chesterfield developments

Spireites submit planning application for new sports bar

A planning application has been submitted by Chesterfield FC for the construction of a sports bar in the car park at the Technique Stadium.

The plan is for Bar 1866 to open on matchdays and from 4.30pm to 12am on other days. Fully accessible, it would be used by Chesterfield FC Community Trust as an educational space during the day.

Featuring an open kitchen and a 10m video screen, with a capacity of around 320, the design shows fully-glazed doors at the front of the building with doors opening to an amphitheatre facing south-west.

Spireites chairman Mike Goodwin said: “We feel that this venue, behind the Motan Colortronic (South) Stand, would be a welcome addition to the current facilities at the stadium.

“A privately-financed initiative has been devised for this project and others and the financial projections for Bar 1866 Sport are very encouraging.

“There will be a public exhibition of the proposals during the consultation period and people are welcome to contact Chesterfield Borough Council to offer their support for the project.”

If planning permission is granted, it is hoped that Bar 1866 will open during the summer. Further details will be announced in due course.

The Spireites have recently launched a number of charity initiatives off the pitch. This week, Chester’s Christmas Toy Appeal was launched, with more than £3,000 worth of toys donated on the first day alone. Read more here.

This Saturday, ahead of Chesterfield’s fixture at home to Weymouth in the National League, the club will be collecting donations for the Pathways charity, asking fans and people across the town to donate any suitable clothing or footwear.

The appeal comes as part of manager James Rowe’s ambassadorial role with the charity, which provides support for homeless people in our area. The Community Hub at the Technique Stadium will be open from 10am on Saturday, 13th November to receive the donations.

Chesterfield FC  supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Investment Summit to put town’s £45m grant funding under the spotlight

Chesterfield’s success in securing more than £45million in grant funding in this year’s March and October budgets will take centre stage at the fifth Chesterfield Investment Summit.

The free-to-attend event is returning in-person once more and will be held at the Casa Hotel on Wednesday 24 November from 8:30am – 12:00pm.

Christian Neilsen, Urban Design Associate at BDP which developed the Staveley Town Centre Masterplan, in conjunction with Chesterfield Borough Council, will be amongst the speaker line-up.

This is one of the eleven projects that are receiving funding through the £25.2 million Staveley Town Deal.  The grant for Staveley was one of the largest given to 45 towns in England in March earlier this year as part of the government’s £1billion Town’s Fund.

In the recent budget, Chesterfield was once again put under the spotlight by Chancellor Rishi Sunak after securing a £19.98 million grant from the national Levelling Up Fund.

Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, who is also speaking at the event will reveal how the government funding will be used to continue to create a better future for our market traders, retailers, residents, and businesses.

Around 150 people are expected to attend the popular event which is organised by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Economic Partnership and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

The event will also hear from Rupert Carr, director of Birchall Properties, the company developing Chesterfield’s £400million all year leisure, education, wellness and entertainment destination PEAK, is to headline. He will update delegates on the progress and plans for the ambitious multi-phase leisure development which capitalises on the town’s proximity to Peak District National Park.

Additional speakers also include Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Chris Henning, Executive Director Place at Derbyshire County Council and Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc the company developing the town’s £340million regeneration scheme Chesterfield Waterside.

Peter Swallow commented: “We’re delighted to bring back the Investment Summit in person, after hosting it virtually last year. Chesterfield has continued to move forward and made significant progression on developments within the town in spite of the pandemic, so there is lots to talk about at the Summit. It’s going to be another great event.”

Organisers anticipate high demand for this year’s in-person event. To find out more about the event and book your free place, please visit:

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Work begins on multi-million pound urgent care centre at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Work has started on an exciting £24million development that will revolutionise the way Chesterfield Royal Hospital delivers Urgent and Emergency care.

After years of planning and months of preparation to make the site ready for work to begin, the hospital is now moving into the next stage of the project which will see the building come to life.

Construction begins today (7th September 2021) and will take approximately 18 months to complete, opening in summer 2023. This New Urgent and Emergency Care Development will provide the hospital with a state of the art environment that enables staff to truly transform urgent and emergency care services.

The stylish, new Urgent and Emergency Care Department building has integration at the heart, bringing together a host of services into defined clinical areas to ensure that patients can get the support they require based on their clinical need, be it a minor illness or injury, or emergency care for a serious accident or critical care for a life-threatening condition.

This vision will become a reality when the building, developed thanks to involvement from staff, partners and representatives across the Joined Up Care Derbyshire integrated health system, is complete. The Development will include an Urgent Treatment Centre for minor injuries or illness, as well as defined areas for paediatric care, major injuries and medical emergencies.

There is also dedicated space for patients requiring emergency mental health support.  The hospital is already working closely with clinicians within the Trust and the wider healthcare system to develop its pathways to deliver a truly integrated model of care encompassing therapy, diagnostic imaging, primary community and social care services.

Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer at the hospital, Berenice Groves is leading the project and explains more: “After a significant focus on  planning and design in consultation with clinical colleagues and partners, we are delighted to get this development underway. It’s exciting to see our project come to life and is a real boost for everyone to see the work begin. This is the biggest development in our Urgent and Emergency Care Services since the hospital opened its doors in 1984.

“As we are building a new department, our current emergency services will not be affected or disrupted during the construction. We look forward to seeing the building develop over the next few years, ready to open to patients in summer 2023. The new department and the ongoing pathway developments will benefit our patients for years to come”

Demand for Emergency Care is increasing year on year and the trust has exhausted all available opportunities to expand and adapt services within the existing footprint. The current Emergency Department (ED) was built in 1984 and has delivered outstanding care to our patients, however as demand increases the department’s ability to work flexibly and adapt to new ways of working is limited. With this in mind, and taking into account emerging models of care, learning from the pandemic experience and building on closer partnership links, the Trust made the decision to revise the plans to refurbish the current Emergency Department and embark upon a new build approach. The building will be situated next to the current ED building with the aim of ensuring patients can be streamlined to the most appropriate clinical service based on their clinical need.

Katherine Lendrum is the Trust’s Consultant in Emergency Care and Clinical Lead for the Emergency Department, she said: “This will make a huge difference and the team is incredibly excited to see work start on the building. This last 18 months have given us an opportunity to apply what we’ve learned throughout the pandemic, cement the partnerships we’ve developed and to strengthen new ways of working that ensure our patients’ experience is a good one.

“Whatever level of care you need, you will immediately be in the right place when you arrive at the door.  Then it’s our job to assess you and make sure you see the right expert in the right part of our Emergency or Urgent Care Department as quickly as possible.  This could be a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Therapist or Consultant, but it will be someone with the skills and expertise that you require.

“Making the best use of our resources is a key part of patient care by ensuring our patients are given the most appropriate care in the right place without placing undue pressure on our services. We have seen demand on services build at the hospital and to continue with our ED as it currently stands wasn’t an option in the long term. We are close to having outgrown it but additional capacity has been built into the design of the unit to change the way we can deliver care and improve the experience for our patients.”

By involving staff, partners and representatives across the Joined Up Care Derbyshire integrated health system in the creation of this new facility the new Urgent and Emergency Care Department will provide collaborative services that make the most of digital innovation and technology, best practice care and treatment and give patients the best possible outcomes through exceptional care.

The project will also include building a new paediatric assessment unit (PAU) alongside the Royal’s Nightingale Children’s Unit to ensure babies, children and youngsters with acute illness or injury are assessed, investigated, observed and treated with an expectation of discharge home in 12 hours or less. Work is due to start on that part of the development in the New Year.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Plans for new 3G pitch announced by Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Chesterfield FC Community Trust has announced plans to install a new 3G pitch on Stand Road, for the benefit of the community.

The location of Stand Road would ensure the club and the community has a facility just a stones’ throw away from the Technique Stadium, situated on Sheffield Road.

John Croot, chief executive of the Community Trust, said: “If our plans receive the go-ahead, it will be a valuable community facility, operated by the Trust.

“We will engage with new and existing groups who wish to use the facility, further enhancing our efforts to make sport accessible for all in the area.”

The Community Trust has been working to further engage local residents across Chesterfield since taking over the running of the football club in summer 2020.

Recent initiatives include a Christmas Toy Appeal, provision of free school meals for local children during the school holidays, and providing education for youngsters in local schools.

A spokesperson for Chesterfield Borough Council said: “The council is currently working with Chesterfield Football Club regarding the potential for one 3G pitch to be developed in the area.

“We welcome any developments that would bring new opportunities for the local community, however the football club will be required to go through the full planning application process before any development on the site can go ahead.

“If and when a detailed planning application is received for the site, this would be subject to consultation in line with our usual planning processes and local residents would have opportunity to make formal representation before any decision was taken.”

Chesterfield FC Community Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Planning permission approved for new Saltergate apartments

Planning permission has been granted for a development of 59 new apartments in Chesterfield, based in the former headquarters of North East Derbyshire District Council on Saltergate.

Homes By Holmes, who are already working on the site celebrated the official confirmation of planning approval outside the prominent building, with catering provided by local restaurant, The Galleon Steakhouse.

Jamal Khan, Property Research Analyst at Homes By Holmes commented: “We are over the moon and really looking forward to giving this building a new lease of life.

“We have come to learn from talking to many locals that this former council building was a regular stop for the community, as it was the drop in point to discuss various issues with the council, from council tax to benefits and much more.

“We are proud that we are breathing life back into this building and once again it will benefit the local community through providing homes.”

Part of the company’s work to make the building more aesthetically pleasing was to decorate it with floral banners in time for the Chesterfield ‘In Bloom’ competition.

With just a few days’ notice, the team was able to landscape the front of the building facing out onto Saltergate, along with printing new floral banners and removing graffiti.

After being stood vacant for more than four years, the building will undergo a multi-million pound restoration over two years, with the aim of having the first properties available for occupation by around December 2022.

The restoration of the building is expected to bring several benefits to the town centre and surrounding area, including work and job prospects for local businesses in the supply chain, more footfall in Chesterfield Town Centre with residents using the local high street, and an opportunity for people in Chesterfield to get on the property ladder affordably in the face of current housing shortages.

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Prominent former council building to be converted into dozens of apartments

A building on the edge of Chesterfield Town Centre is set to be given a new lease of life, with work starting on the conversion of the former North East Derbyshire District Council offices on Saltergate.

The developer, Homes by Holmes has unveiled plans to turn the prominent building into 59 contemporary apartments, with a generous split of three bed, two bed and one bed properties.

Despite being in such a prominent location in the town, the property has stood vacant for over four years. However the company says it plans to bring the building back to its former glory.

The firm has outlined a 24-month build timescale for full completion, with an aim of having the first phase of apartments ready for occupation before Christmas 2022.

Homes by Holmes believes the project will bring countless benefits to the town, including job prospects and work for local businesses, contributing towards the revival of the town centre and high-street retailers with increased footfall, and an opportunity for local residents to get on the property ladder in the face of current housing shortages.

Securing the development also means a lot to the company’s owner, James Holmes, who grew up working on the Chesterfield’s historic markets.

He said: “I’m extremely pleased to have secured this development because of my family’s connections to Chesterfield. I see it as a big responsibility to regenerate the building and the immediate vicinity.

“I’m proud of the fact that I’ve built the business into a position that we can make a difference in the town I have such a connection to, particularly in a building that is so high-profile. I really think we’re bringing something better here.

“Subject to us getting planning permission by the end of the month, I would expect the first phase to take around 15 months and we’re hoping for the second phase to only be six months behind that, with a potential third phase taking around a year.”

The company has already taken steps to make the site more pleasing on the eye, including the installation of colourful banners in the windows of the building to celebrate the Chesterfield ‘In-Bloom’ campaign, which aims to make the town a cleaner and greener place to live, work and visit.

To find out more about the wide range of regeneration taking place across Chesterfield, go to

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“I am reminded of how lucky we are in Chesterfield to live in such beautiful surroundings.”

Destination Chesterfield Chairman Peter Swallow has shared his optimism for the future across Chesterfield in his latest blog.

Following the easing of restrictions on the hospitality sector in May, it has been a pleasure to be able once again to sample our wonderful restaurants and cafes. This is not just because of the record rainfall we experienced, followed by the recent very welcome sunshine – but because it’s given me a real sense that the end of the pandemic is in sight.

As summer is here, I am reminded of how lucky we are in Chesterfield to live in such beautiful surroundings. We have a wealth of picturesque places to visit, right here on our doorstep. It’s a great place to live and an excellent base for UK staycations.

By way of example, we have Chatsworth with its stunning grounds and gardens and also the glorious Peak District – which is celebrating 70 years since becoming the UK’s first national park, both offering a host of summer activities for us all to get involved in. Our very own Chesterfield Museum has re-opened after 14 months and is looking forward to welcoming visitors old and new.

It’s also been refreshing to see the weekly open air markets back in the town centre as well as the monthly Artisan market. They too send out a re-affirming message that we are well on the way to normal service resuming in our lives – 19 July permitting.

Continuing the positive theme, I am delighted to report that, despite the constraints of the pandemic, significant progress has been made at each of Chesterfield’s key building developments.

Tenants have been confirmed for some of the floorspace in the new office building under construction at Chesterfield Waterside. BHP Chartered Accountants will be making the move to One Waterside Place shortly after its completion later this year. In addition, the first residents have taken occupation in the new housing being developed by Avant Homes in the ‘Waterside Quarter’ area of the project.

The Glass Yard on Sheffield Road is also on schedule for completion shortly. The offices and meeting spaces have been designed sustainably and ergonomically and will incorporate The Batch House – an artisan food and drink hall. A place to work, eat and meet.

Work at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre in the heart of the town, continues at great pace, with the plastering works now complete. This too is also on track for completion and will welcome tenants in the summer.

With the demand for regional satellite offices growing since the pandemic, Chesterfield not only has a great supply of high specification, flexible office space but we also offer a cost effective and central location. Once again Chesterfield is ahead of the curve.

With the prospect of HS2 enabling travel from Chesterfield to London in just 73 mins, these are very exciting times for us as a town as we look to attract investment from large companies looking to establish regional offices.

We will continue to benefit and grow as a result of the Waterside Place, Glass Yard and Enterprise Centre developments as we welcome the many new businesses who will soon be making Chesterfield their address of choice.

Just 16 months ago, Chesterfield like the rest of the country and, indeed the world, wondered what the future held amidst the pandemic. Today, we can confidently say the future is very bright for the town thanks to the overall economic strategy and putting in place the tools to facilitate delivery.

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Britcon welcomes construction students to One Waterside Place site

Chesterfield Waterside, Chesterfield Borough Council and Britcon (UK) Ltd have begun an eight-week activity partnership with Chesterfield College by welcoming its Level 3 Construction Management students on site.

The visit was held at One Waterside Place, the seven-storey Grade A office block currently under construction in the Basin Square neighbourhood of the Chesterfield Waterside development.

As part of the site visit students were given an insight in to the whole build process, focusing on safety, cost, quality and time.

Britcon (UK) is the lead contractor on One Waterside Place. Nick Shepherd, Managing Director of Britcon (UK) Ltd and a former Chesterfield College construction student himself, said: “It was great to engage with a group of enthusiastic individuals and share some of our expertise with them on their journey within the construction industry. We are passionate about giving back to the community and this visit marks the first of an eight-week activity partnership that we have arranged with the college.”

Terry Brickles, Curriculum Operations Manager for Construction at Chesterfield College said: “Our goal is to ensure students leave us well prepared for the world of work and for a positive future. Working with Britcon has helped us to give our students a fantastic opportunity to get a greater understanding of how the skills they have been developing in college fit into a construction project like Chesterfield Waterside.

“It is vital to develop construction students’ first-hand experience, knowledge, understanding and practical experience of life on a building site. Not only does it give them an opportunity to use the practical skills they have learnt in a classroom in a real environment, it develops other skills which help to make them good employees for the industry too.”

Ahead of COVID restrictions easing, last year a camera was installed on the roof of Chesterfield College to record the entire build process of One Waterside Place.  As part of the partnership between the College, Chesterfield Borough Council, Britcon and Chesterfield Waterside, the footage has been shared with students throughout lockdown as part of their virtual learning studies.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Gaining industry experience is vital to helping ensure young people can meet their full potential and setting up the camera so they could do this digitally allows them to gain this experience remotely. It’s fantastic that Britcon and Waterside have made it possible for these students to visit the site. I hope this is the first of many visits because together with being able to access the camera footage, it really helps young people plan their future.”

Tom Swallow, Development Manager at Bolsterstone Group Plc, the company leading Chesterfield Waterside added: “I’m delighted that restrictions have eased sufficiently to enable us to welcome local schools and college students to site. Virtual learning has been very effective during lockdown but to be able to get onto site and see a project taking shape on the ground can be really inspiring.”The seven-storey office block is the first phase of the Basin Square character area within the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme and is being developed for Chesterfield Borough Council. Last month BHP Accountants in Chesterfield announced that it is to take a floor in the new office block and relocate its office on Saltergate in the town centre to Basin Square.

Construction of One Waterside Place is expected to be completed later this year. As part of the contract with Chesterfield Borough Council, Britcon is utilising local labour and local contractors across the whole build process as well as working closely with the college. This ensures that the construction phase of the project not only helps develop skills it also provides an economic benefit to the local economy which will help support recovery from the pandemic.

Keep up-to-date with the latest developments at Chesterfield Waterside here, or follow the development on Facebook and Twitter.

Chesterfield College and Chesterfield Waterside support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Construction underway at new Chesterfield Care Home, creating historic gateway into its former life

Construction is well underway at a new 72 bed care home in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, which incorporates a doorway into its past.

The care home, designed by RIBA Chartered HSSP Architects, the multi-award-winning architecture practice, integrates a listed, Victorian ‘Drill Hall’ doorway arch into the design of a modern, innovative care home providing high dependency care for its residents.

The care home sits on the site of the former ‘Drill Hall’ which was built in 1897 to provide a space for the volunteer 6th Battalion Sherwood Foresters to train. It was a valued part of the community until it was demolished in 1991 and replaced with a car park. During its deconstruction, the listed decorative main stone archway was saved, and put into storage where it has been for nearly 30 years.

As part of the planning and design process, the stone, grand ornate archway which is typical of the Victorian era has been the inspiration for the new frontage.

HSSP Director and project Architect, James Botterill, said: “On viewing the historical archway which has been laying in nearby storage for decades, we began to pick-up the styling and character of the building that had once stood. It’s an impressive piece of architecture and we were determined its strong decorative character should be incorporated into the design of the new building –  transitioning its past into the modern world. It was a fantastic design challenge but one that could have easily fallen into the realms of pastiche. By focusing on textures, materials and shape, we were able to add to its evolution and add personality and style onto the new design.”

The site, which is situated on the main road into the town, also had other design challenges to overcome that have influenced the design. The steep sloping topography has allowed for a 4 storey building to appear only 2 storeys at the road frontage, ensuring the development is not overbearing upon the street scene. Employing biophilic principles, the building opens up the hillside providing residents with clear access and views of the nearby allotments. The main living area enjoys a free flow of space leading directly to the terrace areas.

All 72 rooms have been designed with modern ensuites, communal living areas combine home comforts with the requirements of high-dependency nursing, and staff areas are spacious and airy.

James concluded: “We have worked in partnership with the developer and planners to bring our vision to life. The planners were delighted with our perceptive designs that revert the site back to its former street scene appearance and we look forward to seeing a piece of history reincarnated in the next guise of its life.”

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Progress continues on development of 120 new homes in Holmewood

A housing development comprising of 120 new homes is continuing progress in Holmewood, with the developer opening the doors to its marketing suite on the site this month.

Thorpe Meadows is the latest development by housebuilder Harron Homes, which has also been working on the Regents Green development in nearby Grassmoor.

Set in a picturesque area of North East of Derbyshire, Holmewood boasts the Five Pits Trail, a country park which is a haven for wildlife, while Chesterfield is just a short drive away for major retailers as well as leisure and entertainment options.

The village is also in close proximity to the M1, providing commuters with convenient access to Sheffield and Nottingham, both of which are approximately 20 miles away.

Construction work is progressing, with a showhome expected to be available to view by July 2021. This development comprises of a collection of three and four bedroom homes.

Harron Homes says ecology will be a priority on the site with bird boxes, bat boxes and hedgehog homes and highways all being incorporated in the development.

Natalie Griffiths, Sales and Marketing Director at Harron Homes North Midlands, said “We’re delighted to bring our collection of sought-after homes to this stunning area.

“Given the popularity of our last development in the region, we don’t anticipate these homes staying on the market for long, so be sure to register your interest early!”

The first homes are expected to be complete by Autumn 2021.

If you would like to find out more about living and working in Chesterfield, our website has plenty of useful information here.

There are several developments currently taking place across the town, bringing a variety of new homes, leisure facilities, office space and retail units. You can keep track of all the major regeneration taking place across the town on our developments page.


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Plans to restore further stretch of Chesterfield Canal approved

Plans to restore the Chesterfield Canal by 1.6 miles have been approved. This will extend the navigable section in Derbyshire by a third from Staveley almost to Renishaw. It will include a 37m long aqueduct almost 10m above the River Doe Lea.

There remains lots of preparation to be done, but there should be works on the ground by the end of this year or early in 2022.

The restored canal currently ends at Eckington Road Bridge in Staveley, where the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s volunteer Work Party has built a new lock and restored a further 300m of canal. The new section will go through a disused railway line and across the Doe Lea Valley on the Staveley Puddlebank. This is a huge embankment nearly 800m long and up to 10m high that was a wonder of the age when constructed in 1776. The canal then turns north and runs parallel to the Doe Lea to the borough boundary.

The towpath will be a 3m wide all-user trail alongside the canal, so walkers, cyclists and mobility scooter users will be able to join boaters, canoeists and paddleboarders in enjoying the new route.

The application was submitted by the Chesterfield Canal Trust through its Development Manager, George Rogers. Although endorsed by lots of members of the public and numerous organisations including the Ramblers, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign and Chesterfield Civic Society, HS2 Ltd. objected. The canal runs underneath HS2’s proposed line to a maintenance depot. However, negotiations with HS2 earlier in the year led to the objection being withdrawn, leaving the way clear for council approval.

Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, Peter Hardy, said: “We are delighted that our planning application has been approved. This is a substantial step on the path to achieving our ambition of reopening the canal fully by 2027. We would like to put on record our thanks to our many supporters and partners who have backed us so far and who we know will stick by us in the exciting years ahead.”

The Trust is hoping to start its Rewatering Renishaw project in the coming months, which will bring a further 1,000m of canal back to life. This will mean that there could be a total of 7½ miles of canal from Chesterfield to Renishaw by the end of 2023.

Once this has been achieved, lots of opportunities for tourism will open up including the hire of dayboats, weekend boats, canoes, paddleboards and cycles. There will be a need for more pubs and cafés, and anglers will be delighted by new opportunities.

At the same time, Staveley Town Basin, now renamed Staveley Waterside, will be developed by Derbyshire County Council and there are plans for a whole new village on the old Staveley Works site, including a hotel and small marina.

Rod Auton, Publicity Officer for the Trust, said: “The next few years will see an incredible transformation along the canal which will bring a massive economic boost to the area. It is our hope that the Chesterfield Waterside development will also continue, including opening the canal basin. This would connect the town directly into the beautiful, green and tranquil oasis that is the Chesterfield Canal.”

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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