chesterfield town centre

New Chesterfield store can provide portraits of your pooch

A new shop has opened in Chesterfield catering to every need of our canine companions, providing portraits, natural treats and remedies, handmade collars, personalised dog-themed gifts, luxury toys and much more.

Barkworthy Dog Emporium can be found in the Theatre Yard area of Chesterfield Town Centre, after owners Anthony and Carole Foster decided to relocate to the town from Manchester.

Anthony said: “We moved to Chesterfield from Manchester in July this year with the intention of escaping the congestion and overcrowding of city life. We had heard about Chesterfield and its historic roots but were unprepared for how clean and unspoilt it really was.

“It’s fair to say we were captivated by the town immediately, its bustling market and quaint alleys which led us to all sorts of independent local shops. This immediately piqued our interest, for that is exactly what we planned to do. Set up a quirky, emporium style outlet that catered for dog lovers everywhere, focused on natural products and ethically sustainable.”

Anthony says the shop was almost exclusively online, with the new store being the couple’s first bricks-and-mortar venture. Anthony explained that one of the things that drew them to the town was the efforts to drive more visitors into the town as part of the #LoveChesterfield campaign:

“We were heartened to see stilt-walkers in flowing robes, flower displays and colourful entertainment designed to entice shoppers back to the area. We understood this was undoubtedly part of a concerted campaign, and such efforts could only be beneficial for anybody wanting to set up business here.

“It seemed that people liked to shop local, to see and feel the products they were buying and the wealth of small businesses prospering cheek-by-jowl with the usual retail giants bore that out. We spoke to stallholders and small business owners, who naturally bemoaned the tribulations of a difficult year, but were generally satisfied and optimistic for the future. This gave us hope and confidence.

“When we saw the empty shop on Theatre Yard in the Low Pavement area, with its high vaulted windows and niche appeal in a creative little space, it immediately felt as though our vision had found its natural home.”

Following that, Anthony was quickly in touch with Chesterfield Borough Council’s commercial property team, to explore the possibility of moving into the new store.

He explained: “We set about pursuing a lease from the council for this property, which in addition to being perfect for our new venture, serendipitously housed a huge statue of a dog outside!

“Claire and Hannah from the council were incredibly helpful, answering our questions and taking the time to keep us apprised at every stage. Claire even responded to one email inquiry on a Sunday evening, when I imagine most people would much rather be relaxing in front of the TV with a glass of wine!

“Knowing we were dealing with real people who were just as invested as ourselves made all the difference in coming to a decision to choose Chesterfield for our business.”

The store is now open to visitors, and Anthony explained why the store will provide a unique experience for dog-lovers in Chesterfield and beyond:

“Carole is the trustee of a charity which rescues and rehomes unwanted Sled Dogs and Northern breeds, while I am an artist specialising in pastel portraits of wildlife and pets.

“Dedicating part of the shop as a studio and sitting in the window at my easel seemed a good way to attract visitors, while Carole’s contacts with various artisan pet suppliers through her charity work stood us in good stead to bring products and services to the area that are a little different to the standard fayre purveyed through the chain pet stores.

“As well as artisan treats, dog deli style birthday cakes and gift boxes, we have a wealth of handmade items, collars and leads and also personalised mugs, bags, cushions and photo gifts upon which patrons can have their favourite pet pictures imprinted.

“We treat our dogs like family, spoiling and pampering them, always looking for that one gift or treat that makes their tails wag that bit harder. Our overarching ambition for Barkworthy Dog Emporium is to embrace with the community of Chesterfield a shared love of pets and create a local, friendly, accessible port of call for all their dog’s needs.”

You can find out more about locating your business in Chesterfield at:

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Vicar Lane encourages visitors to enjoy a ‘Blind date with a book’

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre has teamed up with The Works and Waterstones to bring an innovative initiative to the shopping centre, aimed at getting more local people to enjoy reading.

In celebration of National Read a Book Day, customers can enjoy a Blind Date with a Book – completely free.

From Monday 6th September, Vicar Lane is encouraging people to head to St James Square where they’ll find a ‘Reading Zone’, complete with beanbags and deckchairs, and the Blind Date with a Book set up.

Locals can have a read of the brief synopsis on the wrapped books, and pick one that takes their fancy.

The Reading Zone will be in situ at the shopping centre in the heart of Chesterfield for the week.

Shaun Brown, Operations Manager, Vicar Lane said ‘’We’re excited to celebrate National Read a Book Day with the launch of Blind Date with a Book.

“We all lead busy lives and it’s hard to remember to leave time for ourselves, so by setting up a Reading Zone at the shopping centre, we hope people will be encouraged to take time out of their day to sit down and read a book!’’

The latest initiative comes off the back of the popular Summer Zone at Vicar Lane, which saw residents treated to some of the best sporting action on the big screen in St James Square over July and August, along with pop-up bars and food vendors.

The centre is home to a wide range of both quirky, independent shops and cafes, sitting alongside well-known national high-street retailers. Find out more about the shopping centre here.

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Council bids for £20m of Government money to further boost Chesterfield town centre transformation and cultural offering

Plans to create a modern and extended customer experience at the Stephenson Memorial Hall – which houses Chesterfield’s Pomegranate Theatre, and Museum – are at the heart of a bid for almost £20m worth of Government funding submitted by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The council’s bid to the Levelling Up Fund makes the case for an allocation of £11m towards the costs of a £15.6m project to remodel and refurbish Chesterfield’s ‘striking’ Stephenson Memorial Hall.

Under the plans, the refurbished Hall would bring together under one roof an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum offering, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities.

If successful, the remaining £8.5m would be immediately allocated to further regenerate Chesterfield’s historic town centre, with investment centred on four key public spaces – Corporation Street, Rykneld Square, Market Square and New Square – and how these are connected to one another.

These spaces would be re-imagined for a range of flexible uses including markets, festivals, events, cultural celebrations, and community gatherings in a programme that will aim to complement the offering at Stephenson Memorial Hall and other key town centre assets such as the Church of St Mary and All Saints (Crooked Spire) and Market Hall Assembly Rooms.

The funding would enable delivery of a vastly improved public realm alongside new seating, landscaping, lighting, and signage, and a step change in digital connectivity.

The proposals are the next stage of the council’s ambitious plans to transform Chesterfield town centre and make sure the borough’s market traders, retailers and other employers are strongly positioned to recover from the long-term economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We recognise the need to invest in Chesterfield town centre to make sure it remains a vibrant place for generations to come – providing great opportunities and experiences for local people and businesses, and keeping Chesterfield on the map as a go-to place for visitors.

“We’re already making significant progress on our £1bn borough-wide growth programme to create new jobs for local people, support new business start-ups, improve employability through better skills provision, revitalise former industrial sites and attract new investment.

“But our ambitions don’t stop there. Here in Chesterfield, we have a compelling story to tell and a prosperous future ahead of us – one which we firmly believe is deserving of further investment as part of the Government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda.

“The council’s bid seeks funding to invest in another round of ambitious projects which will further bolster our work to transform how Chesterfield town centre looks and feels, while creating a flagship visitor experience in one of the town’s most iconic and striking buildings.”

The Government’s £4.8bn Levelling Up Fund is open to local councils to support investment in town centre and high street regeneration, local transport projects, and cultural and heritage assets.

Chesterfield Borough Council expects to hear in November 2021 whether its bid has been successful.

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Local Work Experience Programme a Huge Success at Vicar Lane

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre’s recent work experience programme has been hailed as a huge success, after independent retailers helped with providing a 10-week work course for learners from Shirebrook.

The programme, put together by Shaun Brown, Centre Manager of Vicar Lane, and Sandra Currey, Programme Development Worker for Derbyshire Adult Community Education Services (DACES), saw five young learners from Shirebrook work with the centre’s independent outlets (Qoozies, Nana B Baby Boutique, Shop Indie and Gorilla Garms), as well as the Centre Management team.

The programme helped the learners to broaden their horizons, raise their aspirations and understand the reality of the world of work.

Each week, the learners began their day with an introductory session at the Centre Management Suite, before heading off to work in the participating independent outlets from 10am until 3pm. They then ended the day back at the Centre Management Suite where they reflected on their day’s work.

Taking part in the work experience programme has enabled the learners to bridge the gap between their education and the world of work, and helped them to find out more about potential career paths that are open to them.

The Shirebrook learners, said:

  • ‘’The programme has gone very well, I was quite nervous at the start but once I met Shaun, I felt a lot more comfortable and as the weeks kept going, I starting to feel a lot more confident. The placement has helped me decide what I want to do in the future.’’
  • ‘’My favourite part of the placement was getting to know all the staff and being able to get along with everyone because they are so friendly – I was offered an apprenticeship opportunity, and this has boosted my confidence.’’
  • ‘’Doing this work experience has helped me gain the confidence to work with the general-public, and work in a professional manner and to be able to handle working under pressure.’’
  • ‘’I have really enjoyed the online side of the business – it has been interesting tracking the customers who shop online and sending emails to them to let them know their order is on the way.’’
  • ‘’My placement has been amazing – this programme has helped me with talking to new people and has improved my confidence.’’
  • ‘’My placement has been great! I have gained confidence and learnt how to deal with difficult situations in a professional way.’’

Carole Healey, Programme Development Manager, said: “I was extremely impressed by the care, support and professionalism of Shaun. The fact that in order to facilitate our learners to the best of his ability and support them, Shaun also undertook to gain a teaching qualification in record time!”

“The inspirational way in which Shaun engages with our young people and the staff who have hosted them in their chosen work placements, is very evident. I could see for myself the difference it made. I witnessed the increase in confidence and maturity that this programme has given them.

“I would like to thank Shaun and everyone involved in this programme. The impact on these young people cannot be underestimated and I know they will carry this experience as a positive in their lives.”

Sandra Currey, Programme Development Worker, said: “Shaun was instrumental in setting up initial meetings with the employers and encouraging them to take part in the work experience pilot and he has taken an active role each week by delivering an excellent induction and several Nearpod lessons based around health and safety to ensure that learners were prepared for the world of work.”

“Shaun went over and above our expectations and undertook the Award in Education and Training qualification before the placement started to ensure that he delivered a professional service for our learners – we can’t thank him enough.”

“Shaun has enhanced the Study Programme curriculum by his involvement and everyone at DACES hopes that the project can continue in the future.”

Bev McKenzie, Study Programme Worker and Tutor, said: “Vicar Lane Shopping Centre and Shaun Brown have been tremendous in providing our students with the best possible work placement for their Customer Service qualification and work experience.

“Shaun supported them throughout the process and communicated with the tutors regularly so to ensure the project ran smoothly. We have created a great working relationship with Shaun and look forward to working with him in Sept 2021 when our new cohort are on board.”

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Love Chesterfield Community Market Launches

People are being invited to show their appreciation for local community and voluntary organisations which provided a lifeline during the pandemic, with the launch of a new Love Chesterfield Community Market event being held this summer.

The family-friendly day will give local charities, community and voluntary organisations a chance to promote their work and raise much-needed funds following the challenges of the last 18 months.

It is being organised by Chesterfield Borough Council as part of the new-look summer events programme, and will be a chance for local people to come together and say thank you for the vital support which these grassroots organisations provide to the borough’s residents.

Local groups are now being invited to book their free place at the market, which will be held in Chesterfield town centre on Tuesday 10 August.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy, said: “Over the last year the community and voluntary sector has been a lifeline for our community and this is our chance to thank them and to help support their fundraising efforts to ensure they can continue the incredible work that they do.”

There will be a variety of stalls, street food, walkabout entertainment and small funfair rides. A competition for the best dressed stall will also run on the day.

Regular market traders will also be able to book a place on the Market for just £10 per stall with all money raised going to the Mayor’s Appeal, which is raising funds for The Volunteer Centre – Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield Samaritans this year.

Local charity, voluntary and community organisations are being invited to take a free stall on the market to promote the work that they do and fundraise. Stalls will need to be prebooked in advance via

The Love Chesterfield campaign is being run by the council and Destination Chesterfield to encourage people to discover or rediscover the great shopping and leisure experiences that the town centre and high streets have to offer, as restrictions continue to ease. People can find out more at

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Prominent former council building to be converted into dozens of apartments

A building on the edge of Chesterfield Town Centre is set to be given a new lease of life, with work starting on the conversion of the former North East Derbyshire District Council offices on Saltergate.

The developer, Homes by Holmes has unveiled plans to turn the prominent building into 59 contemporary apartments, with a generous split of three bed, two bed and one bed properties.

Despite being in such a prominent location in the town, the property has stood vacant for over four years. However the company says it plans to bring the building back to its former glory.

The firm has outlined a 24-month build timescale for full completion, with an aim of having the first phase of apartments ready for occupation before Christmas 2022.

Homes by Holmes believes the project will bring countless benefits to the town, including job prospects and work for local businesses, contributing towards the revival of the town centre and high-street retailers with increased footfall, and an opportunity for local residents to get on the property ladder in the face of current housing shortages.

Securing the development also means a lot to the company’s owner, James Holmes, who grew up working on the Chesterfield’s historic markets.

He said: “I’m extremely pleased to have secured this development because of my family’s connections to Chesterfield. I see it as a big responsibility to regenerate the building and the immediate vicinity.

“I’m proud of the fact that I’ve built the business into a position that we can make a difference in the town I have such a connection to, particularly in a building that is so high-profile. I really think we’re bringing something better here.

“Subject to us getting planning permission by the end of the month, I would expect the first phase to take around 15 months and we’re hoping for the second phase to only be six months behind that, with a potential third phase taking around a year.”

The company has already taken steps to make the site more pleasing on the eye, including the installation of colourful banners in the windows of the building to celebrate the Chesterfield ‘In-Bloom’ campaign, which aims to make the town a cleaner and greener place to live, work and visit.

To find out more about the wide range of regeneration taking place across Chesterfield, go to

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New festival aims to build on town’s recent plastic-free accolade

Chesterfield campaign group, Plastic Free Chesterfield, is aiming to build on their recent Plastic Free Community award by organising a Plastic Free Festival, taking place on Sunday 8th August, 10am-5pm on New Square at Chesterfield market.

Organisers say the Plastic Free Festival aims to be the one-stop place to help people to reduce their single-use plastics. At the event, festival-goers can enjoy a plastic-free marketplace with stallholders selling products that encourage a plastic-free lifestyle, with businesses such as the award-winning Steph’s Sustainable Stuff, Elsie Moss Botanical, Astra Designs UK and Smarties Fruit & Veg.

Alongside the stalls will be craft recycling and upcycling workshops provided by local crafters. And to provide a festival-feel, there’ll be live music and dance performances along with food and drink courtesy of local Plastic Free Champion business, El Cafe Verde.

Special guest performances on the day include Nick Toczec, Yorkshire poet and entertainer, as well as the Chesterfield Garland Dancers. Local budding poets are being asked to take part in a Plastic Free Poetry competition, with winners performing at the festival itself.

So that the event can live up to its name, attendees will be encouraged to bring their own reusable bags, cups, coffee mugs and containers. And two Crooked Spire branded festival cups (a reusable coffee cup and a half pint cup), sponsored by local Chesterfield businesses, will be available either to loan or buy at the event.


The festival is sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council, with over £700 of funding for the event coming from the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy grant scheme.

Greg Hewitt, Plastic Free Chesterfield Community Lead said: “The Plastic Free Festival will be a really great opportunity to show off the fantastic work that the Chesterfield community have achieved so far to reduce their single-use plastics, celebrating our recent Plastic Free Community accreditation. The festival is the first of its kind in the area and aims to help the public to discover some fantastic local independent businesses, of which all are reducing their plastic footprint.”

“We are delighted that not only has Chesterfield Borough Council given us some funding to be able to run the event, they’ve also given us permission to hold the festival on New Square on Chesterfield market. It will be a great family fun day out.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re proud to be funding the Plastic Free Festival, by working together with the community we can make real changes that will help improve the local environment and help us all reduce our carbon footprint.”

“The festival is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to understand how they can lead a plastic-free lifestyle. But it is also an important celebration of the businesses and organisations that have helped our town become an accredited Plastic Free Community.”

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Chesterfield Borough Council secures the future of The Pavements Shopping Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council has completed the purchase of The Pavements Shopping Centre – a move which ensures the council can lead and control the future development of this key town centre site.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “The Pavements Shopping Centre is an important part of Chesterfield’s town centre offer. It is home to be a mix of national brand and independent retailers and still attracts good footfall for a shopping centre of its age.

“By bringing the freehold and leasehold interests together, the council will be able to better control the future direction of the shopping centre, shape the Southern Gateway to Chesterfield town centre and ensure alignment with our other ambitious plans to put the beat back into the heart of our town.

“It’s a chance for the council and its partners to re-imagine and re-purpose the current shopping centre and, in time, create a landmark mixed-use regeneration scheme.”

Chesterfield Borough Council has always owned the land (the freehold) on which The Pavements is built and also manages and operates the shopping centre on a day to day basis, but the leasehold has been held until now by a successor company to the CIN Pension Fund which originally built The Pavements back in the early 1980s.

Before moving forward with the purchase, the council sought specialist advice from independent property investment advisors, who concluded that the proposal to consolidate the freehold and leasehold interests under the council’s exclusive control was financially prudent in the current economic climate.

Councillor Gilby added: “This purchase will not only help ensure The Pavements Shopping Centre is a key part of our long-term strategy for re-vitalising the town centre, it also protects the council’s financial position.”

Retailers and shoppers will not notice any immediate changes in the day to day management and operation of the Pavements Shopping Centre. Any emerging plans for the future direction of the shopping centre will be communicated to retailers in the first instance and when better defined will also be subject to wider public consultation.


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Chesterfield’s Bee Orchid set to blossom in new town centre store

A popular independent and family-run shop in Chesterfield has announced a move into a new store, placed in a prominent position on Packers Row in the town centre.

The Bee Orchid Home and Gifts has been open in The Shambles since 2017, stocking a range of quirky gifts and homewares, greetings cards and silk flowers.

However, owner Charlotte Harris says after re-evaluating in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, she felt that now was the right time to move into a new location.

The move was also made possible after the shop was able to gain access support via the government’s bounce back loan scheme.

Charlotte commented: “We are passionate about the British countryside, nature and wildlife and this is reflected in the products we offer. We always have a friendly welcome for you when you visit our store.

“We wanted to combine our love for nature and wildlife and stock gifts and homewares which reflected this, as we felt we couldn’t find shops which offered this. We have built up a sound customer base of people who love what we do, and we want to grow this in our new shop.”

“We want to grow the business and expand the choice of quirky and country-style gifts and home accessories, and also offer more sustainably sourced products; something else we are extremely passionate about.”

The Bee Orchid is also urging people to support the town’s high street retailers, as Chesterfield looks to bounce back from the lockdown restrictions imposed over the last year.

Charlotte added: “Our message is to shop small. Chesterfield has many amazing independent businesses where you can pick up something beautiful and unique. You just have to know where to look, as there are many hidden gems.

“We also believe that there is nothing like the shopping experience you get from being in a physical store with excellent customer service. We acknowledge there are some empty shops in town at the moment, but there are many initiatives going on to improve this situation. If people continue to support independents, it will continue to become a vibrant place to visit and Chesterfield will thrive!”

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Vicar Lane launches ‘Summer Zone’ showing Wimbledon and other sporting events

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre, in Chesterfield, is celebrating ‘all things summer’ at its Summer Zone in St James Square from 28th June.

The fun will start by serving up all the Wimbledon action on the big screen from 28th June to 11th July, meaning that customers can indulge in a spot of shopping and not miss out on any of the sporting action throughout the summer.

Plus, from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th July, customers can enjoy food and drink from pop-ups such as Salute (Pimm’s and prosecco) and Fairy Floss (strawberries and cream).

Customers will find an area especially laid to lawn, adorned with deck chairs and bistro sets, as well as a table tennis table and a giant ‘Up 4 It’ game.

Customers of Vicar Lane will find a wide range of stores, including H&M, Holland & Barrett, New Look, JD and Superdrug, as well as the popular indie stores, Nana B Baby Boutique, Gorilla Garms, Clarissa’s Interiors, Shop Indie and Precious Memories.

Visitors to the shopping centre can also enjoy a quick coffee (and cake!) break at Vintage Tearooms, or a relaxing lunch at Qoozies.

Shaun Brown, Operations Manager, Vicar Lane says, ‘’We’re really excited about summer at Vicar Lane. No matter what you’re up to in the heart of Chesterfield, there’s no need to miss a moment of the sporting fun this summer as we’ll be screening all the televised action on our big screen.’’

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.



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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to take up free membership of crime-fighting partnership

Chesterfield businesses can now access free membership of crime-fighting partnership run by East Midlands Chamber and Derbyshire PCC after funding from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Up to 2,000 businesses in Chesterfield and Staveley can now sign up for free to an East Midlands Chamber-run scheme that helps to reduce town centre crime and anti-social behaviour – as new figures show the cost of crime is rising for retailers.

Starting this month, retailers, hospitality venues and other companies can access Disc, an online crime information-sharing system that connects businesses with local police forces, as part of the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP).

The BCRP, which is run in partnership with Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster, secured funding from Chesterfield Borough Council to roll out the scheme, which usually costs up to £100 to join, at no cost for the first 12 months in a bid to maximise its effectiveness by encouraging more businesses to join the 80 current members.

It follows the launch of the Love Chesterfield campaign by the council and Destination Chesterfield last month to support the town’s retail, hospitality and leisure sectors as national lockdown eases.

Jackie Roberts, BCRP manager at the Chamber, said: “Businesses in town and city centres have struggled during the pandemic and crime will only make this worse, so it’s important to have a safe town centre to attract people back after lockdown.

“The Disc portal is an integral part of crime reduction strategies as it makes it so much easier for businesses to share intelligence about incidents and offender images between members, police, community safety officers and other partners such as the BCRP team.

“We’ve had a lot of reports during lockdown because police resources have been really stretched due to Covid, so the BCRP fills the gap where police can’t deal with petty crime.

“By working with local authorities such as Chesterfield Borough Council, we’re delighted to offer this scheme for free to businesses in order to make them more resilient – a key theme during the post-Covid economic recovery.”

New Derbyshire PCC and Chesterfield Borough Council support BCRP

The British Retail Consortium’s 2021 Retail Crime Survey, published last week, found there were 455 violent or abusive incidents towards staff per day nationally in 2019/20 – up 7% from the previous year.

The total cost of crime has also risen from £700m in 2016/17 to £1.3bn in 2019/20 – with customer theft the most significant, costing companies £935m – while the cost to retailers of crime and crime prevention was £2.5bn last year, an increase of 14% on the previous 12-month period.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This project will help strengthen the link between business and the police, which in turn will help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our town to encourage more people to visit Chesterfield and give local businesses the boost they need.

“I want to encourage every local business to sign up to this programme because I believe it will be a positive step for our town. It shows how we can work together to build a thriving borough.”

Benefits of widening BCRP for gathering intelligence

Jackie added: “The hope is that by signing up businesses for the first year, they will be able to see the benefits of continuing with the scheme thereafter.

“The more businesses that are involved in the BCRP scheme and sharing information, the stronger it will be – and the better the area will be as a result.

“Councils and regeneration teams are placing crime reduction high on the agenda in order to bring back footfall into their towns.

“It also removes barriers to reporting crime as the Disc system automatically notifies the police when an incident is logged, while police are able to input feedback so businesses can follow what happens to offenders.”

Anyone interested in discussing how to get involved with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership can email

Chesterfield derbyshire World Mental Health Day 2019

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