chesterfield borough council

Queens Park to host inclusive activity day

An inclusive activity day is set to take place in Queen’s Park this month, including a range of fun events and sports for those attending to join in with.

The event is being organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, East Midlands Housing Care and Support, and the Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing Partnership.

Taking place on 21 September, from 10am to 3pm, activities are planned to take place both inside Queen’s Park Sports Centre and outdoors in the park, depending on the weather.

Attendees will be able to enjoy sessions including seated dance, adapted cycling, Xplorer (similar to a treasure hunt), boccia (similar to bowling) and community boxing project, OzBox.

The event has been organised for anyone with learning difficulties, adults who may be isolated, those who have additional support needs and those who may find it difficult to access sports or exercise clubs, groups or activities due to a disability or health issue.  It is a drop-in session, meaning attendees can come along and leave at anytime from 10am to 3pm.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “This is the third time this event is taking place in Chesterfield, with us receiving a range of positive feedback from many of those who joined us last year. It is set to be a packed day, with a range of activities for attendees to get involved in. It is also a great opportunity to meet other local people who enjoy similar activities.”

If you are an individual, organisation or service provider wanting to book please contact Wendy Blunt by calling 01246 959657 or emailing

If you are coming along, please make sure you wear suitable clothing and footwear and bring a picnic if you like. Facilities, refreshment and accessible toilets are available at the park and leisure centre. Please meet at the band stand in Queens Park, Chesterfield, S40 2ND.

Find out about the wide range of events and activities taking place across Chesterfield at:

queens park

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Recruitment event to boost jobs in Chesterfield

People searching for work in Chesterfield are being invited to a recruitment event, where they can meet employers and find out more about local job vacancies and training schemes that lead to employment.

The recruitment event is on Wednesday 27 September from 11am to 1pm in the Assembly Rooms above Chesterfield Market Hall.

Councillor Tricia Gilby leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We host these events to help ensure everyone in our borough can access new job opportunities as they become available. Working with our partners we provide an informal setting where applicants can speak to employers directly to find out more about the opportunities available and see if the role will be a good fit for them.

“We’ve seen lots of people find employment through these events and I hope that anyone who is currently looking for work will come along and see what opportunities are available in Chesterfield.”

Paul Munday, Employer Adviser at DWP Jobcentre Plus Derbyshire, said: “With the continuing success of recruitment events held in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council, we are very excited to announce that our next event will be running on Wednesday 27 September.

“Moving to a new venue, Chesterfield Market Hall Assembly Rooms, this event will give Chesterfield Residents the opportunity to speak to local employers and find sustainable employment. There will also be a focus on Christmas recruitment campaigns as well as having Derbyshire Careers Service on hand to support attendees with CVs, employability and training/upskilling opportunities.”

The drop-in event is open to everyone, with no need to make an appointment, but job seekers registered with Jobcentre Plus can reserve their place by speaking with their work coach.

There will be lots of seasonal job opportunities available on the day from a range of sectors.

As well as job opportunities there will also be several apprenticeship providers who are currently recruiting for new apprentices. An apprenticeship offers a great opportunity to earn while you learn and can help people at any stage in life. Search for apprenticeships in Chesterfield.

Derbyshire Careers Service will also be attending the event to promote training courses but also advise job seekers on how they can get support with their CV and interview techniques.

Town Market Hall night

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Residents invited to share memories of Chesterfield pop culture for museum project

Chesterfield residents are being invited to take part in a new project that aims to involve local people in a celebration of pop culture and community memory.

Project REVERB aims to collect images, ephemera and oral history recordings which can then be used to inspire works of art which will form the basis of a future exhibition. Chesterfield Museum is currently working on the exciting project with oral history recordist and artist, John Hall from Artspace.

On Sunday 8 October from 11am to 3pm, Chesterfield Museum and REVERB will be in the Pavements Shopping Centre, hosting the first event which coincides with the Chesterfield Record Fair. As well as a place to reminisce and chat to the team, there will also be interactive activities designed to spark musical memories, including a large memory map and a fun badge-making activity.

Record Fair 2

Chesterfield Record Fair

John Hall said: “As well as the big names, Chesterfield has produced loads of its own bands, promoters, fanzines, and DJs. It has had- and still has- great independent record shops, and atmospheric venues that have supported the endless cycle of scenes and trends over the decades, all important to the vitality and changing flavour of the town’s pop culture and identity.

“We are looking for the evidence of all these years of local creativity – the stuff in the back of the drawer, in the scrapbook, or maybe framed on the wall. The stuff you just can’t throw away because of the magic it contains and the memories it can summon.

“Let’s see what you’ve got, and if there’s a story, let’s hear that too.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We’re really excited to be working with John Hall on this project. Our town has a rich cultural history with a host of huge names performing over the years. I hope lots of you will take part in this project and help ensure that your memories can live on for years to come.”

Eventually the project aims to present an exhibition which draws on memories of the local pop scene using images, ephemera (collectable items that were expected to have a short-term usefulness), and oral history recordings to inspire works of art, photography, sound, and film.

The project team are interested in collecting digital scans and photographs of items including posters, leaflets, autographs, photos, tickets, record / music shop bags, fliers, locally produced records, live tapes, badges and more.

Booking is not required for the event on Sunday 8 October.

Hudson's Records Bag

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Residents invited to shape Chesterfield Borough Council’s new housing strategy

Residents in Chesterfield are being invited to have their say to help shape a new housing strategy – designed to improve the delivery of housing services across the borough.

Chesterfield Borough Council is consulting with residents and stakeholders to understand what they feel are the main challenges and priorities are for housing as it develops a new Housing Strategy (2023 to 2027).

The housing strategy will be used to outline what the council will do over the next four years to improve the delivery of new homes in the borough, improve the standard of existing homes, and help people find a home that meets their needs.

Residents have until Monday 25 September to complete the online consultation and share their views.

Councillor Jean Innes, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “Housing is a hugely important topic for everyone, so it’s important that we listen to the views of our residents and give them chance to have their say.

“To ensure we are reflecting all views and recognise the diverse range of housing needs, I strongly encourage as many people as possible to complete the online consultation and help us to develop the new housing strategy.

“The housing strategy aims to set the scene to ensure that we have appropriate housing in all areas and across all tenures to meet the housing needs of the people of Chesterfield.”

Residents can take part in the consultation at:

Recently rated the 2nd best place in the UK to raise a family, Chesterfield has a broad range of contemporary and traditional housing. The town is ideally located in the centre of the country, with excellent transport links via road and rail, sat in close proximity to several major UK airports.

According to Rightmove, Chesterfield houses are around £10,000 cheaper on average than properties in Sheffield, Derby and Nottingham. Find out more about living in Chesterfield at:

Heaton Court houses

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Climate Change Forum to launch in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Borough Council is getting ready to launch a climate change forum and is looking for Chesterfield based representatives to get involved.

Climate change is a huge issue, and everyone has their own view on how Chesterfield Borough Council can make a difference in our communities. Therefore, if you are part of a community group or organisation and could spare a bit of time, the council wants to hear from you.

The forum is planned to launch in September and will meet in person around once each quarter.

The representatives involved will be asked to act as a sounding board, comment on current projects, suggest new ideas and help Chesterfield Borough Council to raise awareness about climate projects happening either through the council or locally. The plan is to create a wide consultative process, in which the council is working closely with a variety of community representatives.

No experience of climate projects is required, just an interest in helping to shape plans in relation to climate change in the future.

Councillor Martin Stone, cabinet member for climate change, planning and environment, said: “By joining the group you will have the opportunity to network, collaborate, and discuss how climate change will affect your communities of interest and what we can do to support an effective change across the borough.

“We always welcome new ideas and community views, so if you do run or attend a local interest group and would like to make a difference to Chesterfield and its future, consider applying to be a part of the climate forum.

“Taking action on climate change is a collaborative process, and we can work together to find new ways of making changes in our communities.”

The council launched a new seven-year climate change strategy (2023-2030) earlier this year that is based around several themes including: buildings and energy use, travel, green space, land use and offsetting carbon emissions. This is Chesterfield Borough Council’s formal commitment to putting climate change at the centre of everything it does, ensuring this is always considered as part of service output and decision-making processes.

The creation of the climate forum will help to build and shape the authority’s future plans and will allow it to get an insight into how community groups or organisations could play a part in the communication of messaging and get involved in climate projects.

Councillor Stone continued: “I’d like to encourage representatives from our communities to join us in progressing our efforts to becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and help to reach the goal of being a carbon neutral borough by 2050”.

If you would like to be part of the forum, please contact the climate change team at Chesterfield Borough Council via email

The first session will contain a training element, so individuals are requested to get in touch with the team at their earliest convenience.

town hall drone shot

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Renovated tennis courts reopen in Staveley

Tennis courts in Staveley have officially reopened after a £130,000 renovation, and local youngsters can try out the new facilities at free taster sessions this month.

The courts in King George V Park were reopened at an official ceremony attended by Toby Perkins MP, Councillor Jonathan Davies, representatives from the Lawn Tennis Association and coaches from Tennis Chesterfield on Friday 4 August.

Extensive work has been undertaken to ensure the courts can be used by the community for many years to come, including resurfacing and painting, new fencing, new nets, and a new gate system. The improvements have been managed by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), and funded by the UK Government, LTA Tennis Foundation and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Refurbishment of the tennis courts follows on from a series of investments in the park including the installation of new play equipment, an outdoor gym and improvements to the bowling facilities, multi-use games area, and skate park. Together this has led to the park earning Green Flag status – an internationally recognised mark of quality parks and green spaces.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It’s fantastic to see these courts reopen.

“Public tennis facilities help people of all ages get more active. They also give visitors to our parks more quality options for their leisure.

“We’re committed to providing fantastic facilities in all our parks and investing in facilities like these tennis courts in Staveley, so everyone can enjoy our green spaces.”

Through the Parks Tennis Project, the LTA is delivering the biggest ever investment in parks tennis facilities across Britain, which has been used to transform the courts in Staveley, providing a significant boost to sporting facilities.

This nationwide programme of investment is seeing thousands of existing park tennis courts in poor or unplayable condition brought back to life for the benefit of communities across the country, providing vital opportunities for children and adults to get active.

Julie Porter, Chief Operating Officer at the LTA, said: “After months of hard work, we’re delighted to see park tennis courts in Staveley officially back open to the public, and in better shape than ever.

“Public tennis courts are such vital facilities for getting active and we want as many people as possible, of all ages and abilities, to pick up a racket and enjoy playing tennis. Thanks to this investment the sport will be opened up to more players, for years to come.”

Stuart Andrew MP, Sports Minister, said: “We are committed to levelling up access to sport which is so important for the nation’s physical and mental health.

“The Government and the LTA are working together to deliver thousands of refurbished courts across Great Britain, supported by £30 million of investment including in Staveley.

“These improved tennis facilities in Staveley will provide the local community with fun opportunities to get active and potentially become the next Andy Murray or Emma Raducanu.”

As well as weekly free park tennis sessions, with equipment provided, the new courts will host Local Tennis Leagues, giving people the opportunity to get involved in friendly and social local competitions.

The LTA and Chesterfield Borough Council will work together to ensure free park tennis sessions are available on the courts, providing regular opportunities for anyone to pick up a racket and play.

If there are any issues with the courts like damaged nets or fencing, you can report this by either calling the council on 01246 345345 or reporting online at:

In August, Tennis Chesterfield will be hosting free taster sessions for children, which have been funded through the Holiday Activity Fund. Find out more about these sessions and book online:

New booking systems and gate access technology means it is now easier for everyone to get on court by booking in advance to guarantee availability. The courts will be free throughout August and there will then be a small fee of £6 per hour to ensure that the courts are maintained at the new high standard for years to come.

Courts are available for the public to book via the LTA website:

staveley tennis courts renovation

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How an apprenticeship could kickstart your career in retail

Are you good with people? Do you like to provide excellent customer service and leave people with smiles on their faces? Then a career in the retail, food and drink industry could be the one for you.

The road to a new career can sometimes be daunting, but it is also an exciting time of discovery, learning and new experiences.  With a range of different routes into the sector, hear from two individuals who started out as apprentices and how this has helped them build a successful career.

Why should I start a career in retail, food and drink?

Man stood behind desk with 'ETS' written on it

The retail sector is extremely varied with roles to suit everyone. Perhaps you’d like a customer service-facing role, working with members of the public to ensure they have a positive experience. Or maybe you would prefer working behind the scenes in an organisational role. Whatever your interest, there are plenty of opportunities to consider including front of house, chef or sales advisor.

The industry can be fast-paced and exciting. If you like to be kept on your toes, working in this sector guarantees that no two days are the same. Careers in retail will also help you build lots of skills, from problem-solving to communication, making you very employable.

In Chesterfield, more than 20 businesses have invested in the town centre in the last year. This, as well as the lively market town and borough-wide attractions and events, makes it the perfect place to start your career in retail. With plenty of customers coming to explore the town, might you be the one to serve them?

Success stories: why an apprenticeship?

Brandon Howard, Level 4 Marketing Executive at Vicar Lane

Man in a black shirt standing next to a storage trolley with boxes


After working in a bank, Brandon decided to become self-employed and started creating videos and social media content. He then took on a Level 3 Marketing Course. This lead to his current role as a Level 4 Marketing Executive at Vicar Lane shopping centre.

Why did you become an apprentice?

I became an apprentice because I wanted the opportunity to be in full-time employment whilst progressing my learning journey. This was something that would not be available to me in other routes of education, such as University or College.

What’s it like working in the food, drink, and retail sector and what do you enjoy?

As the Centre Administrator for Vicar Lane shopping centre, I have an overview of all the food, drink and retail shops within the centre. Working with the shops to ensure that their messages are passed on via social media is an important factor of what we do. One of my main roles within the team is being a point of contact for the public, including organising events and working with local businesses. I really enjoy the scope of what we do and how it can influence my own learning/career journey.

What did you enjoy about your apprenticeship?

I enjoyed the idea of splitting time between learning and working. It felt good to know that I was still earning an income whilst also increasing my knowledge in a related field of education. My employers provided dedicated studying time for me. I was allowed to shut my office door and crack on with whatever tasks I needed to do. The support from my line manager was also beneficial as she was studying a similar course and it helped to compare viewpoints with someone in a similar field.

How did your apprenticeship help you progress into your career today?

I transitioned from the Apprentice Centre Administrator role at my employment to the standard, full time Centre Administrator role once it had been completed. It felt great knowing that not only had I achieved a qualification, I was also now in full-time employment on a standard salary. I believe it has opened up new opportunities for my career going forwards. I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

What would be your advice for someone considering a career in the food, drink, and retail sector?

I would advise choosing something that you feel passionate about and have a keen interest in. There’s nothing worse than starting a new job/apprenticeship that you immediately dislike! Choose something with open progression/learning options so that you can be constantly growing. Always be open to new challenges or tasks.

Curtis Newsome, Branch Manager at Eden Tyres

Curtis Newsome branch manager

My name is Curtis & I’m the branch manager at Eden Tyres & Servicing in Chesterfield. Even though I’ve only been at the branch for a few months now, I’ve been with Eden for nearly 5 years. I started off as an apprentice at the Burton On Trent branch. I’ve since become a qualified MOT tester as well as service technician. I have also really developed my customer service skills.

How did your apprenticeship help start your career in the retail, food and drink industry?

The Eden Tyres & Servicing academy is an apprenticeship programme that actively takes on applicants throughout the year. My assistant manager, Jack, and I both started off as apprentices. We have worked our way through the business to where we are today. The programme itself allowed me to learn and develop my industry skills, whilst also learning about the importance of customer care. With 3 active apprentices in the company and many more that are now fully qualified employees Eden have always focused on investing in their future staff.

Why do you love working in Chesterfield or North Derbyshire?

I love the customers that we get here in Chesterfield. Everyone is always friendly and has a smile on their face. Car repairs can sometimes be a real mood killer, but I’d like to think that the team here do their best to make having a car in the workshop as pleasant and easy as possible. Working in Chesterfield is great, the people are really down to earth, and the local scenery is beautiful. We love having the new Glass Yard at the back of the branch. It’s been great seeing the local area develop.

Find out more about the apprentice programme and careers at Eden Tyres.

Feeling inspired?

There are lots of apprenticeship providers in Chesterfield and, with affordable housing and great transport links, we’re sure the decision to start your career in here is the right one. If you feel excited about the possibility of starting a career in the retail industry, take a look at the career routes on offer with Chesterfield businesses. Brandon and Curtis were once sat where you are now – maybe it will be your story we share soon.

Browse apprenticeship vacancies in Chesterfield…


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Events to celebrate 100 years of entertainment at the Winding Wheel Theatre

A series of events and activities are planned to celebrate a century of entertainment at the Winding Wheel Theatre in September.

On Sunday 10 September from 7pm there will be a Centenary Gala Concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the building opening. This will feature performances from nine different local theatre schools, performing arts groups and theatre companies, and will be compered by Britain’s Got Talent semi-finalist impressionist Tony Rudd, with a special guest appearance from comedy legend Bernie Clifton who lives locally.

From 11 September to 15 September there will be cinema screenings showing a film from each decade over the last 100 years to celebrate A Century of Cinema, since the building opened. These were selected through a public vote in June. Classic films being shown are Metropolis, The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, The Bridge On The River Kwai, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, The Godfather, Chariots of Fire, The Full Monty, Bridget Jones’ Diary and Paddington.

There will also be a free exhibition with objects and photos telling the story of the last 100 years and exclusive tours of the building including the backstage areas.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The Winding Wheel Theatre has a rich history in our town and residents of all ages will have fantastic memories of performances they have seen at the venue over the years. We’ve made sure there is something for everyone to enjoy and join in the centenary celebrations.”

Originally built in 1923 for the Chesterfield Picture House Company it was intended to be the most luxurious destination in the town. As well as a cinema the building also housed an elegant ballroom and silver service restaurant.

In 1937 it was renamed as the Odeon but maintained the lavish interiors. In the 1970s the Ballroom was used as a well-known disco venue.

The cinema closed in 1981 before being taken over by Chesterfield Borough Council and reopening as an entertainment venue in 1987. Since then, it has hosted live music, conferences, theatre productions and cinema screenings.

In March 2023 Chesterfield Civic Society installed a Blue Plaque on the Grade II listed building to mark its historical importance in the town.

Tickets for the Centenary Gala Concert are £19.20 and confirmed performers include Academy of Dance, Chesterfield Symphony Orchestra, Chesterfield Operatic Society, Chesterfield Studios, Diana Bradbury Theatre Dance School, Directions Theatre Arts, Gekkota Arts, Rumpus Theatre Company and Wise Owl Theatre Company.

Cinema performances are £5.20 per ticket but visitors can also book tickets for all centenary films for just £20.20. Tours of the building are free but must be pre-booked.

Tickets for the concert, cinema screenings and tours of the building can be booked on the Chesterfield Theatres website:


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Multiple Green Flag Awards for Chesterfield parks and green spaces

Chesterfield has been recognised for its excellent parks and green spaces with several Green Flag Awards.

King George V Park in Staveley is raising the flag for the first-time following improvements carried out over the last two years. Spaces including Eastwood Park, Queen’s Park, Holmebrook Valley Country Park, Poolsbrook Country Park and the gardens of Chesterfield and District Crematorium have all retained Green Flag status.

Hollingwood Hub, managed by Chesterfield Canal Trust has also received the prestigious award, marking the seventh year in a row in which the centre has recieved the accolade.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Green spaces are important for the whole community. They offer a place to socialise, support the health and wellbeing of our residents and help improve biodiversity.

“Winning six of these awards shows the quality of parks and outdoor facilities in our borough. These awards also recognise the hard work of our teams in keeping these spaces to a high standard.

“I’m especially pleased that we have received a Green Flag for King George V Park in Staveley as we have been focused on improving this park and creating better facilities for local residents.”

Rod Auton, Secretary of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, said “We are absolutely delighted to have received this award once more. We are so lucky to have a group of hard-working and reliable volunteers who look after the gardens at Hollingwood Hub throughout the year.

Hollingwood Hub

“We know their work is much admired by our thousands of visitors, both the regulars and those who happen upon this beautiful place by accident. I have lost count of the number of people I have seen taking selfies by our flower boat.”

Over the last two years King George V Park has benefitted from a lot of investment to ensure it is suitable for visitors of all ages. Improvements have been made to the bowling facilities, multi-use games area, and skate park. Funding through the Staveley Town Deal allowed for the installation of new play equipment and an outdoor gym.

Last year a new tree boulevard was planted to welcome visitors to the park and currently works are underway to improve the tennis courts in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association.

Councillor Jonathan Davies added: “We are investing in parks and green spaces across the borough over the next five years, and one of our key aims is to further increase the number of parks with Green Flag awards.”

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan (2023 to 2028), which was approved by Cabinet in February 2023, sets out Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to making sure local communities continue to have access to modern and well-maintained spaces for leisure and play, and to support people’s health and wellbeing.

It will lead to more than one million pounds being invested in parks and green spaces over the course of the five-year programme. Communities will benefit from 18 enhanced youth and play spaces, and also aims to double the number of its sites that are acknowledged by the Green Flag Award.

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for their management across the United Kingdom and around the world.

A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available here.

Cllr Jonathan Davies, Paul Mann and CBC Staff

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New skills action plan to boost career opportunities across Chesterfield

A new plan which is designed to boost skills and career opportunities for local people has been launched by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new Skills Action Plan sets out a variety of partnership initiatives – working with local agencies and businesses – to help bridge the skills gap.

It includes new projects that are designed to provide training and support for local people to improve their skills and access a wider range of career opportunities. The plan also establishes a new Skills and Employment Partnership which aims to put employers at the heart of local skills development and ensure local people are developing the right skills to access new opportunities.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of the Skills and Employment Partnership, said: “This new plan and partnership aims to deliver our objective of creating a thriving borough where everyone can benefit from a growing local economy. We want to ensure that local people have the skills to progress in their careers or access new opportunities as they become available. Working closely with businesses is key to achieving our aims because we need to ensure that we are helping local people develop the skills that employers need.

“Our action plan introduces a range of new programmes and initiatives that will help people of all ages to boost their skills and develop new careers. We will be working with lots of delivery partners including education providers, employers, voluntary sector organisations and other councils, to ensure these programmes meet the needs of local people.”

The action plan sets out 12 areas of action across six themes including, Young People, Ambitions and Connections to Work, Increasing Higher Level Skills, Barriers to Employment and Widening the Workforce, Anchor Organisation Project Opportunities, Sector Specific and Future Skills, and Skills Brokerage and Partnership.

Within each theme there are a series of activities and commitments, these include the expansion of the Careers Made In Chesterfield programme, delivering a digital inclusion and work readiness programme, and the creation of a workforce upskilling programme focussed on green and digital careers. These are just some of the many actions that the council will take over the next five years to realise the ambitious plan.

Michael Timmins, a Director at AECOM and chair of the Skills and Employment Partnership, said: “To help the local economy continue to grow we need to work together to ensure people have the right skills and experience to access high quality jobs. I’m proud to chair the new partnership because it shows there is a strong commitment to listening to businesses and responding to their needs through skills development. I look forward to seeing the new programmes starting up and hope that lots of people will take these opportunities on.”

The Skills Action Plan will run from 2023 until 2027. It is just one of a range of projects and initiatives which is being funded through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives, until 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

More information about the Skills Action Plan and how people can access the support available will be shared on the council’s website.

Careers Made In Chesterfield - Parkside Community School pilot

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Innovative careers scheme inspires Chesterfield’s next generation and aims to reduce skills gaps

A pioneering scheme, which is linking schools with leading property and construction firms in Chesterfield, is inspiring young people to pursue careers in the construction sector.

‘Careers Made in Chesterfield’ has resulted in fourteen quality placements being offered for talented young people to learn about the property and construction sector. This follows several businesses from the town’s property and construction sector participating in workshops at Parkside Community School, showcasing the range of rewarding careers available.

Providing face-to-face interaction with students proved very successful, with 40% of students who completed the programme expressing a high interest in working in the construction sector in the future – rising from just 20% when the scheme was originally conceived in September 2022.

The initiative was launched following a report by CITB, which outlines how an extra 225,000 workers are required in the UK’s property and construction sector by 2027, equating to roughly 3,500 per year in the East Midlands Region alone.

During the ‘Careers Made in Chesterfield’ programme, business leaders carried out an initial speed networking workshop with pupils, answering their questions and helping to open their eyes into the many different exciting roles associated with property and construction.

In the second workshop sessions, students were tasked with designing a new building within the Northern Gateway area of Chesterfield. Working in groups of five to design a community venue, each group was allocated an employer mentor from the property and construction sector to help develop the design.

The project is enabling students to gain vital work experience, but also showcases the breadth of skills needed to achieve Chesterfield’s ambitious growth and regeneration plans.

The innovative pilot has seen 20 professionals from 11 local businesses helping to deliver the programme to 110 Year 10 students at the school.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director at The Devonshire Group, and member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group added: “One of the main issues being faced by the property and construction sector is that its workforce is getting older.

“It is vital to begin bringing in the next generation, and Careers Made in Chesterfield is one of many initiatives which will help to secure the future pipeline of talent that our businesses rely on.

“It is a very exciting time to be getting into the sector, and with schemes such as this, our young people will one day contribute towards delivering the physical, social, and green infrastructure that Chesterfield needs to continue its sustainable growth.”

Andrew Byrne, The Devonshire Group

Andrew Byrne, The Devonshire Group

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth commented: “Working with local businesses to deliver the Careers Made in Chesterfield pilot demonstrates how direct engagement with students can spark their interest in different career paths.

“Helping young people learn more about the skills they need and the options available to them is key to ensuring that we can provide secure high quality jobs in Chesterfield and that they can plan for a great future in our borough.”

Ben Riggott, Head Teacher at Parkside School said: “The Careers Made in Chesterfield pilot represented a step change in creating sustained connections between our Year 10 students and some great local companies.

“This model is fantastic for several reasons.  Perhaps most importantly, students build relationships with employers across the programme, which in turn enhances their confidence and the likely outcomes of work experience.

One of the firms to be welcoming a student on placement in July is Oasis Studio, which provides virtual reality and augmented reality services to property and construction businesses.

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio commented: “We jumped at the chance to get involved in the pilot scheme. The construction industry is continually evolving, adopting new technologies and construction methods.

“To stay competitive, I believe it’s crucial we have a skilled workforce that can embrace these advancements. I really enjoyed demonstrating the range of opportunities in the sector today.  We utilised our VR headsets during the workshop to offer the students a virtual site visit and help them understand the brief. I was genuinely impressed by the student’s level of maturity and engagement throughout the workshops, and their ideation of concepts was fantastic.”

Further addressing the increasing construction skills shortage within Chesterfield, the Construction Skills Hub in Mastin Moor will welcome learners from autumn this year.

Funded through the Staveley Town Deal, the skills hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site.

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

The Hub will provide training, careers insights, and work experience for more than 5,000 learners over 10 years.

Businesses and schools that wish to register their interest in the Careers Made in Chesterfield initiative, are urged to contact Emily Williams, Skills Delivery Officer at Chesterfield Borough Council on 01246 959717.

The Destination Chesterfield Partnership has received £180,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It follows a successful funding bid by Chesterfield Borough Council, to secure £2.69 million worth of funding for local projects.

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