chesterfield borough council

Local businesses, schools and education providers invited to help shape the future of education and skills delivery

‘Careers Made In Chesterfield’ – a brand new Careers Workshop pilot, which is designed to inspire and inform local students, will be launched at this year’s Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference.

Schools and employers, who are keen to support the future career and job opportunities for local young people, are being urged to attend the free annual conference to learn more about the exciting initiative.

The Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference, which aims to strengthen links between education providers and businesses, is returning for a seventh year and will take place at the Winding Wheel Theatre on Wednesday 8 February, from 8am -11am.

Confirmed speakers at the go-to event include Andy Byrne, Property Development Director for the Devonshire Group, which is behind the Staveley Works scheme. He will be updating on the innovative Construction Skills Hub, which is set to provide specialist training for thousands of learners as part of the Staveley Town Deal.

Alongside Andy Byrne, Julie Richards, Principal of The Chesterfield College Group will be speaking at the event. The College, with support from the University of Derby, has been appointed as the training provider for the new Hub. Over 10 years, the public/private sector collaboration aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

The conference will also welcome students from Whittington Green School and apprentices from Tarmac as well as Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council.

The conference is an opportunity for businesses, schools and education providers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire to come together and shape the future of education and skills delivery in the area.

During the morning, businesses are invited to feed into local and regional skills plans and help shape the strategic direction through discussion of business needs, challenges and successes.

Organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from Derbyshire North Careers Hub, the conference is part of the Derbyshire Festival of Business programme and open to all businesses, schools and education providers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire to attend.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This year’s Skills and Employability Conference looks set to be another packed showcase of the exciting opportunities and aspirations which exist across our borough. It’s a great way to strengthen the links between business and education, which ensures that our young people can develop the skills local employers need – creating a thriving and ambitious local workforce for the future.

“On the day, we will be delighted to be joined by students from Whittington Green School and look forward to hearing from senior leaders at Brookfield Community School about steps we can take together to develop robust career strategies that will further benefit the borough’s young people, along with an employer panel that will be chaired by Tarmac’s apprentice.

“The spotlight will also be on some of our innovative skills projects which are moving ahead in the borough, including investment in the Construction Skills Hub through the Staveley Town Deal which is set to create some fantastic opportunities for thousands of learners over the coming years, especially young people living in the Staveley area.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented: “With over 15,000 students set to gain their GCSEs and A Levels over the next five years in North Derbyshire, a strong and successful partnership between education providers and local businesses is critical. We need to ensure young people have the right skills, are work-ready and can make the most of the employment opportunities available in a wide range of sectors and industries on their doorstep. This conference is the first step in making this happen.”

Tickets for the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference are free and can be booked at

2023 employability eventbrite image dfob

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Have your say on Chesterfield town centres

Chesterfield residents and local business owners are being encouraged to complete our quarterly consumer and business surveys to help us to learn more about how you / your customers use services in our town centres.

Love Chesterfield is a campaign organised by Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield to promote and support high streets and town centres across the borough of Chesterfield.

The quick surveys will ask you questions about your business performance and any changes you have noticed in the last three months (October – December 2022) if you are a business owner, and the consumer survey will ask you to update us on what events or venues you have attended and services you have used recently in our communities.

Please spend a few minutes to complete the relevant questionnaire. The results will allow us to monitor the performance of the town, the success of marketing campaigns and business support and will help to shape future activity to support high street businesses across the borough.

The survey will close on 20th February 2023.

At the end of the consumer questionnaire, there is an opportunity to win two tickets to see Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story at the Winding Wheel.

Complete the surveys here…

You can find out more about what’s on offer across our local high streets in Chesterfield by going to:


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Council takes next step to safeguard the future of Chesterfield’s historic Tapton House

Proposals to safeguard the future of Chesterfield’s historic Tapton House – ensuring the Grade-II* listed building can be restored and brought back into beneficial use – have been considered by Chesterfield Borough Council.

A sympathetic scheme which would see the building restored and converted for residential accommodation, together with a commitment to retain the parkland for public use and create visitor access to part of the Georgian mansion, was chosen as the preferred option by the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday (13 December).

The decision followed careful consideration of bids from 17 interested parties, with the council’s Cabinet approving the sale of the property on a 999-year ground lease to developers, Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd. The sale is subject to further legal due diligence and exchange of contracts.

Councillor Dean Collins, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Just like the people of Chesterfield, we want to achieve the very best outcome for Tapton House. This is why we set out to find a new owner with the necessary expertise and financial ability to restore and refurbish Tapton House and safeguard its long-term future.

“The council’s Cabinet considered a detailed report on the bids received and the robust process that has been followed to evaluate and score each against a range of relevant criteria – including evidence of proof of funds, and that conservation and environmental matters have been properly considered.

“The offer put forward by the preferred bidder represents the most credible, sympathetic and financially viable option to restore and safeguard the building for generations to come, and the developers have made a commitment to work closely with the council, the Friends of Tapton House and the wider community, as their plans progress.”

Any development will still be subject to planning and conservation approvals, but the proposals put forward set out an aspiration to convert the main house into 15 apartments, with three town houses and two bungalows built in place of the annexe buildings.

Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd have confirmed that no hard boundary would be required and open public access to the parkland would continue. The developers would also seek to create a public heritage area in the building to ensure its past use as the home of Charles Paxton Markham and George Stephenson are celebrated and the importance of the property to the town’s history continues to be commemorated.

Councillor Collins added: “I would like to express the council’s thanks to all 17 bidders who submitted offers to take on this treasured asset. In arriving at a final decision on this important matter, Cabinet members also considered the many views that have been expressed and representations made at earlier council meetings – including the debate on the Friends of Tapton House’s petition.”

A spokesperson for Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd said: “Our vision for Tapton House is to reflect its heritage, honour its past and to create new homes within the space that are steeped in history but built for modern lifestyles.

“We understand the significance of Tapton House to the local community and as such our proposals include maintaining the current levels of public access to the grounds around the building and exploring the viability of developing part of the building to showcase Tapton House’s rich heritage.

“We look forward to working hard, alongside the council and the community, to deliver the best for Tapton House and for the town and borough.”

The Cabinet decision is subject to the council’s usual call-in procedures.

Tapton House

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New trees planted in Staveley to mark National Tree Week

Sixteen new trees have been planted to celebrate National Tree Week and create an avenue feature in King George V Playing Field in Staveley.

Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesden) trees were planted by children from Staveley Junior School and representatives from the community including Councillors, Friends of King George V Playing Fields, Staveley King George Bowlers and Tree Wardens.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It was great to go out and plant these new trees with members of the local community. It will create a new tree-lined avenue that will complement the other improvements that we have made to this playing field over the last year. This is a great community space and I hope everyone will enjoy it.”

Using accelerator funding from the Staveley Town Deal a new play area and outside gym were installed in King George V Playing Field in 2021.

These sit next to the skate park and bowling green, ensuring that the playing field is a place the whole community can enjoy.

National Tree Week is a campaign run by The Tree Council and its partners which takes place from 26 November until 4 December.

It marks the start of the annual tree planting season and thousands of trees across the UK will be planted.

The theme this year is #HiddenConnections, celebrating trees as a connecting force of our world. Bringing all of us closer to nature and also revealing the fascinating connected world below ground, from complex root systems to mysterious mycorrhiza.

Find out more about the range of developments taking place in Staveley at:

If you want to help care for trees in Chesterfield you can volunteer for the Tree Warden project or you can suggest sites for community tree planting by emailing:

Staveley tree planting team

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Chesterfield’s brand-new M&S store opens at Ravenside Retail Park

Local people have been supported to secure jobs at the new Marks and Spencer store in Chesterfield, as part of a partnership project with Chesterfield Borough Council.

Located in Ravenside Retail Park, the store is designed with customers and local families at heart with a fresh, market-style Foodhall and a spacious Clothing, Home and Beauty Department, and over 400 car parking spaces.

At 46,000 sqft. the new store marks a big investment for M&S in Chesterfield, with over 100 new recruits joining the current team to welcome customers through the doors.

On the store’s official opening day, (Wednesday, 30th November) the M&S Chesterfield team gathered at the store entrance at 10am with Store Manager, Matt Corker, who was joined by guest of honor, Percy Pig, to cut the ribbon and declare the store officially open.

The opening day was also marked with a live broadcast from North Derbyshire Radio, who hosted the Breakfast and Daytime shows from the shop floor – interviewing colleagues and customers and getting a first-look at all the exciting new features.

Soaking up the opening day celebrations, Store Manager Matt Corker, who has worked at M&S for over 25 years, is exceptionally proud of the new store and his amazing team of of over 200 colleagues.

Matt said: “We’re thrilled to open our brand-new store in Chesterfield today. The last few weeks have been spent putting the finishing touches to our new store and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone in the team who has worked so hard to make sure everything is ready for our big opening day.”

“The store is an exciting investment in the future of M&S in Chesterfield and I can’t wait for our customers to explore all the new features that the store has to offer. As well as bringing our existing M&S Chesterfield team across to the new store, we’re proud to introduce over 100 new recruits to M&S Chesterfield, who can’t wait to meet everyone. With an amazing new, fresh-market feel Foodhall and a Clothing, Home & Beauty department which is the perfect place to shop your M&S favourites, we really do have the best of M&S here in Chesterfield for everyone to enjoy!”

While acknowledging that it’s disappointing to lose the household name from its central location on the high street – Chesterfield Borough Council has welcomed the firm’s commitment to its future in the borough.

Local people were supported to apply for roles at the new store at a recent recruitment event led by the council.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The opening of this new Marks and Spencer store at Ravenside Retail Park represents a significant investment in our borough.

“Whilst we understand that the move is disappointing for our high street, the company’s decision to remain within our town demonstrates the confidence that this national retailer has in Chesterfield’s future.

“It has also created more than 100 new jobs, and we’ve been working closely with the company to support local people to benefit from these new employment opportunities.”

The council does not own the building which has now been vacated by Marks and Spencer, but is continuing to work with the landlord to explore alternative uses for this key town centre building,

Councillor Sarvent added: “While we have no direct control over the former Marks and Spencer building, we will do all we can to explore and support positive new uses for this central site in our town centre.

“We’re also making significant investments in this area to ensure we can create a modern, vibrant visitor destination which builds confidence in the town – including our ambitious ‘Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield’ town centre regeneration plans which are moving forward after we secured nearly £20m from the Government’s levelling up fund.”

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Festive fun returns to Chesterfield with annual Christmas Lights switch-on

The Christmas Lights Switch On in Chesterfield will take place on 20 November, and everyone is invited to join us.

Families are invited to watch the stage show in the Market Place from 3pm, but there is a range of entertainment to enjoy in the town centre ahead of this as listed below. The lights switch on itself is at 4.45pm.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The Christmas lights switch on is one of my favourite events of the year. Residents and visitors will have lots to enjoy this year from meeting Shrek in Rykneld Square to seeing the live stage show, there is something to entertain everyone.”

The entertainment will be as follows – these acts will be performing at internals from lunchtime onwards:

  • The Rose Choir will be performing outside the library
  • You will be able to see the Phoenix Concert Band
  • The Pantonic All Stars Steel Band will be performing on Burlington Street
  • There will be walkabout entertainment around the market area including Band Beja, Glowbots, Carol Singing Christmas Crackers, The Greatest Showman Show, the Fairy Godmother and National ELF Service.
  • In the Pavements Shopping Centre, you will be able to see the Victorian Carol Singers performing between Boots and W H Smith
  • Outside Marks and Spencer visitors can meet Percy Pig

Chesterfield Museum

Chesterfield Museum will be offering a pop-up exhibit in the old Wards Shoe Shop (opposite Boots) where visitors can take part in Christmas crafts, Victorian games and handling objects from 10am – 4pm.

Crooked Spire Church

Visit St Mary and All Saints Church, otherwise known as the Crooked Spire, to see A Festival of Christmas Trees from 12pm – 5.30pm.

Stage entertainment

The stage show will start at 3pm and will include The Rose Choir (from Chesterfield Studios), the Carol Singing Christmas Crackers, Band Beja, and interviews with a Councillor and an independent trader.

There will be appearances from Santa, the Mayor and Mayoress and some of the Sleeping Beauty pantomime cast including a song by Olivia Bailey who plays Princess Aurora. The lights will be switched on at 4.45pm and then the crowd will be entertained by The Greatest Showman Show.

The entertainment programme is subject to change.

As one of our most popular events of the year, we expect a high footfall in the town centre so please allow plenty of time to both arrive and depart the event.

Tickets are now on sale to see Sleeping Beauty, this year’s pantomime, at Chesterfield’s Winding Wheel Theatre. You can find out more and book tickets online.

Meet Shrek in Chesterfield

This year’s special guest, in Chesterfield to meet families ahead of the lights switch on, is Shrek.

Shrek will be making personal appearances at intervals between 12pm and 3pm outside the Visitor Information Centre in Rykneld Square.

There is lots going on in Chesterfield throughout the festive season for everyone to enjoy, for more information visit

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Chesterfield residents, businesses and community groups encouraged to have their say on climate change

Residents, businesses and community groups across the borough are being invited to have their say on local plans to reduce the impact of climate change, as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s ongoing commitment to tackle the climate emergency.

By taking part in the new survey, people can help shape the council’s next climate change strategy which will set out how the authority will continue to reduce its own environmental impact, while working with the community to lower emissions across the borough.

The updated strategy will build on the success of ambitious work already underway to help the council become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, and to lay the groundwork for Chesterfield to become a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Since we declared a climate emergency in 2019, we have taken clear and effective action to lower the environmental impact of our services – focussing our efforts where we can make the biggest difference.

“This includes a £13.7m programme to reduce carbon emissions from our council homes, at least 1000 trees being planted each year since 2019, a switch to renewable energy purchases for electricity, and policies across the council which builds a consideration of climate change into all that we do.

“We’re now moving to the next phase of these plans and this updated strategy will underpin our ongoing efforts to achieve our robust targets – ensuring we continue to act now, to safeguard our future.”

Residents, businesses, or community groups can comment on the strategy themes by visiting the council’s website where they can find a background document, glossary, and link to the online survey until Monday 12 December.

Councillor Serjeant added: “The climate crisis is one of the biggest issues facing our communities, now and in the future and we know it’s important to local people and businesses. But we can’t tackle this alone. We need to work together to understand what we need to do and commit to taking further action in the areas we can make the most difference – such as how we use land and buildings across the borough, the transport networks we have and the amount of energy we all use.

“We’re urging residents, businesses and community groups across the borough to review and comment on our plans, to help make sure we create a borough which is safe and sustainable for everyone.”

The council is committed to work towards meeting the 2030 target by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions within its direct control and offsetting those emissions that cannot be eliminated by 2030. The council also aims to work with the community to support the transition to a carbon neutral borough by 2050 at the latest.

The first Climate Change Action Plan was officially adopted by the council in 2020 – and has made strong progress against the 45 actions which were identified for the council to take between 2019 and 2023.

The new strategy builds on these achievements and aims to ensure progress can be maintained to reach the target in 2030.

Annual delivery plans will be developed to support the new strategy and will also be shared with the community to comment on and get involved in the plans.

To take part in the survey please visit the council website before Monday 12 December:



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Chesterfield’s Regeneration Award winner praises ‘collaborative effort’ on landmark housing project

The winner of the 2022 Love Chesterfield Award for Regeneration, which celebrates the built environment in Chesterfield, has heaped praise on the team who made it possible.

A collaborative project between Chesterfield Borough Council and Henry Boot Construction, Badger Croft is described as the ‘largest council housing development in a generation’ in Chesterfield. The £4.1m development has seen 21 brand-new properties constructed on the former Brockwell Court site in Loundsley Green.

The development is providing families with modern homes that have been designed for a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Increased levels of insulation throughout and electric vehicle charging points have been installed on properties with driveways to support lower carbon transport options.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “We are delighted that the Badger Croft development has been recognised and won the regeneration award at this year’s Love Chesterfield Awards. The win really is a testament to all the hard work and dedication that has been put in by the council, alongside our partners, Henry Boot Construction.

“Badger Croft is the biggest council housing development of this generation in Chesterfield and marks a huge milestone in our efforts to increase the housing supply across the borough.

“Creating attractive places for residents is at the very heart of what we do and these new properties allow us to provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for families in our borough.”

We recently caught up with Tony Shaw, Managing Director at Henry Boot Construction, to get the company’s reaction to winning the award…

Regeneration 873x466

Tell us how pleased you are to have won the Regeneration Award at the Love Chesterfield Awards 2022!

We are delighted that Badger Croft won the Regeneration Award, the project was a collaborative effort between everyone involved which led to a brilliant end product, so it’s great to see the project recognised for its regenerative impact in Chesterfield. The Regeneration award is testament to the hard work of the team in transforming the area into quality housing for local families.

How exciting has the Badger Croft project been to work on as a company, and how much of a benefit has the project had on our local community?

As a company based in Dronfield, working on the project with Chesterfield Borough Council had a really local feeling and this was emphasised by our trusted supply chain, with the brickwork, joinery, plastering, plumbing, roofing and window installation all completed by subcontractors who were based within 20 miles of the site.

In conjunction with the Council, we worked closely with Holmebrook Conservation and Improvement Group to implement key landscaping works in the surrounding area. These works were designed to enhance the attractiveness of the area and boost biodiversity. It included the creation of wildflower meadow paths, new wooden planters and fruit trees, all for the benefit of the local community.

Sustainable development is of upmost importance currently – Tell us about the measures you’ve put in place at Badger Croft to ensure the new homes are efficient.

As champions of sustainability, we completely understood the Council’s need for Badger Croft to take account of environmental issues and contribute to a greener future. The new homes were fitted with increased levels of insulation. These naturally warm and energy-efficient homes are not only better for the environment, but they also reduce the running costs for tenants – something that is extremely important in a period of rising living costs and fuel poverty. The homes also boast electric vehicle charging points in the driveways, helping to future-proof the development and encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport.

With Chesterfield becoming an increasingly attractive place for young families, how vital is it that we create affordable housing to ensure continued growth in the town?

Projects like Badger Croft are of paramount importance to delivering Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to increase the supply of affordable properties across the borough. The project is a prime example of how under-utilised brownfield land can be transformed into bright modern homes, not only providing a place for people to live and thrive, but improving the look and feel of the surrounding area. With a mix of 21 new accessible, efficient 3-4 bedroom homes, this is the largest council housing development in the borough since the 1980s. All the homes were added to the Council’s housing register and let to local families.

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group works collaboratively with Chesterfield Borough Council to highlight the town’s ongoing regeneration. Why is creating strong relationships between public and private sector so important?

Chesterfield is a hive of regeneration activity and it is brilliant to see a number of other exciting completed and on-going projects constantly improving Chesterfield’s offer. We believe in nurturing a collaborative approach across all our operations – by building strong relationships with all our public and private sector partners, all parties benefit from increased expertise and open communication, ensuring the Badger Croft project proceeded smoothly. The final result was only possible through an open culture of strong engagement between Henry Boot, its specialist consultants and supply chain and the team at Chesterfield Borough Council.

Find out more about the Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Property and Construction Group, which brings together business leaders of the region’s property sector and Chesterfield Borough Council to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield 

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Council acquires additional affordable homes to let to local families

Chesterfield Borough Council has completed the acquisition of 12 new build properties – further increasing its supply of modern and affordable homes for local families in the borough.

The new housing development located at Harehill Mews in Grangewood, is the latest acquisition of properties for local people and will see 12 two-bedroom houses added to the council’s housing stock.

The properties have been purchased by the council from local housebuilders, ERICA Developments Ltd. and will be made available to rent to families on the housing register.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “We are fully committed to increasing the supply of affordable housing across the borough and meeting the housing needs of local people – now and in the future. We are pleased that the acquisition of these properties is now complete, as they will provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for our families.

“It’s important that any homes we build or purchase take into account environmental issues and are energy efficient for our tenants. Living in a warm and energy efficient home is not only better for our planet, but it will also reduce costs to run the property, offering affordable warmth to our tenants.”

The properties were officially handed over to the council on 29 September 2022, all 12 have been allocated and tenants are now moving in to their new homes.

Whether it’s a town or village experience, contemporary or traditional housing, buying or renting, living in Chesterfield and the surrounding area is affordable and offers something for everyone.

With friendly and welcoming communities it’s a safe place to live and bring up a family. Surrounded by stunning countryside but with lots to offer in the town there’s plenty to see and do.

Find out more about living and working in the town at:

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Chesterfield to be lit up once again this Christmas

Chesterfield Borough Council is once again hosting its spectacular Christmas Lights Switch On in the historic marketplace, marking the start of the festive season in the town.

Taking place on Sunday 20th November, the Christmas Lights Switch On is a firm favourite in the festive calendar, and it will include stage show entertainment from 3pm, festive market stalls and the lights switch on itself at 4.45pm.

Some of the Sleeping Beauty pantomime cast will be coming along to the stage show too, tickets are now on sale to see Sleeping Beauty at Chesterfield’s Winding Wheel Theatre. You can find out more and book tickets online.

Shrek will be making personal appearances at intervals between 12pm and 3pm outside the Visitor Information Centre in Rykneld Square ahead of the lights being turned on.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This will be a magical event in the heart of Chesterfield, and everyone is welcome to come along. The Christmas lights switch on is one of our most popular events of the year, so please ensure you allow plenty of time to park or arrive by public transport, wrap up warm and enjoy the event.”

Elsewhere across Chesterfield, there is lots going on throughout the festive season for everyone to enjoy.

Meet Santa in the Market Hall

Bookings for Santa’s Grotto in the Market Hall are now open.

Santa will be welcoming visitors into his grotto from 20 November and tickets must be booked in advance either online or by contacting the Visitor Information Centre.

The price is £6.50p per person, which includes a present.


A number of markets will be taking place where you can pick up a unique gift or two from one of Chesterfield’s great selection of independent retailers. The traditional and speciality markets will take place on:

  • Vegan Market – 6 November and 4 December
  • Record Fair – 13 November and 11 December
  • Artisan Market – 27 November and 18 December

Visit Revolution House

If you are looking for a traditional family Christmas activity, why not take a trip to Revolution House.  The house will be open and decorated for Christmas with traditional greenery, including a kissing bough, and a flower festival with arrangements throughout the house, created by volunteers.

The house will be open from Thursday 8 December to Saturday 24 December, 11am to 3pm. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted.

The house will also host a carol concert on Thursday 8 December at 6.30pm with members of Holymoorside Band. Carol sheets will be provided, and we suggest everyone attending wears appropriate clothing and brings a torch (although there will be some lighting on site).

Elf Trail

The Elf Trail is back for another year to provide fun for the whole family this Christmas.

They will be hiding in the windows of our local shops and venues waiting for you to find them from 21 November 2022 to 4 January 2023. Spot them all and you could win a fabulous family prize.

You can keep up to date with everything happening in Chesterfield this Christmas by visiting our festive web page. The page includes fabulous local gift guides, tips on getting the best food and drink from independent Chesterfield businesses, fun competitions, fesitive activities and much more!

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Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre praised by tenants for accessibility, facilities, sustainability and style

Seventeen businesses have made Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre their home since it opened in July this year. The flagship office development has let more than 50% of rooms in just four months after opening.

Targeted at new and growing businesses in Chesterfield, the 32 high quality office suites spread over three floors have attracted tenants from a range of sectors and industries into the town centre, including recruitment, IT, design, marketing, education and training, and fashion.

The building is part of the £19.9m scheme to breathe new life into the northern entrance to Chesterfield town centre and is Chesterfield Borough Council’s newest enterprise centre. It was part funded through a grant from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Investment Fund, with additional funding provided by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Providing 26,000 sq.ft. of modern workplace accommodation, Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre was designed to ‘provide a new contemporary landmark which will enrich the urban fabric of the town’.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It is fantastic to see so many new businesses moving into the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre. We’ve built on our experiences at Tapton and Dunston Innovation Centres to develop this building and it is already evident that we have been successful in creating a modern environment where Chesterfield’s budding entrepreneurs can collaborate and flourish.”

Tenants have praised the centre’s location, citing it as a primary factor in their decision to make the centre their new home. “Good transport links,” were the primary factor for Logical Personnel Solutions for choosing Northern Gateway as its new home.

Izabella Edwards, Managing Director at Edwards Employment Solutions Ltd. commented: “Our move to the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has been an absolute game changer for us.  From a business point of view, we are benefitting from the excellent location. People looking for a new job are able to pop in and see us when they are in town, and we even have our clients from local businesses coming in to see us.

“We now have such modern and functional facilities to host people – it’s really working well for us.  In addition to this, my team and I are really enjoying being back in Chesterfield Town Centre and making the most out of shopping and eating out at lunchtime.  I would encourage any business thinking about making the move to go for it, we’ve certainly not looked back.”

The central location and transport links were also key for Potentia Teaching School Hub which acts as a ‘local’ centre of excellence’ for schools in Amber Valley, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales, High Peak and North East Derbyshire.

Alan Kealy, Director of Potentia Teaching School Hub, explained: “As a DfE designated hub for six areas within Derbyshire, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre enables us to provide a professional service from a central location so that we are able to support nurseries and schools effectively.”

The high quality interior of the building has been a major pull for a number of tenants, including James Taylor, founder and managing director of Roaring Mouse Public Relations, one of the first businesses to relocate to Northern Gateway in July. He explained: “This is a space that impresses customers and inspires our people. We are delighted to have a stylish, contemporary office that supports collaboration and enables us to do the best work possible for customers around the world.”

Lucinda White, director of Pure Awards, who moved into the centre in September, commented: “Not only is it an ultra-modern space, with floor to ceiling windows and instant hot water on tap but it is the ideal environment for the ‘agency’ feel business of Pure Awards.”

Accessibility and sustainability are central to the building which has been designed by Chesterfield architects Whittam Cox. The building has also been designed to minimise its impact on the environment and achieve considerable efficiencies in energy use.

The sustainability and accessibility credentials of the building were key for Kakou Technologies when selecting the centre for its new home. Ann Fomukong-Boden, co-founder and MD explained: “As a Disability Confident employer designing inclusive and accessible technologies, we required office space with good access to local transport links, not only for our staff, but for our visitors. The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is fully accessible, matches our sustainability principles through the excellent BREEAM rating and centre environmental policies, and provides us with the flexibility we require to grow our business.”

Accessibility was also important for Gillian Scotford, a leading disability campaigner and founder of AccessibleUK.  Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre proved the perfect location for the organisation when she decided to make the move from being home to office-based.

She explained: “The time was right for AccessibleUK to have an office base where we could bring our clients from across the country to our beloved Accessible Derbyshire to deliver training and provide consultancy. The Northern Gateway Enterprise centre is somewhere we feel extremely proud to welcome businesses to such a wonderful, expanding market town with great transport links and accommodation provisions.”

The town centre location was a pull for East Midlands Chamber which is soon to lease space in the building in addition to its headquarters outside the town centre. The additional space will be used as a convenient drop-in meeting point for Chamber members.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, explained: “We want to create a members’ lounge for them to drop in and use as they see fit, while it adds more meeting space in addition to our headquarters in Dunston Road.

“We are excited to see the range of benefits the centre will have on the growth of businesses and the creation of jobs in Chesterfield, both of which will provide a boost to the town’s economy.”

Inside, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre boasts 24/7 access, IT fibre connection which offers maximum speed multi bandwidth capability, Wi-Fi and air conditioning throughout. Each office benefits from access-controlled doors and CCTV coverage is available in internal communal areas and external areas.

Within the centre itself, there is a shared reception and lobby area, two meeting rooms, a break-out area and kitchenettes, bicycle storage, shower and changing facilities, lift access and individually metered power supplies.

The interior of the Enterprise Centre has been designed by Amy Revell, Co-Founder and Director of We Are Spaces Limited, who is now also a tenant at Northern Gateway. She said: “Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has given us Grade ‘A’ office space for people to work in. These workspaces are comparable to those in bigger cities like Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester which deliver the connectivity for hybrid working for a better work/life balance.”

The building fronts Chesterfield’s new office campaign which was launched earlier this year. The campaign, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, has been developed by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire Economic Partnership.

The campaign also showcases One Waterside Place a new Grade A office development. Together with the Enterprise Centre, the buildings add to the town’s already impressive portfolio of properties. Together they add more than 100,000sq. ft of additional high quality office space to the town’s offering, enabling the town to capitalise on the ‘flight to prime’ trend for office space.

In addition to One Waterside Place and the Enterprise Centre, the campaign promotes the range of excellent office and flexible workspace available in the borough, including the Innovation Centres at Dunston and Tapton, The HQ, Great2Work, West Studios and The Glass Yard.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “Chesterfield meets the needs of new, growing and established businesses, offering a central location and connectivity, to a local skilled workforce and now, high quality, sustainable office space.

“The new office developments send an important message both locally and nationally that Chesterfield can meet every stage of a business’ life cycle from start-up to maturity.

“The investment in high quality workspaces across the borough will continue to help us to attract further businesses to invest in Chesterfield benefitting the locally economy now and for future generations.”

More than 70 people are now based at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, with numbers set to grow further as businesses secure office space in the building. This will bring additional footfall and custom to surrounding businesses in the town.

Councilor Gilby added: “The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre will support our economy but will also help ensure our entrepreneurs can receive the support they need to see their business thrive. I want to welcome all our tenants and wish them the best of luck; the development of this building is a celebration of their entrepreneurial spirit and the benefits it will bring to our borough.”

To learn more about available office space in Chesterfield, visit:

Or to find out more about office suites in the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, visit

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