derbyshire business news

Tourism businesses in Derbyshire urged to apply for ‘safe travels’ stamp

The area’s official tourist board is encouraging businesses across the Peak District & Derbyshire to capitalise on the opportunity to apply for an international ‘Safe Travels’ stamp from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).

National tourist body VisitBritain recently announced that tourism businesses in the UK registered to the ‘We’re Good To Go’ industry standard scheme can now be automatically issued with the international ‘Safe Travels’ stamp from the WTTC.

The ‘We’re Good To Go’ scheme, launched last year by VisitEngland in partnership with Tourism Northern Ireland, VisitScotland and Visit Wales, is a free UK-wide industry standard and consumer mark to reassure customers that businesses are adhering to Government and public health guidance.

There are currently over 750 businesses in the Peak District & Derbyshire with ‘We’re Good To Go’ accreditation.

The scheme has been recognised by WTTC as meeting international global standardised health and hygiene protocols and for its role in supporting the recovery of the UK tourism sector.

The WTTC stamp enables travellers to identify destinations around the world which have adopted global standardised protocols, so they can experience ‘Safe Travels.’

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, says: “We’re delighted that businesses in the Peak District & Derbyshire certified to ‘We’re Good To Go’ can now automatically register for the WTTC’s global Safe Travels stamp, recognising the high standard of protocols we have in place.

“This international stamp sitting alongside our UK standard mark will help to provide further reassurance for visitors, staff and local residents alike that our businesses are putting all the right measures in place to ensure they are Covid-safe.

“As the tourism industry works towards reopening, it is also a timely boost for businesses as well as for future international visitors, reassuring them that they can plan future trips to the Peak District & Derbyshire with confidence.”

Businesses already registered to the ‘We’re Good To Go’ scheme can log into their online account to download the WTTC Safe Travels stamp. Any business not already part of the scheme can apply through the usual process and indicate within that application their wish to use the additional global WTTC stamp.

For more information visit:

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through  Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Mam Tor, Visit Peak District

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