chesterfield borough council

Council achieves Silver Award for Armed Forces support

Chesterfield Borough Council has received a Silver Award for its support of the Armed Forces.

The council was given the award through the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) which encourages employers to implement human resources policies that support members of council staff who are also part of the Armed Forces community while inspiring others to do the same.

Dr Huw Bowen, the council’s Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted that we have received this award. As a council we recognise the contribution and sacrifice made by the Armed Forces.

“We also benefit greatly as an employer from the unique skills, experiences and attributes that members of council staff who are also part of the Armed Forces community bring to our workplace, our teams and in improving service delivery for our communities.

“The employer recognition scheme has helped focus our efforts to improve opportunities and support for council staff that wish to follow this path.”

Chesterfield Borough Council employs veterans, serving reservists and family members of Armed Forces personnel.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Armed Forces Champion, said: “It’s fantastic that we have received recognition for the work we do to support the Armed Forces community, and crucial that we recognise and support the work of the Armed Forces personnel that the council employs, as well as those who live in our community.

“We will continue to support this community whenever possible and ensure the many sacrifices that they and their families have made for us are recognised.”

We have a number of policies, procedures and practices that aim to support members of the Armed Forces community employed by the council and also the wider Armed Forces community living in Chesterfield, these include:

  • Changed leave policies to support staff to carry out their duties including up to ten days per year for reservist duties
  • Access to employee assistance and occupational health schemes to support employees’ physical and mental health.
  • A generous career break policy which can be used to support mobilisation.
  • A clear support plan for members of the Armed Forces returning from mobilisation and a clear cross-council understanding of their rights.
  • Chesterfield’s Armed Forces cadet units are given pride of place at our key annual ceremonies including Armistice Day, Remembrance Sunday and the Mayor’s annual parade.
  • We are partners in the Veterans Hub (Chesterfield) led by the Department for Work and Pensions, which includes regular events at the Town Hall.
  • The council is a registered employer with both the Career Transition Partnership and Forces Families Jobs.

Minister for Defence People and Veterans, Leo Docherty said: “I would like to thank all the organisations who have proven their support for the Defence community during such unprecedented and challenging times.

“The vast range of those recognised this year demonstrates how employing the Armed Forces community makes a truly positive and beneficial impact for all employers, regardless of size, sector or location.”

Chesterfield Borough Council received a Bronze Award for its participation in the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme in 2019.

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Free online event set to help school leavers access apprenticeships and training opportunities in Derbyshire

A brand new virtual event is being held for young people in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire who find themselves at a careers crossroads since leaving school.

The free ‘Apprentice Town – Find Your Apprenticeship’ event is taking place on Tuesday 10 August – A Level results day and just two days before GCSE results day on Thursday 12August. It is designed to showcase apprenticeship vacancies and support available to both Year 11 and 13 school leavers.

Held online to ensure it is as accessible to as many young people as possible Destination Chesterfield is working with Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver the event as part of the Apprentice Town initiative.

To ensure the event is easily accessible, pre-registration is not necessary; it’s just a case a clicking a MS Teams or Zoom weblink on the day at

The event brings together seven apprenticeship and training providers from across North Derbyshire, including Apprentice Team, Buxton and Leek College, Chesterfield College Group, DBC Training, GBS Apprenticeships, Juniper Training and University of Derby.

During the day-long online event, which begins at 10am, each provider will deliver a 45-minute session on the wide variety of opportunities and training available. Available opportunities range from Kickstart placements and college courses as well as apprenticeship vacancies currently available in Chesterfield, across a range of occupations including Beauty Therapy and the police force as well as many more.

Delighted to be involved in the initiative Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of The Chesterfield College Group said: “This event provides a fantastic opportunity to explore the benefits of apprenticeships and the wide range of opportunities available in the local area. We are delighted to be able to share the range of exciting vacancies on offer and highlight the support we can offer to people looking to develop skills whilst earning a wage and developing a career.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: Apprenticeships are fantastic for both the employer and employee. We’re lucky in Chesterfield that we have a strong network of apprenticeship providers, with lots of experience in ensuring a placement helps the apprentice gain new skills, while also providing support and guidance to the employer.

“There are always lots of varied apprenticeship opportunities available in Chesterfield. This event will promote what’s on offer and support both employers and individuals to access them. As an Apprentice Town we are committed to raising awareness and increasing participation in apprenticeships and we would encourage anyone who is looking for the first step into work – or a change of career direction – to get involved in the event and see what local opportunities are available.”

For a full itinerary of the free ‘Apprentice Town – Find Your Apprenticeship’ event and to access all training providers talks and Q&A sessions visit free

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Chesterfield families are encouraged to get moving as council backs local smartphone game

A new family-friendly game that aims to get people exploring Chesterfield – on foot or by pushbike – is being backed as part of a Chesterfield Borough Council project.

TagTap JTH (Join The Hunt) is a free exploration-based game created by local family man Peter Hunt after he and his family enjoyed playing the popular Beat The Street game which ran in Chesterfield last year.

Inspired by its ability encourage people to get out and about across the borough, the council has now joined forces with the creator to back the smartphone-based game as part of its Year of Outdoors project.

It means from the 17 July there are 350 points around the borough to check into, including in many of the fantastic parks and green spaces – expanding the game from its initial testing in New and Old Whittington.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “We’re really excited to be working with Tag Tap to help bring this game to Chesterfield. It’s great to see local people innovating new ideas and it ties in really well with our Year of Outdoors project, which encourages people to explore the great things we have on our doorstep.

“We hope this game will help encourage everyone to get out this summer and explore our beautiful borough – it’s a fantastic way to keep little ones entertained during the school holidays, but is also really fun to explore on your own.”

Peter Hunt, the creator of TagTap JTH explained: “I initially thought of TagTap JTH during lockdown as a fun way for my kids to get active but also with the element of a clue or question to find the next location as a sneaky way to incorporate a bit of education. After setting up a small game in the New and Old Whittington areas and inviting others to have a go it really took on a life of its own. We have only had extremely positive feedback and everyone that plays it absolutely loves it.

“We have expended the game to cover the whole of the chesterfield borough area with well over 350 tags, we hope this will give everyone young and old a chance to have a go at the game and to get active especially after the terrible 18 months we have had to endure. Our main objective is to get people out being active in a fun way, so lets do it together, get competing and winning some prizes. Best of all it’s free.”

The game has starting locations around the borough which you can find listed in the app. Simply head to one of these TagTaps then with the app open on your phone, tap the point and you’ll be given clues to find the next location, solve the clues and hunt out the next point.

There is a leaderboard of players and participants will need to find as many points as possible to be named the TagTap Champion.

The game will run all year but the championship will be time limited meaning hunters will need to be quick to work their way up the leaderboard. There will also be a competition amongst schools later this year.

Find out more about TagTap JTH and download the apps for free to start playing by visiting:

Chesterfield’s Year of Outdoors encourages residents and visitors to explore Chesterfield’s parks and open spaces by providing a range of free or low cost ideas and activities to get involved in. Find out more on the council’s website:

Find out more about all the great local events taking place across Chesterfield this Summer at:

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Chesterfield Borough Council secures the future of The Pavements Shopping Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council has completed the purchase of The Pavements Shopping Centre – a move which ensures the council can lead and control the future development of this key town centre site.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “The Pavements Shopping Centre is an important part of Chesterfield’s town centre offer. It is home to be a mix of national brand and independent retailers and still attracts good footfall for a shopping centre of its age.

“By bringing the freehold and leasehold interests together, the council will be able to better control the future direction of the shopping centre, shape the Southern Gateway to Chesterfield town centre and ensure alignment with our other ambitious plans to put the beat back into the heart of our town.

“It’s a chance for the council and its partners to re-imagine and re-purpose the current shopping centre and, in time, create a landmark mixed-use regeneration scheme.”

Chesterfield Borough Council has always owned the land (the freehold) on which The Pavements is built and also manages and operates the shopping centre on a day to day basis, but the leasehold has been held until now by a successor company to the CIN Pension Fund which originally built The Pavements back in the early 1980s.

Before moving forward with the purchase, the council sought specialist advice from independent property investment advisors, who concluded that the proposal to consolidate the freehold and leasehold interests under the council’s exclusive control was financially prudent in the current economic climate.

Councillor Gilby added: “This purchase will not only help ensure The Pavements Shopping Centre is a key part of our long-term strategy for re-vitalising the town centre, it also protects the council’s financial position.”

Retailers and shoppers will not notice any immediate changes in the day to day management and operation of the Pavements Shopping Centre. Any emerging plans for the future direction of the shopping centre will be communicated to retailers in the first instance and when better defined will also be subject to wider public consultation.


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Council backs Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k by offering free family swimming vouchers

Chesterfield Borough Council has teamed up with the Redbrik Foundation 10K to offer a free family swim voucher to every runner who signs up for the event before the 31st July.

The Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K is taking place on Sunday 17th October, beginning at 10am from Queen’s Park, Chesterfield.

Runners in this year’s 10K are fundraising in support of local charities; Ashgate Hospicecare, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and The Redbrik Foundation.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said “The Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K will be a fantastic event, and we are proud to be supporting it.

“The route for the 10k will start and finish in Queen’s Park, taking in some of Chesterfield’s major landmarks along the route. It will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase the town to runners and visitors and we hope that lots of our residents will join us in supporting this great event, and help raise some money for some great charities.

“The Redbrik Foundation, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, and Ashgate Hospicecare are all brilliant local charities, who rely upon public support, like fundraising from the 10K to continue to provide their extremely valuable services.”

In addition to the free family swim offer, every runner participating in this year’s 10K will receive a free week’s fitness membership from Chesterfield Borough Council, included in their race packs.

Event Director, John Timms, added: “It’s fantastic to have the support of Chesterfield Borough Council behind our event.

“We have had a very positive response to our inaugural event and we already have over 800 runners signed up.

“The free family swim voucher is a great incentive to encourage even more people to get involved. We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone on the start line.”

The event is open to everyone over 15 years of age and with your entry fee you will receive your race number, a technical running t-shirt and a finisher’s medal.

To register for the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K visit the Redbrik website:

In addition to the family swim voucher, entrants can receive a 10% discount on their entry fee by using the code CBC10K21 when signing up before 31st July 2021.

Chesterfield 10K

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Chesterfield Digital High Street project helps small businesses to join the online revolution

The online revolution has been a key feature of the pandemic – and now small and microbusinesses in Chesterfield can embrace these digital trends in an innovative new support scheme.

The Chesterfield Digital High Street project helps those reliant on bricks and mortar to transition into an online world by creating highly visible e-commerce websites equipped with the latest forms of payment, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, and modern shopping concepts like “click and collect”.

Funded by Chesterfield Borough Council and delivered in partnership by East Midlands Chamber, it aims to support small outfits in sectors such as retail, hospitality and leisure, which have been hit hardest by lockdown restrictions, to become more resilient.

Scott Knowles, chief executive at Chesterfield-headquartered East Midlands Chamber, said: “The pandemic has had a huge impact on small and microbusinesses in sectors such as retail, hospitality and leisure, which have previously relied on their physical venues to trade successfully.

“While we’re all looking forward to a return to normality as we come out of lockdown, it’s crucial these SMEs are future-proofed by creating modern websites to embrace some of the consumer trends that were already noticeable pre-Covid.

“Not every company can afford to do this, however, so we’re delighted to be playing a key role in supporting businesses in Chesterfield to establish and maintain the latest e-commerce solutions on behalf of the project funder, Chesterfield Borough Council.

“We believe the Digital High Street project will go some way to ensuring the much-loved independent businesses on our high street continue to thrive in a sustainable fashion for a long time to come.”

How the Chesterfield Digital High Street project will support businesses

The support available to businesses via the programme includes access to a Digital High Street adviser with specific e-commerce and online skills, who will work intensively with at least 120 businesses to help them develop and maintain their new or existing digital presence.

They will also be able to attend dedicated webinars, delivered outside working hours, and use marketing resources for free.

Grants of £2,200 – covering 100% of costs – will also be awarded to 50 of these businesses to help them set up an e-commerce website that is search engine optimised, with the package also including web hosting provision for a year and access to ongoing digital training.

All participating businesses can also benefit from free East Midlands Chamber membership for a year.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “In Chesterfield, we have lots of fantastic local independent businesses and after the last 18 months, there has never been a more important time to support them. We hope this funding will help lots of these businesses sell more effectively online, which will help guarantee their future in our town and hopefully allow them to grow.

“It’s a really comprehensive support package and I would encourage as many local businesses as possible to sign up for the Digital High Street project because it will allow them to compete in a whole new way.”

Applications can now be made for the Chesterfield Digital High Street project at

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to take up free membership of crime-fighting partnership

Chesterfield businesses can now access free membership of crime-fighting partnership run by East Midlands Chamber and Derbyshire PCC after funding from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Up to 2,000 businesses in Chesterfield and Staveley can now sign up for free to an East Midlands Chamber-run scheme that helps to reduce town centre crime and anti-social behaviour – as new figures show the cost of crime is rising for retailers.

Starting this month, retailers, hospitality venues and other companies can access Disc, an online crime information-sharing system that connects businesses with local police forces, as part of the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP).

The BCRP, which is run in partnership with Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster, secured funding from Chesterfield Borough Council to roll out the scheme, which usually costs up to £100 to join, at no cost for the first 12 months in a bid to maximise its effectiveness by encouraging more businesses to join the 80 current members.

It follows the launch of the Love Chesterfield campaign by the council and Destination Chesterfield last month to support the town’s retail, hospitality and leisure sectors as national lockdown eases.

Jackie Roberts, BCRP manager at the Chamber, said: “Businesses in town and city centres have struggled during the pandemic and crime will only make this worse, so it’s important to have a safe town centre to attract people back after lockdown.

“The Disc portal is an integral part of crime reduction strategies as it makes it so much easier for businesses to share intelligence about incidents and offender images between members, police, community safety officers and other partners such as the BCRP team.

“We’ve had a lot of reports during lockdown because police resources have been really stretched due to Covid, so the BCRP fills the gap where police can’t deal with petty crime.

“By working with local authorities such as Chesterfield Borough Council, we’re delighted to offer this scheme for free to businesses in order to make them more resilient – a key theme during the post-Covid economic recovery.”

New Derbyshire PCC and Chesterfield Borough Council support BCRP

The British Retail Consortium’s 2021 Retail Crime Survey, published last week, found there were 455 violent or abusive incidents towards staff per day nationally in 2019/20 – up 7% from the previous year.

The total cost of crime has also risen from £700m in 2016/17 to £1.3bn in 2019/20 – with customer theft the most significant, costing companies £935m – while the cost to retailers of crime and crime prevention was £2.5bn last year, an increase of 14% on the previous 12-month period.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This project will help strengthen the link between business and the police, which in turn will help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our town to encourage more people to visit Chesterfield and give local businesses the boost they need.

“I want to encourage every local business to sign up to this programme because I believe it will be a positive step for our town. It shows how we can work together to build a thriving borough.”

Benefits of widening BCRP for gathering intelligence

Jackie added: “The hope is that by signing up businesses for the first year, they will be able to see the benefits of continuing with the scheme thereafter.

“The more businesses that are involved in the BCRP scheme and sharing information, the stronger it will be – and the better the area will be as a result.

“Councils and regeneration teams are placing crime reduction high on the agenda in order to bring back footfall into their towns.

“It also removes barriers to reporting crime as the Disc system automatically notifies the police when an incident is logged, while police are able to input feedback so businesses can follow what happens to offenders.”

Anyone interested in discussing how to get involved with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership can email

Chesterfield derbyshire World Mental Health Day 2019

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New bee-friendly ‘pocket park’ created by Chesterfield residents

Community-spirited residents have pulled together to create a new ‘pocket park’, with support from Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new space at Edinburgh Road Park features a number of raised beds that have been planted with wildflowers and plants to support pollinators like bees, new paving, 15,000 spring flowering bulbs and local urban artist Peter Barber has created a wall mural that celebrates nature behind the raised beds.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt said: “I had a great time getting stuck in and helping out at one of the planting sessions. The pocket park is a fantastic space for the local community and offers something unique for them to enjoy. We also had a wonderful array of daffodils in the spring thanks to the efforts of the group and the children who enjoyed planting in the mud!”

“Working together with The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park, to develop this park shows how projects like this can help bring the community closer together. I know local people of every generation have been involved in this project throughout and I hope they will all get to enjoy it for many years.”

The work is being led by The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park after securing funding worth almost £20,000. Working in partnership with the Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road the council submitted a bid to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and were awarded £14,500, Chesterfield Borough Council through its Housing Tenant Participation programme provided £5,000 and Derbyshire County Council Public Health also contributed a further £1,000 towards the project.

More improvements are planned, and volunteers are still welcome to get involved.

James Green, Chairperson of The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park, said: “I’ve lived near Edinburgh Park all my life. As a child I used the play area and used to play football on the field. Nowadays, I walk my Border Terrier, Missy down there for exercise and a bit of relaxation.

“It was clear that Edinburgh Road Park was in need of some tender loving care so after many months of working with local residents, the council and a number of funding bodies it’s been pleasure to get to this point in the project. There have been many positive comments from local people on the improvements we’ve made. I hope more people visit the park to take a look!”

The first phase of improvements, including the raised beds and paving, were completed during the first lockdown in late spring 2020, closely followed by a socially distanced bulb planting in the autumn of 2020. In the autumn the group will complete the project with the planting of 40 trees in the same area as the bulbs and local people are still welcome to volunteer and get involved.

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Families settle into towns first modular build homes

Families in Chesterfield are settling into their new homes following the completion of an innovative development to bring additional council houses to Brampton.

Ten new properties have been added to Chesterfield Borough Council’s housing stock after Fortem completed the ten-plot modular housing scheme at Heaton Court – making them the first properties of their kind in the borough.

The new sustainable housing, which is built off site and then transported to its location, offers the council a variety of affordable house types for local families. The innovative construction approach is becoming more popular in the UK and following this first successful development in Chesterfield, this approach will feature in the borough’s future plans to meet local housing need.

The new housing development at Heaton Court includes two four bed town houses, four three bed houses and four two bed houses – all of which were added to the council’s housing stock and let to local families.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said, “We’re pleased to see families settling into their new homes at Heaton Court. We’re committed to meeting the housing needs of local people – now and in the future – and these new properties will provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for families in our borough.

“As is the case across the country, we need more homes to meet the future needs of our communities and we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to achieve this locally. Building homes this way it creates less disruption on site for local communities and the end result is a much more sustainable and environmentally sound home.

“Living in a warm and energy efficient home is not only better for our planet, it will also reduce costs to run the property, offering affordable warmth to our tenants.”

Chesterfield Bourgh Council is committed to ensuring that all its housing stock is as energy efficient as possible, in response to the climate emergency that was declared by council leaders in July 2019. The lifecycle carbon emissions of the modular homes are around 12% lower, and it takes around 20% less energy to heat them compared to those that are traditionally built.

Electric charging points were provided to each dwelling as well as bird boxes and hedgehog runs in the gardens to support local wildlife. Landscaping works have also been completed across the site to allow off street parking and as much green space as possible.

The project has been a collaborative effort between Fortem and the council to ensure the quality of the modular builds was to the highest standard for tenants, whilst adhering to strict Government guidelines to build safely through Covid-19. Works were procured via Procurement Hub’s Built Environment Framework. This solution provides a holistic approach to urban developments to deliver projects that create environmentally low impact spaces.

James Taylor, Contracts Manager at Fortem, said “We’re extremely pleased to have completed the first modular housing scheme in the borough. This project has allowed us to provide essential, attractive new housing for the local community whilst delivering an innovative and sustainable solution.”

Louise Dodds, Client Relationship Manager at Procurement Hub, said “At Procurement Hub we love that our clients can benefit from the flexibility of our direct award Built Environment Framework. Chesterfield have worked closely with Fortem to deliver a unique, forward-thinking, and sustainable scheme that will benefit all in the community.

Cllr Ludlow added: “It is important that people looking for a new home have a choice of good quality properties to rent. Our ambition is to create an additional 100 new homes across town by 2023 and with the completion of these properties, along with others, we’re well on track to reach this target.”

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Work begins on construction of new Jewson branch in Chesterfield

Morgan Sindall Construction and Chesterfield Borough Council have joined forces to celebrate the positive social impact that the build programme of a new Jewson branch in Chesterfield will have on the local community.

Jewson is one of the largest builders merchants in the UK, with nearly 500 branches located across the country. Its new branch on Sheffield Road in Chesterfield will replace the merchant’s former home in the town, which is no longer suitable due to the impact of works associated with the HS2 Station Master Plan. The new branch will be a one-stop shop for tradespeople, and will feature a vast supply of building materials, a customer sales area and storage facility.

The HS2 Station Master Plan sets out a vision to create a vibrant gateway to North Derbyshire, identifies potential development sites which could create around 850 new jobs and includes improvements in cycling, pedestrian and public transport routes.

The project was procured through Pagabo’s Medium Works Framework and is expected to complete in early 2022.

A groundbreaking event was held on the site of the new £4.4m facility on Sheffield Road, attended by representatives from Morgan Sindall Construction, Jewson, Chesterfield Borough Council and Pagabo.

As part of its work in Chesterfield, Morgan Sindall Construction has commenced work with Chesterfield College on a programme of activities to demonstrate to students the many different opportunities that a career in construction can offer. This has already seen virtual talks on the work that will be delivered at the Jewson site, with in-person site tours set to take place as soon as COVID-19 restrictions allow. Work programmes are also underway to develop opportunities for local jobseekers, as well as university students and graduates.

In order to ensure these programmes bring maximum benefit to the local area, Morgan Sindall Construction will work with Chesterfield FC Community Trust, D2N2 Careers Hub and Chesterfield Job Centre along with Chesterfield Borough Council and Chesterfield College to ensure all employment and skills initiatives are mapped to community need.

Additionally, a charity football match has been organised between the specially created teams of Morgan Sindall FC and Jewson Property Professionals FC which will be held at Chesterfield Football Club Technique Stadium on the 17th June at 6pm. The match is being held to support The Chair’s Appeal for Ashgate Hospice Care and is being supported by Martin Thacker MBE, Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust, Jewson, Pagabo Foundation and Morgan Sindall Construction.

James Garnett, project director for Morgan Sindall Construction said: “We’re really pleased to have commenced works at the new Jewson branch in Chesterfield. The facility will bring an improved service to businesses and tradespeople in the region, and during the construction process we look forward to developing our relationships with the local community.

“We’re excited to be working closely with Chesterfield College and look forward to demonstrating to its students the many valuable careers that can be developed within our industry. Similarly, the charity football match next month is a great way to show our support and raise much needed funds for Ashgate Hospice Care, an organisation that does so much vital work for the people of North Derbyshire.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m delighted to see works beginning as the development of this new site is vital to ensuring our HS2 Station Master Plan can be achieved. I look forward to seeing this site progress and also see how it can be used to help support skills development and economic recovery in Chesterfield.”

Jason Stapley, foundation chairman and managing director at Pagabo, said: “We’re happy to have supported Chesterfield Borough Council on their appointment of Morgan Sindall Construction following procurement through our Medium Works Framework. Social value is hugely important to us as a business and so it’s fantastic to see such a consideration for the local community throughout the project’s delivery and beyond.

“I’m also very much looking forward to dusting off my football boots before lighting up the Technique Stadium in support of the amazing work done by Ashgate Hospicecare.”

Steven Day, business unit director for Jewson, said: “We’re delighted that work has now begun on our new home in Chesterfield, and we’re excited to welcome tradespeople to our branch at the start of next year.

“We’re also proud to be able to play a part in inspiring the next generation of construction workers through Morgan Sindall Construction’s partnership with Chesterfield College, and in a few years’ time, some of those students could well be coming into the branch as tradespeople.

“Community is so important in Chesterfield, and we’re proud to have had a base in the town for over 25 years. To be able to give back to the community, in particular Ashgate Hospice Care, is so important, and we hope the charity football fixture will raise vital funds for an extremely important cause.”

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Call to get behind #LoveChesterfield and support local businesses as lockdown eases

Businesses are being supported to boost their profile – and encourage more people to shop local as lockdown eases – as part of a new campaign showcasing everything that’s great about Chesterfield.

Independent shops, bars and eateries are among the businesses encouraged to take advantage of a new #LoveChesterfield support pack, featuring a range of free marketing materials which they can use to collectively celebrate the unique products and experiences available in the borough.

It’s part of the Love Chesterfield campaign – launched last week by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and based on consultation with local businesses.

The pack includes a range of customisable images and resources for businesses to use on their social media, posters and window vinyl designs – all of which can be downloaded for free.

And to help shine a spotlight on what’s on offer over the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend, businesses and residents are being encouraged to use the resources to get behind a #LoveChesterfield social media day from 9am to 9pm on Friday 28 May – using the hashtag to showcase great local products and services.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Our town centre and high streets have got so much to offer, and we’re keen to do all we can to help businesses showcase their unique products and services.

“Together, we’re stronger and by working in partnership under the Love Chesterfield campaign we can really harness the appeal and attractiveness of our historic town.

“Since our launch last week we’ve had a lot of local support – our community is proud and resilient, and people have shown that they want to get out and about to help our local businesses get back on their feet as lockdown eases.”

Window Intros_Facebook & LinkedIn copy 5

Crooked Spire Facebook & LinkedIn

Businesses can follow these top five tips to get involved in the Love Chesterfield campaign (full details at

  • Use #lovechesterfield on social media channels
  • Encourage your customers and staff to sign up for the Love Chesterfield E-Newsletter
  • Send us your news stories and promote your events and activities with us
  • Use the campaign graphics and support Love Chesterfield
  • Create graphics bespoke to your business

You can find out more and download the Love Chesterfield campaign materials at

Businesses are also being encouraged to take advantage of the wealth of support available to them from the council and Destination Chesterfield, as part of wider economic recovery plans.

The Supporting Our High Street campaign will signpost people to the latest advice, guidance and training that is available to local businesses. This includes support from a town centre engagement officer, as well as help to get set up in business online. Visit for more information.

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