chesterfield business support

More than 1,100 businesses engaged so far with Accelerator business support

A growing number of businesses in the East Midlands are benefitting from tailored business support, thanks to the Accelerator project.

Evaluation of the project’s performance at its halfway point has identified over 1,100 businesses that have been engaged and are working with a business adviser to boost their growth.

The project, which is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), was established in the autumn and is being delivered by East Midlands Chamber in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicester.
Alongside one-to-one support from a business adviser, the project has so far also delivered the following:

• 102 growth vouchers up to the value of £2,000 to help businesses access tailored, 1-2-1 consultancy support to introduce digital technology and green measures.
• 300 workshops and webinars successfully attracting over 7,000 delegates.
• 50 energy saving and improvement audit approvals to help businesses create an action plan to save money.

Businesses signing up to the project have also been introduced to the wealth of additional support available from other regional and national sources. For innovative SMEs, this includes growth and scale-up support from Innovate UK Business Growth. Manufacturing micro and small businesses can also benefit from Made Smarter support on how to switch to advanced and automated technologies.

East Midlands Chamber Deputy Chief Executive Diane Beresford said:

“From our launch events onwards, we’ve listened to what businesses want in terms of what, where, when and how they would like to access Accelerator support.

“Chamber and D2N2 Growth Hub support is undoubtedly at its best when businesses are given a helping hand to apply for support from other sources, including grant funding and pitching for investor support.

“The Accelerator project has some challenging targets including the creation and safeguarding of jobs, creating new enterprises, accessing new technologies or processes and engagement in knowledge transfer activity. We’re certainly on the right trajectory to achieve that and for any business yet to sign up, I would urge them to seize the opportunity before the project ends in March of next year.”

Learn more about the Chesterfield accelerator scheme and other initiatives available to support businesses in the town:

Chesterfield Accelerator

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Early stage businesses in Chesterfield to receive support from new funding

A new support fund for businesses which have been trading in our region for between 6-24 months has been officially launched.

D2N2 LEP Chair, Elizabeth Fagan announced the launch of D2N2 LEP’s Early Stage Angel Investment Fund at the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF) in Leeds this week.

Speaking at the interactive panel session ‘Focus on the East Midlands, our Time is Now’, alongside East Midlands Mayor Claire Ward, Elizabeth said:

“I’m delighted to announce today that we are launching our Early Stage Angel Investment Fund here in Leeds at UKREiiF. The purpose of the Fund is to stimulate investment and growth in ‘early stage’ companies – those that have been trading between six and 24 months – that are based in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham or Nottinghamshire (the D2N2 region).

“D2N2 LEP is contributing £4 million to the Fund and this will be match-funded by our investment fund manager, Haatch. Our aim is that over the longer term, these funds will be re-invested in the programme, to catalyse investment and growth for further early stage companies.”

The partnership aims to drive economic growth by investing in emerging startups and entrepreneurial talent in the region.

D2N2 LEP is a leading force in driving economic growth and job creation in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Haatch, is a leading venture capital firm known for its entrepreneurial roots and commitment to fostering innovation outside of London.

Over the next two years, the Haatch D2N2 ESAIF will invest in approximately 13 companies providing a significant step forward in unlocking the potential of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire’s startup ecosystem and driving sustainable economic growth.

Further information about the Fund, visit

Delegates representing Destination Chesterfield and the town’s Property and Construction Group also attended the event in Leeds. Read our recent blog from Destination Chesterfield Manager, Dom Stevens reflecting on the success of the event.

For more information about the current business support on offer to businesses in Chesterfield, go to:

D2N2 LEP supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Forum at UKREiiF

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Chesterfield business leaders encourage firms to take advantage of local support

Chesterfield business leaders are urging companies across the town to take advantage of a wide range of support being offered, to assist in their growth and innovation.

The recent Destination Chesterfield Round Table discussion, conducted in collaboration with the Derbyshire Times, brought together several organisations to celebrate the reasons why they love working, living and running businesses in the town.

Delegates highlighted how Chesterfield was a town full of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, with its vibrant community, strategic location, access to skill and talent, and robust support ecosystem.

Firms across the Borough of Chesterfield can currently access a wide range of support options. From improving sustainability to upskilling their teams and exploring innovation and growth, the Round Table panel were keen to encourage other businesses in the town to take advantage of the schemes available.

Abigail Phillips, Start-up Advisor at East Midlands Chamber explained more about the Chesterfield Accelerator Scheme, which was launched in late 2023: “The programme provides one-to-one business support. The key thing about it is that our advisors can highlight potential improvements which you may not know about or haven’t considered. A series of workshops are being hosted across our region too.”

Celebrate Chesterfield 2024 exhibition

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “As a council, we hold regular conversations with businesses across a diverse range of sectors, so we have a good overall vision of what is happening across the borough. The Manufacturing and Property & Construction Forums held under the Destination Chesterfield umbrella are a real strength. I am also very keen to highlight the Skills Brokerage Service which Chesterfield Borough Council has launched for businesses, which allows us to talk to a range of organisations about their skills gaps and identify what they need.”

Chesterfield boasts a bustling community of more than 5,000 businesses. Whether you’re starting up, or looking to grow, a supportive network of organisations are more than happy to share advice. From informal meetups to large exhibitions and major summit events, the sense of camaraderie in Chesterfield helps to reassure people when faced with the challenges of starting a business.

Catherine Wenborn, Managing Director at Vines Legal Ltd spoke of her experience of moving her organisation to the town: “We were shy at the beginning, very much newcomers. However, we got involved in networking with other businesses, attending BNI and the Chesterfield Business Expo at Casa Hotel. We soon found that it was great to meet local businesses. It is always hard setting up in a new place, but people are so friendly here, and people always welcome you. There are so many opportunities here, and now I certainly don’t want to go back down south!”

For established companies, being ingrained into Chesterfield’s community becomes a natural progression. Matt Killingley, Business Development Director of NT Killingley Ltd, which has been trading for more than half a century, explained how important it is for business owners to step away from their day-to-day tasks and collaborate with others.

He said: “One of the most useful things for me was being part of a Chamber initiative which saw a group of managing directors meeting semi-formally once every month. It was very useful because we were all non-competing businesses, and it enabled you to step out of your own business, share problems and then discuss possible solutions. Running a business is totally encompassing, and to step away just for a couple of hours and meet with other business leaders is a great idea.”

Around 150 guests seated in rows facing the stage at the front in the function room at Casa Hotel

Abigail Phillips added: “Through adversity, businesses across Chesterfield have bonded together and it has been beautiful to see. People are being honest and helping each other, which provides a great environment for support and collaboration. The more we can have cross-sector conversations, the more we can continue to break down barriers.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby said: “It’s fantastic to see how businesses step forward when we ask them to – showing a real collective aspiration for our place and people. In terms of inward investment, businesses are always willing to come forward and support. We have seen a fantastic response to Destination Chesterfield’s call for new board members, and the appetite of businesses wanting to get involved in the new Chesterfield Town Board has been strong too.”

In addition, delegates at the Round Table explained how being located in Chesterfield, with its central location and proximity to several major cities, was helping to give them a strategic advantage.

Business man in suit with briefcase stepping off train onto platform at Chesterfield Railway Station

Chesterfield Railway Station

Mel Archbould, Managing Director owner of Cloud-Busting, commented: “The location of our town is its greatest strength. We are in the centre of the UK, next to the M1. When the upcoming work has been carried out at the rail station to provide a great welcome to Chesterfield, I think it will be really exciting.”

Catherine Wenborn added: “You can get to up Scotland, or down as far as the south-west either on the train or by road. We’re pretty much bang in the centre, which I consider to be a huge advantage.”

The town’s location also enables businesses to tap into a wide talent pool, with an estimated 7 million people living within an hour’s commute of Chesterfield. Attendees at the Round Table pointed out how they were ensuring they made the most of local skills opportunities to help grow their organisations and create jobs.

Matt Killingley said: “We are working with local schools, trying to promote apprenticeships and we are looking to engage with the potential workforce in our area. Sometimes in business, it is easy to have aspirations you can’t actually enact, but stepping away and speaking to schools and universities helps to promote your business and engage with the next generation.”

Paul Chapman, Owner and Editor of S40 Local Magazine added: “The sense of community in Chesterfield is so different to anywhere else. Look at the links we have between businesses and educators, such as Chesterfield College and the University of Derby. If you’re looking for particular skills, they’ll speak to you and ask what you’re looking for. They’ll then train people up to help get people into jobs, which is excellent.”

Are you a Chesterfield business looking for support to grow or upskill your organisation? Find out more at:

Round Table - Celebrate Local

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Chesterfield firms encouraged to apply for AI skills grants

The government has launched a scheme enabling businesses across the UK to futureproof their teams, by accessing funding for AI skills.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) recently announced a £7.4 million pilot scheme to subsidise the cost of AI skills training for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Professional Business Services sector. £6.4 million of grant funding is available.

Through this pilot programme, eligible business can apply for funding for up to 50% of the cost of AI skills training. This is training which supports employees to develop their technical skills and/or understanding of AI to be able to develop, deploy, or use AI in their role. The application window is open until 31 May.

Artificial Intelligence holds huge opportunities to drive productivity and prosperity across the UK economy. It has the potential to increase UK GDP by up to 10.3% by 2030 – the equivalent of an additional £232 billion – and businesses who adopt AI are more likely to be successful than those that do not.

But evidence shows that a lack of AI skills in businesses is hindering AI adoption, in part due to low investment in AI upskilling in UK businesses, particularly in smaller companies.

The new pilot programme will test whether training SMEs in AI maximises the value of adoption AI. Specifically, whether government support in the form of match-funding is an effective way of increasing employer-led upskilling in AI, and whether increased skills translate into AI adoption and firm-level productivity benefits.

Specifically, the pilot has the following objectives:

1. To stimulate employer investment in AI training
2. To address AI skills gaps in the UK workforce limiting AI adoption
3. To measure the impact of AI upskilling on business productivity and outcomes

The funding competition is open to applicants who:

  • Are registered and operate in the UK
  • Employ between 1-249 employees in the UK
  • Are defined as an SME per the BEIS SME Action Plan
  • Have been operating for at least 1 year
  • Are able to match-fund 50% of the cost of the training, and
  • Operate in the Professional and Business Services (PBS) sector

To find out more and apply for the support, go to:

For more information on business support, funding and training available to Chesterfield businesses, go to:


Two women wearing VR headsets and animation on big screen

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Conference urges business growth and collaboration to boost Chesterfield’s economy

Businesses in Chesterfield are being encouraged to explore ways in which they can grow, as part of ambitious plans to improve the town’s economy and create higher-value jobs for residents.

Speakers at Destination Chesterfield’s annual Celebrate Chesterfield Business Conference highlighted ways in which local businesses can harness support to innovate and create new jobs.

They also identified that if all organisations in the town currently categorised as ‘low growth’ experienced just a 1% uplift, it would significantly boost the local economy.

Helping businesses to grow and ensuring people have the right skills are key objectives of Chesterfield Borough Council’s Growth Strategy (2023-2027). To support this, delegates at Celebrate Chesterfield heard from businesses which are innovating and overcoming challenges to boost growth.

Mike Isherwood, Managing Director of event headline sponsor, System Q explained how his business has evolved and adapted to become a supplier to major organisations, including the Ministry of Defence: “We are committed to providing our customers with the most innovative and advanced technology, ensuring their safety and security at all times.

“Our company is proud to be a part of the thriving high-tech community in Chesterfield, a town known for its innovation and progress. Despite the common belief that the best firms and talent are found in larger cities, this quaint town is home to a wealth of undiscovered talent.”

Ash Young, Managing Director of recently relocated his business to the town.

He said: “If we hadn’t done things differently, we wouldn’t have seen the growth that we have. When we set up the business we were aiming for 100 orders per day, but because we changed the way we marketed the products, we are now shipping around 150,000 orders per year and we’re going to turn over about £7.5m this year.

“We’ve managed to hire a really skilled team in Chesterfield and the transport links mean it’s easy for us to get out to couriers easily.”

Amy Revell, of We Are Spaces Ltd recently expanded her business into larger office space at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, having initially moved into the development last year.

She said: “We currently turn over around £7m and have 15 employees, and we are rapidly growing. Chesterfield has played a big part in our growth – we have a lovely office space here which we managed to grow from one of the smaller suites into a larger one. We’ve managed to recruit really good people in the area, and we are strategically placed really well. Being so central has allowed us to grow all of our core services nationally.”

At the conference, Destination Chesterfield also launched its ambitious new strategy and plan, which outlines the partnership’s aims to attract further inward investment, support businesses to grow and encourage more people to visit the town.

Peter Swallow, Destination Chesterfield Chair, commented: “This plan reflects our town’s ambition, and where we collectively see the biggest growth opportunities. Recent research has identified 26% of revenues from tourism, inward investment and talent growth are shaped by people’s perception of a town or city.  Meaning our collective work to promote the town are vital to achieving the towns growth aspirations.

Celebrate Chesterfield business innovation panel, Mike Isherwood, Cllr Tricia Gilby, Adam Doyle

“Since 2010, Destination Chesterfield has worked alongside Chesterfield Borough Council and Chesterfield Champions to promote the area as a contemporary destination to invest, work, live and visit, and our public-private partnership continues to play a central role in the town’s success. We must continue working together to raise the profile of Chesterfield to realise its significant potential.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council added: “Celebrate is always a fantastic event that showcases the very best that our borough has to offer. It was great to be able to meet with businesses to talk about how the council can support them to grow, but also to hear from them directly and discover what else we can do to drive growth and investment.

“I was also pleased to see a strong reception the new Destination Chesterfield strategy and plan – this aligns closely with our own growth strategy and together we can help grow our local economy, attract more investment and deliver benefits for both businesses and our residents.”

The 2024 Celebrate Chesterfield Business Conference was also sponsored by Markham Vale and the University of Derby. The event also saw almost 40 businesses exhibiting across the East Midlands Chamber Business Support Zone and the Invest in Chesterfield Zone.

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Midlands Engine Investment Fund II launches providing businesses with the funds to grow

The British Business Bank has launched its £400 million Midlands Engine Investment Fund II, unlocking additional funding to help smaller businesses in Derbyshire prosper and thrive.

The fund will drive sustainable economic growth by supporting new and growing businesses across the whole of the Midlands, through investment strategies that best meet the needs of these firms. It includes a range of finance options with loans from £25,000 to £2 million and equity investments up to £5 million to help small and medium-sized businesses start up, scale up, or stay ahead.

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund II aims to build on the success of the inaugural Midlands Engine Investment Fund, a £300m fund which has already supported 739 smaller businesses since its launch in 2017. The new fund will help hundreds more businesses to achieve their potential and further increase the supply and diversity of early-stage finance by providing options to firms that might otherwise be unable to secure investment. Funding is designed to help smaller businesses with activities including expansion, product or service innovation, new processes, skills development and capital equipment.

Five fund managers have been appointed to manage the fund. BCRS Business Loans and First Enterprise – Enterprise Loans will manage the smaller loans part of the fund (£25,000 to £100,000), Frontier Development Capital and Maven Capital Partners will be responsible for larger loans (£100,000 to £2 million) and Mercia Ventures will manage equity deals (up to £5 million).

Louis Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, British Business Bank said: Small businesses are at the heart of The Midlands’ economy. Since launching in 2017, the first Midlands Engine Investment Fund has so far created more than 4,000 jobs across the region by backing 739 smaller businesses, boosting the region’s productivity by 70%.

The first Midlands Engine Investment Fund provided a blueprint for how we can support entrepreneurs and founders, whoever they are and wherever they are in the region, to access the funds and support they need. This new fund will allow us to continue supporting business owners across the Midlands, whether they’re at the start of their journey or are already running an established firm.

Promoting growth by ensuring entrepreneurs can access the finance they need regardless of where and who they are is one of the Bank’s strategic objectives, and vital to unlocking the full potential of the UK’s smaller businesses.

Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Gareth Davies MP said: Small businesses are the engine of the economy, which is why having access to funding like this is vital to help them thrive and grow, creating jobs and spreading opportunity everywhere.

As the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, the Midlands propelled the UK into a new era of technological and economic growth and now the next generation of entrepreneurs will have the support they need to continue this success.

Find out more about support available to businesses in Chesterfield.

Manufacturing at Weightron. Two men working on industrial weighbridge with sparks flying

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to grow with University of Derby support

Business leaders in Chesterfield are being encouraged to explore how they can realise the potential of their organisations, with support to grow from the University of Derby.

Help to Grow: Management is a practical training course delivered by world-class business schools, accredited by the Small Business Charter focusing on building and strengthening people’s capabilities to lead a business, delivered by the University of Derby across Derbyshire.

This course incorporates hybrid learning, peer group networks and mentoring and will support managers and leaders of small and medium-sized businesses to boost business performance, resilience, and long-term growth. The 12-week course is 90% funded and the fee payable by participants is £750. The course has been designed to allow participants to complete it alongside full-time work.

A new cohort is now available to join this January. Benefits from taking part in the course include:

  • Enhance your management and strategic capabilities
  • Produce a growth plan for your business
  • Build resilience to future shocks
  • Learn how to innovate in your business
  • Adopt digital technologies to boost productivity and operational agility
  • Develop your value proposition and reach into growth markets
  • Improve employee engagement and responsible business practices

One of the course tutors, Dr. Elnerine Greeff, Lecturer in Marketing at Derby Business School, commented: “I’m especially excited to form part of this Help to Grow initiative. The beauty of this programme is that we have businesses which are just starting out now, and we have people with a wealth of experience.

“It is everything that you wanted to learn in your three-year business course at university, condensed and tailor-made to your business, with face-to-face time, mentorship, and absolutely everything that you need to make successful what you are already passionate about.”

Get more information on the Help to Grow: Management programme here. To explore the range of business support available to organisations in Chesterfield, go to:

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Branded stone wall in front of red brick building - University of Derby Chesterfield campus

University of Derby, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield

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Businesses urged to find out more about Chesterfield Accelerator support scheme

A range of new business support programmes that aim to provide advice and funding for both established and start-up businesses has been launched in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Borough Council and East Midlands Chamber launched the support projects at an event at Chesterfield Football Club’s SMH Group Stadium on Thursday 7 December.

The Chesterfield Accelerator initiative, which will be run by East Midlands Chamber but funded by Chesterfield Borough Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), includes a dedicated local business advisor, access to a range of courses and workshops on a variety of topics which are free for local businesses to attend.

Chesterfield Borough Council has also launched a new business grant scheme funded through the UKSPF. The grants are open to any business based in Chesterfield and can be used to support initiatives designed to help the business grow.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We are an ambitious borough with our sights firmly set on growing the local economy to create new jobs and improve the quality of life for our residents.

“We recognise the importance of working closely with local businesses to deliver growth. Our business support packages aim to help businesses in any sector and of any size to realise their potential. From providing tailored business advice to business grants and hosting workshops, there is a wide range of support available.

“I encourage any business owner in Chesterfield to look closely at the support we can provide and to get in touch with us as soon as possible to access these business support programmes.”

The Chesterfield Accelerator is one of 16 Accelerator programmes being run by the Chamber across the East Midlands. The programme includes access to a dedicated business advisor who can provide advice on a wide range of issues relevant to businesses.

It also includes access to training workshops designed to support development in areas like digital skills; a subsidy for a 12-week executive leadership programme; support to apply for grant funding; networking sessions; vouchers for specialist consultancy programmes; and energy saving audits.

Diane Beresford, Deputy Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber said: “It was standing room only at today’s launch event, such is the interest of local businesses in the new Chesterfield Accelerator project, decarbonisation grants and the business grants on offer from the Council.

“The Chamber and Council have a great track record of partnering on such initiatives, including on the Chesterfield Digital High Street Project which brought much-needed footfall to the town’s high street businesses. We’re now looking forward to reaching a much wider range of sectors to give businesses the skills and resources they need to build in the most robust way for the future.”

As well as the Chesterfield Accelerator, businesses in Chesterfield can access the new grant scheme that could provide 80% of the cost of investments designed to help a business grow or expand. This could include the cost of new equipment – for instance a local café could apply for new machinery that would help expand their menu. These grants are only available for a limited time, and businesses are advised to apply as soon as possible.

Green business grants are also available to help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.

The new initiatives complement the existing business support offer in Chesterfield which includes a local business advisor who can provide advice and support on a range of relevant issues. These include:

  • An Innovation Support Programme which includes regular workshops designed to give business leaders information around new topics and industry standards.
  • A skills brokerage service which aims to provide local businesses with advice around skills development, including apprenticeships and will signpost them towards relevant training courses.
  • As part of Vision Derbyshire anyone in Chesterfield looking to start their own business can access specialist start-up advice and grant funding to help with the initial costs.
  • Chesterfield Borough Council also runs a dedicated commercial property service.  Through this service landlords can advertise properties for free and business owners looking for premises can receive advice on the types of property currently available.

Find out more about the wide range of business support programmes available in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Accelerator launch

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Second round of £1.2m East Midlands Create Growth programme opens to businesses

Applications have opened for the next cohort of a £1.2 million support programme for East Midlands creative businesses.

Companies are being encouraged to apply for the second phase of Create Growth, which is funded by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS).

It comes as 23 East Midlands businesses completed the first cohort of the regional business growth accelerator.

The inaugural cohort, made up of firms from across Leicester, Leicestershire, Derby and Derbyshire, and Lincoln, Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland, have benefited from a programme of focused support over the last eight weeks.

Participants ranged from marketing and design agencies to architects, theatre companies to video producers.

Businesses completed an initial business health check, attended a full-day business bootcamp, which included opportunities to network, and logged on to eight virtual masterclasses covering themes including leadership, marketing, sales, finance and business planning.

As well as the 90-minute masterclasses delivered by industry experts, all participants were also assigned a mentor offering five hours of free support.

Guy Lewis, Director at programme delivery partner CDI Alliance, said: “Our first cohort were enthusiastic, engaged and committed to the programme.

“We’ve had some really encouraging feedback about the bootcamp session, masterclasses, and support offered throughout the programme, and look forward to seeing what’s next for the businesses who took part in Cohort One.”

All of the participating businesses now have the option to complete a fully funded 12-hour investment readiness workshop, helping to prepare their firms for growth.

To be eligible for Cohort 2 of the East Midlands Create Growth programme, businesses must:

  • Have turnover growth of 10% year-on-year over approximately 3 years (including either prior to or during the Pandemic)
  • Employ a minimum of 2 people over the last two years (full-time, part-time or freelance)
  • Have created a revenue generating product, launched a new platform or service, or reached a market of scale
  • Generated sales revenue in the last 2 years.
  • Be trading or registered within Leicester, Leicestershire, Derby, Derbyshire, Greater Lincolnshire, or Rutland.

Create Growth was launched in 2022 by DCMS, in partnership with Innovate UK. It is designed to support the development of creative industries with high-growth potential across England, outside of London.

The East Midlands programme is led by East Midlands Creative Consortium (EMC²), which aims to help creative businesses get investment ready. Its members include local authorities, universities, local enterprise partnerships, and many other organisations in the private, public and voluntary sector.

EMC² aims to support 100 creative businesses across three years through four cohort groups. The coalition came together through its successful £1.2m bid for the Government’s Create Growth Programme, led by the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP).

Applications for the second cohort are now open – any eligible businesses interested in applying can find out more here.

CentralTechnology office

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Funding scheme for green innovation scoops national award

A programme that supports organisations to develop green energy and carbon reduction schemes in Derbyshire has won a category at this year’s Innovation Awards.

The Green Entrepreneurs Programme, a partnership between the University of Derby and Derbyshire County Council, is a £2 million grant fund open to individuals and organisations based in the county looking to invest in and develop projects that support the drive towards the UK’s target of net zero carbon by 2050.

The programme team picked up the Sustainability Innovation Champion – Organisation category at the Innovation Awards, organised by the Technology Supply Chain, a membership organisation that connects UK innovative manufacturing, engineering and technology companies to grants, funded support and new opportunities. The awards recognise, reward and celebrate the companies, individuals and organisations dedicated to innovation. The national awards ceremonies attract thousands of entries from across the UK and beyond in four main categories: innovators, individual innovators, innovation champions and innovation thought leaders.

Mark Wheddon, Head of Delivery, Innovation and Research at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted to win this award in recognition of our partnership with Derbyshire County Council that supports so many innovative projects in the county as we move towards net zero carbon. It is inspiring to see the resourcefulness and creativity of individuals and organisations here in Derbyshire, and it is rewarding to be able to contribute towards initiatives that are making a real difference to our sustainable future.”

Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration, said: “We recognise the contribution our business community can make towards meeting our target of becoming a net zero county by 2050.

“We’re proud that through the Green Entrepreneurs Programme and our partnership with the University of Derby, we’ve been able to support local firms to develop green energy and cut carbon emissions as part of our net-zero ambitions.”

Dr Richard Fallon, CEO of the Technology Supply Chain, added: “The Innovation Awards recognise, celebrate and reward innovation across the UK and internationally. Our winners are considered best-in-class and it is a pleasure to celebrate their achievements. This is a great win for the work done by the University of Derby in supporting SMEs in their region with much needed green innovation.”

Find out more about the Green Entrepreneurs Programme. To find out about the latest support for businesses in Chesterfield, go to:

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

eco busines green recycle suatinability

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Chesterfield firm supports local council to reduce energy costs

A Chesterfield-based energy broker has worked alongside a local council in the area to help reduce its energy bills.

Choice Utility worked alongside Staveley Town Council to ensure the authority wasn’t paying over the odds on its gas and electricity. The partnership shows the value of collaboration between local businesses and organisations in the town to boost the local economy.

Dan Molloy, Director at Choice Utility commented: “We worked to define the parameters of the contracts in place, as well as when they were set up and how. Some of these were auto-renewed by the supplier without STC’s knowledge.

“We also evaluated the true energy consumption, as the supplier had not recorded it correctly. Following that, we spoke to the energy supplier to understand the new energy contracts agreed. We were then able to explore options available and offer those to STC, giving our advice on what we be most cost-effective.

“After negotiating firmly with the supplier, we were able to reduce the rate to something far more palatable (saving around 60% going forward) without needing to extend the contract.”

Sabrina Doherty, Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer at Staveley Town Council said: “Dan from Choice Utility has been brilliant at helping us deal with a very difficult situation and uncooperative suppliers.

“He really went the extra mile for us and achieved a significant saving on our existing contracts whilst finding us the best deal for our new contracts.  I can’t recommend them highly enough – they were excellent.”

The company, based in Chesterfield’s Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is looking to further support local businesses in the area, and will be hosting a drop in session in January for businesses to discuss their energy costs in a relaxed and informal setting.

Choice Utility supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


Choice Utility team exhibition

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