chesterfield news

Plans for Sensory Hub outlined by Chesterfield FC

Chesterfield Football Club has announced that plans for a Sensory Hub at the Technique Stadium are well underway.

Jane Cooper, who is a director of the club and a trustee of the Community Trust, has played an instrumental role in the project. She was a guest on BBC Radio Sheffield earlier this week to talk about the plans.

The Chesterfield FC Community Trust Sensory Hub is a stand-alone building which will be located opposite the entrance to Chester’s Den. It will be a safe, quiet space with sensory equipment and sensory lighting. There will also be a Sensory Garden to the rear.

The Hub is intended for the use of autistic people who need a quiet space to retreat from the noisy, often chaotic environment of a football ground. It will also benefit autistic people and people with profound and multiple learning disabilities in the wider community. It will support autistic youngsters to access the Community Trust’s activities and alternative education provision.

It will be a community resource, open for members of the wider community to hire on an hourly basis and will be a welcome alternative to Chester’s Den who find the play centre environment challenging.

Why is the Sensory Hub needed?

• Autistic people can often be overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells of the world around them and they can become ‘overloaded’ with information.

• This can lead to a ‘meltdown’ or ‘shutdown’ often meaning that they find it difficult to access busy and noisy environments such as a football stadium.

• This impacts on their life and that of their family, friends and those who support them.

The design of the Sensory Hub has been agreed and will be supplied by Rise Adapt. The club has planning permission from the local authority who have commended this provision. Chesterfield FC Community Trust is now applying to funding bodies for the circa £60,000 it will cost to create the Sensory Hub and the sensory garden to the rear. Other fundraising initiatives are likely to follow.

A statement on the Chesterfield FC Community Trust website said: “Chesterfield FC’s vision is to be THE most accessible football club in the country and providing the Sensory Hub will be a step towards achieving this vision. The Football Association motto is ‘For All’ and we intend to make that a reality.

“In the longer term we want to create a quiet viewing area of the pitch on matchdays. A full access audit of the site is underway which will identify other ways in which we can improve.”

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield Young Persons’ Market to return this month

Young entrepreneurs in Chesterfield are being invited to set up shop and become a market trader for the day as the popular Young Persons’ Market returns to Chesterfield market.

The Young Persons’ Market is a national initiative being run across England, giving people aged between five and 25 the opportunity to increase their business skills and Chesterfield Borough Council is encouraging local young people to get involved.

Young people are invited to open a stall in Chesterfield town centre and become a market trader for the day, selling second-hand products that they have created or bought.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The next generation of businesspeople are key to the future of Chesterfield’s economy, and the Young Persons’ Market is a great way of giving them a platform to develop their skills and passion for business.

“If you prefer buying instead of selling, you’re also welcome to come along and browse the stalls for new toys, books or clothes or grab a homemade gift for a loved one. You’re sure to find a bargain and you’ll be helping to support our young entrepreneurs.”

Chesterfield has successfully run a Young Persons’ Market for over five years. This year’s market is taking place on Sunday 24 April, Sunday 26 June, Sunday 28 August, and Sunday 30 October.

Each market takes place between 11am and 3pm. Market traders should be set up by 11am, as no cars are allowed in the marketplace during trading times.

Any children that are under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult throughout the day.

Stalls can be booked online at:

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Registration open for Ashgate Hospice Sparkle Night Walk 2022

People are once again being invited to register for one of the biggest events in the Chesterfield calendar, with the Ashgate Hospice Sparkle Night Walk set to return on Saturday, 9th July 2022, with early bird prices available until 18th April.

The charity event sees the local community, family and friends come together to remember loved ones and help fund the hospice’s vital care.

Those wanting to join the 10km walk through the streets of Chesterfield can now sign up via Ashgate’s website to get early bird entry for just £10.

Rachel Melland will be joining her sisters Helen, Hannah and Becky as they take part in the Sparkle Night Walk for the first time, in loving memory of their father Keith, who received end of life care at the hospice in 2021.

Rachel said: “The staff were just so attentive, compassionate and professional during the time Dad was in Ashgate’s care, I remember just days before he died, one of the wonderful Healthcare Assistants explained everything to me, not in a patronising way, but in a manner which I could understand.

“Their honesty and support was so comforting at such a difficult time, and I just knew his care was in the best hands it could have been.”

It’s because of this care that Rachel has chosen to take part in the Sparkle Night Walk to say thank you to the incredible individuals who went above and beyond for her family.

She adds: “Ashgate’s care relies so much on fundraising, and we want to do as much as we can to support Ashgate as it made our family feel as though we were at home from the moment we arrived.”

The early bird ticket includes a fundraising pack, a medal, a pink Sparkle T-shirt and a pair of bunny ears for walkers to look the part whilst raising vital funds.

Carl Jones, Fundraising Manager at Ashgate Hospice, said: “We can’t wait to bring our Sparkle Night Walk to the streets of Chesterfield in July this summer!

“We are really looking forward to welcoming back our supporters and seeing some familiar faces, as well as those new supporters taking part for the first time.

“Our Sparkle Night Walk promises to be a fun and special occasion for everyone – and currently you can sign up for just a tenner!

“Make sure you’re quick though, as our early bird entry prices end on 18th April, so our prices will go up after that date.

“We hope to welcome you all back for the much-anticipated return of our Sparkle Night Walk in July – see you there!”

The hospice, which relies on its supporters to fund £7 million of its income every year, is hoping that thousands of people in the local community will once again come together to join this year’s Sparkle Night Walk, raising funds to help the hospice continue to be there for families when it matters most.

This year’s event is once again kindly sponsored by Vertu Toyota.

To find out more about the Sparkle Night Walk 2022 sponsored by Vertu Toyota, and Ashgate Hospice, visit their website:

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Largest council housing development in a generation set to welcome new families

Local families are set to move into their new homes after works on the biggest council housing development in the borough since the 1980s are complete.

A £4.1m development has seen 21 brand new properties constructed on the former Brockwell Court site in Loundsley Green – the latest development as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to increasing the supply of affordable and accessible homes across the town.

The new development, named Badger Croft, comprises of ten two-bedroom houses, six three-bedroom houses, four four-bedroom houses and one three-bedroom bungalow – all of which will be let to local families on the council’s housing resister.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “We’re pleased to see that this development is complete and ready to welcome families to their new homes. It’s the biggest council housing development of this generation, so it’s a huge milestone in our efforts to increase the housing supply across the borough.

“Creating attractive places for people to live is at the heart of what we do and these new properties will provide affordable, modern and accessible homes for families in our borough.”

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by council leaders in July 2019, the council is committed to ensuring that all its housing stock is as energy efficient as possible.

Councillor Ludlow added: “It’s really important that new developments in the borough take account of environmental issues – contributing to a more sustainable future for us all.

“Living in a warm and energy efficient home is not only better for our planet, it will also reduce costs to run the property, offering affordable warmth to our tenants.”

Each of the new properties has increased levels of insulation throughout and electric vehicle charging points have been installed on properties with driveways to support lower carbon transport options.

Whilst works were ongoing on site, the council’s main contractor, Henry Boot Construction, worked with the local Holmebrook Conservation and Improvement Group to complete additional landscaping works and environmental improvements close to the new development that will help to enhance the wider local community. This included the creation of wildflower meadows and planting that will help boost biodiversity and support pollinators.

Ryan O’Loughlin, Director at Henry Boot Construction, said: “As a local contractor, it has been a pleasure working with Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver an exceptional development. Residential is a sector of strategic importance for Henry Boot Construction and this adds to our impressive portfolio of high-quality schemes.”

The council’s Local Plan encourages all schemes costing over £1m to include a work of art to the value of 1% of the total cost of the project, as part of the ‘Percentage for Art’ scheme which the council has operated since 1994.

This has been reflected with the development at Badger Croft where the council approached artists to submit proposals for an art installation that embraced a Badger theme associated with the area. After proposals were submitted, and through vigorous debate, local councillors made the decision to go with Coralie Turpin, who designed a 3.4m tall steel structure and then created a handmade mosaic design incorporating badgers and celebrating nature.

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Office space? Chesterfield has it all!

With rapid regeneration currently taking place in Chesterfield, we got the thoughts of two people in our town helping to lead the way in providing high quality office spaces.

Developments such as the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place are set to open this year, while existing spaces are continuing to be revamped to create affordable and state-of-the-art premises for businesses.

Whether you’re just launching or taking steps to grow your business, Chesterfield has plenty of options available. Find out more at:

To find out more about the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group, go to:

Building high-quality offices in Chesterfield

Tom Swallow, Development Manager, Bolsterstone Group PLC

Offices remain important to companies – they are vital hubs to facilitate collaboration, team building, training and mentoring particularly where younger members of the workforce are concerned.

The post-pandemic return to the office has led to a shift away from the ‘traditional’ approach to office space. Businesses are now reconsidering how they use their space and looking at how they can adapt it to a more modern, agile way of working. This has resulted in a dramatic change in office space requirements. and a ‘Flight to prime’.

As a result of the pandemic, companies are now looking to modern, high quality workspace to attract their staff back into the office and maximise on the efficiencies of agile working.

Companies want modern, quality workspaces that are flexible and provide good services and amenities. Quality is overtaking quantity, as it’s unlikely all employees will be in on the same days as they adopt a hybrid working from home /office model.

On the back of the delivery of high quality office developments and refurbishments across the borough – Chesterfield is in an excellent position to capitalise on the change in office demands post pandemic.

A 2021 survey by CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, found that 63% of employers planned to introduce or expand the use of hybrid working to some degree, combining time in the workplace with time at home, depending on the needs of the job, the individual and the team, and the team working practices.

Additionally, many large companies are now looking to move away from their single city centre HQs and, instead, implement a ‘hub and spoke’ office model – a network of smaller regional offices in well-connected locations.

With new offices at The Glass Yard, and the Enterprise Centre and our own scheme, One Waterside Place at Chesterfield Waterside, nearing completion, Chesterfield is well positioned to meet all the post pandemic office needs.

The addition of high quality office space to Chesterfield is important for economic recovery. The quality of space offered not only supports the growth ambitions of local companies, but also facilitates inward investment from companies locating from elsewhere in the UK (the hub and spoke model).

The social impact of offices is another emerging key factor for occupiers too, with Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) policies now at the heart of decision making. Sustainability is at the heart of such decisions – occupiers are focusing on their carbon footprint in all aspects of their operations. High quality design with a focus on sustainability through the whole life cycle of the building are real criteria for businesses looking to relocate and Chesterfield has designed buildings to meet the highest scoring criteria, further adding to its appeal.

The creation of new, Grade A office space with larger floor plates and high quality amenities allows Chesterfield to compete with other towns across the region. One Waterside Place for example is a BREEAM rated ‘Very Good’ property, has two passenger lifts, raised access flooring, air conditioning, LED lighting, a high-quality entrance foyer, showers and cycle parking facilities onsite. It is city-quality office space that allows employers to provide flexible and collaborative workspace in the post-Covid world.

Add The Glass Yard, the recently refurbished HQ building and the Enterprise Centre (BREEAM ‘Excellent’) to the town’s existing office space provision, and I believe we can truly say that Chesterfield has something for everyone – from start-ups to growing and mature businesses.

The new office marketing campaign, led by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire Economic Partnership, provides a central showcase for companies to see available office space opportunites across the borough.

Our variety of office space, competitive cost, central location, mainline train station and proximity to the Peak District, is all helping make Chesterfield an obvious location for many businesses looking to balance and accommodate hybrid working arrangements for their workforce. The town has, once again, proved it is ahead of the curve.

Creating great working environments

Amy Revell, Co-Founder of We Are Spaces Ltd

The workspace is a fascinating topic for me, I’m a creative person with a keen interest in the psychology of why we do what we do. The workplace is the perfect blend of the two, bringing together people and property.

Our Businesses are full of different personalities, pressures and demands, which is why a quality workspace is so important to support the needs of your team. Throughout the pandemic we’ve all been forced to change and work in different ways, some embracing this, and others really struggling. But what is evidently clear in our modern world of working is to ensure we provide dynamic, engaging, sustainable and healthy workspaces for us all to achieve our very best.

The office isn’t just about providing a desk, we all need much more than this to feel inspired, energised and productive. To futureproof our offices, it’s important we adapt to hybrid working, meaning you are able to provide a little bit of everything, at any time. From open plan agile work stations, to quiet focus zones, collaborative areas, fully AV enabled meeting spaces, places to be sociable, to build trust and rapport, and crucially, an environment to allow our younger, less experienced workers to learn from their co-workers.

In addition, our health and wellbeing is a hot topic, and something we should all be striving to improve upon. Our workspaces need to be healthy environments, with good levels of fresh air and ventilation, robust heating and cooling systems, lots of natural light and acoustic comfort really needs to be considered. If we get all of these basics right, creating an engaging and productive space is much easier to achieve.

This is proving to be a huge success in Chesterfield as we are seeing a large increase in inward investment and large businesses looking to locate their workspaces here, due to the mix of high quality office space, good transport links and overall quality of life. This brings new and exciting job prospects to Chesterfield, its raises the aspirations of our young learners and workforce, more people look to live in Chesterfield and in turn boosts our local economy.

We are very fortunate in Chesterfield, as the council and local developers have continued to invest in a range of high quality workspaces. For example, the Northern Gateway has a warm and inviting reception with modern and bright furniture pieces, sociable shared breakout areas, temperature controlled office suites, with plenty of fresh air, natural light, acoustic baffles and lovely views of the towns greenspaces and iconic crooked spire.

The Waterside development has high reaching ceilings, with energy efficient LED lighting, fantastic fresh air and ventilation system, floor to ceiling windows, allowing all the natural light to flood in and the higher floors have fantastic views of rolling hills lush greenery. In addition, The Glass Yard really provides a fantastic industrial style workplace experience, with leisure, food and beverage and health and wellbeing businesses on site. In creating workspaces that allow us to create a great experience for the user, we will all have a happier, healthier and productive workforce.

Our workspaces also need to cater for the rapidly growing digital and tech sector. There is huge growth in new tech and digital starts up, and Chesterfield is already great at providing business support, but our workspaces also need to be able to provide fast and reliable broadband, spaces for efficient digital content creation and inspiring design to really allow new innovation to thrive.

This is where investing in a quality interior fit out and furniture, can have such a big impact on the overall success of the workspace. Lots of our businesses in Chesterfield are already embracing this. I have been working first hand with many. For instance, Hunters Estate Agents have now adapted to a fully agile work environment. Moving to The Glass Yard, they have reduced from 3 floors to 1, so they can work collaboratively together as a close knit team.

They have also been able to reduce their overall square footage, saving key overhead costs to their business. By working closely with the team, we have been able to understand their challenges and opportunities, and with the volume of high quality workspace on offer, they have been able to make great changes to their workspace, which will put them in a much better position for the next 10 years.

To this end, I hope you will be able to see how important it is that our councils and developers continue to invest and build high quality workspaces, so that we can attract new businesses, create more jobs, generate new revenue and grow further opportunities for everyone to thrive.

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Vicar Lane Celebrates Its First Wedding

The first-ever wedding reception took place at Vicar Lane last week, with guests enjoying a fabulous celebration in Chesterfield Town Centre.

Bride and groom Sam and Drew Hutchinson tied the knot last Friday (8th) at Chesterfield Town Hall. They later went on to celebrate at The Vintage Tea Rooms with opulent cakes and bubbles for an unforgettable celebration with friends and family. The wedding party later had a further top-up from the newly opened Pizza Pi in St James’s Square as the celebrations continued.

Vicar Lane’s Sarah Bowler said: “We are thrilled that the happy couple celebrated their wedding at Vicar Lane in such an individual way.”

“We have a few hidden secrets at Vicar Lane – Vintage Tearooms has its own function room which can be hired for everything from a birthday to a baby-shower. We also now have a beautiful wedding dress shop, Precious Memories, so for any future weddings we’re able to offer an even more complete service. We’re looking forward to playing host to more weddings in the future.”

A number of fabulous wedding venues have been highlighted across Chesterfield recently, with the Peak Edge Hotel being awarded the ‘best wedding venue in Derbyshire’ at the Hitched Wedding Awards. Meanwhile, Dronfield Hall Barn was recognised as one of the top wedding venues by Lux Life magazine in 2021.

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is home to a wide range of both quirky, independent shops and cafes, sitting alongside well-known national high-street retailers. Find out more about the shopping centre here.

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Revolution House reopens for the summer

Revolution House, a public museum with an important role in history, is set to reopen its doors and welcome visitors over the summer.

The Museum opens on Friday 15 April and will then be open from 11am to 4pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays until Sunday 18 September. It is free to visit but donations are welcome.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Revolution House is a fantastic little attraction in our borough, it tells the story of a small piece of our history that not many people are aware of and is a chance to learn more about our heritage whilst Chesterfield Museum is closed. It is well worth a visit and is completely free. We’ll also be hosting some great events there over the summer so keep an eye on our website and social media pages for more details.”

Chesterfield Museum is currently closed as a multimillion-pound refurbishment is set to get underway at Stephenson Memorial Hall where both the Museum and Pomegranate Theatre are based.

The work will create a bespoke visitor attraction in the heart of Chesterfield which will bring together an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities.

Whilst the Museum is closed, the team will be arranging a series of interactive activities around the borough called Museum on the Move and Revolution House will also be open to ensure everyone can learn about the borough’s history.

Revolution House, then the Cock and Pynot Inn, was the meeting place of the 4th Earl of Devonshire, John D’Arcy, and the Earl of Danby as they plotted to overthrow King James II in 1688.

At Revolution House, you can find out more about the Revolution of 1688 and there is also a collection of 17th Century furniture.

On Monday 2 May, professional Tudor minstrel Dante Ferrara will be performing at Revolution House. The instruments he will demonstrate are the lute, cittern, hurdy-gurdy, colascione and English bagpipes.

He will be performing five times throughout the day with the first performance at 11.15am and there will be the opportunity to ask him questions and take photographs with him.

More events will be hosted at Revolution House throughout the summer. Find out more details about upcoming events online at

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Chesterfield’s Central Technology partners with South Yorkshire charity

Chesterfield’s Central Technology has announced it will now be providing IT Support to South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association (SYEDA).

SYEDA is an independent charity, based in Sheffield, originally established in 1996 by a group of people who were affected by eating disorders and were concerned by the lack of information, guidance and help available.

Today they provide non-judgemental support directly to over 500 people each year affected by eating disorders, which includes one-to-one therapeutic and practical support, as well as additional support sessions for families and friends affected. They also facilitate support groups and deliver education and training sessions in schools, colleges, to professionals and the wider community.

With the rise of remote working, CT will be supporting SYEDA in a new independent, agile way of working by providing them with a Microsoft 365 solution and ongoing support.

Madeleine Thomas, Business Development Manager at SYEDA said “It has been a pleasure doing the onboarding process with CT and the staff and the support we have received has been brilliant. There has been some steep in-house learning getting to grips with Office 365 but we have been fully supported all the way by CT staff and the CT knowledge hub has been a great asset. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with CT and improving our own IT skills along the way in-house!”

Even closer to home, Central Technology also worked with local charity and fellow Chesterfield Champion Ashgate Hospice in upgrading their IT systems as part of their partnership working across the town. Find out more here.

If you are wondering how to ensure your business is cyber-secure and protected whilst harbouring an agile working set-up, contact Central Technology today.

Central Technology supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Workpays’ Big Assembly Wins at the 2022 Annual Apprenticeship Conference Awards

Big Assembly, a project delivered by Workpays in association with its partners, has won the FE WEEK AELP Annual Apprenticeship Conference 2022 Award for Promoting Apprenticeships ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the award ceremony in Birmingham.

The annual event returned in 2022, with the broadcast informing thousands of young people about the benefits of apprenticeships. The live event enables schools, parents, students and employers to receive  information and advice about possible next steps in their careers.

For the 2022 event, The Big Assembly teamed up with companies such as Pret A Manger, Bakkavor, Disability Rights UK, the Co-operative Bank & Coca-Cola Europacific Partners.

Alex Glasner, Managing Director at Workpays said: “It’s a real honour to be receive the Promoting Apprenticeship Campaign of the Year Award. Our entire team works hard throughout the year to provide young people with information and real stories about incredible apprenticeships.

“I’m proud that the work we are doing has been recognised with a national award. We will always keep young people and their careers at the centre of what we do.”

Twenty-four awards winners were recognised at the awards including Workpays, revealed at the ceremony in Birmingham as part of the two day conference which is held annually.

There are many great opportunities to become an apprentice across Chesterfield, with more than 2,500 people currently taking part in an apprenticeship in the town.

Chesterfield is the first town in the UK to declare itself an Apprentice Town – demonstrating its commitment to growing the future and careers of young people alongside business and the economy by retaining and developing young talent in the town in order to attract more employers to invest here.

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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David Robinson promoted to Tax Partner at Shorts

Shorts are delighted to announce the promotion of David Robinson to the position of Tax Partner, with effect from 1 April 2022.

Responding to a decade of sustained growth, David will join Chris Chambers and Scott Burkinshaw in leading the firm’s tax offering and will divide his time working across both the firm’s Sheffield and Chesterfield offices.

An experienced Chartered Tax Adviser with national firm experience, David joined Shorts in 2015 as Senior Tax Manager and was promoted to Director in 2018. The promotion to Partner recognises David’s continued commitment to growing the department and underpins the firm’s continued development and strength.

David will continue to advise his clients on all areas of UK taxation with a particular focus on transactional work, including acquisitions & disposals, corporate reconstructions, and advising international businesses on their expansion into the UK (through the firm’s membership of The Praxity Alliance). Going forward, his role will transition progressively in taking a more active role in the leadership and strategy of the firm.

David said “I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to be promoted to Tax Partner at Shorts, joining a partnership that has been in existence since 1890.  The promotion is the culmination of years of hard work, and I’m proud to take the next step on my professional journey.  I am very much looking forward to working with existing and future clients, as well as the rest of the partners, to help drive forward the continued success of the firm”.

Chris Chambers, Senior Tax Partner at Shorts, said “Since joining us in 2015, David has played a key part in the growth and success of the business, and this promotion is just reward for his hard work and effort.  He’ll be a fantastic addition to our partner group, and I am confident that with David on board, the firm will continue to go from strength to strength”.

Scott Burkinshaw, Tax Partner at Shorts, added “I am delighted that David has agreed to join us in the Partnership.  We have enjoyed significant growth over the last few years, and this appointment further strengthens our position as we head into the next chapter of our long history.  We reward talent and effort here at Shorts, and we had no hesitation in asking David to join us to continue to drive the business forward”.

Shorts are a nationally recognised award-winning firm with a long-standing heritage of over 130 years.  They can be contacted on or by calling 0114 2671617 or 01246 559955.

Shorts supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K Route Revealed

The Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K is back for the second year, taking place on Sunday 16th October 2022.

Organisers from the 10K have confirmed that this year’s event will take place with the same fantastic route as in 2021.

Leading from the start line in Queens Park out onto Dock Walk, and through Chesterfield from Old Road to Ashgate Road passing close by one of its Charity Partners Ashgate Hospicecare.

Runners will then make their way towards the historic town centre before heading down Glumangate, passing Redbrik’s Chesterfield office and the Towns famous Crooked Spire.

The race will conclude back in Queens Park, where family and friends can gather to cheer runners towards the finish line as the race completes one final lap of the park.

The route received lots of praise after its first year in the market town, offering a fast-paced, picturesque route that is accessible to all.

John Timms, Event Director of the Chesterfield 10K, said “After a fantastic event in 2021, we are delighted to be hosting the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K again along the same route.

“We received some fantastic feedback on last year’s race, and we can’t wait to welcome runners to Queens Park to take on the Challenge, whether it’s their first or second time at the event!”

Charity partners for this year’s event are Redbrik Foundation, Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

Last year more than 1,300 runners took part, with over £59,000 pledged to charities and good causes across the region.

If you are thinking about taking part this year, you can register for your place on the start line at:

Redbrik supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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