east midlands chamber

Chamber celebrates helping 1,000 young people find job placements via Kickstart Scheme

East Midlands Chamber is celebrating after passing a major milestone – helping more than 1,000 young people to secure a job placement via the Kickstart Scheme.

The region’s leading business representation group has been commended by the Minister for Employment after playing a key role in assisting companies to create six-month work placements for people aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit or at risk of long-term unemployment.

The Chamber is the UK’s largest and – with almost half the vacancies created resulting in a position being filled – top-performing gateway organisation, which lodges funding applications on behalf of businesses to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

It celebrated the landmark achievement by welcoming key civil servants at the DWP to the Chesterfield Jobs Fair, hosted by Chesterfield Borough Council, earlier today (15 September).

East Midlands Chamber deputy chief executive and Kickstart lead Diane Beresford, along with education and business partnership manager Pieter Eksteen, also met with Jo Macdonald, who chairs the Kickstart gateway approvals board for the DWP, to explain how the Chamber has managed to secure so many placement starts among young people.

Diane said: “Young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic both in terms of their mental and physical wellbeing, and the significant amount of unemployment it has created.

“The Kickstart Scheme has therefore been a lifeline for them to get the skills and work experience that will be vital to their future prospects. We’re delighted with our track record in converting applications into real jobs, which have played a key role in giving young people the chance they may not have otherwise had while also enabling companies to trial new roles.

“We’re continuing to support businesses and job centres to place young people, as well as look beyond the six-month period to ensure there’s a future roadmap to full-time employment.”

How Kickstart Scheme has benefitted businesses and young people

Nick Hogan, owner of Chesterfield Escape Rooms, has hired six games masters via the Kickstart Scheme – with two other vacancies now live and an application for another position currently being processed – and joined the celebration event with Kickstart employee James Bryan.

Nick has entered into a joint venture partnership with some members of his Kickstart team to establish Chesterfield Games Quarter, which will comprise the escape rooms as well as a video games zone, virtual reality zone and the existing Geeks board game venue. Based in Soresby Street, it is due to open in October.

“I used the Kickstart scheme because I wanted to give something back to the town and create new opportunities for young people,” said Nick, who has given the team a five-figure, interest-free loan to the team to help it run the business.

“But it has also allowed me to get my foot into the market to assess the business opportunity, and has given me the confidence to now grow this into the Chesterfield Games Quarter concept.”

Freelance actor James, 22, of Chesterfield, (pictured above) is four months into his Kickstart placement at the escape rooms business after finding acting work opportunities deteriorated during the pandemic.

He said: “It’s been the opportunity of a lifetime to get involved with a new business, and gain some really valuable experience and diverse skills for my CV that will be really important for my future employability.”

How does the Kickstart Scheme work?

The DWP funds 100% of the age-relevant National Minimum Wage, national insurance and pension contributions for 25 hours a week over a six-month period.

Employers can choose to top up this wage and are also eligible for a £1,500 Government grant for training people on a Kickstart placement.

Once applications are accepted, young people are referred into the roles via a Jobcentre Plus work coach.

East Midlands Chamber has had more than 2,700 placements approved among almost 800 businesses located in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and other locations. Of these, 2,200 have resulted in vacancies being created and 1,024 of those have now been filled.

Minister for Employment Mims Davies MP said: “It’s fantastic to see that over 1,000 young people have begun their Kickstart journey thanks to the vital support from East Midlands Chamber, in a range of exciting new roles, setting them on the road for their future careers – crucially part of the over 69,000 young people who have now started these jobs.

“Our Plan for Jobs is focused on creating and spreading opportunity just like this around the UK as we push to level up across the country.”

East Midlands Chamber and Chesterfield Escape Rooms support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Regional unemployment rate remains below UK average for second successive month

Unemployment in the East Midlands has grown slightly – but remains below the national average, according to the latest figures.

The region’s unemployment rate for the period between May and July 2021 was 4.4%, up by 0.1% compared to between April and June, the Office for National Statistics’ latest regional labour market report revealed.

But for the second successive month it was lower than the UK-wide figure, even as this dropped from 4.7% to 4.6% during the same timeframe.

Previously, the region’s jobs market had consistently been hit harder than the rest of the country during almost the entire pandemic – peaking at 5.9% and 0.8% above the national average.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “After some concerning numbers at the beginning of this year, the unemployment rate appears to have stabilised as Covid-19 restrictions have been rolled back, with the latest data including the period in which stage four of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown was implemented.

“This has enabled industries that are heavily represented in our region’s economy – including hospitality, retail, and leisure and tourism – to finally reopen fully and prove they have always remained viable if the trading environment allows.

“At the same time, we’ve also seen initiatives like the Kickstart Scheme – in which the Chamber has played a key role as a gateway organisation to facilitate more than 1,000 job placements – contribute to helping young people, who had been disproportionately affected by Covid, find work.

“We expect the region’s jobs market to continue improving, with the latest data from the Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for Q3 2021 showing a net 26%* of East Midlands businesses saying they have increased headcount over the previous three months and a net 41% expecting a rise in employment over the coming three months.”

Acute hiring crisis for businesses slows progress for employment

While the UK’s August payrolls showed another monthly increase of 241,000 to 29.1 million, the headline figure was that job vacancies hit a record high, rising above one million for the first time since they were recorded in 2001.

Scott added: “The slight increase in the unemployment rate for this latest period may be due to the ‘pingdemic’, which meant some businesses struggled to resume trading as normal because staff and customers were forced to self-isolate. The inevitable hit to income may have deterred firms from recruiting until the Government changed quarantine rules in mid-August.

“The record number of vacancies also highlights the acute hiring crisis faced by many businesses right now. Of the 69% of East Midlands firms that attempted to recruit in the third quarter, our QES showed that 73% of those faced problems in finding the right people.

“We have skills shortages across the board that urgently need to be addressed. Many of these are longstanding but as Brexit and Covid have driven a more deep-seated decline in labour supply, they have come to the fore more prominently.

“The end of furlough is unlikely to be a silver bullet to the ongoing shortages and these recruitment difficulties will likely dampen the recovery by limiting businesses’ ability to fulfil orders and meet customer demand.

“More needs to be done to ensure businesses have access to skills when these can’t be recruited locally – including access to rapid and agile training and re-skilling opportunities for adults in the workforce, and a more flexible immigration system that allows firms to access the high and low-skilled workers they need.”


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Chamber calls for clarity on the future of HS2 East

The chief executive of East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) has commented on uncertainty around the future of the HS2 Eastern Leg, calling on the government to “stop playing games” with the future of our region.

If delivered in full, Chesterfield will stand to benefit from the Eastern leg of HS2 in a number of ways, with high speed trains carrying passengers to and from Chesterfield station. There are also proposals for regeneration of the area around the station, along with further plans for a maintenence depot in Staveley, creating a significant number of new jobs in the area.

Commenting on the ongoing uncertainty regarding the future of the HS2 Eastern Leg, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) chief executive Scott Knowles said: “Fundamentally, nothing has officially changed regarding the future of the HS2 Eastern Leg since last year when the Government said it would set out its proposals in the Integrated Rail Plan (IRP).

“Yet it seems like every other weekend, we are reading reports in national media outlets in which anonymous Whitehall civil servants are sending out signals to diminish its chances of happening.

“With the IRP being kicked down the road continuously and not expected until the autumn, it has left a void for constant speculation that is causing huge uncertainty at a time when we need to know the direction ahead for future regional economic planning.

“It’s time for the Government to stop playing games with the future of our region, and those other areas that would stand to benefit significantly from HS2 East.

“While many of our perceptions have been adjusted during the pandemic, the huge economic benefits that HS2 can bring as part of the much-hyped levelling up agenda haven’t changed.

“Much of the understanding around HS2 appears to be hopelessly flawed. It is much more than just a new railway, bringing growth in the form of business investment, house building, place regeneration, high-skilled job creation, innovation, green technologies and more to areas that have faced chronic underinvestment over a number of years.

“Indeed, we are already seeing these plans start to come to fruition across Birmingham, where the certainty of the first phase of HS2 has already spurred private sector investment and development.

“Without the development of HS2 as promised, these plans will be critically undermined, and any delivery that does happen will certainly not be of the magnitude aspired to.”

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Talented Chesterfield professionals recognised at inaugural ‘Generation Next’ Awards

Talented young people working within several Chesterfield businesses have been given recognition at East Midlands Chamber’s first ever Generation Next Awards.

The ceremony celebrated emerging talent across the whole region, with Chesterfield’s Oasis Studio, GBS Apprenticeships and Banner Jones Solicitors named amongst the winners.

The Excellence in Innovation and Technology Award was given to Tony Buck, who has led Chesterfield-based creative design studio Oasis Studio’s EyeSiteView team, which is aiming to transform how residential property is traded by using virtual and immersive technology.

Coral Guard of GBS Apprenticeships took home the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ accolade, on the same day as the company’s grand opening of its new offices at Chesterfield’s Markham House.

The winner of the Customer Service Award was announced as Jenna Hadfield, who works for Chesterfield’s Banner Jones Solicitors as a will writer, based at the company’s offices on Glumangate and in Dronfield.

East Midlands Chamber director of resources and Generation Next lead Lucy Robinson said: “Generation Next is a really exciting new initiative from the Chamber and we’re delighted to have held our first major event, which was a fantastic showcase of the amazing young talent we have across the East Midlands.

“Young people don’t always receive the recognition they deserve but we hope that celebrating their achievements will provide the confidence they need to continue growing as they develop within their careers.

“Our winners are an incredible advert for our region’s entrepreneurial instincts and we can’t wait to continue supporting them as their careers develop.”

Professor Kamil Omoteso, pro vice-chancellor and dean of the University of Derby’s College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, said: “Since the University of Derby became a partner in the Generation Next scheme earlier this year, it has been fantastic to see how it is providing valuable support to young professionals across our region, and I would like to congratulate the East Midlands Chamber on developing this very welcome initiative.

“Celebrating the success of young people through these awards demonstrates the huge talent that exists across all areas of employment and enterprise. Recognising innovation and impact, entrepreneurial skills and the positive effect of volunteering in our communities are excellent measures of their skill, knowledge and dedication.

“Leadership is a vitally important quality which we integrate across our curriculum at the University of Derby and deliver to our local business community, so the Generation Next Future Leader Award, which we have sponsored, is a particularly exciting category for us, identifying those who have already made a significant contribution to their industry and have the potential to make a real difference in their field.”

Generation Next was established by East Midlands Chamber last year as a network for young professionals to make connections, build new skills and advance their careers.

It features networking sessions and educational events on topics such as marketing, brand awareness, sales and personal finance, as well as the awards.

A board of 12 “champions”, consisting of young people in the East Midlands business community and two University of Derby students, lead the network.

The Generation Next Awards will be broadcast again by Notts TV in the coming weeks.

For more information about the Generation Next network, visit generationnextemc.co.uk.

Generation Next Awards 2021 winners

Breakthrough Award (sponsored by Nottingham University Business School)


Daniel Jones – Professional Heating Solutions


Holly Daulby – Honest Communications

Max Poynton, Jacob Watts and Matthew Bond – Project D

Kate Johnson – Rate Social

Junyi Xiao – W&W Trading and Consulting


Excellence in Innovation & Technology Award (sponsored by GBS Apprenticeships)


Tony Buck – EyeSiteView (Division of Oasis Studio)


Rikan Patel and Tanrik Patel – Business 2 Business


The Community Award (sponsored by Hardy Signs)


Charlotte Robey Turner – Leicestershire Cares


George Hanvere and Elliot Dipper – Paragon Law

Nisha Pahuja – Charnwood Regency Guesthouse Limited

Katie Gilbert – TTK Confectionery


Apprentice of the Year (sponsored by Loughborough College)


Coral Guard – GBS Limited


Chloe Newton – BEDE Events

Chris Guard – GBS Limited

Chloe Deville – Hardy Signs

Olly Torrence – Purpose Media


Entrepreneur of the Year (sponsored by Fraser Stretton)


Max Poynton, Jacob Watts and Matthew Bond – Project D


Trent Peek – CCM Group

Holly Daulby – Honest Communications

Jordana Chin – Nutri2Go Ltd

Aaron Gent – Aroment


Customer Service Award (sponsored by East Midlands Chamber)


Jenna Hadfield – Banner Jones Solicitors


Beth Bearder – Keebles

Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions

Emily Marriott – Order Blinds Online

Evie Margetts – Corporate Architecture


Generation Next Future Leader Award (sponsored by the University of Derby)


Kate Walker – ExpHand Prosthetics


Edward Morley – Rise & Recline

Harry Dodge – Far-UK

Leah Binney – TTK Confectionery

Theo Kirk – Express Recruitment

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UK’s largest Chambers of Commerce urge Prime Minister to confirm full project delivery of HS2

HS2 is about “much more than a new railway” and should be viewed as a catalyst for levelling up, according to chief executives at the four largest Chambers of Commerce along the route – as they urged the Prime Minister to deliver the project in full.

Scott Knowles at East Midlands Chamber, Henrietta Brealey at Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, Clive Memmott OBE at Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and Sandy Needham DL at West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce – whose organisations represent more than 14,000 businesses combined – claimed the high-speed rail project “remains fundamentally misunderstood” as only a transport investment.

In a joint letter to Boris Johnson, they said HS2 would bring strong economic growth to each of their areas and called for the “speedy confirmation” of its delivery in full and as planned.

A final sign-off on how and when the project will be delivered has been delayed on several occasions and is now expected in the Autumn.

In the letter, the Chambers of Commerce leaders say: “We believe that HS2 remains fundamentally misunderstood.

“In many quarters, it is still viewed as being purely a rail investment project sitting within the Department for Transport.

“The various reviews done to date – and in which we have wholeheartedly participated – have approached it almost universally as being solely about transport investment, judging it through this singular lens with regards to cost/benefit analysis.

“Such an understanding of HS2 is hopelessly flawed. While even with this narrow focus the project still more than stands up to scrutiny given capacity constraints, connection shortfalls and the need to upgrade transport to green, clean alternatives, we cannot emphasise enough how HS2 is about much, much more than a new railway.”

The letter points out how each of the regions where HS2 will pass through have developed local plans for growth that have centred around the opportunities it will bring.

Not only do they consider the immediate vicinity of the stations, but also further afield through enhanced local connectivity, “often in areas that have faced chronic underinvestment over a number of years”.

“This growth is about new business investment, house building, place regeneration, high-skilled job creation, innovation, green technologies and more,” the leaders add.

“Indeed, we are already seeing these plans start to come to fruition across Birmingham, where the certainty of the first phase of HS2 has already spurred private sector investment and development.

“Without the development of HS2 as promised, these plans will be critically undermined, and any delivery that does happen will certainly not be of the magnitude aspired to.”

Rather than just being viewed as a transport project, the four chief executives believe it should be regarded as a “levelling up game changer” and an opportunity to rebalance the UK’s economy.

While much of the conversation around the project since its launch a decade ago has focused on cutting journey times to London, they argue it goes much further.

They add: “It is a comprehensive transformation programme that will change the way as a country we approach innovation, environmental commitments, skills development, modern methods of construction and more – not to mention our broader understanding of the ways in which we live, learn and work.

“Ultimately this is about the most ambitious investment made by this country in living memory and its returns will be realised across multiple facets of our economy for generations to come.”

Although the Prime Minister has previously provided assurances that HS2 would be delivered in full, other ministers and Government officials have more recently suggested this may not happen.

The Chambers of Commerce leaders round off the letter by reiterating their belief that “anything other than the full development of the new HS2 line on the scale and scope intended will fall short of what is needed”.

They add: “We believe that any such decision would, in time, come to be viewed as a significant missed opportunity for the UK to demonstrate itself as the ambitious, future-thinking, world-leading country we know ourselves to be.

“In the immediate term, it would send the wrong signal to investors at home and abroad as the economy recovers from the impact of the pandemic.

“Beyond this, it would stunt our possibilities for future development, hamstringing our longer-term growth ambitions.”

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Derbyshire economy bounces back strongly, East Midlands Chamber survey finds

Confidence among Derbyshire businesses is continuing to make a strong comeback as the economy reopens – hitting heights not witnessed for almost three years, according to new research by East Midlands Chamber.

The latest Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2021 by the region’s leading business representation group shows recruitment, sales and investment all increased significantly as the Government roadmap out of lockdown progressed.

Its State of the Economy Index – a measure of the region’s economic health compiled by aggregating various indicators – reached its highest level since Q3 2018 as the steady recovery was replaced with big growth expectations.

More than 400 businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire took part in the survey between 17 May and 8 June.

Key findings from the survey for Derbyshire included:

• UK sales increased for a net 35% of businesses, while advanced orders were up for a net 31%
• Overseas sales rose for a net 3% of respondents and overseas orders increased for a net 2%
• A net 17% of organisations increased their labour force in the previous three months, while a net 44% expect to grow it over the next three months (only 3% expecting it to reduce)
• There was finally some positive news regarding cashflow, which had decreased for the majority of firms during each of the previous five quarters, with a net 6% reporting it to have improved
• Investment intentions are rising, with a net 32% expecting to spend on machinery and equipment while a net 28% predict they will invest in training
• A net 63% of businesses are confident their turnover will improve over the coming quarter, while a net 33% believe profitability will increase too

Chris Hobson, director of policy and external affairs at East Midlands Chamber, said: “Building on the recovery seen in Q1 2021, growth across Derbyshire – both in terms of activity and sentiment – continued to strengthen as the Government roadmap for re-opening progressed across the past three months.

“Domestic markets performed particularly strongly for both sales and orders, while overseas markets were stronger for advanced orders than in-quarter sales.

“Employment has also increased and looks set to continue growing with positive recruitment intentions. Encouragingly, following a year of cashflow deterioration, as more businesses have been allowed to open and confidence has grown, access to cash has also improved for the majority of firms.

“While there remain certain sectors for whom the roadmap has been slower to reach them and are still in need of support, the overall picture is one of strong growth and strong prospects for future demand and activity.”

Despite the positive trajectory for most key economic indicators, there were signs of potential growing pains ahead.

Six in 10 respondents attempted to recruit in the second quarter and, of those 62% struggled to fill roles. These difficulties were particularly acute for skilled and professional jobs, but also present across less skilled roles.
As workforces increase, half of businesses reported difficulties in finding the skills they need – versus 42% that were confident of doing so.

Pressures on pricing may be the biggest issue to watch, with a net 49% anticipating increases in their prices over the coming quarter. The biggest pressure is coming from raw material prices (60%), particularly for manufacturers, but it is also coming from other overheads (42%), including energy costs and staff pay.

Chris added: “Although the headline figures are clearly positive, it’s not all plain sailing for businesses.

“At the same time, problems associated with growth are immeasurably preferable to those associated with decline, and businesses overall will be encouraged with where the economy currently is, particularly given where we were six months ago.”

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Finalists announced for East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards

The finalists of this year’s East Midlands Chamber Business Awards have been revealed.

About 165 organisations from across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire have been recognised in the 2021 edition of the annual contest, which is once again run in partnership with principal sponsor Mazars.

The awards are split into three events for each county and feature 13 categories, with a new award this year for Collaboration Project of the Year to celebrate pioneering partnerships within Chamber membership.

There’s also a new-look Excellence in Innovation award, which replaces the Innovation in Manufacturing category, as more ground-breaking firms are invited to showcase how they are pushing boundaries in their sectors.

Winners are chosen during a virtual judging day by a panel including sponsors, a Chamber board member and a representative from the Chamber’s senior leadership team. An overall Business of the Year is also selected for each county from all the finalists by Mazars.

After the awards ceremonies were held virtually last year due to lockdown restrictions, the Chamber plans for a return to physical events in late 2021, pending Government guidance.

The Derbyshire Business Awards will take place on Friday 12 November.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “Last year, we were proud to celebrate the achievements of more than 120 organisations during what was a difficult period for many, so it’s absolutely fantastic to see even more businesses, social enterprises and charities recognised this year.

“There were so many examples of incredible innovation, growth and resilience among our members in the entries, giving us a chance to shout about all the great things our region has to offer.

“We can’t wait to hold another set of memorable awards ceremonies, hopefully this time in person, with the brilliant support of our sponsors.”

For more information about the East Midlands Chamber Business Awards, visit www.emc-dnl.co.uk/businessawards2021.

Derbyshire Business Awards 2021 finalists

Business Improvement Through Technology – Sponsored by Purpose Media
• Futures Housing Group
• Healthy Stuff
• Penny Hydraulics
• Scenariio
• Thompson Tree Services (Midlands)

Community Impact Award – Sponsored by University of Derby
• Fortem Solutions
• Griffith Foods
• Liniar
• Resilient World Solutions

Outstanding Growth Award – Sponsored by Amazon
• Fibre Tec Solutions
• Professional Heating Solutions
• Project D
• Sky Recruitment Solutions
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Environmental Impact Award – Sponsored by Futures Housing Group
• Derby City Council – DE-Carbonise Project
• Devtank
• Griffith Foods
• Liniar

Commitment to People Development Award – Sponsored by 2020 Training
• AIM Commercial Services
• Aztec Oils
• Nelsons
• Peak Indicators
• Purpose Media

Apprentice of the Year – Sponsored by Derby College Group
• Keenan Gregory – Futures Housing Group
• Lisa Scarboro – Futures Housing Group
• Amelia Burton – Griffith Foods
• Mia Cooper – Joined Up Careers Derbyshire
• Tom Sharratt – Neuways

Entrepreneur of the Year – Sponsored by Ryley Wealth Management
• William Crooks – Cawarden
• Adam Bamford – Colleague Box
• Peter Ellse – Cosy Direct
• Jillian Thomas – Future Life Wealth Management
• Max Vaughan – White Peak Distillery

Education and Business Partnership Award – Sponsored by RDS Global
• Access Training East Midlands
• Derby College Group
• Dronfield Heritage Trust
• Embark Federation
• REAL Education

Excellence in Customer Service – Sponsored by Aston Lark
• Anoki
• MaryJanes Catering
• Purpose Media
• The Accountancy Recruitment Group
• UK Asbestos Training Association

Excellence in International Trade – Sponsored by HSBC
• Atlas Copco Medical
• Aztec Oils
• Cathelco
• Graphoidal Developments
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Small Business of the Year – Sponsored by Begbies Traynor
• Peak Indicators
• Project D
• The Input Group
• Think3
• Thompson Tree Services (Midlands)

Excellence in Innovation – Sponsored by Rolls-Royce
• Liniar
• Scenariio
• SureScreen Diagnostics

Excellence in Collaboration – Sponsored by HSBC
• Derbyshire Voluntary Action
• Marketing Derby
• Penguin PR/Colleague Box and Vibrant Accountancy
• Safe and Sound
• The Swap Shop

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Chesterfield Digital High Street project helps small businesses to join the online revolution

The online revolution has been a key feature of the pandemic – and now small and microbusinesses in Chesterfield can embrace these digital trends in an innovative new support scheme.

The Chesterfield Digital High Street project helps those reliant on bricks and mortar to transition into an online world by creating highly visible e-commerce websites equipped with the latest forms of payment, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, and modern shopping concepts like “click and collect”.

Funded by Chesterfield Borough Council and delivered in partnership by East Midlands Chamber, it aims to support small outfits in sectors such as retail, hospitality and leisure, which have been hit hardest by lockdown restrictions, to become more resilient.

Scott Knowles, chief executive at Chesterfield-headquartered East Midlands Chamber, said: “The pandemic has had a huge impact on small and microbusinesses in sectors such as retail, hospitality and leisure, which have previously relied on their physical venues to trade successfully.

“While we’re all looking forward to a return to normality as we come out of lockdown, it’s crucial these SMEs are future-proofed by creating modern websites to embrace some of the consumer trends that were already noticeable pre-Covid.

“Not every company can afford to do this, however, so we’re delighted to be playing a key role in supporting businesses in Chesterfield to establish and maintain the latest e-commerce solutions on behalf of the project funder, Chesterfield Borough Council.

“We believe the Digital High Street project will go some way to ensuring the much-loved independent businesses on our high street continue to thrive in a sustainable fashion for a long time to come.”

How the Chesterfield Digital High Street project will support businesses

The support available to businesses via the programme includes access to a Digital High Street adviser with specific e-commerce and online skills, who will work intensively with at least 120 businesses to help them develop and maintain their new or existing digital presence.

They will also be able to attend dedicated webinars, delivered outside working hours, and use marketing resources for free.

Grants of £2,200 – covering 100% of costs – will also be awarded to 50 of these businesses to help them set up an e-commerce website that is search engine optimised, with the package also including web hosting provision for a year and access to ongoing digital training.

All participating businesses can also benefit from free East Midlands Chamber membership for a year.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “In Chesterfield, we have lots of fantastic local independent businesses and after the last 18 months, there has never been a more important time to support them. We hope this funding will help lots of these businesses sell more effectively online, which will help guarantee their future in our town and hopefully allow them to grow.

“It’s a really comprehensive support package and I would encourage as many local businesses as possible to sign up for the Digital High Street project because it will allow them to compete in a whole new way.”

Applications can now be made for the Chesterfield Digital High Street project at www.emc-dnl.co.uk/chesterfield-digital-high-street.

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to take up free membership of crime-fighting partnership

Chesterfield businesses can now access free membership of crime-fighting partnership run by East Midlands Chamber and Derbyshire PCC after funding from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Up to 2,000 businesses in Chesterfield and Staveley can now sign up for free to an East Midlands Chamber-run scheme that helps to reduce town centre crime and anti-social behaviour – as new figures show the cost of crime is rising for retailers.

Starting this month, retailers, hospitality venues and other companies can access Disc, an online crime information-sharing system that connects businesses with local police forces, as part of the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP).

The BCRP, which is run in partnership with Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster, secured funding from Chesterfield Borough Council to roll out the scheme, which usually costs up to £100 to join, at no cost for the first 12 months in a bid to maximise its effectiveness by encouraging more businesses to join the 80 current members.

It follows the launch of the Love Chesterfield campaign by the council and Destination Chesterfield last month to support the town’s retail, hospitality and leisure sectors as national lockdown eases.

Jackie Roberts, BCRP manager at the Chamber, said: “Businesses in town and city centres have struggled during the pandemic and crime will only make this worse, so it’s important to have a safe town centre to attract people back after lockdown.

“The Disc portal is an integral part of crime reduction strategies as it makes it so much easier for businesses to share intelligence about incidents and offender images between members, police, community safety officers and other partners such as the BCRP team.

“We’ve had a lot of reports during lockdown because police resources have been really stretched due to Covid, so the BCRP fills the gap where police can’t deal with petty crime.

“By working with local authorities such as Chesterfield Borough Council, we’re delighted to offer this scheme for free to businesses in order to make them more resilient – a key theme during the post-Covid economic recovery.”

New Derbyshire PCC and Chesterfield Borough Council support BCRP

The British Retail Consortium’s 2021 Retail Crime Survey, published last week, found there were 455 violent or abusive incidents towards staff per day nationally in 2019/20 – up 7% from the previous year.

The total cost of crime has also risen from £700m in 2016/17 to £1.3bn in 2019/20 – with customer theft the most significant, costing companies £935m – while the cost to retailers of crime and crime prevention was £2.5bn last year, an increase of 14% on the previous 12-month period.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This project will help strengthen the link between business and the police, which in turn will help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our town to encourage more people to visit Chesterfield and give local businesses the boost they need.

“I want to encourage every local business to sign up to this programme because I believe it will be a positive step for our town. It shows how we can work together to build a thriving borough.”

Benefits of widening BCRP for gathering intelligence

Jackie added: “The hope is that by signing up businesses for the first year, they will be able to see the benefits of continuing with the scheme thereafter.

“The more businesses that are involved in the BCRP scheme and sharing information, the stronger it will be – and the better the area will be as a result.

“Councils and regeneration teams are placing crime reduction high on the agenda in order to bring back footfall into their towns.

“It also removes barriers to reporting crime as the Disc system automatically notifies the police when an incident is logged, while police are able to input feedback so businesses can follow what happens to offenders.”

Anyone interested in discussing how to get involved with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership can email jackie.roberts@emc-dnl.co.uk.

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East Midlands unemployment rate continues to fall as economy gradually reopens

More people in the East Midlands are returning to work, according to the latest Government figures.

The unemployment rate reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) fell to 4.8% in the February to April period this year, down 0.4% compared to the previous three-month period and only 0.1% above the UK average.

However, it remains 0.9% higher than the unemployment rate for the same quarter in 2020.

Nationally, the number of job vacancies in March to May this year was 758,000 – just 27,000 below pre-pandemic levels.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The jobs market appears to be moving in the right direction, with yet another decline in the unemployment rate alongside an increasing number of vacancies and people on payroll.

“For much of the pandemic, the East Midlands has suffered disproportionately, with a significantly greater proportion of people in our region out of work than across the UK, so it’s a relief to see the gap being narrowed.

“This trend no doubt reflects the reopening of outdoor hospitality towards the end of this period, on 12 April, as well as the greater resilience of our manufacturers to both the ongoing restrictions and post-Brexit trade changes.

“We’d expect to see further positive news for the three-month period to May, as step three of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown commenced, and more people came out of furlough.

“Our latest Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2021 shows that a net of one in five businesses in the East Midlands increased their headcount during this period*, while a net 41% expect to hire more people over the coming three months – with only 3% anticipating a decrease.

“This is clearly very positive news and also comes with big expectations of confidence in turnover (a net 62% of businesses expect this to increase) and profitability (a net 41% believe it will rise).

“The latest ONS data again shows the huge impact of the pandemic on young people, with the unemployment rate for 16 to 24-year-olds at 13.2%, but we’re delighted with the take-up among businesses of the Kickstart scheme, which creates Government-funded six-month work placements for people in this age group who are on Universal Credit or at risk of long-term unemployment.

“So far, the Chamber has helped about 500 young people find employment, with another 1,400 vacancies, among more than 700 businesses.

“However, as yesterday’s announcement that stage four of the roadmap will be delayed for four weeks also demonstrates, we can’t get complacent and sectors such as hospitality, events and leisure will continue to suffer from reduced capacity or complete closure – which in turn has an impact on jobs.

“This means it’s crucial the Chancellor postpones the tapering of furlough, which is due to commence on 1 July, for the duration of the roadmap delay, while grants would also help many of these businesses that have lost both expenditure and expected income.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber

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East Midlands Chamber helps create jobs for 400 young people in the region – but urges more to take advantage of vacancies

East Midlands Chamber has helped more than 400 young people in the region to find employment by playing a pivotal role in the Kickstart scheme.

Another 1,200 vacancies are live in the region after the region’s leading business representation group worked with 650 employers to create the six-month work placements. So far, there have been about 150 starters in Derbyshire, 100 in Leicestershire and 170 in Nottinghamshire.

Employers that want to create Kickstart roles – which are aimed at people aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit or at risk of long-term unemployment – often use gateway organisations such as East Midlands Chamber to apply to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for a grant to cover the costs.

East Midlands Chamber deputy chief executive and Kickstart lead Diane Beresford said: “We know young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and the huge amount of unemployment it has created, so the Kickstart scheme is an important mechanism for helping them to get the skills they need to prepare for the world of work.

“We’re so proud to have played a key role in giving young people a chance they may not otherwise have had. After spending many months working with employers on their applications, it’s incredibly exciting and rewarding to see the fruits of our labour as people now start their jobs.

“Businesses taking part are playing a vital role in their communities by supporting and preparing our future workforce, while they also benefit from a relatively risk-free opportunity to trial new roles that could lead to future growth.”

How does the Kickstart scheme work?

The number of people aged 18 to 24 claiming unemployment-related benefits increased by 263,700 between February 2020 and March 2021 – a 110% rise – according to Government data.

In response, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the £2bn Kickstart scheme as part of his Plan for Jobs to help young people into work and spur Britain’s post-Covid economic revival.

Funding pays for 100% of the age-relevant National Minimum Wage, national insurance and pension contributions for 25 hours a week.

Employers can choose to top up this wage and are also eligible for a £1,500 Government grant for training people on a Kickstart placement.

Once applications are accepted, young people are referred into the roles via a Jobcentre Plus work coach.

The scheme is due to run until 31 December – the date when Kickstart jobs must begin – with funding available until 30 June 2022. However, East Midlands Chamber recommends making applications by the beginning of August.

It began making applications at the beginning of October and has worked with councils in Mansfield, Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Melton, as well as East Midlands accountancy firm Duncan & Toplis, to target businesses.

Overall, the Chamber has so far secured 2,770 vacancies – including more than 2,300 in the East Midlands – and dozens of vacancies are going live every week.

Diane added: “There’s still plenty of time for employers to sign up and we continue to work with local authorities to engage with companies about why they should take advantage of the scheme while they can.

“We also want to highlight the Kickstart scheme to young people on Universal Credit who might not be aware of it. There’s a very diverse range of roles available – from digital marketing and e-commerce to sales and admin positions – and they should get in touch with their local Jobcentre Plus work coach.”

Anyone aged 16 to 24 and claiming Universal Credit should speak to their Jobcentre Plus work coach. Find your local Jobcentre Plus branch at find-your-nearest-jobcentre.dwp.gov.uk.

Businesses interested in applying for a Kickstart scheme grant should contact East Midlands Chamber education and business partnership manager Pieter Eksteen on pieter.eksteen@emc-dnl.co.uk or 0333 320 0333 (Ext 2241).


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