Chesterfield parks

New Chesterfield play areas open in time for summer

As part of the council’s more than £1 million investment in its parks, four new play areas have opened across the borough of Chesterfield.

The Mayor of Chesterfield and the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire officially opened a new play area on Cottage Close in Poolsbrook on Wednesday 15 May.

New play areas have also been installed in Tapton Park, Thirlmere Road and Devonshire Avenue North. All three replace existing play areas that were no longer fit for purpose.

The new play areas all include a range of equipment and have been created in consultation with children from local schools. In Poolsbrook equipment has been installed to suit every age including larger adventure style items such as a zip line and giant climbing frame.

Funding for the new play areas has been secured through a combination of funding, including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Valencia Communities Fund and the Community Infrastructure Levy which is a charge on certain developments in the borough.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It is fantastic to see our planned investment in play areas across the borough being delivered. We are proud of the fantastic green spaces we have throughout the area and our commitment to further investment in these spaces aims to ensure our parks are a feature that our residents will be able to enjoy for many years to come.

“We’ll be continuing to deliver our Parks and Play strategy over the next three years, and this will see even more investment in play spaces across the borough.”

Cottage Close play area in Poolsbrook was officially opened by the Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Jenny Flood and Colonel John Wilson OBE DL, the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire.

people playing on new equipment at Cottage Close Play Area

Councillor Jenny Flood said: “It was wonderful to be able to open this new play area and meet the children who will benefit from it. It will be fantastic for the children to see the fruit trees grow in the park and eventually be able to harvest the communal fruit. This was a great way to start my Mayoral year, both me and Heather have been involved in Youth Work for many years and we understand the importance of providing spaces like this that the whole community can benefit from.”

Originally hailing from Poolsbrook, Colonel John Wilson OBE DL and his brothers and sisters have provided for the planting of thirteen trees in the play area, to represent his parents and their eleven children.

John said: “It was very special for my family to have these trees and a new picnic bench in Poolsbrook; all eleven of us went to the primary school next to this play area and to create a living memorial is something we are very pleased to have been able to do.”

The new play areas have been partially funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Valencia Communities Fund, and the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been awarded £2.693 million from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The money will be spent over the next three financial years (running until 2024/25) on a range of projects which will benefit local residents and businesses.

The Valencia Communities Fund provides funding from the landfill tax credits and is used to provide funding to community projects across the country.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local planning authorities can charge on certain types of new development in their area. The money is used to support necessary development by funding infrastructure that the Council local community and neighbourhoods have identified through the Local Plan, such as new road schemes, park improvements or new primary schools.

Did you know residents in Chesterfield have better access to green spaces than anywhere else in the country? Find out more at:

The Mayor and Vice Lord Lieutenant opening Cottage Close play area

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Chair’s Blog: Showing pride in Chesterfield’s beautiful green spaces

We are so proud of our local area; from the wonderful people who live and work here to the historic charm and architecture of our town centre and the beautiful landscapes surrounding it.

This April, I wanted to highlight some of the achievements of our communities, as well as encouraging everyone in our town to keep working together to make Chesterfield a brilliant place to live and work.

Picturesque parks

Our tremendous open spaces, such as Queen’s Park, Holmebrook Valley Park and the Chesterfield Canal continue to win awards for their unique natural landscapes, which of course is helped by the dedicated teams of people whose continuing hard work helps to maintain these areas for us all to enjoy. It’s great to see that further tree planting is taking place at a few parks across Chesterfield too; keep your eyes on the Chesterfield website for further updates!

Chesterfield Canal Paddlespots 2

Proximity to the Peak District

If you travel just 10 minutes or so out of town, you’re transported to the breathtaking beauty of the world-famous Peak District National Park – perfect for a weekend stroll or even an activity that gets the heart racing a bit more such as rock climbing, caving, or cycling.

It was fantastic to hear that our town has been named the best in the UK for access to green spaces. The average distance to the nearest park, public garden or playing field is less than 300 metres, and 95% of our town’s homes and flats have private outdoor space. Again, this is something we should be so proud of, and one of many reasons why people love living here.

Building our communities

Given this backdrop it is no surprise that we are seeing a rapid increase in the number of people looking to move here. Just last year, local estate agent Redbrik reported an almost 200% increase in online searches for properties in Chesterfield, with more people keen to benefit from the fantastic quality of life our town offers.

Bearing this in mind, let’s celebrate Earth Day 2024 this April by continuing to look after our small corner of the planet, and making sure we are showing plenty of love for our beautiful town and county.

There is no doubt in my mind that we all play our part in keeping Chesterfield a beautiful place to live. From helping to keep our town clean and tidy, to telling those who don’t know about our town how much you enjoy living here!

It could be as simple as mentioning a family walk you enjoyed, or even an outdoor event you loved. You could even share a photo or two of your experiences on social media using #LoveChesterfield and tagging in one of the Chesterfield UK channels. The more we show Chesterfield in a positive light, the more attractive the town becomes to others, which can only be a good thing for our high streets and our communities.

Family enjoying nature and supporting their wellbeing in queens park


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Study ranks Chesterfield as the best town in the UK for access to green spaces

A study has named Chesterfield as the best town in the UK for access to green spaces.

The Green Giants market research exercise, which was commissioned by home improvements company Eurocell has set out to discover which UK towns and cities have the best access to green space.

To do this, the study looked at several data points, including the number of homes in each town or city with a private garden, the average square footage of that garden, as well as the average distance to public green space and the percentage of homes on the market that are currently listed as having a private garden.

These figures were then given a score out of 10 and ranked, leading to a total score out of 40.

Eurocell placed Chesterfield in top spot with a score of 30.8 out of 40. It found that:

  • 95% of homes & flats in the town had private outdoor space.
  • The average size of private outdoor space was 249.7 sq. m.
  • The average distance to nearest park, public garden or playing field was 296.7 m.
  • 92.05% of homes currently on the market have a garden.

Speaking about our town’s listing at the top of the table, Eurocell said: “Chesterfield, in Derbyshire, comes out on top as being the best place to live in the UK when it comes to access to green space. Close to the Peak District, Chesterfield is surrounded by the woodland walks and diverse habitats of the national park.”

“And the town itself has numerous parks and gardens including Holmebrook Valley Country Park and Linacre Reservoir.”

See the full top 20 list here. 

People living and working in Chesterfield also commented on the availability of open spaces as one of the area’s key strengths.

Jade Chinn, Marketing Lead at Oasis Studio said: “I personally like taking advantage of all the beautiful country parks and estates we have to explore in and around Chesterfield, Linacre Reservoir and Holmebook being personal favourites. They are also great for team building days!”

Jason Evans, HSE Advisor and Principal Designer at Mascot Management Ltd. added: “I love to go walking along the Chesterfield Canal. It’s on our doorstep and I feel it is still a bit of a hidden gem for our area. It’s a lovely place where you can get some relaxation time and take in the wildlife and scenery.”

Peter Botham, Founder and Managing Director of Shed Grounds Maintenance said: “One of my cherished spots in Chesterfield is Queen’s Park. When I was a child, my godparents would take me on the charming little train track that winds its way around the park. Now, I’ve had the joy of passing on this tradition to my own children.”

Oasis Studio, Mascot Management and Shed Grounds Maintenance support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Family walking at Queen's Park, surrounded by wild flowers

Queen’s Park, Chesterfield town centre

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Multiple Green Flag Awards for Chesterfield parks and green spaces

Chesterfield has been recognised for its excellent parks and green spaces with several Green Flag Awards.

King George V Park in Staveley is raising the flag for the first-time following improvements carried out over the last two years. Spaces including Eastwood Park, Queen’s Park, Holmebrook Valley Country Park, Poolsbrook Country Park and the gardens of Chesterfield and District Crematorium have all retained Green Flag status.

Hollingwood Hub, managed by Chesterfield Canal Trust has also received the prestigious award, marking the seventh year in a row in which the centre has recieved the accolade.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Green spaces are important for the whole community. They offer a place to socialise, support the health and wellbeing of our residents and help improve biodiversity.

“Winning six of these awards shows the quality of parks and outdoor facilities in our borough. These awards also recognise the hard work of our teams in keeping these spaces to a high standard.

“I’m especially pleased that we have received a Green Flag for King George V Park in Staveley as we have been focused on improving this park and creating better facilities for local residents.”

Rod Auton, Secretary of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, said “We are absolutely delighted to have received this award once more. We are so lucky to have a group of hard-working and reliable volunteers who look after the gardens at Hollingwood Hub throughout the year.

Hollingwood Hub

“We know their work is much admired by our thousands of visitors, both the regulars and those who happen upon this beautiful place by accident. I have lost count of the number of people I have seen taking selfies by our flower boat.”

Over the last two years King George V Park has benefitted from a lot of investment to ensure it is suitable for visitors of all ages. Improvements have been made to the bowling facilities, multi-use games area, and skate park. Funding through the Staveley Town Deal allowed for the installation of new play equipment and an outdoor gym.

Last year a new tree boulevard was planted to welcome visitors to the park and currently works are underway to improve the tennis courts in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association.

Councillor Jonathan Davies added: “We are investing in parks and green spaces across the borough over the next five years, and one of our key aims is to further increase the number of parks with Green Flag awards.”

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan (2023 to 2028), which was approved by Cabinet in February 2023, sets out Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to making sure local communities continue to have access to modern and well-maintained spaces for leisure and play, and to support people’s health and wellbeing.

It will lead to more than one million pounds being invested in parks and green spaces over the course of the five-year programme. Communities will benefit from 18 enhanced youth and play spaces, and also aims to double the number of its sites that are acknowledged by the Green Flag Award.

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for their management across the United Kingdom and around the world.

A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available here.

Cllr Jonathan Davies, Paul Mann and CBC Staff

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Chesterfield borough’s parks, green spaces and play areas set for £1.32m boost

£1.32 million is set to be invested in Chesterfield’s parks, green spaces and play spaces as part of new five-year plan to further improve facilities for local people.

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan (2023 to 2028) sets out Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to making sure local communities continue to have access to modern and well-maintained spaces for leisure and play, and to support people’s health and wellbeing.

Approved by the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 14 March, the plan builds on the significant investment in parks and green spaces over the last five years – and also sets out measures to help achieve the council’s target to create a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

Over the course of the five-year programme, communities will benefit from 18 enhanced youth and play spaces, and the council also aims to double the number of its sites that are acknowledged by the prestigious Green Flag Award – an international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

Projects to be delivered over the coming year include:

  • Improvements to play areas at Stand Road Park, Highfield Park, Ringwood Park, Cottage Close, Devonshire Avenue North, Thirlmere Road and Tapton Park.
  • The full renovation of the circular footpath at Poolsbrook Country Park which, at 165 acres, is Chesterfield’s largest park with miles of trails, extensive woodland plantations, meadows, lakes, children’s play areas and wildlife habits.

As the delivery plan progresses over the next five years communities will also see improvements to youth and place spaces at Pennine Way, Hartington Recreational Ground, Wickins Place, Stanford Way, Barnes Road, Heathervale Road, Manor Road (youth), Somersall Park (youth), West Crescent, Damon Drive and Canal Wharf.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Chesterfield boasts a range of fantastic parks, play areas and green spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy and we recognise just how important and valued they are for everyone in our communities.

“We also understand that having an opportunity to play and explore the outdoors is hugely important for developing both physical and social skills, so we want to provide as many opportunities for residents to do this as we can.

“It’s our aim to create a variety of sustainable spaces that provide people of all ages and abilities with accessible, quality, and fun opportunities for play.

“We are really proud to provide good quality parks and play spaces in our community, and this investment will help us to continue to achieve this. Last year was a record-breaking year for us, with five of our parks being recognised with the prestigious Green Flag Award – and we’re hoping to double this over the next five years so more of our spaces can be formally acknowledged.

“Last year also saw our beautiful green spaces, colourful floral displays and innovative community projects earn the borough a top accolade in the prestigious East Midlands In Bloom competition. We were officially crowned the winner of the ‘Small City’ category in September, the first time we have scooped the sought-after award and we can’t wait to build on this success over the next five years.

“Our parks and green spaces were a lifeline during Covid-19 and have continued to offer opportunities for people to walk, play and chat. As loneliness is reported to be on the increase, our green spaces are a vital resource in the drive to combat loneliness and isolation.”

The views of local people have helped shape the council’s plan for investment, following a public consultation on two new strategies – the parks and open spaces, and play strategies – last year. The aim is to make sure local facilities meet the needs of local communities now and in the future.

The Parks, Open Spaces and Play Delivery Plan is being part-funded by £158,500 from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

It will also draw on funding from a range of sources including the Community Infrastructure Levy, section 106 agreements and Landfill Tax grants.

More information about plans for specific sites – and what improvements local people will benefit from – will be shared as the projects progress.

Queen's Park

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Communities in North East Derbyshire set to see local parks and play areas improved

Communities in the North East Derbyshire District are set to benefit from improvements to local parks and play areas under the first round of grants from the Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund programme.

£237,246 in grant funding has been awarded to Barlow, Brampton, Eckington, Holymoorside & Walton, Shirland & Higham and Unstone Parish Councils and Dronfield Town Council to deliver 8 schemes in the first round of the Quality Parks and Play Areas (QPPA) grant scheme.

Supported projects include replacing outdated equipment, adding new pieces of equipment to cater for a wider age range and installing railings and new surfacing which will make these parks and play areas safer and more attractive for local users.

A further £55,000 has also been allocated to match the Council’s Safer Streets Funding to redevelop the Skate Park in Killamarsh.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Communities and Communications, Cllr Alan Powell, said: “Parks and play areas are an important part of the community as they provide the opportunity for physical exercise and social interaction between residents of all ages.

“This funding will enhance existing provision and create spaces that can be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economy, Transformation and Climate Change, Cllr Jeremy Kenyon added: “We recognise the importance of good quality local amenities in our communities.

“This UKSPF investment provides visible improvements that will help future-proof vital local facilities. We will be announcing the outcome of our most recent bidding rounds for our Parks and Play Areas and Village Halls and Community Venues schemes in due course.”

Details of future bidding rounds, including the Shop Front Enhancement Scheme, will be publicised on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund pages of the Council’s website and through its social media.

Chesterfield play park school children




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Work continues to enhance biodiversity across Chesterfield

A series of projects that aim to increase biodiversity in Chesterfield have already been successfully completed in 2022 – with even more activities planned throughout the year.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been working with both the Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT) and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to support projects that will help enhance biodiversity across the borough.

In Holmebrook Valley Country Park, DCRT have worked with Fletchers Waste Management to expand the small ponds in the north of the park, which will help create a more diverse range of habitats for local wildlife.

The council, together with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, have planted 1500 trees in Whitecotes Park, Brearley Wetlands and Badger Recreation Ground. Not only do new trees help absorb carbon, but they also create new habitats for wildlife.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Tackling ongoing climate change issues and improving biodiversity provision are closely related. The work we have been doing with partners aims to ensure that Chesterfield is at the forefront of tackling these emergencies. I’m proud of the work we’ve done but there is still lots more to do and I would encourage everyone to get involved and support our work in this key area.”

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “These interventions in our green spaces not only support our ambitious climate change plans, but they also enhance these green spaces for local people. Our recently approved Parks and Open Spaces Strategy has sustainability as a key aim for works to improve our facilities.  Ensuring that local people have excellent green spaces to enjoy is key to improving the quality of life for all our residents.”

The small ponds in the north of Holmebrook Valley Park were originally created several years ago however the pond liners used became damaged and water was not being held in the ponds.

To ensure the ponds can hold water they have been lined with clay and they are already holding water following heavy rainfall. These ponds will also help reduce the flow of storm waters into the river which could reduce the flood risk downstream.

Fletchers Waste Management volunteered their machinery and staff to help complete the ponds at no cost.

DCRT will now be hosting volunteer days so that planting around the ponds can take place.

The council is working closely with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to plant trees and enhance biodiversity across the borough with funding provided through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

Further tree planting will take place in 2022 to ensure the council exceeds its target of planting at least 1000 trees every year.

The council will be working with community groups, tree wardens and other volunteers to ensure these trees are planted and can thrive. Some of these will be planted in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. More details about these and how members of the community can get involved will be released in due course.

Any residents wanting to support the council’s tree planting programme can volunteer to become a tree warden by emailing or calling 01246 959415.

Working on ponds in Holmebrook Valley Country Park

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Chesterfield celebrates as parks and green spaces win Green Flag Award

In a record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award, as the scheme marks its Silver Jubilee, Chesterfield is celebrating retaining five awards.

Chesterfield Borough Council is raising a Green Flag Award for the 15th time at Queen’s Park, Holmebrook Valley Country Park, Poolsbrook Country Park, Eastwood Park and the gardens at Chesterfield and District Crematorium.

The award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

After 18 months that have seen our parks and green spaces play a vital role for people through lockdowns as a place to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely, the news that Chesterfield has achieved these Green Flag Awards is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that make the green space a great space that everyone can enjoy.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It’s fantastic that we have maintained our Green Flag Awards in these parks and is a real testament to the hard work our teams do to maintain these spaces. Green spaces are incredibly important for our communities, they not only serve as place to spend time with friends and family they can also support both physical and mental health. I hope that we can continue to provide high quality green spaces for all our residents to enjoy.”

Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making these sites worthy of a Green Flag Award.

“To meet the requirements demanded by the scheme is testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who do so much to ensure that Chesterfield has high standards of horticulture, safety and environmental management and is a place that supports people to live healthy lives.”

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available here

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