chesterfield borough council

Employability and Skills Conference to address future skills needs of young people to help the area meet its growth ambitions

With thousands of jobs set to be created in the borough as part of the regeneration of Staveley, business leaders and the education community are being urged to address the future employability and skills of young people now at a free conference next month.

Tickets are available now for the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference which is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub.

The conference, which returns in person for the first time since Covid hit, is taking place on Wednesday 9 February at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley, between 8:00am – 11:00am.

The annual conference, which is now in its sixth year, aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure that school leavers are work ready and have the skills required by businesses in the area.

This year the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference will address the future skills and green growth agenda and also examine the current recruitment challenges that employers face.

Speakers at the event will include Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal and Fiona Baker, Head of People and Skills at D2N2 LEP and Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield.

Ivan Fomin commented: “The regeneration programme in Staveley is very exciting and has the potential to create thousands of jobs. It’s important that businesses, the council and education and training providers work together to make sure these opportunities are fully realised for local people. The Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability & Skills Conference is the first step in making this happen.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m proud to be hosting the sixth annual skills and employability conference. This event is important because it helps strengthen the links between business and education, which ensures that young people in our borough can develop the skills local employers need. This year the conference also looks ahead to the skills needed to support green growth in Chesterfield, which is vital to helping meet our climate change commitments. We all need to work together to ensure that young people have a bright future in our borough and that they are developing the skills needed for the future.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “We’re delighted to be able to hold the conference in person once again. The last 19 months have been particularly difficult for both education and business. It has never been more important for these sectors to work together to ensure Chesterfield has the right skills to grow and recover from the challenges of Covid.

“There are so many exciting regeneration projects in the town, including Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and PEAK, and a lot of opportunities for young people. It’s crucial to ensure we nurture local talent and provide the right training to bridge those gaps and enable people and businesses in the borough to thrive.”

A number of local skills providers based in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire will also be showcased in an exhibition at the event.

Places at the free conference are limited. To book your free place at the event, please visit:

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Chesterfield Borough Council backs sustainable electricity bill

Chesterfield Borough Council has unanimously approved a motion that supports the Local Electricity Bill.

The motion means the council will support the bill when applied to renewable electricity and will also write to local MPs to encourage them to support the bill in parliament. The Local Electricity Bill empowers community groups, local businesses and councils to become local energy suppliers, which aims to help ensure that the supply of renewable energy across the UK can be increased.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It was important for the full council to support this motion and for us to support the Local Electricity Bill in principle, because we all agree that we must reduce our carbon emissions in order to minimise the effects of climate change. We are already doing lots to reduce emissions in Chesterfield but energy remains one of the most significant areas to decarbonise.

“I hope our local MPs will listen to our motion and support this bill in parliament. It could help revolutionise electricity supply and create new local networks of renewable energy generation, which is essential to helping reduce emissions both in Chesterfield and across the UK.”

Currently to sell electricity there is a high cost because of complex grid balancing codes and network agreements, which is a barrier to entry for small local electricity generation.

The Local Electricity Bill aims to remove this barrier, making it financially viable for electricity generators to sell directly to local people.

The bill would establish a Right to Local Supply which would make the setup and running costs of selling renewable electricity to local people proportionate to the size of the supply company.

Provided the carbon cap on electricity generation is low enough it could lead to increasing the supply of local renewable electricity which could help the UK meet its climate change targets.

The council will now write to local MPs to encourage them to support this bill in parliament.

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First Staveley Town Deal project approved

Plans to improve parking facilities opposite the Chantry Road Playing fields in Staveley have been approved.

The project will see the number of parking places increase as well as better visibility of the site from the road, improved lighting and better access to the playing fields, cemetery and on to the Trans Pennine Trail.

Terry Damms, Chairman of Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club (MWFC), said: “To follow up on our Town Deal Accelerator Funding for our junior’s Chantry Pitches drainage scheme with this, is terrific news for the local community. There has been and is so much energy and commitment going into the Town Deal from all sides and we wish to thank the Town Deal representatives, Chesterfield Borough Council and their planning department who have guided and assisted us during these very difficult times through the pandemic.

“To see Staveley MWFC being awarded the first of the Town Deal funding and leading from the front is rather unique and sets the scene for the remaining £25.2m projects with their sponsors knowing that they can work towards the reality of seeing their own projects come to life with funding.

“We aren’t finished yet and with the further guidance and assistance from the Town Deal we hope our third project to build a Skills Hub Building above our clubhouse for local 16–18-year-olds to further their own sporting education will be supported by the Town Deal.”

Currently there are just 30 parking spaces available, once complete this will increase to 84 including several disabled bays – allowing even more residents and visitors to park up and enjoy and make use of the area.

Preparatory works are planned to start in the next month and completed in 2022 ready for work to begin on the improved parking facilities.

The application also includes plans to create a new pedestrian crossing which will make it safer to cross the road to access both the Chantry Playing Fields and the cemetery. It will also improve access to the Trans Pennine Trail.

Trees next to the road will be removed to increase visibility in the car park which should limit anti-social behaviour.

The works are being funded through the Staveley Town Deal. The Accelerator Funding, also part of the Town Deal supported the investment of the drainage improvements to the youth football pitches and playing fields.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “To go from discussing these projects at board meetings to delivering them so quickly is a testament to the hard work of all involved. Our plans aim to make Staveley a place to live, work and grow and we have selected a broad range of projects that will benefit the entire community. There is a long road ahead but if we continue to work together, we will see real improvements across Staveley.”

The money has been secured thanks to a Chesterfield Borough Council bid to the Government’s Town Deal – submitted on behalf of the Staveley Town Deal Board as part of wider plans to regenerate the area, investing £25m for capital projects.

Other projects in the Staveley Town Deal Investment Plan include, DRIIVe (Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle) which is a rail focussed innovation centre, a construction skills hub, an extension to the Staveley Hall Conference Centre, restoration of the Chesterfield Canal, and improvements to the Barrow Hill Memorial Hall. These projects are still being finalised and developed with further announcements over the coming months.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It’s fantastic to see these projects move forward, these improvements will ensure that the community can make great use of the Chantry football pitches and Playing Fields and also ensure more safer use for the Trans Pennine Trail. There are a range of other projects that are being developed which will bring even more positive changes for the entire Staveley community.”

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Derbyshire Festival of Business launched

The University of Derby, in partnership with Vision Derbyshire, has launched the Derbyshire Festival of Business, a new initiative which aims to celebrate the resilience of our business community over the past two years and help businesses capitalise on opportunities as the county recovers from the pandemic.

The festival will help to connect and support local organisations, whilst showcasing Derbyshire’s extensive business capability to future clients, customers, and investors.

The University is working in collaboration with Destination Chesterfield to promote the wide range of free workshops, masterclasses and networking activities that are available to its members. There will also be an opportunity for businesses to host their own events as part of the festival, as well as participate in a business exposition which will be hosted within Chesterfield.

Professor Kamil Omoteso, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences said: “We are delighted to have launched the Derbyshire Festival of Business to businesses and community leaders alongside our partners, Vision Derbyshire and the East Midlands Chamber.

“This festival is an opportunity to showcase what our county has to offer, to identify current and future talent, and to create opportunities for collaboration between businesses, the University, policy makers and advisory organisations, which will help us build a strong, resilient and inclusive economy as we recover from the impact and challenges of the pandemic.”

Vision Derbyshire is a joint initiative involving the county council and district and borough councils in Derbyshire to improve outcomes for all its communities.

The festival’s programme of activities has been designed to give businesses the support and opportunities needed to revitalise the local economy following the pandemic and build-back-better by unleashing the talent that is available across the region and showcasing the best practice and innovation that has been fostered over the last two years.

Community focused open days and Expo events will promote Derbyshire’s businesses to its residents, and visits between the University, local schools, colleges, and employers are planned to provide careers related advice and showcase local businesses to the next generation of employees.

Online and face to face master classes from leading professionals and academics in Derbyshire are planned to raise the profile of the county as a thought leader within the UK business community, and as a place to do business.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Economic lead for Vision Derbyshire and Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, commented: “The Derbyshire Festival of Business is a great way of bringing the business community together because we need to cooperate in order to recover from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The event is really broad and aims to support the entire business community from new graduates to established leaders. I hope lots of residents will take part in the many events on offer.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, added: “We are proud to be part of a fantastic new event that will showcase the best of business across Derbyshire, a county that is home to some incredible examples of entrepreneurship and enterprise.

“The Chamber is a conduit for local companies to work closer together, share advice and seek new opportunities – something that has never been more important than right now as the economy recovers.

“Working alongside our strategic partner the University of Derby, we look forward to welcoming businesses to events over the autumn.”

If your organisation is interested in delivering a community day, an educational engagement activity or a masterclass please email

Find out more about the Derbyshire Festival of business here.

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Chesterfield’s Pantomime returns with Beauty and The Beast this Christmas

Residents and visitors can look forward to watching Beauty and the Beast at Chesterfield’s Pomegranate Theatre from later this week.

Tickets are now on sale for the pantomime, which will run from Friday 3 December 2021 to Sunday 2 January 2022.

West End actress, pop star and TV personality Suzanne Shaw will star as Belle, with Thomas Redgrave from Britain’s Got Talent Winners Collabro as Gaston and Britain’s Got Talent semi-finalist Andrew Fleming in the comedy role of Philippe Philoppe.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We are really excited to be hosting the pantomime again as we understand this is a highlight for many families over the festive season.

“Our theatres have had a difficult time recently due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, so we are very pleased to announce that the pantomime is back for our audiences to enjoy.”

Chesterfield Theatres will be joining forces once again with award-winning pantomime producers Paul Holman Associates to present this year’s much-anticipated production.

Pantomime Producer Paul Holman from PHA Ltd said: “Pantomime holds such a special place in so many people’s hearts and I am delighted that we’re able to return this year to the wonderful Pomegranate Theatre with Beauty and the Beast. We’ve pulled out all the stops to make this our most spectacular production yet and I hope audiences will enjoy returning to the much-loved tradition of panto as they make cherished memories which will last a lifetime.”

There are lots of other festive activities to get involved in across Chesterfield too. You can visit The Amazing Magical Santa House in the Assembly Rooms at the Market Hall and you can follow the Elf Trail in the town centre.

There is also a Lantern Parade taking place in Chesterfield on 19 December that will walk from the bandstand in Queen’s Park into the Market Place to sing festive carols at the Christmas Tree.

You can book your tickets for the Santa House at and find out about the other Christmas activities at

There are a number of other festive and New Year productions taking place in our theatres including a satellite broadcast of The Nutcracker by the Royal Ballet, a New Year Viennese Gala Concert from Sheffield Symphony Orchestra, Ballet Theatre UK’s re-telling of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale ballet, The Snow Queen and a New Year’s Eve Party at the Winding Wheel Theatre.

Tickets for the pantomime and all of the other productions are on sale now via or from the Box Office on 01246 345222.

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Funding boost for Chesterfield venues

Chesterfield Theatres and Chesterfield Museum have received a further funding boost to help support them to recover from the impact of the pandemic.

This funding, received through the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund, is worth £153,000 which will be shared between Chesterfield Borough Council’s museum and theatres. In total the venues have received £720,000 through this fund over the last 18 months.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It’s been a challenging time for our venues through the pandemic, and it’s been fantastic to welcome our audiences back as national restrictions eased over the summer.

“Our theatres and museum are such a wonderful facility for our residents to enjoy, and to welcome visitors into the borough and we’re committed to doing all we can to keep them thriving for all to enjoy.

“We’re really pleased that we have been awarded a further grant of £153,000 from the Culture Recovery Fund, which provides a welcome contribution to the running costs of our venues and will support us to continue to deliver our excellent cultural programmes and attractions.”

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said: “Culture is for everyone and should therefore be accessible to everyone, no matter who they are and where they’re from.

“Through unprecedented government financial support, the Culture Recovery Fund is supporting arts and cultural organisations so they can continue to bring culture to communities the length and breadth of the country, supporting jobs, boosting local economies and inspiring people.”

Over £1.2 billion has already been awarded from the unprecedented Culture Recovery Fund, supporting around 5000 individual organisations and sites across the country ranging from local museums to West End theatres, grassroots music venues to festivals, and organisations in the cultural and heritage supply-chains.

Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England, said: “This continued investment from the Government on an unprecedented scale means our theatres, galleries, music venues, museums and arts centres can carry on playing their part in bringing visitors back to our high streets, helping to drive economic growth, boosting community pride and promoting good health. It’s a massive vote of confidence in the role our cultural organisations play in helping us all to lead happier lives.”

The Grade II-listed theatres, Pomegranate Theatre and Winding Wheel Theatre, offer a broad range of events, which includes drama, musicals, dance, comedy, concerts, talks and cinema.

Chesterfield Museum tells the story of Chesterfield, from its beginnings as a Roman fort, the expansion of the Market and the Industrial Revolution, which brought ‘Father of the Railways’, George Stephenson, to town.

The Museum regularly holds a wide range of events for the whole family to enjoy. It also holds regular special exhibitions that explore different areas of history.

The Culture Recovery Fund is administered by Arts Council England.

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Chesterfield leaders react to government HS2 announcement

Leaders in Chesterfield have reacted to the government’s announcement earlier today, around HS2 and the Integrated Rail Plan.

To find out full details around what was announced, go to:

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said “It is deeply disappointing that the government has failed to deliver on its promises to commit to the Eastern Leg of HS2 in full – Chesterfield borough presents a prime example of a place ripe for investment and development off the back of HS2. Instead, the ambitions of our children and young people are yet again set to be held back by the government’s under-investment in the infrastructure needed to enable them to build their careers and lives.

“We have long called on the government to keep their promises and deliver the Eastern leg in full, and without delay. Today’s announcement hits hard our plans for up to a billion pounds worth of investment in Staveley alone, including new skills and jobs for local people. By backtracking on their promises, the government has taken a once in a lifetime opportunity away from our communities and undermined the hard work and commitment that the council and its partners have put in over many years.

“Pushing it into the long grass creates prolonged uncertainty and destroys some of the hopes we had for a brighter future.

“Rather than look to Chesterfield and Staveley, we fear businesses will now prioritise their investment to areas where the government has committed to invest in HS2. With the HS2 maintenance depot in Staveley now in doubt, our well-developed plans to use this to re-ignite much needed growth and regeneration for Staveley will suffer. Whilst we will do all we can to ensure this continues, the same levels of investment and development will not be achieved by just connecting HS2 to the existing Midland Main Line.

“The announcement today claims to set up our rail network for success for the next hundred years, that is not the case in our part of the world as it will cram even more trains on to an already crowded Victorian network. HS2 promised 21st century connectivity and capacity, but the people of Chesterfield are not deemed important enough to experience those benefits.

“The gap in the new high speed network means funnelling even more trains along lines already very busy with freight and passenger services.

“The uncertainty and delays we have already experienced are also now set to continue, with land safeguarded for HS2 remaining unavailable for development until the government makes a firm decision. I therefore call on the government to conclude its deliberations as quickly as possible to minimise the blight for affected communities and take the brakes off our ambitious growth plans.

“We welcome the electrification of the Midland Main Line, but the government has already announced this project multiple times, failing each time to set a firm timetable for delivery in our area. If the government truly want to level up investment and improve connectivity here, they must firm up this commitment with funding and set deadlines to ensure the project will be delivered.

“We will continue to strongly make the case for “HS2 All the Way”. In only investing in “HS2 half the way”, it is my view that the government has missed out on a golden opportunity to level up the country through equity of investment in HS2 in the East Midlands and North”.

Cllr Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council

Commenting on the Government’s publication of the Integrated Rail Plan and its ramifications for the HS2 Eastern Leg, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) chief executive Scott Knowles said: “Today’s announcement comes as a bitter blow to communities in the East Midlands that have spent such a long time planning for the arrival of HS2, only to now be faced with a reneging on clear commitments repeatedly made by our country’s leaders.

“From a practical perspective, we miss out on the majority of the transformational economic benefits that underpinned the HS2 case for the region. This would have included significantly enhanced connectivity both locally and with other major cities, increased capacity to help us deliver more frequent and reliable local services, as well as the significant wider investment opportunities that come with businesses basing themselves at such a well-connected location.

“It was also about creating economic prosperity in places such as Chesterfield and Staveley, where economic regeneration planning has hinged around the delivery of HS2.

“But it’s not just a case of what we could have had. Investment begets investment and the fact that the Western Leg has been given the green light places the East Midlands at a massive disadvantage. It risks further widening the

“Of course, the proposed improvements within the Integrated Rail Plan, along with the long-needed electrification of the Midland Main Line, are positive developments. But these were always a part of our wider vision for HS2 in the East Midlands and electrification was promised many years ago – and has itself been the subject of multiple Government flip-flops over the past decade.

“As the Prime Minister himself has said, it should not be an either/or situation. We need these developments alongside HS2 to achieve the full benefits for the region.

“Because make no mistake, this is a job half done. This has always been so much more than just a transport investment for the communities of the East Midlands and no matter how this is now spun, our joint vision that encompassed economic, environmental and societal benefits has been massively descoped.

“At a time when the Prime Minister is shouting from the rooftops about levelling up and saying no place will be left behind, this is a slap in the face to a region that already receives the lowest level of public expenditure on transport and economic affairs in the UK.

“It also demonstrates massive disingenuity towards the climate change agenda despite the rhetoric surrounding COP26 earlier this month – our railways are at breaking point, and only through the additional capacity of HS2 would we be able to encourage people and freight off the roads in quantities meaningful enough to make a difference.

“The decision not to build the Eastern Leg as originally planned undermines not only the benefits of the entire project but also trust in Government.

“It now rests on Westminster to explain in proper, technical detail exactly what it plans to deliver, as well as how and when, in order to prevent the East Midlands from being structurally disadvantaged for generations to come.

“For our own region, it’s never been more crucial for our political and business leaders to come together and prepare a collective response for how we move forward.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber


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Amazing Magical Chesterfield Santa House returns to Chesterfield

The Amazing Magical Chesterfield Santa House will reopen in a new location this year.

The popular attraction was introduced last year and will reopen in the Assembly Rooms above the Market Hall on every Saturday and Sunday, from Saturday 4 December plus Monday 20, Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 December 2021

Visits are free but must be pre-booked, booking opens at 9am on Monday 15 November.

As well as the chat with Santa via the video link to the North Pole, visitors will pose for a special Augmented Reality experience in which Santa will magically appear. A photo of the Augmented Reality experience will be sent by email to visitors after they leave the Santa House.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The Santa House proved to be incredibly popular last year and after receiving such great feedback we decided to bring it back as part of our Christmas entertainment this year. It’s a truly unique experience to make Christmas in Chesterfield fun and magical as it always is.

“Last year bookings for the Santa House exceeded our expectations, so I recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.”

There will be relaxed sessions, designed to accommodate children with learning disabilities and other sensory disorders between 10am and 11am on both Sunday 12 December and Sunday 19 December.

The Amazing Magical Chesterfield Santa House is just one of a series of town centre activities aiming to encourage residents and visitors to shop in Chesterfield Town Centre.

The Christmas Lights Switch On will take place on Sunday 21 November, the Christmas Tree Festival will take place at St Mary’s and All Saints Church (Crooked Spire) between 18-28 November, The Elf Trail will run across December, The Pomegranate Theatre will host the Beauty and the Beast pantomime and a series of walkabout entertainers including stilt walkers and tap-dancing turkeys will be wowing crowds during market days. Find more details about all these events on the Chesterfield Borough Council website:

The Christmas In Chesterfield campaign is delivered by Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield.

Visits to the Amazing Magical Chesterfield Santa House must be pre-booked with bookings opening on Monday 15 November on

Meet Santa in Chesterfield

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Have your say on Chesterfield’s Visitor Economy Strategy

Chesterfield residents and businesses can have their say on a new strategy to grow Chesterfield’s visitor economy.

The Chesterfield Visitor Economy Strategy sets out the role of Chesterfield Borough Council in accelerating the growth of the visitor economy over the next five years. It aims to attract more visitors by making Chesterfield a great place to be – a place that people enjoy visiting and spending time in. More visitors will generate additional visitor spend, supporting existing employment and creating new jobs in the local economy.

People can have their say on this strategy until Wednesday 8 December and their views will help develop the final strategy.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This strategy sets out the core elements of our visitor offer and the exciting new opportunities we can build on, such as the successful £20m bid to transform Stephenson Memorial Hall and enhance public realm in the town centre, to encourage more people to come to Chesterfield. Not only do we want to attract more day visitors, but we also believe that Chesterfield makes a great base where people can stay to explore Derbyshire and the Peak District.”

“Your feedback will help ensure that this strategy is the right approach to marketing Chesterfield and encouraging more people to visit.”

The strategy is underpinned by a focus on quality place making, seeking to reinforce a distinctive Chesterfield identity that differentiates us from other visitor destinations.

It also identifies other priorities to attract visitors, which include:

  • Enhancing the ‘Crooked Spire’ experience to build a stronger unique selling point
  • The development of PEAK Resort as a major driver of visitors
  • Speciality markets, festivals, and events to capitalise on investment in the town centre
  • Developing our cultural and heritage offer including work to enhance Stephenson Memorial Hall and the development of an interpretation plan to bring our heritage stories to life
  • Increasing hotel capacity to provide space for both leisure and business visitors
  • A new ‘inspired’ marketing approach to raise awareness of the area as a place to visit.

The online consultation is open until Wednesday 8 December and people can find out more and submit their feedback by visiting:

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Families to be treated to a magical Christmas in Chesterfield this year

Christmas in Chesterfield is set to be a magical experience for all – with new Christmas themed experiences and festive favourites returning.

Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield, has launched its signature Christmas in Chesterfield campaign with lots of events and activities planned to encourage visitors to support local retailers this Christmas.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Last year our Christmas celebrations looked a bit different because of the pandemic but this year we’ve taken the most popular experiences from last year and brought back some of the festive favourites to create a magical Christmas experience for all visitors.

“Christmas is a fantastic time of year that everyone can enjoy and we not only want to create experiences that will create memories we also want to encourage visitors to shop local and support our town centre retailers and market traders.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “I am delighted that in person events can resume this year. It is a great boost to the town’s businesses based in and around the town centre. The Christmas festivities and events are a key part of town centre life and why so many people choose to visit at this time of year. With the great events programme and the town’s wealth of independent retailers and food and drink businesses, there are even more reason for all the family to Love Chesterfield this Christmas.”

After being cancelled last year the Christmas Lights Switch on event will return on Sunday 21 November. There will also be a market on this day from 12pm.

The Amazing Magical Santa House, which proved to be very popular last year, will be open for families to visit for free in the Assembly Rooms above the Market Hall on every Saturday and Sunday, from Saturday 4 December plus Monday 20, Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 December 2021. Booking opens at 9am on Monday 15 November at:

Families will be able to follow the Christmas Elf Trail from Monday 22 November until Tuesday 4 January. This experience will guide visitors around the town centre whilst they hunt for the magical elves.

The Christmas Tree Festival will take place at St Mary’s and All Saints Church (Crooked Spire) between 18 – 28 November. It features a variety of Christmas trees decorated by community groups and individuals.

Following on from successful walkabout entertainment over the summer, a series of entertainers including stilt walkers and tap-dancing turkeys will be wowing crowds during market days.

Chesterfield Canal Trust will be hosting trips with Santa along the canal across December, find out more about this event on the trust’s website:

Revolution House in Old Whittington will be open for a traditional Christmas celebration from Thursday 9 December to Friday 24 December between 11am and 3pm. Holymoorside Brass Band will be hosting a carol concert in the garden from 6.30pm on Thursday 9 December.

The Pomegranate Theatre will be hosting its popular pantomime again. This year visitors will be able to see Beauty and the Beast between 3 December and 2 January. Stars include west end star Suzanne Shaw, Britain’s Got Talent winner Thomas Redgrave, Andrew Fleming also of Britain’s Got Talent and Derbyshire’s own Rosanne Priest. Tickets are available on the Chesterfield Theatres website:

There will also be a selection of market events including the Record Fair and Artisan Market on Sunday 19 December.

Councillor Kate Sarvent added: “Our Christmas programme is packed and we’ve tried to ensure there is something for everyone to enjoy. I hope lots of visitors will come along to celebrate Christmas in Chesterfield with us.”

Full details on everything happening this Christmas, including gift guides and shopping offers for our many unique and independent shops can be found at with further details on council services at Christmas at

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Remembrance service to be held in Chesterfield this weekend

Activities will be taking place in Chesterfield town centre this weekend to commemorate Remembrance Sunday (14th November).

A church service will begin at St Mary’s and All Saints Church (Crooked Spire) at 2.30pm on the day, followed by a procession through the town centre and a wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial opposite the Town Hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend both the service and ceremony.

As we move towards Remembrance Day the remembrance poppy cascade, created by the community, has once again been installed on the Town Hall.

In 2018 it was decided there was a need for Chesterfield to mark the centenary of the ending of World War One and a team from the Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association (REA), in liaison with Town Hall staff, took on the task of organising poppy cascades to be draped on the Town Hall.

More than 40,000 Poppies were produced not only by residents but by volunteers as far away as Australia, New Zealand and USA. Volunteers then spent six weeks tying the poppies to netting to be hung on the Town Hall and around the town.

Since then, the poppy cascades have appeared each year. Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association have cared for the cascades and ensured they are maintained and installed each year.

Rob Nash, Deputy Chairman Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association, said: “We are proud to be the custodians of Chesterfield Town Hall poppy cascades. All those people who contributed by knitting the thousands of poppies or helping to make the cascades should be proud of the wonderful backdrop they have helped create for our community’s annual Remembrance Parade, we hope it will be a prominent feature during the Remembrance period for many more years.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s armed forces champion, said: “The poppy cascades have been an incredible backdrop to our Remembrance Parades since 2018. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the poppy cascades and to the Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association for their continued efforts to maintain and install the cascades each year.”

At the end of each Remembrance period the cascades are removed from the balcony of the Town Hall, taken to the vehicle sheds at Wallis Barracks where they are hung to dry and then taken down, inspected and any damage is repaired, ready to be displayed the following year.

You can see the poppy cascades at the Town Hall from now until 21 November.

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