chesterfield borough council

Sixteen Chesterfield voluntary and community groups benefit from grant funding

Local community and voluntary organisations are set to benefit from almost £60,000 worth of funding, as part of a new scheme to deliver grassroots projects to improve life for local people.

A total of £59,965 has been awarded to 16 local groups via Chesterfield Borough Council’s new Community Grants Funding scheme.

Those awarded funding include:

  • Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centre
  • Relate Chesterfield and North Derbyshire
  • Barrow Hill Community Trust
  • Positive Healthy Vibes
  • Standing Tall
  • Young Enterprise
  • Fairplay
  • Transition Chesterfield
  • Hobby Talk
  • Inspiring Inkersall Community Group
  • Friends of Spital Cemetery
  • Hope House
  • Gussies Pantry
  • Chesterfield Cricket Club
  • Inclusive Pedals
  • Friends of Badger Park

The funding will support local groups to deliver projects that will build resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

Funding can also be used by community projects to develop volunteering opportunities, help people prepare to get in to work, and to support organisations to expand their reach into different areas of the borough.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re really pleased to have allocated this funding to these local groups to help them deliver vital projects that will help our communities continue to thrive, and we look forward to watching the projects progress.

“We’re really lucky to have so many important community groups and voluntary organisations here in Chesterfield. They really do make a difference to the lives of local people, so it’s vital that we can provide them with grants such as this to help them achieve their goals.”

Applications for the second phase of the scheme have now reopened, allowing even more eligible organisations to apply for grant funding, with grants ranging from £500 to £6,000.

Full details on funding can be found at:

The deadline for applications is Friday 27 October.

Fairplay is one of the groups to have received grant funding. The charity supports children and young people with disabilities and additional needs, and their families, across North Derbyshire. Funding will be used to support a new project that will give young people with learning disabilities the chance to engage in work-based activities within their communities.

Heather Fawbert, Fairplay CEO, said: ’This Community Grant will enable Fairplay young people to make a real difference in their local community. They will be volunteering on a wide range of projects, showcasing the many skills that they have developed whilst at Fairplay. The young people are all very eager to get started!’’

Funding for the grants scheme has been successfully secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

It is just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.


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Unusual markings designed to ‘ward off witches’ discovered at historic Chesterfield landmark

A series of unusual markings on the fireplace at Chesterfield’s Revolution House have been officially confirmed as protection marks designed to ward off witches.

The apotropaic markings (commonly referred to as anti-witch marks) depict a double ‘V’ which is a reference to the Virgin Mary Protector of Life and Family. Markings like this were usually placed near openings or windows with the intention of keeping witches and evil spirits out.

The unusual markings were spotted by one of the museum team who photographed them and sent the images to Professor Ronald Hutton, who kindly identified them.

Professor Ronald Hutton, a professor at the University of Bristol and leading authority on folklore, said: “These are convincing examples of apotropaic markings. The interlocked VVs are absolutely standard. The others are harder to make out but could correspond to more than one other known type of mark in the repertoire.”

Revolution House was originally constructed as a farmhouse in the 16th century and later became an inn during the 17th century – during this period there was a heightened belief in witches and witchcraft.

On Sunday 11 June Revolution House will be hosting a Witchcraft event. Visitors will be able to learn all about the 17th century witch hunts and get hands on to create their own witch pot.

Like apotropaic markings, witch pots were believed to protect your family and house from an attack by a witch’s curse and ensure you came to no harm.

Witch Marks at Revolution House

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We already knew that Revolution House had a rich history but this is an interesting discovery that tells us more about the people who have used the building in the past.

“We’ve been planning the Witchcraft event for a while and this discovery makes it even more relevant – the event is set to be a great day out for everyone and I hope lots of you will come along and make your own witch pot.”

The Witchcraft event is free to attend but donations are welcome and takes place on Sunday 11 June between 11am and 4pm. Creating a witch pot will be a drop-in session and visitors will be treated on a first come first served basis.

Other events are planned at the house each month throughout the summer including the return of legendary Tudor Minstrel Dante Ferrara, a demonstration of the healing properties of herbs and a display showing a selection of the council’s collection of sketches and art by Joseph Syddall.

You can find out more about Revolution House and the events planned by visiting:

Revolution House

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Chesterfield Borough Council announces new cabinet and mayor

Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, Councillor Tricia Gilby has named her Cabinet following the local elections on 4 May.

Cabinet is responsible for making decisions on all matters except for the council’s regulatory functions and policy and budget setting, which is carried out by Full Council.

Most Cabinet Members have responsibility for a specific area of the council’s work, Cabinet Members with portfolios include:

  • Councillor Tricia Gilby: Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth
  • Councillor Amanda Serjeant: Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management
  • Councillor Martin Stone: Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Planning, and Environment
  • Councillor Kate Sarvent: Cabinet Member Town Centres and Visitor Economy
  • Councillor Jonathan Davies: Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing
  • Councillor Jean Innes: Cabinet Member for Housing
  • Councillor Judy Staton: Cabinet Member for Governance
  • Councillor Gavin Baldouf-Good: Cabinet Member for Customers and Business Transformation

Cabinet will also be attended by Councillor Paul Holmes, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat group, which is the largest minority group on the council.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader said: “I am pleased to welcome some new faces to cabinet following the recent local elections – the new cabinet line-up recognises the skills and abilities of our members.

“Over the next four years, we will continue with our plan to make to make Chesterfield a thriving borough, to improve the quality of life for local people and to build a resilient council.”

Meanwhile, Chesterfield’s latest Mayor is set to be sworn in – with celebrations to take place at the Civic Parade on Saturday, 20 May.

Councillor Mick Brady is set to begin his term of office as Chesterfield’s 382nd Mayor, taking over the position as the borough’s civic head for the coming year.

Cllr Brady is due to be sworn in at Chesterfield Borough Council’s Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday 17 May.

Cllr Suzie Perkins is due to take up the role of Mayoress, and Councillor Jenny Flood will be Deputy Mayor supported by Heather Miles as the Deputy Mayoress for the coming civic year.

On the following Saturday (20 May) Chesterfield residents are invited to come and celebrate Chesterfield’s new Mayor at the annual Civic Parade which will take place in the town centre.

Councillor Brady said: “Representing the people of the borough in the role of Mayor is a special honour and I am extremely proud to take up office for the coming year. I hope to meet as many residents as possible over the coming year, while raising much-needed funds for two very deserving local charities.”

Councillor Brady replaces Councillor Tony Rogers and his wife Sharon who served as mayor and mayoress for the 2022 to 2023 civic year.

The Civic Parade is an opportunity to celebrate the new Mayor. The parade will leave from the Town Hall on Rose Hill at 10.40am and will head through the town centre to the Church of St Mary and All Saints (Crooked Spire) where there will be a service at 11am.  At noon the parade will return to the Town Hall.

There will be several dignitaries from across Derbyshire in attendance at the parade, along with Freemen, Aldermen, and former Mayors of Chesterfield, and organisations such as the Royal British Legion.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the parade and church service, with seats being allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Cllr Mick Brady and Cllr Suzie Perkins


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Chesterfield bids for businesses with over a million sq ft of new commercial property

A new and ambitious growth strategy for Chesterfield, the largest town in Derbyshire best known for its industrial heritage, historic architecture and proximity to the Peak District, has today been shared with potential investors at UKREiiF, a major real estate and infrastructure investment event, as well as details of commercial property projects that will deliver more than a million square feet of new high-quality office and industrial space over the next two years.

Speaking at the event, Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, said that Chesterfield was delivering consistent and sustainable business growth, and had seen interest in its commercial space increase from both local startups and companies considering relocation to the town since the pandemic lockdowns.

DR Huw Bowen UKREiiF Harworth Panel

Dr. Huw Bowen speaks on Harworth panel at UKREiiF

Data shared in Chesterfield’s growth strategy reveal that the town’s business population has grown by more than a fifth (21 per cent) in the last decade and created 2,000 new jobs, including 1,800 high-value roles in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and professional services. Chesterfield aims to attract a further 400 businesses and 2,000 more jobs to the town by 2030.

Chesterfield Borough Council is supporting, either through direct investment or public-private partnerships, a series of projects to provide high-quality commercial space for businesses. It has helped bring to market almost 300,000 square feet of modern office, industrial, manufacturing and logistics space since the start of 2022, and expects further new premises totalling more than one million square feet to become available by the middle of 2025.

Key commercial developments in the town include:

  • One Waterside Place: 35,000 square feet of Grade A office accommodation located within five minutes’ walk of Chesterfield’s mainline train station. The building provides high quality office space for larger businesses looking to relocate or expand. Opened in January 2023, two of the building’s six floors have already been taken by tenants.
  • Hartington Industrial Estate: a major industrial development in Staveley, an area of Chesterfield next to the M1 motorway. This project will create 800,000 square feet of new commercial floorspace, with multiple modern industrial and warehouse units measuring 20,000 square feet and more expected to become available in 2023.
  • Prospect Park: located just off the A61, the main road between Chesterfield and Sheffield, Prospect Park provides high-quality office space and plots for new advanced manufacturing, warehousing and distribution units ranging from 7,000 – 50,000 square feet.

Chesterfield has also earmarked several prime locations for new residential development as part of plans to build more than 4,000 new homes by 2035. The number of new homes built in the town has exceeded targets in the last three years, and data from shows that residential properties in Chesterfield sell faster, on average, than in Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby.

Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Chesterfield is delivering consistent and sustainable growth, and becoming a destination of choice for entrepreneurs, knowledge workers and investors seeking a compelling work-life alternative to big cities. Our investments in assets, infrastructure, and partnerships are fuelling the transition to a higher-skilled, higher-wage economy. Our indigenous business base is growing, and we’ve seen enquiries from companies considering relocation to Chesterfield rocket since the pandemic.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, comments: “Chesterfield is a great place to live, and now, an even better place to do business. We’re investing in high-quality commercial spaces, opening up opportunities for more high-quality homes, and creating an environment that nurtures both residents and entrepreneurs. With our strategic location, culture of invention and competitive cost base, Chesterfield is the perfect location for startups, scaleups, innovators and investors.”

Find out more at:

View the latest details around commercial property projects in Chesterfield in the latest Chesterfield Investment Prospectus here.

Chesterfield commercial property to be showcased

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Complete our Love Chesterfield survey to have an opportunity to win a prize

Chesterfield residents and local business owners are being encouraged to complete our quarterly consumer and business surveys to help us to learn more about how you / your customers use services in our town centres.

Love Chesterfield is a campaign organised by Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield to promote and support high streets and town centres across the borough of Chesterfield.

The quick surveys will ask you questions about your business performance and any changes you have noticed in the last three months (January 2023-April 2023) if you are a business owner.

The consumer survey will ask you to update us on what events or venues you have attended and services you have used recently in our communities.

Please spend a few minutes to complete the relevant questionnaire. The results will allow us to monitor the performance of the town, the success of marketing campaigns and business support and will help to shape future activity to support high street businesses across the borough.

The survey will close on 20 June 2023.

At the end of the consumer questionnaire, there is an opportunity to win either a free 3-month gym membership or a free 3-month place on a children’s activity class at Chesterfield Borough Council’s leisure centres.

Businesses who complete the survey, will have the chance to enter a prize draw to win advertising for your business in the Destination Chesterfield business or leisure e-shot (worth £100). To qualify, you will need to fill out this and the next 3 quarterly Love Chesterfield Surveys for your chance of having a banner advertisement. A winner will be drawn in Spring 2024.

Complete the surveys here:

Business survey:

Consumer survey:

Chesterfield town centre views outdoors

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Collaboration leads to eye-catching display at Chesterfield Waterside

Two Chesterfield Champions have collaborated with Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver an attention-grabbing display in and around the Basin Square area of the Chesterfield Waterside scheme.

FWD: Motion, a creative agency based in Chesterfield, managed the branding, design, manufacture, and installation of the new perimeter display at Basin Square working alongside Bolsterstone Group PLC which is delivering the Waterside scheme with Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new site display builds on the brand redevelopment and website build for Chesterfield Waterside which FWD Motion completed in 2019.

Chesterfield Waterside is one of the UK’s largest regeneration schemes; a £340 million sustainable development set in a canal-side environment. Waterside is built across 16 hectares with phase 1 of the development, known as Basin Square, delivering Grade A office space, a hotel, apartments, and a multi-storey car park.

Phase one at Basin Square recently saw the completion and opening of One Waterside Place, a seven-storey large floorplate office funded by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new display, which features 190 meters of printed and cut vinyl 8x4ft di bond aluminium hoarding boards with protective anti-graffiti laminate, showcases the high quality office space available within the building.

Already two floors of One Waterside Place have tenants – BHP Chartered Accountants and luxury women’s leisurewear company Varley’s, and the new eye-catching display boards are helping to attract the attention of prospective tenants.

Tom Swallow, Development Manager at Bolsterstone Group PLC commented: “It was a pleasure to work with FWD Motion as always on the design of the hoardings. They worked with us to deliver a quality product which compliments the high quality public realm at Chesterfield Waterside. They are helping to create a lot of interest from prospective tenants and investors in both the office building and forthcoming developments at Basin Square and the wider Waterside scheme.”

Emma Cole, Marketing Director at FWD Motion commented: “FWD were delighted to work with Bolsterstone on the aluminium hoardings project, Chesterfield Waterside is a fantastic development for the local area, and we are proud to be a part of that. Working not only on design, but also print and installation means we get to see a project delivered and in use. Seeing it on display makes a real difference as you can visualise the impact it will have in the local surroundings.

“As a fully integrated creative and digital agency we can work with clients on design, print, installation, development, and marketing projects.  We love working with local companies and helping make a positive branding impact.  If anyone has a project they’d like to discuss, we’d love to help.”

Bolsterstone and FWD Motion support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

One Waterside Place signage

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Chesterfield business leaders congratulate colleagues in Derby on winning bid for Great British Railways HQ

Leaders in Chesterfield have congratulated the team behind Derby’s winning bid to bring the headquarters of Great British Railways to the county.

The Department for Transport has confirmed that the city has beaten off competition from locations around the country, including Birmingham, Newcastle and York, to be selected as the home of Britain’s rail network.

This is expected to bring a number of benefits to Chesterfield, with several rail supply chain businesses already located here.

The news also comes as a new rail innovation and training centre The Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) is being developed in Barrow Hill, as one of the projects outlined in the Staveley Town Deal.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m delighted to learn of the news that Derby has been successful in its bid to become the new headquarters for Great British Railways.

“I was pleased to offer Chesterfield Borough Council’s full support for Derby’s bid, and we look forward to working with the City to see how the Government’s decision to invest in Derby can also benefit our long-held ambition to grow the rail sector in Chesterfield.

“Through the Staveley Town Deal we are working with partners to develop the Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) at Barrow Hill Roundhouse. DRIIVe will provide a base for training the next generation of railway engineers and pioneering new advances within the rail sector through the provision of facilities for research and development.

“Given our proximity to Derby and the positive relationships we have built up with the City Council in our support of their bid, we very much hope that Chesterfield will be able to benefit from Derby cementing its place at the heart of Great Britain’s rail industry.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “I’m delighted to hear that Great British Railways has committed to locating it’s new HQ here in Derbyshire, as it will undoubtedly provide a boost to our economy here in Chesterfield.

“It gives us a big opportunity to build on our industrial roots and showcase our town’s credentials as a thriving hub of innovation. Chesterfield has always been a town with strong links to the rail industry, not forgetting of course that George Stephenson made our town his home for a number of years.”

“We have a number of businesses locally working in the supply chain for the rail sector, and having Great British Railways situated within our county will mean more opportunities for those existing firms, alongside unlocking more potential investment in our area.”

“I would like to congratulate everyone who was involved in making this bid a success, and look forward to seeing how this development will help to shape the economic landscape of our area in years to come.”

Mervyn Allcock, General Manager at Barrow Hill Ltd. said: “The news of Great British Railways being headquartered in nearby Derby is fantastic news for our town.

“We look forward to build on the town’s strong industrial heritage with the development of DRIIVe at Barrow Hill, which will provide the sector with the high-level skills required to help grow our rail infrastructure nationally.

“This will help to bring more economic prosperity to Chesterfield with quality job opportunities for local people, unlocking further growth across Chesterfield and Staveley.”

Barrow hill web main

Barrow Hill Roundhouse, Chesterfield

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One of the country’s leading street food markets is coming to Chesterfield

A renowned street food market will be bringing its unique offer to Chesterfield, as the latest addition to the borough’s exciting events programme.

Chesterfield Borough Council has partnered with Peddler Events, which has operated an extremely successful street food market from their base in Kelham Island in Sheffield.

Peddler Events champions local creators and artisans – over the last eight years they have become known for delivering award winning cuisine, craft drinks, live music, bespoke products, art, and excellent entertainment.

Peddler Events will be bringing their unique offer to Chesterfield with the first market set to take place in June with more planned for later in 2023.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We’re really excited to welcome Peddler to Chesterfield – it’s fantastic that they see Chesterfield as a place to invest and grow their business, and they bring with them a great reputation. We know this is the kind of memorable experience that our residents want to be able to enjoy on their doorstep, as well as attracting new visitors to our town centre.

“Having Peddler bring their vast experience to our town enhances our already packed events programme, and also creates the opportunity to support local businesses by attracting more people into the town centre in the afternoon, and into the evening.

“We look forward to working closely with the team at Peddler, together with our local businesses in Chesterfield, and I hope that lots of people will come along and support these events.”

Peddler Market attracts around 8,000 visitors to its monthly street market event and has helped cement Sheffield’s place on the culinary map whilst also supporting the regeneration of the former industrial area it operates in.

The Chesterfield events represents a new opportunity for Peddler Events to work with more Chesterfield based businesses and support the wider town centre.

Ben Smith, Director at Peddler Events, said: “”Over the past 8 years, Peddler Market has played a pivotal role in helping transform Sheffield into one of the country’s leading culinary destinations.

“We’re driven by showcasing passionate people who share our ethos for quality, whether they’re creating delicious street food, craft beer and spirits, music, performance, or art.

“Our aim is to bring the leading lights of the street food world to this wonderful market town and see them shine alongside the wealth of talent and heritage that Chesterfield has to offer.

“We’re thrilled to be bringing Peddler Market to Chesterfield at such an exciting time in Chesterfield’s regeneration, and the entire team are looking forward to seeing our new partnership grow.”

The first two-day event is scheduled to take place in Chesterfield town centre on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June.

Chesterfield is hosting a packed events programme in 2023 with the return of old favourites like the Festival of Cricket, Chesterfield Pride, Medieval Fun Day and 1940s Market but also the inclusion of new events including a Food and Drink Festival and Eat in the Park, a two day live music event in Queen’s Park, find out more about these events at:

Funding to help bring the event to Chesterfield has been provided through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Chesterfield Borough Council received £2.69m of UKSPF funding which will be invested across the borough over the next three years. A portion of this will be invested into promoting the borough as a place to visit, and providing support for arts, culture, and heritage activities.

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Opportunity to meet employers at Chesterfield market recruitment event

People looking to take the next steps in their career are being invited to meet employers and find out about local job vacancies at a recruitment event in Chesterfield Town Centre.

The recruitment day – which is the latest in a series of other successful events run by Chesterfield Borough Council and partners – takes place on Wednesday 22 March between 10am and 12pm, in Chesterfield market place.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m proud that as a council we have continued to host these events with our partners, and they have to date led to more than 200 job offers with around 100 people securing new careers in our area.

“It helps job seekers and employers to meet informally and discuss available roles before an application. If you’re looking for a new job in Chesterfield, then please do head along to this event and speak to some of the great businesses based in our area.”

Paul Munday, Employer Adviser at DWP Jobcentre Plus Derbyshire, said: “Having first run one of these events in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council back in 2021 it’s a testament to their success and positive feedback that on Wednesday 22 March that we are running our fifth event.

“As with our last event held in October 2022, we will be focusing on sustainable employment opportunities and health and wellbeing support for Chesterfield residents, as well as offering support and information around the latest Government initiatives of supporting the over 50s into work and In Work Progression for those already in part time employment.”

The drop-in event is open to everyone, with no need to make an appointment, but job seekers registered with Jobcentre Plus can reserve their place by speaking with their work coach.

There will be lots of opportunities available on the day from a range of sectors including hospitality, social care, engineering, logistics, transport and many more.

As well as job opportunities there will also be several apprenticeship providers who are currently recruiting for new apprentices. An apprenticeship offers a great opportunity to earn while you learn and can help people at any stage in life. Search for apprenticeships in Chesterfield by visiting:

The event is free for local businesses to attend and advertise vacancies, if you wish to have a stall at the event please email:

Cllr Serjeant with employees from Chesterfield Borough Council

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Chesterfield borough’s parks, green spaces and play areas set for £1.32m boost

£1.32 million is set to be invested in Chesterfield’s parks, green spaces and play spaces as part of new five-year plan to further improve facilities for local people.

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan (2023 to 2028) sets out Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to making sure local communities continue to have access to modern and well-maintained spaces for leisure and play, and to support people’s health and wellbeing.

Approved by the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 14 March, the plan builds on the significant investment in parks and green spaces over the last five years – and also sets out measures to help achieve the council’s target to create a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

Over the course of the five-year programme, communities will benefit from 18 enhanced youth and play spaces, and the council also aims to double the number of its sites that are acknowledged by the prestigious Green Flag Award – an international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

Projects to be delivered over the coming year include:

  • Improvements to play areas at Stand Road Park, Highfield Park, Ringwood Park, Cottage Close, Devonshire Avenue North, Thirlmere Road and Tapton Park.
  • The full renovation of the circular footpath at Poolsbrook Country Park which, at 165 acres, is Chesterfield’s largest park with miles of trails, extensive woodland plantations, meadows, lakes, children’s play areas and wildlife habits.

As the delivery plan progresses over the next five years communities will also see improvements to youth and place spaces at Pennine Way, Hartington Recreational Ground, Wickins Place, Stanford Way, Barnes Road, Heathervale Road, Manor Road (youth), Somersall Park (youth), West Crescent, Damon Drive and Canal Wharf.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Chesterfield boasts a range of fantastic parks, play areas and green spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy and we recognise just how important and valued they are for everyone in our communities.

“We also understand that having an opportunity to play and explore the outdoors is hugely important for developing both physical and social skills, so we want to provide as many opportunities for residents to do this as we can.

“It’s our aim to create a variety of sustainable spaces that provide people of all ages and abilities with accessible, quality, and fun opportunities for play.

“We are really proud to provide good quality parks and play spaces in our community, and this investment will help us to continue to achieve this. Last year was a record-breaking year for us, with five of our parks being recognised with the prestigious Green Flag Award – and we’re hoping to double this over the next five years so more of our spaces can be formally acknowledged.

“Last year also saw our beautiful green spaces, colourful floral displays and innovative community projects earn the borough a top accolade in the prestigious East Midlands In Bloom competition. We were officially crowned the winner of the ‘Small City’ category in September, the first time we have scooped the sought-after award and we can’t wait to build on this success over the next five years.

“Our parks and green spaces were a lifeline during Covid-19 and have continued to offer opportunities for people to walk, play and chat. As loneliness is reported to be on the increase, our green spaces are a vital resource in the drive to combat loneliness and isolation.”

The views of local people have helped shape the council’s plan for investment, following a public consultation on two new strategies – the parks and open spaces, and play strategies – last year. The aim is to make sure local facilities meet the needs of local communities now and in the future.

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan is being part-funded by £158,500 from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

It will also draw on funding from a range of sources including the Community Infrastructure Levy, section 106 agreements and Landfill Tax grants.

More information about plans for specific sites – and what improvements local people will benefit from – will be shared as the projects progress.

Queen's Park

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Town Deal funding aims to support businesses in Staveley town centre

A new scheme to support businesses in Staveley Town Centre has been launched by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Businesses and charities are being invited to apply for funds to help improve their premises, as part of plans to support the wider regeneration of Staveley town centre.

The Staveley 21 Shop Front Improvement Grant scheme can provide funding for business owners or landlords who want to make improvements such as new signage, window replacements, repairs to brickwork, improving lighting or the addition of new security measures. The scheme is funded through the Staveley Town Deal and managed by Chesterfield Borough Council.

It is one element of the nearly £5 million investment that will be made in Staveley town centre over the next three years. This package of works also includes the refurbishment of the Market Place, rejuvenation of the High Street and improving connections across the town centre including with the historic Chesterfield Canal.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This grant scheme is a key element of our plans to improve Staveley town centre and make it a more inviting place to visit, to shop and to socialise. We want to work with local businesses to provide the support they need to increase footfall and make their businesses thrive.

“We’ve made sure that this grant scheme is one of the most generous in the country and I’d encourage any business owner or landlord in Staveley to speak with our team to find out how this initiative could help them.”

A small business or charity can claim 80% of the costs of improvements made through the scheme. The grants will be provided on a first come first served basis and applications must be made before April 2025.

The appropriate works will be unique for each eligible business and prior to any application the project team are able to discuss your needs and eligibility but also advise on works that would be covered under the grant scheme and any permissions (e.g. planning consent) that are required.

A set of principles to guide improvements and support the design process have also been developed.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “This scheme is just one element of the improvements planned for Staveley town centre using Town Deal funding. Together these ambitious proposals will help provide a boost for local businesses and create a more attractive place to visit which will help ensure Staveley is the place to start, stay and grow.”

Staveley 21 includes the renovation of Market Square with new paving, seating, lighting and planting. There is also an ambition to create a new landmark building for use by either businesses or public sector services where the currently disused toilet block stands.

Rejuvenation of the High Street will enhance improvements made through the Shop Front Improvement Grant scheme and complement the heritage conservation area.

Improving connections and wayfinding signage across the town centre will help visitors to explore the canal and other local points of interest. A new lighting strategy will help ensure visibility across the area is improved whilst also supporting the night time economy by making the centre a more attractive place to visit at all hours.

For more details about the Shop Front Improvement Grant Scheme, including guidance notes and the application form, please visit:

You can also find out more about the planned improvements for Staveley town centre by visiting:

Cllr Gilby and Cllr Sarvent Staveley Town Centre

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