Chesterfield business conference

Conference to showcase how community building boosts Chesterfield’s economy

Business leaders are set to hear how collaborative placemaking is helping to strengthen communities and attract more investment in Chesterfield.

This year’s Celebrate Chesterfield Business Conference, held in association with DogLand, will shine a spotlight on some of the partnerships between residents, businesses and public sector organisations that are lifting Chesterfield’s reputation as a unique place to work, live, visit and grow a business.

Taking place at The Winding Wheel Theatre on Thursday, 27th March, Celebrate Chesterfield will focus on community-led placemaking around our town centres.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield, the event will feature conversations with town centre investors on how our communities are the perfect fit for their business, and an interview with residents on their reasons for making Chesterfield home.

This year also celebrates 15 years of telling our town’s story alongside 230 Chesterfield Champions and partners. Destination Chesterfield is set to announce its new Chair at the event, who will also launch a new two-year plan to promote the town.

Attendees will be able to find out more about ongoing collaborative projects set to boost the town’s economy, including:

  • Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield: Improving the look, feel and flow of Chesterfield town centre, including a major modernisation of the historic marketplace. This includes support for a traditional market offer but also for a wider range of uses including community events, festivals and more.
  • Stephenson Memorial Hall refurbishment: creating a modern visitor experience in the heart of the town centre that includes an extended theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, new gallery space, community facilities and a café bar.
  • PEAK Resort: the UK’s first purpose-built national park gateway ‘resort town,’ offering visitors world-class facilities and services as a base from which to access the Peak District National Park. The development is set to sustain thousands of jobs for local people.
  • Staveley 21: a £6m regeneration project in Staveley town centre creating a more attractive place to visit and spend time shopping, socialising, and exploring. The development includes a new landmark building which will house a library and office space to ensure the town centre remains at the heart of the local community.
  • Chesterfield Canal restoration: ongoing works include the reconstruction of 850m of canal channel, two new bridges, a new lock and over 3 kilometres of footpath improvements. Once completed, the canal will provide more access to nature for residents with improved infrastructure for walkers and cyclists.
  • Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe): a modern rail innovation and training centre, located next to Barrow Hill Roundhouse. The centre will provide 1,423 square metres of floor space, consisting of classroom and workshop training areas.
  • The Moorings: A two-storey building at the Staveley Canal Basin, comprising 11 new flexible business units and a new indoor and outdoor dining space.

In addition, multiple large-scale housing schemes are under construction, with thousands of homes expected to be built in Chesterfield in the next five years. Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice-Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “Celebrate Chesterfield is now in its 15th year, and I am looking forward to welcoming more businesses to this annual event to once again showcase and celebrate everything special and unique about our town.

“I’m particularly looking forward to outlining Destination Chesterfield’s ambitions for the next couple of years, as we continue to build on the £2 billion regeneration taking place across our community. Chesterfield is not standing still; over the last 15 years we’ve worked together to improve our borough and we will continue to work in partnership with our community to grow our economy and create more opportunities for our residents.”

Dawn Brown, Founder and Owner of DogLand, added: “I am delighted to support the Celebrate Chesterfield Business Conference this year. As a business which thrives in the area thanks to the support of our local communities, I’m excited to hear more about how we can strengthen links to improve Chesterfield’s credentials as a great location to live, spend quality leisure time, and grow a business.”

Delegates can book their free place at Celebrate Chesterfield and find out further details on the event at:

The conference will also play host to the Celebrate Chesterfield Business Expo held in association with East Midlands Chamber. The expo presents businesses with the perfect opportunity to meet and network with over 250 business delegates from the local business community. Businesses wishing to be part of the expo can get more information at:

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Get involved, collaborate and make change happen conference tells Chesterfield businesses

Chesterfield businesses have been urged to take action if they want to make a difference to the town’s future.

Speaking at the annual Celebrate Chesterfield Conference on Thursday 2 March, organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Addooco IT, Peter Swallow, Chair of the town’s inward investment marketing campaign Destination Chesterfield, called on businesses to ‘get involved,’ ‘collaborate’ and ‘make change happen’ to ensure the town achieves its transformational growth strategy by 2030.

He said: “We have a network of more than 200 businesses, charities and education providers in Chesterfield, known as Chesterfield Champions, and the people in these organisations do so much to support Destination Chesterfield to market the town as a destination to invest, work, live and visit. But if we want to see the town thrive in an increasingly competitive market, we need to do even more collectively. We must collaborate and buy from each other and we must champion Chesterfield outside the area in order to help us bring investment into the borough and create highly skilled jobs.”

Launched on 23 February by Chesterfield Borough Council, key headline targets of the Chesterfield Growth Strategy include:

  • Increasing the number of employee jobs in the borough by 4% (2,000 jobs).
  • Increasing the number of businesses by 12% (400 businesses).
  • Increasing the number of higher value businesses by 15% (100 businesses).
  • Increasing the share of Chesterfield residents in knowledge-based occupations by 15% (baseline Census 21 – 18,000).
  • Increasing the value of the visitor economy by 20% (baseline £163m).

Speaking about the ambitious strategy at the conference, Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “Bringing together the public, private and community sectors to champion our borough is key to achieving our ambitions and strengthening the local economy. As a council we have continued to bring investment into the area from central government and elsewhere.

“Earlier this year we announced our success in bringing almost £2.7 million of UK Shared Prosperity Funding into the borough, a comprehensive spending plan is in place that will provide training support, grant programmes for businesses and charities, as well as helping to make further improvements to green spaces, sports and play facilities across our borough.

“We have secured more than £45 million from the government, this will be used to invest in the future of Staveley but also to improve Chesterfield town centre and enhance our appeal to visitors.

“Looking to the future there is more than £2 billion of investment across our borough and this will help ensure that we have a bright future ahead of us but there is still more we can do and working with the Chesterfield Champions we look forward to promoting our borough as the place to live, work, visit and invest.”

As well as being Chair of Destination Chesterfield, Mr Swallow is also Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc, the company leading the private/public £340million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s Growth Strategy will see further investors like Bolsterstone Group and Devonshire Group attracted to the borough which currently has more than £2 billion of regeneration in the pipeline.

The Devonshire Group is behind the future residential development and regeneration of 150 hectares of former industrial land in the Staveley and is also partnering with Chesterfield Borough Council, Chesterfield College and the University of Derby in delivering the Construction Skills Hub. This is funded through the Staveley Town Deal and will provide training, careers insights, and work experience for more than 5,000 learners on a live construction site over 10 years.

In addition to site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation the Hub will also provide training in green technologies.

The annual Celebrate Chesterfield conference, which was attended by more than 250 members of the town’s businesses community, also saw the launch of the new Destination Chesterfield plan, which will position the borough as a desirable and contemporary destination for visitors, investors and residents.

The new plan places the town’s network of Champions at the forefront, having been recently praised by the UK’s leading place branding, place marketing and place making specialist Thinking Place, as a ‘sales force’ for the town.

Celebrate Chesterfield was sponsored by Chesterfield Champions Addooco IT, University of Derby, Choice Utility and Markham Vale.

Peter Swallow added: “The financial support of the town’s Champions is incredibly important to ensure events such as Celebrate happen. For people to be onboard and contributing actively to the town’s growth and development, then they also must be informed and involved with plans. The lasting and far reaching change we are striving for in Chesterfield cannot be done by one organisation alone; it must be a collaborative effort.”

Nigel Mallender, Head of Sales and Marketing at Addooco IT Ltd, the event’s headline sponsor said: “Addooco are a proud Chesterfield based business and the majority of our Team live in the town. We’re delighted to support the many Destination Chesterfield events and to promote their initiatives wherever possible. They do an excellent job of increasing awareness of our town and in spreading the word on what a great place Chesterfield is to live, work, meet and to run a business. Addooco are committed to Chesterfield and continue to use local suppliers, services and hire local people wherever we can.”

Dan Molloy, Managing Director of Choice Utility added: “I believe that Chesterfield is one of the best places to do business out of. It’s important that the businesses based here support the town and each other, whether it’s through attending and sponsoring events like Celebrate Chesterfield or shopping local. Having a thriving local economy is key to developing conversations with national investors and ensuring Chesterfield continues to grow and develop.”

Adam Doyle, Head of Business Engagement and Employability at the University of Derby which is supporting the Festival of Business Exhibition said: “We were proud to be the partner of the Derbyshire Festival of Business exhibition at Celebrate Chesterfield. The festival plays a key role in continuing to support the business community to innovate and grow, aligned to our aim of raising skills and aspirations across our region. Working with businesses, we are helping to position our county internationally as a place to do business as well as a place to study, live and work.”

A spokesperson for HBD, the developer behind Chesterfield’s hugely successful Markham Vale and a sponsor of Celebrate Chesterfield, added: “Chesterfield is a fantastic place to do business, as demonstrated by the phenomenal growth we’ve seen at Markham Vale and the creation of more than 2,700 new jobs.”

To discover more about the investment opportunities available in Chesterfield visit

tricia gilby and peter swallow celebrate 2023

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