chesterfield borough council

Hundreds of vacancies up for grabs at the virtual jobs and training fair

Job seekers in Bolsover, Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire are being encouraged to join a virtual jobs fair this month – which could put them on the path to a new career opportunity.

Chesterfield Borough Council is teaming up with North East Derbyshire District Council and Bolsover District Council to give a boost to local residents’ employment prospects as the online jobs and training fair is set to highlight hundreds of opportunities across Derbyshire.

After the huge success of the previous virtual events, which saw over twenty businesses providing more than 200 employment opportunities, this next fair on Wednesday 26 May is aiming to be bigger and better yet, with even more employers attending.

The three local authorities have teamed up together to provide the two-hour online session where vacancies, training opportunities, employment help and advice will be available via social media, using the hashtag #DerbyshireJobsFair.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, added: “Supporting our residents and local businesses is a vital part of our economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic and the jobs fair is the perfect chance for us to continue to help local people who are looking for their next employment opportunity during these challenging times.

“Our past events have been popular with local job seekers and employers, and we’re pleased to be working alongside our partner authorities again to support our local communities.”

Leader of Bolsover District Council, Steve Fritchley said: “This event is the perfect opportunity for us to support people after what has been a trying year for us all. We want to give our local economy a boost and helping people into employment and training is one way we are doing this, as well as undertaking a local Skills Audit and planning for an Institute of Technology (Centre of Excellence).”

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, North East Derbyshire District Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Growth said, “We have hosted some fantastic online job fairs previously with our partners, helping to secure employment for our local communities.

“This next jobs fair is a great way for local businesses to take part and share their vacancies with us so we can help residents with employment opportunities and progress their career to the next level.”

Many employers are already signed up to take part in the event by sharing their vacancies using the hashtag, and all the opportunities will also be shared on the councils’ social media channels.

There will be a wide mix of job opportunities available, from more senior positions through to apprenticeships that are designed to help develop skills and experience. Chesterfield is an Apprentice Town and all three local authorities are committed to supporting young people progress in the world of work, through apprenticeship opportunities.

They will be key to helping ensure economic recovery because not only can they provide young people with new skills, they can also be used to recruit new staff, re-train or upskill existing staff.

The event will be held on 26 May from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm across all council’s social media channels. Businesses wishing to advertise and take part can do so free of charge. Email or call 07973 343383 with your expression of interest.

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Council joins University of Derby’s new employee mental health support scheme

Chesterfield Borough Council has become the latest organisation to join the University of Derby’s Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (MHPP), which provides support to businesses and their employees affected by mental health issues.

The Council joins more than 30 other organisations, and their 10,000 employees, who have now signed up to the scheme funded by Midlands Engine.

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot implements new workplace interventions at pilot organisations and rolls out existing interventions in businesses, with the intention of reducing mental health distress and breaking down any barriers to accessing care.

The aim is to support employees who are experiencing mental distress or illness to either remain engaged and productive at work, or successfully transition back to work after a period of absence.

Since launching in 2020, the University of Derby has enhanced the original MHPP offer by working with academics within the University to offer new short courses and webinars to businesses involved in the pilot, and, in response to the pandemic, is now supporting several organisations with their Leadership and Management programmes, Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Covid recovery agenda.

Councillor Jean Innes, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Business Transformation and Customers, said: “We are really pleased to have joined the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot. As part of our commitment to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our staff, we want to create an environment where our staff can speak openly about mental health and be aware of the support that is available to them, and we believe joining the pilot will help us achieve this.

“As part of the pilot, we will be able to access new resources and training that will help support our health and wellbeing agenda, and raise awareness of mental health in the workplace. We look forward to working in partnership with the University of Derby.”

Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby and Clinical Lead for the MHPP, added: “I am delighted that Chesterfield Borough Council has chosen to join the growing list of organisations that the University is now working with as part of the scheme. We look forward to working with staff there to help reduce the prevalence of mental health difficulties and increase productivity among the workforce.

“We are now working with businesses in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire to help integrate effective mental health provision within their working environment and would welcome enquiries from businesses of any size who are interested in working with us to create a ‘road map’ of support for their employees.”

The pilot links employers directly to initiatives such as Every Mind Matters, This is Me and Mental Health First Aid, which all provide expert guidance.

Businesses taking part will be asked to commit to an initial meeting to discuss how the programme would work for their company, creating a roadmap for its success, and promoting their commitment to the pilot in the workplace.

This week is currently mental health awareness week, and organisations across Chesterfield are raising awareness through a variety of initiatives. You can find out more here. 

Dr. Paula Holt MBE

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Brand new Love Chesterfield Awards 2021 launched to celebrate business community’s unsung heroes

Recognising the heroes of the business community over the last year, Chesterfield’s annual High Street and Food and Drink awards have been combined to create the brand-new Love Chesterfield Awards 2021.

After what has been a challenging time during the pandemic, the new awards will celebrate the town’s food and drink and retail businesses, entrepreneurs, regeneration projects, contribution to the local community, apprenticeships and sustainability.

And because the high street and hospitality businesses recognised in the Love Chesterfield Awards are all at the heart of the community, Destination Chesterfield is asking people to nominate who they think should win one of these prestigious awards.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with EntireFM – Complete Facilities Management, nominations for the brand new awards are now open. Nominations can be made online at

Nominated businesses will be evaluated by a mystery panel of judges before the winners are announced on Wednesday 20 October. Subject to COVID restrictions being lifted, the award organisers plan to host a black-tie ceremony at the Winding Wheel Theatre in October, bringing together the business community and recognising its heroes.

Commenting on the launch of the brand-new Love Chesterfield awards, Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “It’s been a tough year for everyone, but I think we can all agree that the resilience demonstrated by our local business community has been nothing short of inspiring.

“The new Love Chesterfield Awards recognises all sectors of the business community and the role everyone has played in the town’s economic survival and recovery from the pandemic.

“I urge everyone to get involved and put forward their favourite businesses for the new Love Chesterfield Awards – it’s never been more important to recognise the work of our community’s heroes.”

There are 16 categories in total in the new Love Chesterfield Awards 2021, however people can nominate across 12 categories:

• Regeneration Award – sponsored by BHP Accountants
• Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by headline sponsor EntireFM
• Pub/Bar of the Year
• Café of the Year
• Food Producer of the Year – sponsored by MSE Hiller
• Accessibility Award – sponsored by Spirecross Ltd
• Best New Hospitality Business – sponsored by Shorts Chartered Accountants
• Retailer of the Year – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire)
• Excellence in Customer Service
• Market Trader of the Year
• Best New High Street Business – sponsored by Chesterfield College Group
• Independent High Street Business of the Year

Other categories in the Love Chesterfield Awards 2021 include the Sustainability Award, Community Contribution, Entrepreneur of the Year and Apprentice of the Year.

The 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards are supported and made possible by a number of sponsors and partners, including: Banner Jones Solicitors, BHP Accountants, Chesterfield Borough Council, The Chesterfield College Group, DBC Training, Derbyshire Times, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), EntireFM – Complete Facilities Management, Greatest Hits Radio South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire, JP Fire Safety Solutions, MSE Hiller, Shorts Chartered Accountants and Spirecross Ltd.

Peter Currey, Managing Director at EntireFM – Complete Facilities Management commented: “We are delighted to be the headline sponsor for the 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards. Our team is looking forward to the build-up and, indeed, the event itself in October. EntireFM works closely with a number of clients within the retail and hospitality industry and at all levels of the supply chain. It’s been a difficult past year for both of these industries for sure and we’ve seen a lot of businesses have to dig deep to pull through.

“Being part of the Love Chesterfield Awards is, of course, a great opportunity for EntireFM as a local business. It’s an opportunity for us, and other local businesses, to give recognition to the great businesses we have here in Chesterfield and the faces behind them.”
Nominate online at until midnight on 31st May 2021.

Peter Swallow added: “It’s never been more important to show our appreciation of the business community, so we’d love for the awards ceremony to be our biggest and best yet. This can only be made possible with sponsorship.”

If you’re interested in sponsoring the awards or ceremony, information about the remaining sponsorship packages is available at or by contacting Tara Underhill, Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator by emailing or calling 01246 207 207.


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Businesses back Love Chesterfield campaign by telling us their favourite things about the town

With Covid-19 restrictions lifting and our high-streets, markets and visitor attractions beginning to re-open, now is the time to shout about all the things that are great about Chesterfield!

Businesses across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are backing the newly-launched Love Chesterfield campaign, launched in partnership between Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield,  by telling us the reasons they enjoy living and working in the town.

To find out more about the Love Chesterfield campaign and how you can get involved in supporting the town, go to:

You can also support your favourite local businesses in the town by nominating them at the newly-launched Love Chesterfield Awards 2021. Find out more about the event here:

“I would describe Chesterfield as a friendly, welcoming and historic town. It has some great independent restaurant offerings and has an expanding accommodation offer. It truly is the gateway to the peak district.”

Lee Barnes, Managing Director of Inspire Design and Development Ltd.

“There is so much change and development for Chesterfield at the moment, which is sure to make a lot of impact. Due to the nature of our business, I’m looking forward to seeing what will become of the Town Centre Redevelopment.”

Natalia Marchetta: Co-owner, Salute Prosecco

“My vision of the future of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire is a happy one but it does depend on people continuing to use the town and our fabulous collection of shops, bars, restaurants and salons. Together we can ensure that Chesterfield continues to thrive and takes its rightful place as an excellent tourist destination and a wonderful place to live, work and play”

Laura Jo Owen, Adorn Jewellers

ryan essential site skills

“The area has a powerful sense of community, always rallying together in times of crisis. Because of this, I have no doubt that Chesterfield and North Derbyshire as a whole will bounce back from Covid-19 and be stronger than ever.”

Ryan Cancellara, Business Development Manager, Essential Site Skills.

“I was born and raised in Chesterfield and am proud to work and live in the area. I love living so close to the Peak District and enjoying all the town has to offer. I always love going to the Chesterfield Artisan Market. It is a great way to support small, local businesses and find unique gifts for people (or myself!)”

Phoebe Sellars, Business Development and Loan Manager at Bridge Help.

Champion of the Week

“There’s a fantastic community spirit amongst Chesterfield businesses and a wide range of business support available. This has led to some fantastic collaborations between local businesses and a great range of local events.”

Joby Parsons, Events & Sales Coordinator for West Studios

steve perez honorary degree

The people in Chesterfield make the area a great place in which to run a business. Chesterfield has its roots as an industrial town, which you can see in people’s hard working ethic. People are the most important part of running a successful business, and without them our businesses would not be where they are today.

Steve Perez, Chairman of Global Brands, Owner of Casa Hotel and The Peak Edge Hotel.

“Chesterfield has a great business community, and I have found everyone is so welcoming. The location is perfect being so close to so many things. I am pleased I chose Chesterfield for our training school the easy access, by bus, train, and car was a real selling point for us.”

Jane Manfredi, ProMUA & Beauty Training

“The growth of the food and drink scene over the last decade has been amazing, seeing an eclectic mix of new restaurants open over the last decade has been great.”

Tom Currey, Sales Director at Dales & Peaks.


“Everyone I speak with, whether it’s an individual or business, has a genuine affinity to help and support local people and businesses. It doesn’t matter how much the town grows, we all still retain the community spirit and prefer to support the local independent businesses.”

David Armé, Cheetham Jackson Ltd

It’s a town that continues to evolve and grow as at any one time there are always a number of exciting developments taking place.

Jon Stones, managing Director of Mortgage 1st

“The camaraderie of the local businesses is what makes Chesterfield so different. We all want to help develop the town, provide quality workspaces for growing teams and support one another. The town is so close to the peak district and provides quality hotels and B&Bs for people who are visiting.”

Jessica Risorto, Chesterfield Area Manager at Redbrik Estate Agents


“The best thing about working in Chesterfield is the lovely characters who are our loyal customers and they keep small businesses like the one I work for going. Their show of support for the community in difficult and challenging times has been fantastic.”

Georgina Page, R.P Davidson The Cheese Factor

“Chesterfield is really going places and I think with projects like the Northern Gateway it will help transform the town into an innovative, sustainable and above all enjoyable place to live and work.”

Matt Bust, Business Support Manager at Woodhead Construction

“I think the next ten years look very promising and there is huge potential for Chesterfield and the developments we are seeing. I hope that these developments prove successful and that businesses are encouraged and incentivised to take up these fantastic new premises and turn them into thriving hubs of activity and entertainment.”

Nick Evans, Director of Milestone Financial Planning

“I moved to Chesterfield 28 years ago and from the very beginning people were always so friendly to me but I’ve felt the most benefit since working in the voluntary sector. On the whole people are so kind and supportive of each other but where there are problems or people in need there is such a fantastic network of people and organisations out there and always someone willing to help.”

Debbie Fennell, Derbyshire Voluntary Action


“I see Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire in a good place at the moment. There seems to be lots happening and there are some really passionate and driven individuals”

Paul Ryan, Partnership Development Manager for Shape Learning Partnership

“There’s so much talent out there locally and lots of small businesses with great ideas and products.”

Lesley Winnard, Workpays

Love Chesterfield is a campaign from Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield with support from the reopening the high street safely fund and welcome back fund provided by HM Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

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Chesterfield’s Still Blooming returns for 2021 

Chesterfield Borough Council is repeating its popular competition for residents called ‘Chesterfield’s Still Blooming’ that aims to find the best sunflowers in the borough.

Chris Turner, Chair of the Chesterfield in Bloom committee said: “In Bloom is always a great event for Chesterfield because lots of residents, businesses and schoolchildren get involved and help brighten the town and borough.

“I hope lots of residents will once again take this opportunity to grow sunflowers and learn more about the plants in their gardens. I know competitions like this can be that spark of inspiration that encourages everyone to get their hands dirty and put some work into their gardens.”

There are three entry categories:

  1. Tallest sunflower – from the top of the soil to the top of the flower (please make sure your picture is taken next to a tape measure).
  2. Largest Sunflower – the largest flower head based on diameter or width (please make sure your picture is taken next to a ruler or tape measure).
  3. Most Sunflowers – plant with the most sunflower heads (please try to make sure all flower heads are visible in your photo).

To enter please send a picture of your sunflower, stating your name and the category you wish to enter to

‘Chesterfield’s Still Blooming’ will run from Tuesday 20 April until Friday 10 September 2020.

Winners will be given a special certificate and will also have the satisfaction of knowing they grew one of the best sunflowers in the borough.

Whilst growing your flowers, a great way of keeping children engaged is to start a plant diary and allow them to track the growth of your sunflower. This is also a good way of teaching them about how plants grow and what they need to survive. The council will be awarding prizes and special certificates for the most creative growth diaries. Please send pictures or copies of your growth diaries along with your entry to

April and May are the best time to start to grow your sunflowers indoors before moving them outside ready to bloom by late summer.

The council will announce the winners in the October edition of Your Chesterfield and on social media.

Find out more about the competition here:

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Plans to restore further stretch of Chesterfield Canal approved

Plans to restore the Chesterfield Canal by 1.6 miles have been approved. This will extend the navigable section in Derbyshire by a third from Staveley almost to Renishaw. It will include a 37m long aqueduct almost 10m above the River Doe Lea.

There remains lots of preparation to be done, but there should be works on the ground by the end of this year or early in 2022.

The restored canal currently ends at Eckington Road Bridge in Staveley, where the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s volunteer Work Party has built a new lock and restored a further 300m of canal. The new section will go through a disused railway line and across the Doe Lea Valley on the Staveley Puddlebank. This is a huge embankment nearly 800m long and up to 10m high that was a wonder of the age when constructed in 1776. The canal then turns north and runs parallel to the Doe Lea to the borough boundary.

The towpath will be a 3m wide all-user trail alongside the canal, so walkers, cyclists and mobility scooter users will be able to join boaters, canoeists and paddleboarders in enjoying the new route.

The application was submitted by the Chesterfield Canal Trust through its Development Manager, George Rogers. Although endorsed by lots of members of the public and numerous organisations including the Ramblers, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign and Chesterfield Civic Society, HS2 Ltd. objected. The canal runs underneath HS2’s proposed line to a maintenance depot. However, negotiations with HS2 earlier in the year led to the objection being withdrawn, leaving the way clear for council approval.

Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, Peter Hardy, said: “We are delighted that our planning application has been approved. This is a substantial step on the path to achieving our ambition of reopening the canal fully by 2027. We would like to put on record our thanks to our many supporters and partners who have backed us so far and who we know will stick by us in the exciting years ahead.”

The Trust is hoping to start its Rewatering Renishaw project in the coming months, which will bring a further 1,000m of canal back to life. This will mean that there could be a total of 7½ miles of canal from Chesterfield to Renishaw by the end of 2023.

Once this has been achieved, lots of opportunities for tourism will open up including the hire of dayboats, weekend boats, canoes, paddleboards and cycles. There will be a need for more pubs and cafés, and anglers will be delighted by new opportunities.

At the same time, Staveley Town Basin, now renamed Staveley Waterside, will be developed by Derbyshire County Council and there are plans for a whole new village on the old Staveley Works site, including a hotel and small marina.

Rod Auton, Publicity Officer for the Trust, said: “The next few years will see an incredible transformation along the canal which will bring a massive economic boost to the area. It is our hope that the Chesterfield Waterside development will also continue, including opening the canal basin. This would connect the town directly into the beautiful, green and tranquil oasis that is the Chesterfield Canal.”

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Tributes paid to HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The Union Flag is flying at half-mast on Chesterfield Town Hall to mark the period of national mourning, following news of the death of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Councillor Glenys Falconer, Chesterfield’s Mayor, said: “I was saddened to hear of the death of Prince Philip.

“We warmly remember his visits to Chesterfield with the Queen, including in 1977 for the Silver Jubilee, in 1985 to open Chesterfield Royal Hospital and in 2003 when they visited Chesterfield Market.

“Many young people from Chesterfield will have received medals from Prince Philip for completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and all will have fond memories of those occasions.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, said: “It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.

“Prince Philip has been a great source of strength and support to the Queen and has also carried out a large number of public duties in his own right, particularly through the Playing Fields Association and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

“Our thoughts are with the Queen and the Royal Family at this sad time.”

Huw Bowen, Chesterfield Borough Council’s chief executive, expressed his condolences, adding: “As the oldest and longest serving royal consort, he has played a unique role in public life and it is fitting that we should remember him for his selfless devotion and strength of character.

“The flag at the Town Hall is flying at half-mast in tribute. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, we are currently awaiting further guidance ahead of issuing advice on how the people of Chesterfield can safely pay their respects to his Royal Highness.”

East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) chief executive Scott Knowles said: “We are deeply saddened to learn of the Duke of Edinburgh’s passing this morning.

“Prince Philip was a fantastic public servant and will be remembered fondly for his great commitment and devotion to our country, while the business community will recognise him as a strong advocate for UK enterprise.

“We offer our deepest sympathies to Her Majesty the Queen and all members of the Royal Family at this time.”

Chesterfield Borough council is also currently reviewing upcoming civic events and will announce any alterations or cancellations as soon as possible.

Further updates will be posted at

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Chesterfield Borough Council working to ensure local businesses are Covid-secure

Chesterfield Borough Council is working with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to contact businesses in Chesterfield to offer support and guidance and to check they have Covid-secure measures in place and to help tackle the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) in the local area.

The council will also be working alongside local public health authorities to support the understanding of any patterns in confirmed coronavirus cases in the area.

During the checks advice and guidance will be provided to manage risk and protect workers, customers and visitors but where some businesses are not managing this, the council says it will take immediate action. This can range from the provision of specific advice, issuing enforcement notices, stopping certain work practices until they are made safe and, where businesses fail to comply, this could lead to prosecution.

Being Covid-secure means that businesses need to put adjustments in place to manage the risk and protect workers and others from coronavirus. For further information on how to manage the risk of coronavirus in different business sectors please read the government guidance.

Ian Waller, Chesterfield Borough Council’s service director for leisure, culture and community wellbeing, said: “We are talking to local businesses, visiting and inspecting sites in and around Chesterfield to understand how they are managing risks in line with their specific business activity.

“Becoming Covid-secure is a requirement for businesses in Chesterfield, it is a legal duty for businesses to protect their workers and others from harm and this includes taking reasonable steps to control the risk and protect people from coronavirus. We advise employers to work with their employees when implementing changes, to help increase confidence with workers, customers and the local community.”

HSE and local authority inspectors are finding some common issues across a range of sectors that include: failing to provide arrangements for monitoring, supervising and maintaining social distancing, and failing to introduce an adequate cleaning regime particularly at busy times of the day.

Ian Waller added: “All businesses are in scope for spot checks which means businesses of any size, in any sector can receive an unannounced check to ensure they are Covid-secure. By making sure that businesses have measures in place to manage the risks, we can help to protect the health of the local community at the same time as supporting the local economy.”

For the latest information and safer business guidance, see:

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Chesterfield cultural venues receive a further funding boost

Chesterfield Theatres and Chesterfield Museum have received a further funding boost to help support them through the Covid-19 restrictions and ensure they can continue offering unique experiences for Chesterfield residents and visitors.

This funding, received through the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund, is worth £153,000 which will be shared between the museum and theatres. In total the venues have received more than £500,000 through this fund over the last year.

Anthony Radford, Chesterfield Borough Council’s arts and venues manager, said: “We are delighted that we have been awarded a further grant of £153,000 from the Culture Recovery Fund. We are extremely grateful for this grant which is a contribution towards the operational costs of Chesterfield Theatres and Chesterfield Museum during the period April to June 2021.

“It is hoped that the Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum will be able to re-open during the week commencing 17 May 2021 as per the Government re-opening roadmap. The grant will enable us to re-open during a period when expected income is at a lower level than normal due to the expected restrictions in place.

“The grants received from the Culture Recovery Fund have provided essential support for the provision of cultural services in Chesterfield during the Covid-19 pandemic, and have ensured that Chesterfield Theatres and Chesterfield Museum can play an important role in the cultural life of the town as the community starts to recover.”

Oliver Dowden, Culture Secretary, said: “Our record breaking Culture Recovery Fund has already helped thousands of culture and heritage organisations across the country survive the biggest crisis they’ve ever faced.

“Now we’re staying by their side as they prepare to welcome the public back through their doors – helping our cultural gems plan for reopening and thrive in the better times ahead.”

Sir Nicholas Serota, Chair, Arts Council England, said: “Investing in a thriving cultural sector at the heart of communities is a vital part of helping the whole country to recover from the pandemic. These grants will help to re-open theatres, concert halls, and museums and will give artists and companies the opportunity to begin making new work.

“We are grateful to the Government for this support and for recognising the paramount importance of culture to our sense of belonging and identity as individuals and as a society.”

Culture creates jobs, supports livelihoods, and brings joy to everyone. The UK leads the world in the creative industries, and culture is vital not only to the local economy but also to the Chesterfield community.

The Culture Recovery Fund is an unprecedented investment from the government in the cultural sector to show it is #HereForCulture and so the sector can weather the storm of coronavirus and come back stronger.

The funding awarded today is from a £400 million pot which was held back last year to ensure the Culture Recovery Fund could continue to help organisations in need as the public health picture changed. The funding has been awarded by Arts Council England, as well as Historic England and National Lottery Heritage Fund and the British Film Institute.

The Grade II-listed theatres, Pomegranate Theatre and Winding Wheel Theatre, offer a broad range of events, which includes drama, musicals, dance, comedy, concerts, talks and cinema.

The theatres opened successfully for a brief period under Covid-19 restrictions during 2020, before having to close again in November. However, they are looking forward to reopening and have an exciting programme of shows throughout the rest of 2021.

Chesterfield Museum tells the story of Chesterfield, from its beginnings as a Roman fort, the expansion of the Market and the Industrial Revolution, which brought ‘Father of the Railways’, George Stephenson, to town.

The Museum regularly holds a wide range of events for the whole family to enjoy. It also holds regular special exhibitions that explore different areas of history.

Whilst the Museum has still not reopened since closing in March 2020, the team have continued to create online events and activities to help people connect with the history of Chesterfield.

Both Chesterfield Theatres and Chesterfield Museum are proudly owned and managed by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Find out more about the performances planned at Chesterfield Theatres and book tickets by visiting  or by calling the Box Office on 01246 345 222.

For more information on online activities and events planned by Chesterfield Museum, please visit:

The Culture Recovery Fund is administered by Arts Council England, learn more about this funding by visiting:

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Chesterfield says ‘we’re back’ for friendly local shopping

Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield are supporting the re-opening of the high streets this April with the message ‘we’re back’ to encourage shoppers back to Chesterfield’s high streets. Find out more at

The mini campaign includes a video on social media, featuring some of Chesterfield’s many independent businesses and market traders, asking people to come back shopping in Chesterfield. The video reminds people that safety is everything, but we do need to support our local high streets.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It will be great to see the start of the re-opening of our town centre and high streets this April.

“It is however essential that we keep our own and everyone else’s safety in mind when we go back to shopping locally in Chesterfield to make sure our town centre stays open. I urge everyone to continue with hands, face and space as we start to re-open.

“Our local shops and retailers have worked so hard over lockdown, offering click and collect and delivery options but it has been a massive struggle for businesses and now it’s up to us to get back out shopping locally. Our businesses really need your support.

“Spending a few pounds a week with local businesses will make a massive difference to them. It’s been convenient to shop online but let’s do more of that with local businesses and also shop safely with them once again in our town centre and high streets.

“Chesterfield is a fantastic place to shop. We pride ourselves on being a friendly town, with many great independent businesses who are ready to welcome everyone back. So, come back and support your town this April.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “The lifting of restrictions on non-essential retail is very much welcomed and further progress in the high street’s journey towards normality. Seeing our favourite businesses adapt with online shopping and click and collect services during lockdown has been inspiring, but shopping in Chesterfield is an experience that can’t be replicated at home.

“Lockdown has shown us all the importance of the high street and the contribution it makes not only to the economy but to the lives of local people and I would encourage everyone to support the high street and shop local to help the many businesses based on it in their recovery.”

To also help support local businesses that are re-opening, and to showcase Chesterfield as a great place to visit, the council is offering local businesses the chance to take out free listings on the Visit Chesterfield website until 31 March 2022.

Independent businesses who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity can find more details on Businesses will need to complete an application form and send it along with high resolution images or videos to

Find out more about shopping in Chesterfield here.


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Plans to revamp Chesterfield Market move forward

Chesterfield Borough Council’s plans to revamp the town’s historic market have taken a further step forward, with expected works to be completed in around a year’s time.

Last December, the council asked residents, market traders and local businesses to share their views and help shape the future of Chesterfield Market.

The aim of the surveys was to understand what people enjoy about Chesterfield Market, what might encourage them to visit more often, and understand how they think it can be improved.

This was the first step in the £3.25m Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project which includes plans to revamp the town’s historic outdoor Market Place, as well as improve the public space around Elder Way.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Chesterfield Market is the heart and soul of the town. It’s crucial that we work together with residents, market traders and local businesses to make sure improvements meet their needs. It was fantastic to receive hundreds of responses to our surveys, which shows the market means so much to everyone in Chesterfield.”

The surveys showed support for changing the layout of the market. 72% of the public, 89% of local businesses and 46% of market traders, supported changing the layout of the market

There was strong support for events, particularly specialist and event markets. These could include food festivals, farmers markets or vintage markets.

The public survey results show strong support for market traders and a desire to support local businesses.

Councillor Sarvent added: “Work is now underway to develop options for the market design and these will be available for comment as part of a consultation with the public, market traders and local businesses this summer. It is especially encouraging to see the public support for traders and local businesses as we move towards re-opening the town centre from lockdown next month.”

Details of how to take part in the next stage of the market consultation will be available from the council’s website this summer. Following this, it is expected works will be complete in Spring 2022.

As well as looking at the future of the market, the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will also include improvements to the public space between the town centre and the Northern Gateway site.

The Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project has benefitted from £650,000 of funding through the D2N2 Local Growth Fund.

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