Community Chesterfield

Community partnership project invites businesses to shape new consortium

A partnership project between the University of Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary Action is inviting Chesterfield-based businesses to an online focus group to assist in shaping a new business consortium.

Community Chesterfield, which works to strengthen local communities by bringing the University and local voluntary groups together, is set to launch a consortium to bring these same benefits to the business community.

To help structure the consortium, Community Chesterfield is hosting an exclusive focus group to give businesses from Chesterfield and the surrounding areas with more than 50 employees the opportunity to discuss how the new scheme could benefit them and establish new and mutually beneficial relationships across the region.

The consortium, which will be launched in the summer of 2022, will enable a select group of businesses, academics and voluntary sector organisations to transform the skills and knowledge in the region and strengthen our communities.

The consortium is being designed to enable the exploration of new opportunities to collaborate and work across the voluntary and business sectors, helping businesses to meet staff development and wider company needs, including a focus on corporate social responsibility and employee health and wellbeing, as well as creating positive stories to share.

Jenny Raschbauer project manager at Community Chesterfield, said: “Community Chesterfield is a polit project, so we are in the fortunate position of being able to come up with ways to further achieve our goal of strengthening the local voluntary and community sector here in Chesterfield.”

“The goal of the business consortium is to create a network of cross-sector individuals and organisations who can work collaboratively to bring create opportunities that benefit all parties, whilst ultimately having a positive impact with the Chesterfield area.”

“The benefits to businesses of the consortium will also be rigorously evaluated and assessed by University of Derby members, so participants will have evidential data about how working alongside community organisations in this way has been an advantage to them. It really is a win win situation.”

Attendees at the focus group, which takes place on 27 January, will receive a free Colleague Box business breakfast delivered to your address.

To sign up to the free event visit the Community Chesterfield Eventbrite page at

For more information about Community Chesterfield, click here

The University of Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary Action support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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‘Experts by Experience’ wanted by Community Chesterfield

Community Chesterfield, which links up the skills, knowledge and experience at the University of Derby with those of the local voluntary and community sector, is looking for ‘Experts by Experience’ from within the local community.

The project’s Experts by Experience scheme sees members of the community working within the voluntary and community sector contribute to lectures at the University of Derby.  It’s a great chance to help widen the horizons of future health professionals by sharing real life experiences on health and social care related topics.

Whether you are a community group wishing to enlighten our future health care professionals or a University Lecturer wanting to enrich your student’s learning, Experts by Experience can be of huge benefit to all.

Past speakers from the community sector have been experienced in subjects such as:

  • Hearing/sight loss
  • Being a family carer
  • Medications management
  • Mental health issues
  • Fibromyalgia

However, Community Chesterfield is currently looking for a range of expertise in all areas of health and social care and would love to hear from you!

If you have a lived experience that you’d like to share, why not contact Community Chesterfield via to discuss becoming an ‘Expert by Experience’.  A small financial contribution is paid to your charity of choice by way of thanks.

If you are a University lecturer and would like an ‘Expert by Experience’ to deliver a session to your students about a particular topic, you are also being invited to contact Community Chesterfield in order to arrange this.

Community Chesterfield is a Lottery funded project between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and University of Derby. For more information about Community Chesterfield, visit

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital Trusts Carers Project

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Community Chesterfield launches next round of training and shared learning sessions

Community Chesterfield has launched its next phase of training and shared learning workshops to support the learning needs of staff and students at the University of Derby, as well as community and voluntary third sector groups across Derbyshire which help people in Chesterfield.

The project, which is a Lottery funded partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and the University of Derby, has announced the topics to be covered up to February next year across its different learning programmes.

A variety of workshops which are one to two hour long one-off sessions covering a range of topics, will take place throughout the rest of the year. The subjects being focused on are a Makaton taster, Introduction to Domestic Abuse Training (accredited), Introduction to Basic Counselling Skills and Gambling-Related Harm Awareness.

Due to its popularity during previous series, the project’s Training and Tea sessions are returning, the first of which is a series of seven sessions focusing on fundraising to be delivered by Anna Clyne, director of MTH Consulting, who has 15 years’ experience working in frontline and management positions within the sector.

She specialises in supporting UK and international charities to understand impact, build a strategic approach to income generation and develop compelling funding approaches. Her first session will take place on 6 October.

Andrew Deighton will also return to facilitate more Training and Tea sessions early next year, delivering subjects including Solving Problems and Generating Ideas, Personal Development Planning and Managing Your Time More Effectively.

Connect and Reflect, which aims to connect the community, the health and social care sector and the University to allow them to discuss, learn from and reflect on the common experiences we each have, will also continue on the second Tuesday of every month.

The interactive online networking and shared learning sessions will cover the following topics between August and December: Conversations about Coaching and Building Teams, Accessible and Creative Communication and End of Life: Those Who Give Support Need Support, Identity and Intersectionality and Social Media: Professionally Sociable.

Connect and Reflect is for community and voluntary third sector organisations or groups helping people in Chesterfield, staff and students at the University of Derby and individuals working within Health or Social Care for people in Chesterfield.

Community Chesterfield also provides access to E-Learning courses which can be completed at your own pace. Available topics include Assessing Display Screen Equipment (DSE), First Aid Awareness, Negotiation and Time Management.

Places on all the above training and shared learning are free for University of Derby staff and students with a connection to Chesterfield, as well as those working at or volunteering for Derbyshire-based ‘not for profit’ community organisations helping people in Chesterfield. Some subsidised tickets are available for Training and Tea for anyone in Derbyshire. Terms and conditions apply.

For the full list of training and shared learning or to book a place on any of the sessions, visit

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Community Chesterfield expands training offering

Community Chesterfield is expanding the offering of its most popular training programme by providing subsidised tickets to anyone in Derbyshire.

The project, a National Lottery funded partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and the University of Derby which supports local community and voluntary groups within the health and social care sector in Chesterfield, launched its Training and Tea sessions – 45-minute bite size introductions to a range of topics – during the pandemic.

The training has previously only available for free to University of Derby staff and students with a connection to Chesterfield, as well as those working at or volunteering for Derbyshire-based ‘not for profit’ community organisations helping people in Chesterfield.

However, some paid for tickets will now be available on each Training and Tea workshop for anyone living or working in Derbyshire.

Kate burns, skills co-ordinator at Community Chesterfield, said: “One of the key aims of the Community Chesterfield project is to upskill, develop and share knowledge within the voluntary and community sector in Chesterfield, and training was identified as a key way in which we could provide this support.

“Our Training and Tea sessions have been one of our most successful offerings since we moved to an online delivery model at the start of the pandemic. By being able to expand places on the workshops to anyone in Derbyshire, we can reach a wider demographic of voluntary and community sector groups, as well as individuals and businesses across the county who can benefit from the variety of topics we cover.

“This is an exciting development for the Community Chesterfield project and will enhance our reputation for creating exciting and innovative collaborations, providing an opportunity to expand on our already extensive network across Chesterfield.”

Community Chesterfield, which has provided a key support network for the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic, has delivered almost 1,000 training hours in the last 12 months alone, benefitting individuals from more than 100 organisations.

Subsidised Training and Tea tickets are available priced at £10 plus fees. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information.

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Community Chesterfield launches interactive sharing sessions

An organisation that supports local community and voluntary groups within the health and social care sector in Chesterfield has launched a brand new programme of free interactive online networking and learning sessions.

Community Chesterfield, a National Lottery funded partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and the University of Derby, is set to hold monthly ‘Connect and Reflect’ sessions, with the first taking place on 13 July.

The sessions aim to connect the community, the health and social care sector and the University to allow them to discuss, learn from and reflect on the common experiences we each have.

Each session will cover a different topic, with the first being ‘Co-Production’. Co-Production is:

  • Professionals and people who use services working in equal partnerships towards shared goals.
  • A movement towards frontline staff, people who use services and carers having an equal, more meaningful and autonomous role in services, including the planning, development and actual delivery of the service.
  • Ensuring the assets of people who use services, carers and staff are valued – recognition that if someone makes a contribution they should get something back in exchange

At this session attendees will get the chance to talk about time when they have worked in a co-produced way: maybe you have used co-production yourself  without even realising, or have been involved as a participant, or you think of a time when working in co-production may have been helpful and now you want to use it in the future.

Kate Burns, skills co-ordinator at Community Chesterfield, said: “We are really excited to be launching the brand new Connect and Reflect sessions. At Community Chesterfield, we work incredibly hard to strengthen the offering of local community and voluntary groups through learning and development, with the overarching aim of improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Chesterfield.

“Through these sessions, we are creating a mutually beneficial forum where people will have the opportunity to share knowledge, experience and skills with others in the community. This will help to discover new opportunities for best practice, ultimately helping to strengthen the skills, knowledge and expertise of people within our community.”

The interactive online networking and learning sessions are for those working at or volunteering for a third sector organisation in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas, staff and students of the University of Derby who have an interest in Chesterfield and individuals working within the Health or Social Care sector in Chesterfield.

The Co-production Connect and Reflect will take place on 13 July, with subsequent sessions held on the second Tuesday of every month. To find out more or to book you free place on any of the sessions, visit

If you have any suggestions for Connect and Reflect topics or for more information contact


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Men across Chesterfield to be encouraged to consider careers in healthcare

A free event aimed at encouraging men to consider careers in health and social care is set to take place in Chesterfield.

Health and Social Care Needs Men is part of ‘Careers that Care’ week, a series of virtual events organised in partnership with Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s (DVA) Community Chesterfield project, the University of Derby and Joined Up Careers Derbyshire.

The event will see a panel of men who work in health and social care answer questions and discuss what led them to work in the sector, what they get out of it and why there are less men working in certain healthcare professions than women.

The panel will be made up of representatives from the public sector, including a Derbyshire County Council social worker, a 111 senior trainer from DHU Health Care and nurse, as well as voluntary sector workers. These will include Nathan Wood, Chief Executive Officer of the charity Ability, who appeared in a short film made for the event, and a spiritual care practitioner from Ashgate Hospicecare. Questions will be asked by a current nursing student from University of Derby.

Charlotte Repton, project manager at Community Chesterfield, said: “A career in health and social care offers a huge range of career choices, all of which can be hugely rewarding for those who choose to follow that path. Through the Health and Social Care Needs Men event, we wanted to open up the discussion around why, despite this, there is still a higher percentage of women in many healthcare roles, particularly in areas such as nursing.

“The event is set to provide an extremely interesting insight into this topic, directly from men who work in health and social care, as well as giving attendees the opportunity to have their questions or concerns around stepping into a career in health and social care answered.”

This event is open to anyone from Chesterfield and surrounding areas with an interest in health and social care. However, it will be of particular interest to men who may be considering a career in health and social care, parents or teachers who may be offering guidance to a young person making decisions about their future careers and current students who wish to find out about the range of careers their studies could lead them to.

For more information or to book a free place on the Health and Social Care Needs Men event, visit

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Community Chesterfield launches virtual health and social care careers showcase

An innovative week-long event to showcase the diversity of careers and pathways into health and social care has been launched in Chesterfield.

‘Careers that Care’ week, a series of virtual events organised in partnership with Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s (DVA) Community Chesterfield project, the University of Derby and Joined Up Careers Derbyshire, will take place from 21 to 25 June.

The event, which is funded by the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme (DANCOP), will feature opportunities for attendees to watch videos from people playing crucial roles in the region’s health and social care sectors, allowing them to find out more about what they do in the role day to day and where the career could take you. These will include disability support worker, radiography and podiatry.

The videos will be available to watch on YouTube prior to the event and those attending the event are invited to post questions for the expert via the comments section under each video. These questions will then be answered during live Q&A sessions throughout the week, equipping delegates with knowledge about what it is like to work in that field.

The week will culminate in a live panel discussion, with special guests including Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, Jacqui Willis, chief executive at Derbyshire Voluntary Action and Linda Garnett, Workforce and Organisational Development Lead for Joined Up Care Derbyshire as well as Emily Williams from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Toby Perkins MP, Labour MP for Chesterfield and Shadow Minister for Further Education and Skills, will introduce the panel. Attendees will be able to watch Question Time-style discussion via a live stream.

The panel will be looking at the big picture of health in the local area, the barriers and strengths within the sector and their thoughts on what individuals can do to support through both community action and careers in health and social care.

Charlotte Repton, project manager at Community Chesterfield, which links the skills, knowledge and experience of Chesterfield’s voluntary and community sector, said: “We’re really pleased to be working with Joined Up Careers on this event, which will promote the variety of roles available across the NHS and public sector and highlight why people should choose these sectors as a career path.

“Our role at Community Chesterfield is to bring the University and community together to create a resourceful, experienced and knowledgeable health and social care sector in the area, as well as creating learning and personal development opportunities for students. This event should help to do just that.”

Careers that Care is open to anyone from Chesterfield and surrounding areas with an interest in health and social care, but will be of particular interest to young people at the point of making a decision about their career or to individuals who might be considering a career change.

It will also benefit parents or teachers who are supporting a young person to make decisions about their career and current students who wish to find out about the range of careers their studies could lead them to.

For more information visit

Derbyshire Voluntary Action and University of Derby support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Derbyshire County Council apprenticeships

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Free Chesterfield cancer treatment transport service launched

A new transport service has been launched to provide people from Chesterfield with free, safe travel to Sheffield hospitals for cancer treatment.

The service has been launched by regional charity Weston Park Cancer Charity and will operate twice daily from Monday to Friday, between The University of Derby’s St Helena Campus in Chesterfield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.

The Weston Park Cancer Charity Transport Service could save hundreds of pounds in travel costs each week for people in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas who are living with cancer.

Around 20 per cent of patients at Weston Park Cancer Centre – one of the four hospitals to which the transport service will provide free travel – are from Chesterfield, the equivalent of more than 3,000 patients at any one time and more than 1,300 each year.

The service will follow strict safety measures to keep volunteer drivers and passengers safe at all times. Drivers will all be tested for Covid-19 twice weekly, with buses cleaned thoroughly before every journey.

The launch of the new Transport Service follows Weston Park Cancer Charity’s takeover of Chesterfield cancer charity, Nenna Kind, in 2020. It marks a ’major step forward’ for Weston Park Cancer Charity in its ‘commitment to care in every sense’ for cancer patients and their families in Chesterfield.

Emma Clarke, director of services and grant-giving at Weston Park Cancer Charity said: “Our Transport Service will ensure that people facing cancer will not also have to worry about accessing treatment at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals – and will be able to focus on what’s important.

“A cancer diagnosis is a difficult thing for anyone to hear. But imagine that the recommended treatment is miles away from your home and you have no ability to make that journey. We don’t want anyone to ever have to face the decision to decline treatment because travel to and from their appointments is the barrier.

“The backing of our wonderful supporters enables us to fund this service in its entirety, meaning it’s free of charge for patients.

“It marks a major step forward for us as we look to build on Nenna Kind’s legacy, and to continue our commitment to care in every sense for cancer patients and their families in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas.”

Sheree Hall, Macmillan lead cancer nurse at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, said: “There is enough stress as there is with cancer – going through diagnosis and treatment is one thing, but somebody shouldn’t have to worry about how to get to their treatment in the first place.

“It may appear strange that somebody simply wouldn’t have treatment just because of transport issues, but that does happen. During lockdown, we’ve had a few cases in which individuals have had to contact us because they have no other means of getting to their appointment and simply no money to pay for taxis – and due to Covid-19 there wasn’t even the facility to travel how they might have done before.

“The new Transport Service means a lot and for some people it can be the difference between whether they could have their treatment or not.”

Alison Gibson, community development worker at Community Chesterfield who helped facilitate the scheme, said: “At Community Chesterfield we pride ourselves on connecting the region’s voluntary, community and charitable sectors both with the University of Derby and with one another, opening up opportunities for them to work together to create positive impact in the area.

“After a discussion with one of Weston Park Cancer Charity’s volunteers about the benefits that a transport service of this nature would bring, we are absolutely delighted to help facilitate this vital scheme from our offices at the St Helena Campus. It will without doubt be a huge help to residents of Chesterfield who need to travel to Weston Park to undergo cancer treatment and will hopefully go some way to making their lives during an incredibly challenging time that bit easier.”

Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted to be able to support Weston Park Cancer Charity and, in particular, residents of the Chesterfield area who depend upon this vital service.

“This once again demonstrates the value of our partnership with CommUNIty Chesterfield, who have connected us with the hospital charity.

“The University of Derby is proud to engage with the voluntary sector in the town to deliver projects and services which can make such an important and positive difference to people’s lives.

“In this instance, being able to utilise the current capacity at the St Helena Campus provides a solution to the needs of patients who are travelling to Sheffield to receive treatment.”

For more information or for bookings, call Weston Park Cancer Charity’s helpline 0114 553 3330 (option two) or email

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University of Derby supports Chesterfield businesses with free recruitment assistance

The University of Derby is supporting small to medium-sized businesses in the D2N2 region to survive and thrive with free recruitment support and thousands of pounds provided in funding.

Local recipients include Community Chesterfield, and biotechnology company, Bio 8 Ltd.

Community Chesterfield is a partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action and the University of Derby, which aims to strengthen the voluntary sector in Chesterfield by harnessing skills from the University.

Community Chesterfield have recently hosted two interns through the University of Derby scheme, including University of Derby Media Production graduate, Hayley Beaumont.

Project Manager Charlotte Repton told us: “Using Hayley’s design skills and expertise, Community Chesterfield was able to offer branding services free of charge to voluntary organisations, which included refreshing logos and designing webpages, delivering over £1000 worth of services during her short internship”.

Oliver Peabody, General Manager of Chesterfield biotechnology company, Bio 8 Limited, said “during the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented us a time of accelerated growth, we were approached by the University as we had highlighted two new job roles within our business, a Graphic Designer position and our second Customer Service Representative.

“The funds received from the University of Derby have allowed us to buy better equipment for our new employees and offer them better training than we have been able to in the past”.

In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the University has adapted its service to provide businesses with a wide range of remote working internships.

This has enabled the team to work with more SMEs than ever before, including those who might not have had the office space to accommodate an intern.

To find out how your small to medium-sized business might benefit from the University of Derby’s support funding, email

The University of Derby and Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The GRADS for D2N2 project is delivered by the University of Derby as part of the High Level Skills consortium which also includes Nottingham Trent University, Derby College, Nottingham College, and Nottingham City Council. For more information please visit


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The Unversity of Derby St. Helena Campus

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