Oasis studio

New AI technology created by Oasis Studio for the property sector

The EyeSiteView team, based at Chesterfield’s Oasis Studio has launched new AI-powered technology platform aimed at creating an immersive property exploration suite for businesses.

The new technology, named Vantage, will assist property and construction sector organisations in providing a better experience for customers, with a new interactive sales centre solution.

It offers an interactive property exploration solution to partners looking to enhance their customer experience for the modern buyer, and most importantly improve the buyer’s ability to reserve new-build plots off-plan.

Installed into Sales Centres in the form of a Touchscreen or a tablet, Vantage is equipped with the latest 3D interactive property marketing content such as interactive site plans, configurators and virtual tours.

Vantage offers property developers and home buyers with the ability to fully explore and envision a new development within the sales suite. The ability to visualise upgrade options, house types and the overall site increases buyers’ confidence, whilst making the sales journey more personal to the individual buyer.

With Vantage home buyers can continue their property exploration from the sales centre to home seamlessly. Additionally, Vantage offers property developers with important insights into their home buyers’ preferences and sales journey.

Since its release, the EyeSiteView development team has been working closely with property partners to reach a new benchmark for interactive touchscreen solutions for the sector. Vantage is now the first AI-powered Interactive Sales Centre solution for the property sector.

With innovation very much at the core of everything the company does, implementing its own AI model into its offerings was the next innovative benchmark for EyeSiteView. Now Vantage has its very own AI-large language model (LLM) built-in.

By implementing an LLM model into the interactive touchscreen solution, EyeSiteView is now offering sales advisors and home buyers with the ability to get all the important questions answered in moments. Whether a home buyer needs to know the Ofsted rating of a local school, the time it would take to walk to the nearest train station, or if they need to know the best space / house to place their corner sofa, the AI-Powered touchscreen can provide the answers in a conversational text window on screen.

The integrated LLM is taught about each site specifically, and will only provide answers that are relevant to the individual development location and house types.

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio commented: “Innovation is very much at the core of everything we do here. We are no strangers to AI, we have been learning and leveraging practices within our workflow for some time.

“For us to now find a valuable use and confidently implement the technology within one of our products is a huge milestone for us and our partners. With the pace of advancements we’ve seen with AI alone in the last year, I would encourage all businesses, especially SME’s to explore the capabilities of AI.

“For us, it has not only enhanced and increased our internal efficiency, but it is now playing a big role in the products and services we can offer our clients.”

Find out more about Vantage at: https://eyesiteview.co.uk/vantage/

Looking to boost your business? Find out now about the support available to enhance your organisation with

Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Vantage 2

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Young people encouraged to discover career pathways in construction

A series of three events aim to help young people and their and parents and carers learn more about apprenticeships and the options available to them after completing school.

The first Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information Event will be held at Staveley Miner’s Welfare Football Club on Wednesday 15 November from 6pm to 7.30pm. The event is free to attend and designed to allow parents, carers and young people to speak directly with local employers about their options after completing school.

This event has a construction focus with local firms including The Devonshire Group, Harron Homes and Oasis Studio, talking about the wide range of roles in the sector including the building trades but also other roles including architecture, surveying, marketing, business support and many more.

There will be a question-and-answer panel where the attendees can ask about opportunities in the construction sector and pathways into it.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Young Apprentice ambassadors about their apprenticeship experience. Free refreshments and hot food will be provided to everyone attending.

The event is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, the D2N2 Careers Hub and Workpays.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It is crucial that we provide the support young people, and their parents need to make informed decisions about the future. Earlier this year we launched our Skills Action Plan which is all about taking a more collaborative approach to developing skills and career opportunities in Chesterfield and events like this are key to realising that ambitious approach.

“Working with our partners at D2N2 and the ASK programme, along with local employers ensures that young people attending the event can develop a really good understanding of careers available in the construction industry and the paths they can follow from school to secure these careers. We are creating a thriving borough where everyone can benefit from a growing local economy.

“Please do come along to this event or one of the other sector specific events later this year – it’s a fantastic way to help young people make the right decision for themselves to develop a great career in our borough.”

Laura Wilkins, Operational Careers Hub Lead, said: “The D2N2 Careers Hub are thrilled to be working with Chesterfield Borough Council and WorkPays to hold the first Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information event. We are excited to invite young people, parents/carers and the wider community to meet local employers from the construction sector and hear from apprentices about their experience of working and learning.

“This will be the first of three events to be held in the Chesterfield area, our aim for these events is to ensure that young people and their parents/carers receive the information, advice and support they need to be able to make an informed decision about their next steps, and whether an apprenticeship or technical education pathway is right for them.”

Tina Patel, from the ASK programme, said: “I am looking forward to meeting parents and carers who can expect an in depth and insightful talk about the world of apprenticeships to enable you to support your child with their future career decisions. The event will provide you with a greater understanding of the vocational pathways available and how you can support your child to apply for vacancies.”

Details about further Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information Events will be shared on the council’s website and social media.

Oasis Studio, The Devonshire Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, D2N2 Careers Hub and Workpays support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

College students construction
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Property and construction businesses build talent pipelines through inspiring workshops and placements

In Chesterfield, £2billion of regeneration is underway. Additionally, a report by CITB, highlights by 2026 that 3,500 construction workers per year will be needed in the East Midlands Region. So, the need to attract more skilled people to the sector remains a key priority.

Recognising the range of exciting opportunities available across the sector and the need to develop a local talent pipeline; property and construction businesses from across Chesterfield joined forces to deliver Careers Made in Chesterfield.

This summer, 11 students from three Chesterfield secondary schools got to go behind the scenes at local firms to gain first-hand experience of careers in the sector.

Organised as part of the new Made in Chesterfield scheme, the work experience was the final part of a year-long pilot. The pilot included a series of workshops to showcase the range of careers available in the industry. In total, 20 professionals from 11 local businesses helped to deliver the programme to 110 year 10 students.

How did the students get on in their end-of-scheme placements? We spoke to some of the businesses and schools involved in showcasing careers in property and construction to the next cohort of future talent.

House designers in the making 

Wayne Barrett, Technical Director for Harron Homes North Midlands, tells us about the range of departments students got to experience:

“Harron endeavours to support those looking to develop their skills in the construction industry, whether that’s on-site or in the office. It’s been fantastic to support Chesterfield schools and give them an insight into working life within an office environment. Students experienced a range of roles from finance to quantity surveying, architecture, civil engineering, sales, and legal.”

Harron Homes property and construction

Harron Homes office

Nigel Kingham, teacher at Whittington Green School, explains how students went above and beyond:

“I got to visit three of our students on work experience at Harron Homes. Each of the students had with them examples of some of the design work they had completed during their placement. Max had been taught to use some design software and he had used this to produce his own plans for a newly designed house. He had really enjoyed his placement and was really enthused about house design.”

“Corey had drawn his own designs and kept an extensive diary of his time at Harron. Again, he was really positive about his experience. He even said it had got him thinking about a future career in something like architecture.”

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Artwork by Cory, student at Whittington Green School

Max, student at Whittington Green School, added:

“I had a great time, and everyone was helpful with what I was trying to do!”

Building careers in property and construction

Students from Whittington Green and Parkside School got to experience all aspects of a local construction business. Jack Kidder, Business Manager at Henry Boot PLC, explained:

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Henry Boot tour for students

“We were delighted to welcome two students from Whittington Green and Parkside Schools to join the business for a week. They learnt all about the real estate sector with a focus on construction and social value. They took part in a range of activities including estimating and education engagement, met a range of colleagues from across the business, and visited our Kangaroo Works scheme in the centre of Sheffield.

“Supporting work experience placements is a great way for us to inform local learners about the wide range of careers available in our business and industry as well as learn more about the expectations and aspirations of learners and create excitement about our sector.”

Liam, student at Parkside Community School, commented:

“I really enjoyed the placement at Henry Boot. I hadn’t really heard of them before, I didn’t know how big the company was. It was really interesting learning about the business and the things they do. But the best bit was going visit to the site at Sheffield!”

CGI and Virtual Reality

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Oasis Studio and Parkside student

Providing an insight into the digital process in the sector, Oasis Studio hosted a student from Parkside School. Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio, said:

“We welcomed our placement student to the studio to gain hands-on experience as if he were a true member of the team.

“We exposed Seth to a variety of typical tasks carried out at Oasis Studio. Tasks included transforming 2D technical drawings into a 3D digital model of a building using the latest software and techniques. He used his 3D model to create various formats of visual content including photorealistic CGI’s, floorplans and a marketing brochure. Also, Seth contributed towards internal project meetings and got involved with development projects in Virtual Reality.

“Overall, this placement not only provided valuable experience for the student. It brought fresh perspectives and innovation to the business, reinforcing our commitment to nurturing young talent.”

Oasis Studio and Parkside student property and construction

Oasis Studio and Parkside student

Seth, student at Parkside Community School, added:

“I enjoyed my time at Oasis Studio. It was a really nice place, with a good atmosphere and the staff was great. I even had a go at designing buildings and adding renders using CAD (Computer Aided Design). It was a really good placement.”

Matthew Gould, Head of PE and Careers at Parkside Community School, commented on the Made in Chesterfield programme:

“It’s been a pleasure to be involved with the Careers Made in Chesterfield programme. Engagement from students in the workshops delivered at the school and work experience has been fantastic.

Three of our students have benefitted from a work placement thanks to local business. We’re grateful for the opportunity and hope to link more young talent with Chesterfield businesses.”

Find out more

Could your business benefit from encouraging young people to consider careers in property and construction?

To find out how your business could get involved with the next Careers Made in Chesterfield scheme, contact Emily Williams, Skills Delivery Officer at Chesterfield Borough Council on 01246 959717.

To consider how your business could offer an apprenticeship to support careers in property and construction visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/apprenticeships/hiring-an-apprentice/.

Are you a business operating in the property, construction, manufacturing, and engineering industries? You could get involved with the Made in Chesterfield programme by opening your doors to local schools. Find out more at: www.chesterfield.co.uk/made/.

Careers Made in Chesterfield header image

Careers Made in Chesterfield

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Chesterfield Champions support local community and charities with exciting initiatives

Businesses across Chesterfield have kicked off the summer with a number of initiatives, aimed at supporting the community and local charities.

Recent events and activities included a postcard show featuring 173 artists, a charity football match between local businesses, a dance group for residents affected by cancer, and a bake-off to raise funds for vulnerable people in our area.

Find out more in our roundup below:

Chesterfield Postcard Show raises £1,200 for local charity

postcard show

This year, the Chesterfield Postcard Show saw record entries, donations, and visitors, raising over £1,200 for local charity, Junction Arts.

The 2023 show featured 329 pieces of original art, with 173 artists, creatives and community groups submitting their work for the exhibition, which took place between the 9th and 19th May at West Studios in Chesterfield.  Many entries were from local people but there were also submissions from across the UK and Europe.

All money raised from the sale of the postcards supports Junction Arts community projects and events in the area, creating a better future for everyone through the arts.

Over 200 people visited the show during the 10 days and 52 artworks have been sold so far.   For those that didn’t make it to the exhibition, the postcard-size artworks are still available to buy, via the Junction Arts Etsy page.

The Chesterfield Postcard Show was organised by Junction Arts and local artist Dave Elsom, to allow creatives, communities, and up-and-coming artists to show their work in a professional exhibition.

This year’s show was entitled ‘Wish You Were Here’ and celebrated the importance of getting creative and its impact on people’s self-esteem and well-being.

Hannah Bowdler, Relationship Fundraiser at Junction Arts said: “We are so grateful to the artists and groups who have created and donated their work in the theme of ‘Wish You Were Here’, both Dave and I were blown away by the support and growth in uptake for the second show. We can’t wait to see what 2024’s show will be like!”

This year’s exhibition of mini masterpieces was sponsored by local financial services firm, Rosewood Wealth Management. Their support allowed organisers to run outreach workshops within the town centre, increasing accessibility and increasing local involvement.

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Company Director at Rosewood said: “Rosewood was delighted to sponsor The Chesterfield Postcard Show 2023. Attending the exhibition at West Studios, it was amazing to see some of the incredible postcard designs produced by participants. We especially liked the fact that those involved were able to produce their own unique, personalised mini masterpieces. Organised by Junction Arts, their mission to unite the community through the medium of art was something we greatly admired.”

Local transport firms face off in charity football match

city taxis football match

Leading taxi and private hire firm City Taxis went head-to-head with Chesterfield vehicle hire company B&B Vehicles in a charity football match last weekend, raising money for The Sheffield 1000 and Support Dogs.

The Sheffield 1000 aims to get 1000 people donating £1 each week, with the money donated to local charities and good causes every week of the year. Support Dogs train puppies into support dogs for people with epilepsy, autism and other disabilities in their day to day lives.

The game, which took place at Bramall Lane, was organised by City Taxis’ Business Development Director Paul Gosney and B&B Vehicles’ Maz Kenyon.

After a strong start by City, B&B pulled it back with an equaliser that meant it was 1-1 when the final whistle blew. With a tense penalty shootout deciding the winner, City managed to come out on top after professional footballer Joe Green saved three of the five shots.

Paul Gosney, Business Development Director at City Taxis, said: “It was great to manage the City Taxis team to victory today, all for a good cause. After a strong 90 minutes from both sides, it was a fantastic ending to a brilliant day, where we raised both funds and awareness for our chosen charity, The Sheffield 1000.”

New dance group opens for Chesterfield and Derbyshire residents affected by Cancer

community dance classes

People across Derbyshire who have been affected by cancer are invited to join a new local dance group to meet, socialise and get together with other people living with the condition.

The Dancing for Health sessions have been kindly funded by the Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity Fund which enables the classes to be provided free to all the participants.

Sessions are held every Thursday morning 10am – 11.00am at the Calow Community Centre, Allpits Road, Calow, Chesterfield S44 5AT.  Refreshments are available after the class and an opportunity to socialise with other group members.

Leading a physically active lifestyle during and after cancer treatment is linked to an improvement in many of the adverse affects of cancer and its treatment.

The Dancing for Health Seated Dance programme is specially designed to accommodate people affected by cancer and provides a physical and social activity that is gentle and safe.

The dance routines are fun and easy to learn. They can be done seated or standing, making them fully inclusive and get everyone involved no matter what their ability.

Dancing is a multidimensional activity that contributes positively to many aspects of a person’s overall health. Boosting happiness and mental health and keeping both the body and brain active to make participants feel great.

The classes are delivered in a group setting with others who share similar health challenges. Participants are also welcome to bring a friend or family member with them.

Tracey Barnes, Managing Director, Dancing for Health CIC, said:  “Dancing for Health provides fun and friendly dance classes for people who can’t attend a mainstream dance class because of medical or age-related reasons. Our classes are really accessible for people with cancer and enables them to use dance, to help manage their symptoms and improve mood.

“My job is so rewarding, making a difference to people’s quality of life and hearing how our dance classes have helped them is why I go to work every day.”

Oasis Studio hosts ‘bake off’ for Hope House Charity

oasis studio hope house

Chesterfield-based creative and digital firm, Oasis Studio recently hosted a bake off competition, to raise funds and awareness for Hope House Chesterfield.

The charity works to support those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness in the Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire area.

Oasis Studio’s team worked together and held a ‘budget-bake off’, where members of the charity and residents joined them for the morning. It provided an opportunity for the Oasis Studio team to hear about Hope House’s upcoming charity events and learn more about the crucial service they provide.

Paul Deakin, Director of Oasis Studio commented: “The cost-of-living crisis doesn’t discriminate. Everyone has been affected by it. Whether it’s looking at how you can spend less on your weekly shop or assisting a family member with household bills to get them by, it continues to affect everyone. Local charities aren’t exempt from this. With people having less available funds, financial support for charities has also suffered.

“As a local business, we have a responsibility to support our local community and charities in any way we can. Hope House Chesterfield offers a lifeline to some of the most vulnerable individuals in the Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire area, and without support from the local community and businesses, they would struggle to continue to provide that crucial lifeline.

“The team raised £170 for the event and donated the bakes for the team and residents at Hope House Chesterfield to enjoy.”

Junction Arts, Rosewood Wealth Management, City Taxis, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield’s Oasis Studio brings local housing development to life with immersive digital experience

A Chesterfield company which specialises in creating immersive digital experiences has worked to bring a local housing development to life.

Oasis Studio’s EyeSiteView brand creates immersive & interactive CGI for property marketing and sales, with the technology recently being implemented to showcase the William Davis Homes’ Skylarks development in Dunston.

Only a five-minute drive from Chesterfield, Skylarks is a development nestled in the Derbyshire countryside. William Davis wanted to invest in a virtual toolkit that drives engagement from their increasingly digitally-savvy customer base.

Oasis Studio is based just over a mile away from where the development is taking place. The content created by the firm is now being used across the William Davis website, social media and sales centre.

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio commented: “As technology continually evolves, we are noticing an increasing demand from developers and house-builders to be able to start selling their homes much earlier.

“However, to be able to achieve this, buyers also need to feel like they are able to make well-informed decisions in order to make a sizable financial commitment. So, that’s where we come in. Using a combination of VR, AR & CGI, we can allow house buyers to explore sites, houses and even customise their kitchens to fit their requirements, all before any bricks are even laid.”

Speaking on the local linkup with William Davis on the Skylarks project, Tony added: “Chesterfield is obviously the heart of where our business is. We have several employees here who live locally or who have been brought up in Derbyshire, so it’s very rewarding to be able to not only see these developments enhance our surrounding towns but also to be involved in the journey.

“From the initial CAD drawings, our talented team create amazing interactive experiences that really impact the sales of property, so to see all that hard work come to life is very satisfying.”

We are experts in guiding housebuilders through a digital transformation. By creating highly accurate ‘3D digital twins’ of developments before they exist, our 360 Virtual Tours, Active Siteplans and Home Configurators really help bring them to life. Ultimately, it allows house buyers the ability to make well-informed decisions more quickly, and increase those all-important off-site sales.

Find out more at: www.eyesiteview.co.uk or on our social media channels: @eyesiteview

Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

skylarks eyesiteview

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“Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit”

Chesterfield is set to undergo a major transformation in the next few years, with work taking place to improve the town’s public spaces; creating a welcoming and attractive place for visitors.

The town’s Property and Construction Group continues to help in shaping these developments, working with partners to ensure the quality of the built environment across the town meets those ambitions.

Tony Buck is a member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Steering Group and Associate Director at Oasis Studio. He has given his views on the importance of maximising the built environment, to increase Chesterfield’s reputation as a vibrant and welcoming town with a strong and diverse visitor economy.

By many Chesterfield isn’t considered a typical tourist destination and we must ask ourselves why? Over the last 12 years, I’ve become very familiar with the town and it’s clear our town has bags of raw ingredients to offer the tourism sector.

It’s no secret that millions of pounds worth of investment are beginning to take shape across the town and I’m confident these exciting plans will evolve Chesterfield into a superb visitor destination. From working closely with Destination Chesterfield and the Property and Construction Group it’s clear that attracting more tourists to the town is high on the agenda.

Let’s take a dive into some of the key developments and unpack why the built environment is vital in terms of attracting more visitors.

A good place to start is the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project; a major transformation in the town centre with refurbishment plans for several key sites. When I think about Chesterfield, I think ‘handsome market town’ so I’m particularly excited to see the marketplace revamp take shape.

This is a great opportunity to re-imagine the current model and create a more defined and vibrant area for visitors to shop. As part of the revamp, we’ll also see the flexible space host other events such as festivals, cultural celebrations, and community gatherings.

This has been core to the strategy and acts as a key ingredient in attracting a wider, more diverse audience beyond the typical market visitor of today. Once complete I look forward to visiting and hope to discover amazing produce, street food, craft beers and gifts that are unique to Chesterfield and add to the cultural narrative of the town.

Bookending of the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ project are plans to remodel and refurbish the Stephenson Memorial Hall. I’m particularly intrigued about the impact this will have on the visiting economy. Packed full of history and architectural merit the proposals aim to extend the Pomegranate Theatre and provide a modern museum offering.

Alongside this gallery and café spaces provide visitors with a place to enjoy. Once complete this landmark building will extend the town’s cultural offering and provide a go-to destination for visitors to enjoy live events.

Beyond this, the Chesterfield Station Masterplan aims to create a welcoming first impression of Chesterfield for visitors by rail. Currently, the existing station and public realm are a little uninviting.

Diving into the details it’s clear that a real sense of arrival, framing of the crooked spire and progressive urban design are considerations to address this. The people of Chesterfield are welcoming and open for business, I certainly look forward to a station that reflects this for visitors.

It’s clear to me that the developments highlighted above, combined with the wider regeneration proposals, will result in our town centre becoming a more attractive, safe and healthier place for visitors to spend time and immerse themselves in the Chesterfield economy.

In my opinion, Chesterfield’s best tourist attraction and visitor playground is the Peak District. It’s located on our doorstep and attracts millions of tourists to the area each year.

Those visitors planning a weekend trip or holiday need more incentives to stay the night in Chesterfield. Currently, the night-time attractions are relatively limited… Shout-out to Ches-Vegas. To maximise the visitor economy, more must be done to increase this offering. There are development plans that seek to address this (some mentioned above), but it’s worth highlighting the requirement for more available hotel space for visitors to stay.

Circling back, Chesterfield has the raw ingredients to become a great place to visit. The community is inviting and we’re home to a diverse selection of businesses that cater for the tourism sector.

We’re located in the heart of the UK with great transport connections. We also have handsome buildings with bags of history and so much beautiful scenery on its doorstep. Chesterfield is underrated as a tourist destination and with the planned future investment it will only get better. I call for all local businesses and fellow Chesterfield Champions in the town to celebrate this!

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Chesterfield school pupils to benefit from free VR roadshow

Education supplier Seymour & Lerhn, part of Chesterfield’s Oasis Studio group are launching a VR Roadshow, giving primary schools in Chesterfield the chance to take their pupils on two weeks of amazing educational adventures.

Successful schools will receive a bundle of 5 VR headsets complete with recycled smartphones and free access to the Seymour & Lerhn Immersive Learning platform.

With this, teachers can take KS1 and KS2 pupils on a journey of discovery whether it’s wandering through the busy streets of New York, or stepping back in time to trudge through the muddy WW1 Trenches.

The VR kits will be delivered to schools to use for two weeks before being collected and sanitised for the next cohort.

Charlie Power, ‘Head Honcho’ at Seymour & Lerhn says: “At Seymour & Lerhn we challenge ourselves to make learning as interactive as possible without compromising on accessibility. A VR headset is just one of many ways to explore – but often gets the biggest reaction from children!”

Seymour & Lerhn offers immersive educational experiences for primary schools, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive games and activities. The activities are accessible on any device, from laptops to iPads to interactive whiteboards.

Whilst the immersive content can be viewed on any existing school hardware, Seymour & Lerhn have joined forces with sister company, EyeSiteView, to give old technology a new lease of life.

The VR headsets were previously used by housing developers to market new homes and have been kindly gifted by EyeSiteView to make the VR Roadshow possible.

“We’re really pleased to be able to give schools in the local area the chance to explore VR in a sustainable way,” says Tony Buck, Associate Director at EyeSiteView.

“Approximately 45 million tonnes of tech is thrown away each year which is really shocking. We’re excited that the old VR headsets will get a new lease of life and give our region’s children some truly memorable lessons!”

Schools will be able to choose from a wide range of topics and subjects with teachers able to share the VR content with pupils at the click of a button.

“Content is designed to work on almost any device and comes with accessibility tools built in. It couldn’t be easier for schools to get started with immersive learning whether you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a VR kit or not!” Charlie adds.

The roadshow will run from the 1st April to the 22nd July 2022 and is open to any educational establishment within the region.

Slots are extremely limited and are offered on a first come first served basis.

To apply, head to https://forms.office.com/r/7UTS309qTs and fill in the online form.

Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Oasis Studio creates eye catching virtual remembrance commemoration

Oasis Studio, which includes EyeSiteView and Seymour and Lerhn, have brought their own creative style to this Year’s Armistice.

If you pass by the Studio on Dunston Road Chesterfield, you would have most likely seen the poignant image of a loan soldier as poppies fall around him projected in the studio.

The virtual images have been created as a fitting tribute and a very visual reminder of the commemorations for Remembrance Day this year.

The display follows a highly successful, virtual Halloween display in October.

Over the last few years, Oasis Studio has gained recognition locally and further afield for producing eye catching virtual displays, using new technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Paul Deakin, Director of Oasis Studio said “We are a forward-thinking Company, at the forefront of development in VR, AR and Immersive Media, we like to push the boundaries in innovation. The possibilities to use this technology are limitless, particularly for the creative team at Oasis.

“Following the success and interest from the Halloween display, we felt it only fitting to do a display for armistice this year. As a studio of mainly young staff why we have remembrance is becoming further away through time, but we say it doesn’t matter how we show remembrance, we simply need to add particular emphasis regarding the dangers of failing to remember.

“We will be pulling all the stops out for a Christmas display, so watch this space!”

Last year, the company produced an impressive animated fly-through showing plans for the town’s landmark Chesterfield Waterside development. You can see the video here.

The company will reveal its eagerly anticipated annual Christmas campaign on social media shortly. Be sure to pass by the studio to take a look.

Oasis Studio supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Talented Chesterfield professionals recognised at inaugural ‘Generation Next’ Awards

Talented young people working within several Chesterfield businesses have been given recognition at East Midlands Chamber’s first ever Generation Next Awards.

The ceremony celebrated emerging talent across the whole region, with Chesterfield’s Oasis Studio, GBS Apprenticeships and Banner Jones Solicitors named amongst the winners.

The Excellence in Innovation and Technology Award was given to Tony Buck, who has led Chesterfield-based creative design studio Oasis Studio’s EyeSiteView team, which is aiming to transform how residential property is traded by using virtual and immersive technology.

Coral Guard of GBS Apprenticeships took home the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ accolade, on the same day as the company’s grand opening of its new offices at Chesterfield’s Markham House.

The winner of the Customer Service Award was announced as Jenna Hadfield, who works for Chesterfield’s Banner Jones Solicitors as a will writer, based at the company’s offices on Glumangate and in Dronfield.

East Midlands Chamber director of resources and Generation Next lead Lucy Robinson said: “Generation Next is a really exciting new initiative from the Chamber and we’re delighted to have held our first major event, which was a fantastic showcase of the amazing young talent we have across the East Midlands.

“Young people don’t always receive the recognition they deserve but we hope that celebrating their achievements will provide the confidence they need to continue growing as they develop within their careers.

“Our winners are an incredible advert for our region’s entrepreneurial instincts and we can’t wait to continue supporting them as their careers develop.”

Professor Kamil Omoteso, pro vice-chancellor and dean of the University of Derby’s College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, said: “Since the University of Derby became a partner in the Generation Next scheme earlier this year, it has been fantastic to see how it is providing valuable support to young professionals across our region, and I would like to congratulate the East Midlands Chamber on developing this very welcome initiative.

“Celebrating the success of young people through these awards demonstrates the huge talent that exists across all areas of employment and enterprise. Recognising innovation and impact, entrepreneurial skills and the positive effect of volunteering in our communities are excellent measures of their skill, knowledge and dedication.

“Leadership is a vitally important quality which we integrate across our curriculum at the University of Derby and deliver to our local business community, so the Generation Next Future Leader Award, which we have sponsored, is a particularly exciting category for us, identifying those who have already made a significant contribution to their industry and have the potential to make a real difference in their field.”

Generation Next was established by East Midlands Chamber last year as a network for young professionals to make connections, build new skills and advance their careers.

It features networking sessions and educational events on topics such as marketing, brand awareness, sales and personal finance, as well as the awards.

A board of 12 “champions”, consisting of young people in the East Midlands business community and two University of Derby students, lead the network.

The Generation Next Awards will be broadcast again by Notts TV in the coming weeks.

For more information about the Generation Next network, visit generationnextemc.co.uk.

Generation Next Awards 2021 winners

Breakthrough Award (sponsored by Nottingham University Business School)


Daniel Jones – Professional Heating Solutions


Holly Daulby – Honest Communications

Max Poynton, Jacob Watts and Matthew Bond – Project D

Kate Johnson – Rate Social

Junyi Xiao – W&W Trading and Consulting


Excellence in Innovation & Technology Award (sponsored by GBS Apprenticeships)


Tony Buck – EyeSiteView (Division of Oasis Studio)


Rikan Patel and Tanrik Patel – Business 2 Business


The Community Award (sponsored by Hardy Signs)


Charlotte Robey Turner – Leicestershire Cares


George Hanvere and Elliot Dipper – Paragon Law

Nisha Pahuja – Charnwood Regency Guesthouse Limited

Katie Gilbert – TTK Confectionery


Apprentice of the Year (sponsored by Loughborough College)


Coral Guard – GBS Limited


Chloe Newton – BEDE Events

Chris Guard – GBS Limited

Chloe Deville – Hardy Signs

Olly Torrence – Purpose Media


Entrepreneur of the Year (sponsored by Fraser Stretton)


Max Poynton, Jacob Watts and Matthew Bond – Project D


Trent Peek – CCM Group

Holly Daulby – Honest Communications

Jordana Chin – Nutri2Go Ltd

Aaron Gent – Aroment


Customer Service Award (sponsored by East Midlands Chamber)


Jenna Hadfield – Banner Jones Solicitors


Beth Bearder – Keebles

Rob Spence – Paragon Sales Solutions

Emily Marriott – Order Blinds Online

Evie Margetts – Corporate Architecture


Generation Next Future Leader Award (sponsored by the University of Derby)


Kate Walker – ExpHand Prosthetics


Edward Morley – Rise & Recline

Harry Dodge – Far-UK

Leah Binney – TTK Confectionery

Theo Kirk – Express Recruitment

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