Chesterfield college

2023 Made in Chesterfield festival inspires girls to consider careers in engineering and manufacturing

Girls have been inspired to consider a career in engineering and manufacturing thanks to this year’s Made in Chesterfield festival, co-ordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP).

Maddy, a Year 9 pupil from Whittington Green School who visited performance vehicle specialist Scooby Clinic in Wingerworth, said: “I would definitely consider a future career in STEM. There’s a stigma about STEM being just for boys but actually more women should give it a go; they can do it. It’s not just for boys.”

Maddy was one of more than 150 male and female students from secondary schools throughout Chesterfield that took part in workplace visits to companies operating in the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sector during the four-week festival.

The visits, which were organised by Direct Education Business Partnership, were designed to introduce secondary school students to the varied STEM careers available in the local economy.

Sonya Martin, Out of School Tuition Tutor at Whittington Green Secondary School, praised the campaign, saying: “We’ve had quite a few female students say they didn’t realise engineering was open to them and that, actually, the work would be a lot of fun. Having the chance to bring them around different workplaces, especially Scooby Clinic, has been really good for them because we very rarely get to know what goes on in our local environment.”

Scooby Clinic was one of a number of businesses that welcomed students into the workplace during the festival. MSE Hiller, Weightron Bilanciai, United Cast Bar, Superior Wellness, Atlantic Pumps, Robinson PLC and Aztec Oils also opened their doors to students.

Aztec Oils, which is based in Bolsover and is one of the UK’s leading specialists in high-performance lubricant manufacture and distribution, welcomed students from Springwell Community College.

Scooby Clinic Made in Chesterfield

During the visit Year 9 pupil Lara commented; “Being here today has made me reconsider my GCSE options. It’s shown me that STEM is more than science and there are lots of jobs and so many opportunities out there.”

Julie Richards, Principal of The Chesterfield College Group, explained: “It is so positive to see the impact of raising aspirations in STEM subjects with girls across the region thanks to initiatives like Made in Chesterfield. This is the latest in a long line of positive actions to breakdown any perceived barriers for young women who enter a career in STEM. Year on year we are delighted to see more and more young, driven women studying programmes and apprenticeships at Chesterfield College in STEM industries. These students consistently inform us that when talking to school age girls about getting into a STEM related career they should ‘just go for it!’ Whilst they admitted they felt daunted when first entering the industry, that apprehension quickly subsided when they realised how supported and valued they were by their classmates or work colleagues.”

According to a report by The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM, only 27% of the UK’s STEM workforce is female compared to 52% of the wider workforce.

Made in Chesterfield, which is sponsored by the Chesterfield College Group, is now in its eighth year. The annual festival is playing a key role in addressing the technical skills shortage amongst local businesses.

Research by the UK Commission for Employment & Skills found that 43 per cent of national STEM vacancies are hard to fill due to a shortage of skilled and experienced applicants.

Ivan Fomin Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the Borough said: “I am delighted at the impact the Made in Chesterfield festival has made with students, schools and businesses this year. Seeing so many mixed groups of students undertaking visits to STEM workplaces in Chesterfield is incredibly encouraging. Ensuring that our workplaces are diverse is critical to tackling skills shortages in the sector both locally and nationally.”

Clare Talati, Chief Executive of DEBP added: “DEBP are delighted to work in partnership on the initiative; at a time with increased pressures for schools and employers, the feedback demonstrates just how important workplace visits are in enabling young people to understand more about the amazing opportunities available locally.”

Since its 2014 launch, Made in Chesterfield has introduced over 3,500 young people to the jobs and careers available operating in the STEM sector within local businesses.

Whittington Green Made in Chesterfield Scooby Clinic Visit

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Training provider appointed for Construction Skills Hub at Mastin Moor

Chesterfield College and the University of Derby have been appointed as the training provider for the new Construction Skills Hub in Mastin Moor, which is set to provide specialist training for thousands of learners as part of the Staveley Town Deal.

The innovative Construction Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site in Mastin Moor.

Over ten years, the hub aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to be able to announce that the college and university will be working together to support this project. As well as providing support for trade skills, this partnership provides the opportunity to progress to a university level and develop the skills needed for roles like quantity surveyor or estimator, ensuring that everyone in Staveley can start, stay, and grow in the town.

“I look forward to working with them and our partners the Devonshire Group to progress the development of the Hub and start welcoming learners in Autumn 2023.”

A site has already been identified for the Construction Skills Hub in collaboration with the Devonshire Group, which will be bringing forward a new housing development in Mastin Moor. This will allow trainees to develop their skills on a live housing site, and in time there will also be opportunities to gain experience on other Staveley Town Deal construction projects.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director for Devonshire Group, said: “When I first saw the concept of a Construction Skills Hub and was asked if we could help deliver one for Chesterfield, my resounding response was yes, and I know just where.

“Devonshire Group are deeply committed to offering opportunities for learning and skills development, and to making a real difference to the lives and employment prospects of those in our communities, so we are delighted to be able to assist the Council in providing a home for the Skills Hub. Supporting the next generation of people who will help create our built environment is something to be truly proud of.”

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

Gavin Varley, Director of Advanced Engineering, Building Technologies and Construction at The Chesterfield College Group, explains: “We make a commitment to our students to not only provide them with the skills and qualifications they need, they are just the start, but with the work experience and industry knowledge that gives them the clarity of how and where to progress their career for years to come. We’re delighted to be a partner of this project as it comprehensively addresses this wider student experience, we commit to providing for all.”

Professor Chris Bussell, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted to have been appointed the training provider, alongside Chesterfield College, for the new Construction Skills Hub, which will provide real-world learning opportunities to thousands of people looking to embark on a career in the construction industry or develop their skills so they can progress onto new roles.

“The Hub will enhance the existing construction training offer by providing the opportunity for local learners to develop their skills in a live on-site centre. Our ambition is for this to be ground-breaking, delivering a model that builds on the innovative approach of other such centres, and we are looking forward to developing our relationship with Chesterfield College as well as working with prominent private sector companies on this exciting project.

“As a Civic University, we are committed to supporting the city and county’s long-term economic growth and prosperity, improving the life chances of people, developing a pipeline of talent that choose to live and work in the area, and addressing the skills gap through our involvement in initiatives such as the Construction Skills Hub.”

Working on a live construction site will not only allow learners to develop the skills they need, but it will also provide practical experience and help provide a link to construction companies where they could find permanent roles.

Staveley is set to benefit from £25.2 million of investment through the Town Deal with the aim to create a town where everyone can start, stay and grow. This investment will support eleven different projects across the town and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future by improving transport links, creating new housing, providing skills for local people, enhancing community facilities, and regenerating the town centre.

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal:

property and construction

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Mitchells Accountants partners with Chesterfield College to provide apprenticeship opportunities

A Chesterfield Accountancy and business advice firm has grown its team by taking on several apprentices, having worked with Chesterfield College to provide employment opportunities for local people.

Mitchells Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers are one of Chesterfield’s longest standing firms and has been at the heart of its business community for 150 years, as well as a long serving member of Chesterfield Champions.

Mitchells have also long been an Apprenticeship Ambassador, helping to promote Chesterfield as an Apprentice Town and raising awareness of apprenticeships and their benefits to strengthen the workforce of the local economy.

Mitchells recognises that university isn’t the only option available to those leaving school, which is why the firm offers apprenticeships for young people who wish to undertake the AAT qualification – the internationally recognised qualification based on real-world accounting knowledge.

Examples of recent success stories for Mitchells apprentices include the following:

  • Mitchells’ apprentice, Dominic Day has successfully finished his ICAEW exams and associated work this year to become a qualified member of the Institute.
  • Two ICAEW apprentices, Sophia Ferretto and Brandon Wazirali, have passed advanced level exams and are in the final stages of also becoming fully qualified Institute members.
  • Julie Clayton has progressed to the final exam in her ACCA apprenticeship and received glowing praise from their training provider for their dedication to both the training and the apprenticeship requirements.
  • Apprentices, Sophia Ferretto and Olivia Powell were both put forward by Mitchells for recognition in the Apprentice of the Year category at this year’s Love Chesterfield Awards. The applications showed how well thought of these individuals, along with their fellow apprentices, are by the firm and also the care taken to ensure they continue to develop and flourish.

From the moment their training begins, apprentices are assigned a mentor who monitors and supports their professional and personal development.  As well as becoming a full-time employee at Mitchells, with a salary and other associated benefits, they pay for their AAT apprentices to attend Chesterfield College on a day release basis to study.

Further industry specific qualifications are completed by apprentices including ATT, ACCA, ICAEW and CIOT on a similar basis using internationally recognised training providers.

Having used other training providers in the past, they now only use Chesterfield College for their AAT qualifications because the college is employer led and prepares students for their careers and helps develop ambitious students prepare for work and life.

Mitchells currently employs 5 AAT apprentices who all study at Chesterfield College. Associate Partner, Laura Pain said: “We strongly believe in attracting candidates leaving college and sixth form to help them get started at the ground level.” She went onto highlight two apprentices in the Business Services Team, which she heads up.

“Olivia Powell joined us at just 17 years old and has thrived over the past three years to the point where she is confident and comfortable dealing with the rest of the team, her clients and HMRC. Jessica Wright first joined Mitchells as a university placement student and returned to learn more. Jess achieved a Distinction at Level 2 AAT with an overall qualification percentage score of 96%.”

Olivia Powell and fellow AAT apprentices, Jasmine Pollard and Chloe Jones commented on why they chose the apprenticeship route: “Apprenticeships are a great way of gaining your qualifications whilst working along-side meaning you can put theory into practise and practise into theory. It is also means no commitment of university and allows you to get a head start into the world of work as you can begin your career as young as 16.”

They also commented: “Chesterfield College is a training provider that allows you to work with other apprentices who are working towards the same qualifications as yourself. This not only supports us but allows us to have an insight into all the aspects of accounting, whether this is in industry or practise as you are working with people from a diverse range of job roles. Chesterfield College is extremely local to Mitchells and you are given a day release each week in order to attend the lessons. The lessons are in person allowing you to engage more and ask for any help or resources if needed. Printers and laptops are also available to use on campus which can be used after teaching hours. College tutors are also accessible via email and on teams whenever you need them showing they are very willing to contribute towards your success during AAT.”

Henry Taylor-Toone, Vice Principal Finance and Corporate Services at Chesterfield College said the following: “We’re very proud that Mitchells, a very well known and established Chesterfield business, has chosen Chesterfield College as their training provider. Chesterfield College is employer focused and our partnership with Mitchells demonstrates exactly what we can provide to local businesses – top quality education, delivered locally, helping apprentices, students and adults succeed in their chosen field. Apprentices from Mitchells are also a delight to teach which is always a bonus!”

David Waining, the firms Qualified Person Responsible for Training (QPRT) said “We have been very proud to work with all our apprentices. The joint provision between the training providers and ourselves provides the trainees with valuable experience of the practical work to apply the technical knowledge they have picked up in the classroom. We have had numerous success stories at all levels of the apprenticeship scheme and have looked to expand the number of apprenticeships we are offering across the firm because of these successes. We see this as a vital resource to grow our workforce.”

Mitchells Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers and Chesterfield College support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Peak Indicators donates 19 laptops to Chesterfield College

Peak Indicators has recently donated 19 laptops to Chesterfield College, so that they can be used by people who need them the most.

The laptops were no longer needed at Peak so it was decided to donate them as part of the company’s “Giving Something Back Scheme”.

Students on the IT Network Infrastructure Technician course at Chesterfield College are going to take the laptops, perform another reset and wipe them, before installing a new operating system.

Once the laptops have gone through the resetting process, the college will work with charities in the local area to distribute the laptops to families and groups that need them the most. The recipients will often be people who don’t have access to a computer or laptop.

The donation also provides the opportunity to develop the skills of the college’s students and helps Peak Indicators to contribute and support the local community. It has also prevented waste going to landfill.

Kenneth Neilson, Managing Director of Peak Indicators said: “I am delighted that we can recycle our laptops in such a way that they will make a huge difference to those that need them most in the local community once reprovisioned by the students at Chesterfield College.”

Piers Ching of Chesterfield College commented: “I wanted to say again many many thanks for your donation, it’s contributions like this that are genuinely life changing for families and individuals”.

Peak Indicators is a visionary Data Services, Data Science & Advanced Analytics consultancy based in Chesterfield. The company brings together a diverse and passionate team with best-in-breed technologies and methods to deliver innovative solutions that drive transformational results.

The firm believes data can be a force for good; helping people make better decisions and helping companies grow.

Peak Indicators supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to find out more about recruiting the right talent

Businesses in North Derbyshire can learn how to improve their chances of recruiting the right people at an event next month.

Since 2019, D2N2 Recruiting Talent events have taken place across Derby City and Nottinghamshire, focusing on Inclusive Recruitment. Hundreds of businesses have attended the workshops and networking activities, with experts from a range of organisations helping them to recruit future talent by using more inclusive approaches.

An event is now being planned for North Derbyshire (Chesterfield, Bolsover and North East Derbyshire) taking place on 19th July 2022.

Recruiting Talent is bringing together local businesses and experts. Its partners include: D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Department of Work and Pensions, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), County and Borough & District Councils, Building Better Opportunities Stakeholder Managers and Local Business Clubs in each district.

North Derbyshire Recruiting Talent Event

Taking place at Chesterfield College, The event will:

  • Help employers to understand the current landscape around employment and skills
  • Include a keynote address from a range of partners
  • Act as a catalyst to positive change around recruitment enabling employers to better prepare and adapt to meet their future recruitment needs
  • Showcase the benefits of inclusive recruitment, with case studies and input from employers who are reaping the benefits of increased productivity and growth
  • Show how you can change the way you recruit to encourage more local people to work for your business and the opportunity to tell us what support you need to make this happen
  • Help to change the way you work to retain your best talent
  • Highlight how your Local Enterprise Partnership (D2N2) and other partners can help your business to increase productivity

The event will be followed by a networking session providing the opportunity to meet local partners that can provide further support. If you are an employer in North Derbyshire, and want to attend the event to share good practice and find out more, click here.

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Students and higher apprentices graduate with university-level qualifications from Chesterfield College

Students and higher apprentices from Chesterfield College celebrated their graduation recently after studying for university-level qualifications. In the first graduation ceremony for two years, proud friends, family and employers attended a special ceremony at the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield.

Graduates who completed their courses over the last two years were finally able to celebrate achieving their university-level qualifications in a wide range of subjects and levels following their studies during the pandemic.

Achievements in higher national certificates and diplomas as well as foundation, full and postgraduate degrees in engineering, public services, social care, education, sports and creative media were all celebrated. Those celebrating success with higher level professional qualifications in business, human resources, management, accounting and education were also recognised in the ceremony.

James Dietsch, graduated with a BSc Hons in Software Development and was chosen to give the student vote of thanks at the ceremony.  Studying for a degree in computer software development at Chesterfield College gave James the chance to develop a career in something he loved after he was made redundant from a job in retail. He is now working with the college to develop the new digital technology centre which recently opened, providing students on a range of courses from construction and engineering to computing and art with industry standard equipment to develop their skills.

He said: “The fact that we have made it here today to attend our graduation is not only a testament to our commitment to complete a course, but also to the hard-working staff members of the college who have supported us throughout this journey. Graduates, we have all progressed into a unique club of individuals and have the power now to determine our own path, so with that I ask that you simply follow your dreams and do whatever makes you happy.”

Lee Hardy graduated with a Level 5 qualification in Leadership and Management along with 3 of his colleagues from the Central England Co-operative Society. They had all studied for the qualification on an apprenticeship. He told us:

“It has been a long time coming to be able to celebrate our achievements so it is a relief to finally be here. The company does really well at investing in colleagues. Studying at this level gave us more opportunities, greater learning and something we can give back to the company as well as ourselves. The leadership skills we have gained already has helped us massively.”

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of the Chesterfield College Group congratulated the graduates at the ceremony. She said;

“I am delighted we are able to hold our graduation ceremony today. It feels very special for the graduates to celebrate the incredible achievements with family, friends and employers. Every year I see students show remarkable dedication but I believe these graduates have shown extra resilience and commitment in achieving such success in such unprecedented circumstances.  On behalf of The Chesterfield College Group and our partner universities, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you and I wish you every success for the future.”

Chesterfield College works alongside a range of partners to deliver university-level and professional courses, including Sheffield Hallam University, University of Derby and Pearson. This allows people who want to work towards higher education qualifications the opportunity to access  flexible, affordable and quality higher level skills with their local college.

To find out more about the courses available at the University Centre visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield College to highlight the importance of apprenticeships at upcoming event

During National Apprenticeship Week (7-11 February) Chesterfield College is inviting people to find out how an apprenticeship can build their future career.

The college is holding an Apprenticeship Careers Fair on Wednesday 9 February, open to the public from 4pm until 6pm at their Infirmary Road campus. The event will give people the chance to explore the benefits of apprenticeships and the range of opportunities available.

A host of local employers who value the role that apprentices play in their workforce will also be at the event. They are keen to meet their future workforce and illustrate how apprenticeships provide a great way to develop skills and a career.

The Chesterfield College Group supports over 3,500 apprentices a year, working with hundreds of employers across a range of industries from care to construction and engineering to education.  Apprenticeships give you the chance to learn and train for a specific job, earn a wage and get hands-on experience.

With plenty of exciting vacancies to choose from, the apprenticeship team from the college will be on hand at the event to offer guidance about the range of options available. They will also offer support throughout the application process.

Leah Shortt, Head of Student & Apprentice Services at Chesterfield College said: “I look forward to welcoming anyone who wants to find out more about apprenticeships to our Apprenticeship Careers Fair. The employers who are joining us are passionate about developing people through apprenticeships. This event gives people a perfect opportunity to chat to them and our experienced apprenticeship team.

“Whether you are a school leaver or you want to explore how apprenticeships can help you start or change your career, this event is for you. Anyone over the age of 16 and living in England can do an apprenticeship. There’s no upper age limit. All you need is a keen interest to build your future.”

Find out more about apprenticeships at Chesterfield College visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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College Santa Dash raises vital funds for Derbyshire Stroke Centre

Students and staff from Chesterfield College took part in a 3km Santa Dash earlier this week to raise money for Derbyshire Stroke Centre.

There was a sea of Santas, a team of elves, a Christmas tree, a Grinch and plenty of other fantastic festive fancy dress costumes at the event in Queens Park in Chesterfield.

The participants all braved the rain to support the Principal’s Charity of the Year. Their efforts raised over £600, which the charity say is vital to help them carry out their work and develop services to support people who have suffered a stroke.

Debbie Newton from Derbyshire Stroke Centre came to the event to cheer on the runners. Before she started the race she commented: “I am amazed at the turnout today, it is fantastic. Fundraising has taken a back seat during the pandemic so whatever we are able to raise is amazing.

“Events like this are superb and very important to raise awareness about the centre and the support that is available as well. We are currently fundraising for specialist transport for people with mobility issues to access our day centre. We offer a door to door service.”

The centre offers a community for stroke survivors. It has a café and a gym on site. It also provide a day centre which offers lots of activities from exercise to dance groups as well as singers and entertainers. At the moment around 50 to 100 people use the service over the week.

The Santa Dashers were keen to raise funds for the centre and enjoyed a bit of healthy competition too. There were prizes for the fastest student and staff runners as well as for the best fancy dress outfits.

Students from across the college took part in the dash. Media students took photographs and videos to document the event and public services students marshalled the event.

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of The Chesterfield College group said; “It was wonderful to see so many staff and students supporting Derbyshire Stroke Centre this morning. I’d like to thank them for their generosity and community spirit.

“Not only was it a fantastic festive start to the last week of term before the Christmas holidays, I know the money raised by will be put to good use. The service the charity provides offers such a lifeline to so many people and I am proud that the college is able to support them.”

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield College’s virtual jobs board gives employers access to student talent pool

Chesterfield College has launched a virtual jobs board to help employers promote work related opportunities to more than 2,000 college students who are looking to launch their careers in a range of sectors from construction to catering, and many more.

The new jobs board is already giving students access to quality work experience and industry placement opportunities, full-time and part-time jobs, as well as apprenticeships. Local employers are using the service to find students who are keen to start work in roles related to their course or chosen career goals.

The college has highlighted how the virtual jobs board service could help students get the vital work experience they need, at the same time as helping employers fill the skills gaps they have in their organisations, now and in the future.

David Malone, deputy principal of Chesterfield College said; “In today’s market of labour shortages it is vital that employers and colleges do all we can to make sure new entrants to the market are well equipped and ready to contribute to our economy. The jobs board is just one way we hope to develop our partnership with more local employers.

“We have a talent pool of passionate students who are looking for the right opportunities to develop their skills in a working environment. Work experience is as vital as studying to ensure students are ready to develop their careers. When we mix the two elements, we ensure students complete their course equipped with the right mix of knowledge and experience to make valuable employees of the future.”

It is free for employers to advertise jobs, volunteering and apprenticeship opportunities on the virtual jobs board. The college’s work experience team, made up of experienced recruitment and training professionals, supports employers through the process and ensures a quality match with potential candidates.

For more information or to advertise an opportunity on the virtual jobs board please email or call 0345 850 1055 and select option 1.

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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College to support employers following extension to the apprenticeship incentive scheme

Principal and Chief Executive of The Chesterfield College Group, Julie Richards, has welcomed the news that the Government plans to extend the apprenticeship incentive and Kickstart schemes.

Following Rishi Sunak’s announcement last week, she has pledged to continue to help and support employers in the area who wish to take advantage of the incentives available before they end in 2022.

Since the incentive schemes were announced last year, as part of the Government’s Covid recovery plans, the college has supported over 300 employers to access bonus payments of up to £4,000 to recruit almost 400 apprentices.

Speaking about how the college was best placed to help more local employers take advantage of the incentives, Julie Richards said:

“Apprenticeships have always offered a fantastic opportunity to fill skills gaps and develop people. The bonus payment is designed to help employers feel more secure in their ability to cover the cost of recruiting an apprentice. Apprenticeships provide our young people with specific opportunities to develop their skills and secure meaningful employment which supports their financial independence and prepares them for adult life and a successful career.”

“As a local college we are committed to matching the needs of employers with the skills and talents of young people. I urge employers to contact the college to understand how the scheme may work for them. Our team are experts in supporting employers to develop a programme of skills development which will have long lasting benefits both for them and the local economy.”

The experienced team are helping organisations, large and small across Derbyshire and the East Midlands, to find the best candidates for their apprenticeship vacancies. They have a talent pool of students and applicants ready to find their next step in the world of work and are supporting businesses to navigate the recruitment process to secure their new apprentice.

Matt Cryans, Director at Crytec Ltd, a company based in Clay Cross, which sells machinery for construction, forestry and manual handling, told us about his experience of recruiting his first apprentice and making the most of the incentive scheme with the support of the college.

He said: “The scheme covers a decent proportion of an apprentice’s wages so it gives you confidence to recruit. The extra funding certainly helps you to make the move to grow the team when things feel a bit uncertain. The team at college made it easy to apply for the funding and supported me through the steps of taking on an apprentice.”

Find out more about the apprenticeship bonus scheme and the support available for Kickstart here

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New music studios at Chesterfield College provide industry standard facilities

New studios at Chesterfield College are giving music production students and local musicians a professional space to practice and record, using industry standard equipment.

The studios are the latest addition to the college’s new music department. They are designed to allow students the opportunity to develop the technical and creative skills they need for their future careers. At the same time, they will also provide a useful resource for musicians in Chesterfield to use as a collaborative recording space in the evenings and at weekends.

The new facilities provide a perfect mix of practical and academic spaces for a combination of classroom based learning and hands on experience at music making and recording. They are made up of three elements. These include a traditional classroom space with a suite of macs for learning and editing, a control room including a mixing desk and analogue equipment, and a ‘live room’ which has been designed for traditional collaborative music making. The live room has features which are designed to reflect acoustics and help musicians perform better together.

After spending the first week of term using the new facilities, level 3 music students Josh Clark and Connor Cartledge told us about the difference it had made to them.

Josh who is a rapper, singer and songwriter, with an interest in production said: “I am very happy that I have the opportunity to come in to use an actual studio and work with my peers. The course gives us the chance to learn lots of different skills and practice on different equipment that I don’t have at home. I am excited to know how I can use it next. I am hoping to record my own EP using the facilities we have here. I am really looking forward to that.”

Connor, who wants to be a producer or sound engineer said: “It has made a massive difference now we have this equipment. When we leave college to pursue a career in music, whether as a producer or as a musician we will have the knowledge we need.  We have top of the range microphones and a full studio which will mean any assignments and projects we work on will sound a lot better. Last year we had to record on whatever we had because we couldn’t be in college, so it is going to make a lot of difference. We have got a lot to learn about how to run and work the studio, but it is good to have it ready for the start of the new college year.”

Music tutor and musician, Jonathon Salisbury said: “Having the music studio gives us a professional environment the students can walk into and use. You don’t necessarily need that level of equipment to make good music but if you learn how to use this kind of facility you can always scale back to whatever you need. It is fundamental for students to understand how a professional studio works and get used to that kind of environment. It will help them build up an amazing portfolio of recordings which will launch them onto whatever they choose to do after college.”

“The studio is designed with analogue equipment so it works best for traditional collaborative music making. You can put a whole band in one space. There is real magic that happens when you get musicians together in one room. All the old great bands worked that way. The students who have used it so far have been amazed that they are in this professional space making music with other people again. They are definitely inspired by the quality of what they can produce in the new facilities.”

One local band has already used the space to record parts of their album and the college plans to hire out the new music studios to more local bands and musicians. They are particularly keen to offer the space to those just starting out who are looking for a resource like this on their doorstep.

To find out more about hiring the music studios contact

To find out more about studying music at Chesterfield College visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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