chesterfield developments

BHP becomes first tenant at flagship One Waterside Place in Chesterfield

Leading North Derbyshire and Yorkshire accountancy firm BHP has moved into Chesterfield’s most sought-after address at One Waterside Place.

BHP is the building’s first tenant and takes one floor in the six-storey building, relocating from its current site on Saltergate in Chesterfield town centre, which they occupied for more than 30 years.

The new office will be home to more than 70 BHP employees across its Personal and Corporate Tax, Healthcare, Audit and Accounts, and Payroll teams.

The ‘Grade A’ 5,550 sq ft office space boasts state-of-the-art office facilities, breakout spaces, meeting rooms, a café/bar area, modern kitchen, LED lighting, air conditioning and cycle parking.

BHP Partner Dominic Staniforth said: “We’re delighted to have officially moved into our brand-new office here at One Waterside Place. It’s been exciting to welcome the team in to experience the facilities first-hand.

“We’ve loved being part of the Chesterfield community for the past 30 years and the move demonstrates our commitment to the local economy and employment market, while providing us with a fantastic base for our firm to grow.

“One Waterside Place is superbly located and offers our people a great place to work, with an array of restaurants, cafés and shops on the doorstep. We look forward to being in our new home for many years to come.”

Lisa Leighton, BHP’s Joint Managing Partner, said: “Chesterfield has always been an important location for us. We’ve had a base in the town since 1991 and have built up a fantastic reputation in the area.

“The new office is an excellent space that provides first-class facilities for our team. I know I can speak on behalf of my Chesterfield colleagues when I say that we’re proud to be the first tenants in such a prestigious building and we look forward to our bright future at One Waterside Place.”

As well as nearby motorway links, One Waterside Place is desirably located next to Chesterfield’s mainline train station, with services reaching London St Pancras in under two hours.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m delighted to welcome BHP to our new Grade A office accommodation in the heart of Chesterfield. Their investment is a ringing endorsement of our town and will help ensure there are great jobs for our residents. I want to wish them the best for their future,”

One Waterside Place is owned by Chesterfield Borough Council. The building’s property developer was Bolsterstone Group Plc and BHP’s office space was kitted out by Absolute Commercial Interiors Ltd.

BHP supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New walking and cycling route confirmed for Chesterfield

Derbyshire County Council has decided to go ahead with plans for a dedicated walking and cycling route for Chesterfield- which will run from the east side of the town, up to the Royal Hospital.

The decision means Crow Lane in Chesterfield will close permanently to vehicles, while a cycle lane will be built on Chatsworth Road. The current 30mph speed limit on Chatsworth Road will also be extended.

These decisions were taken by the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways Assets and Transport, Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal on 9 November and follow a public consultation.

Work will start on some sections of the route this autumn. Crow Lane will close permanently at some point in the new year, once work to create a cycle and walking route from the station to the start of the closed Crow Lane section has taken place.

The Government has awarded Derbyshire County Council £1.68 million to create the new route. It will go from the A619 junction with Holymoor Road, along Chatsworth Road and the existing Hipper Valley Trail, through Queen’s Park, past the train station and to the hospital and beyond by using Crow Lane and Wetlands Lane.

Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal said: “We have listened carefully to what people told us in the consultation and looked at all the alternatives given. “Creating this route across Chesterfield will give many more people the opportunity to get out of their cars, and either walk or cycle to get into town, or up to the hospital.

“We know that many hospital staff walked or cycled on Crow Lane at the height of the pandemic, and we would expect numbers to increase when the lane closes to vehicles again for good.”

In total 1,240 people responded to the consultation, which was widely publicised.

For the Crow Lane closure, 752 people supported this with 416 people objecting. 980 people supported the 30mph extension on Chatsworth Road, with 178 objections. For the cycle lane on Chatsworth Road 741 people supported this, with 430 objecting.

The council also received two petitions, one supporting the closure of Crow Lane, with 522 signatures, and one against the closure with 744 signatures.

In total, adding together the results of the consultation and the results of the petition, there were more people wanting Crow Lane to close permanently than not (738 for (51%), 638 against (44%) 72 abstaining (5%)).

Cycling in Queens Park - Get on your bike in Chesterfield

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Application submitted for new industrial and warehouse space at Markham Vale

Henry Boot Developments has announced it has submitted planning to create more industrial and warehouse spaces at one of the area’s flagship regeneration schemes, Markham Vale.

The plans propose a further 107,250 sq. ft. of industrial and warehouse space across four buildings, adding to the existing portfolio of properties, which has seen the likes of Great Bear, Daher Aerospace, Gist and many other companies locate their operations at the site.

Markham Vale is a 200-acre site which HBD is delivering in a joint venture with Derbyshire County Council. It is one of the region’s flagship industrial schemes, attracting new businesses and creating thousands of new jobs.

Speaking of the latest application, Development Surveyor at HBD, Richard Hinds said: “It is great to get plans underway for this next stage of development at Markham Vale.

“It’s a very successful industrial and logistics location, which means demand has remained high for new space – our robust financial backing and our strong track record for delivery means that we are able to continue progressing new schemes throughout the more challenging periods for the economy, injecting much-needed Grade A space into the market.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration Councillor Tony King added: “Plans for four new buildings at Markham Vale is a strong signal from our property partners, HBD that the site will continue to attract a wide range of businesses. Markham Vale plays a key role in helping to deliver on our commitment to building a strong, diverse, and green economy by creating jobs for local people and attracting local, national, and international businesses.”

Find out more about Markham Vale on our developments page at:

Henry Boot Developments supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Approval granted on widespread improvements for Staveley Town Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has given its approval to a new long-term vision for Staveley town centre and an initial £5m package of improvements, to be delivered over the next four years.

A public consultation which took place late last year showed strong support for the draft Staveley Town Centre Vision Master Plan, with 70% of respondents stating that they would be more likely to visit Staveley town centre if the Master Plan’s proposals were implemented.

The immediate improvements planned for Staveley town centre also received a high level of support from the public. These improvements include the regeneration of the Market Square, a shop front improvement scheme, a new and improved link to the canal, a new landmark pavilion building, an enhanced public realm and better signposting of facilities and attractions.

The initial package of improvements will be funded and delivered through the Staveley Town Deal and have been selected on the basis of their ability to improve the current town centre offer, uplift footfall, and prepare the ground for future investment. They are also deliverable within the set timeframe for the Town Deal.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy said: “We want Staveley to be a thriving town centre, that attracts both residents and visitors, encourages new business start-ups and supports existing retailers and businesses to flourish.

“We received lots of support for the ideas and proposals that we set out within the draft Vision Master Plan but we cannot deliver everything at once. Our aim is to make best use of the Staveley Town Deal funding to deliver an initial package of improvements that will help ensure Staveley has a bright future as a place to start, to stay and to grow.

“We will continue to work closely with Staveley’s retailers, businesses and residents to ensure we deliver the planned improvements to time and budget.”

The planned improvements, many of which are conditional on receiving planning consent, include the regeneration of the Market Square, which was supported by 77% of respondents to the public consultation. Elsewhere in the Market Square, the disused toilet block will be demolished and a landmark pavilion building with new commercial space created.

The Market Square will also benefit from new paving, lighting, planting, and benches, as well as improvements to Barnfield Close to encourage members of the public to shop and socialise. Ninety percent of respondents to the public consultation indicated that they would be more likely to visit the town centre if there was more space for festivals and events, which the planned improvements are designed to achieve.

The High Street will benefit from a rejuvenation of the public ream, and a shop front improvement grant scheme will encourage retailers to make changes to their store frontages.

There will also be a focus on increased connectivity both to the canal and wider Staveley area with improved signage, paths and cycling hubs. These improvements were supported by 74% of respondents to the public consultation. There will also be enhanced digital connectivity through the creation of a town centre wi-fi network.

As part of the process of developing the draft Vision Master Plan an independent review was undertaken by IntoPlaces Ltd., a team of three High Street Task Force experts. IntoPlaces Ltd. commented that the Vision Master Plan has the capacity to transform Staveley town centre into a vibrant hub by creating new and diverse spaces and enhancing the current offer. The planned improvements have also been supported by Derbyshire County Council.

The next step is for the Council to appoint a dedicated design team to finalise the planned improvements and seek planning consent, where applicable. More details about the future designs and how the community can get involved will be shared as soon as possible.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, added: “It will take time for us to finalise our plans and gain planning consent but we are committed to working with the community throughout the delivery process in order to ensure that we achieve the best possible outcome for Staveley town centre, its residents and businesses.”

Find out more about the Town Deal and the projects that have received funding on the council’s Staveley Town Deal page.

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“Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit”

Chesterfield is set to undergo a major transformation in the next few years, with work taking place to improve the town’s public spaces; creating a welcoming and attractive place for visitors.

The town’s Property and Construction Group continues to help in shaping these developments, working with partners to ensure the quality of the built environment across the town meets those ambitions.

Tony Buck is a member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Steering Group and Associate Director at Oasis Studio. He has given his views on the importance of maximising the built environment, to increase Chesterfield’s reputation as a vibrant and welcoming town with a strong and diverse visitor economy.

By many Chesterfield isn’t considered a typical tourist destination and we must ask ourselves why? Over the last 12 years, I’ve become very familiar with the town and it’s clear our town has bags of raw ingredients to offer the tourism sector.

It’s no secret that millions of pounds worth of investment are beginning to take shape across the town and I’m confident these exciting plans will evolve Chesterfield into a superb visitor destination. From working closely with Destination Chesterfield and the Property and Construction Group it’s clear that attracting more tourists to the town is high on the agenda.

Let’s take a dive into some of the key developments and unpack why the built environment is vital in terms of attracting more visitors.

A good place to start is the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project; a major transformation in the town centre with refurbishment plans for several key sites. When I think about Chesterfield, I think ‘handsome market town’ so I’m particularly excited to see the marketplace revamp take shape.

This is a great opportunity to re-imagine the current model and create a more defined and vibrant area for visitors to shop. As part of the revamp, we’ll also see the flexible space host other events such as festivals, cultural celebrations, and community gatherings.

This has been core to the strategy and acts as a key ingredient in attracting a wider, more diverse audience beyond the typical market visitor of today. Once complete I look forward to visiting and hope to discover amazing produce, street food, craft beers and gifts that are unique to Chesterfield and add to the cultural narrative of the town.

Bookending of the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project are plans to remodel and refurbish the Stephenson Memorial Hall. I’m particularly intrigued about the impact this will have on the visiting economy. Packed full of history and architectural merit the proposals aim to extend the Pomegranate Theatre and provide a modern museum offering.

Alongside this gallery and café spaces provide visitors with a place to enjoy. Once complete this landmark building will extend the town’s cultural offering and provide a go-to destination for visitors to enjoy live events.

Beyond this, the Chesterfield Station Masterplan aims to create a welcoming first impression of Chesterfield for visitors by rail. Currently, the existing station and public realm are a little uninviting.

Diving into the details it’s clear that a real sense of arrival, framing of the crooked spire and progressive urban design are considerations to address this. The people of Chesterfield are welcoming and open for business, I certainly look forward to a station that reflects this for visitors.

It’s clear to me that the developments highlighted above, combined with the wider regeneration proposals, will result in our town centre becoming a more attractive, safe and healthier place for visitors to spend time and immerse themselves in the Chesterfield economy.

In my opinion, Chesterfield’s best tourist attraction and visitor playground is the Peak District. It’s located on our doorstep and attracts millions of tourists to the area each year.

Those visitors planning a weekend trip or holiday need more incentives to stay the night in Chesterfield. Currently, the night-time attractions are relatively limited… Shout-out to Ches-Vegas. To maximise the visitor economy, more must be done to increase this offering. There are development plans that seek to address this (some mentioned above), but it’s worth highlighting the requirement for more available hotel space for visitors to stay.

Circling back, Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit. The community is inviting and we’re home to a diverse selection of businesses that cater for the tourism sector.

We’re located in the heart of the UK with great transport connections. We also have handsome buildings with bags of history and so much beautiful scenery on its doorstep. Chesterfield is underrated as a tourist destination and with the planned future investment it will only get better. I call for all local businesses and fellow Chesterfield Champions in the town to celebrate this!

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£570 million regeneration programme currently taking place across Derbyshire

It has been revealed that more than £570 million worth of regeneration is currently taking place across Derbyshire, with a large proportion taking place in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The figure was revealed recently by Derbyshire County Council as cabinet members were updated on the progress of various regeneration projects happening in our county.

More than 50 major projects are included in the programme, initiated either by the County Council, by the government or by district or borough councils.

Project currently underway in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire include:

Hollis Lane Link Road phase 1 (£10.8 million)

Construction of new road into Chesterfield Station as part of the Chesterfield Station Master Plan. A planning application has been submitted and if approved the project will be funded jointly through government’s Local Growth Fund (£3.8 million) and £7 million from Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council.

Find out more

Chesterfield-Staveley Regeneration Route (£125 million)

Reclamation works and construction of a 3.7 mile road connecting Chesterfield with Staveley, opening up land for jobs and housing. Outline business case for funding due to be submitted to government at the end of summer 2022 requesting £106 million to help fund the project with a further £19 million expected to be contributed by local public and private sector partners.

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Staveley Town Deal Investment Plan (£25 million)

Being delivered by Chesterfield Borough Council and funded by the government’s Town Deal. Derbyshire County Council is involved in 3 projects as part of the plan: new commercial/retail/leisure facilities at Staveley Basin and town centre improvements including support for the Wheels to Work scheme, plus work towards the potential reopening of the Barrow Hill rail line.

Find out more

Connecting Chesterfield (£20 million)

Chesterfield Borough Council is leading this project to improve the town centre using Levelling Up funding from government with support from Derbyshrie County Council.

Find out more

Cabinet Member for Infrastructure at Derbyshire County Council, Cllr Carolyn Renwick, said: “This regeneration programme demonstrates good growth in Derbyshire with major regeneration projects across the county to support job creation and keep Derbyshire moving.

“These projects follow the successful completion of a £13 million county council-led scheme to build a new road linking Woodville and Swadlincote, cutting congestion and unlocking employment land.

“We’re proud to be a driving force for regeneration and levelling up in Derbyshire and welcome much-needed investment from government to improve our county’s economic prospects.”

To find out more about the wide range of regeneration projects taking place across Chesterfield, go to:

Details of Chesterfield’s rapid regeneration will also be outlined at the upcoming Chesterfield Investment Summit this September. Find out more and book your place at:

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Plans submitted for a range of new leisure facilities in North Wingfield

Residents in North Wingfield could soon benefit from several new leisure facilities, with plans submitted to develop land off Williamthorpe Road.

Local developer, Inspire Design and Development is involved in the proposals, which include a pub, hotel, restaurant, wedding venue and nursery.

The proposal falls as part of one of the company’s existing projects in the area, a large development which already has outline approval for more than 500 houses between North Wingfield and Holmewood.

Inspire Design and Development’s role includes promoting the project, managing the design team and running the planning application. The plans will provide much needed leisure facilities in the area, particularly for local residents.

Calum Reford, Graduate Planner at Inspire Design and Development Ltd. commented: “The proposal seeks to create a bespoke character area to create a local landmark which will be in-keeping with the existing and future built environment.

“The development represents a significant social and economic benefit to the area and will deliver a hospitality offer, alongside supporting the new dwellings currently under construction.

“The proposals will also deliver employment opportunities for local people, providing access to a new career in a unique venue.

“This development can provide a statement building that frames the entrance to help establish a sense of place and provide a facility that the area can be genuinely proud of.”

The company has also stated that the design for the new leisure development is inspired by ‘traditional Derbyshire rural farm buildings’, with ‘a series of pitched roof pavilions and outdoor seating/eating areas with views towards Chesterfield and the Crooked Spire church.

Based in nearby Clay Cross, Inspire Design and Development has extensive experience in the planning, design and delivery of development projects.

Having successfully delivered high quality planning approvals, the firm ensures that each of the projects it undertakes is commercially robust, paving the way for excellent, efficient and exciting places for local people to live, work and play within their community.

The Senior Management team collectively has around 100 years of experience in the redevelopment of brownfield sites.

Inspire Design & Development Ltd. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Pomegranate Theatre set to close for multi-million-pound refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall

The Pomegranate Theatre is set to temporarily close its doors later this month in preparation for a multi-million-pound renovation project that will create an enhanced and improved customer experience.

The theatre will close on Sunday 26 June before planned refurbishment works start on Stephenson Memorial Hall.

A series of community led events have been arranged ahead of the temporary closure.  These performances include, An Afternoon of Song and Dance organised by the Chesterfield Theatre Friends on 19 June and local ladies choir, the Honey Belles, on Saturday 25 June. The Heights Ballet & Theatre School will present Peter Pan on Sunday 26 June before the curtains close ahead of the renovation project.

Ian Waller, Chesterfield Borough Council’s service director – leisure, culture and community wellbeing, said: “Stephenson Memorial Hall is a landmark in our town and our ambitious plans are set to make it even more memorable and enjoyable – creating a modern visitor experience in the heart of our town.

“Colleagues have been working to carefully move all of the treasured items from the Museum into secure storage. Now this is nearing completion, we are now in a position to close the Pomegranate Theatre and move many of our shows into the Winding Wheel while the transformation of the building is carried out.”

Residents and visitors to the borough will still be able to enjoy a trip to the theatre as lots of popular shows will be moving across to the Winding Wheel during the refurbishment, including the annual pantomime which you can purchase tickets for on the Chesterfield Theatres website:

Under the plans the refurbished Stephenson Memorial Hall will bring together an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities.

The work will also protect the Grade 2 listed building and ensure that it remains part of the borough’s heritage for many more generations to come.

Creating a more accessible experience is another key aim of the proposals. The plans include three new lifts which will enable visitors, staff and artists with mobility difficulties to access all parts of the building including the circle seating area and upper museum floors.

Also included in the plans are improvements to lighting, heating, and ventilation.

The project is projected to cost around £17.5 million with £11 million of funding being secured via the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

The project received a further funding boost with £695,000 from Arts Council England’s Capital Investment Programme which will be used to install a ventilation system in the Pomegranate Theatre auditorium and create a new Changing Places toilet.

Chesterfield Borough Council has received almost £20 million through the Governments Levelling Up fund, the other £8 million will be used to support and enhance the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Project.

Together this funding will help maintain Chesterfield as a vibrant market town by improving connections across the town centre and enhancing the visitor economy.

Find out more about the proposals for the Stephenson Memorial Hall on the Chesterfield Borough Council website:

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Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group is leaving no stone unturned in shaping our town into a great destination for generations to come

With so many great developments coming to fruition in our town centre and surrounding areas, there is plenty to get excited about in the coming years across Chesterfield.

We are beginning to see the groundwork for millions of pounds worth of investment in our town, which I’m confident will turn Chesterfield into a superb visitor destination and a place ripe for investment.

We are just weeks away from the opening of the highly anticipated Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, which has already seen plenty of interest from investors locally and further afield. The state-of-the-art business centre will help to create 500 jobs, ensuring the town centre economy is resilient for many more years to come. At Destination Chesterfield, we are very excited to be showing our Chesterfield Champions around the development in the near future, demonstrating what an asset the new Enterprise Centre will be once open and operational.

On top of that, development at Chesterfield Waterside is continuing at a pace, with new housing and high-quality office space being developed. This will be another key milestone in the regeneration of Chesterfield, with its proximity to Chesterfield Station making it an excellent location for commuters to Sheffield, Nottingham, Derby and beyond. The proposed Chesterfield Station Master Plan will also ensure anyone arriving in Chesterfield has a great first impression of the town when they step off the train!

In terms of our historic town centre, further transformations are going to be seen around several key sites. Our market will be revamped, ensuring one of our most treasured assets continues to thrive in modern times. The striking Stephenson Memorial Hall is also undergoing a major refurbishment, extending the iconic Pomegranate Theatre, and improving our cultural offer with a better museum, gallery space and education facilities.

Positive things are also happening in our town centre right now! We’ve seen several new shops, cafes, bars, and restaurants making Chesterfield their new home since we came out of the pandemic. It is very encouraging that so many great independent businesses are seeing the potential in our town for the future.

As part of the role of the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Property and Construction Group, business leaders within the sector locally are ensuring that with these multi-million-pound developments taking place across the town, no stone is left unturned in ensuring we can maximise the potential of these investments. The group constantly discusses several key themes based around skills, business support, promoting investment in Chesterfield and sustainability and wellbeing. As a group, we believe we have a golden opportunity to transform the landscape of Chesterfield for generations, and ensure our town aspires to be an excellent place to work, live, visit and invest.

To find out more about the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Property and Construction Group, go to: or email

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Ground-breaking event marks latest milestone for council housing in Chesterfield

A ground-breaking event held on the site of a new housing development has marked the latest milestone in Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to increasing the number of affordable council homes in the borough.

The construction of 10 new homes in Middlecroft is now underway as local councillors joined representatives from Robert Woodhead Ltd, the council’s main contractor, on site at Wensley Way to kick-start the new project.

This latest development will see the addition of two three-bed bungalows on Rowsley Crescent, two two-bed bungalows on Court Place, four two-bed bungalows on Wensley Way and two two-bedroom houses on Paisley Close.

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by council leaders in July 2019, each of the properties will benefit from high levels of energy efficiency, including enhanced levels of insulation and the installation of energy efficient boilers and lighting throughout.

An electrical vehicle charging point will also be installed at each property to help encourage lower carbon transport options.

Each of the houses and bungalows will be fully landscaped with tarmac driveways and turfed lawns.

It comes as local families are set to move into new homes at Badger Croft in Loundsley Green, with the recent completion of the largest development of council homes in the borough for a generation, which has seen an additional 21 new homes added to the council’s housing register.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “This is another significant milestone for us in our efforts to increase the number of affordable council homes across the borough. We’re really excited to watch the latest development progress.

“The new properties will provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for local people and the energy efficiency benefits will offer affordable warmth to our tenants whilst also allowing us to contribute to a more sustainable future for us all.”

Jack Snowdon, Senior Project Manager at Robert Woodhead Ltd, said: “We are delighted to be starting on this project for Chesterfield Borough Council to provide the much-needed additional affordable social housing in the area. The bungalows will be very well insulated and therefore should aid in the reduction of fuel bills, whilst also creating a comfortable living environment throughout the year for the occupiers. This coupled with energy efficient boilers and lighting will assist in responding to the climate emergency and creating more affordable running costs.”

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Completion of new Jewson branch supports delivery of Chesterfield Station Masterplan 

Construction of a new Jewson branch on Sheffield Road has been completed. This is a key milestone in the £10.8m joint project, between Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council, to deliver the first phase of the Hollis Lane Link Road.

The new Jewson branch will open its doors on Monday 9 May as it relocates from its former home on Spa Lane.

The move will allow the construction of a new highway from Hollis Lane, extending Spa Lane up to the railway station car park. The Link Road will provide a new gateway from the south as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s ambitious plans to regenerate the area around Chesterfield railway station.

The Jewson development has also delivered wider benefits to Chesterfield – contractors Morgan Sindall Construction have engaged directly with more than 1,000 students from Chesterfield College, Outwood Academy Newbold, The Bolsover School and Shirebrook Academy. The students have been encouraged to consider careers in construction and educated in what skills they will need to gain to pursue successful careers in the sector.

In addition, Morgan Sindall Construction has spent around £1million within the local supply chain, through sourcing building materials from local merchants and employing local sub-contractors for particular construction tasks.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The completion of Jewson’s new Sheffield Road branch signals another positive step forward for our plans to transform the area around Chesterfield railway station.

“The depot will provide a great new base for a much valued local employer, and also brings a longstanding empty site back into productive use.

“Making sure that developments also benefit the wider community is a key priority for us. We welcome the work that Morgan Sindall Construction has done within the local community both in supporting skills development and the local supply chain.”

James Garnett, Project Director for Morgan Sindall Construction said: “We are delighted to have completed the new Jewson branch in Chesterfield. Since our appointment, we were determined that our delivery of this project would result in tangible benefits for the wider Chesterfield community. By working with closely with the council and local community groups, we’ve been able to achieve just that. We are very proud of the impact that our charity and education work has had on the town, and the opportunities it will afford local people for years to come.”

Jewson is one of the largest builders’ merchants in the UK, with nearly 500 branches located across the country. Its new branch on Sheffield Road will be a one-stop shop for tradespeople and the general public.

Barry Hilling, Regional Director at Jewson, said: “The development of our new Sheffield Road branch in Chesterfield is part of a wider series of investments we’re making to lessen our impact on the environment, while also supporting our communities.

“Jewson Chesterfield will be one of our first near zero carbon energy branches, fitted with a range of innovative technology, also available to customers through our Making Better Homes range, which will vastly reduce our carbon footprint and reliance on the energy network. We’re delighted to help support the regeneration of the local area and offer tradespeople easy access to more innovative products.”

Councillor Alasdair Sutton, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Support Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “This is an important step in the process to develop the Hollis Lane Link Road, as the old Jewson site was needed. The link road will be a key part of the plans for the station area and we look forward to working closely with Chesterfield Borough Council on this important project.”

The Chesterfield Station Masterplan aims to create a welcoming first impression to Chesterfield for visitors by rail. New public realm is planned to establish a sense of arrival as is a boulevard of retail and leisure leading up to Corporation Street and the Crooked Spire. A new transport hub will make onward journeys easier, and a new cycle hub will enable visitors to hire bikes and e-bikes. The Hollis Lane Link Road will improve access to the railway station from the south and there are plans to replace the existing ‘land hungry’ surface car parks with multi-storey car parks freeing up the land for residential and commercial development.

Construction work on the first phase of the Hollis Lane Link Road is anticipated to begin later this year. The Link Road is part funded through a £3.8m grant from the D2N2 Local Economic Partnership.

As part of its wider plan to positively impact the local community in Chesterfield, Morgan Sindall Construction commenced work with Chesterfield College in 2021 on a programme of activities to demonstrate to students the many different opportunities that a career in construction can offer. The programme consisted of virtual talks on the works being delivered at the Jewson site, and in person site tours for craft trade and technical students.

Morgan Sindall Construction also supported Destination Chesterfield’s Made in Chesterfield campaign to celebrate local manufacturing and STEM industries with site visits and career events in local secondary schools such as Outwood Newbold Academy, Shirebrook Academy and Bolsover School.

Morgan Sindall Construction has also donated £16,350 to local charities including Ashgate Hospicecare and provided over 100 hours of volunteering time. Morgan Sindall Construction’s Wakefield office will be running its second charity football match later this year to raise more funds for local charities.

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