has created an online presence which has led to a 10% increase in sales and has developed a plan to further expand her business over the next three years.

Caroline said: “Thanks to the project, I feel like I’ve already achieved so much. I’ve developed the confidence to pay for Facebook advertising, and the time I’m committing to my social media presence has provided lots of new connections, allowed me to contact my customers, and given them the opportunity to leave reviews I’m about to launch my new e-commerce website which will help me reach new markets.”

The project is open to businesses across the borough. Brampton Brewery is a long-established micro-brewery based on Chatsworth Road but they have benefitted through the Digital High Street project.

Chris Radford, managing director and head brewer, explained: “We have received grant funding through the project for a new website with enhanced e-commerce functionality. Once launched, we hope to see significant growth in our online sales.

“To any business considering getting involved, I’d say this – just do it! There really is no reason not to. You’ll have access to a wide range of advice and services from industry specialists who just want to see you succeed.”

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “It’s been a really difficult time for local businesses during the pandemic – many which were left with limited options to trade when Covid-19 forced their buildings to close.

“We’ve been committed to supporting local businesses weather this unprecedented time, and it’s fantastic that so many are already benefitting from this project and realising their full potential. Thank you to East Midlands Chamber for their support and work on this project. If you run a local business there is still time to sign up and find out how you could grow your business online.”

East Midlands Chamber head of enterprise Paul Stuart said: “Purchasing habits have changed as a result of Covid-19, with fewer in-store visitors and a move towards online transactions.

“We expect this to be a long-term shift, so it’s vital that businesses ensure they see this as an opportunity, rather than a threat.

“By engaging with the Chesterfield Digital High Street project, small businesses can benefit from expert support to equip themselves with the right mix of tools needed for the online world – something that will complement their existing services, attract new customers and, ultimately, future-proof their organisations.”

Purpose Media has been supporting the project and have advised over 30 businesses in Chesterfield as part of the Chesterfield Digital High Street Project.

Purpose Media business development manager Grace Golden said: “Through our work in the Chesterfield Digital High Street project, we have helped businesses learn new ways to engage with customers, attract business and increase profitability.

“By implementing new activity online such as posting videos or using Facebook advertising, they have renewed optimism for their future and have confidence in their ability to marketing their business.”

Discover how your business can benefit from this project by visiting:

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Work continues to enhance biodiversity across Chesterfield

A series of projects that aim to increase biodiversity in Chesterfield have already been successfully completed in 2022 – with even more activities planned throughout the year.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been working with both the Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT) and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to support projects that will help enhance biodiversity across the borough.

In Holmebrook Valley Country Park, DCRT have worked with Fletchers Waste Management to expand the small ponds in the north of the park, which will help create a more diverse range of habitats for local wildlife.

The council, together with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, have planted 1500 trees in Whitecotes Park, Brearley Wetlands and Badger Recreation Ground. Not only do new trees help absorb carbon, but they also create new habitats for wildlife.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Tackling ongoing climate change issues and improving biodiversity provision are closely related. The work we have been doing with partners aims to ensure that Chesterfield is at the forefront of tackling these emergencies. I’m proud of the work we’ve done but there is still lots more to do and I would encourage everyone to get involved and support our work in this key area.”

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “These interventions in our green spaces not only support our ambitious climate change plans, but they also enhance these green spaces for local people. Our recently approved Parks and Open Spaces Strategy has sustainability as a key aim for works to improve our facilities.  Ensuring that local people have excellent green spaces to enjoy is key to improving the quality of life for all our residents.”

The small ponds in the north of Holmebrook Valley Park were originally created several years ago however the pond liners used became damaged and water was not being held in the ponds.

To ensure the ponds can hold water they have been lined with clay and they are already holding water following heavy rainfall. These ponds will also help reduce the flow of storm waters into the river which could reduce the flood risk downstream.

Fletchers Waste Management volunteered their machinery and staff to help complete the ponds at no cost.

DCRT will now be hosting volunteer days so that planting around the ponds can take place.

The council is working closely with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to plant trees and enhance biodiversity across the borough with funding provided through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

Further tree planting will take place in 2022 to ensure the council exceeds its target of planting at least 1000 trees every year.

The council will be working with community groups, tree wardens and other volunteers to ensure these trees are planted and can thrive. Some of these will be planted in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. More details about these and how members of the community can get involved will be released in due course.

Any residents wanting to support the council’s tree planting programme can volunteer to become a tree warden by emailing or calling 01246 959415.

Working on ponds in Holmebrook Valley Country Park

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Plans approved for Stephenson Memorial Hall

Ambitious plans to refurbish Chesterfield’s historic Stephenson Memorial Hall, which houses the museum and the Pomegranate Theatre have been approved by Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning committee.

This approval means that Chesterfield Museum is now closed to begin the complex process of moving the historic collection into safe storage.

The refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall is projected to cost around £17 million with £11 million of funding being secured via the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. Chesterfield Borough Council has received almost £20 million through this Government fund, the other £8 million will be used to support and enhance the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Project.

Together this funding will help ensure that Chesterfield is a vibrant market town by improving connections across the town centre and enhancing the visitor economy.

Under the plans the refurbished Stephenson Memorial Hall will bring together an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities.

The work will also protect the Grade II listed building and ensure that it remains part of the borough’s heritage for many more generations to come.

Creating a more accessible experience is another key aim of the proposals. The plans include three new lifts which will significantly improve the accessibility of the building for visitors, artists, and employees.

Also included in the plans are improvements to lighting, heating, and ventilation.

Revolution House, which tells the story of the Revolution of 1688, will reopen on Friday 15 April. The free museum will then be open every Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday from 11am to 4pm until Sunday 18 September.

Chesterfield Museum will also be launching Museum on the Move later this year, this will see some of the popular interactive events hosted in alternative venues around the borough. More details on these events will be released soon.

Whilst the Museum collection is moved the Pomegranate Theatre will continue to operate as normal and tickets can be booked by calling the box office on 01246 345 222 or by visiting the Chesterfield Theatres website.

More detail on the ambitious plans will be outlined by Chesterfield Borough Council’s Director of Economic Growth, Neil Johnson at Celebrate Chesterfield 2022 taking place on Wednesday, 23rd March.

To find out more about the event and book your place, go to:

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New mentoring programme to support young people across North Derbyshire

The D2N2 Careers Hub, Led by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and funded by the Careers & Enterprise Company, are expanding an innovative mentoring programme to support more young people across North Derbyshire, in partnership with The Work-Wise Foundation.

The launch follows a successful pilot in 2021, initiated by leaders from Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Forum, in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council and D2N2 Careers Hub.

The Future Makers, Creators, Designers and Builders Mentoring Programme is designed to support people who may be interested in exploring or pursuing careers working in the built environment. This might include designers, architects, surveyors, structural engineers, builders, and construction workers.

The pilot, which ran from March 2021 to January 2022 and was led by The Work-wise Foundation, saw female students from local Careers Hub schools and colleges; St. Mary’s Catholic High School, Chesterfield College, Whittington Green School, Springwell Community College and Brookfield Community School partnered with mentors from Whittam Cox Architects, Woodhead Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

As part of this, students took part in construction themed activity days at CBE+ in Chesterfield and had regular meetings with their mentors to introduce them to the world of work and enthuse them about a career in the industry. In January, The Work-wise Foundation visited the students in their schools/colleges with D2N2 Careers Hub and their mentors to award them with certificates to celebrate their achievements.

Hannah Higley, Hub Coordinator for the Derbyshire North Careers Hub at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said, “It has been fantastic to see this programme develop over the last year. D2N2 Careers Hub and our local steering group are proud to fund the expansion of this successful model, in partnership with the Careers & Enterprise Company cornerstone employers in D2N2, to support more young people in exploring what their next best step might be”

Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said, “I am really pleased to see the continuation of this project.  Improving the skills and work readiness of people in Chesterfield is our top priority because it will help ensure our ambition to create a thriving borough.

This programme is a great example of how partnership working can strengthen the links between education and business and help ensure that more school leavers are developing the skills they need to enter the workplace.  I am especially excited to see programmes that inspire with young women in sectors where they are underrepresented is key to ensuring success.

Women currently make up around 14% of professional roles within the construction industry, a number which we hope is set to rise with more and more women choosing construction jobs as a result of programmes like this.”

Following the success and positive feedback received from the schools/colleges, businesses and young people involved, the programme is launching to schools across the North Derbyshire region this month.

The programme will seek 15 mentees who may be interested in exploring or pursuing careers working in the built environment and partner them up with role models from industry who will work with them to build confidence, knowledge, and career prospects.

Over a 6-month period, mentors will receive relevant training which will help them work with their mentee on a bespoke project relevant to their mentors business and/or industry. The programme will finish with a showcase event on 8th July where students will present their projects and celebrate their achievements.

A launch event is scheduled to take place on Friday 18th March 2022 at Chesterfield College and any individuals interested in becoming mentors, or schools interested in their students’ becoming mentees, should contact The Work-wise Foundation at or call Alex Gardner on 07726 362067.

To get in touch with D2N2 Careers Hub, contact

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Pop-up shop initiative comes to Chesterfield Market Hall

A new pop-up shop is being offered to traders in Chesterfield’s iconic Market Hall, alongside a wide range of  business support opportunities.

The Market Hall in Chesterfield is home to a wealth of businesses and is based in the heart of Chesterfield, and even more businesses are being offered the opportunity to be based there too.

Chesterfield Borough Council has a number of options available for local retailers looking for a new location for their business, whether they are looking for a short-term trading solution or a longer-term base.

There is currently a pop-up shop offer available to new traders who would like to be based inside the Market Hall. The pop-up offer is £60 per week and the stall can be held for a maximum of three months, with no minimum term.

After the maximum of three months at the pop-up rate the tenant will be offered the opportunity to remain (conditional to signing up to a full lease at the full rate for that stall).

As part of the package, Chesterfield Borough Council also offers access to free business support for pre-start businesses or businesses in their first year through the Vision Derbyshire Scheme. The Vision Derbyshire Business Start-Up and Business Support Grant Scheme is open to people who live in Derbyshire who are starting their own business or have recently set up a business in the last year.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “A team of local expert business advisers at Vision Derbyshire are in place to offer free advice and support so this could have huge benefits for your future business planning.

“Council officers can also discuss access to the Digital High Street Campaign for businesses that are eligible which could allow you to develop a website equipped with the latest forms of payment and consider options such as “click and collect” if you do not have this set up already.”

Each of the stalls inside the Market Hall can also be rented on a permanent let basis also, the start dates for this can be negotiated at the enquiry stage.

For more established businesses, there are currently two larger external shops on the outside of the Market Hall available for permanent lease also.

To find out more about the temporary pop up-offer or more permanent solutions inside or outside the Market Hall, businesses are encouraged to contact 01246 345 255 or email

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Chesterfield Museum prepares for multi-million pound renovation

Chesterfield Museum is set to close in preparation for a multi-million-pound renovation project that will create an enhanced and improved customer experience.

It is the next step in the refurbishment of Chesterfield’s historic Stephenson Memorial Hall, which houses the museum and The Pomegranate Theatre.

Proposals for the renovation of the Grade 2 listed building are due to go before Chesterfield Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Monday 28 February and, if approved, the museum will close from Tuesday 1 March to begin the complex process of moving the historic collection into safe storage.

The project is projected to cost around £15 million with £11 million of funding being secured via the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. Chesterfield Borough Council has received almost £20 million through this Government fund, the other £8 million will be used to support and enhance the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Project.

Together this funding will help ensure that Chesterfield is a vibrant market town by improving connections across the town centre and enhancing the visitor economy.

Under the plans the refurbished Stephenson Memorial Hall will bring together an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities.

The work will also protect the Grade 2 listed building and ensure that it remains part of the borough’s heritage for many more generations to come.

Creating a more accessible experience is another key aim of the proposals. The plans include a new lift which would help disabled guests access the circle and upper museum floors and to compliment this there would be an increased number of wheelchair spaces within the theatre.

Also included in the plans are improvements to lighting, heating, and ventilation.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, explained: “Stephenson Memorial Hall is one of our most striking buildings and these exciting plans are set to make it even more memorable and enjoyable – creating a modern visitor experience in the heart of our town centre.

“Our wonderful museum is a central part of the building and we’re now preparing for the huge and complex task of moving thousands of treasured items that are in our local collections to a safe, temporary home. Subject to planning approval, the museum will close at the start of March, and building work is set to begin later in the year.”

Items in the collection will be securely stored in a controlled environment to ensure preservation. One of the signature pieces, the medieval builder’s wheel, will be stored with a specialist renovator who will clean it whilst work progresses in the building.

Councillor Sarvent added: “We’re working hard to make sure people will still be able to enjoy our theatre and museum attractions in new and innovative ways while the transformation of the building is carried out.

“Our team at the museum regularly host interactive activities and events to help all members of our community connect with our history and we’re exploring even more ways to do this over the coming years – you’ll be able to find out more about our plans on our website and social media pages soon.”

Revolution House, which tells the story of the Revolution of 1688, will reopen on Friday 15 April. The free museum will then be open every Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday from 11am to 4pm until Sunday 18 September.

Whilst the Museum collection is moved the Pomegranate Theatre will continue to operate as normal and tickets can be booked by calling the box office on 01246 345 222 or by visiting

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School pupils work towards making our town a better place

Pupils at Highfield Hall Primary School have been exploring how we can all work together to improve Chesterfield and create a more sustainable town as part of a new local democracy learning programme.

Taking place from 17 January, the children drew up ideas about how they think the local area, including the town centre and Queen’s Park, could be improved – and then had the chance to share their thoughts at a special question and answer session with Chesterfield Borough Council councillors.

Aimed at pupils aged between 6 to 11 years, the project is designed to help them think about how working together as a community can contribute to big changes for the future with a focus on sustainability. It also supports the wider curriculum including their English language skills.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We are proud to be able to support this pilot project as part of our local democracy outreach work.

“This has been a fantastic opportunity for local school children to learn more about our borough and contribute their ideas as part of the curriculum. They were all really enthusiastic about the project and had some great ideas for ways we could improve our town and make it more sustainable. I look forward to reading their letters in more detail and seeing if we can introduce any of their suggestions.”

Cllr Serjeant attended the school with ward members Cllr Jill Mannion-Brunt and Cllr Tom Murphy, who accompanied the children on a visit to the town centre and answered questions the children had about the council.

The pupils had some great ideas including public water fountains, reducing in traffic in the town centre, rewarding recycling and encouraging people to walk and cycle more. They had a real interest in sustainability and this was a key discussion topic during the question-and-answer session with their local councillors.

Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Cllr Tricia Gilby, has created a video thanking the pupils for their efforts. The council will also consider some of the suggestions made by the children and see how they can be realised.

To come up with their ideas, the pupils used the booklet “How to make your town a better place”, developed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Through this booklet, the Congress wants to help children better understand the concept of sustainability and encourage them to share their ideas with their local authority. The pupils at Highfield Hall Primary School helped pilot and test this booklet.

The teachers will now feedback to the Congress on the content of the pilot programme and make recommendations for any improvements. In March, the final learning tool will be adopted by the Congress and be made available for children to use in towns and cities from all 47 members of the Council of Europe.

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More support for Chesterfield businesses affected by Covid-19

Local businesses are being urged to apply for a new Business Rates relief scheme if they have been adversely affected by COVID-19.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been allocated £2.4m COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) to be distributed to ratepayers that did not qualify for previous COVID-19 related schemes, can demonstrate that business has been adversely affected and who have been unable to adequately adapt to that impact.

This is an application for a discount from business rates bills and not a grant payment.

The CARF discount is for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 only (and earlier in the event of a change in circumstances such as moving out of the property).

You may be able to claim a CARF discount from us if you are a Chesterfield Borough Council Business Rates payer and your business meets ALL of the following criteria:

  • it was occupied and registered for Business Rates during the financial year 2021-2022
  • it is open and operating (or temporarily closed due to COVID government guidelines)
  • it has been significantly and adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • it has not exceeded the permitted Business Grant Subsidy Allowance
  • it has not received Extended Retail Discount or Nursery Discount during the 2021/22 financial year
  • You have a business rates charge to pay during the financial year 2021-22

You can apply for a CARF discount online using the form below – you will need to create a My Chesterfield account before you can apply.

Paper applications will not be accepted.

Applications close on 13 February 2022.

You can apply for the CARF here.

Find out more about the latest support on offer for businesses in Chesterfield at:

Chesterfield Town Hall

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Innovative swimming programme picks up national award

An innovative swimming programme which supports local people who have had cancer has been recognised with a national award.

Chesterfield Borough Council was announced as the winner of the Swim England Health Impact Award at the Teaching and Education Awards 2021 for its delivery of ‘OutSwimming Cancer’ sessions at its leisure centre.

Since early 2020, residents in Chesterfield who have had cancer have been invited to take part in free, relaxed swimming session at Queen’s Park Sports Centre thanks to funding from Weston Park Cancer Charity.

The council was first approached about the session by one of its swimming instructors, Lesley Rechert, who realised the benefits that swimming could bring to people after their cancer treatment. Working with Lesley, the council was able to create a programme that provided swimming sessions for adults that would assist with their long term recovery.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We are very proud of the team at Queen’s Park Sports Centre for achieving this award as they have put a huge amount of effort in to making the session a success.

“It’s important that everyone feels like they can pursue a healthy lifestyle and use our facilities to achieve this. Our staff at the centre are really supportive and it’s brilliant that we can offer this provision to people who are going through such a difficult time in their lives.

“Recovery from cancer can take a long time but swimming is really beneficial for the journey back to better health – it’s a great way for rebuilding your strength and confidence. Quiet sessions like OutSwimming Cancer aim to create an inclusive environment that is supportive as well as enjoyable.”

Swimming instructor, Lesley, added: “It is wonderful to see people enjoying the water again, increasing their swimming skills and regaining fitness and confidence.  Our participants are very supportive to each other and you will be made to feel welcome whatever your level of swimming.  We are very grateful for the support of Weston Park Cancer Charity.”

OutSwimming Cancer sessions continue to take place every Monday. Further information, including details on how to book a place can be found at

Funding for the OutSwimming Cancer sessions is provided by Weston Park Cancer Charity with support from Chesterfield Borough Council. Swimmers must be fit and healthy enough to be in the swimming pool and are encouraged to speak to the GP before attending a session if they are unsure.

Ruby Osborn, Grants Manager at Weston Park Cancer Charity, said: “We’re thrilled that OutSwimming Cancer has been recognised by Swim England.

“Lesley and the team have created a wonderfully supportive environment to encourage people living with and beyond cancer to get into the pool and enjoy the benefits of swimming.

“The feedback we’ve had from participants shows how much of difference this programme is making and we look forward to the partnership continuing.”

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Chesterfield homes benefit from facelift

A major regeneration project which has invested almost a million pounds to improve the look and feel of homes in Chesterfield is now complete.

As part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s wider £8 million Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme, Ashcroft Court in Old Whittington is the latest block of flats in the borough to benefit from a major facelift.

The refurbishment at Ashcroft Court is part of the council’s commitment to providing high quality housing across the borough and create modern, attractive places for people to live.

Extensive internal and external improvements have been completed at Ashcroft Court, including the re-tiling of the roof and upgrading of the roof insulation to provide better thermal efficiency. Windows in flats and communal areas have also been replaced with A rated thermal efficient equivalents which give the block a modern facelift.

Communal areas have been fully upgraded and emergency lighting has been renewed with longer lasting, energy efficient LED fittings now in place. The council has also upgraded all communal electrics including the door entry system. New extractor fans have been installed in all the flats and the council has installed new boilers in a number of the homes.

A new outdoor communal area has also been created to the rear of the flats, featuring a seating area and cycle storage. A new car parking area has also been created.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “A key part of our housing strategy is to ensure that our homes are of excellent quality and that we create attractive, modern places that people to choose to live so we are really pleased that this scheme is progressing well and we have another block of flats completed.

“In response to the climate emergency that was declared in July 2019, the council is committed to ensuring that its existing housing stock is as energy efficient as possible. Therefore, it was important that as part of this project that measures were in place to improve the thermal efficiency of the homes.”

Landscaping works have also been carried out existing footpaths being renewed to help improve access around the estate and to each property and create level access to all front entrances.

The £8 million Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme will continue to run over a three-year period with the next stages of the project initially focusing on Seaton Court, Brearley Court, Dixon Court and Newland Dale, with the potential for more blocks to be added in the future.

James Taylor, Contracts Manager at Fortem said: “We’re thrilled to have begun the council’s Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme with the much needed upgrades to Ashcroft Court. The completed work has reinvigorated the flats to provide warm, attractive and energy efficient homes which residents can be proud of. This is Fortem’s fourth project as part of the Scheme in Chesterfield and we’re excited to continue, with work on-going at Brearley and Dixon Court which is due for completion early in 2022.”

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Grants available for Chesterfield businesses affected by Covid-19 Omicron variant

Businesses trading in Chesterfield’s hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors which have been affected by the Omicron variant of Covid-19 are being encouraged to apply for a support grant.

The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant provides grants from £2,667 up to £6,000 to support local businesses impacted by the pandemic.

Applications for funding are now open, and will close on 11 February 2022. A business will be eligible for the grant if:

  • it was registered for Business Rates on 30 December 2021
  • it was trading on 30 December 2021
  • it is one of the hospitality, leisure or accommodation business types that are eligible for this payment (some exclusions do apply as per the BEIS guidance)

Businesses that may qualify for this grant are being contacted by Chesterfield Borough Council’s business grants team directly. However, if you think you are eligible and have not been in touch with anyone from the council about this yet, you can complete the application form here.

A business will not be entitled to a payment if it has entered into administration or insolvency or has exceeded the permitted Business Grant Subsidy Allowance.

Only the Business Rates payer at 30 December 2021 is entitled to claim this payment.

If you are eligible to receive a grant payment, you will receive this within seven days of your application being assessed and no later than 28 February 2022.

Meanwhile, the Government has also recently announced a new Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) and published guidance on the operation of the fund and details of the funding allocation for each local authority.

Chesterfield Borough Council is in the process of drafting the scheme ready to publish on its website during January 2022. Businesses are encouraged to keep checking Chesterfield Borough Council’s website and social media for further updates.

Find out more about the COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund.

To find out more about some of the other business support available for companies in Chesterfield, go to:

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