Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Award wins for Chesterfield’s new Emergency Department

Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s Emergency Department continues to receive accolades, this time with a ‘highly commended’ at the Constructing Excellence East Midlands awards.

The ceremony recognises exceptional and innovative designs that have made a positive social impact.

Officially opened by HRH The Princess Royal on 12 July last year, the £27m state-of-the-art Emergency Department was shortlisted in two separate categories in the East Midlands region: Integration and Collaborative Working, and Building Project of the Year.

Constructing Excellence is a membership organisation that exists to drive a better construction sector and an improved built environment through innovation, best practice and collaboration.

The awards, which are judged by a panel of industry experts, are designed to showcase how organisations are living the Constructing Excellence principles.

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive of the Trust said: “We are delighted to receive this award, alongside our construction partners – DSFS and IHP (the joint venture between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McAlpine). A lot of hard work and dedication went into the build of our ED, and it is a good example of putting our patients at the centre of everything we do.

“With an innovative approach to patient flow, highly specialised equipment, ultra-modern technology and a fresh and bright interior – even using locally sourced artwork. We are very proud of our exceptional ED and equally proud of all the people who work in the department to look after our patients.”

This is not the first time Chesterfield’s ED has won an award – it also scoped the ‘Best Interior Design category’ in the national ‘Building Better Healthcare Awards’ in November 2023.

Adrian Leigh, Senior Project Manager for Integrated Health Projects (the Trust’s construction partner), said: “It is real kudos for us and the Trust to have been shortlisted for an award by Constructing Excellence East Midlands.

“The fact that we have been highlighted for Integration and Collaborative Working is a positive reflection on the close working relationship between all partners involved, to create this unique construction.

“From involving the people that would be working in the new ED to the people using it, getting this award one year on from delivery is amazing validation for all the hard work that went into making Chesterfield’s ED the best it could be.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

HRH Princess Royal opening new emergency department

HRH The Princess Royal opening Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s new Emergency Department.


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Chesterfield organisations continue strong community spirit

Several businesses, charities and community organisations in Chesterfield are continuing to launch new initiatives, aimed at supporting people across the area.

The town’s network of Chesterfield Champions is continuing to help raise the profile of our area and strengthen links, by hosting charity events, launching new support groups and more.

Find out more about some of the latest news from across our community in our latest roundup.

Spireites launch new LGBTQ+ supporters group

Rainbow Spireites

Chesterfield Football Club is now working alongside a new supporters group, aimed at improving the matchday experience for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The group was formed by supporters, Darren Yates and Ellie Yates, with the aim of creating a safe space and ensuring everyone feels welcome at the SMH Group Stadium.

Darren explained: “Our main aim is to be that safe space for LGBTQ+ supporters, who don’t want to come to the game on their own.

“It is also to be a critical friend of the club to help them reach into the community more.

“A group like this can really help fans feel welcome at games, and not have to worry about feeling alone or unwelcome.

“Everyone at the club has been brilliant and totally supportive. We were at Chesterfield Pride and the response was really good. People were saying that they were really happy to see the group being formed.”

Outlining plans for the future, Ellie said: “We’re hoping that now we’ve started getting a few members on board, we can start doing some meet-ups and talk to our members to see what they want to get out of the group as well.

“We’ve joined a regional alliance with some LGBTQ+ supporters’ groups. At the moment, we’re just letting people know we’re there and once we’ve got more members, we’ll look at pre-match meet-ups to encourage fans who might not feel safe enough going to games.”

Vicar Lane to support children’s charities with One Great Day event

Vicar Lane Fun Day

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre will once again be supporting the UK-wide annual charity day ‘One Great Day’ on Saturday 2nd September.

One Great Day is a series of family and community charity events being held throughout the country to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and another local charity close to the heart of each community. This year Vicar Lane is proud to be sharing donations with GOSH and Sheffield Children’s Hospital, The Children’s Hospital Charity.

The event includes a range of free outdoor activities, a tombola and face painting for the youngsters.

From 10am – 3pm, mini aspiring footballers will have a chance to meet Chester the field mouse for a fun shoot-out challenge. For a minimum donation of £1, visitors can show off their skills to score against Chesterfield FC’s cheeky mascot.

To help raise as much money as possible the centre will be running a raffle draw – including a grand prize of 4 tickets to see Chesterfield Football Club play at home.

Brandon Howard, Centre Administrator said: We’re really looking forward to welcoming the people of Chesterfield to Vicar Lane to help us raise much-needed funds for two amazing charities. With the help of Chester the field mouse and Theo the bear, we hope to bring a smile and beat the amount raised last year.

To see the full schedule of events this One Great Day at Vicar Lane, visit and plan your day out.

Charity skydive supports children with additional needs in Chesterfield


A charity skydive has recently took place to raise funds for Fairplay, a charity which supports young people with additional needs in our area.

Rachel Middleton took the leap, and has so far raised more than £1,000 for her efforts. Rachel commented: “I’ve worked for Fairplay for over two years now and I want to support them to do more great work!

“We support families, child and young adults with disabilities and promote independent living skills in SCaRT, Moving Forward and Enterprise. We have lots of groups running including our gorgeous cafe, craft and gardening groups. Along with the new addition of our shop which the young people make things to sell and will be helping to run themselves!”

Find out more about the initiative on Rachel’s JustGiving page.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital awarded ‘Trailblazer’ status from Race Equality Matters

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded the prestigious Trailblazer status from Race Equality Matters, a not-for-profit organisation seeking to improve racial equality.

Trailblazers are organisations that are successfully taking action and making an impact on race inequality and Chesterfield was selected for work on The Big Promise solution, where people and organisations make a public commitment to create meaningful and positive change.

Race Equality Matters Trailblazer status is determined by an independent panel of experts – all with lived experience. It aims to identify meaningful impact, keep momentum going, inspire others and evidence an organisations commitment to tackling race inequality.

Becoming a Trailblazer means that the work Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (CRH) has done to implement The Big Promise has resulted in significant change and made an impact across the breadth of the entire organisation. This is a step that contributes to their aim to successfully address racial inequality and become a more diverse, inclusive and equal organisation.

Hailey Pottinger, Co-Chair of the Race Equality and Cultural Inclusion Network at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: The Big Promise helped us to create an inclusive environment where everyone could get involved and talk to us about Race Equality. By giving the Big Promise a central focus, especially as part of Race Equality Week, we created a positive statement and encouraged conversations with colleagues and members of the public. The aim was to increase the understanding that race equality is everyone’s business and secure buy-in and a sense of personal responsibility.

“At Chesterfield, a lot of work is being done to raise awareness of anti-racism (and how that is different to simply not being racist). This work is laying the foundations for conversations around racism and feeding into the creation of our Anti-Racism Strategy. There was a big focus on as part of Race Equality Week.

Kevin Sargen, Medical Director and Race Equality Network Exec Sponsor, at Chesterfield Royal NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are pleased to be highlighted as trailblazers; however, we recognise that this is an ongoing process and there is a lot more we all need to do as an organisation and as individuals to ensure that that we not only highlight this agenda but actively drive action and change. As a Board of Directors, we have made a commitment to tackling race inequality and to be accountable for taking actions. It is something that is very important to all of us and to our colleagues across the organisation.”

BHP hosts work experience academy to provide a taste of the workplace for young people

Chesterfield waterside bhp

BHP offices at Chesterfield Waterside. Image supplied by Derbyshire Economic Partnership

Chesterfield accountancy firm, BHP has recently supported a number of young people by providing a work experience programme this summer.

The firm launched its first ever work experience academy, which the firm expained on its Linkedin page was well recieved by those who took part. The company said: “Our participants really enjoyed the practical, structured programme and many of them said they’ve been inspired to pursue a career in finance following their time with us, which is so great to hear!

“We’re really looking forward to meeting and getting to know our new Graduate and Non-Graduate trainees, who will be joining us very soon.”

Chesterfield FC, Vicar Lane, Fairplay, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and BHP support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Survey shows urgent care in Chesterfield is amongst the best in the country

A survey has found Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s urgent and emergency care to be among the best in the country.

Information from a Care Quality Commission survey, looking at the experiences of people who attended urgent and emergency care services, has shown Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust scored 8.1/10 – classed by the regulator as ‘somewhat better than expected’.

The survey took place between November 2022 and March 2023 and looked at the experience of thousands of people across the country.

Michelle Veitch, Chief Operating Officer, said: “This is a great achievement for the Trust and based on the themes from the results – which focused on the environment, facilities, waiting times, times and respect and dignity – we have already begun to resolve and improve thanks, in part, to our new ED development which opened on 21 June.”

The Trust received an overall experience rating of 8.1/10, and a ‘better than expected’ for waiting times, with a rating of ‘much better than expected’ for the waiting time to speak to a doctor or nurse not being too long.

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive commented: “The results are actually even more positive than they at first seem and are a real credit to our Emergency Department. We still need people to ensure they are only coming to ED when they really need us… Think! If you can finish your tea, do you really need ED? We’re generally to be regarded as once in a lifetime visit and for only the most serious cases but we are here when you need us and provide great care and experience, when compared to other Trusts in this survey.”

Key points to note from the survey:

– When asked how long patients waited to first see a doctor or nurse, the Trust scored 7.2, which is actually the best in the country (average 4.7, range 3.4-7.2).
– When asked if patients had confidence in the doctor or nurse treating them, the score was 8.8, (average 8.4, range 7.4-9.1).
– When asked if they were treated with respect and dignity, patients rated this as a 8.9 score (average 8.5, range 7.0-9.3).
– The overall experience – 8.1 (average 7.4, range 6.2-8.3) actually places the Trust as eighth best out of 122 in the country.

Hal, added: “I’d like to give great appreciation to the teams behind this work and though there is always room for improvement it is because of people working hard that we’ve got some impressive results. Thank you.”

The hospital completed the opening of its new emergency department in June 2023, and was officially opened by HRH The Princess Royal. Find out more here.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

chesterfield royal new Emergency department


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Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s maternity services rated ‘good’ by inspectors

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been rated as ‘Good’ in maternity services, following a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection, which happened in May.

The inspection, carried out by the CQCs national maternity services inspection programme, aims to provide an up-to-date view of the quality of hospital maternity care across the country and a better understanding of what is working well to support learning and improvement at a local and national level. This latest inspection covered the ‘safe’ and ‘well-led’ areas of the CQC questions.

The Trust’s overall Maternity Services have also been rated as ‘good’ – which remains the case since May 2020.

Krishna Kallianpur, Chief Nurse, said: “This is great news for the Trust and something we are very proud to announce. It is incredibly challenging for Trusts to reach this standard of care in maternity services and is testament to a lot of hard work by colleagues at all levels.

“I am particularly pleased that the CQC recognised and highlighted such a positive culture where colleagues feel respected, supported and valued. It’s important to all of us across the Trust to be able to raise concerns without fear and this, too, was raised as a positive with leaders being visible and approachable.

“Our goal is for continuous improvement and development, so working with organisations such as Derbyshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership and directly with our communities, I feel we can continue to learn and develop and continue to strive as well as celebrate this achievement together.”

The inspectors also recognised the leadership team’s skills and abilities of colleagues managing the service.

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive, said: “I very much welcome this report and the findings of this inspection. It’s great to see that the CQC saw the service was there for people when they needed us and all colleagues were committed to improving to ensure people receive a high standard of care. This highlights again that we continue to do more and more to ensure we are recommended as a place to not only work but receive great care. It is a huge positive for Chesterfield Royal Hospital especially against the challenges maternity care is facing nationally.”

Inspectors found the following during this inspection:

  • Leaders ran services well using reliable information systems and supported staff to develop their skills. Staff understood the service’s vision and values, and how to apply them in their work.
  • Managers monitored the effectiveness of the service and made sure staff were competent.
  • Staff worked well together for the benefit of people using the service, and understood how to protect people from abuse.
  • The service controlled infection risk well.
  • Staff assessed risks to people using the service, acted on them and kept good care records.
  • Safety incidents were managed well and lessons learned from them.
  • The service engaged well with people and the community to plan and manage services.
  • Staff were focused on the needs of those receiving care.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

royal hospital aerial shot

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HRH The Princess Royal visits Chesterfield to officially open new developments

HRH The Princess Royal visited Chesterfield this week (12th July), officially opening the Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s new emergency department and a new facility at the University of Derby’s campus in the town.

Princess Anne visited the hospital’s new emergency department as part of a series of visits in the region on the day and met the dedicated team at the Trust – recognising the great work of the hospital staff and the team who worked around the clock to deliver the £27m state-of-the-art build.

The department was operationally opened on 21 June and has since seen more than 6,000 patients through its doors.

The new development, with its innovative approach to patient flow, high spec equipment, ultra-modern technology and a real grounding in the community through the locally sourced artwork and wayfinding is a redefining jewel in Chesterfield’s crown but it’s vital that people only visit if they truly need to. Dr Katherine Lendrum, Clinical Lead for the ED and ED Consultant, commented further: “The new Emergency Department is an absolutely amazing facility, and we were honoured to welcome Her Royal Highness to see what we do, how and where. It’s vital that people really do take note and only come to ED when they really need it!

“The new department is already working incredibly hard and is managing patients in a really efficient and safe way – we know that we’re providing better care and a better all-round experience for people – so it’s great that we’re able to take a moment and show our services to such a highly esteemed guest. We know that staff and patients – as well as the communities of Chesterfield will really see this as us redefining Chesterfield and showing that we’re fit for the future and providing a dedicated service which is second to none – by staff who really care!”

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive of the Trust, said: “This is a truly fantastic facility for the hospital and the communities we serve and to have HRH The Princess Royal come to officially open it is a real coup for colleagues and the community. I’m very proud of the skills, experience and hard work that have gone into shaping our new Emergency Department and to be able to show this to a member of the Royal family – based on our history – is even more rewarding.

“It felt very apt to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to officially open our ED: She was last here in 2009, when she opened the children and young people’s outpatients department we call ‘The Den’ and before that she opened The Scarsdale Maternity and Gynaecology Wing in 1990 – so this is third time very lucky! We’re very grateful and appreciate this historical moment means a lot to the people of Chesterfield and Derbyshire.”

Amongst the facilities The Princess – who is Patron of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and also patron to the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and the Royal College of Midwives – saw was the technology to live monitor patients, a dedicated children and young people’s area and a specialist zone for neurodiverse patients or those experiencing a mental health crisis, all of which mean we are providing a truly world-class facility for the region. The area above the department was also included in the extended tour which includes a state-of-the-art simulation suite and facilities to support training, health and wellbeing of our colleagues. The visit culminated with the unveiling of a special plaque in the reception/class atrium of the ED, alongside natural day light and specially commissioned artwork of the whole Joined Up Care Derbyshire system created by the world famous and local artist Dave Draws.

Dr Lendrum concluded: “ I was interested to talk to The Princess about how patients experience ED. Sometimes (in up to 70% of attendances) people choose to come to an emergency department with less urgent problems – perhaps because they don’t know where to go or because they perceive they will be seen quicker; get all the tests they need done or be treated faster. Our message about ‘if you feel well enough to have your tea, do you really need ED?’ have gone down really well with our communities. It is everyone’s responsibility to use health care services wisely.”

HRH The Princess Royal shaking hands with a member of staff at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Meanwhile, the new name of a hospital ward used by health students as part of their learning at the University of Derby’s Chesterfield site has been unveiled on the same day (12 July) by Her Royal Highness.

The simulation training facility, which has been renamed The Florence Nightingale Ward to honour the founder of modern nursing, features a number of hospital beds, artificial patients and other NHS-standard equipment enabling students to learn in state-of-the-art facilities to prepare them for entering the healthcare workforce.

The new name was unveiled with a plaque by HRH The Princess Royal at the site, which is home to a number of the University’s health and nursing programmes.

Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, said: “Florence Nightingale had strong connections to Derbyshire, and so we are proud to recognise her inspiring and wide-reaching impact through the renaming of our simulation training facility, which enables students to gain experience and develop their skills in a ward environment during their studies.

“As an institution we are renowned for the quality of our health programmes, so it is a tremendous honour to have HRH The Princess Royal visit to see first-hand the opportunities and facilities that the University of Derby has to offer and to unveil our dedicated plaque.”

During the visit, HRH The Princess Royal met academic staff and students, who showcased skills including heart tracing and cannulation. She was also shown a number of posters created by Adult and Mental Health Nursing students, surrounding improving treatment for patients within a variety of health settings including doll therapy for patients with dementia, Huntington’s disease and Motor Neurone disease.

HRH The Princess Royal also had the opportunity to see a demonstration of the Immersive Interactive Simulation Suite – a facility which provides 360° projections of a range of working environments, such as being in an ambulance or an operating theatre, offering students real-world learning opportunities.

Dr Denise Baker, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, said: “At the University, we prepare our students to make a difference to society and our first-class facilities mean students gain the skills to provide exceptional levels of care. We were delighted to showcase this to HRH The Princess Royal and for her to meet with our inspiring staff and students.”

HRH The Princess Royal also met with a breastfeeding support group that the University hosts at its Chesterfield site through its engagement with Derbyshire Voluntary Action.

The High Sheriff of Derbyshire Theresa Peltier, Civic Chair of Derbyshire County Council Councillor David Taylor, the Mayor of Chesterfield Councillor Mick Brady and the MP for Chesterfield Toby Perkins were also in attendance at the event.

For more information about studying in the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, visit:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital and University of Derby support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

HRH The Princess Royal meets nursing students at the University of Derby

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New emergency department now open at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s new Emergency Department has now opened.

The hospital’s new development includes a state-of-the-art approach to patient flow, highly specialised equipment, ultra-modern technology and a real grounding in the community through the locally sourced artwork and wayfinding.

However, the message from the hospital to the public remains that people should only visit the department if they truly need to.

Dr. Katherine Lendrum, Clinical Lead for the UECD and ED Consultant, commented: “The new Emergency Department is an absolutely amazing facility which will provide our local population with Emergency Care but only when they really need it!

“We genuinely hope we don’t need to see people but if someone needs us, we will be there and do our absolute best to give high quality care in a timely manner.

“Emergency departments are open 24/7 365 days a year; they are staffed by a large team of nurses and clinicians (doctors and allied health professionals) who have expertise in immediately life or limb threatening emergencies.”

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive of the Trust, said: “This is a truly fantastic facility for the hospital and the communities we serve. With clinical leadership, engagement at all levels and years of planning, I’m very proud of the skills, experience and hard work that have gone into shaping our new Emergency Department.

“We are on time in opening the facility and have delivered on budget, despite building work starting during Covid. It is testament to a great team who have worked tirelessly to deliver this work. Thank you to everybody involved.”

Dr Anthony Kenny, Programme Director for the Emergency Department development, said: “The new department has the ability to live monitor patients, it has a dedicated children and young people’s area and a specialist zone for neurodiverse patients or those experiencing a mental health crisis, all of which mean we are providing a truly world-class facility for the region.

“The area above the department is one of the proudest ‘added extra’ elements; we have a state-of-the-art simulation suite and facilities which will support training for ED colleagues to provide the best possible care and we have also included modern changing and break-out rooms.”

Dr Lendrum concluded: “Sometimes (in up to 70% of attendances) people choose to come to an emergency department with less urgent problems – perhaps because they don’t know where to go or because they perceive they will be seen quicker; get all the tests they need done or be treated faster.

“Problems that have lasted many days, weeks or months, that you would like a second opinion on or are already being managed by another team often do not fit into an emergency category.

“If you feel well enough to have your tea before coming to an ED think again – could my problem be managed by someone else better tomorrow?! It is everyone’s responsibility to use health care services wisely.”

Alternative sources of help for less urgent problem, particularly out of hours include NHS111, local pharmacies and urgent treatment centres.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

chesterfield royal new Emergency department

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New assessment unit for children and young people opens at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

GPs and clinicians in Chesterfield and beyond will now be able to refer children and young people to a purpose-built £2m state-of-the-art Paediatric Assessment Unit.

The exciting new development, which will care for some of the hospital’s youngest patients has 12 treatment spaces and is adjacent to the paediatric area towards the rear of the hospital. It will ensure that children who have been referred by a healthcare professional can be assessed, investigated and reviewed much more quickly and responsively, in a setting which is far more suited to their short-term needs.

It forms part of the latest round of developments at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital site, and this bespoke unit is not just a new build – it will help to release space on children’s inpatient areas and improving the experience for colleagues and patients. The unit has been designed with children in mind; and features a space for waiting and playing and bright colours in all areas.

Tracy Barker, Lead Nurse for Family Care, said: “We are incredibly excited to see this come to fruition. Previously children who will now be referred to the PAU were treated on our inpatient ward, which is not always the best environment for a short stay.

“We have been able to perform simulation exercises as part of the development to ensure the layout is accessible and fit for purpose. This has meant that we will be able to hit the ground running from opening day.

“I am incredibly proud to see it opening and I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this from day one and to all my colleagues – especially the building team for their flexibility and the domestics team who have worked incredibly hard to get it to sparkle!”

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: “I am delighted that we are opening the PAU, which will provide support and care for our youngest patients and their families. This is just one of many developments on site which will allow us to continue to provide exceptional care for our patients.

“The PAU will receive referrals from clinicians and will work together with our primary care, community and Emergency Department colleagues to provide a complete package of care for our patients. We continue to ask parents and guardians to take children and young people with emergencies to the Emergency Department in the first instance, where we will then assess and potentially move to this area based on a clinical decision.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

royal hospital assessment unit

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Careers in healthcare and how to start your journey

Considering a career in healthcare but unsure where to start? Healthcare is a huge sector that supports hundreds of career paths, meaning there is a job role to suit every background and skill set.

Keep reading to find out why a career in healthcare can be rewarding and to learn about the different career routes to start out in the industry.

Which careers in healthcare can I choose from?

Everyone in the healthcare sector must work towards a common goal – to provide the best care for their patient. You might diagnose physical illnesses and refer for treatment. You could advise on medication, or you could deliver talking therapies. And not forgetting, you might work in a non-clinical role which makes a significant contribution to patient care.

Whichever career in healthcare you choose, you’ll certainly find opportunities in Chesterfield where you can make a difference.

What career routes are available in healthcare?


Apprenticeships can offer an ideal route to your career in healthcare. It means you can earn while you learn and gain a qualification. You can complete an apprenticeship from Level 2, right up to degree level.

We spoke to apprentices from Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Peak Pharmacy, to find out why they chose the apprenticeship route.

Apprentice Town - Find Your Apprenticeship - Social Media Landscape2

Apprentice Town – Find Your Apprenticeship

Peak Pharmacy

Emmie-Mai Hunt, Level 2 Pharmacy Assistant, said: “I became an apprentice as I enjoy practical learning. After 2 years at college, studying a course completely different, I was unsure what career I wanted to pursue. However, I saw this and thought what a great way to earn money whilst learning about something I enjoy – medicine.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship in healthcare, I say go for it! There is never a dull moment. Whether this be with customers or colleagues. The number of opportunities it opens up is never ending.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Clare Smith is a Level 6 Apprentice Diagnostic Radiographer. She said: “By undertaking an apprenticeship, I have been able to further develop my communication skills and critical thinking. I have learnt to facilitate interprofessional collaboration and share clinical judgement to ensure the best possible outcomes.”

Kari Whitaker is a Level 5 Staff Development and Apprenticeship Practitioner. She explained: “My apprenticeship has given me a solid foundation of knowledge and clinical skills, which enables me to pass this on to learners. It has also given me the experience to guide and advise experienced staff that will be supporting the new starters in their work areas.”

Not only can you work towards an apprenticeship in clinical roles, but you can also gain a qualification in a clerical role. Nathan Marriot tells us more about his level 3 apprenticeship in the video below.

Trainee Placement

Ever considered a trainee placement? A placement prepares you for employment or an apprenticeship by allowing you to take part in an education and work experience.

Sidonie Herring, Level 4 Trainee Counsellor at The Therapy and Lifestyle Clinic, said:

“I became a trainee because I wanted a complete career change. I wanted to make sure that I trained properly in this field and took the steps necessary.

The best thing about my placement is the team and support I receive. I feel like it’s a great environment to learn and grow, as well as have the freedom to develop my counselling style.

My placement offers opportunities to attend workshops to develop mental health and counselling skills, no matter how much experience you have AND provide workshops for clients which is great to be a part of. By working in the mental health sector of healthcare it’s highlighted to me how the demand for more mental health help is needed for the public. I like that I have the opportunity to contribute to this.”

Sidonie Herring at The Therapy Lifestyle Clinic

Inspired by the range of careers in healthcare?

With affordable housing and great transport links, starting your career in Chesterfield is a no brainer. If you enjoyed reading what local people think about careers in the healthcare sector, please do look at the career routes on offer with Chesterfield businesses. We’d love to share your story soon.

Browse apprenticeship vacancies in Chesterfield…

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Chesterfield patients to benefit from new ultrasound department open in North Derbyshire

North Derbyshire’s Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) has welcomed its first ultrasound patient, after opening the new service earlier this month.

The centres allow patients to receive care closer to home, in a one-stop style approach, which includes having direct same-day access to tests such as ultrasound, x-ray and phlebotomy (blood tests).

The ultrasound department at Whitworth Hospital is located in Darley Dale, Matlock and is staffed by Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust colleagues.

Jason Rotherham, 50, from Eckington was the first patient to use the service, after starting his patient journey when he visited his GP with shoulder pain.

He was given exercises and pain relief, however after a few weeks he found the pain was not improving. Following a physiotherapy appointment in Eckington, and an x-ray at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Jason was offered an ultrasound at the North Derbyshire Community Diagnostic Centre in Matlock. The aim was to investigate the pain and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Jason said: “Although Chesterfield Royal Hospital is technically nearer to me, I chose to attend Whitworth Hospital because they offered me an appointment much quicker – in fact, it was the next day!

“It is fantastic to be able to now get a quicker diagnosis for my shoulder, meaning I can now get on with my day. The quick turnaround also means that my physiotherapist can take a look at my ultrasound instantly and get me booked in for another appointment quickly.

“The staff I spoke to, including Nic the sonographer, were very helpful and caring. Although further from home, I really didn’t mind the extra few minutes drive as it meant I got an appointment much quicker.  I was also in and out in about 15 minutes, so I certainly saved more time there too. It is a fantastic new service, with new lovely rooms and equipment so I felt very comfortable. An added bonus is having free parking.”

Nic Sowden, Ultrasonographer, performed the first ultrasound at the new Community Diagnostic Centre on Friday, 17 March.

Nic said: “The new ultrasound CDC service at Whitworth Hospital means more patients can be seen faster, supporting a quicker diagnosis and treatment. We’re looking forward to further expanding the service including longer opening hours and establishing a link with other clinics to create more streamlined pathways – like podiatry.

“We’ve seen an increase of around 20% for the number of ultrasounds taking place across our region, so this extra service will support the demand across our North Derbyshire community. It was fantastic being able to open this new service, and to also welcome our first patients having ultrasounds here, including Jason. I really look forward to seeing what is next for the Community Diagnostic Centre and look forward to expanding our services further.”

Melissa Dalton, Clinical Lead for Urgent Care and Specialist Services at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Whitworth Hospital, said: “This is very good news for patients who can now come here for ultrasound and other diagnostic tests, including seven day a week x-ray facilities.

“The development of Community Diagnostic Centres, like the one being developed here, means that patients get easier and often quicker access to diagnostic services to help clinicians plan the best course of treatment for them. We are delighted to be able to offer these facilities to patients across North Derbyshire.”

Patients still have the option to attend appointments at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, however you may receive an appointment quicker if you are able to attend North Derbyshire’s Community Diagnostic Centre, located at Whitworth Hospital.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Ultrasound - CDC

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City Taxis welcomes Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity as its Chesterfield charity of the year

Having pledged to support a small charity in each of their operating areas, local taxi company City Taxis has announced its latest charity partner for 2023 – the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity.

Chesterfield Royal Charity supports both the patients and staff at the hospital, by improving the environment and facilities on offer, all designed to enhance care and wellbeing. Through donations, the charity goes above and beyond to provide more than what is offered through ‘normal NHS funding’, from relaxation gardens and MRI scanners to water stations and mental health support for staff.

The Charity is currently working on its ‘Care for the Carers Appeal’ which is funding a £2m Health and Wellbeing Hub, which is being built on the hospital site. The Hub will offer all staff a safe place to actively look after their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Amongst the hub’s facilities will be a gym, counselling rooms and complimentary therapies.

Sacha Skinner, Marketing Manager at City Taxis, said: “Since finalising our City Charity strategy, we have worked with our Site Managers to select several local charities that we believe could really benefit from our support.

“In summer (2022) we teamed up with Sheffield Hospitals Charity to throw a ‘Thank You NHS Gala Ball’, where all funds were donated to the charity’s ‘We’ve Got You’ Campaign – dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of NHS staff across Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.

“When we learned that Chesterfield Royal Charity were also working on a large project to support the health and wellbeing of their staff, we knew this was something we wanted to get involved with.

“We are very proud to be supporting such a wonderful charity and very much looking forward to getting involved in lots of fundraising activities and volunteering to support this project.”

Ken Godber, Director at Chesterfield Royal Charity, said: “We are extremely proud to welcome City Taxis on board to support for our ‘Care for the Carers’ appeal.

“We know the Health and Wellbeing Hub will make a huge difference to the 4,500 colleagues working at the hospital.

“It’s been a very difficult time for the NHS and with support from City Taxis for the whole of 2023 we think we’ll be able to make even more investments in the Hub.

“Thank you to them and all their drivers for this commitment.”

In 2022, six members of the City Taxis team took on the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k to help raise funds for the Health and Wellbeing Hub build, which is set to open in spring 2023. Visit the link for more information:

City Taxis and Chesterfield Royal Hospital support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


City Taxis at the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k

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Final brick laid on £2m Health and Wellbeing Hub for NHS Staff

The final brick has been laid in the building of the purpose-built £2m Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT’s Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Funded by Chesterfield Royal Charity, the first-of-its-kind Hub will provide modern facilities for all 4,500 colleagues on the hospital site. Badged ‘caring for carers’– it will provide services and facilities for those hospital colleagues working around the clock at the Trust, providing direct and indirect care to all our local communities and families.

The Health and Wellbeing Hub is looking to be available seven days a week for colleagues to utilise and enjoy, with facilities to include: Counselling rooms, ensuring support for the mental health & wellbeing of our colleagues; complimentary therapies; gym equipment and areas for group or individual reflections after traumatic incidents.

Beverley Webster OBE, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Hub Development Board and Atulkumar Patel MBE, Chair of Chesterfield Royal Charity were tasked with laying the final brick on the Hub – known as a Topping Out ceremony. As well as laying the final brick, there was also a sneak peek inside of the Hub to see where the rooms are starting to take shape.

Beverley Webster MBE, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Hub Development Board, said: “It’s so exciting to see the Hub take shape. The initial vision is becoming a reality and I cannot wait to see how all colleagues benefitting from it.”

Opening in Spring 2023, the appeal continues for all local people, groups, teams and businesses to now contribute, fundraise and back this ambitious and exciting project which will provide health and wellbeing support for our local NHS heroes.

Atulkumar Patel MBE, Chair of Chesterfield Royal Charity, added: “The charity is proud to be able to support our wonderful staff. It was a privilege to lay the final brick on behalf of our many supporters such as DSFS, Westfield Health and NHS Charities Together and, of course, the many staff who have also helped to fundraise for the Hub. The progression made is fantastic thanks to Stepnell’s dedicated workers. Bring on Spring 2023!”

To support the Chesterfield Royal Charity and to raise or donate funds for the Health and Wellbeing Hub, please visit:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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