chesterfield borough council

Winding Wheel Theatre kicks off centenary year with blue plaque award

Chesterfield’s iconic Winding Wheel Theatre has kicked off its centenary year celebrations in style, by unveiling a blue plaque from Chesterfield Civic Society.

Councillor Tony Rogers and Sharon Rogers, the Mayor and Mayoress of Chesterfield, officially unveiled the plaque at a small ceremony on Wednesday 1 March with representatives from the Civic Society and Chesterfield Borough Council in attendance.

Originally opening in 1923 as the Picture House, the Winding Wheel Theatre has been an important cultural venue for the last one hundred years. In the late 1930s it was bought by the Odeon Cinema chain but it also housed a ballroom and a restaurant.

It closed in 1981 but was bought by Chesterfield Borough Council, restored and refurbished, opening again in the late 1980s as a conference and entertainment venue and later gained Grade II listed building status.

The Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Tony Rogers, said: “It was an honour to unveil this plaque and officially mark the start of the centenary year of the Winding Wheel Theatre.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The Winding Wheel Theatre has a long and varied history in our town – a historic building that is a popular cultural venue. Thank you to Chesterfield Civic Society for recognising this building with the award of a blue plaque.”

Philip Riden, chairman of the Civic Society, added: “This is one of three plaques funded by a generous grant we received from the Borough Council in 2021. One of the others commemorates Chesterfield Girls High School and the third will be installed at the Stephenson Memorial Hall when the current refurbishment there is complete. We have recently received funding from East Midland Railway for two more plaques to mark the site of two of Chesterfield’s Victorian railway stations.”

More centenary celebrations will take place at the Winding Wheel Theatre later in 2023.

In September there will be an exhibition about the history of the building together with cinema screenings and other events. More details about these events will be released later this year.

Blue plaque winding wheel

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£100m to be invested in council housing across Chesterfield

Around £100m is to be spent on improving council homes across Chesterfield over the next five years – as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s continued commitment to enhance the borough’s housing offer and meet the needs of residents.

Councillors agreed to the ambitious Housing Capital Programme at a meeting of full council on Wednesday 22 February.

The Housing Capital Programme sets out the investment priorities for 2023/24 and the medium-term investment through to 2027/28 to ensure that the council can continue to meet the decent homes standard, further improve the energy efficiency of its houses, and provide good quality, affordable and accessible homes for people in Chesterfield.

Modernisation and refurbishment of the council’s existing homes continues to be a key focus of the council’s programme of works throughout 2023/2024.

Over the next 12 months, the council will be delivering improvements to kitchens and bathrooms, carrying out roof and window replacements, and making necessary adaptations to properties to help older people and disabled people to remain living independently in their homes.

Further fire safety improvements will also be made and additional investment will be made to help tackle damp and mould in homes.

The ongoing block refurbishment programme will continue, with more blocks of flats set to benefit from a facelift. Environmental works will also see fences, gates and footpaths upgraded to improve the overall appearance of local neighbourhoods.

As well as investing in its existing properties, the council recognises the need to build and purchase new homes to help meet the increasing need for good quality affordable housing in Chesterfield and replace homes sold through the Right to Buy scheme.

As part of this commitment, the council has committed more than £30m to increasing the housing supply across the borough. This includes plans to build 96 new homes, with housing developments at Middlecroft, Westwood Avenue and Markham Court.

An additional 35 new-build homes are also set to be purchased by the council from developers on Newhall Road and Linacre Road.

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by the council in July 2019, the council is also committed to ensuring that all of its homes are energy efficient – allowing Chesterfield to become a low carbon, resilient and sustainable borough. This commitment will be reflected within all capital projects.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “Our aim as always is to enhance Chesterfield’s housing offer so that people of all ages can find, and live in a quality home they can afford. Our capital programme shows that we are committed to improving our housing stock to ensure it meets the needs of the people of Chesterfield, as well actively contributing to the climate change agenda by ensuring all homes are energy efficient.

“Investing in affordable and social housing has never been as important, so it is vital that we continue to enhance the borough’s housing needs and supply affordable homes.”

badger croft chesterfield

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New Climate Strategy agreed in Chesterfield

A new Climate Change Strategy was agreed at Chesterfield Borough Council’s full council meeting last night (22 February 2023) setting out the council’s strategy to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.

Deputy Leader Councillor Amanda Serjeant proposed the new strategy in front of councillors and members of the public, emphasising the council’s ongoing commitment to tackle the climate emergency.

The updated strategy is building on the success of ambitious work already underway to help the council become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, and to lay the groundwork for Chesterfield to become a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

In 2019, the council declared a Climate Emergency – and with support from members of the local community created its first Climate Change Action Plan. This plan is now coming to an end, and the council has reduced emissions by around a third (32%) from when it declared the climate emergency in 2019 to the end of the financial year 2021/22.

Chesterfield Borough Council  has achieved a lot in the last four years including a securing £1.5million of funding to improve the energy rating of private rented sector and privately owned homes, making sustainability and climate change a central theme of the latest Local Plan, ensuring all of the council’s energy comes from renewable sources and planting almost 6000 trees.

The new strategy will direct how the council works with industry in the future, ensuring sustainability and climate change a central theme of everything it does.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re working hard to do all we can to ensure we meet our targets for Chesterfield borough. We’re now moving to the next phase of these plans and this updated strategy will underpin our ongoing efforts to achieve our robust targets – ensuring we continue to act now, to safeguard our future.

“Climate Change is the biggest and most important challenge humanity faces globally, as well as in the local area. Carbon reduction is vitally important, and the new Climate Change strategy we have introduced will help towards making significant changes in our progress towards becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030”.

The strategy was developed using an extended evidence base, including a consultation where residents, businesses and community groups were invited to comment on the new strategy late last year. All the feedback received has been considered and helped Chesterfield Borough Council to finalise the document.

For more detail on this you can access the consultation summary report and the strategy document on the council’s website.

You can also find out more about the council’s progress to tackle climate change, and sign up to the Climate Action Now newsletter, on the council’s website.

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Chesterfield is open for business as Council approves new growth strategy

An ambitious plan which sets out a long-term vision for economic growth – including a focus on quality jobs for local people, access to higher level skills, and environmental sustainability – has been approved by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new four-year Growth strategy (2023 – 2027) represents a long-term commitment from the council to make Chesterfield a thriving borough by strengthening local skills provision, supporting local businesses and further cementing Chesterfield’s role as a visitor destination.

It builds on the success of the last decade which has seen the creation of more than 2000 new jobs and more than 500 new businesses operating in the area, along with significant regeneration and investment across the borough.

The strategy – which was approved at a meeting of the full council on Wednesday 22 February – also has environmental sustainability at its heart, supporting the target of becoming a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This strategy is vital to ensuring our borough remains a thriving place to live and work, where everyone has the opportunity to boost their skills, and has access to quality jobs.

“It’s also crucial that we build environmental considerations into our long-term plans, as part of our ongoing commitment to create a sustainable borough for future generations and ensuring we do all we can to reduce carbon emissions.

“The plan builds on our successes over the last ten years including the creation of more than 2000 jobs, and with over 500 new businesses operating in the area.”

The strategy includes five key objectives, which are:

  1. Help businesses to grow and secure new business investment in the borough.
  2. Build a competitive place infrastructure that accelerates employment and housing growth.
  3. Strengthen the distinctive character and vibrancy of our town centres
  4. Develop Chesterfield’s role as a visitor destination and as a base for exploring the surrounding area.
  5. Ensure local people have the right skills to support progression in the labour market and benefit from future employment opportunities.

Councillor Gilby added: “Despite the ongoing economic challenges which are facing towns and cities across the country, Chesterfield is not standing still – we are an ambitious borough and this strategy reflects that. It focusses on higher value growth while balancing our commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.”

Within each of the strategy’s objectives, several key activities have been developed. For example, to help encourage growth the current Innovation Support Programme will continue to run for the benefit of local businesses.

Projects like the Derbyshire Rail Investment Vehicle (DRIIVe) and Construction Skills Hub – both of which are being funded through the Staveley Town Deal – will help deliver new training facilities to ensure local people can develop the skills to access high quality careers.

Regeneration within Chesterfield town centre, including the Stephenson Memorial Hall renovation and Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will continue to contribute to strengthening the town’s position as a visitor destination and to meet the needs of residents. These are complemented by the HS2 Station Master Plan, the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside scheme and the major PEAK resort development which promises to be a landmark tourist destination within the borough.

The full strategy is available to read on the council’s website here.

town hall drone shot

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Traders invited to book a market stall for Medieval Fun Day in Chesterfield

Bookings are now being taken to allocate market stalls at the forthcoming Medieval Fun Day on 25 July. The popular event will take place in Chesterfield town centre from 10am to 4pm and will include a range of entertainment for all the family.

Traders looking to book a market stall at this popular event are able to register online by completing this online form. Tuesdays are not a regular market day, so this event is in addition to Chesterfield Borough Council’s usual market schedule.

The council is encouraging a variety of stall holders to get in touch that sell a range of products including crafts, food, cakes and clothing amongst other things, as well as charities who would like to promote their organisations.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Chesterfield’s Medieval Fun Day is a real highlight on our events calendar and always draws large numbers of visitors into the town centre. Attending the fun day is your chance to step back in time and see a range of reenactors bringing the middle-ages to life. There will also be a fun fair, a variety of market stalls and activities for children provided by the museum team.

“This is a great opportunity for retailers to trade on a market stall, particularly if you are new to Chesterfield or haven’t had a stall for a while, this will be a great introduction to what it is like on an event day in the town centre.”

Organisations are also invited to get in touch using the email address below who may be interested in doing demonstrations such as willow weaving, hedgehog house building or any woodland arts and crafts.

The cost to book a market stall is £25 if you are a charitable organisation or £35 for other traders. To find out more information contact

To find out more about the range of exciting events and activities coming up across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, go to:

Medieval Fun Day 2022

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Chesterfield Museum collection to inspire local students

Students in the Art and Design Faculty at Chesterfield College are using Chesterfield Museum’s collections as part of a new project for the spring term.

On Friday 3 February the museum team took a beautiful example of a traditional celebratory ‘Posset Pot’ into the college for students to study and then use as an object of inspiration for their own work during the next term.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It’s fantastic to see our museum team working closely with Chesterfield College. Whilst the Museum remains closed for a multi-million-pound renovation it’s important that we work with our partners and explore alternative routes to help ensure local people can connect with our shared history.”

Dating back as far as the 1400s, Posset Pots were a traditional decorative ceramic to celebrate special occasions.

Posset, a popular hot spiced drink made of milk curdled with wine or ale, was shared between guests and everyone drank from the Posset Pot. It was brought out at Christmas or anniversaries, but most often the Posset Pot would be used at the celebration toast of weddings, which is why most of the examples in the Museum’s collection are decorated with the names of the happy couple.

Tracey Heyes, Art and Design Lecturer at Chesterfield College, said: “The students are looking forward to working with Chesterfield Museum in this capacity and are excited at the prospect of using the Posset Pot as a starting point for their individual projects.”

Chesterfield Museum is closed for a multi-million-pound renovation that aims to create an enhanced visitor experience, but whilst it is closed the museum team are working with partners ensure the collection can still be enjoyed by the community.

Outreach cases featuring some fascinating objects from the collection are being displayed at different Borough Council sites around the borough (Visitor Information Centre, Market Hall, Town Hall, Queen’s Park Sports Centre and Staveley Healthy Living Centre). The museum team will also be attending and hosting activities at public events happening throughout the year and is working with partners, including Chesterfield College, to present exhibitions, workshops, and events in the future.

The ambitious renovation of Stephenson Memorial Hall which houses both Chesterfield Museum and the Pomegranate Theatre will bring together an extended theatre, a reconfigured museum, new gallery space, a café bar, and education and community facilities. The work will also protect the Grade II listed building, improve accessibility, to ensure that it remains part of the borough’s heritage for many more generations to come.

Funding for the project has been secured through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund with additional funding from Arts Council England.

Find out more about the plans for Chesterfield Museum by visiting:

Posset Pots from the Museum collection

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One Waterside Place office development opens in Chesterfield

A major regeneration scheme in Chesterfield has announced the opening of a brand new six storey office development. One Waterside Place, part of the flagship Chesterfield Waterside development, was officially opened on Thursday 26 January by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The impressive new building, which has become a striking new feature of the local skyline, features six floors of ‘Grade A’ office space with a ground floor retail unit and has already drawn in new investment to the town.

Accountancy firm BHP moved into the building in November 2022, and were closely followed by leading woman’s leisurewear company Varley in January 2023.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The opening of this new development is a key milestone for the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration project. One Waterside Place represents our ambition to build a thriving borough and create new opportunities for our residents.

One Waterside Place opening

“Our first tenants have already moved in and I look forward to welcoming more businesses to the building over the next year.”

BHP Partner Dominic Staniforth said: “The new office is an excellent space that provides first-class facilities for our team, with an array of restaurants, cafés and shops close by. I know I can speak on behalf of my Chesterfield colleagues when I say that we’re proud to be the first tenants in such a prestigious building and we look forward to being in our new home for many years to come.”

One Waterside Place provides bespoke office accommodation for established businesses – offering a modern, high-quality base for ambitious companies looking to grow and thrive in a central and well-connected location.

The 35,000 sq.ft. building delivers Grade A, large floorplate office accommodation, which does not exist elsewhere in Chesterfield. The building incorporates two passenger lifts, raised access flooring, air conditioning, LED lighting, a high-quality entrance foyer, showers, on-site cycle parking facilities as well as attractive public realm and landscaping.

The building has been designed with sustainability in mind, boasting a BREEAM score of Very Good and an EPC A rating for its energy performance. The ground floor has been designed to create a new retail or leisure space close to the train station.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc, which project managed the delivery of the office and is delivering the Chesterfield Waterside scheme, said: “We are delighted to have worked with Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver this landmark building.

“Britcon began construction of One Waterside Place amidst the pandemic which brought many challenges in terms of staffing, health and safety and supply of materials. However, they have delivered an exceptional building which they have also used as a learning experience for local students during the build, following an initiative from the council.”

One Waterside place

One Waterside Place sits within the £75 million first phase of the Basin Square neighbourhood of the £340million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme. Once complete, the Basin Square neighbourhood will also comprise 320 Built-to-Rent apartments, a 400-space multi-storey car park, a 140-bed hotel, retail and leisure units.

This area will be landscaped to a high quality standard with the canal basin being at the heart of the scheme, creating a great environment to spend time in on the edge of the town centre alongside a central community hub for occupiers and residents of the Chesterfield Waterside scheme.

The canal basin site has been brought forward with support from the South Yorkshire Combined Authority Infrastructure Fund. One Waterside Place was funded by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Knight Frank and Derby-based FHP Property Consultants are letting agents for the office space at Chesterfield Waterside. For information or to view the remaining space contact Peter Whiteley at Knight Frank on 0114 272 9750 or Darran Severn at FHP Property Consultants 01332 343 222.

To find out more about the wide range of office spaces in Chesterfield, whether you’re a start-up or looking to expand, go to:

BHP, Bolsterstone Group, and Chesterfield Borough Council support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

One Waterside Place peter swallow Tricia Gilby

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Chesterfield’s communities and economy set to benefit from £2.6 million investment

Projects which will support the growth of local businesses, strengthen communities, improve local parks, and boost skills opportunities for local people are amongst a package of initiatives which are set to get underway across the borough.

Residents and businesses will benefit from a range of new and extended projects which have been given the green light after Chesterfield Borough Council secured £2.6m worth of funding from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

The council was selected as a lead authority to benefit from the national funding pot, after its ambitious three-year investment plan – setting out a range of initiatives to improve life for local people – was approved by Government.

A total of £2.69m of UKSPF funding will be spent across the borough over the next three years, with projects including:

  • Improvements to local parks, greens spaces and outdoor sports facilities to provide residents with even better access to quality outdoor facilities across the borough
  • Help for local businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, contributing towards the council’s goal of creating a net zero borough by 2050
  • Grants to help community and voluntary groups fund grassroots projects
  • Funding to support entertainment in Chesterfield town centre and across the borough, including speciality markets
  • Investment in anti-social behaviour initiatives, which will help to tackle the root causes of nuisance behaviour, in line with the council’s new anti-social behaviour strategy
  • Continued support to help local businesses start and grow, and to boost opportunities for local people to learn new skills
  • Investment in tourism and marketing campaigns to support Chesterfield’s appeal as a destination for visitors

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “We were pleased to secure this funding for our local communities. It will mean people and businesses across the borough will benefit from a range of new and extended projects which are designed to improve neighbourhoods, boost local businesses, strengthen support for local skills development and help Chesterfield borough remain a thriving place to live, work and visit.

“The funding was confirmed in December and the council has this week received a report to formally accept the funding and to establish new posts to support project delivery. Subject to final approval by full council in February, we will be moving ahead to deliver a raft of initiatives that will make a real difference to the everyday lives of the borough’s residents.

“Some of these projects will see us working closely with our partners and our communities, and we’ll be sharing more information about individual projects – and how local people and businesses can benefit – over the coming months.”

The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride of place, via three investment priorities: communities and place; supporting local business; and people and skills – the key themes which underpin the council’s three-year investment plan.



Chesterfield Town Hall

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International motivational speaker set to inspire people to champion Chesterfield

Chesterfield needs to champion itself better if it is to thrive in 2023 and beyond. That will be the message at this year’s Celebrate Chesterfield business conference.

At the conference, Global Business Awards Motivational speaker of the year 2021, Steve Judge will deliver a mini motivational workshop to inspire and motivate the town’s business community.

Steve Judge will be encouraging people to get behind Destination Chesterfield’s new plan which will see it position Chesterfield as a desirable and contemporary destination for visitors, investors and residents.

The free breakfast conference is being held on Thursday 2 March from 7.30am – 11.00am at The Winding Wheel Theatre.

Fully booked every year, businesses are being urged to book their tickets now to the free business conference.

In addition to Steve Judge, speakers at the conference will also include Andy Byrne, Property Development Director for the Devonshire Group, which is behind the future development and regeneration of 150 hectares of former industrial land in Staveley.

Now in its twelfth year, Celebrate Chesterfield, which is organised by Destination Chesterfield and in association with Addooco IT Ltd, has become a key date in the town’s events calendar and attracts more than 250 delegates each year.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “There is no denying that there are difficult times ahead for the UK economy. However, Chesterfield and its economy is resilient. We have weathered storms like this before and come out of them in a strong position with much to look forward to. The Celebrate Chesterfield event is a timely reminder to the business community of all the development that is taking place in the borough and continues to make it an excellent place to live, work and invest.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, added: “We have a fantastic town with a strong community but to ensure our borough continues to thrive, we must celebrate what makes us special and communicate this clearly to potential investors. I’d encourage members of the local business community to come along to this event to find out more about what we have planned and how we can work together to help ensure our borough achieves its potential.”

Richard Walters, Managing Director of Addooco IT Ltd, the event’s headline sponsor commented: “Addooco are delighted to be headline sponsors of Celebrate Chesterfield and look forward to welcoming all the delegates to this excellent event. We are proudly based in Chesterfield and have been supporting the business community with Managed IT, Cloud and Communications solutions since 2008.

“Not only does Celebrate Chesterfield showcase what is happening in our town, the event is a fantastic opportunity to promote the benefits of trading locally, connecting supply and demand to forge new relationships.”

apprentice IT technician

The event is also being supported by University of Derby, Choice Utility and Markham Vale.

Dan Molloy, Managing Director at Choice Utility commented: “As a company, we are delighted to be supporting Celebrate Chesterfield and helping to shout about what makes the town great. I’ve lived in Chesterfield since I was eight years old, and it has so many great things going for it. The connectivity is excellent from a logistical point of view and the town continues to move forward and evolve. The new developments at Markham Vale and the work being done at Chesterfield Waterside emphasise this. We really do love the town and are excited to play our part in shouting about it.”

A Markham Vale spokesperson said: “It’s great to see Celebrate Chesterfield taking place again for its ninth year – we’re very pleased to be able to support the event. It offers an excellent opportunity to find out more about Chesterfield and everything it has to offer.

“Chesterfield is a fantastic place to do business, as demonstrated by the phenomenal growth we’ve seen at Markham Vale and the creation of more than 2,700 new jobs.”

Markham Vale Business Park

This year, the event will also host the Derbyshire Festival of Business Exhibition, which is designed to showcase Derbyshire’s extensive business offer and capabilities.

Adam Doyle, Head of Business Engagement and Employability at the University of Derby which is supporting the Festival of Business Exhibition said: “We are once again proud to be the headline sponsor of the Celebrate Chesterfield showcase. The event is increasingly significant this year as we look to celebrate local business success in such challenging times, and we are pleased to be able to share this success wider as part of the Derbyshire Festival of Business. The festival plays a key role in continuing to support the business community to innovate and grow, aligned to our aim of raising skills and aspirations across our region. Working with businesses, we are helping to position our county internationally as a place to do business as well as a place to study, live and work.”

Celebrate Chesterfield exhibition

Exhibitor space is available at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023 and can be booked online at

To find out how you can help champion Chesterfield, book a delegate place at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023 by visiting

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Discover hidden history at Derbyshire Archaeology Day

People are being invited to learn more about recent historical discoveries from across the county and get hands-on with history at Derbyshire Archaeology Day.

At the event on Saturday 21 January at the Winding Wheel Theatre in Chesterfield, there will be a series of guest talks on topics including Peveril Castle, excavations in Bolsover, and the ‘Anchor Church’ cave.

There will also be some free hands-on activities in the Winding Wheel Ballroom that are suitable for the whole family, as part of the event being organised by the Derbyshire Archaeology Day group.

The council’s partners at Wessex Archaeology will be bringing their virtual reality experience that will allow visitors to explore the inside of iconic historical buildings, including an Iron Age roundhouse. There will be artefact handling, with the opportunity to get up close and personal with Roman archaeological objects and people will also be able to have a go at sifting through small pebbles to retrieve environmental evidence.

Meghan King, the Finds Liaison Officer for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, will also be attending to help people identify their mystery objects or archaeological treasures.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Whether you are a history expert or just have an interest in our county, you’ll be sure to enjoy Derbyshire Archaeology Day. The activities in the Ballroom will allow the whole family to be entertained whilst learning about our history.”

Derbyshire Archaeology Day takes place from 9.45am until 4.20pm. More information about the schedule for the day and the talks taking place is available on the council’s website:

Tickets for are £11 and can be booked on the Winding Wheel website:

The drop-in sessions run by Wessex Archaeology and Meghan King take place from 11am until 3pm and these free activities do not need to be booked.


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Community group celebrates 10 years of walking at Holmebrook Valley Park

Chesterfield’s Holmebrook Valley Park is celebrating 10 years of hosting a walking group this month.

On 12 January, the volunteer group leaders and other local walkers were joined by Mayor of Chesterfield Councillor Tony Rogers to explore what the park has to offer.

The Holmebrook Valley Park ‘walk with us’ walking group originally launched in 2013, but it was temporarily put on hold in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, then launched again as soon as outdoor meeting restrictions allowed.

Over the years, the group has welcomed many residents and other local people who enjoy walking. A number of the group’s regular members have completed accredited training enabling them to take it in turns to lead the group each week.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt said: “We have a wonderful team of volunteers at Holmebrook Valley Park who share the role of walk leader each week and help each other to keep the group growing and thriving.

“They meet around 10.15am each week by the café at the pavilion in the top cark park off Watermeadow Lane, ready to set off at 10.30am. They generally walk for around an hour before returning to the café for drinks and chat. Anyone is welcome to join in, no special equipment is needed, just sensible shoes and clothing suitable for the weather.

“There are slopes in the park and some rough surfaces under foot but the leaders will explain the route each week so walkers can decide if it is suitable for their own ability. Everyone is welcome, so if you fancy getting outdoors and exploring somewhere new feel free to join the group.”

Park facilities

The park is open to pedestrians all year round and has won the prestigious Green Flag award for the last twelve years.

The northern end of the park is elevated and offers spectacular views over Chesterfield to Hardwick Hall and Bolsover Castle and on towards Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

There is something for everyone to enjoy at the park including children’s play areas, a free outdoor gym, football pitches, cycling, orienteering route, an art sculpture trail, picnic tables and a café.

Join the group

The Holmebrook Valley Park walking group meet every Thursday at 10.30am for a

45–60 minute walk in Chesterfield’s largest park that includes open water, woodlands and hay meadows. Please note the park has hills and some uneven paths.

If you would like to join in, meet by the cafe in park pavilion (top car park) at Holmebrook Valley Park, Watermeadow Lane, Chesterfield, S41 8XP.

You can find out about other park-based walks on the Chesterfield Borough Council website or learn about other group walks in our area and beyond on the Walk Derbyshire website:

For more information, please contact Tina Hensey, Chesterfield Borough Council Community Lifestyles Officer,


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