Love Chesterfield

Support leads to unique Chesterfield wedding business winning major awards

A unique Chesterfield wedding content creator, which received support from a business start-up scheme has gone on to scoop a prestigious award.

The Relaxed Bride is a modern content creator service, which provides a contemporary approach towards capturing weddings and other promotional events.

Owner, Chloe Ryans-Docherty spotted a potential niche in the wedding market, and decided to launch her business with the support of the Vision Derbyshire business start-up support initiative.

She explained how the decision to launch her own business came about: “It all began when I first noticed a trend emerging in the US and Australia on TIKTOK, which sparked an idea: why not bring this concept to the UK? After further research, I discovered that while the trend was in its infancy here, there were already a few established brands offering this.

“Attending my first wedding alongside the photographer who had captured my own special day, Jo Greenfield I realized the potential to carve out a niche in the market. Since then, my journey has been nothing short of remarkable, surpassing my expectations in terms of growth and impact.

“What sets me apart from other wedding content creators is my subtle approach. While many rely heavily on social media trends and transitions, I much prefer to remain behind the scenes, capturing the raw, authentic moments that unfold between the scripted ones on my iPhone.

Chloe said the support she received from Vision Derbyshire played a key role in launching and growing the business: “The support and guidance I’ve received from Vision Derbyshire over the past six months have been invaluable. Initially recommended to me by a friend and fellow wedding supplier, the program has been instrumental in helping me navigate the journey of starting my own business.

“With no prior experience in entrepreneurship, I needed direction, and Sara Martin from Vision Derbyshire has been amazing. Patiently guiding me through essential aspects and breaking down complex concepts, Sara helped me create a cash-flow plan that I could comprehend and follow for future — considering maths was never my forte in school!”

Since going from strength-to-strength, The Relaxed Bride has recieved a videography award from the Hitched Wedding Awards. The business had been on the Hitched directory, and the organisation recognised Chloe’s business following a long list of positive reviews.

Chloe added: “Little did I know that these reviews were being closely monitored by Hitched themselves. It came as a complete surprise when, in February, I was honoured with an award from them. This award has reaffirmed my commitment to providing exceptional service and fuelled my passion even further!”

The Relaxed Bride has also been recognised with a ‘Best International Innovator’ award for the inaugural 2024 Loverly List – another scheme aimed at recognising top businesses in the wedding sector.

Speaking about running her business in Chesterfield, Chloe commented: “Chesterfield is a small town but holds a unique advantage with access to nearby cities like Derby, Sheffield, and Nottingham, all within an hour’s reach. Despite its size, Chesterfield has always been my home, and I can’t imagine ever leaving. I’ve always been a homebody at heart.

“I have worked with so many talented wedding suppliers right here in Chesterfield, what’s even more exciting has been the hidden gems of wedding venues that I never knew existed around me!

“To anyone considering starting a business in the area, my advice is simple: just go for it! Chesterfield has seen significant development recently, with numerous new office spaces springing up in the town centre. It’s about taking that leap of faith and trusting in your vision!

Find out more about The Relaxed Bride on the Hitched website here or at

Find out more about locating your business in Chesterfield here, and for more information on support available to local organisations, go to:

Photo of female content creator taking photo of bride on smartphone


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New Chesterfield play areas open in time for summer

As part of the council’s more than £1 million investment in its parks, four new play areas have opened across the borough of Chesterfield.

The Mayor of Chesterfield and the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire officially opened a new play area on Cottage Close in Poolsbrook on Wednesday 15 May.

New play areas have also been installed in Tapton Park, Thirlmere Road and Devonshire Avenue North. All three replace existing play areas that were no longer fit for purpose.

The new play areas all include a range of equipment and have been created in consultation with children from local schools. In Poolsbrook equipment has been installed to suit every age including larger adventure style items such as a zip line and giant climbing frame.

Funding for the new play areas has been secured through a combination of funding, including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Valencia Communities Fund and the Community Infrastructure Levy which is a charge on certain developments in the borough.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It is fantastic to see our planned investment in play areas across the borough being delivered. We are proud of the fantastic green spaces we have throughout the area and our commitment to further investment in these spaces aims to ensure our parks are a feature that our residents will be able to enjoy for many years to come.

“We’ll be continuing to deliver our Parks and Play strategy over the next three years, and this will see even more investment in play spaces across the borough.”

Cottage Close play area in Poolsbrook was officially opened by the Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Jenny Flood and Colonel John Wilson OBE DL, the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire.

people playing on new equipment at Cottage Close Play Area

Councillor Jenny Flood said: “It was wonderful to be able to open this new play area and meet the children who will benefit from it. It will be fantastic for the children to see the fruit trees grow in the park and eventually be able to harvest the communal fruit. This was a great way to start my Mayoral year, both me and Heather have been involved in Youth Work for many years and we understand the importance of providing spaces like this that the whole community can benefit from.”

Originally hailing from Poolsbrook, Colonel John Wilson OBE DL and his brothers and sisters have provided for the planting of thirteen trees in the play area, to represent his parents and their eleven children.

John said: “It was very special for my family to have these trees and a new picnic bench in Poolsbrook; all eleven of us went to the primary school next to this play area and to create a living memorial is something we are very pleased to have been able to do.”

The new play areas have been partially funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Valencia Communities Fund, and the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been awarded £2.693 million from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The money will be spent over the next three financial years (running until 2024/25) on a range of projects which will benefit local residents and businesses.

The Valencia Communities Fund provides funding from the landfill tax credits and is used to provide funding to community projects across the country.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local planning authorities can charge on certain types of new development in their area. The money is used to support necessary development by funding infrastructure that the Council local community and neighbourhoods have identified through the Local Plan, such as new road schemes, park improvements or new primary schools.

Did you know residents in Chesterfield have better access to green spaces than anywhere else in the country? Find out more at:

The Mayor and Vice Lord Lieutenant opening Cottage Close play area

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New Chesterfield Town Board launched to drive almost £20m investment in the town

Plans to invest almost £20m in Chesterfield over the next decade have taken a major step forward, with the launch of a new independent board which will oversee how and where the funding is spent.

Local business leader Dominic Staniforth has been appointed to chair the new Chesterfield Town Board – sitting alongside representatives from other local businesses, community and voluntary organisations, and the public sector, including representation from Chesterfield Borough Council.

It follows the Government’s ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns’ announcement in October last year, which named Chesterfield as one of 55 UK towns to benefit from the new funding initiative – which aims to give local communities a greater voice in shaping improvements across the town.

Board members have now held their first formal meeting where it was agreed to run a public consultation exercise in June, giving local people the chance to have their say on how the money should be invested.

In line with Government guidance, a representative of Chesterfield Borough Council sits on the board, and the authority will also act as the board’s accountable body.  However, all decisions about how the £19.5m worth of endowment-style funding is invested will be made by the Chesterfield Town Board, in consultation with local people.

Dominic Staniforth is a Partner at BHP LLP Chartered Accountants – which has a base at One Waterside Place – and has been an active part of Chesterfield’s business community for many years. Speaking in his role as Chair of the Board, he said: “Chesterfield is already a great town full of wonderful people and organisations that share a common purpose to make it even better – a place to live, work, invest and study – and this funding will further bolster our ability to deliver on that collective ambition.

Dominic Staniforth BHP

Dominic Staniforth, BHP LLP Chartered Accountants

“I am honoured to have been invited to become Chair of the new Chesterfield Town Board and it’s fantastic that leaders from across the town, and the council, have already begun work to identify how and where this funding could make the greatest impact for local residents and businesses.

“Listening to the views of local people and understanding where they think this investment could make the biggest difference is at the heart of this work and we will be sharing more information about how to get involved in the coming weeks.”

Working closely with the council, the Board will now oversee the development of a long-term vision statement and three-year investment plan – to be developed following consultation with local people, and based on what they see as priority areas for investment. This must be submitted to the Government for approval later this summer.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “We have really strong and innovative business and community networks here in Chesterfield and this is again another great opportunity to bring people together – backed by millions of pounds worth of funding – to deliver projects which will make a real difference to the quality of people’s lives over the next 10 years.

“We’re delighted to welcome Dominic to the role of Chair, as a local business leader with extensive experience of the area, and a shared passion and commitment to make the town of Chesterfield thrive for generations to come.”

In line with Government guidance, the funding must be spent across three key themes, which include:

  • Safety and security – to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour.
  • High streets, heritage, and regeneration – making the place more attractive and accessible to residents, businesses, and visitors.
  • Transport and connectivity – improving access to the town centre, supporting greener modes of travel and enhancing public transport options.

More information about the Chesterfield Town Board and how people can get involved in shaping its future plans will be shared soon.

View of the Crooked Spire from above

Image courtesy of Derbyshire Economic Partnership

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Early stage businesses in Chesterfield to receive support from new funding

A new support fund for businesses which have been trading in our region for between 6-24 months has been officially launched.

D2N2 LEP Chair, Elizabeth Fagan announced the launch of D2N2 LEP’s Early Stage Angel Investment Fund at the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF) in Leeds this week.

Speaking at the interactive panel session ‘Focus on the East Midlands, our Time is Now’, alongside East Midlands Mayor Claire Ward, Elizabeth said:

“I’m delighted to announce today that we are launching our Early Stage Angel Investment Fund here in Leeds at UKREiiF. The purpose of the Fund is to stimulate investment and growth in ‘early stage’ companies – those that have been trading between six and 24 months – that are based in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham or Nottinghamshire (the D2N2 region).

“D2N2 LEP is contributing £4 million to the Fund and this will be match-funded by our investment fund manager, Haatch. Our aim is that over the longer term, these funds will be re-invested in the programme, to catalyse investment and growth for further early stage companies.”

The partnership aims to drive economic growth by investing in emerging startups and entrepreneurial talent in the region.

D2N2 LEP is a leading force in driving economic growth and job creation in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Haatch, is a leading venture capital firm known for its entrepreneurial roots and commitment to fostering innovation outside of London.

Over the next two years, the Haatch D2N2 ESAIF will invest in approximately 13 companies providing a significant step forward in unlocking the potential of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire’s startup ecosystem and driving sustainable economic growth.

Further information about the Fund, visit

Delegates representing Destination Chesterfield and the town’s Property and Construction Group also attended the event in Leeds. Read our recent blog from Destination Chesterfield Manager, Dom Stevens reflecting on the success of the event.

For more information about the current business support on offer to businesses in Chesterfield, go to:

D2N2 LEP supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Forum at UKREiiF

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Relocation to Elder Way a recipe for success for Bottle &Thyme

Chesterfield’s award-winning bar and restaurant, Bottle & Thyme, is expanding to bigger premises in the town centre later this year.

The family-owned and run business will relocate from its current premises on Knifesmithgate, where it has been based since 2017, to the flagship corner unit in the former Co-op department store on Elder Way.

The owner of Elder Way, Jomast, has agreed a 10-year lease on the 3,153 sq ft unit which also boasts an outdoor courtyard. The lease signing follows hot on the heels of the opening of Hotpod Yoga in Unit 7 of the prominent Elder Way regeneration scheme last month (April).

Bottle & Thyme is expected to relocate to the new site in August which will be triple the size of its current premises directly opposite Elder Way. Additional jobs will also be created at the business following the move.

In addition to the Elder Way unit, Bottle & Thyme owners Gavin and Hannah Grainger will also be retaining the Knifesmithgate premises following the move and have plans to develop it later in the year.

Excited to make the move, Gavin and Hannah said: “The new unit hugely increases the amount of space we currently have and gives us the opportunity to have separate areas for the bar, restaurant, and private functions, as well as outdoor space for dining and drinking.

“Chesterfield town centre does not have the type of venue that we will be creating at Elder Way. It’s a very exciting time. Having been based opposite Elder Way for seven years, we already know the location works well so to be able to move across the road into larger premises is excellent for us. I see what we are creating at Elder Way as a first step in our vision of a new leisure quarter for the town.”

Mark Hill, Jomast’s Commercial Property Director said: “I am delighted that Bottle & Thyme will become part of Elder Way. Hannah and Gavin share our vision to create a premier leisure and hospitality quarter in the heart of Chesterfield. Alongside Hotpod Yoga and Premier Inn our vision is coming to life and we are talking to a number of future potential tenants for this prestigious site.”

Work is now underway to transform both the frontage and interior of the unit as well as festoon light the outdoor courtyard area. Gavin added: “Although much larger, it’s important to us that we keep the feel of a smaller venue at Elder Way. We have many longstanding customers and we’re delighted the additional space means we will now be able to offer them everything we want to, as well as be dog friendly.”

The new private function area, known as The Glass Room, will cater for functions of up to 30 guests, Hannah explained: “Being located a short walk from the town hall, there is high demand for micro weddings. Word has already spread that we will be able to offer event space in the new unit at Elder Way and we have had a number of bookings.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to see this family-run business go from strength to strength – building up a great following in the heart of Chesterfield, and now expanding into new, bigger premises on Elder Way, and expanding the size of their team. We wish Gavin and Hannah all the best in their new base – and also with their future plans for their existing building on Knifesmithgate.

“This is the second business to relocate to the redeveloped former Co-op building in recent months, and it’s great to see the momentum now building in this part of town. We look forward to welcoming more businesses to Elder Way in the future.

“It’s a fantastic and attractive town centre location, with the council’s recent investment elevating the space to create as key gateway into the heart of our historic town. This will link through to wider improvements across the town centre which are due to start in the summer, as part of our multi-million pound Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield scheme which will create more welcoming and better connected to spaces in which to shop, socialise and enjoy local events.”

In addition to the transformation of the former Co-op department store into seven street-level units and a Premier Inn by Jomast, the area has been further boosted by Chesterfield Borough Council’s £1 million public realm improvement scheme.

In addition to the public realm improvements, Bottle & Thyme’s location on Knifesmithgate has enabled the business to benefit from the Premier Inn hotel located at Elder Way. Hannah added: “Some guests enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner with us, with many returning to Bottle & Thyme every time they stay at the hotel. We’ve got to know many guests well over the years. The opening of Premier Inn on Elder Way in 2019 has and continues to make a positive impact on our business.”

Five units now remain available at Elder Way, with joint agents WSB Property and FHP reporting strong interest from a number of operators.

For enquiries or further information about the units, visit

For information and menus, visit 

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For more information on locating your business in Chesterfield Town Centre, go to:

Gavin and Hannah Grainger outside Elder Way

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Canal restoration gets underway in Staveley

The Chesterfield Canal Trust celebrated the start of its latest phase of restoration with a groundbreaking ceremony at Staveley.

Lee Rowley MP, Toby Perkins MP and Cllr Tricia Gilby, the Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, were joined by Tony Mitchell, a director of O’Brien Construction Ltd. and Peter Hardy, the Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust.

O’Brien’s are carrying out the first phase of an 18 month long project. They will do major groundworks to clear the route of the canal and landscape the surrounding area. Next, the abutments for the new Trans Pennine Trail bridge will be built and, in September, this 38 metre long structure will be lowered into place.

Later a length of canal will be reinstated along with a new lock and another accommodation bridge at the bottom of Bellhouse Lane. There will also be a pumping system and a new Bellhouse Basin will be built. The towpath will be upgraded to a multi-user trail, stretching all the way across the Doe Lea Valley to Renishaw.

Finally, the whole area will be planted with wildlife friendly vegetation and a seating area for people to enjoy the tranquillity of the newly restored canal will be installed. You will be able to follow the progress of the works as they happen by going to the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s website.

Peter Hardy, Toby Perkins MP, Cllr Tricia Gilby, Lee Rowley MP, Tony Mitchell canal restoration groundbreaking

This is one of ten projects funded through the Staveley Town Deal, a £25.2 million investment in Staveley through the Government’s Towns Fund. The total cost of the canal restoration is around £6 million, most of which will come from the Town Deal. The Trust currently has an appeal to raise £50,000 to go towards the cost of the gates for the new Keith Ayling Lock, named after a former Chair of the Trust. To learn more, go to the Chesterfield Canal Trust website.

Peter Hardy welcomed everyone and said this was the culmination of three years of preparatory work. Toby Perkins said: “The canal is a huge asset to Chesterfield and the Trust’s volunteers are involved in something that genuinely matters and makes a difference to very many people”. Cllr Gilby was pleased that another of the Staveley Town Deal projects was getting underway and said, “This wonderful asset will boost the tourist economy and people can use it to walk and cycle, possibly even to get to work”.

Lee Rowley also praised the volunteers and said: “It’s just amazing to see that this has got going, it’s taken a number of years to do but we’re now seeing another example of Levelling Up in action”. Tony Mitchell said that O’Brien’s were very happy to have the opportunity to do the works which will bring joy to thousands of people for many years to come.

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Five people stood putting shovels in the ground as part of ceremony

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Chamber reacts to general election announcement

East Midlands Chamber has reacted to the news that a general election will be held on 4th July 2024, reflecting on what it means for our region.

Yesterday, Prime Minister announced the news that Britain will be going to the polls this summer.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber commented: “Confirmation that the General Election will be held on 4th July is something we welcome as a politically uncertain environment can hinder planning and decision-making for businesses. Regardless of who is in power, we’re clear in the East Midlands of the policy reform that we need to see to enable business growth.

“For too long our region has been overlooked when it comes to investment, despite the fantastic businesses we have here and our status as a Centre of Trading Excellence – making, moving and innovating the goods and services that make our country tick.  Earlier this year we went to Westminster to present our asks directly to the government in our Manifesto for Growth 2024.

“The Manifesto is the direct result of what businesses have been telling us they need from the next UK Government and provides a clear blueprint for the things that would support our growth and success.  The document details specific policy asks across four key areas – People and Skills, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Planning, Taxation and Regulation.

“We look forward to continuing our conversations with all of those standing to represent communities in the East Midlands over the coming weeks and ensuring they understand the ways that, if successful, they can support our local businesses to deliver the growth and success that the whole country wants to see.”

East Midlands Chamber is currently working alongside Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver support for organisations in Chesterfield through the Chesterfield Accelerator programme. Find out more about the support available at:

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Man wearing suit speaking on a stage at a lectern

Scott Knowles, East Midlands Chamber

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Chesterfield launches development blueprint at real estate investment forum

A raft of opportunities to develop thousands of residential, industrial, and retail properties in and around Chesterfield, Derbyshire’s largest town, have been revealed at UKREiiF, a major event for UK and international real estate developers and investors.

Destination Chesterfield, which is responsible for promoting Chesterfield as a place to invest, published a map today highlighting new real estate and regeneration opportunities in the town. The map includes opportunities for new homes, light industrial, hospitality and leisure units around Chesterfield rail station, and retail, office and residential developments in Chesterfield’s historic town centre.

Investment map photo 2024

Land close to Chesterfield’s mainline rail station has been transformed in recent years through the Chesterfield Waterside project, one of Britain’s largest regeneration schemes. Hundreds of new homes on the development have been built and sold in the last three years alone, and all six floors of the One Waterside Place office development were let within a year of its launch in January 2023.

waterside place

Chesterfield Borough Council is enhancing the appeal of investment opportunities in the heart of Chesterfield with a £20 million regeneration project centred on key public spaces in the town centre and their connections. Due for completion in 2025, this project includes investment in Chesterfield’s historic market squares to support a broader range of festivals and community events.

New layout for Chesterfield Market with contemporary stalls, heritage colours, Market Hall in the background, town pump a feature

Market Square Chesterfield – artist’s impression

Chesterfield’s investment map also highlights opportunities for tourism-focused accommodation and retail developments at the PEAK Gateway Resort, a project to create a large-scale tourist and leisure destination on the eastern boundary of the Peak District National Park, and multiple plots at Markham Vale, a 200-acre business and industrial park located next to the M1. Now one of the UK’s premier manufacturing and logistics locations, Markham Vale is home to over 70 companies.

PEAK Gateway View

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, comments: “Chesterfield’s place as a thriving town and a great place to live and work is being enhanced through public and private investment and ambitious developments that will benefit people, businesses and communities across the town.”

“Chesterfield is seeing a surge in investment. New build completions exceed targets, demand for property is robust, and we continue to be a place where people see high-quality home ownership as a realistic option. Chesterfield is open to investment, it is a cost-effective business location, and it is a place where people want to live and raise families. That is why we are growing as a town.”

To download a copy of Chesterfield investment map, click here. 

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Chesterfield business leaders encourage firms to take advantage of local support

Chesterfield business leaders are urging companies across the town to take advantage of a wide range of support being offered, to assist in their growth and innovation.

The recent Destination Chesterfield Round Table discussion, conducted in collaboration with the Derbyshire Times, brought together several organisations to celebrate the reasons why they love working, living and running businesses in the town.

Delegates highlighted how Chesterfield was a town full of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, with its vibrant community, strategic location, access to skill and talent, and robust support ecosystem.

Firms across the Borough of Chesterfield can currently access a wide range of support options. From improving sustainability to upskilling their teams and exploring innovation and growth, the Round Table panel were keen to encourage other businesses in the town to take advantage of the schemes available.

Abigail Phillips, Start-up Advisor at East Midlands Chamber explained more about the Chesterfield Accelerator Scheme, which was launched in late 2023: “The programme provides one-to-one business support. The key thing about it is that our advisors can highlight potential improvements which you may not know about or haven’t considered. A series of workshops are being hosted across our region too.”

Celebrate Chesterfield 2024 exhibition

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “As a council, we hold regular conversations with businesses across a diverse range of sectors, so we have a good overall vision of what is happening across the borough. The Manufacturing and Property & Construction Forums held under the Destination Chesterfield umbrella are a real strength. I am also very keen to highlight the Skills Brokerage Service which Chesterfield Borough Council has launched for businesses, which allows us to talk to a range of organisations about their skills gaps and identify what they need.”

Chesterfield boasts a bustling community of more than 5,000 businesses. Whether you’re starting up, or looking to grow, a supportive network of organisations are more than happy to share advice. From informal meetups to large exhibitions and major summit events, the sense of camaraderie in Chesterfield helps to reassure people when faced with the challenges of starting a business.

Catherine Wenborn, Managing Director at Vines Legal Ltd spoke of her experience of moving her organisation to the town: “We were shy at the beginning, very much newcomers. However, we got involved in networking with other businesses, attending BNI and the Chesterfield Business Expo at Casa Hotel. We soon found that it was great to meet local businesses. It is always hard setting up in a new place, but people are so friendly here, and people always welcome you. There are so many opportunities here, and now I certainly don’t want to go back down south!”

For established companies, being ingrained into Chesterfield’s community becomes a natural progression. Matt Killingley, Business Development Director of NT Killingley Ltd, which has been trading for more than half a century, explained how important it is for business owners to step away from their day-to-day tasks and collaborate with others.

He said: “One of the most useful things for me was being part of a Chamber initiative which saw a group of managing directors meeting semi-formally once every month. It was very useful because we were all non-competing businesses, and it enabled you to step out of your own business, share problems and then discuss possible solutions. Running a business is totally encompassing, and to step away just for a couple of hours and meet with other business leaders is a great idea.”

Around 150 guests seated in rows facing the stage at the front in the function room at Casa Hotel

Abigail Phillips added: “Through adversity, businesses across Chesterfield have bonded together and it has been beautiful to see. People are being honest and helping each other, which provides a great environment for support and collaboration. The more we can have cross-sector conversations, the more we can continue to break down barriers.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby said: “It’s fantastic to see how businesses step forward when we ask them to – showing a real collective aspiration for our place and people. In terms of inward investment, businesses are always willing to come forward and support. We have seen a fantastic response to Destination Chesterfield’s call for new board members, and the appetite of businesses wanting to get involved in the new Chesterfield Town Board has been strong too.”

In addition, delegates at the Round Table explained how being located in Chesterfield, with its central location and proximity to several major cities, was helping to give them a strategic advantage.

Business man in suit with briefcase stepping off train onto platform at Chesterfield Railway Station

Chesterfield Railway Station

Mel Archbould, Managing Director owner of Cloud-Busting, commented: “The location of our town is its greatest strength. We are in the centre of the UK, next to the M1. When the upcoming work has been carried out at the rail station to provide a great welcome to Chesterfield, I think it will be really exciting.”

Catherine Wenborn added: “You can get to up Scotland, or down as far as the south-west either on the train or by road. We’re pretty much bang in the centre, which I consider to be a huge advantage.”

The town’s location also enables businesses to tap into a wide talent pool, with an estimated 7 million people living within an hour’s commute of Chesterfield. Attendees at the Round Table pointed out how they were ensuring they made the most of local skills opportunities to help grow their organisations and create jobs.

Matt Killingley said: “We are working with local schools, trying to promote apprenticeships and we are looking to engage with the potential workforce in our area. Sometimes in business, it is easy to have aspirations you can’t actually enact, but stepping away and speaking to schools and universities helps to promote your business and engage with the next generation.”

Paul Chapman, Owner and Editor of S40 Local Magazine added: “The sense of community in Chesterfield is so different to anywhere else. Look at the links we have between businesses and educators, such as Chesterfield College and the University of Derby. If you’re looking for particular skills, they’ll speak to you and ask what you’re looking for. They’ll then train people up to help get people into jobs, which is excellent.”

Are you a Chesterfield business looking for support to grow or upskill your organisation? Find out more at:

Round Table - Celebrate Local

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Chesterfield Champions highlight local wellbeing support ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week

Chesterfield businesses are taking centre stage in championing mental health awareness.

Ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 (13th -19th May), we’re shining a light on the proactive measures undertaken by our local organisations to nurture the well-being of their employees and residents across our town.

Chesterfield boasts a number of assets to support mental and physical wellbeing, including award-winning parks and green spaces, the town’s proximity to the Peak District National Park, and of course the overall sense of community and togetherness amongst our people. Did you know Chesterfield was recently ranked the happiest place to live in the East Midlands?

In our conversations with Chesterfield Champions, we explore the diverse ways in which businesses, public sector organisations and our local charity and voluntary sectors are fostering mental health awareness and support within our community.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Wellbeing Hub Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Karlie Thompson, Associate Director of Communications at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT commented:  “Here at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, we are an anchor institute for the town and employ more than 5,000 colleagues; we are therefore a key player in the wider health and care system and we are committed to supporting mental health across all our partners.

“We pride ourselves on prioritising the health and wellbeing of our colleagues and our wider community. This includes our commitment to colleagues through 24/7 support services and a £2m Health and Wellbeing Hub with gym and counselling facilities on the hospital site to signage in ED which research shows reduces anxiety and worry as it explains what each section of the department does, what might happen to you in that area and who may treat you. We also have unique, tailored, sections of the department which are specifically designed to support those in mental health crisis.

“Help is there when people are in need and it takes many forms from reaching out through NHS111 to speaking to your doctor. The best place for people suffering with mental health is probably not our Emergency Department, equally, we would encourage anybody feeling they need support to reach out.”

Junction Arts

Tapton Lock 2022_Junction Arts_ Photo Credit Nathan Hamer40 copy 2

Emily Bowman, Managing Director at Junction Arts said: “Wellbeing underlines everything we do at Junction Arts, when planning our events, festivals and projects we always consider how we can improve people’s mental wellbeing, whether that’s building young people’s confidence and self-esteem with our Six Pillars and Next Gen projects or combatting loneliness and isolation with our successful warm space, Cosy Crafts initiative earlier this year. We know that being creative and connecting with people can benefit our mental health.

“But mental health is not isolated to the communities we work in, it’s an important issue that can impact our team and volunteers – without them we can’t do the great work we do.  By talking more about our mental health we can dispel the stigma and misconceptions and encourage hope by sharing stories of recovery as well as the struggle.   The more we do this, the more chance there is for positive change.”



In support of staff mental health wellbeing, Fairplay are working closely with local charity RELATE, and Derby university students to offer counselling sessions for it’s employees.

Fairplay work hard to promote staff wellbeing and offer support to staff through supervisions and 1:1 meetings.  Fairplay have designated qualified Mental Health First Aiders who are available for support throughout the working week and also outside of working hours so that employees are able to reach out and talk to someone if they are struggling with their mental health wellbeing.

Fairplay’s HR Officer Nikki Lowe said: “supporting the wellbeing of our staff is very high on the agenda for Fairplay, and alongside internal support from qualified staff we are now working with local organisations to offer staff members additional support from external sources via RELATE counselling and level 5 trainee counsellor and psychotherapy students from Derby university.

“It is important that we all support one another, and to coincide with the counselling sessions being offered Fairplay have implemented a ‘mental health awareness process’ where all staff members have been given a badge with a green heart on which can be worn if they are having a particularly bad day or struggling with something, so that colleagues are aware that they are not feeling 100%.

“This visual aid will hopefully encourage staff members to be supportive of their colleagues and be a reminder to all that kindness costs nothing and a little ‘I’m here if you need me’ goes a long way.”

Chesterfield Canal Trust

Chesterfield Canal Paddlespots 2

One of Chesterfield’s most picturesque locations, the Chesterfield Canal is an excellent way to boost your wellbeing.

You can enjoy a scenic walk along the towpath, have a quick drink or bite to eat at Holloingwood Hub, or even head out onto the water via a tranquil canal cruise or paddle boarding session.

Rod Auton, Scretary of Chesterfield Canal Trust said: “The Chesterfield Canal is seen as a safe and calm space by many local residents. Many come to Hollingwood Hub to visit Katey’s Coffee Shop, to sit in the beautiful gardens tended by volunteers and to enjoy a boat trip.

“Successive Covid lockdowns brought home to many of the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s volunteers just how important the companionship of being in a team and working for a common cause can be to enhancing one’s mental wellbeing.”

The organisations included in this article support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Save the dates – Peddler Market returns to Chesterfield this May and July

Chesterfield town centre will be buzzing in May and July as Peddler Market returns for two more weekend events this summer.

The popular street food market will be in New Square on 17 to18 May and 19 to 20 July. These are the final events for 2024 as the multi-million pound regeneration of the town centre is expected to start over the summer.

Ben Smith, Director at Peddler Market, said: “We are looking forward to signing off the summer with a bang! Peddler offers a fantastic opportunity to meet up with friends and family in the heart of the town centre; enjoy a drink, sample some of the UK’s most exciting street food talent and soak up the atmosphere from the live stage.

“With New Square being rejuvenated later this summer, we are happy to have provided a blueprint for how street food can play a pivotal role in transforming Chesterfield’s night-time economy in years to come.”

There will be a fantastic range of award-winning street food from around the world at the event in May.

Syiok-Lah will be serving up authentic Malyasian cuisine, Get Wurst will be offering German style Currywurst and Bratwurst, Cow Boys will be bringing brilliant burgers, The Spicy Biker will have a range of Indian street food, Brúm Mì will be dishing out East Asian street food, Luigi will be offering a taste of Italy with Arancini and Panzerotti, De Boeuf will be slicing up their mature beef, Madame Crêpe will have a range of fresh crepes and Vanilla Bean will be serving coffee and baked treats.

The weekend also features a strong line-up of live music with something for everyone to enjoy including, indie-rock band The N.S.O, folkie singer-songwriter Jack Weston, pop punk outfit 2x Fast,  Viva La Vintage  who performs a mixture of classic soul, swing and rock n roll, singer songwriter Masha Jana, and unique band Honey Trap, with some more acts still to be confirmed.

On Saturday Sunflower Dance will be providing family friendly entertainment with a dance workshop designed for children.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Peddler Market has been a unique event in our town, and I know lots of people have come out to support the three events so far. I hope to see lots of returning faces and new visitors come along in May and July to show their support for this fantastic event before we start work on the regeneration of the town centre.

“These events are a fantastic way to kickstart your summer in Chesterfield with your friends and families.”

The Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will see extensive works to key town centre areas to support a range of uses including markets, events, festivals and more. The work is due to start in summer 2024 in the Market Place.

Funding to help bring the event to Chesterfield has been provided through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Chesterfield Borough Council received £2.69m of UKSPF funding which will be invested across the borough. A portion of this will be invested into promoting the borough as a place to visit, and providing support for arts, culture, and heritage activities.

Planning on visiting Chesterfield on a Peddler Market weekend? Find out more about what’s on offer in the town here. 

Peddler Market Chesterfield - family enjoying some food and smiling for the camera

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