peter swallow

“Ensuring we have opportunities for our young people will make Chesterfield a more attractive place to live, work, and invest”

Chesterfield is currently undergoing a period of major regeneration, and with this change comes opportunity.

New developments in the town, such as Chesterfield Waterside, Markham Vale and the Hartington sites in Staveley are really coming to life now – thanks to councils and businesses working together closely.

Thousands of new homes are currently being built across the borough, which will attract new families seeking an affordable and friendly place to live, with access to good schools and plenty of green spaces.

I was delighted to hear the news that Chesterfield was ranked recently as the second-best town in the UK to raise children. This is a testament to the work of several organisations across the area.

Furthermore, Chesterfield’s ambitious growth plans are creating exciting career options for our young people. A key sector of growth locally is property and construction. Did you know that in this sector alone, around 17,500 new recruits will be required across the East Midlands between 2023-2027?

As a town, we must keep encouraging our young people to consider careers which are offering secure, skilled, and well-paid employment. To that end, it is pleasing to hear that 12 work placements have been offered to students locally by business leaders from the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group. All credit to the innovative ‘Careers Made in Chesterfield’ project, in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council.

Representatives from local firms inspired students by speaking about the wide range of roles available in the property sector, carrying out a series of workshops and face-to-face mentoring sessions with students based at Parkside Community School.

At the beginning of the scheme, only 20% of pupils said they would be interested in a role in property and construction. When asked again at the end of the project, that figure had doubled to 40%. This shows that a hands-on approach can really work in engaging our young people.

As a town, Chesterfield is used to rolling up its sleeves and tackling issues head-on, and this is another example of how our people are continuing to work hard in delivering the changes we all want to see.

Innovative projects, such as the new Construction Skills Hub being developed in Staveley will further boost jobs in the sector, training thousands of local people. It excites me to think that the next generation of builders, architects, surveyors, and designers will be trained in our area.

Ensuring we have opportunities for our young people will make Chesterfield a more attractive place to live, work, and invest. With investment comes jobs, and with jobs comes further growth and prosperity. This is why it is vital we continue to make our future generations aware of the breadth of opportunities available to them, right here on our doorstep.

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Chair’s Blog: “There has never been a better time to support our town”

Summer is just around the corner, and it’s that time of year when people begin to plan their holidays. In 2023, however, you won’t need to look very far for all the fun and entertainment you could possibly want.

With an abundance of events coming to Chesterfield to match all tastes, there has never been a better time to support our town and help showcase what an excellent visitor destination we have.

This summer, we will see the return of firm favourites such as the BRM Solicitors Festival of Cricket, with the crunch fixture between Derbyshire and Yorkshire set to pack out the beautiful Queen’s Park once again. Thousands will flock to Chesterfield Pride, which is one of the largest events of its type in the entire region. Furthermore, our marketplace will welcome families from all over the country as the Medieval Fun Day returns in July.

We’re not stopping there though. A multitude of new events are coming to the town this year. The world-renowned Peddler Market will appear in our town for the first time – a real achievement for Chesterfield and a sign of the confidence in our area’s strong visitor offer.

Junction Arts will launch The Chesterfield Children’s Festival in Queen’s Park too, attracting families for a great weekend of outdoor fun this July.

Destination Chesterfield is again launching its Summer in Chesterfield campaign this month, aiming to highlight all these magnificent events and activities.

On top of that, we’re continuing to champion our increasingly popular independent food and drink offer. When you go into town or along the famous ‘Brampton Mile’ nowadays, you’ll find many of our wonderful pubs, bars and restaurants – full to the brim. Proof that you don’t need to travel to a city for a great evening out.

Everyone needs to continue supporting and championing local where we can. In a world of online shopping, there is no doubt that our high streets are changing. We must continue backing our independent shops, bars, restaurants and markets.

Whilst it’s understandable that people are having to be more prudent due to the cost of living, I’m delighted to report that you needn’t go on an expensive holiday abroad to have fun. We can create memories to last a lifetime right here, in our beautiful market town, surrounded by the stunning backdrop of the world-famous Peak District.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our town’s many exciting events this summer. Hopefully, we’ll get a nice dose of sunshine to go with them too!

peter swallow

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Chair’s blog: “Chesterfield is still moving forward with confidence and optimism”

In the face of national and global economic challenges, Chesterfield is once again forging its own path.

Like so many times before, our town is rolling up its sleeves and making change happen for the better. We’ve seen many developments come to fruition over the last couple of years and as a result sites which were previously derelict are now full of life.

New offices at Chesterfield Waterside and the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre are already attracting investment and creating jobs for people in our town. There are already 90 people working within the Waterside Offices, and the Enterprise centre is now more than 60% occupied.

News of the extension to the Markham Vale North Industrial development, located at Junction 29a just off the M1 is another boost for our area. To date, Markham Vale has created more than 2,700 jobs, with potentially 800 more on the way thanks to the additional development plots.

Whilst we are all aware that Chesterfield is on the up, we must keep shouting about this as a collective. With a view to maintaining this progress I am excited to see Destination Chesterfield taking the town’s message to the UK’s biggest trade and investment show this May, UKREiiF.

Working alongside Chesterfield Borough Council and businesses in the town’s Property and Construction Group, we will be speaking to colleagues from across the country, helping to explain the wide range of benefits Chesterfield has to offer to inward investors and occupiers.

We’ll make investors aware of our illustrious history of innovation, and our fantastic connectivity and transport links. The fact that you can be in several major cities within just a couple of hours is a huge selling point; one which many other places are quite rightly jealous of!

It’s not just messaging around our town’s range of development sites and commercial workspaces which will be on display.

We will also shout about the fantastic quality of life here in Chesterfield, including our emerging food, drink and leisure offering. There has also been significant new housing delivery in the town over the past few years, which will also appeal to potential occupiers.

The fact that we’re so close to the world-famous Peak District National Park has already attracted major investment – including the £300 million PEAK development, which continues to progress.

Attracting further investment to Chesterfield remains a priority because it benefits everyone connected to the town.

It means more money in the pockets of our residents thanks to the creation of quality jobs, and naturally this leads to more money spent in our independent businesses, helping our economy to grow further.

Whilst we are all understandably concerned by recent reports about the state of the UK’s economy, I am pleased to say that Chesterfield is still moving forward with confidence and optimism – and shows no signs of stopping.


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Panel session at major UK trade show to shine a light on the huge potential of devolution for our region

The huge potential of devolution for Chesterfield and the wider East Midlands region will be showcased at a major UK trade event this May.

D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is leading a panel session at the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiif) 2023 in Leeds, to discuss upcoming devolution in the East Midlands for businesses and investors.

The D2N2 region, covering Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, has a proud industrial and manufacturing track record and is at the forefront of economic development, with the East Midlands Freeport and the East Midlands Development Company recently established.

The region is on track to become the home of the UK’s newest and largest combined authority in 2024. The D2N2 area sits in the heart of the country and is very well connected, and benefits from proximity to infrastructure assets such as East Midlands Airport, the M1 and fast rail links, and its central location means that almost 90% of the UK is accessible within a four hour drive.

The panel session will provide the opportunity for delegates to hear from speakers representing D2N2 LEP, the East Midlands Development Company and key businesses in the region, who will share their insights on the benefits and opportunities devolution will bring to the East Midlands.

Delegates will have the opportunity to get involved in the discussion about what the private sector can bring to complement and enhance the newest and largest devolution deal in England, set to leverage at least £38m per year over 30 years.

The panel session will be chaired by Nicolle Ndiweni, Inward Investment and Business Expansion Specialist, Invest in Nottingham, and the panel of speakers will include:

• Will Morlidge – Chief Executive, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
• Andrew Roberts – Regional Head of Acquisitions, Yorkshire & Central, Harworth Group
• Andy Dabbs – Board Director, Whittam Cox Architects
• Sir Chris Haworth – Chairman, East Midlands Development Company
• Ellie Hinds – Business Development Manager, Scape Group
• Steve Wooler – Chief Executive, BWB

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “We are very excited to be collaborating with D2N2 LEP, Marketing Derby and Invest in Nottingham to showcase the exciting opportunities to invest in the region. One of the region’s many strengths is the effective collaboration between the public and private sector to drive forward sustainable economic growth. The panel session at UKREiif will showcase this work, and how you can get involved in the future.”

Will Morlidge, Chief Executive of D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) commented: “We are delighted to host this panel session at UKREiif. The East Midlands devolution deal is not just about driving more funding from the Government into our region: it is also a very clear signal from Government that the East Midlands is the vibrant industrial heart of the UK and is a great place to invest. Together with the rest of the panel, I am really looking forward to discussing the unique opportunities that devolution will unlock for businesses and investors in the region and beyond.”

John Forkin, managing director of Marketing Derby, added: “As well as championing Derby and Derbyshire, we also regularly collaborate with our partners on projects that benefit the wider region, such as the East Midlands devolution deal, which we are fully behind. Over the years, we have achieved some notable successes, attracting major companies, both national and international, bringing thousands of new jobs to this part of the world and we are excited about the huge potential to do so going forward.”

Lorraine Baggs, Head of Investment at Invest in Nottingham said: “The East Midlands Mayoral Combined Authority presents a fantastic opportunity for our region to combine our strengths. Nottingham’s two world-class Universities provide exceptional talent to our strong industries. We’re experiencing more development in Nottingham than ever before with countless cranes in the sky, and two transformational city centre sites in the Broad Marsh and The Island Quarter. The devolution deal will bring more investment into our growing region.”

Places for the session are open to those registered to attend UKREiif and can be booked here.

Chesterfield Crooked Spire view

Image courtesy of Derbyshire Economic Partnership

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“Together we can all help bring about lasting change and prosperity to the town”

Destination Chesterfield Chair, Peter Swallow is calling on everyone associated with Chesterfield to ‘talk up the town’ and collaborate further to ensure the local economy continues to thrive in the future.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, we ALL need to talk up the town.

There is more than £2 billion of investment in progress and on the way across our borough to help ensure that we all have a bright future ahead of us. The lasting and far reaching change we are striving for in Chesterfield cannot be done by one organisation alone; it must be a collaborative effort.

We all have a role and responsibility to tell people about the many great reasons they should live, work, invest and stay here.

Chesterfield’s geographical position within the UK is hard to beat. We are centrally located with excellent road and rail links and a number of major airports within a 90 minute drive.

Furthermore, the benefits of our proximity to the Peak District National Park should not  be underestimated. Chesterfield is the gateway to this wonderful landscape, and it attracts millions of visitors each year – with around half of them staying overnight and many of them passing through the town to get to the Peak District.

Herein lies our challenge. By talking up the town to friends, relatives, colleagues and suppliers from outside the area, we can attract more people to visit and stay overnight in Chesterfield rather than just passing through, the result being more revenue for the town as a whole.

Increasing the visitor economy of the town by 20% is one of the key targets in the Chesterfield Growth Strategy which has been launched by Chesterfield Borough Council.

By increasing the visitor economy, we will also help create jobs for local people and opportunities for existing and new businesses.

We must all shout about what the town has to offer to holiday makers visiting the Peak District.

Living and working in the town on a daily basis, we can often become complacent about what it has to offer visitors to the area.

We have a variety of places to stay, including the award-winning Casa Hotel, as well as great road, rail and bus links into the Peak District. You can even cycle from the town into the Peak District.

Beyond our world famous Crooked Spire Church and the Brampton Mile, we have two theatres, Chesterfield FC, historic market, restaurants, bars, cafes, boutique shops, live music venues, Queen’s Park – which is host to many wonderful events like the cricket and concerts in summer… I could go on, the list of reasons to visit and stay in Chesterfield are endless.

Having a thriving local economy is key to developing conversations with national investors and ensuring Chesterfield continues to grow and develop. If we want to see the town thrive in an increasingly competitive market, we need to do more collectively. We must champion Chesterfield outside the area in order to help us bring investment into the borough and create highly skilled jobs.

Together we can all help bring about lasting change and prosperity to the town which will benefit local people now and future generations.

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“Having a ready and skilled workforce will help us attract new investment to the area”

Destination Chesterfield Chair Peter Swallow has penned his views on the success of the recent Love Chesterfield Awards and looks ahead to the innovative MADE in Chesterfield campaign, which helps engage young people with manufacturing, engineering, property and construction businesses. 

As chair of Destination Chesterfield, I was honoured to attend of the Love Chesterfield Awards recently. As I looked around the packed room at the Winding Wheel, I felt very proud to be part of the town.

I saw passion, enthusiasm and dedication from the owners, employees, family and friends of the 34 businesses represented there on the night. All the businesses were independently owned and many of them operate on the high street. Through these businesses and the investment being made in the town, I am confident we are creating a town centre that will meet the needs of not only shoppers and visitors but the businesses that are based there.

The town centre of the future is one that delivers an experience, a product or service that you can’t get online or from an out-of-town retail park or shopping centre. Independents are critical to this vision. It is not only their products and services that people visit them for, but also their warm welcome, knowledge and customer service.

The town has a long and proud tradition of independent businesses that starts with our market – described by Cllr Kate Sarvent at the awards as ‘the beating heart of Chesterfield’. It may have its origins in the 13th century, but the market is as important to our future as it is to our past, proven by Chesterfield Borough Council’s ambitious plans to develop the spaces within the market.

Internet shopping has been a large factor in this as have our increasingly busy lives. However, Chesterfield has all the raw ingredients to create a thriving town centre of the future – a multi-functional social centre. They are about enjoyment, creativity, learning, socialising, culture, health and wellbeing and democratic engagement – a ‘21st century agora’ where people engage in the life of their locality. Independent businesses are key to this, as are event spaces and town centre living.

Through annual campaigns like Love Chesterfield and the town’s manufacturing and engineering sector celebration – Made in Chesterfield, which takes place this month, we aim not only to celebrate the sectors but also raise awareness of the plethora of careers and opportunity available in them to young people. They are the future skilled workers of these sectors and key to the businesses already here thriving but, having a ready and skilled workforce will help us attract new investment to the area. Likewise, we must also ensure we create the environment that young people want to live and grow their career. Investment is happening throughout the borough to ensure this.

£26million alone is being spent enhancing the town centre. Work has begun on improvements to the Market Place, New Square, Corporation Street, Rykneld Square and Burlington Street.

Together with the major refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall on Corporation Street and the reimaging of the market and market squares we will have a town centre that delivers on every level and, importantly, for everybody. Young people in particular I hope, will see a future for themselves on the high street as both shoppers, visitors and entrepreneurs.

The £26million project is aptly named Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield’. Looking around the room at the Love Chesterfield Awards – seeing both the winners and finalists, I can say with confidence that Chesterfield’s town centre has a very strong heartbeat already.

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“When it comes to investment opportunities, the town has everything covered”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield has given his views on regeneration and investment across the town, following the successful Chesterfield Investment Summit 2022.

The content of the ‘Invest In Chesterfield’ event never fails to impress and this year was no exception. Once again, to a packed room, we heard how Chesterfield continues to punch above its weight.

This is a much-used term when it comes to describing our town, but it is accurate. The level of regeneration and new developments happening in Chesterfield right now surpasses most towns and even some cities.

More than £1billion is being invested in projects across Chesterfield, from social and private residential developments and office accommodation to industrial and leisure developments and retail. When it comes to investment opportunities, the town has everything covered, making it in attractive proposition.

However, there is no denying that tough times are upon us. The UK-wide energy crisis and rise in the cost of living has severely impacted families and businesses.

There is talk of recession but let’s not forget, it was during the last recession that the successful Destination Chesterfield campaign was launched in 2010 to market the borough and attract investment, and this has proved very successful.

As the former leader of Chesterfield Borough Council John Burrows said in 2012: “We could have chosen to bunker down and ride out the recession, but we didn’t. We chose to be proactive and forge ahead with our marketing plans.”

Destination Chesterfield has been instrumental in putting the town on the national and international investment map, ensuring that Chesterfield emerged from the recession stronger, with new employers, businesses and projects.

This forward-thinking approach to creating jobs, homes and opportunity for the people who live in Chesterfield very much remains at the heart of council policy today.

Consider more recent history. During the pandemic the Council invested in office accommodation at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place, placing the town in an excellent position to benefit from the demand for high quality, modern workspace post Covid.

In addition to numerous private residential developments, during the pandemic work also got underway on ‘the biggest council housing development in the Chesterfield borough since the 1980s.’ The 21 brand new properties at Badger Croft in Loundsley Green represent a fine example of Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to increasing the supply of affordable and accessible homes across the town.

When you consider that nearly 90% of local authorities failed to complete a single new-build council home by Q3 of 2021, this is a remarkable feat.

We have seen significant opportunities created by regeneration projects in and around the town centre and at Markham Vale. But there is more to come, a lot more.

Investment in Staveley is set to redevelop and regenerate former industrial areas, bringing with it new homes, jobs, leisure amenities and opportunity.

Recession or no recession, Chesterfield is a borough that won’t stand still. Watch this space.

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‘Regeneration is not just confined to Chesterfield Town Centre’

Destination Chesterfield chair, Peter Swallow has given his thoughts on the town’s ongoing regeneration ahead of the 2022 Chesterfield Investment Summit.

September officially sees the end of summer and, let’s hope, this unnaturally hot weather.

While the heat has brought with it lethargy and exhaustion for many, the same can’t be said for Chesterfield’s ambitious investment plans which are to be put under the spotlight at the Chesterfield Investment Summit. And there is much to talk about.

The opening of the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre recently signified the completion of the first phase of the £20 million Northern Gateway regeneration scheme.

Phase 2 is already underway with the demolition of the former Chesterfield Hotel the redevelopment of which forms part of the ambitious Chesterfield Station Masterplan which will deliver regeneration of the area around Chesterfield train station.

Phase 1 has transformed the northern entrance to Chesterfield town centre so I have no doubt that phase 2 will be equally effective.  As well as the Enterprise Centre and transformation of the iconic 1920s iconic former Co-op department store into units targeted at food and drink businesses, the project also comprised the redevelopment of the Saltergate multi-storey car park, and improvements to the public space at Elder Way and Knifesmithgate.

The new office space at the Enterprise Centre will shortly be joined by One Waterside Place at Chesterfield Waterside. It’s a different offering to that provided at The Enterprise Centre, as it delivers larger floorplates, but offers accommodation which much needed in the town if we are to achieve our ambitions. Already, there are tenants set to move in – BHP Accountants, a long-standing Chesterfield business which, because of the availability of suitable new Grade A office space in the town, is able to remain in Chesterfield and grow their business further.

Make no mistake, the investment and regeneration in Chesterfield is not just confined to the town centre; it is happening throughout the borough.

The Staveley Works development, which is being delivered by Devonshire Group, will transform 150 hectares of former industrial land in Staveley into 700 homes, shops, leisure, a hotel, primary school, and a canal marina. It is considered the largest regeneration opportunity in the area.

Regeneration and construction are one thing, however a key success factor in Chesterfield’s growth and development is creating and promoting job opportunities in all sectors for everyone; they go hand in hand like the public/private partnerships which are transforming the town and surrounding areas.

I am immensely proud of the ongoing work by all partners – public and private, to not only transform the town but ensure all young people in Chesterfield are aware of the many job opportunities here. It is a team effort, and the results very much speak for themselves.


Restoration of Chesterfield Canal, Staveley

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Chairman’s Blog: New office spaces are helping Chesterfield attract investment

Summer in Chesterfield is proving eventful, and I’m not just talking about the weather.

Once again (the pandemic years excepting) we are seeing a packed events calendar – Chesterfield Pride, The Festival of Cricket, The Great British Food Festival and the Peak District Highland Games to name just a few.

Chesterfield Pride

It’s wonderful to see most things returning to normal. The same, however can’t be said for the extremes of temperature and rising energy prices, which we have all been experiencing.

Amongst many other things, these issues have only highlighted the need for high quality, sustainable, energy efficient office space to be available in Chesterfield. Workers need to be at a comfortable temperature, businesses need to be able to afford the occupational costs, including energy bills.

The many businesses that have chosen to make the stunning new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre their home must be feeling particularly pleased with their decision. The Enterprise Centre, which opened in July, is the first of two recently constructed high quality office developments in Chesterfield town centre.

One Waterside Place at Chesterfield Waterside will open later this year giving the town much-needed modern large floor plate office space which will help us attract investment as well as provide space for growth for established businesses in the borough. Tenants have already been identified for significant elements of the space, who will take up occupation on completion.

The Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place are a key part of Chesterfield Council’s ambitious growth strategy that will see large scale investment and regeneration across the borough.

A key part of that strategy is ensuring there are jobs and opportunities for local people, particularly school leavers. It is important that they know they can grow their careers here in Chesterfield, and that there are suitable premises available for potential employers.

Destination Chesterfield has long worked with education and training providers across Chesterfield to both raise awareness of the skills requirements from businesses and introduce young people to the careers available to them here.

We have also been actively involved in delivering a number of proactive initiatives targeting young people, including Apprentice Town, MyFuture and the forthcoming Made in Chesterfield campaign in November.

Made in Chesterfield school visits and activities alone have introduced more than 3500 pupils to STEM careers in the local economy since the campaign was launched in 2015 and Chesterfield College has also reported an increase in the number of students getting involved in STEM related subjects.

The Made in Chesterfield school visits and activities are open to all year 6 – 13 pupils and are free. I would urge as many schools as possible to take advantage of these.

Whether business owner, educator, parent or relative, we all have a role to play in actively encouraging more young people to both live, work and grow their careers in this great town.

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“There has never been more opportunity for young people to build a career in hospitality in Chesterfield.”

Destination Chesterfield Chair, Peter Swallow has given his thoughts about exciting developments taking place across Chesterfield as we enter March.

Spring is in the air. I for one cannot wait for the longer, warmer days and, rather than staying indoors. I, like many of you, am starting to think about venturing out again in the evening.

Whilst some of us may have been hibernating during the winter months, it is pleasing to see that the hospitality sector in Chesterfield has not been. Despite the challenges that the pandemic has thrown at it, new bars and restaurants have opened in the last six months, and more are opening soon.

Most recently Vicar Lane Shopping Centre welcomed Pizza Pi and before that Albert’s Jüngerer Bruder opened in Rykneld Square in November last year. The town centre will also shortly welcome The Dirty Habit on Holywell Street, taking over the unit that once was the Rising Sun. This new bar will also have outdoor space.

The pandemic has helped us all appreciate the outdoors, and it is great to see more businesses using their outdoor space to draw people to their venue. It benefits not only their business but also the high streets and town centre too.

With the transformation of the former Co-op on Elder Way into units for bars and restaurants, which also has fantastic outdoor dining space, it is fair to say that Chesterfield town centre’s night-time economy is set to get livelier in 2022.

As well as boosting Chesterfield’s night-time economy, giving local people and visitors more choice, these businesses are also creating jobs and opportunity. Albert’s Jüngerer Bruder has created 20 jobs alone.

Outside the town centre, Chesterfield’s hospitality scene is thriving. The Batch House at The Glass Yard is shortly to open and will offer everything from Indian street food to craft beer. While Chesterfield’s four-star hotel, Peak Edge, has recently been awarded the best wedding venue in Derbyshire.

With more than 16,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A level qualifications in the next five years, there has never been more opportunity for young people to build a career in hospitality in Chesterfield.

It is not just the hospitality sector which offers opportunity to young people.  At the recent Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Skills and Employability Conference it was revealed that that green and digital skills are most in demand from employers. This highlights the need for businesses and education and training providers to work together to ensure that young people are equipped with the skills needed to get good jobs.

Looking to the immediate digital skills needed to support the local economy, however, the Chesterfield Digital High Street campaign has been instrumental in enabling retail, hospitality and leisure businesses across the town to get online and trade digitally alongside their high street presence.

Ensuring young people know about the opportunities available to them now and in the future cannot just be the responsibility of businesses and skills and education providers. The proverb ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ comes to mind. It highlights the importance of community and what we can all do to support young people leaving education this year and beyond.

From offering work experience to simply telling young people about your job, we can all help them take their first step onto the career ladder and build their future right here in Chesterfield, ensuring the local economy thrives now and for future generations.

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“We all have a role to play in ensuring that Chesterfield is future-proofed”

Destination Chesterfield Chair, Peter Swallow has published his latest blog focusing on the importance of skills and job creation in the town.

2022 certainly kicked off in style (pun intended) with a trip to Chelsea for Chesterfield FC in the FA Cup.

In what was the ultimate David and Goliath match, Chesterfield FC’s players battled bravely to the end and did themselves proud. However, we must not overlook the fans- Thousands of Spireites travelled to Stamford Bridge and their conduct, friendliness, and optimism made them the ultimate ambassadors for the town. I could not have been more proud of Chesterfield on this historic day.

The conduct of players and fans helped raised the profile of our town in a very positive way, not just nationally but internationally with goodwill messages being received from as far afield as Africa and Russia.

At the 80th minute it would have been easier for the players to sit back and prevent more goals. Not our players, they battled on to score a precious goal against the reigning European champions, sending the fans back home with a smile on their face.

Doesn’t this mirror Chesterfield’s response to the pandemic?

Two years, the town could have bunkered down and ridden out the pandemic. Instead, we chose to forge ahead with existing plans and came up with innovative solutions to ensure Chesterfield continued to grow and develop in the face of adversity.

During the pandemic, Chesterfield has attracted more than £30million in government funding to help revitalise the town centre and regenerate Staveley. Most importantly jobs and opportunities will be created for thousands of young people in the borough.

The last two years have been extremely challenging for students and employers, and it has never been more important to work together to ensure Chesterfield has the skills to grow and recover from those challenges.

We’re committed to creating jobs for local people, which is why, with more than 16,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A level qualifications in the next five years, it’s important that they are work ready and know about the opportunities – like apprenticeships – available to them when they leave education.

The annual Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability & Skills Conference, which this year fell during National Apprenticeship Week – plays a big role in this.

Organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield with support from Derbyshire North Careers Hub, it continues to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses. Apprenticeships, alongside university and college all take equal billing at the conference, recognising the importance each of them plays in ensuring the town has a skilled workforce.

However, let’s not wait for a conference and awareness week to highlight the importance and value of apprenticeships. Make sure young people around you are aware of apprenticeships and the value they bring to their personal and professional development and the town’s prosperity.

We all have a role to play in ensuring that Chesterfield is future-proofed. Having a skilled workforce is key to ensure our town continues to thrive for generations to come.

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