east midlands chamber

Regional unemployment rate remains among lowest in the UK

The East Midlands’ unemployment rate has remained at 3.7% for the fifth month running, new figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

It puts the region near the top of the list for having a low proportion of over-16s out of work and significantly below the UK average of 4.2%.

The data, for the period between August and October 2023, means the region’s unemployment rate has now been under 4% for the past two years, having last been above the threshold in the three months to October 2021.

The economic inactivity rate for 16 to 64-year-olds – which measures the number of working-age people who have dropped out of the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – remained at 20.9% for the East Midlands for the third consecutive month, above a pre-pandemic trend around the 19% mark.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The fact our region’s unemployment rate has remained at a relatively low level for such a prolonged period is testament to the efforts and resilience of our region’s business community in the face of significant economic challenges.

“Rising economic inactivity has been one of the greatest concerns over the past couple of years as it led to a dwindling labour market, which has restricted capacity – and therefore the ability to grow, raise productivity and bring prices down.

“While this rate remains above pre-Covid levels, it’s pleasing to see this has now come down by about 2% throughout this year, giving firms more room to manoeuvre.

“However, our own research shows there is no room for complacency. Our Quarterly Economic Survey shows a net 7% of businesses have increased their workforce during the final three months of 2023, compared to a net 15% in the previous quarter – an indication of the tough trading challenges that persist. Over the next three months, a net 17% expect their workforce to expand in size, so prospects may improve.

“Many employers continue to face challenges with filling job vacancies. More than half (55%) of organisations attempted to recruit during Q4, and more than seven in 10 (72%) of these experienced problems in finding suitable staff. There are particular shortages to fill skilled manual and technical roles, as well as professional and managerial positions.”

East Midlands Chamber published its regional economic blueprint, titled A Centre of Trading Excellence: A Business Manifesto for Growth in the East Midlands and Beyond, in November last year, urging Government to focus on the “four Is” of investment, innovation, infrastructure and international trade.

It set out a list of policies to encourage businesses to invest in their people, including introducing flexible incentives for businesses that invest in staff training and bringing forward the introduction of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement to support retraining and the retainment of an older workforce.

Scott added: “We really need a dedicated Government policy that supports companies to invest in their people, whether that be in upskilling their existing workforce or reskilling prospective employees to fill skills gaps.

“We must also tailor policies to recognise the diversity of people who are out of work and avoid a one-size-fits-all solution. We would also like to see Government work with businesses to offer support, and share best practice, on what a flexible and inclusive workplace looks like as this is another vital ingredient in enticing people back to work.”

To read the Chamber’s Business Manifesto for Growth, A Centre of Trading Excellence, visit www.emc-dnl.co.uk/manifesto.


Scott Knowles

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber

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Businesses urged to find out more about Chesterfield Accelerator support scheme

A range of new business support programmes that aim to provide advice and funding for both established and start-up businesses has been launched in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Borough Council and East Midlands Chamber launched the support projects at an event at Chesterfield Football Club’s SMH Group Stadium on Thursday 7 December.

The Chesterfield Accelerator initiative, which will be run by East Midlands Chamber but funded by Chesterfield Borough Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), includes a dedicated local business advisor, access to a range of courses and workshops on a variety of topics which are free for local businesses to attend.

Chesterfield Borough Council has also launched a new business grant scheme funded through the UKSPF. The grants are open to any business based in Chesterfield and can be used to support initiatives designed to help the business grow.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We are an ambitious borough with our sights firmly set on growing the local economy to create new jobs and improve the quality of life for our residents.

“We recognise the importance of working closely with local businesses to deliver growth. Our business support packages aim to help businesses in any sector and of any size to realise their potential. From providing tailored business advice to business grants and hosting workshops, there is a wide range of support available.

“I encourage any business owner in Chesterfield to look closely at the support we can provide and to get in touch with us as soon as possible to access these business support programmes.”

The Chesterfield Accelerator is one of 16 Accelerator programmes being run by the Chamber across the East Midlands. The programme includes access to a dedicated business advisor who can provide advice on a wide range of issues relevant to businesses.

It also includes access to training workshops designed to support development in areas like digital skills; a subsidy for a 12-week executive leadership programme; support to apply for grant funding; networking sessions; vouchers for specialist consultancy programmes; and energy saving audits.

Diane Beresford, Deputy Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber said: “It was standing room only at today’s launch event, such is the interest of local businesses in the new Chesterfield Accelerator project, decarbonisation grants and the business grants on offer from the Council.

“The Chamber and Council have a great track record of partnering on such initiatives, including on the Chesterfield Digital High Street Project which brought much-needed footfall to the town’s high street businesses. We’re now looking forward to reaching a much wider range of sectors to give businesses the skills and resources they need to build in the most robust way for the future.”

As well as the Chesterfield Accelerator, businesses in Chesterfield can access the new grant scheme that could provide 80% of the cost of investments designed to help a business grow or expand. This could include the cost of new equipment – for instance a local café could apply for new machinery that would help expand their menu. These grants are only available for a limited time, and businesses are advised to apply as soon as possible.

Green business grants are also available to help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.

The new initiatives complement the existing business support offer in Chesterfield which includes a local business advisor who can provide advice and support on a range of relevant issues. These include:

  • An Innovation Support Programme which includes regular workshops designed to give business leaders information around new topics and industry standards.
  • A skills brokerage service which aims to provide local businesses with advice around skills development, including apprenticeships and will signpost them towards relevant training courses.
  • As part of Vision Derbyshire anyone in Chesterfield looking to start their own business can access specialist start-up advice and grant funding to help with the initial costs.
  • Chesterfield Borough Council also runs a dedicated commercial property service.  Through this service landlords can advertise properties for free and business owners looking for premises can receive advice on the types of property currently available.

Find out more about the wide range of business support programmes available in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Accelerator launch

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East Midlands can ‘lead the way’ in energy transition, Midlands Energy Summit hears

The East Midlands has the potential to “lead the way” in the energy transition to net zero by holding some of the key ingredients – but businesses need more support to make changes right now.

These were two of the headline messages at the Midlands Energy Summit, held by East Midlands Chamber at the University of Nottingham’s Trent Building yesterday (Thursday 30 November).

Speakers from major organisations including Toyota, Uniper, National Grid and the East Midlands Freeport gave an insight into some of the clean energy activities happening in the region, including in hydrogen, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

A new East Midlands zero-carbon innovation centre, which aims to transform cutting-edge green research at the University of Nottingham and Loughborough University into commercial products, was announced by the Freeport’s chief executive Tom Newman-Taylor at the event – with the Freeport contributing £5m over funding towards the initiative.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and insight Chris Hobson said: “With three of the big bases for future energy provision – hydrogen, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission – being developed here in the East Midlands, across a range of nationally-critical projects and research that is backed by public and private sector investment, we are leading the way in the energy transition.

“It was fascinating to hear more about some of these plans from the major players in these areas, and the new East Midlands zero-carbon innovation centre is an exciting initiative that taps into these strengths while developing new sectors that will deliver further investment and high-quality jobs for our communities.

“But while the future holds plenty of promise, we mustn’t forget about what we can do here and now to make gains in the green agenda. Toyota is a great example of a company making small adjustments to save lots of energy and while some of these learnings can be passed down through the supply chain, there is plenty more we can do.

“Small businesses tell us they want to make the necessary changes to decarbonise their operations, and many are already taking huge strides forward, but require more support.

“Our Sustainable East Midlands initiative can signpost businesses to funded programmes, events and best practice. More broadly, it’s crucial for businesses, the public sector and universities to work closer together to develop research and roll out new technologies that will help the East Midlands and UK to become a world leader in the net zero economy.”

Midlands Energy Summit - Scott Knowles

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East Midlands economy shows resilience as regional unemployment remains under 4%

The East Midlands’ unemployment rate has remained at 3.7% for the fourth month running, new figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

The data, for the period between July and September 2023, means the proportion of working-age people in the region who do not currently have a job but are actively looking for work has been below 4% since the three months to October 2021 – almost two years.

Nationally, the unemployment rate is half a percentage point higher at 4.2%, although the economic inactivity rate for 16 to 64-year-olds – which measures the number of working-age people who have dropped out of the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – is 21% for both the UK and East Midlands. This remains above a pre-pandemic trend around the 19% mark.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The fact our region’s unemployment rate has remained at a relatively low level for such a prolonged period is testament to the efforts and resilience of our region’s business community in the face of significant economic challenges.

“Rising economic inactivity has been one of the greatest concerns over the past couple of years as it led to a dwindling labour market, which has restricted capacity – and therefore the ability to grow, raise productivity and bring prices down.

“While this rate remains above pre-Covid levels, it’s pleasing to see this has now come down by about 2% throughout this year, giving firms more room to manoeuvre.

“However, our own research shows there is no room for complacency. Our Quarterly Economic Survey has highlighted a slight growth in the region’s workforce, with 60% of East Midlands businesses adding to headcount in the first quarter of 2023, rising to 62% in Q2 and 63% in Q3.

“Employment prospects look weaker going forward with the proportion of firms expecting to recruit in the coming months falling by a net 8%, amid slowing demand for our region’s businesses products and services from both domestic and international customers.

“Many employers continue to face challenges with filling job vacancies. While 58% of organisations attempted to recruit during Q3, two-thirds (67%) of those experienced problems in finding suitable staff.

“This illustrates how we really need a dedicated Government policy that supports companies to invest in their people, whether that be in upskilling their existing workforce or reskilling prospective employees to fill skills gaps.

“In our regional economic blueprint, A Centre of Trading Excellence: A Business Manifesto for Growth in the East Midlands and Beyond, investment is one of the ‘four Is’ we urge Government to prioritise – and next week’s Autumn Statement provides a great opportunity to address this.

“We have set out a list of policies we believe will make the required difference, including introducing flexible incentives for businesses that invest in staff training and bringing forward the introduction of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement to support retraining and the retainment of an older workforce.

“We must also tailor policies to recognise the diversity of people who are out of work and avoid a one-size-fits-all solution. We would also like to see Government work with businesses to offer support, and share best practice, on what a flexible and inclusive workplace looks like as this is another vital ingredient in enticing people back to work.”

Chesterfield has a quality workforce, and sits between several universities in Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby. Find out more about why our town is an excellent location to base your business. 

Commerce House, East Midlands Chamber

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Chesterfield Champions win prestigious Derbyshire Business Awards

Two businesses in the town’s network of Chesterfield Champions have taken home prestigious accolades at East Midlands Chamber’s Derbyshire Business Awards.

The ceremony recognised East Midlands Chamber members across 13 categories, ranging from Excellence in Innovation and Environmental Impact at organisational level through to individual honours for Entrepreneur of the Year and Apprentice of the Year, in addition to the overall Business of the Year winner.

Chesterfield’s EcoTech Engineers won the award for Outstanding Growth (Sponsored by Amazon), while Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care took home the accolade for Excellence in Innovation (sponsored by Rolls-Royce).

Finalists, chosen by a judging panel of the Chamber’s senior leadership and board of directors, as well as sponsors, discovered their fate during a gala dinner attended by 350 people at Derbyshire County Cricket Club.

Scott Knowles, chief executive of East Midlands Chamber, said: “The winners of our Business Awards are testament to the resilience, ingenuity and hunger for growth within the Derbyshire business community, which never ceases to amaze.

“Despite some of the relentless challenges that have been thrown their way, our region’s businesses continue to find new ways of succeeding and contributing to the communities in which they are based.

“It’s always important to celebrate these achievements and shout about the great things happening right here in Derbyshire. We know it’s a fantastic place to do business and these organisations are shining examples.”

The Derbyshire Business Awards – one of three awards hosted by the Chamber, along with Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire – were hosted by former badminton world champion Gail Emms MBE and featured live entertainment from high-energy party band Central Avenue.

A raffle was held to raise funds for the Chamber Charitable Fund, which comprises president Stuart Dawkins’ three chosen charities for this year – Foundation Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation, and Nottinghamshire Community Foundation.

chamber business awards 2023 rose cottage

Winners of Derbyshire Business Awards 2023, in association with headline partner Mazars

Business Improvement Through Technology (sponsored by Purpose Media)

Coach Hire Comparison

Community Impact (sponsored by University of Derby)

Derventio Housing Trust

Outstanding Growth (sponsored by Amazon)

EcoTech Engineers

Excellence in Collaboration (sponsored by ITS Technology Group)

Colleague Box and Blue Light Card

Environmental Impact (sponsored by Futures Housing Group)


Commitment to People Development (sponsored by think3)

Midland Lead

Apprentice of the Year (sponsored by Toyota Manufacturing UK)

Leah Bancroft – Longbow Bars & Restaurants

Entrepreneur of the Year (sponsored by East Midlands Manufacturing Network)

Steven Thai – Ocean King

Education and Business Partnership (sponsored by Concertus)

EMA Training

Excellence in Customer Service (sponsored by Howden)

Reformed IT

Excellence in International Trade (sponsored by East Midlands Freeport)

Bloc Digital

Small Business of the Year (sponsored by University of Derby)

Bloc Digital

Excellence in Innovation (sponsored by Rolls-Royce)

Rose Cottage Doggy Daycare

Business of the Year (sponsored by Mazars)

Midland Lead

EcoTech Engineers and Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Derbyshire Business Awards 2023 winners

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East Midlands Chamber secures £8.9m funding to deliver new generation of business support

Businesses in the region are to receive a significant boost to their operations with a helping hand from East Midlands Chamber’s new generation of business support.

The chamber of commerce for Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire has secured £8.9m of public funding until March 2025 to deliver its Accelerator project, which aims to provide one seamless point of entry for relevant business support.

It comprises key activities under the strands of net zero, innovation, digital and finance, with the aim of helping companies at all stages of their development to start, sustain, grow and innovate.

The East Midlands Chamber Accelerator project brings together a number of publicly-funded contracts including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), a key part of the Government’s levelling up agenda to enhance communities, businesses and skills; Innovate UK EDGE, which helps innovative SMEs to grow and achieve scale; and Made Smarter East Midlands, which assists manufacturers in switching to advanced and automated technologies.

Diane Beresford, deputy chief executive of East Midlands Chamber, said: “The East Midlands Chamber Accelerator programme has been carefully designed to provide businesses across the district with the right support, at the right time.

“At the heart of the project is a team of locally-based advisers and specialists, employed by the Chamber, who will offer high-intensity support to businesses seeking to grow, create new jobs or exploit technology to improve performance.

“Working with an adviser or specialist will be a key ingredient for businesses interested in taking advantage of Accelerator support and a diagnostics report will show them where best to point their energies.”

Key activities will be delivered under the strands of net zero, innovation, digital and finance to help businesses achieve the following:

  • Develop new-to-the-firm technologies
  • Improve productivity
  • Safeguard and create jobs
  • Adopt new digital technologies and processes
  • Engage in new markets
  • Improve productivity
  • Introduce new products and services
  • Increase revenue
  • Make progress on their journey to net zero.

The Net Zero Accelerator will build on the success of the Sustainable East Midlands campaign to deliver events, workshops, and the opportunity for an energy-saving and improvement opportunities audit.

Other investment themes include increasing investment in research and development at local level, with a focus on commercialising ideas and accelerating the path to market; improving training hubs, incubators and accelerators to support entrepreneurs and start-ups through the early stages of development and growth; and taking a whole systems approach to infrastructure investment that delivers effective decarbonisation across energy, buildings and transport.

While the Accelerator programme is open to participation from all sectors, there is recognition that manufacturing, visitor economy, retail and services businesses are critically important sectors that warrant targeted support.

The East Midlands Chamber Accelerator programme will build on the success of the Growth Hub service via a range of fully-funded action-planning workshops delivered locally on topics such as finance, carbon efficiency, HR and digital marketing.

Working with a locally-based business adviser or specialist will be the first port of call for businesses interested in taking advantage of Accelerator support. Diagnostics will be assessed, and a business action plan produced through the Balanced Scorecard strategic management system model.

Growth vouchers worth up to £2,000 – covering 100% intervention – will be available for specialist or sector-specific training or consultancy advice, in addition to support for identifying and accessing grant funding.

Businesses employing more than five people and with a turnover of £100,000 are invited to apply for a Chamber subsidy covering the £750 cost of joining the Help to Grow: Management course being delivered by the region’s universities, with the remaining cost of attendance covered by a Government subsidy.

The course provides an excellent opportunity for senior managers and leaders to engage with and learn from their peers.

Collaboration is very much the theme too for the Chamber’s East Midlands Manufacturing Network, in which manufacturers have the opportunity to share best practice and seek advice during local forums that take place every six weeks.

Businesses interested in benefitting from this next generation of business support are invited to contact the Chamber’s Information team on 0333 320 0333, info@emc-dnl.co.uk to arrange an exploratory meeting with a business adviser.

Upcoming events delivered as part of the Accelerator programme include:

  • 2 November: Building a high-performance team
  • 7 November: WordPress masterclass
  • 14 November: Negotiating sales through excellent customer care
  • 15 November: Getting started with paid advertising
  • 21 November: Managing finance

Workshops will be held in person at various locations across the districts.

For a full list of East Midlands Accelerator events, visit bit.ly/AcceleratorEvents

Find out more about support available to businesses based in Chesterfield.

Commerce House, East Midlands Chamber

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North East Derbyshire firms urged to take up support for growth, innovation and decarbonisation

How to grow, sustain, innovate and decarbonise are top of the agenda for an innovative new programme being launched in North East Derbyshire.

The Accelerator project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and East Midlands Chamber.

It signals a new era of local place-based support for districts like North East Derbyshire and will help local businesses to improve productivity through innovation and digital technology, reduce energy costs through decarbonisation and moving towards net zero, and grow through a robust business plan and strategy.

The Accelerator project offers:

  • Net Zero support to help businesses at any stage of their sustainability journey to reduce the cost of their energy bills and improve energy efficiencies. Training and 1-2-1 consultancy will be offered on a range of subjects including waste management and Investors in the Environment, also supporting businesses to develop comprehensive energy audits and de-carbonisation plans.
  • Innovation and R&D support from Innovation and Technology Specialists to help high-growth and scale-up businesses adopt digital technologies and take advantage of national programmes such as Innovate UK EDGE and Made Smarter.
  • Action planning workshops with expert trainers on a range of topics including Finance, HR, Digital Marketing and Sales.
  • Access to finance and specialised consultancy through growth vouchers and grants.
  • Networks for collaboration with fellow businesses including through the national Help to Grow: Management Course and the East Midlands Manufacturing Network which invites North East Derbyshire businesses to attend forums in Derby and in other key locations across the East Midlands.

Businesses are invited to hear about support on offer at the North East Derbyshire Accelerator launch event, taking place on Friday, 27th October 2023 at Coney Green Business Park, Clay Cross. Diane Beresford, Deputy Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber, will present on the range of Accelerator support available, and explain how businesses can register to join the project and secure their free training workshop places.

Councillor Jayne Barry, North East Derbyshire District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Growth & Assets, said: “The new Accelerator Programme is a wonderful opportunity for businesses across North East Derbyshire to take their business to the next level – whether that be in terms of growth, developing new processes, adopting new technologies or tackling their energy costs.

“Knowing where to start can, however, be a real challenge. The package of specialist support and guidance on offer from East Midlands Chamber will, I’m sure, be invaluable to businesses seeking to inject new energy into their operations.

“I encourage anyone who would like to hear more about the exciting opportunities available through the Accelerator Programme to join our launch event on 27th October at Coney Green Business Centre.”

Diane Beresford, Deputy Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber, added: “The Accelerator project will help businesses across North East Derbyshire to improve their operations in a number of areas. Chamber business advisers are on hand to help businesses develop a business strategy to help achieve key objectives such as driving efficiencies and productivity, developing a decarbonisation plan, and becoming more sustainable.

“As well as one-to-one business adviser support, businesses have the opportunity to sign-up for a series of action planning workshops which significantly boost key skills within their teams.”

Businesses wishing to learn more about the Accelerator project in North East Derbyshire can do so by signing up to the 27th October event or visiting the programme at: www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk/accelerator and choosing North East Derbyshire as their district.

Find out more about the range of support available to businesses in Chesterfield and surrounding areas at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/business-support/

Two people shaking hands

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High-growth businesses in Chesterfield achieve new ambitions through Digital Upscaler

More than 1,000 ambitious businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire have received valuable support to embrace new technologies courtesy of an East Midlands Chamber-led programme.

The Digital Upscaler project, which part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and ran from 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2023, provided SMEs with knowledge, investment and capacity to scale-up.

It achieved this via intensive digital adviser support and specialist consultancy, capital grants to support technology investment, dedicated peer networks and a comprehensive programme of strategic action-planning workshops.

Technology grants valued at £1.6m in total, delivered as part of the project, have supported companies across a range of sectors to acquire and integrate new enterprise resource planning (ERP) and material requirements planning (MRP) systems, new access and entry systems, as well as install high-performance servers and high-speed Wi-Fi.

Diane Beresford, deputy chief executive at East Midlands Chamber, said: “Digital technology support has been a core service of East Midlands Chamber for many years now. A significant part of that offer was Digital Upscaler, the impact of which can be seen both in the project’s deliverables and in the subsequent growth of the businesses supported.

“ERDF support may well have ended but the Chamber’s innovation and technology specialists continue to be on hand to guide scaling businesses on tapping into support from the Chamber’s new East Midlands Accelerator projects and through national programmes such as Made Smarter and Innovate UK EDGE.”

Digital Upscaler has supported several Chesterfield firms, including Images Costumes, a family-run business which supplies custom-made dancewear, uniforms and active wear to dance schools, individual performers, theatres and production companies.

These outfits have taken centre stage in a number of shows, from The BRIT Awards to that of Irish-American dance sensation, Michael Flatley.

Michelle Webb, Owner and Managing Director at Images Costumes Ltd. commented: “Technology really is ever-changing and, no matter how we try, we are never up to date! So the triage of support we’ve received; D2N2 Business Adviser support, workshops, and digital consultancy, has been hugely important to our business.”

North Derbyshire-based manufacturer, Penny Hydraulics also received the support. The Digital Upscaler project funded bespoke training on CAD Autodesk, which has helped automate the business’s goods lift design process, in turn reducing the wasted time and material caused by manual errors.

Find out more about Chesterfield’s vibrant business community, and the support available to firms in our area at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/

computer laptop digital

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East Midlands businesses tell Chamber what they want from next Government ahead of party conferences

Long-term strategies for energy and industry are top of the wishlist for the region’s businesses ahead of the next General Election, according to a new study by East Midlands Chamber.

Speeding up the rollout of full-fibre broadband and 5G connectivity, greater investment in road and rail infrastructure projects, and better incentives for upskilling and reskilling people followed closely behind as priorities.

The chamber of commerce for Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire asked businesses to provide views on 20 policy asks in its latest Quarterly Economic Survey, with the development of a long-term energy strategy for the UK ranking as being the most important.

Results were compiled to establish a list of top priorities for businesses, which has been published ahead of the upcoming Labour and Conservative party conferences in October.

Chris Hobson, director of policy and insight at East Midlands Chamber, said: “With a General Election drawing closer on the horizon, it’s hugely important for the voice of businesses to be heard by the next Government in order to drive sustainable economic growth that delivers jobs and prosperity.

“After many years of policy flip-flopping, economic shocks and the resulting uncertainty this has created for businesses, long-term planning appears to be front and centre of minds.

“A long-term energy strategy is understandably top of the list given the huge rise in utilities costs for firms and households over the past two years combined with the opportunities business see to deliver future solutions in this space. It’s closely followed by a comprehensive industrial strategy that finally addresses the UK’s perennial productivity problem – which is crucial to growing output, creating jobs and bringing down inflation.

“In our regional economic blueprint, A Centre of Trading Excellence: A Business Manifesto for Growth in the East Midlands and Beyond, launched in Westminster last year, we highlighted the importance of infrastructure – that is, both digital and transport – as one of ‘four Is’ to spearheading growth.

“Businesses are telling us they want to see real improvements across broadband and 5G connectivity, which are both crucial to 21st century working, while investing in our roads and rail is crucial to their future success – an important consideration at a time Government is deliberating over the future of HS2 and our region continues to be bottom of the pile for public transport investment.

“We have also spoken in our manifesto about ‘getting the basics right’ and ‘growing our competitiveness the right way’, and both these themes are reflected in our survey as firms tell us they want the broken business rates to be made fit for purpose and better incentives to support the net zero agenda.”

Policy priorities for East Midlands businesses

The responses on policy priorities were gathered by East Midlands Chamber in August and September 2023 as part of its Quarterly Economic Survey, in which 296 businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire took part.

They were presented with a list of 20 policy asks of Government and asked to score them based on importance to their organisation, providing additional comments as to why. The top 10 priority areas, in order, were:

  • The development of a long-term Energy Strategy for the UK
  • The development of a long-term Industrial Strategy for the UK
  • Speeding up the rollout of full-fibre broadband
  • Greater investment in local infrastructure projects (road, rail)
  • More flexible/generous incentives for investment in staff development/reskilling (including application of Apprenticeship Levy)
  • Greater investment in major infrastructure projects (road, rail)
  • Speeding up the rollout of 5G technology
  • Comprehensive reform of the business rates system
  • Greater investment in integrated public transport networks
  • More flexible/generous incentives for developments associated with the green agenda.

Perfectly located in the centre of the UK with excellent connectivity to several major cities, find out why Chesterfield is a great location for your next business base.

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chris Hobson, East Midlands Chamber

Chris Hobson, Director of Policy and Insight, East Midlands Chamber

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Sustainability Summit encourages green growth across the East Midlands

East Midlands Chamber has praised the ‘shining examples of success’ of green growth in our regional business community at its latest Sustainability Summit.

The event explored how to unlock the green growth for SMEs and the wider East Midlands economy – across themes including leadership, innovation, international trade and best practice.

It took place against a backdrop in which Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the Government will water down net zero policies, including delaying a ban on the sales of new petrol and diesel cars and phasing out gas boilers.

Speakers at the Sustainability Summit said “flip-flopping” over net zero commitments from Westminster created huge uncertainty that undermined long-term investments and would ultimately harm the UK’s quest to become a global leader in the green economy.

About 200 people representing organisations from across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire gathered for the event, held in partnership with the University of Derby, Mazars, Thompson Tree Services and Epson.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and insight Chris Hobson said: “We heard at our Sustainability Summit about some of the great things that businesses are doing in pursuing green growth and the very tangible rewards they are reaping with innovation and financial growth.

“These are the shining examples of success we can glean from embracing net zero, which means viewing it as not just a challenge but a golden opportunity.

“Yet while our national leaders correctly talk up the research and development strengths of our businesses and ambitions to be a global leader in developing low-carbon goods and services, there is a huge disconnect between this messaging and Government policy – as evidenced by the Prime Minister’s ill-judged shifting of the goalposts on our country’s net zero commitments.

“We saw first-hand the impact policy flip-flopping has on business decision-making during the chaotic political landscape of 2022, which quashed business confidence and thus investment. The lack of certainty about the future direction of our economy will unfortunately have a similar impact at a time when we should be encouraging transformational long-term investment.

“Having net zero targets is one thing, but to get us there we require a roadmap that will be led by business innovation. The vacillating from our political leaders instead undermines our ability to make real progress in this space and we instead find ourselves stuck in limbo when it comes to the most significant economic opportunity of our lifetime.”

Findings from the Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands research conducted by the Chamber and University of Derby were discussed by report author Dr Polina Baranova, associate professor of strategy and sustainability.

It showed the proportion of East Midlands businesses that have made any income from environmentally-friendly goods and services dropped from 45% in 2022 to 36% in 2023, decarbonisation investment varies significantly according to business size and sector, and a widening gap in business support and information.

Dr Baranova said this illustrated not only the impact of the cost-of-doing business crisis but the “fragility” of the current policy landscape, with green growth yet to be a firmly embedded business philosophy.

Other highlights at the Sustainability Summit included:

  • East Midlands Chamber president Stuart Dawkins discussed how sustainability is at the heart of businesses’ responsibility to support their communities and future generations
  • Professor Chris Bushell, pro vice-chancellor and head of sustainability at the University of Derby, outlined how the institution is taking a lead in the net zero agenda via its research, innovation, thought leadership and knowledge capital
  • Ian Meikle, director of clean growth at Innovate UK, explained how Britain can create jobs and sustainable economic growth by developing its own low-carbon products and services, but this required stable policy and regulation, innovation in business models and supply chains, and a step-change in access to capital
  • Chris Fuggle, global head of sustainability services at audit, tax and advisory services firm Mazars, provided practical strategies to upskill leadership teams on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda and embedding sustainability at board level
  • Charlie de la Haye, communications manager at Epson UK, gave an insight into how the global printing manufacturer had pivoted its business model to deliver green goods and services while demonstrating how it could deliver cost-saving benefits to customers.

Chris Hobson speaking at the East Midlands Chamber sustainability summit

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Local leaders meet as East Midlands devolution plans gather pace

Local leaders from a range of sectors came together this month to discuss the progress of East Midlands devolution, as plans to give the region extra powers and funding gather pace and momentum.

The event, held on Friday 18 August, saw Chief Executives at Derbyshire County Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Derby City Council and Nottingham City Council provide updates on key elements of the region’s proposed devolution deal, including transport, skills and adult education, housing, and net-zero.

Stakeholders representing a broad range of interests across the region – including business, universities and colleges, and emergency services – were given the opportunity to put questions to senior officers at the four councils.

The event was held ahead of several major devolution milestones over the coming months. For the proposed East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) to come into existence, new legislation is required from the government, which is anticipated to be in place before the end of the year.

Detailed devolution proposals would then be sent to the government for approval, meaning that EMCCA could be a reality from spring 2024, with the first ever election for a regional mayor – covering Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Derby, and Nottingham – taking place in May 2024.

Emma Alexander, Managing Director at Derbyshire County Council, said: “Devolution would unlock major benefits for our region, including extra powers and funding around a range of issues including housing, transport, skills, adult education and the environment.

“It is vital that we engage with key stakeholders every step of the way in this process, which is why I was delighted to see so many partners and colleagues in attendance at our event.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, said: “The East Midlands has historically received the lowest levels of public funding in England. The fact that the East Midlands has consistently delivered GDP growth close to the UK average, from very low levels of investment, is testament to the commitment and ingenuity of the thousands of SMEs that are the backbone of the region’s economy.

“Devolving decision-making powers over how funding is spent to local areas is an important step and a once in a generation opportunity to organise ourselves in a way so that it’s easy for government to provide us with the funding we need to grow our local economy, productivity and wealth.”

Greg Broughton, Sustainable Growth and Place Manager at the Environment Agency (East Midlands), said: “Reflecting on the recent devolution stakeholder event, it was abundantly clear that there is a strong collective enthusiasm and drive to seize the opportunity for devolution to work together, to collaborate in new ways and to make the changes needed to transform the region.

“I was particularly pleased to hear that tackling environmental inequality and climate change is at the heart of the commitment to build a resilient and vibrant future for the people and places of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and I am excited to be part of building this new vision.”

If the plans go ahead, the EMCCA – spanning two counties and cities – would be the first combined county authority in the country, with a new elected regional mayor at the helm, representing around 2.2 million people.

Devolution would provide the region with a guaranteed income stream of at least £1.14 billion, spread over a 30-year period.

More funding is expected to become available once the EMCCA is formed – so far, £18 million has been awarded to the area as early investment during devolution negotiations, which is being spent on improving local housing, transport and skills provision.

Thanks to devolution proposals, the East Midlands has been invited to establish an ‘Investment Zone’, which will attract £80 million of support over five years, with tax incentives for businesses to help boost economic growth right across the region.

Mark Rogers, the new Interim Chief Officer for the East Midlands Devolution Programme, was a guest speaker at the event following his recent appointment.

Rogers brings a wealth of experience to the role, having served as Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, and also played a pivotal role in the formation of the West Midlands Combined Authority. He will be joined by an interim team as the region’s devolution plans progress.

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The Spire viewed from Old Whittington along Whittington Moor

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