chesterfield borough council

Transition Chesterfield opens Eco Hub thanks to community funding

Transition Chesterfield has benefited from Chesterfield Borough Council’s community grant funding, enabling them to open an Eco Hub in the town.

Based on Low Pavement in Chesterfield, the Eco Hub is a pilot project that will work with residents to:

  • Improve their awareness of ‘Transition Chesterfield’ and the aims and objectives of the community group
  • Improve their awareness of climate action and the protection of the environment
  • Improve their understanding of net zero and a more sustainable Chesterfield
  • Access further learning and volunteer opportunities

Transition Chesterfield was one of the local organisations to benefit from the first round of funding, receiving £2,500 to open the new hub in the town centre.

The Eco Hub is initially open every Friday from 10am to 12.30pm until May 2024 and may open at other times if successful in recruiting enough volunteers.

The Hub at Low Pavement itself is open most days though for other community-based activities.

A total of £59,965 has been awarded to 16 local groups via the council’s new Community Grants Funding scheme so far, and applications for the second round of funding are now open.

The council is looking for grant applications from community groups and local voluntary organisations in Chesterfield and surrounding areas who have climate focused projects to deliver.

Karl Deakin, a volunteer with Transition Chesterfield, said: “We’re excited to win this funding which gives us a much-needed base for our activities. Our hub project will encourage interest and participation amongst residents to reduce their carbon footprint. It’s also a great opportunity for people to volunteer to help our environment and meet new people.”

Councillor Martin Stone, cabinet member for climate change, planning, and environment said: “Climate change is one of the biggest challenges humanity faces worldwide, and it needs us all to consider how we can make individual changes to our routines as well as how we can will make substantial changes in the borough of Chesterfield.

“Community groups can play a huge part in helping to educate and inform our communities so we would love to hear about any local project ideas that could benefit from the available grant funding.

“Chesterfield Borough Council has more than £118,000 available to eligible local groups in this financial year (2023/24) so we are encouraging as many people as possible to find out more about the scheme and submit an application.”

The funding allocated through the grant scheme will support local groups to deliver projects that will build resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

Funding can also be used by community projects to develop volunteering opportunities, help people prepare to get in to work, and to support organisations to expand their reach into different areas of the borough.

Grants range from £500 to £6,000, and the deadline for applications for phase two is Friday 27 October.

Further information about the Community Grant Scheme, including details of how to apply can be found on the council’s website:

Funding for Chesterfield Borough Council’s Community Grants Scheme has been successfully secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

The community grants are just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

transition chesterfield eco hub

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Chesterfield’s ‘off-grid’ households set for energy efficient boost

Homeowners in Chesterfield that have no mains gas supply to their property could benefit from financial support to help make energy efficient improvements to their homes and reduce their bills.

Chesterfield Borough Council, Marches Energy Agency (MEA), and E.ON Energy Solutions have joined forces to help residents to make their homes warmer and more energy efficient – after the council successfully secured over £440,000 through the Government’s Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 (HUG2).

Grant funding will be used to help to improve the energy efficiency of at least 22 homes in the borough. Improvement measures will be dependent on the outcome of a technical survey but could include the introduction of a range of improvements from insulation and solar panels to air source heat pumps and smart heating controls. These measures can save residents money on their energy bills whilst also reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The funding will be available to homeowners who do not have a mains gas heating system and where their property has a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D,E,F or G and will only be eligible if one of the following statements apply:

  • Homeowner lives in one of the eligible postcode areas set by the Government
  • A permanent member of the household receives a means tested benefit
  • The combined household income is below £31,000 before tax

Further details on eligibility criteria can be found on the council’s website:

Residents living in private rented accommodation may also be eligible for support, however the landlord will be required to contribute a minimum of a third of the total cost.

Councillor Jean Innes, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “We understand that it’s a difficult time for many people as the cost of living continues to rise. With funding secured through this scheme we can support homeowners in making improvements to their home to help to increase the warmth and comfort of their homes, whilst also reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.

“Despite facing significant financial pressures now and in future years, the council is committed to supporting those most in need during the cost-of-living crisis, and is doing all it can to maximise external funding opportunities like this, to help households across the borough.

“The funding will help to improve the energy performance and heating systems of off gas grid private sector homes and we will be carrying out technical surveys to make sure the most appropriate and efficient improvements can be made at each home.”

The council has already identified a number of households who are eligible for funding and MEA will be writing to them directly to advise them of the help available. Any other residents who think they may be eligible can contact MEA’s local team (Warmer Derby & Derbyshire) by emailing, calling 0800 677 1332 and selecting option 2 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or by completing the online application form.

Councillor Martin Stone, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for climate change, planning and environment, said: “The energy we use to heat and power buildings is one of the largest factors in terms of carbon emissions, if we can make buildings more efficient and reduce energy loss, we will see carbon emissions reduce also. Supporting and promoting schemes like these grants which will help homeowners to improve thermal efficiency is vital to achieving our target of becoming a carbon neutral borough by 2050.”

Chesterfield Town Hall

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Fully booked Chesterfield Investment Summit to showcase town’s huge potential

Destination Chesterfield’s annual Investment Summit is now fully booked, with more than 200 guests expected to attend the event at Casa Hotel on 18 October 2023.

Putting a spotlight on the town’s wide range of ongoing and future regeneration projects, the Summit – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber and Turner & Townsend – will hear from companies which have recently invested in Chesterfield business premises.

Matt Close, from leading automation and engineering firm NeoDyne is confirmed to be speaking at the event. In addition, delegates will hear from Emily Smith, the developer of Holywell Hotel by Voeberg, which will see a grade II listed building in the town centre transformed into boutique short-stay accommodation.

Both businesses will explain how the town’s location, connectivity and business support packages have assisted their growth plans.

Dr Huw Bowen, CEO of Chesterfield Borough Council, will provide an update on several of the town’s regeneration sites, highlighting the opportunities available to potential investors looking to start up or grow their businesses in the area. Huw will also provide details on the exciting work taking place to regenerate Chesterfield Town Centre and the iconic Stephenson Memorial Hall, alongside the £6 million package of improvements planned for Staveley Town Centre, as part of the Staveley Town Deal project.

On top of that, attendees will hear the latest updates on the highly anticipated visitor development, The Gateway @Peak – with Tarah Gear, Head of Marketing at Milligan presenting exciting new plans for the project.

Another topic to be discussed at this year’s event will be new housing, with developments attracting new families to live and work in the area. Gemma Smith, Managing Director of Strata Homes, will update on the company’s latest sustainable projects in the area.

The Chesterfield Investment Summit 2023 is sponsored by East Midlands Chamber and Turner & Townsend. The Chamber’s CEO, Scott Knowles and Nick Jones, Strategic Lead and Director of Project Management at Turner & Townsend will be part of a panel discussing the current economic landscape and business support available for firms in our region.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “We’re excited to be bringing you this year’s Chesterfield Investment Summit, showcasing the huge range of benefits our town has to offer to businesses and developers.

“It’s great to hear that the Casa Hotel will be packed out once again, with guests set to learn more about our superb strategic location, access to a skilled workforce, supportive business community and excellent quality of life.”

Hear more from Chesterfield investors by viewing the ‘Why Chesterfield, Why Now?’ videos, released by Destination Chesterfield as part of the town’s latest inward investment campaign.

Delegates interested in attending the Chesterfield Investment Summit are invited to join the waiting list, as spaces may become available in the run-up to the event. Those who wish to find out more about investment opportunities in Chesterfield can get in touch with the Destination Chesterfield team here.

Destination Chesterfield has received £180,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It follows a successful funding bid by Chesterfield Borough Council, to secure £2.69 million worth of funding for local projects.

Huw Bowen, CEO of Chesterfield Borough Council on stage at Chesterfield Investment Summit 2022

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Chesterfield community groups urged to apply for grant funding

Community groups and voluntary organisations are reminded to check if they are eligible for grant funding from a scheme designed to help boost grassroots projects.

Over £59,900 of funding has already been allocated to organisations across the borough as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s Community Grants Fund – and applications are still open, giving even more eligible groups the chance to apply.

With grants ranging from £500 to £6,000, the Community Grants Fund scheme aims to support local projects that will help to build resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

Funding can also be used to develop volunteering opportunities, help people prepare to get in to work, and to support organisations to expand their reach into different areas of the borough.

Further information can be found at:

The scheme is already helping to fund 16 projects across the borough – ranging from funding new equipment, setting up new community groups, refurbishing community hubs, helping deliver programmes to help develop skills and employability, providing volunteering opportunities, and running workshops to help with mental health issues.

The deadline for community groups and voluntary organisations to submit an application is Friday 27 October.

Alongside the Community Grants Fund, the council is also running a community development project which will provide support to organisations wishing to apply for a grant.

Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Councillor Tricia Gilby, said: “We are really pleased to have secured this funding – it will support the delivery of important projects across the borough. We’ve already been able to provide 16 groups with funding since we launched the scheme earlier this year and are looking forward to watching those projects progress.

“I strongly urge other groups in our community to check if they are eligible and get their application in before the deadline so that we can make sure our communities continue to thrive.

“If you are unsure if you are eligible or would some support and guidence with submitting a bid, you can talk to our team who will be more than happy to help. You can contact them by emailing or calling 01246 959657.”

Funding for the grants scheme has been successfully secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

The community grants are just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

town hall drone shot

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Win tickets to the Chesterfield pantomime by completing our survey

Residents and visitors have the opportunity to win two pantomime tickets to see Aladdin at The Winding Wheel Theatre this year, by completing our Love Chesterfield consumer survey.

Both the consumer and business surveys are published on a quarterly basis to allow us to track your thoughts and feedback on what has been happening in and around Chesterfield.

Love Chesterfield is a campaign organised by Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield to promote and support high streets and town centres across the borough of Chesterfield.

The short surveys will ask you two different sets of questions, depending on if you are a consumer or a business owner.

The consumer survey will ask you to update us on what events or venues you have attended and services you have used recently in our communities.

Chesterfield Town Centre vicar lane high street

The business survey will ask about your performance and any changes you have noticed in the last three months (July 2023-September 2023).

Please spend a few minutes to complete the relevant questionnaire. The results will allow us to monitor the performance of the town, the success of marketing campaigns and business support and will help to shape future activity to support high street businesses across the borough.

The survey will close on 13 November 2023.

At the end of the consumer questionnaire, there is an opportunity to win two free tickets to see Aladdin at The Winding Wheel Theatre which is on stage from 1 December 2023 to 2 January 2024. The winner will be notified by email or phone by 24 November 2023.

Businesses who complete the survey, will have the chance to enter a prize draw to win advertising for your business in the Destination Chesterfield business or leisure e-shot (worth £100).

The Leisure E-shot which is sent to nearly 8,000 contacts on a weekly basis or The Business E-shot which is sent to almost 5,000 contacts on a weekly basis.

A winner will be drawn in Spring 2024. To qualify for the prize draw, you must have filled out the previous surveys in May and July 2023 as well as this survey and the planned one January 2024.

The email the banner ad will feature in will depend on the type of services and products the winning business delivers – the most relevant email will be selected by matching the business end consumer with the email’s audience.

Complete the surveys here:



Winding Wheel

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Family-friendly fireworks event to return to Chesterfield’s Stand Road Park

Chesterfield Borough Council is again working with Chesterfield Football Club to deliver the family-friendly fireworks event in Stand Road Park.

1866 Sport, Chesterfield FC’s in-house radio station, will deliver the entertainment at this year’s event with Becky Measures hosting on the night. Confirmed acts include the return of the Disney Princesses performing well-known songs. The fireworks theme will be decades, with the display set to popular sing-along songs from the 60s through to present day.

The event takes place on Friday 3 November, the gates will open at 4.30pm and the event ends at 9pm.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It is fantastic to be working with Chesterfield Football Club and Becky Measures again to put on this popular family friendly event. We’re excited that some of the popular acts from last year are returning including the meet and greet with the Disney Princesses – come along early to make sure you don’t miss the chance to win Disney on Ice tickets. Please wrap up warm, wear suitable footwear and join in the family fun.”

Bridget Ball, Chesterfield FC’s marketing manager, said: “We are delighted to be working with Chesterfield Borough Council once again. We will be promoting the event via 1866 Sport in the build-up and then delivering some great entertainment on the night. We can’t wait to see everyone there!”

Becky Measures added: “I am so looking forward to hosting what is probably the biggest event in Chesterfield. I had a the pleasure of hosting this event for many years in my Peak FM days and I can’t wait to be back with the community of Chesterfield and my home town. The event at Stand Road has always been the one to look forward to and I’m honoured to be a part of it.”

Entry to the event is £3 per person but free for children under five. Entry is cash only and please make sure you bring the correct money as change cannot be given.

This is a family friendly event, alcohol, fireworks and sparklers are prohibited items and will be confiscated if found.

Parking for the event will be available at Chesterfield FC’s SMH Group Stadium for a donation of £5 per car, which will help cover the cost of stewards with any excess being given to Chesterfield FC Community Trust.

There is also a bus stop on Sheffield Road which is less than a two-minute walk from the park, find more details about bus services that stop here on the Stagecoach website.

The fireworks extravaganza is one of a series of events organised by Chesterfield Borough Council. Find out more about upcoming events taking place across the town here.

More information about entertainment and safety at the event will be available on the Chesterfield Borough Council website.

Chesterfield Football Club and Chesterfield Borough Council support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Stand Road Fireworks

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Plans for the regeneration of Staveley town centre released as additional funding confirmed

Revised proposals for the multi-million-pound regeneration of Staveley town centre have been released by Chesterfield Borough Council, following Government approval to allocate additional funding to the project.

The six-million-pound Staveley 21 project has been in development over the last year following publication of the Staveley Town Centre Vision Masterplan which received strong public support in November 2021.

The proposals – which are funded through the Staveley Town Deal – were shared at a meeting of Staveley Town Council on Tuesday night.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We know everyone has been keen to see the council’s proposals for Staveley town centre and I’m delighted that we are now able to share these. As a package the proposals seek to enhance the town centre – opening it up for new uses that will encourage more people to visit whilst also supporting existing retailers, market traders and high street businesses.”

A range of visuals have been prepared to bring the proposals to life with a particular focus on the new pavilion building and how the marketplace will look and could be used by different audiences.

Staveley Pavilion Building artist impression

The new pavilion building sits between the Staveley Miners Welfare building and Staveley High Street. Of modern design but one that is also reflective of Staveley’s heritage, the building will form a striking new focal point in the heart of the town centre. Several uses for the building are currently being considered including as a potential site for Derbyshire County Council’s relocation of Staveley library and also for retail, leisure, and business start-up uses.

As an enlarged public open space, the marketplace will be designed as a flexible environment to support existing uses such as Staveley Town Council’s regular markets but also as a setting that can be used to host a wide range of new events to encourage more people to visit the town centre.

Tiered outdoor seating will be introduced to support outdoor theatre and open-air cinema screenings, and play equipment installed to help make the marketplace more attractive to families.

New paving, lighting, street furniture and planting will help create an enhanced atmosphere and visitor experience at any time of day or night whilst new signage will help connect the town centre with Staveley’s other visitor attractions including the Chesterfield Canal and Staveley Hall.

Staveley town centre regeneration artist impression

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, continued: “Town centres across the country are changing and our proposals reflect this need to adapt. We have already secured a main contractor to deliver the project and our aim is to achieve planning permission in Spring 2024. In line with the Government’s requirements, we plan to be on site in Autumn 2024 and for all of the construction work to have been completed by the end of 2025.

“Ahead of this, we are committed to carrying out extensive engagement on the proposals to ensure that we capture the views of all stakeholders and make appropriate adjustments ahead of submitting the necessary planning application.”

“We’re also still seeking applications for the shop front grant scheme which we launched in February. A total sum of £600k is available to support shop owners and landlords to make improvements to their premises.”

Ivan Fomin, chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “The delivery of the Staveley 21 project is a big first step towards realising the Staveley Town Centre Vision Masterplan which received strong public support in November 2021. It’s exciting to see Chesterfield Borough Council move the project forward move into this next phase, which reflects the Staveley Town Deal Board’s vision and ambition for Staveley town centre. These are significant proposals which will ensure Staveley town centre is a place where local people and visitors will want to spend time whilst also supporting local businesses to grow not only now but in the future.”

Updates about the Staveley 21 project, details about drop-in sessions for residents and businesses, and information on the Shop Front Improvement Grant Scheme will be available on the council’s website:

Find out more about the Staveley Town Deal.

Chesterfield is perfectly located, with excellent transport links to enable your business to grow. To find out more about available opportunities in the area, go to our Invest in Chesterfield page.

Staveley town centre regeneration plans from above artist impression

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Revamp for popular stretch of Chesterfield Canal towpath

A 3-mile stretch of Chesterfield Canal towpath is set to undergo key maintenance work, providing a revamp for the popular route.

Resurfacing work will take place between Brimington Road, near Tapton and Works Road, Hollingwood, along with work to widen the path in places.

The work, which is expected to take 2-3 months, is to keep the towpath fit for purpose for cyclists, walkers and other canal visitors.

The public footpath along the route will be closed on occasion but only when necessary to maintain the safety of the public and of the workforce.

Derbyshire County Council says all efforts will be made to keep the towpath accessible and any closures should last no more than a few days. There will be signs on the route to indicate when it is closed and announcements on the Chesterfield Canal page of Derbyshire County Council’s website and the Tapton Lock Facebook page

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, Councillor Carolyn Renwick said: “This towpath is a well-used route for off-road commuting and leisure and that it’s important to keep the path well-maintained to encourage more walking and cycling as well as to retain the area’s appeal for visitors.

“We will carry out the work with the least disruption possible to users and keep people informed as it progresses.”

Sustrans’ National Cycle Network route 67 and the Trans Pennine Trail are both routed along the towpath which is an important part of our cycle network.

The work has been part funded by £108,000 from Chesterfield Borough Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy. This levy is paid by developers towards infrastructure. A further £145,000 for the work has been allocated from central government to our Highways Capital Maintenance Programme for Cycleways.

Councillor Martin Stone, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for climate change, planning and environment, said: “The Chesterfield Canal is a key attraction in our borough and it is fantastic that we have secured funding for these improvements through our Community Infrastructure Levy.

“This levy is charged on certain new developments in Chesterfield and is used to improve infrastructure including roads, parks and primary schools for the benefit of the local community.

“I look forward to the towpath works being completed to help our residents and visitors explore our historic canal.”

canal walking festival 873

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Top marks for Chesterfield in regional ‘In Bloom’ competition

Chesterfield has scored top marks in the East Midlands In Bloom competition.

The town has once again won the Best Small City category, alongside a Gold Award – improving its score from last year.

As well as winning the overall Small City category, the town also won a number of other awards including a Judge’s Discretionary Award for Hunloke Allotments, Least Littered Community, a Gold Award for the Britannia Inn and Best New Permanent Landscape for the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre.

Representatives from the Chesterfield In Bloom committee and Chesterfield Borough Council were presented with the award at a ceremony on Wednesday 20 September.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It is absolutely brilliant that we have managed to win this competitive category once again and the other awards are also a fantastic victory for our borough. I want to thank all the volunteers and officers who put their time and effort into supporting our entry every year.

“Awards like this are important because they help raise the profile of our town but also recognise the way in which fantastic green spaces can have a positive impact in our community.”

Chris Turner, chair of the Chesterfield In Bloom committee, said: “There is a lot of preparation from many different community groups and the council to ensure the borough is looking its best in time for judging. I’m delighted that we’ve won this award again, it’s fantastic to be recognised for our efforts.”

Judging for East Midlands In Bloom took place in July and the judges were taken on a tour of the borough, starting in Queen’s Park, they visited the town centre, the Dementia Awareness Garden, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, Holmebrook Valley Country Park, the Britannia Inn, Hunloke Allotments, Brimington community garden and the pocket park on Edinburgh Road Park.

Find out more about visiting Chesterfield – a great day out or to stay, located in the centre of the UK.

Chesterfield in Bloom July 2023

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Approval granted for Staveley Waterside regeneration project

Approval has been granted for the Staveley Waterside project, which will revitalise the Staveley Canal Basin site.

£2.664 million has been earmarked from the Staveley Town Deal fund, to enable Derbyshire County Council to construct a 2-storey building, offering flexible space for new and existing small businesses, some retail use, and a food and beverage opportunity, with indoor and outdoor dining space, along with an access road, and mooring space.

A total of 11 units are planned within the centre, each equipped with kitchen and restroom facilities, while a new 40-metre footpath is planned along Hall Lane.

The project aims to encourage more visitors to use the canal and will also create space for around ten new businesses. Proposals were unanimously approved recently by councillors at Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning committee.

Councillor Tony King, cabinet member for clean growth and regeneration at Derbyshire County Council, said: “We’ve put together proposals for an exciting new development, which will help to bring jobs to the area and boost the visitor economy.

“Derbyshire County Council has been working alongside partners over a number of years to improve the Staveley Basin area and the Staveley Town Deal has given us a great opportunity to turn our ideas into reality, using our expertise from Markham Vale to create high-quality business accommodation as well as a visitor destination that people from near and far can enjoy.”

The Staveley Town Deal is a £25 million fund, which will bring forward multiple employment sites, and bring higher-level skilled jobs to the area.

As part of the Staveley Town Deal, Chesterfield Canal Trust is working on the restoration of the canal by extending it from the existing limit at Eckington Road. As well as improving outdoor space and creating new leisure infrastructure, it is expected that the restoration project will lead to a 20% increase in visitors to the Staveley area boosting the amount of money spent in the local economy.

Find out more about the range of benefits associated with locating your organisation in Chesterfield.

staveley waterside

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Replica spitfire, classic cars and military vehicles to go on display at Chesterfield’s 1940s market

The 1940s market is coming back to Chesterfield this half-term, promising music, fancy dress, classic cars and plenty of family fun.

Residents and visitors are invited to flock into the town centre on 2 November 2023 from 10am to 3.30pm to sing along to 1940s music, see classic cars and military vehicles and meet market stall holders who will be dressed in 1940s clothing.

There will be street performers in the town centre throughout the event, with the Kalamazoo dance band back again by popular demand, performing in New Square.

The event is taking place alongside the weekly flea market, and as always there will be a competition for the best dressed stall holders.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, portfolio holder for the town centre and visitor economy, said: “Visitors to the market are encouraged to get into the spirit and dress-up in traditional 40s outfits where possible, although this is not essential! This is a fantastic event, and everyone is welcome to attend. There are not many events you can go along to where you can see this much free entertainment, so why not give it a try if you haven’t been before.”

people dancing in new square at Chesterfield 1940s market

The must-see attraction at this year’s event is the replica spitfire which can be seen in Rykneld Square (opposite the Visitor Information Centre) throughout the event. There will also be a display of classic cars, a vintage fire engine and a variety of other entertainment around the town centre to see including an escapologist.

Chesterfield Museum staff will also be attending with handling objects from their World War Two education box, as well as doing a make-do and mend activity with Transition Chesterfield.

Those attending the event are encouraged to use public transport to travel into Chesterfield, if possible, but there is also lots of parking available around the town centre too. Check out our guides to visiting Chesterfield.

A full list of entertainment on the day will be shared closer to the time. Keep up-to-date on the event here.

To stay in touch with what’s on across Chesterfield, head over to our events page.

Replica spitfire on display at Chesterfield 1940s market

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