Chesterfield Town Board

Have your say and help shape the future of Chesterfield

Residents, businesses, community groups and organisations in Chesterfield are being asked to have their say on how they think almost £20m worth of investment should be spent to help improve the town over the next 10 years.

A new and independent board, called the Chesterfield Town Board, is driving forward this investment and wants to hear people’s views to understand local issues and priorities as well as ideas for the future of Chesterfield.

People can put forward their views as part of an online survey – which will be open until noon on Monday 24 June – and a series of engagement sessions are also being held with local community groups and organisations.

Dominic Staniforth, Chair of the Chesterfield Town Board, said: “Listening to local people and understanding how residents, businesses and community representatives think this money should be best invested is at the heart of our plans.

“This means our investment proposals will be developed by local people for local people: bringing together residents, business, and community leaders to devise and agree a shared vision for the future.

“It’s really important that we hear from as many people as possible, to understand local issues and priorities as well as ideas that people may have for the future of Chesterfield.”

The short survey asks people to answer a series of brief questions, seeking their views on how the funding should be spent on projects which fit into three key themes:

  • Safety and security – this could include projects which help to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour, for example.
  • High streets, heritage and regeneration – this could include projects which would enhance the town, making the place more attractive and accessible to residents, businesses and visitors.
  • Transport and connectivity – this could include projects which support improved access to the town centre, including work to support greener modes of travel, as well as public transport options.

People’s views will be used to help shape the development of a long-term vision statement and three-year investment plan setting out how and where the money will be spent.

Dominic added: “Chesterfield is a great town full of wonderful people and organisations that share a common purpose to make it even better – a place to live, work, invest and study – so please do spare a few minutes to complete our short survey and be part of our shared ambitions for the town.”

Local business leader Dominic Staniforth was appointed as Chair of the Board. He sits alongside representatives from other local businesses, community and voluntary organisations, and the public sector, including representation from Chesterfield Borough Council.

The survey can be accessed at:

For more information about Chesterfield Town Board visit

Birdseye view of Chesterfield market place with stalls and people

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New Chesterfield Town Board launched to drive almost £20m investment in the town

Plans to invest almost £20m in Chesterfield over the next decade have taken a major step forward, with the launch of a new independent board which will oversee how and where the funding is spent.

Local business leader Dominic Staniforth has been appointed to chair the new Chesterfield Town Board – sitting alongside representatives from other local businesses, community and voluntary organisations, and the public sector, including representation from Chesterfield Borough Council.

It follows the Government’s ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns’ announcement in October last year, which named Chesterfield as one of 55 UK towns to benefit from the new funding initiative – which aims to give local communities a greater voice in shaping improvements across the town.

Board members have now held their first formal meeting where it was agreed to run a public consultation exercise in June, giving local people the chance to have their say on how the money should be invested.

In line with Government guidance, a representative of Chesterfield Borough Council sits on the board, and the authority will also act as the board’s accountable body.  However, all decisions about how the £19.5m worth of endowment-style funding is invested will be made by the Chesterfield Town Board, in consultation with local people.

Dominic Staniforth is a Partner at BHP LLP Chartered Accountants – which has a base at One Waterside Place – and has been an active part of Chesterfield’s business community for many years. Speaking in his role as Chair of the Board, he said: “Chesterfield is already a great town full of wonderful people and organisations that share a common purpose to make it even better – a place to live, work, invest and study – and this funding will further bolster our ability to deliver on that collective ambition.

Dominic Staniforth BHP

Dominic Staniforth, BHP LLP Chartered Accountants

“I am honoured to have been invited to become Chair of the new Chesterfield Town Board and it’s fantastic that leaders from across the town, and the council, have already begun work to identify how and where this funding could make the greatest impact for local residents and businesses.

“Listening to the views of local people and understanding where they think this investment could make the biggest difference is at the heart of this work and we will be sharing more information about how to get involved in the coming weeks.”

Working closely with the council, the Board will now oversee the development of a long-term vision statement and three-year investment plan – to be developed following consultation with local people, and based on what they see as priority areas for investment. This must be submitted to the Government for approval later this summer.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “We have really strong and innovative business and community networks here in Chesterfield and this is again another great opportunity to bring people together – backed by millions of pounds worth of funding – to deliver projects which will make a real difference to the quality of people’s lives over the next 10 years.

“We’re delighted to welcome Dominic to the role of Chair, as a local business leader with extensive experience of the area, and a shared passion and commitment to make the town of Chesterfield thrive for generations to come.”

In line with Government guidance, the funding must be spent across three key themes, which include:

  • Safety and security – to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour.
  • High streets, heritage, and regeneration – making the place more attractive and accessible to residents, businesses, and visitors.
  • Transport and connectivity – improving access to the town centre, supporting greener modes of travel and enhancing public transport options.

More information about the Chesterfield Town Board and how people can get involved in shaping its future plans will be shared soon.

View of the Crooked Spire from above

Image courtesy of Derbyshire Economic Partnership

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