east midlands business news

Kickstart scheme creates almost 900 new jobs for 16 to 24-year-olds

Businesses have been urged by East Midlands Chamber to use gateway providers to create work placements in the Kickstart scheme – after it helped to create hundreds of roles for young people in the region.

The chamber of commerce for Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire has so far helped to facilitate 887 new roles across the three counties. All these have been approved by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), which will provide a £1,500 grant to employers for each six-month placement created for a 16 to 24-year-old.

Further applications have been submitted for another 900 roles as part of the organisation’s role as a gateway provider, which has so far been required for businesses with fewer than 30 vacancies.

East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) deputy chief executive and Kickstart lead Diane Beresford said: “Using a gateway provider removes the headache of trying to understand the Kickstart application process and ensures businesses receive the full support they need when submitting an application, as well as filling the vacancy with help in tasks such as writing job adverts.

“The Chamber has pledged to work with employers and the young people they hire during the placement to identify any suitable progression opportunities, while we are also able to manage and deliver the mandatory employability support programmes on their behalf with additional sector-based workshops.

“All this free support means companies can concentrate on what they do best, which is running their business, while giving opportunities for the young people that extends far beyond the initial six-month period.”

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced yesterday (Monday 25 January) that businesses can now also apply direct to DWP for a placement.

Diane said the Chamber remained open to offering gateway services to businesses that want to create a placement as part of the £2bn scheme.

She added: “The Government’s drive to support the creation of new jobs at this challenging time for business is laudable.

“Hundreds of businesses in the East Midlands have already stepped forward to create new opportunities as part of the Kickstart scheme, and we’re proud of the role we’re playing in supporting businesses to secure approval for these placements as an official gateway provider for the scheme.

“It is essential that the Department for Work and Pensions works through current applications in order to support more coming through, and that it continues to encourage small business to work with gateways as an essential support mechanism for businesses to provide a helping hand navigating what can be complex bureaucracy.”

To find out more about how East Midlands Chamber can support businesses with the Kickstart scheme, contact education and business partnership manager Pieter Eksteen on 07468 474307 or email pieter.eksteen@emc-dnl.co.uk.


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East Midlands Chamber urges businesses to donate spare laptops to children – and help secure a future workforce

East Midlands Chamber has urged businesses to donate spare IT equipment to homeworking parents who may be unable to afford laptops or tablets for their children.

With schools closed during the third national lockdown, it means many employees must balance work with childcare duties.

But after concerns have been raised that not everyone can afford the necessary equipment for online home schooling, the Chamber says there will be some companies that can step in to offer support – and it may even bring benefits to their business.

Director of resources Lucy Robinson said: “It’s become increasingly clear throughout this pandemic that Covid-19 is only serving to widen gaps between people according to their socioeconomic groups.

“We absolutely must not allow this to also lead to a widening of the education gap as there’s plenty of evidence to show how important a decent education is to setting children up for a good career – enabling them to contribute to the local economy in future.

“There will be many businesses that have spare laptops and other IT equipment lying around offices unused as a result of either temporary or permanent reduction in headcounts. We would encourage companies to help out by either loaning or donating kit to their own employees who fall into this category, or to schools and dedicated charities.

“Such actions can form a key part of CSR activity, which we’ve seen is becoming increasingly vital to employees who want to work for organisations that share their values, while it could also improve productivity as we’re hearing more and more about disruption to business as a result of home-schooling.”

Chamber donates laptops to Chesterfield school

The Chamber will deliver eight laptops, eight computer towers and eight monitors this week to Ashover Primary School, based near the organisation’s Chesterfield head office, following on from a donation of 12 laptops and three towers last year.

The Friends of Ashover Primary School group has helped to wipe the equipment and certify the destruction to maintain the Chamber’s data security compliance.

The school’s headteacher Sue Myhill said: “This gesture has really cheered us up at what is an incredibly challenging time for everyone.”

Some 47 laptops have also been donated to the Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance charity’s IT recycling service since December 2019.

Lucy added: “During 2020/21, we made significant investment in upgrading a large amount of IT equipment that was either outdated, not fit for its designed purpose or required repair. Rather than send usable equipment to landfill, we decided to repurpose and donate it to good causes.”

Chamber member donates to Derby-based not-for-profit that helps schools access equipment

Heanor-based bus operator trentbarton, which provides services in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, has donated two laptops to Enterprise for Education (E4E).

The group is a not-for-profit public-private sector partnership based within Derby City Council’s education department that aims to mobilise the city’s workforce to help young people prepare for both life beyond school and the world of work.

Jeff Counsell, managing director at trentbarton, said: “Like many businesses, we have been moved by hearing about children unable to do as much remote schoolwork as they need during lockdown.

“Some are struggling to do any and some families with more than one school-age child face added difficulties.

“We are pledging our support by donating laptops for the children of families in our community and we urge any other businesses that can do likewise to join in.”

Arshad Iqbal is programme leader for E4E, which works with Chamber members such as the University of Derby, Rolls-Royce, Freeths and Bowmer + Kirkland to support every secondary school in Derby and a number of primary schools.

He said: “There’s a lot of talk that schools will remain closed beyond the February half-term and yet there’s young people at home who don’t have access to a laptop or broadband – meaning they have a fundamental barrier to education.

“In many cases, there’s two children in a household in different age groups, but one laptop between them – and there’s one school we work with where there’s five children sharing a single laptop.

“This makes it difficult not to just access the normal school provision, but also extra educational resources, such as those offered by the BBC and the employers we work with that are trying to encourage more children to take STEM subjects from a young age.”

Arshad said there’s plenty of research that highlights the correlation between doing well at school and having a successful career, while a 2017 study from the Education and Employers charity found that students who had at least four encounters with employers before leaving school would be 86% less likely to become a so-called “Neet” – not in education, employment or training.

He added: “We’re asking businesses if they would be able to donate an old laptop or, alternatively, sponsor the purchase of a new one, offering one small step towards these young people accessing the education we know is so important to success in later life.”

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Businesses desperately require answers as Brexit negotiations reach decision point, says East Midlands Chamber.

With the UK and EU yet to agree a trade deal, businesses are being left to “pick up the pieces” as they attempt to plan for 2021 amid huge uncertainty, believes the Chamber.

It comes as the latest analysis by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) showed that with just 24 days to go until the end of the transition period, businesses still have insufficient official information available in 24 critical areas.

Scott Knowles, chief executive of East Midlands Chamber, said: “Businesses are hooked to the news waiting for a positive update from the negotiations because the current stalemate is undermining their ability to prepare for change on 1 January.

“We know our trading relationship is going to look a lot different and many businesses have been managing their ‘known unknowns’, helped by organisations like the Chamber via our Readiness for Change programme.

“But there’s still many critical areas where they need answers, and they need them now, because they are being left to pick up the pieces while uncertainty rules.

“While it appears we are edging towards a decision either way on whether we will have a deal in time for the end of the transition period, the BCC’s Brexit Guidance Dashboard shows there are too many questions that remain unanswered – despite these issues not actually being impacted on the resolution of the trade negotiations.

“There is therefore no excuse for the UK Government not to do everything in its power to ensure the changes from 1 January will be as seamless as possible.”

BCC’s analysis finds 24 questions remain unanswered

The BCC’s Brexit Guidance Dashboard – long used by both business and government to evaluate the quality of official UK Government guidance – compiles 35 questions most frequently raised by businesses, which apply in both “deal” or “no deal” scenarios.
It has assessed the information available to firms and rated it green (information is sufficient), amber (some information is available) and red (information is wholly inadequate).

The BCC last evaluated the quality of official HM Government guidance to assess whether it provides sufficient, clear and actionable information that businesses can use to prepare for the coming changes in September and has now provided its latest assessment.
Government guidance has only been upgraded to a “green” rating in two areas – duty deferment accounts and the paperwork needed to import under a Generalised System of Preferences programme – since its last update, with 24 of 35 key questions still flashing “amber” or “red”.

Among the unresolved issues are:

• Firms still do not know what rules of origin will apply after the transition period, preventing them and their customers from planning – which could potentially create unprecedented new administration and costs
• There remains very limited guidance on procedures for the movement of goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
• Ten-digit tariff codes have still not been published and there is still doubt about the final World Trade Organisation’s most favoured nation (MFN) tariff rates
• There is no information on how UK tariff rate quotas will be administered or how businesses can access them beyond the transition period.

The lack of information with which to plan, and potential deadline fatigue, presents further challenges to firms up and down the UK that have already faced reduced demand, ongoing Government restrictions and sustained cashflow challenges due to the coronavirus crisis.

BCC director-general Adam Marshall said: “Posters and television adverts are no substitute for the clear, detailed and actionable information businesses require to prepare for the end of transition.

“None of the issues businesses are grappling with are new. They have all been raised repeatedly over the past four years, from tariff codes and rules of origin through to the movement of goods from GB to NI.

“The detail and precision of UK Government guidance matters, and will make all the difference as the trading relationship between the UK and EU changes on January 1.

“With the clock ticking down, the Government must do everything in its power to provide businesses with answers as they prepare to navigate a New Year like no other.

“We welcome the fact that UK and EU leaders are still talking, as the overwhelming majority of businesses want the two sides to reach an agreement.

“If a breakthrough happens over the coming hours and days, the two sides must immediately set to work on pragmatic steps to smooth the introduction of the new arrangements from January, including easements for genuine administrative errors, clear procedures at ports, and fast help from customs authorities.”

Easements and temporary waivers needed to help firms adjust
In addition to clarity on the new arrangements in any deal, the BCC said it is crucial the UK and EU member states agree to implement changes in a way that helps businesses to adjust to the new procedures and systems that will come in to force from January 1.
Example UK easements could include:

• A temporary waiver of the £300 fine for hauliers arriving at Channel ports that aren’t border-ready due to genuine errors in the preparation of their documentation
• Flexibility in the requirements for EU companies to be registered in the UK for paperwork purposes
• A mandatory grace period for all companies that have inadvertently shared personal data unlawfully between the UK and the EU (whether with third parties or subsidiaries) without adequate legal authority – unless there has been a substantive breach of data subject rights

On areas such as the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, the BCC said the Government should be prepared to act unilaterally to maintain the provision of services within the UK while also working with the EU and member states on reciprocal provision.
If no agreement can be reached, the organisation has urged both the UK and EU to take steps to help keep trade flowing in the interests of businesses on both sides.

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