east midlands chamber

Sustainability Summit encourages firms to embed net zero targets in business plans

Moving from a position where the net zero agenda is an aspiration to it being embedded in every strand of a business will be crucial to taking meaningful strides forward in green growth.

This was the consensus among speakers at East Midlands Chamber’s Sustainability Summit, which also heard how the cost-of-doing-business crisis offers an opportunity to make environmentally-friendly efficiencies that reduce overheads for organisations.

The event, held at headline partner the University of Derby’s Enterprise Centre, featured keynote speakers from universities, businesses, banking, not-for-profits and Government.

Chris Hobson, director of policy and external affairs at East Midlands Chamber, said: “Despite firms facing lots of external challenges and a crisis in the cost of doing business, they remain highly committed to the net zero agenda by making efficiencies in their operations and buildings to reduce not only their carbon emissions, but costs too.

“So as we search for solutions to the mountain of problems, it’s vital we don’t take our eye off the ball in supporting businesses to adopt green growth strategies.
“It’s clear we still have much work to do in this respect, with many companies telling us there must be a more joined-up approach between organisations – whether it’s Government agencies, universities, local authorities and business representation networks like the Chamber – and a more consistent message across these bodies.”

Unique research into Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2022 carried out by the Chamber and University of Derby found the proportion of the region’s firms that sell green goods and services has almost trebled to 45% over the seven years to 2022, while the proportion considering green growth as part of their business strategies has more than doubled to 21.5% in the past four years.

However, 35% of firms still aren’t engaged with green growth – with reasons cited including gaps in information, skills and access to finance.

Chris added: “While it’s very promising to see real progress being made in the race to net zero, access to finance for green projects and skills for green jobs remain key barriers to making further inroads into greening up our economy.

“From a policy perspective, Government needs to get on with stalled environmental legislation. This will remove the uncertainty and provide businesses with the opportunity to plan for the future.

Businesses want to see our decision-makers pushing through previously proposed legislation in areas like waste management and biodiversity in order to start investing in new technologies that will drive change and there is a message to ‘get on with it’.

“The language we use when discussing the net zero needs to evolve as the landscape does – when we talk about green jobs, let’s start thinking less about the inputs of roles and more about their impact in order to broaden what is currently a very narrow definition.

“And for businesses, we want to move towards green growth being embedded in everything we do – from business plans for growth and making efficiencies, to the products we make and skills we look for. Only once it is part of mainstream thinking can we really begin to make the required progress in cutting emissions and costs.”

For more information about business support related to net zero adoption and green growth, visit the Chamber’s Sustainable East Midlands page at www.emc-dnl.co.uk/sustainability.

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Big jump in number of East Midlands businesses selling green products, new research shows

The proportion of East Midlands businesses now selling green goods and services has almost trebled over the past seven years, according to new research by East Midlands Chamber and Derby Business School at the University of Derby.

In 2015, 16% of companies in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire derived turnover from supplying environmentally-friendly goods – such as energy efficiency, waste recovery and eco-food and drink products – but this increased to 45% in 2022 as more firms identified opportunities in the UK’s race to net zero.

However, the Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2022 study, a unique piece of research of the regional growth trends over the past seven years, found that 35% of businesses still aren’t engaged with green growth – with reasons cited including gaps in information, skills and access to finance.

The Chamber launched a Sustainable East Midlands initiative in 2020 that aims to educate firms about the importance of embracing low-carbon business practices in order to cut costs, win new contracts, and recruit and retain the best talent – while also signposting to funding opportunities.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “The net zero agenda presents a big challenge to businesses but there is also a raft of opportunities for those eager to tackle it head-on by creating the products and services that will help steer the energy transition.

“Amid the current cost of doing business crisis, a move towards sustainable products and services could unlock the long-term efficiency gains that offset rising prices while creating a sustainable East Midlands economy.

“While it’s great to see more engagement among SMEs, there remains a significant gap between large and small firms, and it’s slightly concerning to see the number of organisations accessing business support has dropped in recent times.

“We need our decision-makers to develop policy mechanisms that are better aligned with regional business interests and specific sector needs in order to intensify engagement, while companies also need financial support to reskill and upskill our existing workforce. This will enable us to continue with the great progress we’ve already made in this generation’s most important issue.”

Other key findings from the research, which was based on responses from 372 organisations in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottingham to the Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey in February 2022, included:

• There is a rising trend of diversification into green markets, with a four-fold increase (7.5% to 28.5%) in businesses reporting that between 1% and 19% of their turnover derives from green goods and services between 2015 and 2022
• The proportion of businesses considering green growth as part of their business strategies has more than doubled over the past four years from 9.7% in 2018 to 21.5% in 2022
• More than 80% of large businesses are actively pursuing green growth opportunities, compared with 61% of medium, 56% of small and 36% of micro-sized companies
• Only 17% of firms surveyed said the current policy landscape allows them to fully engage with green growth
• A third (33%) did not feel well-informed about the support available for green growth, although this was a drop from 42% in 2021
• The largest demands for skills development are in the areas of energy and resource efficiency, renewables and access to green finance

Report lead Dr Polina Baranova, a senior lecturer in strategic management, said: “It’s been positive to see such a positive trajectory in the proportion of firms entering the green goods and services markets, with SMEs becoming more active in green growth.

“Regionally, as the opportunities for green growth are becoming more pronounced, there is a need for a holistic approach to supporting pro-environmental businesses.”

Dr Fred Paterson, university lead for sustainable business and clean growth, added: “This growth is particularly encouraging in the context of the post-Covid economic recovery as it suggests there has been something of a ‘reset’ in how leaders are developing strategies to grow their business.”

Dr Baranova will discuss findings from the research at East Midlands Chamber’s Sustainability Summit on Thursday 22 September at the University of Derby Enterprise Centre. Find out more about the event here. 



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Chesterfield Digital High Street project equips 127 businesses for the future

More than 120 businesses in the Chesterfield borough are now up to speed with the online revolution after receiving expert digital support via an innovative scheme.

Since being launched in June last year, the Chesterfield Digital High Street project has engaged 127 small and microbusinesses reliant on bricks and mortar to transition into the digital world by building their online offering for customers and improving their social media profile.

Of this cohort, 81 businesses worked with a digital high street adviser, 56 companies developed a digital action plan and 50 firms accessed grants worth £2,200.

Some 38 new websites are now either live or in development – many of these equipped with the latest payment systems such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, as well as modern shopping concepts like “click and collect”.

Funded by Chesterfield Borough Council and delivered in partnership by East Midlands Chamber and its strategic partners Purpose Media and Destination Chesterfield, the year-long project aimed to support small outfits in sectors such as retail, hospitality and leisure, which were hit hardest by Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, to become more resilient.

Diane Beresford, deputy chief executive of Chesterfield-headquartered East Midlands Chamber, said: “We’ve been delighted with the level of engagement with the Chesterfield Digital High Street project among businesses, which are now well-placed to embrace current and future digital trends.

“This will go some way to ensuring the much-loved independent businesses on our high street continue to thrive in a sustainable fashion for a long time to come.”

Among the businesses that have benefited from support is Café Nellie, a recently-opened independent coffee shop in Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield.

Owner Tracey Wallis said she was aware the business needed a marketing strategy to quickly become visible to a wide and varied audience.

But as none of the six-strong team had much experience of using social media, the Chamber’s support came at “exactly the right time”, with digital high street advisers Steve Phillips and Alex Gardner helping to build a website and Facebook page.

“Since our Facebook page went ‘live’, we have seen a marked increase in in table bookings,” said Tracey. “Despite the recent heatwave, our sales have increased by about 30%, which our own research suggests is a direct result of our social media presence.

“Having a website is just as important in enabling non-social media users to access attractive, up-to-date information about Café Nellie. In the future, we hope to develop the site to enable our customers to purchase gift vouchers, our own brand of coffee and to make table bookings online.”

While Ibrahim Assaf was literate in using Facebook to promote his business Ibzy Salon, located in Chesterfield’s Jawbones Hill, he noticed it couldn’t be found very easily on Google – with the barbershop, tattoo studio and shisha bar’s location on Google Maps in the wrong place.

“I struggled with the process of updating Google but after experiencing frustration, I left it,” he said.

He signed up to the Chesterfield Digital High Street project and received one-to-one support from Steve, who talked him through the problems he had encountered and came up with a digital action plan.

Ibrahim, who also took up the offer of creating a website, added: “I didn’t have a Google Business Profile at the time, which meant we weren’t listed and new customers couldn’t find me. Steve helped me to set up my page and download the app, so I can easily make changes to opening times and prices.

“I have noticed an increase in new customers who have come to us by finding us on Google and through our new website. In one week last month, we had a 300% increase in visitors to the shop compared to the previous week.

“The website has given me credibility and with setting up the Google Business Profile, customers can leave reviews, which will help boost my visibility and attract new customers.

“With the bigger customer base, I have now recruited another two barbers so we can offer more services and shorter waiting times. We are very much looking forward to the future – with the help from my advisor Steve, we have the tools to grow the business.”

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, added: “The Digital High Street project has been very successful in helping many organisations that were affected by the pandemic to get online and increase their interaction with customers in a new way.

“We have been able to review current marketing and social media activities, and support businesses on any recommended actions, set up Google listings if needed and offer each organisation a one-year membership to East Midlands Chamber.

“We have received excellent feedback from those who have taken part in the project, with many increasing their online profile so they can expand their business presence.”

The Chesterfield Digital High Street project has now ended but the Chamber continues to offer support to businesses across the region via a digital high street adviser. To find out what support is available, email information@emc-dnl.co.uk or call 0333 320 0333.

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Regional unemployment rate drops to the lowest in the country

The East Midlands’ unemployment rate has dropped to a fresh record low of 2.5% – now the lowest in the country.

For the period between March and May 2022, it was 1.3% below the national average, according to the Office for National Statistics’ latest regional labour market figures.

At the same time, the region’s economic inactivity rate – which measures the proportion of 16 to 64-year-olds who have exited the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – fell by a percentage point to 21.2%, having climbed for four consecutive months previously.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “These latest statistics show that our region’s businesses are creating plenty of jobs and people are filling them. We said throughout the pandemic that firms in sectors most directly affected by restrictions remained viable once they were allowed to trade freely and the data proves this is the case.

“One of the biggest concerns in recent months has been the rising economic inactivity rate. This reflects trends in which many workers have left the labour force for reasons such as early retirement – particularly in industries such as manufacturing, engineering and construction, where there is also a lack of skilled workers to replace them – and we needed to do more to entice them back.

“It looks like more people are entering the workforce now but businesses are still telling us they are struggling with recruitment. Two-thirds (66%) of companies attempted to take on new staff in the second quarter of the year but 82% of these struggled to find people, according to our latest Quarterly Economic Survey.

“Four in 10 businesses also told us they are now at full capacity, which strongly suggests they need staff to meet the high demand that is driving inflation.

“We therefore need to find ways of attracting new talent, both at home and from overseas, in a suite of support from Government that also encourages businesses to invest in their infrastructure and people. Our research shows investment intentions are down by 6% compared to the previous quarter for plant and machinery and down by 3% for training.

“Turning this around would go a long way to making the productivity gains that will begin to release the handbrake on our economy and tackle some of the inflationary pressures hampering us on our road to recovery.”

Find out more about the benefits of working in Chesterfield at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/about-chesterfield/working/

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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East Midlands Chamber responds to Prime Minister’s resignation

A statement from East Midlands Chamber; the organisation which represents businesses in our region, is appealing to Westminster to ensure there is a ‘clear path forward’ for firms in our area.

The Chamber’s Chief Executive, Scott Knowles was responding to today’s news that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced his resignation from the role. Mr. Johnson has confirmed he will step down in the autumn.

Scott commented: “One of the main purposes of Government should be to provide a stable environment for businesses to thrive – enabling them to create the jobs and life opportunities that underpin a successful country.

“But the paralysis of the past few days, with whole departments being effectively rudderless, heaps further uncertainty on firms at a time when they are already trying to navigate stormy waters.

“The insular focus within Westminster is diverting attention away from the everyday business of Government, in which the mission of creating economic prosperity in regions such as the East Midlands should be high on the priority list.

“We need to know what the plans are for levelling up and tackling the very real cost of doing business crisis, which is hampering firms’ ability to breathe life into an ailing economy.

“Big policy agendas are in a state of stasis. What’s important now is to have a clear path forward so that businesses can have confidence the big issues are going to be tackled.”

Find out more about Chesterfield’s successful ‘Levelling-up’ funding bid, which includes major plans to revitalise the historic Town Centre here: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/developments/revitalising-heart-of-chesterfield/

East Midlands Chamber – Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Recognition for Chesterfield Champions as finalists confirmed for Generation Next Awards

Some of the most promising young talent across businesses in the region has been recognised among the finalists of East Midlands Chamber’s Generation Next Awards 2022.

The shortlist includes Craig Evans of Chesterfield Champion business UKATA, who has been shortlisted for the Future Leader Award. The University of Derby’s Fred Gough also made the list of finalists for the Diversity & Inclusion award.

The second instalment of the awards, held in conjunction with headline partner the University of Derby, recognise young professionals and business leaders aged under 35, as well as organisations led by people in this demographic.

A shortlist has now been revealed across the 10 categories, ranging from a Breakthrough Award and Customer Service Award through to marking Excellence in Innovation and Technology and the Generation Next Future Leader.

New prizes for this year recognise outstanding contributions in diversity and inclusion, arts and culture, corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

A virtual judging day will take place on 8 and 9 June, in which finalists will be interviewed by members of the chamber of commerce’s senior management team, Generation Next board and representative of the sponsor.

Winners will be crowned at an awards ceremony with a twist – featuring street food, cocktails and live music – held at Bustler Market, in Derby, on 14 July.

Lucy Robinson, East Midlands Chamber’s director of resources and Generation Next lead, said: “The Generation Next Awards are a celebration of the rising stars of business who make outstanding contributions to their communities.

“We received some brilliant applications from a diverse breadth of individuals, and our shortlist of finalists offers a glimpse into the amazing young talent that exists here in the East Midlands.”

Finalists were announced at an event held at Cosy Club, in Nottingham, last night (25 May) in which two of the three founders of Derby-based doughnut delivery service Project D – who won the Entrepreneur of the Year category at the inaugural Generation Next Awards – talked about their journey to date and hopes for the future.

Winners will be crowned at an awards ceremony with a twist – featuring street food, cocktails and live music – held at Bustler Market, in Derby, on 14 July.

Tickets cost £65 + VAT for Generation Next members and £75 + VAT for non-members. Early-bird tickets are available at bit.ly/GenNextAwards

UKATA, University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Generation Next Awards 2022 shortlist

Future Leader Award (sponsored by University of Derby)

Craig Evans – UKATA

Matilda Swanson – Loates HR

Mir Patel – Unique Window Systems

Theo Kirk – Express Recruitment

Emma Roberts – Derby Community Parent Programme CIC

Dan Heffernan – D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership

David Maran – MP Digital Limited

Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions

Umar Razah – Mauricare Homes


Breakthrough Award (sponsored by Nottingham University Business School)

Alpha Geek

Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative

Kate Johnson – Rate Social

Sophie Redman – Linford Grey Associates

Kevin Kapezi & Leo Worsley – Growthack Ltd


Customer Service Award

Danielle Harkness – Plastek UK

James Hardwick – Future Life Wealth Management

Anxhela Agaci – Gents of Notts

Arran Gessey – Bam Boom Cloud

Ben Wilkinson – MHA MacIntyre Hudson


Apprentice of the Year, sponsored by Loughborough College

Emily Jacob – emh group

Frank Hemmingway – Plastek UK

Polly Oakes – Express Recruitment

Rebecca Houlston – Cross Productions

Ruby Birks – Purpose Media


Diversity & Inclusion Award

Fred Gough – University of Derby

Jake Wood – Jake Wood PT

Martin Croft – Barrister Link

Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions


Entrepreneur of the Year (sponsored by Fraser Stretton Property Group)

Adam Bamford – Colleague Box

Alpha Geek

Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative

Kate Johnson – Rate Social

Katie Gilbert – TTK Confectionery


Excellence in Innovation and Technology Award (sponsored by Hardy Signs)

David Maran – MP Digital

Harsh Shah – De Montfort University

Jack Hall – Scenariio

Nicola Ciaessen – RSM UK

Rachel Saunders – Duncan & Toplis


Sustainability Award (sponsored by MHA MacIntyre Hudson)

Carys Tetlaw – RSM UK

Daniel Kelk – Plastek UK

Jake Hall – Scenariio


Creative Award (sponsored by PPL PRS)

Dan Poynton – On Poynt Creative

Deng Yudan – Follow the Orient

Joey Lever – Another World Media

Katie Brennan – Cross Productions

Sophie Price and Tom Dennis – My Town Vision


Volunteer Award (sponsored by RSM UK)

George Hanvere – Paragon Law

Izzy Plummer – TTK Confectionery

Taylor Gee – 360 Autoleasing East Midlands

2021 Generation Next Awards Ceremony

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East Midlands Chamber named one of the best places to work in the region

Bringing separate teams together on a weekly basis and empowering staff to organise internal social events has helped East Midlands Chamber to be recognised as one of the top organisations to work for in the region.

The chamber of commerce for Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire features in three categories of the Best Companies to Work For lists for Q2 2022.

It ranked 76th in the East Midlands’ 100 Best Companies to Work For, 15th in the national Business Services’ 25 Best Companies to Work For and 34th in the 50 Best Mid-Sized Company to Work for list.

The achievement follows in-depth staff surveys by the industry-leading employee engagement specialist, which asks questions about their wellbeing, pay and benefits, personal growth, team, the leadership and other aspects.

Judges commended the Chamber for ensuring “staff understand how the organisation works and how they fit in”, highlighting how a different area of the business leads a weekly internal meeting to explain what its team does and how it contributes to the business plan objectives.

A social committee that organises events for staff across the organisation to get together informally – one of several internal working groups, with others designed for mental wellbeing, as well as equality, diversity and inclusion – was also praised.

East Midlands Chamber director of resources and HR lead Lucy Robinson said: “The experiences of the past couple of years have really emphasised the importance of looking after our people, who are the most important resource for any business.

“We have done a lot of work to ensure we can be a great employer by creating the conditions and environment that empowers our people to come to work as their best possible selves. A thriving workforce enables us to drive our organisation forward and provide the best services for our 4,000-plus members.

“As well as offering flexibility via a hybrid remote-office working model to our staff and a wide range of benefits such as two days’ additional annual leave for volunteering, we have sought to improve our transparency by holding weekly all-staff meetings to give everyone a detailed insight into the business and allow the various teams within it to share success stories, as well as the ability to ask questions.

“Continuous personal development is rapidly rising up the agenda and we are always keen to offer training and growth opportunities to people across all levels, with the latest initiative being a Future Leaders Academy that seeks to give a small cohort of people the chance to learn key skills and knowledge to take the next step in their career journey.

“For our business, it contributes towards our succession planning as we are developing our own talent for future leader roles while it helps with staff retention – a crucial consideration for employers given we are in the midst of one of the most challenging recruitment crises in memory.”

East Midlands Chamber employs about 180 people across offices in Chesterfield, Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, Glossop and Mansfield.

Find out more about working in Chesterfield at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/about-chesterfield/working/

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New series of peer-to-peer networks launched by East Midlands Chamber

Senior leaders in SMEs across UK Community Renewal Fund areas are being invited to join a peer-to-peer networking programme that launches this month.

Delivered by East Midlands Chamber, the Peer Networks programme gives directors and senior managers the opportunity to share common business challenges and objectives. Regular sessions take place over several months and are facilitated by experts in the field and supported by specialist guest speakers.

Sector-based networks such as manufacturing and the visitor economy – as well as specialist groups for high-growth, female-owned businesses and Generation Next – will begin over the coming weeks, with the first one, designed for the visitor economy, starting on 17 May.

East Midlands Chamber deputy chief executive Diane Beresford, who heads up the Peer Networks delivery, said: “Peer networks are quite different to a traditional classroom development programme. They are more informal in nature, and the agenda is set by the group members. Challenges are addressed through conversational peer support and, since group members bring along real-life scenarios, the advice received has immediate relevance.

“Particularly valuable is that members develop support channels in the peer-to-peer network that continue outside the group, and often for the long term. Bringing together businesses in this way to learn from and support one another, is an area the Chamber is particularly well placed to lead on.”

A number of the Peer Networks are being delivered under East Midlands Accelerator, a £5.27m project part-funded by the Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF), and which has received an additional £471,000 of match funding from the Chamber and its partners.

Qualifying businesses must meet a number of criteria. They must be based in either Bassetlaw, Derbyshire Dales, High Peak, Leicester city, Mansfield, Newark and Sherwood, or Nottingham city; have operated for at least one year; employ at least three people; and record a turnover exceeding £100,000. In addition, they must have an aspiration to improve and the potential to scale up or export – or be exporting already.
Up to 11 individuals are involved in each cohort and are required to give a time commitment of about 18 hours across the entire duration of the fully-subsidised programme.

Anyone interested in taking part in the Peer Networks may book their place at: www.emc-dnl.co.uk/peernetworks.

Peer Networks programmes:

The upcoming Peer Networks are:
• Visitor economy: 17 May, 6pm
• Generation Next: 19 May, 8am
• High growth: 19 May and 20 May, 9.30am
• North Nottinghamshire Manufacturing Network: 27 May, 8am
• Leicester City Manufacturing Network: 27 May, 8am
• Nottingham City Manufacturing Network: 1 June, 8am
• High growth: 7 June, 9am
• Derbyshire Dales & High Peak Manufacturing Network: 9 June, 8am
• Women in business: 20 June, 10am

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Research finds half of East Midlands businesses have an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy

Better workplaces, improved decision-making and increased innovation are among the benefits cited by East Midlands businesses that have an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy, according to a new report.

Research by East Midlands Chamber, in partnership with housing association emh group, found that almost half (48%) of businesses in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire have a dedicated policy in place.

More than two-thirds (68%) consider EDI can contribute, at least to some degree, in the success of their business plans over the coming 12 months – while it was attributed as an important part of leadership strategy by 55% of firms.

When asked to give a score between one and 10 to how important consideration of EDI would be to the success of their organisation, the average score was 5.6 – suggesting that while it may not be integral to firms overall, it’s also not an insignificant consideration within business activity in the East Midlands.

The research will be presented at the Chamber’s Celebration of Culture and Communities event, which will be held tonight (24 March) at Leicester Tigers’ Mattioli Woods Welford Road stadium – showcasing the region’s diverse mix of cultural backgrounds via music, dance and food.

East Midlands Chamber director of resources at Lucy Robinson, who is the business representation organisation’s diversity and inclusion champion, said: “It’s clear from these findings that equality, diversion and inclusion is increasingly becoming less of a ‘nice-to-have’ for organisations and more business-critical.

“The majority of East Midlands businesses recognise an important role for EDI within their planning and activity, and there’s clearly a need for further support in helping those that identify its value but are yet to have policies in place.

“A core of roughly one in 10 feel it doesn’t play any role in their success. When examining this figure further, these businesses are more likely to be micro in size, with a very small bias towards the manufacturing industry.

“Given that those actively engaged in the EDI agenda have illustrated some very real commercial benefits – ranging from a better workplace culture, recruitment and retention, through to supporting innovation and a diversity of thought in decision-making – we should now be looking at how to better showcase good examples of business success in this agenda.

“We will also explore further work that may quantify how progressive approaches to EDI can result in productivity gains – which is high on the business priority list as they seek to grow once more following the pandemic.

Key findings in equality, diversity and inclusion research

The Chamber and emh group surveyed 341 East Midlands companies in November for the study – the first of its kind in the region – which found:

  • 48% of businesses have a specific EDI-related policy, but four in 10 (40%) haven’t and 12% were unsure whether they did
  • 68% felt having specific approaches to EDI would play a role in supporting the achievement of business plans for the next 12 months, with 26% believing this role would be significant and 11% saying it would play no part
  • 55% of respondents felt EDI formed an important part of their leadership discussions and strategy, with 14% saying this was to a great extent and 12% believing there was no EDI focus at all
  • When asked about the benefits of having an engaged approach to EDI, 61% said it can help create an inclusive working environment, 54% believed a “diversity of thought” could lead to better decision-making, 45% felt it supported innovation and creativity, 42% claimed it supported staff retention and recruitment, and 41% identified how it helped to better represent customers and clients – with just 17% seeing no real benefits

The research also highlighted some particular sectoral gaps across the East Midlands economy when it comes to embracing the EDI agenda.

While 48% of all businesses have a specific policy in place, the proportion fell to 43% for manufacturers – although those unsure increased to 20%, suggesting slightly less understanding or communication of EDI activity within these businesses.

Chan Kataria OBE, chief executive at emh group, said: “This research builds on our joint commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within communities and organisations across the region.

“The findings provide a solid platform for exploring opportunities to enhance performance on EDI.

“We see this as a starting point for showcasing engagement on EDI issues and exploring some of the barriers within specific sectors and small businesses. We look forward to further discussions with Chamber members to consider and share good practice.”

How businesses can increase engagement with the EDI agenda

A set of recommendations were made as part of a discussion paper published by the Chamber and emh group, titled Understanding attitudes and approaches to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the East Midlands:

  • Further support on developing EDI-specific polices can be offered to those businesses that view these as having a value but are yet to have policies in place
  • Businesses that are active in this space should be encouraged to demonstrate their approaches and showcase best practice
  • There is an opportunity for further work to quantify how progressive approaches to EDI can support a business’ success and productivity gains

To read the full report, click here.

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Generation Next Awards 2022 launched to celebrate young professionals and entrepreneurs

From apprentices taking their first steps on the career ladder to the future leaders of the region, the very best of young business talent across the East Midlands will be celebrated at the Generation Next Awards.

The second-ever awards are the showpiece programme of the Generation Next network for young professionals and entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35, which is run by East Midlands Chamber in conjunction with headline partner the University of Derby.

It features 10 categories, ranging from a Breakthrough Award and Customer Service Award through to marking Excellence in Innovation and Technology and the Generation Next Future Leader.

New prizes for this year recognise outstanding contributions in diversity and inclusion, arts and culture, corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Winners will be crowned at an awards ceremony with a twist – featuring street food, cocktails and live music – held at Bustler Market, in Derby, on 14 July.

Lucy Robinson, East Midlands Chamber’s director of resources and Generation Next lead, said: “The Generation Next Awards are a celebration of the amazing young talent within the East Midlands, and our diverse programme recognises the rising stars of business who make outstanding contributions to their communities.

“We want to encourage young professionals, apprentices and entrepreneurs from across the region to tell their story and celebrate their successes. There is an award to suit everyone at each stage of their career.”

Project D and ExpHand Prosthetics among Generation Next Awards alumni

Generation Next was launched in 2020 as a new group for 18 to 35-year-olds to meet likeminded people via networking events held at locations such as Leicester cocktail bar Manhattan34, Nottingham arcade game bar Penny Lane and Peak District walks, as well as attend educational workshops on themes such as marketing, personal finance and inclusion.

A mentoring scheme was launched this year to connect Generation Next members – who join on an individual basis – with senior businesspeople within the wider East Midlands Chamber network.

The inaugural Generation Next Awards took place virtually last year and recognised rising stars such as Kate Walker, who makes affordable and adjustable 3D-printed prosthetic arms as founder of Loughborough-based start-up ExpHand Prosthetics, and Derby’s rapidly-growing doughnut delivery company Project D.
Entries are now open for this year’s awards until Tuesday 3 May, and can be submitted either by individuals within the 18 to 35 age bracket or on their behalf by a colleague or line manager.

Applications can be downloaded at generationnextemc.co.uk/awards and must be emailed to the Generation Next team at gennext@emc-dnl.co.uk.
Early-bird tickets are available for the awards ceremony on 14 July at https://bit.ly/GenNextAwards.

Generation Next Awards 2022 categories

• Headline – Generation Next Future Leader Award, sponsored by the University of Derby
• Apprentice of the Year, sponsored by Loughborough College
• Breakthrough Award, sponsored by Nottingham University Business School
• Entrepreneur of the Year, sponsored by Fraser Stretton
• Excellence in Innovation and Technology Award, sponsored by Hardy Signs
• The Volunteer Award, sponsored by RSM
• Sustainability Award, sponsored by MHA MacIntyre Hudson
• Customer Service Award
• Diversity and Inclusion Award
• The Creative Award

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Dozens of Chesterfield businesses given online boost by Digital High Street project

Chesterfield businesses have been given a helping hand to boost their confidence and skills to trade online as part of an innovative project – with tailor-made advice designed to build resilience if their physical buildings are forced to close in a crisis.

Chesterfield Borough Council teamed up with East Midlands Chamber to launch the Chesterfield Digital High Street in June 2021 and the project has since helped 84 local businesses to make the most of their presence online. It offers support and guidance on using online tools but can also provide funding for e-commerce websites.

TwelfthCraft is a retail emporium based in The Shambles specialising in dolls houses, miniatures, accessories, curios and gifts. Since joining the project Caroline Gleadall, who owns and manages the store has created an online presence which has led to a 10% increase in sales and has developed a plan to further expand her business over the next three years.

Caroline said: “Thanks to the project, I feel like I’ve already achieved so much. I’ve developed the confidence to pay for Facebook advertising, and the time I’m committing to my social media presence has provided lots of new connections, allowed me to contact my customers, and given them the opportunity to leave reviews I’m about to launch my new e-commerce website which will help me reach new markets.”

The project is open to businesses across the borough. Brampton Brewery is a long-established micro-brewery based on Chatsworth Road but they have benefitted through the Digital High Street project.

Chris Radford, managing director and head brewer, explained: “We have received grant funding through the project for a new website with enhanced e-commerce functionality. Once launched, we hope to see significant growth in our online sales.

“To any business considering getting involved, I’d say this – just do it! There really is no reason not to. You’ll have access to a wide range of advice and services from industry specialists who just want to see you succeed.”

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “It’s been a really difficult time for local businesses during the pandemic – many which were left with limited options to trade when Covid-19 forced their buildings to close.

“We’ve been committed to supporting local businesses weather this unprecedented time, and it’s fantastic that so many are already benefitting from this project and realising their full potential. Thank you to East Midlands Chamber for their support and work on this project. If you run a local business there is still time to sign up and find out how you could grow your business online.”

East Midlands Chamber head of enterprise Paul Stuart said: “Purchasing habits have changed as a result of Covid-19, with fewer in-store visitors and a move towards online transactions.

“We expect this to be a long-term shift, so it’s vital that businesses ensure they see this as an opportunity, rather than a threat.

“By engaging with the Chesterfield Digital High Street project, small businesses can benefit from expert support to equip themselves with the right mix of tools needed for the online world – something that will complement their existing services, attract new customers and, ultimately, future-proof their organisations.”

Purpose Media has been supporting the project and have advised over 30 businesses in Chesterfield as part of the Chesterfield Digital High Street Project.

Purpose Media business development manager Grace Golden said: “Through our work in the Chesterfield Digital High Street project, we have helped businesses learn new ways to engage with customers, attract business and increase profitability.

“By implementing new activity online such as posting videos or using Facebook advertising, they have renewed optimism for their future and have confidence in their ability to marketing their business.”

Discover how your business can benefit from this project by visiting: www.emc-dnl.co.uk/chesterfield-digital-high-street

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