chesterfield news

Chesterfield FC Community Trust agrees partnership to enhance education offer

A partnership has been agreed between Chesterfield FC Community Trust and TEAM Education Trust to greatly enhance the Community Trust’s alternative provision offering.

Led by Matt Morris, who is the education & inclusion manager at TEAM Education Trust, the two organisations will develop a pathway to Ofsted accreditation, with the aim of achieving that within two years.

Commenting on the link-up, Morris said: “There’s a real magic here at Chesterfield Football Club. They’re offering something special and that’s why we at TEAM Education Trust really want to be involved.”

Sarah Baker, the CEO of TEAM Education Trust, added: “This is an exciting partnership which will offer lots of opportunities for our students and staff. It will also support those coming to the club from other schools from across Derbyshire and the young people who are working within Chesterfield FC Community Trust as part of their alternative provision.

“For us, it’s about quality, inclusive education. Between us both, we’re going to be supporting some amazing learning for young people and developing activities designed to motivate and inspire our students.

“We’ll be working with the Community Trust to help them to ensure their provision is of an excellent standard and to secure better outcomes for the young people across this area.”

Martin Thacker, director and trustee of the Community Trust, believes it is a fantastic opportunity for the organisation to move forward with its alternative provision.

He said: “Over a period of time, we’ve done some excellent work with young people who aren’t in schools, for whatever reason.

“This club has become their oasis – a place for them to come to and feel secure and safe and enjoy what they’re doing while they’re not in school.

“This development will mean that there’s an increase in the quality of water in that oasis. It’s so exciting and we’re really glad to be doing this.”

Chesterfield FC Community Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Businesses set to move into Chesterfield’s new Glassyard development

One of Chesterfield’s exciting new developments, The Glassyard is beginning to welcome businesses on-site with a local hairdresser confirmed as one of the companies set to move into a retail unit there.

A move to The Glassyard has enabled MD Hair to take the business to the next level after operating as a sole trader for five years.

The Glass Yard is a 50,000sq ft development comprising a mix of office and retail space as well as an artisan food and drink hall, known as the Batch House – set to open in February.

The move to The Glass Yard on Sheffield Road, has seen MD Hair grow from sole trader status to a team of three.

Michelle Dalman, Director of MD Hair commented: “I’m really excited to see more businesses moving into The Glass Yard. I am already delighted with the number of new clients we’ve had through the door. Now, it’s all about building the brand and moving forward from there.”

Despite having grown from a sole trader working in premises on Mansfield Road, to a salon with eight chairs, Michelle already has further plans for future growth. She explained: “We’re already thinking about how we can grow. We’ve got room here and I would like to add another salon in the near future.

“We’d also love to open a training academy and be able to offer in house apprenticeships. All our staff have got higher training and that’s important to us. We’re offering a luxury, premium service here and want customers to have more than just a haircut – it’s an experience.”

Sheffield-based property law specialist Mason Thomas Law assisted in her move to the brand new, bespoke premises at The Glass Yard. Mason Thomas Law worked closely with Blue Deer Ltd, to secure the lease deal on behalf of MD Hair.

Michelle explained: “The team at Mason Thomas Law has been amazing. Not knowing anything about the legal side of things, they have really helped me understand everything by breaking everything down into Layman’s terms. Jumping from being a sole trader to this is quite a big leap, so it’s good to have their support.”

Cathy Thomas, Director and Solicitor at Mason Thomas Law said: “It’s been great to see the growth of MD Hair and we’re thrilled to help the business move into its new premises. As well as acquiring new premises, Michelle was upscaling the business at the same time, so it was important to us that we made the lease negotiations at The Glass Yard as straightforward as possible for her. It’s an exciting time for Michelle and her team and we all wish he well and look forward to seeing the business thrive.”

To learn more about how Mason Thomas Law can help you, get in touch with the team today on 0114 2945 360.


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More support for Chesterfield businesses affected by Covid-19

Local businesses are being urged to apply for a new Business Rates relief scheme if they have been adversely affected by COVID-19.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been allocated £2.4m COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) to be distributed to ratepayers that did not qualify for previous COVID-19 related schemes, can demonstrate that business has been adversely affected and who have been unable to adequately adapt to that impact.

This is an application for a discount from business rates bills and not a grant payment.

The CARF discount is for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 only (and earlier in the event of a change in circumstances such as moving out of the property).

You may be able to claim a CARF discount from us if you are a Chesterfield Borough Council Business Rates payer and your business meets ALL of the following criteria:

  • it was occupied and registered for Business Rates during the financial year 2021-2022
  • it is open and operating (or temporarily closed due to COVID government guidelines)
  • it has been significantly and adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • it has not exceeded the permitted Business Grant Subsidy Allowance
  • it has not received Extended Retail Discount or Nursery Discount during the 2021/22 financial year
  • You have a business rates charge to pay during the financial year 2021-22

You can apply for a CARF discount online using the form below – you will need to create a My Chesterfield account before you can apply.

Paper applications will not be accepted.

Applications close on 13 February 2022.

You can apply for the CARF here.

Find out more about the latest support on offer for businesses in Chesterfield at:

Chesterfield Town Hall

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Innovative swimming programme picks up national award

An innovative swimming programme which supports local people who have had cancer has been recognised with a national award.

Chesterfield Borough Council was announced as the winner of the Swim England Health Impact Award at the Teaching and Education Awards 2021 for its delivery of ‘OutSwimming Cancer’ sessions at its leisure centre.

Since early 2020, residents in Chesterfield who have had cancer have been invited to take part in free, relaxed swimming session at Queen’s Park Sports Centre thanks to funding from Weston Park Cancer Charity.

The council was first approached about the session by one of its swimming instructors, Lesley Rechert, who realised the benefits that swimming could bring to people after their cancer treatment. Working with Lesley, the council was able to create a programme that provided swimming sessions for adults that would assist with their long term recovery.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We are very proud of the team at Queen’s Park Sports Centre for achieving this award as they have put a huge amount of effort in to making the session a success.

“It’s important that everyone feels like they can pursue a healthy lifestyle and use our facilities to achieve this. Our staff at the centre are really supportive and it’s brilliant that we can offer this provision to people who are going through such a difficult time in their lives.

“Recovery from cancer can take a long time but swimming is really beneficial for the journey back to better health – it’s a great way for rebuilding your strength and confidence. Quiet sessions like OutSwimming Cancer aim to create an inclusive environment that is supportive as well as enjoyable.”

Swimming instructor, Lesley, added: “It is wonderful to see people enjoying the water again, increasing their swimming skills and regaining fitness and confidence.  Our participants are very supportive to each other and you will be made to feel welcome whatever your level of swimming.  We are very grateful for the support of Weston Park Cancer Charity.”

OutSwimming Cancer sessions continue to take place every Monday. Further information, including details on how to book a place can be found at

Funding for the OutSwimming Cancer sessions is provided by Weston Park Cancer Charity with support from Chesterfield Borough Council. Swimmers must be fit and healthy enough to be in the swimming pool and are encouraged to speak to the GP before attending a session if they are unsure.

Ruby Osborn, Grants Manager at Weston Park Cancer Charity, said: “We’re thrilled that OutSwimming Cancer has been recognised by Swim England.

“Lesley and the team have created a wonderfully supportive environment to encourage people living with and beyond cancer to get into the pool and enjoy the benefits of swimming.

“The feedback we’ve had from participants shows how much of difference this programme is making and we look forward to the partnership continuing.”

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Mortgage 1st shortlisted for prestigious industry award

Chesterfield-based Mortgage Advice firm Mortgage 1st has been selected as a finalist in the Yorkshire East Midlands category at this year’s NatWest Local Hero Mortgage Awards.

Natwest is recognising mortgage brokers in the industry who have gone beyond everyday expectations to put the customer and their local community at the heart of their business.

Across the 12 regional categories, firms have been asked to demonstrate their position as a local mortgage and protection expert, their commitment to quality advice, excellent customer outcomes, and their positive contributions using the key areas of environment, inclusivity, wellbeing, charity and community. Only 3 firms have made it to the finals for our region.

Lisa Stones, Operations Director at Mortgage said: 1st said: “We are absolutely over the moon to have made it to the finals in the Natwest Local hero Awards. These awards focus on the areas of our business that mean the most to us, our team, our customers and our local community.

“To have made it to the finals is a huge achievement in itself and we’re extremely proud of our passionate, dedicated and hardworking team. We’ve got our fingers crossed for the awards!”

With their continued growth over the last 10 years, Mortgage 1st are able to continuously offer career opportunities for those with experience, as well as training and supporting individuals who are new to the industry. Their apprenticeship scheme encourages school leavers to enter financial services by providing a friendly and supportive learning environment.

Mortgage 1st designed a schools programme and have already delivered to hundreds of local students, offering them valuable life lessons about mortgages and future financial planning. Their diary is filling up fast for this year with new schools regularly approaching them.

Luke Christodoulides, NatWest’s national account manager, said in a recent article in the Mortgage Solutions publication: “These firms have exemplified putting the customer and their local community at the heart of everything they do, in addition to providing sound financial advice for those consumers within their locality.”

The winners will be revealed at the gala awards ceremony which will be held in Birmingham’s iconic grade 1 listed Town Hall in March.

Mortgage 1st supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chief Executive at Chesterfield Royal Hospital announces her retirement

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s Chief Executive, Angie Smithson, has announced that she will retire in April.

After serving 36 years in healthcare, Angie joined the Trust almost three years ago and has since provided leadership throughout the pandemic.

Angie has also served as a member of the Destination Chesterfield board, helping to guide the strategic direction of the promotion of Chesterfield as a place to live, work, visit and invest.

Dr Hal Spencer, the Trust’s current Medical Director, will take the role in the interim before recruitment is expected to begin later in the year.

Angie said: “I can’t say enough about how incredibly proud I am of all our colleagues who make the NHS and Chesterfield Royal Hospital the place it is today.

“We have a caring and successful organisation and continue to recruit and retain some of the very best colleagues in the country. We are now setting course for the future with Joined Up Care Derbyshire and the establishment of the Integrated Care Boards, this provides a clear vision of the further ongoing improvements we want to make for our patients.

“Seeing that through is a long-term job and as my plan was to retire at this age, now feels like the right time to leave on a high. I will stay in position to provide a suitable handover and provide stability to the organisation that I am hugely proud of and I will be handing over to Dr Hal Spencer as the interim Chief Executive from 1 April. I know Dr Spencer will offer clear and compassionate leadership during these challenging times.

“It has been such a privilege to have worked in healthcare for the whole of my career and to have been the Chief Executive here at Chesterfield Royal Hospital. I have relished leading through these unchartered waters with a team that continue to go not only the extra mile but the extra marathon! You are a credit to the organisation, the NHS and the communities we care for. Thank you.”

Angie’s career started in nursing in 1986 and has since worked in nursing and midwifery, whilst completing her degree. She then moved into general management roles, completing an MBA and has served in Board Director roles in Foundation Trusts for the last 14 years.

During her time in charge, Chesterfield Royal Hospital was shortlisted by the HSJ for two years running for Staff Engagement and Freedom to Speak up, receiving highly commended accolades for both, has refreshed the Trust Five Year Strategy and also agreed and commenced the £24m Urgent and Emergency Development – all alongside managing the pandemic. The Trust is currently rated as Good by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Dr Helen Phillips, Chair of the Trust, added: “We wish Angie all the very best for the future. Her leadership has been greatly appreciated during what has been an unprecedented period of challenge compounded by the effects of the pandemic.”

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Christmas Treecycle campaign raises record £10,000 for Ashgate Hospice

Residents in North Derbyshire who recycled their tree with Ashgate Hospice this Christmas have helped raise a record of more than £10,000 towards care for families this year.

The annual charity Treecyle scheme, sponsored by Jake Eville Tree Care, saw staff and volunteers travel across the county to collect and recycle people’s trees at the end of the festive season.

Between 7th and 10th January, volunteers worked tirelessly to collect 450 Christmas trees from houses across Chesterfield, Matlock, Matlock Bath and Cromford.

Ashgate offered the service in exchange for a suggested donation of £15 per tree – and raised a total of £10,259.16 towards the charity, which provides vital palliative and end of life care to families across North Derbyshire.

Not only did supporters of the campaign help raise crucial funds towards care for patients in 2022, but each participant helped do their bit for the environment with every tree chipped and then recycled.

Carl Jones, Fundraising Manager at Ashgate Hospice, said: “We were delighted to be able to offer our Treecycle service to people in North Derbyshire at the end of the festive season.

“Our aim is to provide an easy and green way of disposing of people’s Christmas trees and it’s been great to hear lots of positive feedback about the service.

“I’d like to personally thank everyone who supported the campaign this year – whether you made a donation of £15 or £100, your support will help make a significant difference to people’s lives.

“We’re absolutely delighted to have raised more than £10,000 to help us continue our care for the families who need us most this year. Everyone at Ashgate is so grateful for your generosity – thank you!”

Among those to support the campaign was Lifehouse Church in Chesterfield, which donated £200 to the campaign after the hospice team recycled its huge tree.

Businesses across North Derbyshire came together by donating their time and resources so Ashgate could offer the service to local people.

Those who helped with the initiative included MVIS, Wickes, The Van Yard Ltd, Vertu Toyota, Perrys, Rykneld Homes, PSR Recruitment, Wards Recycling, Yorkshire Vehicle Finance, Hasland Magazine and more.

The support will mean Ashgate can continue to provide its specialist palliative and end of life care, including a wide range of community-based care and support services for people with a life-limiting illness and their families.

Jake Eville, who sponsored the initiative : “It was great to be able to support Ashgate Hospice’s Treecyle scheme this year and we were proud to be able to offer our support as campaign sponsors.

“From everyone who donated to recycle their tree to the volunteers who gave up their time to collect the trees – it’s great to see the community coming together to do their bit for a great cause and the environment.

“Not only will your donations help the hospice fund its vital care for families across the county, but it’s great way to do your bit to be green and sustainable!”

Go online to find out how you can support Ashgate Hospice, at

Alternatively, call the fundraising team on 01246 567250 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday or email

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Shorts expand Corporate Finance team with new appointments

Shorts’ Corporate Finance team are delighted to announce the appointment of Eleanor Heslop as Corporate Finance Executive earlier this month.

Eleanor joins Shorts with several years’ experience working within the local accountancy profession. Her appointment follows that of Connor Marshall, who joined the team last year in response to increasing levels of activity .

Andy Ryder, Corporate Finance Partner commented “I am delighted to welcome both Eleanor and Connor over the last twelve months. Eleanor joins us at an exciting phase as the Shorts’ Corporate Finance team continues to grow, on the back of a record year. The mergers and acquisition and funding markets remain very positive and alongside our Employee Ownership Trust specialism we think it is important to further strengthen our team as an essential part of supporting our clients in 2022 and beyond.”

Eleanor added “Shorts have an outstanding reputation of excellence, and I am really excited to join this growing and talented team at this time in the firm’s continued development. I look forward to playing a part in the next chapter of Shorts’ story.“

The Corporate Finance team can be contacted on or by calling 0114 2671617.

Shorts comprises of a team of specialists all pulling in the same direction. With a long-standing heritage of over 130 years, the company has grown from a local business to a nationally recognised award-winning firm.

It is home to some incredible expertise – specialists have joined Shorts from some of the world’s leading firms, bringing years of experience that they have shared and continue to hone.

Today, Shorts is recognised as an award-winning, leading regional firm, that’s not just delivering, but that innovates; using deep knowledge, technology and expertise to find new ways to make clients’ business better and their personal finances stronger.

Shorts Chartered Accountants supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Dates announced for annual Chesterfield Festival of Cricket

Derbyshire County Cricket Club has released its fixtures for the upcoming season, with the team set to return to Chesterfield’s iconic Queen’s Park this Summer.

The BRM Solicitors Chesterfield Festival of Cricket, in association with Chesterfield Borough Council, returns with Derbyshire Falcons facing Yorkshire Vikings at Queen’s Park on Saturday 18 June, while the LV= County Championship fixture against Middlesex will also be hosted under the spire, from Sunday 12 June.

Derbyshire are set to begin their season at the ‘Home of Cricket’ on Thursday, 7th April when they travel to Lord’s to take on Middlesex in the LV County Championship.

New Head of Cricket, Mickey Arthur, will take charge of his first fixture against Middlesex, with games against Sussex (H), Leicestershire (A), Glamorgan (H), Worcestershire (H) and Nottinghamshire (A) all lined up for the opening two months of the season.

The club’s return to Chesterfield in 2022 was confirmed last Summer, when it was announced the annual Festival of Cricket was secured for at least the next five years following a deal between Derbyshire County Cricket Club and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Speaking at the time of the announcement last August, Derbyshire County Cricket Club Chairman, Ian Morgan, said: “As a Club, we are committed to continuing our longstanding relationship with Queen’s Park and Chesterfield Borough Council.

“The Chesterfield Festival of Cricket always brings together a huge number of people from across the region and Queen’s Park is a much-loved and popular venue, making the fixtures a highlight of the season for supporters from across the county.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “I’m delighted that we have been able to agree a new deal with Derbyshire County Cricket Club. It is great news for the town and borough that our residents will be able to see the stars of first-class county cricket perform at Queen’s Park cricket ground for another five years.”

Read more about the announcement here. To view the full list of Derbyshrie fixtures for the 2022 season, go to:

Derbyshire County Cricket Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chesterfield Festival of Cricket Image David Griffin


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Chatsworth is growing children’s confidence with new gardening club

Chatsworth is launching its first children’s gardening club to allow young budding growers to nurture their very own growing patch throughout the seasons.

The Little Pips Gardening Club for children aged 3-5 will be filled with hands-on sessions growing fruit, vegetables and flowers, as well as lots of creative activities to give nature a helping hand from making butterfly feeding stations and a wormery to planting bee-friendly plants.

The fortnightly club launches 7 March with a sunflower planting session with other seasonal activities lined up for the months ahead to include making a pea propagator in April; going on a bumblebee safari in May and harvesting pumpkins planted earlier in the year in October.

The sessions will take place in the outdoor learning centre, Chatsworth’s Stickyard, where the children will be growing their own produce in specially created raised beds for vegetables, fruit and flowers, and having a go at watering, weeding and making sure all the plants are happy.

Tina Carter, Landscape Engagement Facilitator for Chatsworth, said: “As well as the benefits of being outdoors for children’s wellbeing, teaching children to grow their own produce is a fantastic way to build confidence, have fun and introduce them to new fruits and vegetables.

“We are hoping children will come regularly enough to see all their work develop as the seasons change; there is nothing more rewarding than planting a tiny seed and then watching it transform into a huge pumpkin in the autumn.  The club will give our budding gardeners the chance to enjoy being outdoors, make friends and learn new skills while having fun.”

Chatsworth will also be encouraging families to get outdoors this half term with the opening of the farmyard from 19-27  February. Little ones can get face to face with the farmyard animals, enjoy animal handling sessions, take part in creative crafts and explore the winter woods in tractor and trailer rides at no additional cost.

Visitors can also cosy up by a fire with Chatsworth’s first-ever fire pit bake-offs taking place 22-23 February. Bakers can have a go at making tasty campfire bread and orange chocolate brownies over a fire-pit, before finishing with toasting marshmallows and a warming cup of hot chocolate.

With plenty of suitable trails for all ages and abilities, family members of all ages can take advantage of the free parking throughout the winter season and explore Chatsworth’s variety of parkland and woodland walks.

To complete the perfect winter family day out, a selection of Chatsworth’s cafes, restaurants and retail shops, including the estate farm shop, remain open all year round.

For more information please visit the Chatsworth website. Chatsworth House and Garden will reopen to visitors on 26 March 2022.

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Chesterfield homes benefit from facelift

A major regeneration project which has invested almost a million pounds to improve the look and feel of homes in Chesterfield is now complete.

As part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s wider £8 million Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme, Ashcroft Court in Old Whittington is the latest block of flats in the borough to benefit from a major facelift.

The refurbishment at Ashcroft Court is part of the council’s commitment to providing high quality housing across the borough and create modern, attractive places for people to live.

Extensive internal and external improvements have been completed at Ashcroft Court, including the re-tiling of the roof and upgrading of the roof insulation to provide better thermal efficiency. Windows in flats and communal areas have also been replaced with A rated thermal efficient equivalents which give the block a modern facelift.

Communal areas have been fully upgraded and emergency lighting has been renewed with longer lasting, energy efficient LED fittings now in place. The council has also upgraded all communal electrics including the door entry system. New extractor fans have been installed in all the flats and the council has installed new boilers in a number of the homes.

A new outdoor communal area has also been created to the rear of the flats, featuring a seating area and cycle storage. A new car parking area has also been created.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “A key part of our housing strategy is to ensure that our homes are of excellent quality and that we create attractive, modern places that people to choose to live so we are really pleased that this scheme is progressing well and we have another block of flats completed.

“In response to the climate emergency that was declared in July 2019, the council is committed to ensuring that its existing housing stock is as energy efficient as possible. Therefore, it was important that as part of this project that measures were in place to improve the thermal efficiency of the homes.”

Landscaping works have also been carried out existing footpaths being renewed to help improve access around the estate and to each property and create level access to all front entrances.

The £8 million Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme will continue to run over a three-year period with the next stages of the project initially focusing on Seaton Court, Brearley Court, Dixon Court and Newland Dale, with the potential for more blocks to be added in the future.

James Taylor, Contracts Manager at Fortem said: “We’re thrilled to have begun the council’s Residential Block Refurbishment Scheme with the much needed upgrades to Ashcroft Court. The completed work has reinvigorated the flats to provide warm, attractive and energy efficient homes which residents can be proud of. This is Fortem’s fourth project as part of the Scheme in Chesterfield and we’re excited to continue, with work on-going at Brearley and Dixon Court which is due for completion early in 2022.”

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