derbyshire business news

Mixed picture for East Midlands economy as growth continues amid skills and supply chain concerns

The East Midlands economy is continuing to grow in response to lockdown restrictions being eased – but there are warning signs ahead, according to the latest research by East Midlands Chamber.

The Quarterly Economic Survey for Q3 2021 by the region’s leading business representation group shows improvements across most indicators, including sales, cashflow, employment and investment intentions.

But East Midlands firms also reported issues with price pressures and access to required skills to fill job vacancies.

More than 400 businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire took part in the survey between 23 August and 14 September.

East Midlands Chamber QES Q3 2021 data

Key findings from the survey for the East Midlands* included:

  • UK sales increased for a net 37% of businesses, while advanced orders were up for a net 36%
  • Overseas business activity lagged behind domestic but remained positive, with overseas sales rising for a net 8% of businesses and advanced orders rising 6% – although the projection is down by 5% compared to the Q2 forecast
  • A net 25% of organisations increased their labour force in the previous three months, while a net 38% expect to grow it over the next three months
  • After five consecutive quarters in which cashflow had been down for the majority of firms, it has now been positive in the past two quarters, with a net 15% of businesses reporting they had more access to cash in Q3
  • Investment intentions are positive, with a net 26% expecting to spend on training people, and a net 16% on machinery and equipment
  • A net 63% of businesses are confident their turnover will improve over the coming quarter, while a net 37% believe profitability will increase
  • A net 46% of businesses said they were concerned about future price increases
  • Two-thirds (67%) of companies attempted recruitment in the previous quarter and, of these, 71% said they faced problems with hiring the right people

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “The top-level results show a mixed picture that hides a number of variables at play in the East Midlands economy.

“Cashflow continues to improve for more businesses than not, training investment intentions are positive and overall confidence in future turnover continues its upward trajectory.

“As the economy continues its reopening after a successful vaccine rollout, the pent-up demand that characterised much of the summer remains a positive factor.

“But there are also a few of areas of concern. Price pressures continue to come from increased raw material costs, pay settlements and, increasingly, energy costs.

“This has knock-on effects, with investment in machinery and equipment growth – an important ingredient in fuelling a recovery – falling back slightly on the previous quarter.

“Performance in overseas markets remains volatile and, while turnover confidence has grown from Q2, confidence in increased profitability has fallen back, a result of squeezed margins.

“Recruitment is also a growing problem, with over seven in 10 struggling to fill vacancies across all skills levels.”

‘There’s still much that we don’t yet fully understand’

The State of the Economy Index – a measure of the region’s economic health compiled by aggregating various indicators – reached its highest level since Q3 2018 in the previous quarter.

It again rose in Q3 2021, albeit only slightly, as other issues have arose in recent months related to supply chain issues, skills challenges and additional taxation in the form of a health and social care levy that increases the burden for both employers and employees.

“There’s still much that we don’t yet fully understand,” added Chris. “There are many factors at play in shaping current challenges for businesses – the impact of policy responses to the pandemic on the recovery, changes in individual approaches to work expectations, structural changes to supply chain operations and immigration rules as a result of Brexit, and global shortages as the whole world looks to bounce back, to name but a few.

“The balance of influence of these different factors, some which are temporary and others that may be longer term, is still being unpicked. As we learn more over the coming months, we’ll have a better idea of whether they are flies in the ointment or something more fundamental.

“There is also trepidation ahead of the 27 October Autumn Statement, where we’ll find out more about how Government plans to tackle supporting the economy over the next period and the balance between tax and spend.

“Regardless, the coming months will be instructive as to what shape the recovery will take. As we learn more about which challenges are going to be longer term, it’s important that policy responds to this appropriately and doesn’t get distracted with temporary issues the market can take care of itself.”

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University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber pledge support for the UN Race to Zero

The University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber have become signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Race to Zero campaign.

Professor Kamil Omoteso, pro vice-chancellor dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University, and Scott Knowles, chief executive at East Midlands Chamber, made the announcement at last week’s annual Midlands Sustainability Summit, co-hosted by the University and Chamber, and supported by the Midlands Engine, last Thursday (23 September).

Race to Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero-carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.

The objective is to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonised economy ahead of COP26 in November, where governments must strengthen their contributions to the Paris Agreement. By joining the Race to Zero, the University and Chamber have demonstrated their commitment to the net zero agenda to global leaders at COP26.

Prof Omoteso, said: “I am delighted to announce that the University has become a signatory to the UN Race to Zero, cementing its existing pro-environmental commitments.

“This pledge provides a springboard for our ongoing efforts to support the shift to a sustainable economy across the region and beyond, and forms part of the University’s wider environmental ambitions and commitment to sustainability on our own net-zero pathway.”

East Midlands Chamber launched the Sustainable East Midlands campaign last year to encourage more businesses to engage with the low-carbon agenda by demonstrating its commercial benefits, as well as highlighting successful case studies.

A newly-appointed Sustainable East Midlands policy officer will aim to create a net zero plan over the coming months, with ideas including setting a baseline carbon footprint to measure against, installing energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and developing an employee engagement strategy to support behavioural changes in terms of workspaces, travel and waste.

Scott Knowles added: “As the business community looks to rebuild after a turbulent 18 months, the focus now shifts towards the future and the role we must all take in addressing the ever-pressing climate change challenge.

“As our commitment to this urgent challenge, where we feel it is important to lead by example, we are pleased to announce that the Chamber is setting our own net zero goal to cut our carbon emissions in half by 2030, with an aim to reach net zero before 2050.”

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Peak District and Derbyshire Christmas Market returns for 2021

A popular virtual Christmas market showcasing some of Derbyshire’s best creatives, artisans and producers will return from this November.

Following the success of the first virtual Peak District & Derbyshire Christmas Market last year, traders will once again be given the opportunity to showcase and sell their products to thousands of potential customers.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is inviting stallholders to apply for a place at the virtual market, which aims to support the recovery of local businesses that have been impacted by Covid-19 restrictions by boosting online sales whilst celebrating the range of quality gifts available in the area.

The free opportunity is open to small-to-medium-sized businesses based in Derby and Derbyshire – ranging from food and drink producers to artists and craftspeople – and is part-funded by Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s European Regional Development Fund project.

The virtual market is also open to members of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire who offer vouchers for afternoon teas, meals, short stays, annual passes, workshops and experiences, with a focus on products that make great Christmas presents.

Categories include Accessories & Jewellery; Art, Ceramics & Glass; Experiences & Annual Passes; Local Food & Drink; Homeware & Books; Landscape Calendars & Prints; Short Breaks & Afternoon Tea; and Pet-friendly Gifts.

Successful applicants will be featured on the virtual Peak District & Derbyshire Christmas Market webpage at, where hyperlinks and imagery will lead to the stallholder’s own selling platform – allowing visitors to browse and purchase fine, festive gifts with ease.

Businesses can apply for a place using the following link:

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 12 October 2021. Successful applicants will be notified via email and the market will go live on Monday 1 November 2021.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, says: “Christmas markets are a key part of the festive season and, at a time when shopping local is more important than ever, we’re delighted to offer a platform to promote the very best Derbyshire gifts, produce and experiences.

“Over 100 stallholders exhibited at last year’s virtual Christmas Market and we hope this year will be even bigger, giving visitors and residents alike a chance to throw their support behind local businesses following another challenging year of Covid-19 restrictions.

“We have so many talented producers and craftspeople in Derbyshire and we’re encouraging businesses to apply for a place and join us in celebrating the best of what the area has to offer.”

Chesterfield retail, leisure and food & drink businesses are also encouraged to find out more about the benefits of the Chesterfield Digital High Street project, where support and grants are being offered to help firms improve their digital footprint and overall resilience.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Derbyshire Institute of Sport launches programme to instil ‘Olympic know-how’ in local businesses

An organisation which has created more than 20 world-class athletes, including 10 Olympians and Paralympians who competed in Tokyo this year, has launched a new scheme aimed at improving leadership within local businesses.

Derbyshire Institute of Sport is offering to give firms in our area the same performance psychology tools and techniques they use in the elite sports environment to build resilience, motivation and a mindset for success.

Managing Director Chloe Maudsley explained: “Our Business Champions club is a unique 12-month programme designed by our performance psychologist, Dr Phil Clarke, to give you the tools to be the best version of yourself and through that accelerate your business growth. It offers something different from traditional business coaching.”

The second cohort of Business Champions starts in October and only six places are available. This time it is all online, except for a final, face-to-face event in September 2022, making to easier for busy professionals to join sessions from anywhere without time-consuming travel.

Dr Clarke, who has trained elite athletes and FTSE 250 companies, said: “The sessions and tasks in this year-long programme will help you learn how to thrive in high-pressure situations and adjust to rapidly-changing situations in the business environment.”

Craig Harbron, of Bennett Engineering Design Solutions, completed the first Business Champions programme. He said: “It has enhanced my ability to understand new approaches to situations and new ways of thinking. Having these methods and understanding has led to increased motivation, focus points and with the one-to-one support I’ve been able to overcome current challenges.”

Another graduate of the first programme, business owner Sarah Gatford, said: “Working with DIS Business Champions has been a great decision.

“Having been knocked sideways by the pandemic business-wise, being part of this programme and having access to the incredibly knowledgeable and insightful Dr Phil Clarke has supported me in turning things around.

“I’ve had the opportunity to talk things through individually, attend webinars and generally feel that I’m back on my feet with some exciting new challenges ahead.”

During the year, Business Champions will have six educational webinars, 11 group reflection webinars and six one-to-one coached sessions online with Dr Clarke where they can work through specific challenges that they face at work or work on improvements to their reactions, communication and behaviours in different circumstances. There will also be five peer tasks during the year that champions will work on remotely in pairs.

You can read more about the programme at and request a digital brochure from Chloe Maudsley by emailing or ringing 07974 231564.

Derbyshire Institute of Sport supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Derbyshire economy bounces back strongly, East Midlands Chamber survey finds

Confidence among Derbyshire businesses is continuing to make a strong comeback as the economy reopens – hitting heights not witnessed for almost three years, according to new research by East Midlands Chamber.

The latest Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2021 by the region’s leading business representation group shows recruitment, sales and investment all increased significantly as the Government roadmap out of lockdown progressed.

Its State of the Economy Index – a measure of the region’s economic health compiled by aggregating various indicators – reached its highest level since Q3 2018 as the steady recovery was replaced with big growth expectations.

More than 400 businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire took part in the survey between 17 May and 8 June.

Key findings from the survey for Derbyshire included:

• UK sales increased for a net 35% of businesses, while advanced orders were up for a net 31%
• Overseas sales rose for a net 3% of respondents and overseas orders increased for a net 2%
• A net 17% of organisations increased their labour force in the previous three months, while a net 44% expect to grow it over the next three months (only 3% expecting it to reduce)
• There was finally some positive news regarding cashflow, which had decreased for the majority of firms during each of the previous five quarters, with a net 6% reporting it to have improved
• Investment intentions are rising, with a net 32% expecting to spend on machinery and equipment while a net 28% predict they will invest in training
• A net 63% of businesses are confident their turnover will improve over the coming quarter, while a net 33% believe profitability will increase too

Chris Hobson, director of policy and external affairs at East Midlands Chamber, said: “Building on the recovery seen in Q1 2021, growth across Derbyshire – both in terms of activity and sentiment – continued to strengthen as the Government roadmap for re-opening progressed across the past three months.

“Domestic markets performed particularly strongly for both sales and orders, while overseas markets were stronger for advanced orders than in-quarter sales.

“Employment has also increased and looks set to continue growing with positive recruitment intentions. Encouragingly, following a year of cashflow deterioration, as more businesses have been allowed to open and confidence has grown, access to cash has also improved for the majority of firms.

“While there remain certain sectors for whom the roadmap has been slower to reach them and are still in need of support, the overall picture is one of strong growth and strong prospects for future demand and activity.”

Despite the positive trajectory for most key economic indicators, there were signs of potential growing pains ahead.

Six in 10 respondents attempted to recruit in the second quarter and, of those 62% struggled to fill roles. These difficulties were particularly acute for skilled and professional jobs, but also present across less skilled roles.
As workforces increase, half of businesses reported difficulties in finding the skills they need – versus 42% that were confident of doing so.

Pressures on pricing may be the biggest issue to watch, with a net 49% anticipating increases in their prices over the coming quarter. The biggest pressure is coming from raw material prices (60%), particularly for manufacturers, but it is also coming from other overheads (42%), including energy costs and staff pay.

Chris added: “Although the headline figures are clearly positive, it’s not all plain sailing for businesses.

“At the same time, problems associated with growth are immeasurably preferable to those associated with decline, and businesses overall will be encouraged with where the economy currently is, particularly given where we were six months ago.”

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New Advisory Panel launched to support Chesterfield and Derbyshire’s manufacturing sector

A newly-launched panel will support and accelerate the growth, productivity, and competitiveness of the manufacturing economy across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership estimates the manufacturing sector employs over 125,000 people and generates £7.2bn into the region’s economy – ranking third outside London and the South-East – and has the largest cluster of transport manufacturing and R&D in the country.

The LEP will be working with local manufacturing business leaders, the region’s universities, local authorities, and business organisations including Make UK to champion and strengthen manufacturing across region and improve the regional economic performance, retaining excellence in sectors including aerospace, automotive, food and drink, medical and rail.

Primary objectives of the panel include developing an action plan for competitive and sustainable manufacturing and co-ordinating, facilitating and forging closer links between academia and industry with a focus on supporting businesses to adopt new digital innovation and disruptive technologies and embrace low carbon growth.

The panel will also forge strong connections at a national level, particularly with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and Innovate UK.

Martin Rigley MBE, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Lindhurst Engineering and Chair of the D2N2 Manufacturing Advisory Panel said: “Clearly the way manufacturers do business is changing at a rapid rate and it’s important that manufacturing is prepared to face the challenges this brings; particularly in the adoption of digital technologies and meeting net zero targets.

“The Manufacturing Advisory Group is sector and size agnostic and aims to use its strong network amongst businesses, large and small, supported by our strong FE and HE representation to guide manufacturing businesses in our region through an evolving way of doing business.”

Sajeeda Rose, CEO of the D2N2 LEP, said: “Manufacturing is our region’s largest sector and employer. As we transform into a more competitive, greener economy, our manufacturers will need support to embrace industrial digitalisation and net-zero challenges.

“We are proud to be bringing together such an impressive group to provide a strong voice for manufacturing across D2N2 to address these challenges and drive our economic growth.”

Charlotte Horobin, Region Director for Make UK in the Midlands and East, said:

“Manufacturing is key to the prosperity of D2N2, the need to ensure our manufacturers are equipping themselves with the skills and technologies to boost their competitiveness has never been so important.”

The D2N2 Manufacturing Advisory Panel met for the first time on 30 June and will meet every two months to collaborate on how best to drive growth and productivity the region.

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Finalists announced for East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards

The finalists of this year’s East Midlands Chamber Business Awards have been revealed.

About 165 organisations from across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire have been recognised in the 2021 edition of the annual contest, which is once again run in partnership with principal sponsor Mazars.

The awards are split into three events for each county and feature 13 categories, with a new award this year for Collaboration Project of the Year to celebrate pioneering partnerships within Chamber membership.

There’s also a new-look Excellence in Innovation award, which replaces the Innovation in Manufacturing category, as more ground-breaking firms are invited to showcase how they are pushing boundaries in their sectors.

Winners are chosen during a virtual judging day by a panel including sponsors, a Chamber board member and a representative from the Chamber’s senior leadership team. An overall Business of the Year is also selected for each county from all the finalists by Mazars.

After the awards ceremonies were held virtually last year due to lockdown restrictions, the Chamber plans for a return to physical events in late 2021, pending Government guidance.

The Derbyshire Business Awards will take place on Friday 12 November.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “Last year, we were proud to celebrate the achievements of more than 120 organisations during what was a difficult period for many, so it’s absolutely fantastic to see even more businesses, social enterprises and charities recognised this year.

“There were so many examples of incredible innovation, growth and resilience among our members in the entries, giving us a chance to shout about all the great things our region has to offer.

“We can’t wait to hold another set of memorable awards ceremonies, hopefully this time in person, with the brilliant support of our sponsors.”

For more information about the East Midlands Chamber Business Awards, visit

Derbyshire Business Awards 2021 finalists

Business Improvement Through Technology – Sponsored by Purpose Media
• Futures Housing Group
• Healthy Stuff
• Penny Hydraulics
• Scenariio
• Thompson Tree Services (Midlands)

Community Impact Award – Sponsored by University of Derby
• Fortem Solutions
• Griffith Foods
• Liniar
• Resilient World Solutions

Outstanding Growth Award – Sponsored by Amazon
• Fibre Tec Solutions
• Professional Heating Solutions
• Project D
• Sky Recruitment Solutions
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Environmental Impact Award – Sponsored by Futures Housing Group
• Derby City Council – DE-Carbonise Project
• Devtank
• Griffith Foods
• Liniar

Commitment to People Development Award – Sponsored by 2020 Training
• AIM Commercial Services
• Aztec Oils
• Nelsons
• Peak Indicators
• Purpose Media

Apprentice of the Year – Sponsored by Derby College Group
• Keenan Gregory – Futures Housing Group
• Lisa Scarboro – Futures Housing Group
• Amelia Burton – Griffith Foods
• Mia Cooper – Joined Up Careers Derbyshire
• Tom Sharratt – Neuways

Entrepreneur of the Year – Sponsored by Ryley Wealth Management
• William Crooks – Cawarden
• Adam Bamford – Colleague Box
• Peter Ellse – Cosy Direct
• Jillian Thomas – Future Life Wealth Management
• Max Vaughan – White Peak Distillery

Education and Business Partnership Award – Sponsored by RDS Global
• Access Training East Midlands
• Derby College Group
• Dronfield Heritage Trust
• Embark Federation
• REAL Education

Excellence in Customer Service – Sponsored by Aston Lark
• Anoki
• MaryJanes Catering
• Purpose Media
• The Accountancy Recruitment Group
• UK Asbestos Training Association

Excellence in International Trade – Sponsored by HSBC
• Atlas Copco Medical
• Aztec Oils
• Cathelco
• Graphoidal Developments
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Small Business of the Year – Sponsored by Begbies Traynor
• Peak Indicators
• Project D
• The Input Group
• Think3
• Thompson Tree Services (Midlands)

Excellence in Innovation – Sponsored by Rolls-Royce
• Liniar
• Scenariio
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Excellence in Collaboration – Sponsored by HSBC
• Derbyshire Voluntary Action
• Marketing Derby
• Penguin PR/Colleague Box and Vibrant Accountancy
• Safe and Sound
• The Swap Shop

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Local leaders to guide green growth and recovery in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

As the UK transitions to a low carbon economy there are significant opportunities arising at pace from the changes to technology, methods of production and forms of consumption.

In response the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership has established a new Low Carbon Growth Group.

The group will convene and coordinate low carbon activity and programmes aimed at delivering opportunities for investment, business growth and jobs across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (D2N2).

The formation of the group comes as the Confederation of British Industry has set out its new UK Economic Strategy which emphasises decarbonisation as a critical factor in the UK’s economic recovery.

The new group aims to build on the LEPs ambitious plans to deliver the largest turnaround in carbon emissions in England, as part of its recovery and growth strategy. The group will also deliver on the goals of the UK’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.

The group will be chaired jointly by Becky Rix, D2N2 Board member and Marketing Director at Roadgas and Wayne Bexon, Interim Corporate Director for Growth and City Development at Nottingham City Council. Other members include representatives from a wide range of key local private and public sector organisations

On the group’s agenda is:

• Supporting the region to reach net zero
• Developing and enhancing greater coordination of low carbon investment plans
• Developing a portfolio of development opportunities to attract more government and private sector investment in the area.

Sajeeda Rose, Chief Executive at D2N2 said: “Underpinning the D2N2 Recovery and Growth strategy is our ambition to achieve the highest turnaround in carbon emissions in the country. Bringing together some of the region’s most influential experts to form the Low Carbon Recovery Group will provide the vision and action needed as our economy retools and moves towards a carbon-free tomorrow”

Becky Rix said: “I am delighted to be co-chairing the Low Carbon Growth Group and sharing my experience as we look for opportunities to deliver a low carbon agenda for the region. I think this as a very exciting time to be participating in the delivery of future developments as we focus on growth and a green recovery. I am looking forward to learning more about the opportunities and challenges, listening and learning from colleagues and ensuring collaboration for all interested stakeholders.”

Wayne Bexton said: “A Green Recovery has been referenced throughout the pandemic and this new group brings together expertise from across the private and public sector to target low carbon initiatives via a joined up approach. There is a unique opportunity ahead for carbon neutrality to be achieved alongside economic growth and Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire can be at the forefront for the UK on this agenda”.

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East Midlands unemployment rate is falling at joint-fastest level in UK regions

The East Midlands jobs market is picking up faster than just about every region in the country, according to the latest Government figures.

Between January and March this year, the region’s unemployment rate for people aged 16 and over was 4.9% – a 1% decrease on the previous three-month snapshot from October to December 2020.

This trend is well above the -0.3% change to the national unemployment rate and the joint-fastest decrease in people out of work proportionally alongside the North East.

The total figure reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is one-tenth of a percentage point above the 4.8% UK average, which fell from 4.9% in the previous quarter.

In the February to April 2021 period, the number of UK workers on payrolls rose by 97,000 on the previous quarter, while job vacancies rose by 48,400 – although these figures remain 772,000 and 128,000 lower, respectively, than the pre-pandemic levels from January to March 2020.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The decline in the unemployment rate and the rise in payroll employment is further confirmation that the East Midlands jobs market is now more resilient to the ongoing restrictions.

“Continued Government support and the easing of restrictions as the UK moved to step two of its roadmap helped drive higher payroll employment in April.

“The rise in the number of job vacancies points to an encouraging upturn in demand for labour amid the gradual reopening of the economy and the strong vaccine rollout.

“With business confidence higher than at any point in the pandemic, companies are gearing up to capitalise on a full reopening of the economy and restarting pre-Covid projects that had stalled, both of which demand more resources.

“For large periods of the pandemic, the East Midlands has borne the brunt of lockdown restrictions as our economy is well represented by many of the industries that have shut down, including hospitality, tourism and retail.

“As these industries reopen, we’ll see more people returning to jobs, while the region can also capitalise on a broader marketplace for jobseekers who will no longer be constrained by immediate geography in a future agile working environment.

“Our most recent Quarterly Economic Survey for Q1 2021, which received a record 539 responses from East Midlands businesses between 15 February and 8 March, showed that while a net 2%* of firms decreased headcount over the previous three months, a net 26% expected to increase their workforce over the following three months.

“With stage three of the roadmap since having commenced alongside a strong vaccine rollout, we can expect to see recruitment intentions speed up over the coming months – with the unemployment rate falling further as a result.

“UK unemployment remains on track to peak at a much lower level than in recent recessions. However, the Government must be prepared to intervene further in the jobs market if necessary as the squeeze on business cashflow from any marked delay to the planned full reopening of the economy may trigger renewed job losses, particularly when furlough becomes less generous over the summer.”

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Derbyshire tourism businesses invited to apply for international travel trade showcase

Tourism businesses across the Peak District and Derbyshire are invited to apply for a place at a virtual event aimed at showcasing the best of the destination to travel trade buyers from around the world.

The Peak District & Derbyshire International Travel Trade Showcase, from 26-28 April 2021, will provide the unique opportunity for local attractions, accommodation, activity and experience providers to meet online with national and international tour operators, event organisers and travel buyers.

Businesses are urged to apply for a limited number of fully-funded places at the event, which is being organised by Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire in partnership with Tapir Ltd, with support from the tourist board’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Project.

Businesses can apply for a place at:

Applications close at 12 noon on 6 April 2021. Successful businesses will be notified on 9 April 2021.

Each successful business will be provided with their own ‘virtual stand’ at the showcase, displaying photographs, information and contact details as well as downloadable leaflets to promote their business to buyers from around the world.

Prior to the event, travel trade representatives will be invited to register their interest and make virtual ‘face-to-face’ appointments with local businesses to discuss working together.

The event is the first of its kind in the area and follows Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s recent attendance at ExploreGB, VisitBritain’s flagship travel trade event, as part of the tourist board’s plans to welcome international visitors back from 2022.

Inbound tourism was worth more than £28 billion to the UK economy in 2019.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, says: “As the travel industry gradually works towards recovery, our International Travel Trade Showcase will provide a great platform for tourism businesses to promote their outstanding products and services to a global audience.

“As well as helping businesses form valuable connections with national and international buyers, the event will highlight the broad appeal of the Peak District and Derbyshire, ensuring the destination is front of mind for when travel can safely resume again.

“This is a fantastic, fully-funded opportunity thanks to support from our ERDF project and as places are limited, we urge businesses to register their interest as soon as possible.”

Paul Kleian of Tapir Ltd says: “We’re delighted to bring this virtual event to the Peak District and Derbyshire, providing the chance for local businesses and overseas travel trade companies to safely meet across borders and different time zones.

“A similar event held in the Lake District earlier this year attracted over 200 travel trade buyers, proving that the appetite for events like this is strong. Feedback has been extremely positive and many travel trade buyers commented that a destination-focused approach means they get a great feel for the area.

“We look forward to promoting the Peak District and Derbyshire on a global scale and encourage businesses to register their interest for a place today.”

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Fire safety advice now available to Chesterfield and Derbyshire businesses

Businesses across Chesterfield are being encouraged to ensure they are minimising the risks of fire, with guidance, support and advice now available from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The service has launched a campaign to contact businesses across the county, who trade in hot works or are having hot works completed on their premises, to offer essential safety advice on keeping their business and employees safe from the risk of fire.

Hot works is the term given to work that involves, but is not limited to, soldering, welding cutting, grinding, and using hot air guns. This work can pose a serious fire safety risk, which is why businesses have a legal and moral duty to ensure their premises, and any works carried out, are safe.

During the campaign, Derbyshire’s Business Safety Advisors and Firefighters will be working alongside local councils and network groups to complete site visits and deliver online presentations, where they’ll offer businesses free support and advice. They will cover topics such as whether the work is necessary or if there’s an alternative, identifying hazards, and how to raise the alarm if an accident was to occur.

Business Safety Advisor Andrew Mosler said: “It’s really important businesses understand the fire risks involved with hot works, and how to reduce them, as the implications can be devastating.

“If not carried out safely hot works can result in a fire which can have financial implications due to the loss of business premises, customers turning to competitors and increased insurance premiums. In the worst case scenario a fire could result in serious injury or loss of life.

“Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service has a whole team of dedicated Business Safety Advisors to help you keep your business safe from the risk of fire. The team provide free advice on ensuring your business is compliant with fire safety legislation, completing your Fire Risk Assessment, the types of fire extinguisher you may require, how often to test your fire safety equipment, or any other fire safety enquiries you may have.”

Whether you’re in retail, manufacturing, hospitality, or any other sector, a Business Safety Advisor will be able to help.

If you would like more advice on keeping your business safe, please get in touch with your local Business Safety Advisor, Andrew Mosler, on 01773 305681 or via email:

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