Chesterfield community news

Chesterfield residents and businesses continue strong support for the local community

People and businesses in Chesterfield are continuing to support various initiatives and events, aimed at bringing our community together and supporting local charities.

The town’s network of Chesterfield Champions are helping to support the town through fundraising, sponsorship, and even helping to put smiles on faces to their customers.

Find out below about some of the latest activity from across our community.

Rosewood Wealth Management supports local artists by sponsoring the Chesterfield Postcard Show

Landscape - rosewood junction arts

Chesterfield’s Rosewood Wealth Management is joining forces with Junction Arts this spring to help it stage an exhibition of mini masterpieces that will raise money for the local arts charity.

The Brimington Road financial advice firm is sponsoring The Chesterfield Postcard Show 2023, an annual event that gives local people, communities and up and coming artists the opportunity to showcase their work at an exhibition in West Studios.

Last year 70 artists took part, and 131 postcard-size pieces were exhibited.  The exhibition celebrates the importance of getting creative and its impact on people’s self-esteem and well-being.  The event is organised by Junction Arts and local artist Dave Elsom and the theme for 2023 is Wish You Were Here.  They are inviting people locally, from across the UK, and Internationally to create their own postcard piece of art and submit it by the 20th of April 2023.

Rosewood Wealth Management was founded in 2019 by Directors Shannan Pool-Gorman and Donna Robertson, it has since grown to become one of North Derbyshire’s most respected financial advice firms.  They offer services including mortgages, equity release, pensions, investments, and insurance.

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Director at the firm said: “At Rosewood we believe that it is important to give back to the Chesterfield community in which we operate.  Junction Arts has a fantastic track record of bringing communities together and empowering them through the arts.  This event is brilliant because its easily accessible to people of all ages and abilities, all you need is a piece of A6 card! We’re delighted to be supporting The Chesterfield Postcard Show and I hope that it’s the first of many Junction Arts initiatives that we’re involved in.”

Hannah Bowdler, Fundraising Coordinator at Junction Arts said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to Shannan and the team at Rosewood Wealth Management for supporting this year’s show.  Their sponsorship will allow us to raise more money at this year’s event and help us to engage more local people in the arts. I’m delighted to be working with this fantastic local business that puts community at the heart of what they do.”

The deadline for entries is the 20th April 2023.  The exhibition will run from the 9th to the 19th May 2023 at West Studios. Further information about the exhibition and how to get involved can be found here:

Incredible donation for Ashgate Hospice from football fundraisers

Ashgate Referees donation

Two stalwart Sunday football league referees who have been donating their match fees to Ashgate Hospice were invited to Chesterfield FC where they handed over their donation pitch side.

Chris Roberts and Bruce Baskerville, from Chesterfield, have refereed thousands of semi-pro and non-league matches between them and decided to start donating a percentage of the fees they receive for officiating games.

The duo, both aged 64, have now raised more than £4,100 for the North Derbyshire hospice in just over 12 months.

Word of their kind-heartedness soon caught the attention of the local football fraternity and teams started voluntarily adding a donation of £5 or £10 as a gesture from their club.

They were invited to the Spireites’ match at home to Notts County on 11 February where they presented the money raised to Ashgate’s Community Fundraiser, Lynn Jones.

“We have made a commitment to ourselves that we won’t ask for any donations – that’s our mantra,” said Chris.

“We have been overwhelmed by the way our little story has caught the attention of the local football community, our friends and family.

“To begin, we just made a comment on our Facebook pages to highlight that we had raised another few pounds for the hospice and in just a matter of weeks people were offering us donations.

“We also noticed that when we arrived to do our matches some teams would voluntarily add a further £5 or £10 to our fee as a gesture from their club.”

Chris and Bruce wanted to help the hospice as they believe everyone in Chesterfield has an “affinity” with the hospice after being touched by its “amazing” care.

Bruce says they also want to improve the reputation of referees as well as the relationship they have with clubs, coaches, players and supporters.

“Last season I refereed a first division game in the Chesterfield Sunday League and sent the home team’s best player off,” he said.

“After the game they asked me to come into the home dressing room. I was expecting an earful and thought they’d end up throwing the match fee on the floor.

“They ended up paying me the £30 for reffing the game and then matching my fee for a donation to Ashgate.”

The money will help Ashgate Hospice care for families at its Inpatient Unit in Old Brampton, Chesterfield, as well as in their own homes across North Derbyshire.

Ashgate’s Lynn Jones, said: “We’re so grateful for the support of Chris and Bruce and everyone else in the local football community that’s supported their fundraiser.

“It’s so inspiring to hear how they’ve managed to turn a hobby of theirs into something that’s going to help families who need our vital support across North Derbyshire.

“I’m looking forward to following their fundraising venture over the coming season!”

Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care puts a smile on the faces of ‘Pup Parents’ for Mothers Day

rose cottage dogy day care

Chesterfield’s Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care helped to put smiles on the faces of customers recently, by giving Mothers Day cards and cupcakes to the centre’s ‘Pup Parents.’

Dawn Brown, Founder of Rose Cottage explained: “Being a mum is a special privilege – we don’t all have human babies, some have fur babies!

“No matter what type of mum you are we appreciate you and we made Mother’s Day cards to make our mums smile and show our appreciation.”

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60 acres of land to be used for nature conservation in Chesterfield

60 acres of land has been secured by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust for a major project to improve nature conservation in Chesterfield.

The charity says the ‘Wild Whittington’ project has been enabled for local people to enjoy nature, thanks to overwhelming support from the public, generous grants and philanthropic loans.

The piece of land at Old Whittington, to the north of Chesterfield, is set to be rewilded, becoming a place of major importance to nature, and to the people of Chesterfield and Derbyshire.

Wild Whittington has been acquired through a mixture of investment in nature, including donations from Derbyshire wildlife Trust supporters and The John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust in response to the Defend Nature appeal.

The site connects St Bartholomew’s woods to the south and Grasscroft ancient woodlands to the north. These woods join to Unstone and then down into the valley of the River Drone. Using rewilding, the plan is to create varied habitats to bolster a vital corridor between the woodlands and support nature’s recovery in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas.

Matt Buckler, Director of Natural Solutions at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust said: “We are so grateful for the incredible response we had to our appeal to secure this land from our members, the public, and our generous major donors.

“Here in Derbyshire, we want to take action to restore nature now. Quite simply, turning land over to rewilding projects is one of the most effective ways to get resilient nature back in people’s lives, and it would not be possible without the support we receive.

“The purchase is not only good news for wildlife, its great news for local residents and visitors to the area too. We can’t wait to turn this piece of land into an oasis for wildlife for future generations to enjoy.”

Wild Whittington

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The Cheese Factor launches ‘Gift to Help’ campaign for local people in need

The Cheese Factor, an independent shop located at Chesterfied’s historic Market Hall is starting a ‘Gift to Help’ campaign to help people in need.

This campaign is designed for people to go into the shop and and buy a hot drink, snack or a sandwich in lieu for someone who needs it.

People in the town who want to help can enter the shop and pay for a “gift” of a hot drink or sandwich. The staff at the Cheese Factor will then give a voucher to the customer who can go and give it to a person in need. The voucher can then be redeemed in the store.

With the recent weather conditions and increasing costs nationally, owner of the Cheese Factor, Simon Davidson says he wants to do more for the local community. The store has taken inspiration for the initiative after seeing it in action in other locations across the UK and abroad.

Simon explained: “It is absolutely vital that we support the local community, because we are a very long established, well known business in the town centre. We have a large and loyal customer base, many of whom have been shopping with us for many years.

“We are an independent, family run business, now in the second generation, and I know this is something that many of our customers appreciate. I am an Ambassador for Chesterfield which is something I am passionate about, the local community are quite simply the lifeblood of my business.

“It is important for the town as a whole because if they see local business owners like myself supporting the community, they feel inclusive of that.”

Find out more about Chesterfield’s wide range of wonderful independent shops at:

The Cheese Factor supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

simon cheese factor

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Local community groups invited to apply for grant funding

A new scheme has been launched in Chesterfield aimed at improving the lives of people in the town, with local voluntary and community organisations being invited to apply for funding.

More than £260,000 will be available over the next two years – including a pot of £118,000 which will be allocated during 2023/24 – as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s new Community Grants Fund.

Local eligible organisations can now apply for support from the fund, which will allocate grants ranging from £500 to £6,000.

The council secured funding for the scheme from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Councillor Tricia Gilby, said: “We are really pleased to have secured funding that we can share with local organisations to help them make a real difference to our residents. The funding will support the delivery of important projects across the borough – helping to improve life for local people and making sure our communities continue to thrive.

“I urge groups to check if they are eligible and get their application in as soon as possible so that we can start to see this funding make a real difference in our communities.”

The Community Grants Fund aims to support local projects that will help to build resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

Funding can also be used by community projects to develop volunteering opportunities, help people prepare to get in to work, and to support organisations to expand their reach into different areas of the borough.

The 2023/24 funding will be available in two tranches throughout the year. Applications for the first round of grants is now open – with applications invited by the deadline of Friday 28 April.

Alongside the Community Grants Fund, the council is running a community development project which will provide support to organisations wanting to apply for the grant.

Further details, including the full eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found at

The community grants are just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

town hall drone shot

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Chesterfield FC’s inspiring community awards ceremony to return in 2023

Chesterfield FC is urging people in the town to contact them, if they know of someone in the local community who has gone above and beyond to help others.

The club is once again organising its community awards, which aims to showcase the inspirational people in our town and surrounding area.

Bridget Ball, Chesterfield FC’s Marketing Manager, said: “We are delighted to once again provide an opportunity to recognise those in the community whose valued efforts may otherwise go unrewarded.

“I would like to thank the companies who are supporting the awards through sponsorship. We look forward to another memorable gala awards event!”

Karen Mosley, a director of KranLee Logistics, explained why they are sponsoring the event.

She said: “It’s all about recognising the amount of amazing people we have in our community and rewarding them, which fits in well with the ethos and the culture of our business.

“We’re really excited to be involved and we’re looking forward to the night.”

Nominations are now being accepted for the following awards:

  • Community Award, sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors
  • Lifetime Achievement, sponsored by KranLee Logistics Limited.
  • Above & Beyond, sponsored by Ideal Flooring.
  • Act of Kindness, sponsored by Elite Contract Clean.
  • Volunteer of the Year, sponsored by Bridge Inn Travel.
  • Green Champion of the Year, sponsored by Penny Hydraulics.
  • Local Hero, sponsored by Kimberley Caravans.
  • Fundraiser of the Year, sponsored by Netcoms IT.
  • Sporting Achievement, sponsored by Leengate Valves.
  • Carer of the Year, sponsored by WS Sherburns LGV.
  • Adult Bravery, sponsored by FabworX.
  • Young Person of Courage, sponsored by Graysons Solicitors.

To make a nomination, visit The winners will be announced at the event being held in the SBK Spires Restaurant on Saturday, May 20.

Technique Stadium

Spireites involved in pioneering sign language initiative

Elsewhere, the club has also lead the way on a new accessibility initiative, which used children from a local school to communicate with supporters using British Sign Language on the big screen at the Technique Stadium.

Level Playing Field, a registered charity campaigning for an inclusive matchday experience and equal access for all disabled sports fans in England and Wales, praised the initiative.

A reporter from ITV Calendar was at the game to interview some of the children involved from New Whittington Primary School, along with head teacher Miss Tooley, who organised the initiative with the Chesterfield FC Community Trust inclusion officer, Alyss Jackson.

Miss Tooley was delighted with the outcome. She said: “The quality of the signing on the big screen was fantastic. The children were beyond excited when they saw the big screen.

“They were pointing at the screen and patting their mate on the back when it was their turn to be on the screen. It was just what you’d want it to be and just what you want to see from your young people.”

Club photographer Tina Jenner worked on putting the videos together and she was praised by Miss Tooley, who said: “She came into the school and put the children at ease. She was incredibly patient with the children and I dread to think how many hours she spent editing the work to make it just perfect!

“Tina also made the t-shirts for the children to wear. I’d like to thank Tina and Alyss for their valued efforts.”

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

New Whitt Schoo

Image by Tina Jenner Photography

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Chesterfield community heroes recognised at BrightLife Champions Against Loneliness Awards

Several people and organisations from across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire were recently recognised for their work in combatting loneliness and isolation across our town, in a glamourous ceremony at Casa Hotel.

The BrightLife Champions Against Loneliness Awards 2023, held on Friday February 17th, was a huge success as over 130 guests from the local business and charity communities came together to recognise and celebrate seven BrightLife Champions Against Loneliness.

BrightLife is a local charity dedicated to preventing loneliness and isolation occurring amongst older people living in Chesterfield, Bolsover and North East Derbyshire.

Hosted by Phil Tooley, commentator on Chesterfield FC’s 1866 Sport radio station, the awards ceremony opened with the BrightLife Champion Young Person – an award won by Luke Briddon for his work with the Senior Spireites at the Chesterfield FC Community Trust.

Luke’s nominator for the award, Oliver Barnes, a Wellbeing Officer at Chesterfield FC Community Trust, commented: “People might be isolated, lonely, they might have lost a significant other, but Luke’s always there to put a smile on their face. I don’t think he realises how much impact he has on their lives, and that’s why we’ve nominated him for this award”.

The final award to be presented on the evening was that of the BrightLife Champion Award, as sponsored by Hammond & Co. This award was presented to Farida McGann, who was nominated by Mel Dorna, a health and wellbeing coach for Derbyshire County Council.

Farida’s work to prevent loneliness and isolation began during Lockdown when Farida felt compelled to want to support a neighbour. Following her experience of offering companionship and support to her neighbour Mrs McGann was inspired to start a community group.

The one community group then grew into two and Mrs McGann now runs a number of community groups on a weekly basis.

Mel Dorna, who nominated Mrs McGann for the award commented: “Over the last year Farida has developed groups and now runs a weekly mental health support group, a health and well-being group, a group exclusively to support men….she welcomes everybody through the door.”

The seven category award winners were:

  • Champion Young Person (Sponsored by 1866 Sport) – Luke Briddon
  • Champion Charity (Sponsored by Aztec Oils Ltd) – Chesterfield FC Community Trust
  • Champion Business (Sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors) – Magnavale Ltd
  • Champion Neighbour (Sponsored by Heron Publications Ltd) – Rachael Mullen
  • Champion Carer (Sponsored by Age Care Bathrooms) – Sandra Bower
  • Champion Volunteer (Sponsored by Hastings Freight Ltd) – Lynda Lewis
  • Champion – (Sponsored by Hammond & Co) – Farida McGann

Chesterfield FC’s Community Trust, Casa Hotel, Banner Jones Solicitors and Heron Publications support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Champions against loneliness awards

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Record-breaking total raised by BRM Solicitors for ‘Free Wills Month’

Clients of BRM Solicitors have raised thousands of pounds as part of a free wills month service supporting Ashgate Hospice.

The event broke BRM’s will month fundraising record by raising more than £23,000 in a single month, which will fund care for palliative and end-of-life patients.

During the free wills month local people were encouraged to make a will. Instead of paying a fee to BRM, they were asked to consider making a voluntary donation to the hospice.

During Make a Will Month, which took place in April, a total of 175 people made their will with BRM while making a suggested donation of £75 for a single will or £150 for a mirror will for a couple.

Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice said: “We are incredibly grateful to BRM Solicitors for choosing Ashgate Hospice to benefit from its Make a Will Month campaign.

“To have raised a record-breaking amount of donations is just incredible and it will go such a long way towards helping the families who need us most.

We must also thank the unbelievable generosity of the customers who decided to make their will in return for a donation towards the funding of our care.

Everyone at the hospice is overwhelmed by the support and thanks must also go to the wonderful staff at BRM for making this happen. We’re looking forward to working with BRM again next year!”

The total amount raised by BRM Solicitors was £23,495, which is the largest amount the firm has raised for any charity in a single month.

The donation could help pay for one of the hospice’s community workers to make almost 500 visits to a patient in their own home.

Rob Woodhead, Head of Wills and Probate at BRM Solicitors, said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with Ashgate Hospice again this year to raise funds for a charity that plays such a key role in the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire community. We hope to build on this year’s success and raise even more money for the hospice in 2023.”

Ashgate Hospice must raise £8 million over and above NHS funding to fund its services for patients in their own homes and at its site in Old Brampton.

Meanwhile, one in five people is cared for thanks to money left in wills, but as the number of people with life-limiting illnesses increases, demand for the services continues to grow.

Find out more about how you can leave Ashgate Hospice a gift in your will here:

BRM Solicitors and Ashgate Hospice support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

BRM Ashgate free wills month


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Staveley company supports Chesterfield charity’s work in providing life saving training

Support for the 999 Appeal launched by Chesterfield charity, CSALS has been received from Brett Martin Ltd, based at Staveley.

CSALS – Community Save a Life Scheme – is a charity devoted to promoting and facilitating first aid training, offering a free online course in association with Virtual College.

Those who provide support for the organisation’s 999 Appeal receive a practical first aid training session among the benefits provided.

A session which featured the use of defibrillators was recently delivered at Brett Martin’s Staveley site.

Commenting on the link-up with CSALS, Brett Martin’s senior HR advisor, Kim Williams, said: “Brett Martin are proud to be a sponsor of CSALS’ 999 Appeal.

“Not only are we sponsoring such a worthy cause, we are ensuring our employees are de-fib ready should they ever find themselves in a situation where a defibrillator is required.

“The general feedback from our employees who attended the course was that before the training they were scared to use a defibrillator, not anymore.

“The training was informative, practical and fun. Great work, CSALS!”

Debra Johnson, community facilitator for CSALS, said: “We would like to thank Brett Martin for their valued support.

“We were delighted with the feedback received from those who took part in the session and look forward to delivering further first aid training at Brett Martin, ensuring that more of their employees are equipped with the knowledge to save a life.”

CSALS (Community Save a Life Scheme) was formed in 2012, with the aim of raising the awareness of the need for more life-savers. Thousands of people have now completed the virtual course, providing them with first aid skills which could result in lives being saved.

To find out more about CSALS’ 999 Appeal, please email

CSALS supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Bridge Help’s Chesterfield Foodbank appeal raises £6,000

A six-week fundraising appeal, which has resulted in a whopping donation of £6,000 of food, toiletries and cash, will help hundreds of people in need across Chesterfield in 2023.

Launched in November 2022, Bridge Help’s annual Chesterfield Foodbank raised £3,000 thanks to donations from the firm’s brokers, suppliers, friends and family. The short-term commercial finance provider matched all donations, bringing the final total to £6,000.

A £4,400 haul of food and toiletries – which filled three vans – was delivered to the food bank just before Christmas. A £1,600 cash donation was also given to the charity to enable it to help people throughout the year when donations fall.

The food donated weighed in at more than 1.2 tonnes, enabling up to 1,300 meals to be made.

Roisin O’Gorman from Chesterfield Foodbank thanked Bridge Help for the donation, saying: “This donation will make such a positive difference at this incredibly difficult time. Demand for the Foodbank has increased by 35% since last year and 50% from the year before. The food donated will help keep us stocked up throughout the year when our donations start to dry up. You have really helped local people in crisis who are facing poverty!”

As well as a £500 donation of food to the collection, Stoneacre Motor Group and Maxus supplied two vans and members of their team to help Bridge Help and staff from Chesterfield Foodbank load and transport everything to the foodbank’s distribution centre on Carrwood Road in Sheepbridge.

As well as essentials – tins, pasta, long life fruit juice and milk, Bridge Help also donated toiletries, chocolate and biscuit treats for Christmas. Donations were collected and stored at the firm’s offices on Old Brick Works Lane.

Arranged by the firm’s Business Development Manager Phoebe Sellars, who is also a trustee of Chesterfield Citizens Advice, she said: “Each year the Bridge Help Foodbank appeal raises more than the last, which truly amazed me this year as everyone is feeling the effect with the cost-of-living crisis. Once again, people have been so generous and enabled us to give our biggest donation ever.

“Being a trustee of Chesterfield Citizens Advice I know how much this donation is needed this year. More and more people are having to make the impossible decision between choosing whether to eat or heat. I am pleased that we have been able to make a small difference locally.”

This was the third consecutive year Bridge Help has organised a collection and donation to Chesterfield Foodbank.

Since launching the Chesterfield Foodbank appeal in 2019, Bridge Help has donated more than £11,000 to the Sheepbridge-based foodbank warehouse, which is operated by The Trussell Trust.

The Chesterfield Foodbank distribution centre supplies six food banks – central Chesterfield, New Whittington, Loundsley Green, Brimington, Hope Valley and Hasland, which is the most recent foodbank. The Hasland foodbank was opened in April 2022 to cope with the increase in working people struggling to eat amid the cost-of-living hike.

Chesterfield Foodbank provides three days of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to people who are referred to them and has been operating since 2013. The foodbank works through local agencies issuing vouchers to people in crisis who cannot afford to buy food.

Bridge Help supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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City Taxis welcomes Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity as its Chesterfield charity of the year

Having pledged to support a small charity in each of their operating areas, local taxi company City Taxis has announced its latest charity partner for 2023 – the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity.

Chesterfield Royal Charity supports both the patients and staff at the hospital, by improving the environment and facilities on offer, all designed to enhance care and wellbeing. Through donations, the charity goes above and beyond to provide more than what is offered through ‘normal NHS funding’, from relaxation gardens and MRI scanners to water stations and mental health support for staff.

The Charity is currently working on its ‘Care for the Carers Appeal’ which is funding a £2m Health and Wellbeing Hub, which is being built on the hospital site. The Hub will offer all staff a safe place to actively look after their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Amongst the hub’s facilities will be a gym, counselling rooms and complimentary therapies.

Sacha Skinner, Marketing Manager at City Taxis, said: “Since finalising our City Charity strategy, we have worked with our Site Managers to select several local charities that we believe could really benefit from our support.

“In summer (2022) we teamed up with Sheffield Hospitals Charity to throw a ‘Thank You NHS Gala Ball’, where all funds were donated to the charity’s ‘We’ve Got You’ Campaign – dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of NHS staff across Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.

“When we learned that Chesterfield Royal Charity were also working on a large project to support the health and wellbeing of their staff, we knew this was something we wanted to get involved with.

“We are very proud to be supporting such a wonderful charity and very much looking forward to getting involved in lots of fundraising activities and volunteering to support this project.”

Ken Godber, Director at Chesterfield Royal Charity, said: “We are extremely proud to welcome City Taxis on board to support for our ‘Care for the Carers’ appeal.

“We know the Health and Wellbeing Hub will make a huge difference to the 4,500 colleagues working at the hospital.

“It’s been a very difficult time for the NHS and with support from City Taxis for the whole of 2023 we think we’ll be able to make even more investments in the Hub.

“Thank you to them and all their drivers for this commitment.”

In 2022, six members of the City Taxis team took on the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k to help raise funds for the Health and Wellbeing Hub build, which is set to open in spring 2023. Visit the link for more information:

City Taxis and Chesterfield Royal Hospital support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


City Taxis at the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k

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Spireites Community Trust and Chesterfield Cricket Club provide hampers for 500 local families

Chesterfield FC Community Trust and Chesterfield Cricket Club have joined together to bring some festive cheer to families in the town.

Together they have driven a project to provide Christmas hampers for 500 families in the Chesterfield Borough Council area.

The hampers contain essential food items such as potatoes, milk, fruit and vegetables, together with household items including soap, washing powder and toys.

Families receiving them have been nominated by schools and have children who receive free school meals.

The hampers were funded by the Department of Education’s Holiday Activity Food (HAF) programme, which was set up two years ago as a result of the Covid lockdowns to provide cover during holiday periods for the children of families receiving free school meals.

Jayne Bacon, the Trust’s chief operating officer, said: “The Trust offer Camp Inspire to children where we provide a hot meal, two hours of physical activity, nutrition and enrichment sessions and lots of fun with friends in the holidays.

“We are delighted to have also been able to bid for 500 Christmas hampers through StreetGames, who manage the scheme for Derbyshire County Council, and we were successful.”

The project, led by the Trust’s Becks White, needed a venue where the hampers could be put together, stored and collected.

The Trust approached Chesterfield Cricket Club who were happy for the Queen’s Park pavilion to be used.

Chairman Nigel Mallender said: “Chesterfield Cricket Club is a community club and this is the kind of initiative that is right at the heart of the community.

“It is a tough time for so many families at the moment and I am really glad we have been able to assist in some small way with such a worthwhile initiative. A big well done to Jayne, Becks and the Trust team.”

Jayne added: “Becks has been responsible for ordering the food, arranging the staff, volunteers and co-ordinating all the deliveries and collections to create a truly magical hamper.

“She has been helped by Trust staff, members of the football club’s academy and students on their holiday break.

“Appropriately, for two sports clubs, it has been a real team effort to boost their local community.”

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

CFC Trust Chesterfield Cricket Club Hampers

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