chesterfield borough council

Over £23m to be invested in council housing across Chesterfield

More than £23 million is to be spent improving and increasing the housing supply across Chesterfield – as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to enhance the borough’s housing offer and meet the needs of residents.

Councillors have agreed to the ambitious Housing Capital Programme – which sets out the council’s investment priorities for 2021/22 and the medium-term investment through to 2024/25.

The Housing Capital Programme sets out the priorities to ensure that council housing in the borough continues to meet the decent homes standard and provide the good quality, affordable homes for people in Chesterfield.

Modernisation and refurbishment of the council’s existing housing stock continues to be a main focus of the council’s programme of works – including roof repairs, the installation of windows and improvements to estate environments to ensure all properties continue to meet the decent homes standard.

Since 2019 the council will have added 64 new homes to its housing stock and a further 53 homes in the pipeline for 2021-2023, meaning the council will meet its target of adding new 100 new homes to the housing register by 2023 – giving local families more choice and access to modern properties.

The council will also continue to invest in homes for older people, with works currently progressing well at Mallard Court and Leander Court. When completed, this will offer modern, affordable and attractive housing for older people in Staveley for the future.

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by the council in July 2019, the council is also committed to ensuring that all of its homes are energy efficient – allowing Chesterfield to become a low carbon, resilient and sustainable borough.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “Our aim as always is to enhance Chesterfield’s housing offer so that people of all ages can find, and live in a quality home they can afford. Our capital programme shows that we are committed to improving our housing stock to ensure it meets the needs of the people of Chesterfield, as well actively contributing to the climate change agenda by ensuring all homes are energy efficient.

“Investing in affordable and social housing has never been as important, given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had on many people financially, so it is vital that we continue to enhance the borough’s housing needs and supply affordable living. Our programme of investment has been developed and amended to recognise the challenges which have arisen from the Covid-19 crisis and, together with our partners, we are doing all we can to ensure any minor delays to key projects are resolved, allowing us to achieve our goals.

“We are committed to building a sustainable future and in response to the climate change emergency declared by the council in 2019, we’re taking measures to ensure our homes are energy efficient – which will not only help the planet, but will also give our residents access to affordable warmth.”

“During 2020 – 21 we achieved some key milestones in improving our housing stock and we’re proud that 100 per cent of our properties meet the decent homes standards. By continuing to refurbish and modernise our homes and estates, we can continue to ensure we maintain these standards for local families.”

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Vital funding confirmed for community groups in Chesterfield

Community groups in Chesterfield are set to benefit from more than £30,000 of funding that has been provided through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhoods Fund.

The Chesterfield Borough Council funding is being provided to a wide range of community groups for a variety of different projects, all of which have important benefits to local communities and support the objectives outlined in the Council Plan.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “This funding ensures that much needed projects for our community can be supported and delivered for the benefit our residents. This funding is a result of new developments in the borough and demonstrates how we can leverage new developments to ensure they can help meet the needs of our residents in as many ways as possible.

“In the last few months, we have provided well over £100,000 to community groups through this fund. We have further application deadlines coming up, and I would encourage all eligible community groups that are in need of funding in Chesterfield to apply through this scheme.”

This latest round of funding has been provided to six different projects including money for the Cosy Hub to purchase laptops and provide support to residents when creating CVs and for children to complete their homework on. It has also provided funds for the Friends of Hasland Community Hub to improve facilities in the Working Men’s Club to allow several groups to meet at the same time.

The Friends of Stand Road Park has received funding to help provide further improvements to the park and ensure it has excellent facilities for local residents.

Graham King, Chair of Friends of Stand Road Park, said: “The group is delighted to have been awarded the CIL funding for our project. Our community consultation, for which we undertook an extensive opinions survey, has shown that the community’s next priority for improving the park is to install a network of paths with benches at appropriate intervals. The CIL award will allow us to put in eight park benches. We shall site them at locations to suit the route of the future paths. We aim to put in the paths later once we have raised the required funding”.

Another group that received funding are Derbyshire LGBT+ which works to support Chesterfield’s LGBT+ community. The money will help ensure they can continue to provide their services to local residents.

Ian Robson, Chief Executive Officer of Derbyshire LGBT+, said: “Derbyshire LGBT+ is very grateful to Chesterfield Borough Council for supporting us with a grant from the Community Infrastructure Levy fund. This money will allow us to continue operating our Chesterfield community centre, supporting Chesterfield’s LGBT+ communities of all ages in dealing with issues of general health, mental health, sexual health, loneliness and isolation. Our centre provides many support groups and drop-in sessions each week.”

The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge that councils can place on new developments in their area through the planning process. It is used primarily to fund infrastructure around the new developments, it can include but is not limited to roads, schools, parks and flood defences. Chesterfield is the only borough in Derbyshire currently using the levy to fund infrastructure and projects.

Funding for community groups comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund. Of the total funding 15% is provided to the neighbourhoods fund. In Brimington and Staveley this money is given directly to the respective town and parish councils to allocate, and Chesterfield Borough Council is responsible for this funding in the rest of the borough.

Find out more about how to apply for the next round of funding on the council’s website:

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Residents and visitors invited to have their say on Chesterfield Museum

Residents and visitors are being invited to give their thoughts and opinions about Chesterfield Museum and share ideas of what they would like to see the museum offer in the future.

Like many museums nationwide, Chesterfield Museum – which is owned by Chesterfield Borough Council – has had to remain closed to visitors since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Behind the scenes, the museum team have been busy extending and improving the museum’s online offer and exploring ideas for future exhibitions and events that will excite the whole family when the museum reopens its doors.

As part of this, the team at Chesterfield Museum are asking local residents and visitors to the museum to share their views on the museum in a short survey, giving them the chance to have their say about what they would like to see in the future and how visits to the museum could be improved:

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Chesterfield Museum has been welcoming visitors for more than 26 years, telling the story of Chesterfield – from its beginnings as a Roman fort to its history as a manufacturing town boosted by the Industrial Revolution – and we want to hear your thoughts.

“We know many residents enjoy visiting the museum to learn about our local history and take part in fun events, but gathering feedback is vital in ensuring that the museum reaches a wider audience, making the whole community feel included and valued. I’d encourage as many people as possible to take part in this survey and help shape the future of our fantastic museum.”

As well as presenting fascinating temporary exhibitions about the history of the borough in the museum and unique displays in our Art Gallery, Chesterfield Museum is also proud to work closely with many local organisations from across the borough. In recent years the museum has been proud to host exhibitions organised by Chesterfield Photographic Society, Donut Creative Art Studios (DCAS), LGBT+ Derbyshire, Chesterfield Rugby Club and the Don Rivers Catchment Trust.

Residents and visitors have until Sunday 14 March to share their views.

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Staveley’s £25m regeneration plans to be put under the spotlight at Celebrate Chesterfield 2021

Forging ahead with regeneration plans in lockdown, the latest developments for the Staveley area will be unveiled at the tenth annual Celebrate Chesterfield event on Wednesday 31 March.

The ambitious £25 million plans for the Staveley area were submitted to the Government as part of its Town Deal programme back in December.

Chair of Staveley Town Deal Board Ivan Fomin, who is also the Managing Director at MSE Hiller and a Destination Chesterfield board member, will be speaking at the virtual event at which he will call on the business community to help drive forward the area’s regeneration and take advantage of the opportunities it will create.

He commented: “Staveley is blessed with great assets including land for development, heritage buildings and transport links, but these all need investment and local leadership to drive forward the growth and prosperity of the area. At a time when Covid-19 has re-energised the discussion about the use of outdoor spaces, we also have a unique opportunity to link Chesterfield and Staveley to the national canal network for the first time in 113 years.”

Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of the Chesterfield Borough Council, will also be speaking at the event, which will be live streamed and boast a 3D virtual exhibition.

Mr Bowen will be updating on the progress the town is making with multi-million pound commercial and residential developments, including Chesterfield Waterside and the new seven-storey office block – One Waterside Place.

Ivan Fomin and Huw Bowen will also be joined by Andy Dabbs (Chair) and Jillian Mitchell (Vice Chair) of the newly formed Property and Construction Group, who will also be speaking at the event.

Now in its tenth year, Celebrate Chesterfield, which is organised by Destination Chesterfield, in association with Addooco IT, is one of the most hotly anticipated business events in the area and never more so that in the wake of the pandemic.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “Whilst it has been a challenging year for us all, we’re delighted with the progress Chesterfield has made during the Covid-19 pandemic – there are a lot of achievements to celebrate which we will be sharing at the event. We have not stood still a through 2020 and because of this we go into 2021 in excellent shape.

“The Northern Gateway and Chesterfield Waterside developments have made some significant steps and continue to move forward at pace. This, along with the regeneration plans for the Staveley area, it’s safe to say this is an exciting time for Chesterfield.”

Celebrate Chesterfield 2021 is being sponsored by technology specialist Addooco IT Ltd. University of Derby, Whittam Cox Architects and Markham Vale – Derbyshire’s flagship regeneration scheme, join headline sponsor Addooco IT as associate sponsors.

Richard Walters, Managing Director of Addooco IT Ltd, commented: “The concept of ‘Celebrating Chesterfield’ really resonates with me as there is such a rich history of innovation here. Recognising the great work Destination Chesterfield does for organisations in the area, I am delighted that Addooco is the headline sponsor for Celebrate Chesterfield.”

Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Derby said: “We are delighted to be working with Destination Chesterfield to support the Celebrate Chesterfield event again this year. As Derbyshire’s only university, we look to use our academic expertise, research and innovation to foster talent and create impactful partnerships with business.

“The Celebrate Chesterfield event provides a great opportunity for us to have valuable conversations that enable us to understand more about the challenges local businesses face. Our priority remains to effectively service the needs of businesses – creating opportunities for individuals, employers and communities to develop and deliver positive impact on the economic prosperity, health and well-being of the region.”

Andy Dabbs, Board Director at Whittam Cox Architects, comments: “As a local practice we are delighted to be working with Destination Chesterfield to support this year’s Celebrate Chesterfield event. This year is particularly exciting for us, as it will see the launch of Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Forum. The formation of the forum has already had some success in bringing together a network of local property professionals whilst also providing a collaborative platform for engagement with the Local Authority. Although it has been a challenging year, Chesterfield has made some fantastic progress, and the Celebrate Chesterfield event will provide a great opportunity to share this.”

Anthony Clitheroe, Director at HBD, development partner for the Markham Vale site commented: “Our ongoing commitment to the regeneration of Markham Vale has seen momentous change of this area over the years, increasing job opportunities for local workers and ensuring a continued boost to Chesterfield’s economy.

“Alongside Derbyshire County Council, we’re looking forward to continuing the success of 2020 and securing new occupiers at Markham Vale.”

Tickets for the free morning event, which is being held from 8:30am – 10:00am, are available to book now.

To book your place at the event, please visit

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New partnership launched to combat loneliness and social isolation across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire

Residents across Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover District who are feeling alone and isolated during the ongoing pandemic are being encouraged to seek support.

‘Feeling Connected’ is a partnership project led by Derbyshire Voluntary Action with the support of Chesterfield Borough Council and North East Derbyshire District Council, which aims to tackle social isolation in the local area.

The project has been commissioned by the Healthy North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing Partnerships which are funded by Derbyshire County Council Public Health.

The ‘Feeling Connected’ project aims to:

• help people better understand the benefits of being socially connected
• raise awareness of existing services which support social connectedness
• identify interventions, initiatives and activities which help people to feel socially connected and which could be further supported and developed in North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield

Jacqui Willis, Chief Executive of Derbyshire Voluntary Action, said: “Most people, young and old, feel lonely from time to time. This is normal, and even healthy. It can be a prompt for action, a reminder to make contact with other people and to create or reaffirm connections.

“Where it can become a problem is if people become isolated through circumstances beyond their control, and if feelings of loneliness become entrenched, or persist for a long time.”

As well as encouraging people who may be socially isolated to seek support, the partnership is also encouraging residents to think about those in their local community who may be alone and consider how they can help them.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Tackling social isolation and supporting our residents to overcome the impact of the pandemic is a priority for Chesterfield Borough Council and is at the heart of our Covid-19 community recovery plan.

“Many people have experienced social isolation throughout the pandemic – especially those who have limited access to technology so we’re really pleased to be supporting this project and looking into new initiatives which will help promote social connectedness for our residents.”

Councillor Alan Powell, North East Derbyshire District Council’s cabinet member for Partnership Engagement and Strategy, said: “The pandemic has affected us all, but for some people the feelings of loneliness and isolation have been greatly amplified during this time.

“We are therefore delighted to be supporting this project which will help our residents access the support they need and encourage others to think about those who are alone.”

In the spirit of connecting with others, the ‘Feeling Connected’ project has linked up with similar work which is happening in Bolsover District: ‘Connect Bolsover’ led by Bassetlaw CVS.

Bolsover District Council’s Leader, Councillor Steve Fritchley said: “The situation over the past ten months has highlighted the impact of loneliness and the importance of being part of a community. Even though we have new technology, there is no substitute for human contact, having a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat.

“I believe we will see more people suffering from agoraphobia. Organisations like chit chat groups, craft classes and toddler groups play a huge part in a local community and can provide people with the boost they need if they are feeling lonely or isolated. So we are delighted to support this project within Bolsover District and the wider north east Derbyshire area.”

You can find more information about ‘Feeling Connected’ at and about ‘Connect Bolsover’ at

Derbyshire Voluntary Action supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Jacqui Willis, Derbyshire Voluntary Action


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MyFuture careers platform shortlisted for prestigious industry award

An innovative online careers and employability platform, which was launched to Year 11 and 13 school leavers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire last year, has been shortlisted in the Careers Development Institute (CDI) Awards 2021.

Since its launch, on GCSE results day, the MyFuture platform has helped hundreds of young people gain access to high-quality careers advice, employment support, and skills and educational programmes during the pandemic.

The online platform has been shortlisted in the Innovative and Impactful Employer Engagement category in the annual industry awards which identify and promote excellence in career development. The category is sponsored by the Department for Education (DfE) and CXK, a careers advice charity.

Developed by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and the D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub, MyFuture plugs the careers information gap left by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The innovative platform, which is believed to be a world first, was designed by Chesterfield-based Oasis Studio. It features around 100 virtual exhibition pods across 10 zones, providing advice on careers, transition, and employment in 16 sectors.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m delighted that our My Future project has been recognised in this way. Our team have spearheaded this project as part of our Economic Recovery plans, working closely with our partners to help ensure the My Future online platform provides valuable information on careers and skills development for young people in Chesterfield. We will continue to support and develop this platform and I want to encourage young people to log in because it will help them plan their future in our borough.”

Dom Stevens Destination Chesterfield Manager added: “Everyone worked tremendously hard in a very short timeframe to get MyFuture up and running and it has been incredibly well received by all users. To be recognised by the Careers Development Institute is testimony to the strong partnerships that exist in Chesterfield that together make positive changes happen for everyone who lives, works and does business here.”

D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub Lead Dan Heffernan said: “Connecting young people to their future careers becomes an even higher priority during economic crisis as younger workers are at much higher risk of becoming casualties of recession. We are therefore delighted that this project has been recognised by the CDI for the value that it brings to young people across North Derbyshire. It is our hope that any publicity generated by this recognition will encourage further collaborative efforts not just in D2N2 but nationally. Only by working together are we going to weather the economic storm generated by the Covid-19 Pandemic.”

MyFuture is shortlisted alongside Creative Careers Programme and Discover! Creative Careers Week, Creative and Cultural Skills and Whole School Career Day 5th March 2020, Huntcliff School, Gainsborough. The winner of the category will be announced next month on Wednesday 10 March.

MyFuture is one of two North Derbyshire projects to be shortlisted in this year’s Careers Development Institute Awards. Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP) has also been shortlisted for the Best Practice Award – Careers Programme in a Special School or College category for its Project SEARCH.

To view MyFuture please visit

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Fortem tackles youth unemployment with flexible work experience programme

Fortem have launched a virtual work experience programme, in partnership with the North Derbyshire Careers Hub (D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership), to help tackle rising youth unemployment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The five-day virtual work experience (VWEX) programme prepares young people aged 14+ for the next steps of their career journey, raises aspirations and promotes inclusivity for all through the flexible delivery methods.

Fortem have developed a model which is easily adaptable and can be delivered online or offline, depending on the circumstances and needs of young people. Consisting of five modules; IT, innovation, customer care, design and planning, the programme helps young people identify transferable skills and how to put them into practice.

Since the start of COVID-19, the UK has seen a significant impact on 16-24-year-old unemployment. Comparing the latest quarter, September-November 2020, with the pre-pandemic quarter of January-March 2020, unemployment for young people has increased by 13%, and is set to rise with the impending pressures on the economy. 2020 saw the highest level of youth unemployment since 2016.

Findings from a YouGov poll for the Sutton Trust social mobility charity state that opportunities for young people to get experience of the workplace have also been impacted considerably by the COVID-19 crisis. Many firms who previously offered internships or work experience placements have cancelled them, with just over three fifths (61%) of employers surveyed cancelling some or all of their placements.

Leigh Garbutt, Head of Customer Experience at Fortem, said “At Fortem we don’t leave anyone behind so it was important that we created a virtual work experience programme that could be easily adapted to suit individual needs. We work closely with our clients and partners in the education sector to ensure that our offer is relevant and can really benefit our communities. Delivering people-focused opportunities like this are at the heart of Fortem’s culture and we are dedicated to continuing our commitment to supporting young people.”

The work experience programme not only gives students valuable work experience and an insight into the world of work, it also helps to achieve Gatsby Benchmark 6. Gatsby Benchmarks are a set of eight benchmarks that schools and colleges can use as a framework for improving their careers provision and is widely adopted as best practice. Read more about the benchmarks here.

Emily Carter, Enterprise Coordinator at North Derbyshire Careers Hub – D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, said “It has been a privilege to work in partnership with Fortem on their exciting new virtual work experience offer. The flexibility in delivery of this programme will help to reduce barriers to engagement and promote transferable skills in an interactive way for young people.”

Following a successful pilot of the programme at Career Hub school, Springwell Community College in Chesterfield, a feedback survey found that 100% of students found the programme enjoyable and would recommend it to their friends and family, while 78% feel better informed about future opportunities within the industry. Fortem are refurbishing properties across Chesterfield as part of the council’s commitment to investing in its housing stock.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said, “Developing the skills young people have is vital to ensuring they can enter the workforce after they finish their education and is one of our key priorities as a local council. It’s brilliant to see partnerships like this forming and delivering meaningful outcomes for young people in Chesterfield.

“Our local labour clauses have helped ensure that all new development in Chesterfield has real employability benefits for the local community and this work experience programme is just one of many successful examples of this policy in action.”

For more information on the virtual work experience programme, please contact Rebecca Goodwin, Fortem’s Regional Customer and Community Manager, on

The topic of skills and careers for young people was recently on the agenda at the Chesterfield and North Derbyshrie Employability & Skills Conference. You can find out more about the event and watch it back here.

Fortem supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to check eligibility for grants

Chesterfield businesses are being urged to check if they are eligible for business grants which can help them cover costs during lockdown.

Detailed information on business grants is available on the Chesterfield Borough Council website. Some of the grant schemes, including the Additional Restrictions Support Grant have been available to apply for since early January, but there are still a number of eligible businesses that have not yet applied.

New information regarding the Taxi Driver Support Grant and Additional Restrictions Grant has been added to the website – eligible businesses and individuals are being urged to apply as soon as possible.

Councillor Jean Innes, cabinet member for business transformation and customers, said: “These grants are a vital lifeline for local businesses, and I would encourage every business owner to apply. This funding can be used to cover a variety of costs including rent on business premises and other bills.

“Our team are working hard to process these payments as quickly as possible but it’s vital that eligible businesses apply in order to access this funding.”

The process to apply for business grants through a secure online form and applicants will need to submit some evidence, including bank statements, when applying.

There are currently five different business grants available to apply for online:

Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG-C) – for businesses that have been forced to close due to national lockdowns or local restrictions.

Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG-O) – for businesses linked to the hospitality and leisure sectors that have remained open but were severely affected by tier 3 restrictions between 2 December and 30 December 2020.

Additional Restrictions Grant – a discretionary scheme for businesses that are not able to claim a Local Restrictions Support Grant – Closed (LRSG-C) but have been severely impacted by national or local restrictions.

Closed Business Lockdown Payment – a one-off top up grant to support businesses that have been forced to close during national restrictions from 5 January 2021.

Taxi Driver Support Grant – a one-off payment to support local taxi, private hire and contract drivers who are licenced to trade in the borough of Chesterfield.

Find out more about these grants and apply online by visiting:

anzacs chesterfield

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Work progresses on Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Work on high-quality office accommodation which will support new and growing businesses in the town is on track to be complete by the summer – despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is now weatherproof – meaning another key milestone has been reached in the project programme.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic development, said: “It is fantastic to see this building progressing with such pace. Our contractor – Robert Woodhead has worked incredibly hard and overcome many challenges to make sure they can deliver this project without delay in a Covid-secure environment.

“I’m confident that this enterprise centre will provide the space and support for businesses to express their entrepreneurial spirit and start or grow local businesses in the borough. This will help ensure that we a creating a thriving borough with lots of opportunities for young people to develop excellent careers in our town.”

In January glazing was added to the building, which is of a high standard for maximum thermal efficiency. The first fix for mechanical and electrical engineering has begun and work is set to begin on the brickwork and cladding very soon.

Dan Cove, Project Manager from Robert Woodhead Limited said “Works are progressing really well despite a few challenging days with the snow and ice. The team on site are working to enhanced covid secure measures too so that has added to the operational complexities of the scheme. It’s taking shape and you can see what a great addition this will be for Chesterfield.”

Work dividing the interior and installing a lift has begun.

Andy Dabbs, Board Director at Whittam Cox Architects, said: “As a local practice we are delighted to see progress still being made on site despite the pandemic.

“The Enterprise Centre is such an important part of the Northern Gateway regeneration in Chesterfield, providing a new and unique commercial offer which is designed to be a catalyst for further investment and development. As well as providing high quality facilities for businesses wanting to locate in the town centre, the architecture will provide a new contemporary landmark which will enrich the urban fabric of the town.”

Contractors Robert Woodhead have also achieved an ‘excellent’ mark in the initial Considerate Constructor Scheme assessment, which aims to raise standards in the construction industry. The building also remains on target to achieve an ‘excellent’ rating for its environmental sustainability.

Find out more about office facilities at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre here.

Whittam Cox Architects and Robert Woodhead Ltd. support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield Borough Council looks to secure the future of The Pavements Shopping Centre

At an Extraordinary meeting of Chesterfield Borough Council on Wednesday 10 February 2021, councillors voted in favour of acquiring the leasehold of The Pavements Shopping Centre in Chesterfield.

The decision is subject to further due diligence and agreement of terms.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The Pavements Shopping Centre plays a pivotal role in welcoming shoppers and visitors to Chesterfield town centre.

“Assuming we are successful in acquiring the leasehold, the council will be able to control the future direction of the shopping centre; shape the Southern Gateway to Chesterfield town centre; and build on the council’s many other ambitious plans for the town centre.”

Chesterfield Borough Council currently owns the land (the freehold) on which the shopping centre is built but the leasehold is held by a successor company to the CIN Pension Fund which originally built The Pavements back in the early 1980’s. The council then manages and operates the shopping centre through an under-lease arrangement between the leaseholder and the council.

The council has taken specialist advice from property investment advisors, who concluded it is financially prudent for the council to try and acquire the leasehold at this time.

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of the Council, continued: “Through this action, the council is seeking to secure the future of The Pavements Shopping Centre as a high-profile strategic town centre asset whilst at the same time protecting the council’s financial position.

“Negotiations between the council and the leaseholder have commenced, and we would hope that the terms of the acquisition can be finalised by the end of March 2021.”

You can find out more about the Pavements Shopping Centre here.

Businesses in Chesterfield are continuing to trade via click and collect or delivery services during the current national lockdown, while essential retailers remain open as usual. You can find out more on our Shopping During Lockdown page.

Pavements Shopping Centre

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New council homes ready to welcome local families

Local families are set to benefit from new council homes which have been built in Brimington – part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s ongoing work to provide more affordable and accessible housing.

The four new-build properties on Manor Drive – which are the first council homes to be built in Brimington South in over 30 years – are now ready to be let to local families.

The development includes three two-bedroom houses and a three-bedroom bungalow with wheelchair access.

Built by local contractor, Robert Woodhead Ltd, each property features a fully fitted kitchen and bathroom and is decorated throughout. The gardens are also fully turfed with a small patio area to the back.

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by council leaders last July, the council is also committed to ensuring that its existing housing stock is as energy efficient as possible. Each of the new properties on Manor Drive has increased levels of insulation throughout and has electric vehicle charging points installed.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “We’re committed to meeting the housing needs of local people – now and in the future – and these new properties will provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for families in our borough.

“It is important that people looking for a new home have a choice of good quality homes to rent. Our ambition is to create an additional 100 new homes across town by 2023 and with the completion of these properties, along with other ongoing projects, we’re well on track to reach this target.

“It’s also really important that new developments in the borough take account of environmental issues – contributing to a more sustainable future for us all.

“Our new homes are energy efficient, affordable to run and also feature charging points for electric vehicles to make it easier for people to make the switch to greener transport.”

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