Chesterfield Property and construction group

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group continues drive to promote skills & talent in the sector

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group is continuing to address skills shortages in the sector by working in collaboration with the public sector and education providers.

This was evidenced recently at the town’s Employability and Skills Conference, which saw more than a hundred delegates discuss the current skills landscape in the town.

At the conference, Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director at the Devonshire Group updated attendees on the exciting Construction Skills Hub, which is set to be developed in Mastin Moor.

The hub will provide a live learning environment for apprentices in the town, in order to help them gain vital skills and experience, helping people in Chesterfield build strong careers in the property and construction sector.

In the East Midlands, an extra 17,500 construction workers will be needed from 2023-2027, an annual requirement of 3,500 new workers every year.

We spoke to Andrew at the conference to get his thoughts on the current skills landscape across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, and how local organisations are working to meet the demand.

We’ve heard in recent times a lot about skills shortages in the property and construction sector. To what extent is this affecting the industry?

“One of the problems the property and construction sector faces at the moment, is that its workforce is getting older. We need to begin bringing in the next generation.

“The next generation can help us contribute towards solving the housing crisis, delivering the employment and industrial growth that we want to see in the country, and helping to deliver the physical, social and green infrastructure needed to help us meet that key target of net-zero by 2050.”

What can Chesterfield and North Derbyshire firms do to bring more skilled and talented people into their companies?

“We’ve been here at the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Skills and Employability Conference today (Wednesday, 8th February), hearing from both the education sector and industry about the skills that are needed.

“My key message for people in industry and the property and construction sector, is to get involved!

“It is incumbent on us to actually make a difference, get involved and encourage people into what we do. We should be proud of it.”

For a young person, how rewarding can a career in the property and construction sector be?

“I absolutely love the business that I’m in and I love the property and construction sector. The people I meet, the problems I solve, and the fact that I’m part of teams that build the places that we live, work and play in.

“To come away from a project and know that you were actually a part of it, and that project is going to be there for years to come is a great feeling.”

Tell us about the partnership working taking place locally to encourage the growth of skills in the property and construction sectors.

“You’ll have heard a lot about the work that we’re doing as part of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group.

In the forum, we launched a pilot scheme for women in construction. That is a mentoring scheme where women who are already in the property and construction business, have been mentoring pupils in years 10 and 11 across local schools in Chesterfield.

The second way we’ve been making a difference is the work we have been doing with Parkside School. Members from the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group have been into the school, carrying out a speed networking session with the pupils to show them the range of careers and projects that we get involved in. We answered some of their questions and tried to light that spark so that they take more of an interest in what we do.

I’d also like to refer to the Construction Skills Hub that we’ve been working to deliver with Chesterfield College, Chesterfield Borough Council and the University of Derby. This will be delivered on-site at Mastin Moor across the course of 2023.

New apprentices will be able to learn the skills that the industry needs at the moment, alongside what the industry is going to need in the future to hit those net-zero targets.”

With a range of regeneration projects taking place in Chesterfield currently, do you feel it’s an exciting time to get into the profession?

“The sector is always exciting, but it is particularly exciting in Chesterfield at the moment because there is so much going on.

You see the schemes at Chesterfield Waterside, the work that we’re doing over at Mastin Moor, work that we’re looking to do over at Markham Vale and the regeneration of Staveley.

There is an awful lot going on in Chesterfield at the moment, so it really is a great time. What I would say though, is that it is always a great time to be getting involved in the industry.

If you’re not building it, you’re usually planning for it or trying to solve the problems that make it happen, so the key thing is to get involved!”

Chesterfield is the first town in the UK to declare itself an Apprentice Town – demonstrating its commitment to growing the future and careers of young people alongside business and the economy by retaining and developing young talent in the town in order to attract more employers to invest here.

Find out more about the range of activities and initiatives being carried out by Chesterfield Property and Construction Group at:

andrew byrne devonshire group

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How Chesterfield can be a leader in sustainable housing

How can Chesterfield become a national leader in sustainable housing development for the future? That was the question posed to construction leaders in Chesterfield recently.

The town’s Property and Construction Group gathered to discuss the importance of green development across the town.

Chesterfield Borough Council has set a target of ensuring Chesterfield is a ‘net-zero’ borough by 2050. The organisation is working closely with the sector to find solutions across a range of developments. That includes in both housing and commercial property builds.

Using technology to support sustainable housing

The group first discussed how technological advancements are playing a role in bringing emissions down. Liam Rodda, Business Development Manager at Samsung spoke of the increase in the use of heat pumps in new houses. It is hoped the technology will become just as cost-effective as gas boilers in the coming years.

Liam said: “If you’re putting a heat pump into a new build, there’s not actually a great deal of cost difference compared to a boiler.

“The reality is that heat pumps are easier to fit than most gas boilers. Most competent engineers will be able to upskill in order to fit them pretty quickly. I’m hoping we will see prices come down as we get more labour into it.”

Chesterfield is set to lead the way when it comes to training more heat pump installers. This is thanks to the opening of a newly refurbished training centre by NIBE. Read more about the development, which opened in late 2022 here.

Improving green skills in Chesterfield to power our future

Sustainable skills will also be at the forefront of the new Construction Skills Hub, which is set to be developed in Mastin Moor.

Lynda Sharp, Economic Development Manager at Chesterfield Borough Council spoke about the benefits of the new facility.

Lynda said: “The hub will be an on-site facility linked to a housing scheme at Mastin Moor. That is a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain experience of a live construction site, which will make a big difference locally.”

Another issue raised during the discussion was the viability of retrofitting and insulating existing housing stock, to increase the amount of sustainable housing in Chesterfield.

Jillian Mitchell, of Lomas & Mitchell Architects and Vice-Chair of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group said: “The big challenge to me in retrofit is how you insulate an existing property without creating more risk of condensation and mould growth.

“The market is so familiar with talking about insulation, and they haven’t really talked about ventilation. Derbyshire is a county where there is a lot of brick and stone, so insulating existing properties is a challenge.”

Cost and viability

Concerns around the cost of sustainable housing was one of the concerns which the forum felt needed to be addressed.

Jillian added: “A lot of what has been done in this country has been incentivised financially. But this has not encouraged people to change their behaviour. A lot of that financial reward seems to be how our industry is driven.

“In Cyprus, they have a scheme where people are able to install a limited amount of PV (solar panels). They are only rewarded if they change their behaviour and reduce the amount of electricity they use. I think that’s what we should be thinking about doing.”

Jim Lomas, Director at DLP Planning Ltd. believes recent climate events have made the sector more focused on cutting emissions, and increasing the number of sustainable housing in Chesterfield: “I certainly think the previous summer has started to focus people’s attention. People have seen some tangible changes in the environment, and it is bringing the issues we face to people’s attention.

“From a construction perspective, we are all probably very informed and alert to it. But the wider public are probably not, and now the penny is beginning to drop. There has to be a cultural change.”

Samsung’s Liam Rodda does believe that new builds are starting to improve from a sustainability point of view: “Terraced houses were built to house a lot of people, very quickly. New builds today are going in the right direction. We’re ticking those boxes more often where the homes are generating their own electricity as much as possible.”

John Short, of JAB Short Ltd. was in agreement, but felt that more focus should be placed on existing buildings in order to make significant change: “It is the existing housing stock that we need to be concentrating on, because that is what will make the huge steps required.”

Working collaboratively to drive change

Jim Lomas stressed the importance of ensuring the younger generation have their say in future developments: “We have got to look at the future generations. Young people will be wanting something more sustainable and will be demanding energy efficient buildings from businesses. We need to give younger people more of a voice and direction in developments because it is their future. However, the viability of schemes is pivotal.”

The session was further evidence of the strong partnership between the private and public sectors in Chesterfield continuing to have an impact.

Lynda Sharp added: “From my point of view, the level of detail and quality of the conversation today shows that we are gaining a greater collective understanding and getting deeper into the issues at hand. From a commercial property perspective, the recently-developed Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside place offices are really good examples of where we should be going.”

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group brings together business leaders of the region’s property sector and Chesterfield Borough Council to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

Regular forums and networking events are held by the group throughout the year.

If you would like to get involved, find out more about the group at: or find out more on Linkedin.

property masterclass sustainability

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Chesterfield Property and Construction Group: “We are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield”

Chair of Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group, Andy Dabbs has penned his thoughts on a productive 2022 for the sector. Andy also shares his optimism for the group and wider investment and developments across Chesterfield as we head into 2023.

It is hard to imagine that it was only in the December of last year, we were still operating under the cloud of the pandemic, uncertain if the rise of a new variant would threaten the recovery of our industry and our attempts to return to ‘normal’ business activity.

However, as we sit here now, reflecting on 2022 and looking forward into the new year, uncertainty feels like it has become the only thing we can be certain about. The formation of Chesterfield’s Construction and Property Group (CCPG) in 2020 was ultimately about providing greater sector focussed support for the Town and local property businesses through public and private sector collaboration, and now heading into its third year, I believe we have never been better placed as a network to support each other in an exponentially changing and increasingly volatile industry.

Positively, throughout this period and now its 2nd year since its formation, Chesterfield Property Group members has continued to work hard maintaining a meaningful platform for engagement connecting both the public and private sector together. The group has maintained a clear focus on key themes centred around promoting the town, the skills and future talent agenda, business engagement, the climate emergency and importantly providing support to our Local Authority who continue to work tirelessly in their efforts to support the town and the property sector.  The group has tailored its activity over throughout 2022 focussing on delivering tangible and meaningful outputs, some of these including:

  • Property Forums – updating local property businesses on the latest market activity
  • Skills and Talent masterclass – bringing key figures from property and construction alongside key skills and training providers to discuss how the sector can overcome the skills issue
  • Quality and Sustainability masterclass – discussing sustainable development in Chesterfield, and why this is critical for future of the town
  • Investment Summit – hosting a property focussed Q&A session with Chief Executive Hue Bowen and Council Leader Trisha Gilby
  • Regular social media activity – highlighting some of the key issues in the industry such as skills, sustainability, diversity in the sector and promoting developments taking place in the town etc.
  • A variety of networking and social events including walking tours, and brewery visits. supporting business to business relationship development

Property and Construction Masterclass Chesterfield

There is no question that the current economic outlook will pose challenging for those operating in the Property sector, but we must be careful not to be consumed by negative media, and instead businesses must focus on their ‘own economy’ and work even harder to invest in building resilience against any uncertainty. The property group believes that the best way of doing this is by working collaboratively together, sharing our experience, and working hard to unlock and connect each other to the wide array of opportunities across the region.

Despite everything, Chesterfield continues to attract interest from the investment market, and with the secured levelling up funding, will see the continued regeneration and development of our built environment over the coming years. The town is rich with potential and opportunity, and we are delighted that the Property Group has played a small part in supporting in its success over the last few years.

As the Property Group looks forward to the year ahead and the activity plans start to take shape, we are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield and the wider Borough. We will look forward to building upon our existing relationships whilst forging new ones as the Group continues to evolve and adapt to support the developing needs of the town.

If you work within the Property and Construction Sector and would like to hear more about the groups developing plans, please get in touch by emailing

Property and Construction Group Chesterfield

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‘Chesterfield’s development is no coincidence and can continue,’ concludes industry panel

Chesterfield has a unique offering and continued collaboration between the public and private sectors is critical in ensuring growth does not stop, according to a panel of industry experts.

Speaking at national contractor Willmott Dixon’s second ‘Towns of the Future’ roundtable – hosted at Tapton Park Innovation Centre – the 10-person panel discussed topics including the current building stock, skills, talent retention and investment.

It was agreed that identifying challenges in regeneration projects and collaborative working by the public and private sector can unlock potential hurdles.

The panel agreed conversations taking place are very encouraging – something, which is especially important at a time when regeneration projects amounting to a value of more than £1 billion are in progress.

Jerry Major, regional framework manager at Willmott Dixon, said: “Chesterfield has great potential and, because local authorities now understand what the private sector can offer more than ever before, the opportunity to make the most of different areas and create mixed-use developments is being unlocked.

“It’s vital that businesses in Chesterfield, both big and small, play an active role in promoting the careers available here and the opportunity to lead a fulfilling lifestyle. While we have been involved in projects in Chesterfield in the past, we understand the importance of maintaining our relationship with the stakeholders here and offering an advisory role to the public sector organisations in need of regeneration expertise.”

As part of the discussion, there were several references to Chesterfield Waterside and the Staveley Town Deal, though questions centred around what went right and wrong for Chesterfield in 2022, how can more attention be generated on what is happening in Chesterfield and what the focus of growth should be in Chesterfield over the next 10 years.

Dominic Stevens, manager at Destination Chesterfield, said: “Chesterfield has a clear growth plan, place story and sense of identity. The vision for Chesterfield has been in place now for more than a decade and we continue to see the positive results of this plan.”

“Looking forward to the next 10 years, it was excellent to hear people from different areas of industry agree on the importance of meeting the needs and desires of the next generation. We must ensure that development and regeneration lead to inclusive sustainable growth and Chesterfield continues to be a great place to live, work, visit and invest.”

Ivan Fomin, managing director at MSE Hiller and Chair of Staveley Town Deal said: “Effective collaboration can ensure that the potential benefits of the many regeneration sites are maximised.

“The public and private sector working together ensures developments keep moving forward while different sources of funding are available to gain.

“More relationships need to be formed so that it is not a small market competing for work, because there is so much potential here that we must all help to realise.”

Building on the success of Willmott Dixon’s two roundtables in Chesterfield this year, the national contractor looks to continue engagement with a range of stakeholders.

The panel was chaired by Liz Cartwright (Cartwright Communications) and featured Jerry Major (Willmott Dixon), Adam Rodgers (Marketing Derby), Ivan Fomin (MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield), Peter Swallow (Destination Chesterfield), Dominic Stevens (Destination Chesterfield), Duncan Hogg (Bond Bryan), David Kemp (DLP Planning) and Amy Revell (We Are Spaces).

Wilmott Dixon, MSE Hiller, DLP Planning and We Are Spaces supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Property & Construction group praises ongoing collaboration across Chesterfield

Members of Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group have praised the ongoing collaboration between private and public sector organisations across the town, which is helping to drive forward several landmark regeneration schemes in the area.

The Chesterfield Investment Summit was delivered to packed room at the Casa Hotel on 28th September 2022. At the summit, the town’s property and construction sector and a handful Chesterfield Champions were invited to a lunch event, which enabled further networking and an opportunity to ask questions to Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, Tricia Gilby and Chief Executive, Huw Bowen.

After the event, Cllr Tricia Gilby commented: “Chesterfield is very resilient and has consistently come out of national crises stronger than it went into them. In the last recession we established Destination Chesterfield, and this has reaped rewards. We also resolved as a council and with all our partners, to come out of the pandemic fighting and as a result a number of developments came out of the ground, including One Waterside Place and the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre.

“Chesterfield Brough Council and our partners will now work together with inward investors to ensure the next five years are as good as, if not better, than the last five years.”

Read the full round-up of the event here:

The event left attendees impressed with the range of potential investment opportunities opening up across the town, along with optimism for the continuation of strong public/private partnership working across the sector to grow the town’s economy.

Jim Lomas, Director at DLP Planning Ltd:

“It was so pleasing to see such a large turnout for the Investment Summit. There is clearly a great deal of investor interest and enthusiasm from both within and outside the local area. Given our previous and current experience of assisting with the planning process, there is a willingness by the Council to help with business development, housing delivery and infrastructure enhancements, all of which will lead to longer term prosperity and hopefully a greener and more sustainable environment.

“Housing developers in particular are currently delivering the mix and range of property types which are meeting demand and addressing needs. It is clear that many adjoining Local Authority areas outside of Chesterfield are failing to deliver their housing needs and consequently the town is meeting not only its own local needs, but also attracting those from the wider area. The positive consequences for Chesterfield are significant, leading to greater spending power in the local economy, enhanced service provision, regeneration of urban areas and creating a vibrant community, something which can only be welcomed.”

Sarah Wills, Associate Director at Nineteen47 Ltd:

“It was great to be in the room for these discussions. I Really enjoyed hearing about priority projects and collaboration across sectors. It was lovely to hear how integral the Council see the private sector in terms of profile and delivery in the Chesterfield Borough, and we are proud to be a continued part of this conversation.”

Kriston Harvey, Director at Rodgers Leask:

“I think one of the biggest highlights would have to be the fact that following on from previous summits, where it has been great to hear about pipeline projects, we are now able to see these projects coming out of the ground and in some cases complete! Both the Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place are fantastic examples of this and can hopefully be part of the catalyst to drive further regeneration and development.

“Having quality office space locally is clearly a benefit to the town also. This will help to retain businesses within Chesterfield and strengthen the local economy. It was also really good to hear that both the University of Derby and Chesterfield College have big plans – investing in the future generation is critical and it is great to see that there will be even more opportunities for people to stay in Chesterfield and develop new skills.”

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio:

“I always enjoy attending the Chesterfield Investment summit. It was great to see a full house of delegates in attendance, reflective of peoples’ interest in the future of the town. A range of engaging speakers provided a concise summary of all the present and future developments in the pipeline including good conversation around the recently completed office developments at the Waterside and Northern Gateway schemes.  Looking ahead, it appears a number of regeneration projects as part of the Staveley Masterplan are taking shape, adding the plethora of opportunity for local business like ourselves.”

Find out more about ongoing development taking place in Chesterfield at:

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“Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit”

Chesterfield is set to undergo a major transformation in the next few years, with work taking place to improve the town’s public spaces; creating a welcoming and attractive place for visitors.

The town’s Property and Construction Group continues to help in shaping these developments, working with partners to ensure the quality of the built environment across the town meets those ambitions.

Tony Buck is a member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Steering Group and Associate Director at Oasis Studio. He has given his views on the importance of maximising the built environment, to increase Chesterfield’s reputation as a vibrant and welcoming town with a strong and diverse visitor economy.

By many Chesterfield isn’t considered a typical tourist destination and we must ask ourselves why? Over the last 12 years, I’ve become very familiar with the town and it’s clear our town has bags of raw ingredients to offer the tourism sector.

It’s no secret that millions of pounds worth of investment are beginning to take shape across the town and I’m confident these exciting plans will evolve Chesterfield into a superb visitor destination. From working closely with Destination Chesterfield and the Property and Construction Group it’s clear that attracting more tourists to the town is high on the agenda.

Let’s take a dive into some of the key developments and unpack why the built environment is vital in terms of attracting more visitors.

A good place to start is the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project; a major transformation in the town centre with refurbishment plans for several key sites. When I think about Chesterfield, I think ‘handsome market town’ so I’m particularly excited to see the marketplace revamp take shape.

This is a great opportunity to re-imagine the current model and create a more defined and vibrant area for visitors to shop. As part of the revamp, we’ll also see the flexible space host other events such as festivals, cultural celebrations, and community gatherings.

This has been core to the strategy and acts as a key ingredient in attracting a wider, more diverse audience beyond the typical market visitor of today. Once complete I look forward to visiting and hope to discover amazing produce, street food, craft beers and gifts that are unique to Chesterfield and add to the cultural narrative of the town.

Bookending of the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project are plans to remodel and refurbish the Stephenson Memorial Hall. I’m particularly intrigued about the impact this will have on the visiting economy. Packed full of history and architectural merit the proposals aim to extend the Pomegranate Theatre and provide a modern museum offering.

Alongside this gallery and café spaces provide visitors with a place to enjoy. Once complete this landmark building will extend the town’s cultural offering and provide a go-to destination for visitors to enjoy live events.

Beyond this, the Chesterfield Station Masterplan aims to create a welcoming first impression of Chesterfield for visitors by rail. Currently, the existing station and public realm are a little uninviting.

Diving into the details it’s clear that a real sense of arrival, framing of the crooked spire and progressive urban design are considerations to address this. The people of Chesterfield are welcoming and open for business, I certainly look forward to a station that reflects this for visitors.

It’s clear to me that the developments highlighted above, combined with the wider regeneration proposals, will result in our town centre becoming a more attractive, safe and healthier place for visitors to spend time and immerse themselves in the Chesterfield economy.

In my opinion, Chesterfield’s best tourist attraction and visitor playground is the Peak District. It’s located on our doorstep and attracts millions of tourists to the area each year.

Those visitors planning a weekend trip or holiday need more incentives to stay the night in Chesterfield. Currently, the night-time attractions are relatively limited… Shout-out to Ches-Vegas. To maximise the visitor economy, more must be done to increase this offering. There are development plans that seek to address this (some mentioned above), but it’s worth highlighting the requirement for more available hotel space for visitors to stay.

Circling back, Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit. The community is inviting and we’re home to a diverse selection of businesses that cater for the tourism sector.

We’re located in the heart of the UK with great transport connections. We also have handsome buildings with bags of history and so much beautiful scenery on its doorstep. Chesterfield is underrated as a tourist destination and with the planned future investment it will only get better. I call for all local businesses and fellow Chesterfield Champions in the town to celebrate this!

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‘Leaving the door open’ – Chesterfield’s Property & Construction forum continues to highlight sustainability

Jillian Mitchell, Vice Chair of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group and Director of Lomas and Mitchell Architects has penned this month’s blog on how the group is coming together to highlight the importance of sustainability across the town.

I was asked recently to deliver a 15-minute talk on ‘how to make your home more sustainable’.  It’s a pretty tall order, given the magnitude of the subject.  The first question was ‘how on earth do I cover the subject in only 15 minutes?’  Definition of the word ‘sustainable’ is wide-ranging, covering anything from saving the planet to reducing energy bills, and everything in between.

It can be overwhelming and we often feel powerless to think that anything we do can make a difference, so it is tempting to do nothing.  It doesn’t help that there is a bewildering array of measures and targets out there, quoted in impenetrable units which are hard to put into any sort of context.  Take the example of your fridge.  If you regularly leave the door of the fridge open whilst trying to decide what to make for dinner, for example, you can be wasting 50 – 120kWh/yr.  These numbers don’t mean a lot on their own, but if you understand that 50kWh/yr could run your dishwasher twenty times or 100kWh/yr the washing machine for fifty cycles, the scale and context become much more tangible.

At the heart of the issue, however, is a simple message – we must all do something to contribute to reducing our energy consumption and our dependence upon finite planet resources.  It really doesn’t matter which sector you work in – everyone can do something to make a difference.  The current energy crisis has brought all these themes into sharp focus, and now is the time to capitalise on the opportunities to look at our consumption and behaviours and commit to making a difference.

The Construction and Property Forum have identified key themes, one of which is ‘Sustainability and Quality’, because we want to highlight the need for more ambitious targets across the region.  The challenge is to shift from historical drivers, such as shareholders and regulations, and move towards the over-arching target of net-zero carbon by 2050 whilst still demonstrating profitability and compliance.  The shift needed is seismic and not to be underestimated – but we all have to do something, and we need to do it now.

The Forum seeks to support and challenge our local authorities as they strive towards these ambitious goals whilst providing exemplars of best practice for our colleagues in the sector to learn from and share.  We are keen to explore who is working on these themes in our area and welcome input from colleagues across the sector.  You can get in touch by emailing

In the meantime, maybe it’s time to not leave the fridge door open.

Jillian Mitchell is a Chartered Architect and Director at Lomas and Mitchell Architects.  Jillian is a member of the steering group of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group and heads up the themes of  Sustainability and Quality.

Find out more at:

Chesterfield Property and Construction Group


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