chesterfield charity news

£170,000 grant funding awarded to dozens of Chesterfield organisations

Over £170,000 worth of funding has now been awarded to community groups and local voluntary organisations in Chesterfield – with a further £140,000 set to be awarded to groups by the end of the year.

A total of 50 community groups and voluntary organisations have been awarded funding through Chesterfield Borough Council’s Community Grants Fund, and applications have now reopened, meaning even more groups could access funding support.

Funding for the grants scheme has been successfully secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

The Community Grants Fund scheme was launched last year to help organisations deliver grassroots projects that will improve life for local people.

The grants are already being used to support local groups deliver projects that support resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help to tackle food poverty and social isolation, or support people to get in to work.

It is also supporting projects that will reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

The latest round of funding, tranche three, has seen the following groups awarded funding:

• The Volunteer Centre
• Pathways of Chesterfield
• Duckmanton Miners Welfare
• AshGate Heritage Arts
• Compassionate Voices
• Chesterfield in Bloom Community Committee
• Mindscapes
• ChitChat
• Inspiring Inkersall
• 1st Brimington Brownies
• Inclusive Pedals
• Chesterfield Foodbank
• Community Development Chesterfield
• Chesterfield Cricket Club
• Cycle Chesterfield
• Newbold Community Association
• Ashgate Hospice

Applications for the fourth round of funding are now open – with a total of £105,000 available to groups who apply by the deadline on Friday 28 June 2024. The latest round allows even more eligible organisations to apply for grant funding and with grants ranging from £500 to £50,000 this time, it can help local group fund larger capital projects to benefit local communities.

Full details on funding, eligibility criteria and details of how to apply can be found at:

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re lucky to have so many community groups and voluntary organisations here in Chesterfield that support our communities,
“I’m pleased that, through external funding schemes, we are able to support those who work tirelessly to deliver projects and initiatives that make a real difference to the lives of local people.

“We’ve already awarded over £170,000 of grant funding to 50 different groups and organisations across out community through the Community Grants Scheme and it’s been great to watch the progress they are making so far. I’m sure the latest round of funding will help even more local groups deliver vital projects that will help our communities continue to thrive.”

Alongside the Community Grants Fund, the council is running a community development project which will provide support to organisations wanting to apply for the grant. If you would like any help or guidance with submitting a bid, please contact the team on:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 01246 959657 or 07790 977317
  • Post: Community Grants Fund, c/o Wendy Blunt,
    Health and Wellbeing Officer,
    Chesterfield Borough Council,
    Town Hall,
    S40 1LP

Applications will reopen again later in the year to support even more community groups and local voluntary organisations.

The community grants are just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.



Female leader of Chesterfield Borough Council in red jacket on Town Hall balcony

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council

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Derbyshire charity champions local heroes for King’s Honours list

Derbyshire Voluntary Action is highlighting individuals in our area for their outstanding contribution to our communities.

In a testament to the unsung heroes shaping the heart of Derbyshire’s communities, DVA has launched a campaign to raise further awareness of the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector with a new series focusing on the efforts and impact carried out by groups and organisations in our communities.

The Derbyshire charity is hoping that highlighting their exceptional strength and success will encourage them to be nominated for the prestigious King’s Honours List.

DVA says it works alongside, sees, and recognises the tireless efforts of those who often work behind the scenes, shaping positive change.

The King’s Honours List is platform that celebrates their extraordinary contributions, and that sees fewer nominations in Derbyshire than across the rest of the country, something that DVA is eager to change.

DVA, in its commitment to community recognition, seeks to champion people from these groups to inspire a ripple effect of appreciation for the entire VCSE sector.

Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Liz Fothergill commented: “I am immensely proud and often awed as I hear of amazing and sustained achievements brought about by the hard work, selflessness, and commitment to their communities of individuals from across the whole city and county.

“I would like to see more of our remarkable Derbyshire individuals recognised and celebrated with a national honour – so I would encourage you all to make a nomination when you witness true excellence and a passion to improve the lives of others.”

More information about nomination process, and how to put someone forward can be found on the page.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Community Capacity Conference Nov 23 DVA

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Community and charity efforts highlighted across Chesterfield

People and businesses in Chesterfield continue to show their support for our local communities.

Recently, a Chesterfield firm raised over £7,000 by hosting a charity golf day in the town. In addition, a local manufacturing firm donated life-saving equipment to one of the town’s walking football teams.

Meanwhile, a teenager from North Derbyshire has picked up a national award after raising more than £10,000 for various causes.

Read more about the latest fundraising initiatives below:

SMH Group’s charity golf day raises £7,000 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association

SMH Group - MNDA - Golf Day

SMH Group, a local firm of chartered accountants and business advisers, has raised over £7,000 for the company’s charity of the year, the South Yorkshire branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA).

The money was raised at the firm’s annual charity golf day, which took place at Chesterfield Golf Club in September.

The MNDA is a charity close to many people at the SMH Group, as it supports individuals and families battling the devastating impact of Motor Neurone Disease (MND). With no known cure, the MNDA plays a pivotal role in providing essential care, support, and research funding to improve the lives of those affected by MND.

Ross Jordan, Partner at SMH Group comments: “As a progressive company by nature, we wanted to make this year’s charity golf day bigger and better than ever. After the success of our first two events, we had a big target to aim at and we’re absolutely thrilled to have smashed it, raising more than three times the amount we did last year.

“This was achieved by opening the event up to more sponsors, who we can’t thank enough for their kind donations of tee sponsorship, competition sponsorship, raffle and auction prize donations, as well as all 29 teams who donated to take part – we couldn’t have done this without you!

“We had a lot of keen, and competitive, golfers take part, which made for a very entertaining day with the individual on-course competitions, as well the overall team competition for first, second and third place.”

Spireites Walking Football Club receives a life-saving donation from United Cast Bar

united cast bar defibrillator donation

Local engineering company, United Cast Bar Ltd. have donated two CellAEDs (Defibrillators) to the Senior Spireites Walking Football Club following one of their players suffering a Cardiac Arrest during a recent match.

Thanks to the knowledge and quick action taken by another player, CPR was administered and their closest AED was used to revive the player (Mel) suffering Cardiac Arrest. Mel is now recovering at home following a short hospital stay.

Malc Perks, Chair of the Senior Spireites, says the experience made him realise that the club needed better access to defibrillators (AEDs) for away matches in other locations, and social trips that are attended.

He said: “seeing first hand how vital the AED was in saving Mel’s life made me realise that we needed other units for use at all our events and matches. James from UCB and the CellAED supplier CorMed-DX have been very quick to respond to my request which means that our members will be better protected at future matches and events that the club attends.

“Our experience shows that we were lucky to have someone who knew how to do CPR. To make sure that others can do the same thing in future we are having several of our members enrol on CPR courses in the next few weeks. As a result, I would urge all sporting clubs to make sure that they have access to a defibrillator, know how to use it, and have people in the club who are CPR trained.”

Ashgate Hospice launches ‘Go Pink’ fundraiser

Ashgate Fundraising team

Local charity Ashgate Hospice, which provides patients with end-of-life care is urging people to ‘Go Pink’ to help raise funds and awareness.

The hospice will host its second Go Pink for Ashgate week fundraiser between 9th and 15th October this year.

Families, schools and organisations are encouraged to organise their own pink-themed fundraising event or initiative to help Ashgate raise funds so it can be there for patients and their loved ones.

Seven schools, including Arkwright Primary School, Old Hall Junior School, Walton Holymoorside Primary School and St. Mary’s Catholic High School will be supporting Go Pink for Ashgate by holding non-uniform days and urging pupils to wear pink.

Rachel Broughton, Community Fundraiser at Ashgate Hospice, said: “It’s time to get your pink on! Can you wear something pink or hold a pink themed event and show your support in return for a donation to the hospice?

“Why not dress as a pink flamingo or wear pink bunny ears to work – do whatever you wish!

“Please reach out to us if you’d be interested in being involved; your support will help raise the £9 million needed to provide our care each year.”

To find out more about how you join in with the Go Pink for Ashgate week celebrations go to

North Derbyshire teenager wins 2023 British Youth Award for fundraising efforts

Hayden Hudson

A teenager from North Derbyshire has been honoured with a prestigious national award after showing selflessness, kindness and commitment for a number of causes.

Hayden Hudson, aged 13 will be one of only 24 people nationally to be presented with the BCyA Medal of Honour, in a special ceremony taking place at The Palace of Westminster on 12 October 2023.

Hayden has raised in excess of £10,000 for multiple charities during the past five years. After learning about how the cancer unit at his local hospital helps people who are unwell and suffering, he decided he wanted to do something to help. Although Hayden has ADHD, ASD and learning difficulties, he decided to physically challenge himself to raise funds for charity.

Each year Hayden undertakes two fundraisers. He selects the charity he would like to help and then thinks of bigger and better ways to raise funds. His fundraisers are usually endurance challenges and require extensive physical effort.

Hayden is passionate about swimming, with aspirations to one day represent Team GB at the Olympics. Many of his fundraising activities are sponsored swims, one of which saw him swim 44 miles over the course of two weeks. He also undertook a triathlon with a bike ride over 18 miles, to raise money for Bluebell Wood, a hospice for children.

During lockdown, when the swimming pools were closed, Hayden embarked on a 100-mile sponsored bike ride, raising much needed funds for the local food bank and Parish church. Hayden continues to challenge himself for the benefit of others in the community.

SMH Group, United Cast Bar and Ashgate Hospice support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield organisations continue strong community spirit

Several businesses, charities and community organisations in Chesterfield are continuing to launch new initiatives, aimed at supporting people across the area.

The town’s network of Chesterfield Champions is continuing to help raise the profile of our area and strengthen links, by hosting charity events, launching new support groups and more.

Find out more about some of the latest news from across our community in our latest roundup.

Spireites launch new LGBTQ+ supporters group

Rainbow Spireites

Chesterfield Football Club is now working alongside a new supporters group, aimed at improving the matchday experience for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The group was formed by supporters, Darren Yates and Ellie Yates, with the aim of creating a safe space and ensuring everyone feels welcome at the SMH Group Stadium.

Darren explained: “Our main aim is to be that safe space for LGBTQ+ supporters, who don’t want to come to the game on their own.

“It is also to be a critical friend of the club to help them reach into the community more.

“A group like this can really help fans feel welcome at games, and not have to worry about feeling alone or unwelcome.

“Everyone at the club has been brilliant and totally supportive. We were at Chesterfield Pride and the response was really good. People were saying that they were really happy to see the group being formed.”

Outlining plans for the future, Ellie said: “We’re hoping that now we’ve started getting a few members on board, we can start doing some meet-ups and talk to our members to see what they want to get out of the group as well.

“We’ve joined a regional alliance with some LGBTQ+ supporters’ groups. At the moment, we’re just letting people know we’re there and once we’ve got more members, we’ll look at pre-match meet-ups to encourage fans who might not feel safe enough going to games.”

Vicar Lane to support children’s charities with One Great Day event

Vicar Lane Fun Day

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre will once again be supporting the UK-wide annual charity day ‘One Great Day’ on Saturday 2nd September.

One Great Day is a series of family and community charity events being held throughout the country to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and another local charity close to the heart of each community. This year Vicar Lane is proud to be sharing donations with GOSH and Sheffield Children’s Hospital, The Children’s Hospital Charity.

The event includes a range of free outdoor activities, a tombola and face painting for the youngsters.

From 10am – 3pm, mini aspiring footballers will have a chance to meet Chester the field mouse for a fun shoot-out challenge. For a minimum donation of £1, visitors can show off their skills to score against Chesterfield FC’s cheeky mascot.

To help raise as much money as possible the centre will be running a raffle draw – including a grand prize of 4 tickets to see Chesterfield Football Club play at home.

Brandon Howard, Centre Administrator said: We’re really looking forward to welcoming the people of Chesterfield to Vicar Lane to help us raise much-needed funds for two amazing charities. With the help of Chester the field mouse and Theo the bear, we hope to bring a smile and beat the amount raised last year.

To see the full schedule of events this One Great Day at Vicar Lane, visit and plan your day out.

Charity skydive supports children with additional needs in Chesterfield


A charity skydive has recently took place to raise funds for Fairplay, a charity which supports young people with additional needs in our area.

Rachel Middleton took the leap, and has so far raised more than £1,000 for her efforts. Rachel commented: “I’ve worked for Fairplay for over two years now and I want to support them to do more great work!

“We support families, child and young adults with disabilities and promote independent living skills in SCaRT, Moving Forward and Enterprise. We have lots of groups running including our gorgeous cafe, craft and gardening groups. Along with the new addition of our shop which the young people make things to sell and will be helping to run themselves!”

Find out more about the initiative on Rachel’s JustGiving page.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital awarded ‘Trailblazer’ status from Race Equality Matters

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded the prestigious Trailblazer status from Race Equality Matters, a not-for-profit organisation seeking to improve racial equality.

Trailblazers are organisations that are successfully taking action and making an impact on race inequality and Chesterfield was selected for work on The Big Promise solution, where people and organisations make a public commitment to create meaningful and positive change.

Race Equality Matters Trailblazer status is determined by an independent panel of experts – all with lived experience. It aims to identify meaningful impact, keep momentum going, inspire others and evidence an organisations commitment to tackling race inequality.

Becoming a Trailblazer means that the work Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (CRH) has done to implement The Big Promise has resulted in significant change and made an impact across the breadth of the entire organisation. This is a step that contributes to their aim to successfully address racial inequality and become a more diverse, inclusive and equal organisation.

Hailey Pottinger, Co-Chair of the Race Equality and Cultural Inclusion Network at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: The Big Promise helped us to create an inclusive environment where everyone could get involved and talk to us about Race Equality. By giving the Big Promise a central focus, especially as part of Race Equality Week, we created a positive statement and encouraged conversations with colleagues and members of the public. The aim was to increase the understanding that race equality is everyone’s business and secure buy-in and a sense of personal responsibility.

“At Chesterfield, a lot of work is being done to raise awareness of anti-racism (and how that is different to simply not being racist). This work is laying the foundations for conversations around racism and feeding into the creation of our Anti-Racism Strategy. There was a big focus on as part of Race Equality Week.

Kevin Sargen, Medical Director and Race Equality Network Exec Sponsor, at Chesterfield Royal NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are pleased to be highlighted as trailblazers; however, we recognise that this is an ongoing process and there is a lot more we all need to do as an organisation and as individuals to ensure that that we not only highlight this agenda but actively drive action and change. As a Board of Directors, we have made a commitment to tackling race inequality and to be accountable for taking actions. It is something that is very important to all of us and to our colleagues across the organisation.”

BHP hosts work experience academy to provide a taste of the workplace for young people

Chesterfield waterside bhp

BHP offices at Chesterfield Waterside. Image supplied by Derbyshire Economic Partnership

Chesterfield accountancy firm, BHP has recently supported a number of young people by providing a work experience programme this summer.

The firm launched its first ever work experience academy, which the firm expained on its Linkedin page was well recieved by those who took part. The company said: “Our participants really enjoyed the practical, structured programme and many of them said they’ve been inspired to pursue a career in finance following their time with us, which is so great to hear!

“We’re really looking forward to meeting and getting to know our new Graduate and Non-Graduate trainees, who will be joining us very soon.”

Chesterfield FC, Vicar Lane, Fairplay, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and BHP support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Charity completes refurbishment at former Chesterfield register office

The refurbishment of the former Chesterfield register office, based in a prominent town centre location has now been completed.

Charity Derwent Rural Counselling Service, one of the largest third-sector providers of counselling services in the region, has undertaken the total refurbishment of the building on New Beetwell Street.

The three-storey centre, which will be officially opened with a launch event on September 22, has become DRCS’s new Chesterfield base and includes office space, numerous treatment and consulting rooms, meeting rooms and relaxation space to help cope with the increased demand for DRCS services in the area.

DRCS Trustees were taken on a tour of the building ahead of the therapists moving in from mid-August. The building also offers options for businesses to rent rooms and floorspace, with disabled access via a new state-of-the-art lift.

Janette Smeeton, chief executive at DRCS, said: “This has been a huge project for our team and one of the most important in the charity’s 30-year history. The need for mental health services has never been greater as people struggle post Covid, with the pressures of work and family, and challenging economic times.

“This will be one of the largest talking therapy centres in the county and we look forward to welcoming people to our new centre, served by our team of experienced therapists.”

Mark Serby, chair of DRCS Trustees, added: “The building is fantastic. Not only has DRCS brought an empty facility back to community use, but it has created a valuable asset for people and businesses in the region to access on their journey to wellness and well-being.”

The Beetwell Street hub is part of ambitious plans for DRCS which operates a large team of freelance and employed staff based at seven centres across the county covering the Amber Valley, Erewash, Chesterfield, Buxton, Matlock, Ashbourne, Derby, Swadlincote and the Peak District.

Over the last 30 years, DRCS, which can be accessed via self-referral or through a GP, has offered talking therapies for common mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress and long-term conditions through pathways including counselling, CBT and guided self-help.

In the last eight years, DRCS has been in partnership with Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to deliver the NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression service, throughout Derbyshire.

To find out how you can access DRCS services across Derbyshire call 0800 047 6861.

Looking for a new business premises in Chesterfield? Find out more about the range of commercial property available at:

chesterfield register office

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Chesterfield Champions set to take on the Sparkle Night Walk for Ashgate Hospice

Several Chesterfield Champions are getting ready to support one of the town’s largest fundraising events, the Ashgate Hospice Sparkle Night Walk 2023. 

The annual event takes place on Saturday, 1st July, and will see thousands of people take to the streets for a 10k walk around the town.

Starting and finishing at Chesterfield FC’s SMH Group stadium, the walk raises vital funds for the hospice, which provides specialist care to families across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Last year the event raised £171,500 for patients and families in need of hospice care.

This year, Ashgate Hospice is adding a bit of extra competition to the event, with workplaces able to battle it out to get to the top of the fundraising leaderboard. 

Here at Destination Chesterfield, our team is excited to be getting our hiking boots on for this year’s Sparkle Night Walk. Find out more below about some of the Chesterfield Champions joining us on the night!


shorts sparkle walk

13 members of the team at Chesterfield accountancy firm, Shorts will be donning their sparkly shorts to take part in the walk.

The firm is taking part in the event under the team name of ‘SPARKLE SHORTS.’

You can donate to their efforts on the night at:

Banner Jones Solicitors

banner jones sparkle walk

The Banner Jones Solicitors team is coming together for the 3rd year in a row to sparkle in support of Ashgate Hospice.

On the company’s fundraising page, the team said: “We are proud to have been based in Chesterfield for at least 145 years and we know the valuable work that Ashgate Hospice does for the people of the town. Some of us have seen it first-hand. We are raising money to help the hospice continue providing specialist care to patients and their loved ones.”

To donate to the Banner Jones Solicitors fundraising page for the event, go to:

MD Hair

MD Hair sparkle walk

Michelle Dalman and her team at MD Hair, based at The Glass Yard in Chesterfield will be taking part in the Sparkle Night Walk 2023.

She commented: “I’m taking on the Sparkle Night Walk 2023 to help raise vital funds for the hospice, to make sure that when our loved ones in North Derbyshire face a life-limiting illness, they’ll be able to access the specialist care and support they need.”

Donate to MD Hair’s fundraising page at:

DoubleTree by Hilton Sheffield Park Hotel


DoubleTree by Hilton Sheffield Park will be taking up the challenge of this year’s Sparkle Night Walk, with Ashgate Hospice being selected by the hotel as its chosen charity.

You can donate to team DoubleTree at:

Valleys Group

Valleys Group - Sparkle Walk profile image

Chesterfield’s Valleys Group will be taking part in the walk, under the name ‘Valleys Vixens.’

You can find out more and donate to the team’s fundraising page at:

Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care

Dawn Brown, owner of Rose Cottage Doggy Day care will be taking on the 10-kilometre trek alongside friends and fellow Chesterfield Champions.

She commented: “I’m coming together to sparkle in support Ashgate Hospice on Saturday 1st July 2023. I’m raising money to help the hospice continue providing specialist care to patients and their loved ones.”

Donate to Dawn and her team’s fundraising efforts here.

Mortgage 1st

Team m1

Chesterfield’s Mortgage 1st has assembled a team to take on the Sparkle Night Walk for Ashgate Hospice.

The firm has been busy with a number of charity efforts recently, including playing host to a charity football tournament which raised more than £2,500 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

A Mortgage 1st spokesperson said: “We’d love to raise as much as possible for Ashgate Hospice. A local charity who do an absolutely wonderful job.”

Find out more on the company’s Just Giving page:

Destination Chesterfield

DC team 2023

The Destination Chesterfield team always looks to support local charities where possible, and is delighted to be taking part in this year’s Sparkle Night Walk.

Previously, the organisation has supported Citizen’s Advice at their charity abseil as well as supporting the Alzheimer’s Society. The team is always on the lookout for charity events it can participate in.

Donate to Destination Chesterfield’s fundraising page at:

Spire Radio

Spire Radio 873x466

The studio at Spire Radio

While not taking part in the walk directly, Spire Radio will have an important role to play on the night.

The station will be keeping participants’ spirits up by providing entertainment at the halfway point of the walk.

If you’re taking part, be sure to keep an eye out for the Spire Radio team at Eastwood Park in Hasland!

Not taking part and still want to be involved? Volunteer as a marshal on the night to help cheer on walkers and keep them safe! Find out more about volunteering at:

Still want to involve your business at the event? Opportunities are available to sponsor the screens throughout the route. Find out more:


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Chesterfield Champions support local community and charities with exciting initiatives

Businesses across Chesterfield have kicked off the summer with a number of initiatives, aimed at supporting the community and local charities.

Recent events and activities included a postcard show featuring 173 artists, a charity football match between local businesses, a dance group for residents affected by cancer, and a bake-off to raise funds for vulnerable people in our area.

Find out more in our roundup below:

Chesterfield Postcard Show raises £1,200 for local charity

postcard show

This year, the Chesterfield Postcard Show saw record entries, donations, and visitors, raising over £1,200 for local charity, Junction Arts.

The 2023 show featured 329 pieces of original art, with 173 artists, creatives and community groups submitting their work for the exhibition, which took place between the 9th and 19th May at West Studios in Chesterfield.  Many entries were from local people but there were also submissions from across the UK and Europe.

All money raised from the sale of the postcards supports Junction Arts community projects and events in the area, creating a better future for everyone through the arts.

Over 200 people visited the show during the 10 days and 52 artworks have been sold so far.   For those that didn’t make it to the exhibition, the postcard-size artworks are still available to buy, via the Junction Arts Etsy page.

The Chesterfield Postcard Show was organised by Junction Arts and local artist Dave Elsom, to allow creatives, communities, and up-and-coming artists to show their work in a professional exhibition.

This year’s show was entitled ‘Wish You Were Here’ and celebrated the importance of getting creative and its impact on people’s self-esteem and well-being.

Hannah Bowdler, Relationship Fundraiser at Junction Arts said: “We are so grateful to the artists and groups who have created and donated their work in the theme of ‘Wish You Were Here’, both Dave and I were blown away by the support and growth in uptake for the second show. We can’t wait to see what 2024’s show will be like!”

This year’s exhibition of mini masterpieces was sponsored by local financial services firm, Rosewood Wealth Management. Their support allowed organisers to run outreach workshops within the town centre, increasing accessibility and increasing local involvement.

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Company Director at Rosewood said: “Rosewood was delighted to sponsor The Chesterfield Postcard Show 2023. Attending the exhibition at West Studios, it was amazing to see some of the incredible postcard designs produced by participants. We especially liked the fact that those involved were able to produce their own unique, personalised mini masterpieces. Organised by Junction Arts, their mission to unite the community through the medium of art was something we greatly admired.”

Local transport firms face off in charity football match

city taxis football match

Leading taxi and private hire firm City Taxis went head-to-head with Chesterfield vehicle hire company B&B Vehicles in a charity football match last weekend, raising money for The Sheffield 1000 and Support Dogs.

The Sheffield 1000 aims to get 1000 people donating £1 each week, with the money donated to local charities and good causes every week of the year. Support Dogs train puppies into support dogs for people with epilepsy, autism and other disabilities in their day to day lives.

The game, which took place at Bramall Lane, was organised by City Taxis’ Business Development Director Paul Gosney and B&B Vehicles’ Maz Kenyon.

After a strong start by City, B&B pulled it back with an equaliser that meant it was 1-1 when the final whistle blew. With a tense penalty shootout deciding the winner, City managed to come out on top after professional footballer Joe Green saved three of the five shots.

Paul Gosney, Business Development Director at City Taxis, said: “It was great to manage the City Taxis team to victory today, all for a good cause. After a strong 90 minutes from both sides, it was a fantastic ending to a brilliant day, where we raised both funds and awareness for our chosen charity, The Sheffield 1000.”

New dance group opens for Chesterfield and Derbyshire residents affected by Cancer

community dance classes

People across Derbyshire who have been affected by cancer are invited to join a new local dance group to meet, socialise and get together with other people living with the condition.

The Dancing for Health sessions have been kindly funded by the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity Fund which enables the classes to be provided free to all the participants.

Sessions are held every Thursday morning 10am – 11.00am at the Calow Community Centre, Allpits Road, Calow, Chesterfield S44 5AT.  Refreshments are available after the class and an opportunity to socialise with other group members.

Leading a physically active lifestyle during and after cancer treatment is linked to an improvement in many of the adverse affects of cancer and its treatment.

The Dancing for Health Seated Dance programme is specially designed to accommodate people affected by cancer and provides a physical and social activity that is gentle and safe.

The dance routines are fun and easy to learn. They can be done seated or standing, making them fully inclusive and get everyone involved no matter what their ability.

Dancing is a multidimensional activity that contributes positively to many aspects of a person’s overall health. Boosting happiness and mental health and keeping both the body and brain active to make participants feel great.

The classes are delivered in a group setting with others who share similar health challenges. Participants are also welcome to bring a friend or family member with them.

Tracey Barnes, Managing Director, Dancing for Health CIC, said:  “Dancing for Health provides fun and friendly dance classes for people who can’t attend a mainstream dance class because of medical or age-related reasons. Our classes are really accessible for people with cancer and enables them to use dance, to help manage their symptoms and improve mood.

“My job is so rewarding, making a difference to people’s quality of life and hearing how our dance classes have helped them is why I go to work every day.”

Oasis Studio hosts ‘bake off’ for Hope House Charity

oasis studio hope house

Chesterfield-based creative and digital firm, Oasis Studio recently hosted a bake off competition, to raise funds and awareness for Hope House Chesterfield.

The charity works to support those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness in the Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire area.

Oasis Studio’s team worked together and held a ‘budget-bake off’, where members of the charity and residents joined them for the morning. It provided an opportunity for the Oasis Studio team to hear about Hope House’s upcoming charity events and learn more about the crucial service they provide.

Paul Deakin, Director of Oasis Studio commented: “The cost-of-living crisis doesn’t discriminate. Everyone has been affected by it. Whether it’s looking at how you can spend less on your weekly shop or assisting a family member with household bills to get them by, it continues to affect everyone. Local charities aren’t exempt from this. With people having less available funds, financial support for charities has also suffered.

“As a local business, we have a responsibility to support our local community and charities in any way we can. Hope House Chesterfield offers a lifeline to some of the most vulnerable individuals in the Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire area, and without support from the local community and businesses, they would struggle to continue to provide that crucial lifeline.

“The team raised £170 for the event and donated the bakes for the team and residents at Hope House Chesterfield to enjoy.”

Junction Arts, Rosewood Wealth Management, City Taxis, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Hundreds of butterflies to go on display at Chatsworth to support Ashgate Hospice

Hundreds of butterflies will go on display as part of a stunning installation at picturesque Chatsworth between 23rd May and 12th June.

Ashgate Hospice’s poignant Butterfly Appeal, which is sponsored by Graysons Solicitors, offers people the opportunity to remember a loved one with a handcrafted, stainless steel butterfly.

Then from 23rd May to 12th June, the butterflies, which have been created by local sculptor James Sutton will be installed at Chatsworth as part of a touching display for people to view. Every butterfly on display will represent a loved one being remembered.

Supporters can get their butterfly in return for a suggested donation of £25, which will help fund the hospice’s care for families across North Derbyshire.

Tracie Holocuk will be dedicating a beautiful handcrafted stainless-steel butterfly in memory of her “fun, intelligent and caring” daughter, Kimberley Trickett.

Tracie, 57, from Chesterfield, said: “The camaraderie of the staff and volunteers brightened up our days and nights. The Ashgate angels helped us so much by being there whenever we needed anything.

“Our dog Bracken was also allowed to come and see Kim and the food was restaurant standard; they will bend over backwards to give their patients everything and anything they could possibly want.

“It’s just a home from home and my special memories of our time there are still so vivid.”

Tracie added: “I once said to Kim in the hospice ‘what are you going to come back as then?’ She replied: ‘Don’t ask daft questions, a butterfly of course!’

“All our family and friends truly believe that whenever we see a butterfly it’s Kim popping by to say hello and it’s a reminder to be positive and grateful to be alive.

“She was always my beautiful butterfly, so when the hospice told me they were holding a Butterfly Appeal it was just meant to be.

“I hope other families will join me in dedicating a beautiful butterfly keepsake in memory of their loved ones, so the hospice can be there to help people like my Kim in years to come.”

To find out more about the appeal, go to:

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

ashgate butterfly appeal

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Chesterfield residents and businesses continue strong support for the local community

People and businesses in Chesterfield are continuing to support various initiatives and events, aimed at bringing our community together and supporting local charities.

The town’s network of Chesterfield Champions are helping to support the town through fundraising, sponsorship, and even helping to put smiles on faces to their customers.

Find out below about some of the latest activity from across our community.

Rosewood Wealth Management supports local artists by sponsoring the Chesterfield Postcard Show

Landscape - rosewood junction arts

Chesterfield’s Rosewood Wealth Management is joining forces with Junction Arts this spring to help it stage an exhibition of mini masterpieces that will raise money for the local arts charity.

The Brimington Road financial advice firm is sponsoring The Chesterfield Postcard Show 2023, an annual event that gives local people, communities and up and coming artists the opportunity to showcase their work at an exhibition in West Studios.

Last year 70 artists took part, and 131 postcard-size pieces were exhibited.  The exhibition celebrates the importance of getting creative and its impact on people’s self-esteem and well-being.  The event is organised by Junction Arts and local artist Dave Elsom and the theme for 2023 is Wish You Were Here.  They are inviting people locally, from across the UK, and Internationally to create their own postcard piece of art and submit it by the 20th of April 2023.

Rosewood Wealth Management was founded in 2019 by Directors Shannan Pool-Gorman and Donna Robertson, it has since grown to become one of North Derbyshire’s most respected financial advice firms.  They offer services including mortgages, equity release, pensions, investments, and insurance.

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Director at the firm said: “At Rosewood we believe that it is important to give back to the Chesterfield community in which we operate.  Junction Arts has a fantastic track record of bringing communities together and empowering them through the arts.  This event is brilliant because its easily accessible to people of all ages and abilities, all you need is a piece of A6 card! We’re delighted to be supporting The Chesterfield Postcard Show and I hope that it’s the first of many Junction Arts initiatives that we’re involved in.”

Hannah Bowdler, Fundraising Coordinator at Junction Arts said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to Shannan and the team at Rosewood Wealth Management for supporting this year’s show.  Their sponsorship will allow us to raise more money at this year’s event and help us to engage more local people in the arts. I’m delighted to be working with this fantastic local business that puts community at the heart of what they do.”

The deadline for entries is the 20th April 2023.  The exhibition will run from the 9th to the 19th May 2023 at West Studios. Further information about the exhibition and how to get involved can be found here:

Incredible donation for Ashgate Hospice from football fundraisers

Ashgate Referees donation

Two stalwart Sunday football league referees who have been donating their match fees to Ashgate Hospice were invited to Chesterfield FC where they handed over their donation pitch side.

Chris Roberts and Bruce Baskerville, from Chesterfield, have refereed thousands of semi-pro and non-league matches between them and decided to start donating a percentage of the fees they receive for officiating games.

The duo, both aged 64, have now raised more than £4,100 for the North Derbyshire hospice in just over 12 months.

Word of their kind-heartedness soon caught the attention of the local football fraternity and teams started voluntarily adding a donation of £5 or £10 as a gesture from their club.

They were invited to the Spireites’ match at home to Notts County on 11 February where they presented the money raised to Ashgate’s Community Fundraiser, Lynn Jones.

“We have made a commitment to ourselves that we won’t ask for any donations – that’s our mantra,” said Chris.

“We have been overwhelmed by the way our little story has caught the attention of the local football community, our friends and family.

“To begin, we just made a comment on our Facebook pages to highlight that we had raised another few pounds for the hospice and in just a matter of weeks people were offering us donations.

“We also noticed that when we arrived to do our matches some teams would voluntarily add a further £5 or £10 to our fee as a gesture from their club.”

Chris and Bruce wanted to help the hospice as they believe everyone in Chesterfield has an “affinity” with the hospice after being touched by its “amazing” care.

Bruce says they also want to improve the reputation of referees as well as the relationship they have with clubs, coaches, players and supporters.

“Last season I refereed a first division game in the Chesterfield Sunday League and sent the home team’s best player off,” he said.

“After the game they asked me to come into the home dressing room. I was expecting an earful and thought they’d end up throwing the match fee on the floor.

“They ended up paying me the £30 for reffing the game and then matching my fee for a donation to Ashgate.”

The money will help Ashgate Hospice care for families at its Inpatient Unit in Old Brampton, Chesterfield, as well as in their own homes across North Derbyshire.

Ashgate’s Lynn Jones, said: “We’re so grateful for the support of Chris and Bruce and everyone else in the local football community that’s supported their fundraiser.

“It’s so inspiring to hear how they’ve managed to turn a hobby of theirs into something that’s going to help families who need our vital support across North Derbyshire.

“I’m looking forward to following their fundraising venture over the coming season!”

Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care puts a smile on the faces of ‘Pup Parents’ for Mothers Day

rose cottage dogy day care

Chesterfield’s Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care helped to put smiles on the faces of customers recently, by giving Mothers Day cards and cupcakes to the centre’s ‘Pup Parents.’

Dawn Brown, Founder of Rose Cottage explained: “Being a mum is a special privilege – we don’t all have human babies, some have fur babies!

“No matter what type of mum you are we appreciate you and we made Mother’s Day cards to make our mums smile and show our appreciation.”

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60 acres of land to be used for nature conservation in Chesterfield

60 acres of land has been secured by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust for a major project to improve nature conservation in Chesterfield.

The charity says the ‘Wild Whittington’ project has been enabled for local people to enjoy nature, thanks to overwhelming support from the public, generous grants and philanthropic loans.

The piece of land at Old Whittington, to the north of Chesterfield, is set to be rewilded, becoming a place of major importance to nature, and to the people of Chesterfield and Derbyshire.

Wild Whittington has been acquired through a mixture of investment in nature, including donations from Derbyshire wildlife Trust supporters and The John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust in response to the Defend Nature appeal.

The site connects St Bartholomew’s woods to the south and Grasscroft ancient woodlands to the north. These woods join to Unstone and then down into the valley of the River Drone. Using rewilding, the plan is to create varied habitats to bolster a vital corridor between the woodlands and support nature’s recovery in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas.

Matt Buckler, Director of Natural Solutions at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust said: “We are so grateful for the incredible response we had to our appeal to secure this land from our members, the public, and our generous major donors.

“Here in Derbyshire, we want to take action to restore nature now. Quite simply, turning land over to rewilding projects is one of the most effective ways to get resilient nature back in people’s lives, and it would not be possible without the support we receive.

“The purchase is not only good news for wildlife, its great news for local residents and visitors to the area too. We can’t wait to turn this piece of land into an oasis for wildlife for future generations to enjoy.”

Wild Whittington

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Charity makes Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre its new home

A Chesterfield-based charity has got a brand-new home in the heart of the town.

CP Teens UK, which was founded in 2013 by Chesterfield based Ellie Simpson, has moved to the recently-opened Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on Saltergate.

The charity, which provides ‘help, hope, inspiration & friendship’ to children, young people & beyond with Cerebral Palsy & similar physical disabilities both locally & nationally, was founded by Chesterfield’s Ellie Simpson, who has Cerebral Palsy herself.

Ten years on, the charity is moving to the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre as it continues to grow & expand.

Ellie said: “It’s such an exciting time for CP Teens UK – we celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the charity in October, and I feel that this move & opportunity to be based at the Northern Gateway has come at the perfect time as we continue to grow and reach more youngsters & their families.

“The facility is perfect for us as it’s so accessible, it’s a great location & it will enable us to build our initiatives, infrastructure & visibility in ways that we couldn’t before”.

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

CP Teens UK delivers a whole host of events & initiatives that help young people with Cerebral Palsy and similar physical disabilities feel connected, supported & empowered. The
charity holds a lot within the local area, including its annual Ball at the Casa Hotel. Events & initiatives are also held nationwide bringing young people & their families together across the country.

CP Teens UK is run by Ellie herself on a day-to-day basis, alongside a small team of volunteers. By having an accessible & bigger base, CP Teens UK plans to recruit more office-based volunteers, provide work experience days for local physically disabled youngsters, make more partnerships and connections with both like-minded organisations & local businesses, and continue its growth & expansion.

Since opening in Summer 2022, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has proven a resounding success for the town, attracting new investment to the area and helping indigenous businesses to grow and expand. Well over half of the space available has already been let since the opening of the centre.

To find out more about the wide range of quality office spaces currently available in Chesterfield, go to our ‘Find Your Perfect Office’ page.

For more information about CP Teens UK’s initiatives & services, or if you are a local business wanting to support CP Teens UK visit, or email

CP Teens

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