Staveley town deal

Proposals submitted for new Staveley Waterside Development

Proposals for the first phase of a new waterside development in Staveley have been submitted for planning approval by Derbyshire County Council.

Plans for the Staveley Waterside Development at Staveley Basin have been drawn-up as part of the Staveley Town Deal – a £25m Government-funded regeneration programme for the area.

Planning permission is being sought from Chesterfield Borough Council to construct a two-storey building, offering flexible space for new and existing small businesses, some retail use, and a food and beverage opportunity, with indoor and outdoor dining space, along with an access road, and mooring space.

£2.664m has been earmarked from the Staveley Town Deal fund, subject to planning approval, for the first phase of the development on the Staveley Basin site, which forms part of the Markham Vale estate – the county council’s flagship regeneration site with HBD (formerly Henry Boot Developments) off M1 junction 29a.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, spoke about the development taking place across Staveley as part of a panel discussion at the Celebrate Chesterfield 2023 business conference.

The event encouraged organisations across the area to support Destination Chesterfield to market the town as a destination to invest, work, live and visit. Read more about the conference here.

Ivan said: “Staveley Waterside represents a fantastic opportunity to breathe new life into the area around the canal basin by creating facilities for businesses, residents and visitors.

“Enhancing the visitor experience around the canal with make it even more attractive to walkers and cyclists. The regeneration of this area will leave a lasting legacy for future generations and ensure that Staveley is a place where people can start, stay and grow.”

Ivan Fomin speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

Ivan Fomin speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration, said: “We’ve put together proposals for an exciting new development which will help to bring jobs to the area and boost the visitor economy.

“Derbyshire County Council has been working alongside partners over a number of years to improve the Staveley Basin area and the Staveley Town Deal has given us a great opportunity to turn our ideas into reality, using our expertise from Markham Vale to create high-quality business accommodation as well as a visitor destination that people from near and far can enjoy.”

Staveley Waterside is one of three projects the county council is leading as part of the Staveley Town Deal which includes 11 projects in total.

Wheels to Work is a project the county council is leading to help people in Staveley access job and training opportunities by providing bicycles and e-scooters for those with limited transport options. And the county council is also heading up a project to reinstate a railway station in Barrow Hill and create better public transport connections between Staveley, Chesterfield and Sheffield for jobs and training opportunities.

For more information about the Staveley Town Deal projects visit

Staveley waterside 2023

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Training provider appointed for Construction Skills Hub at Mastin Moor

Chesterfield College and the University of Derby have been appointed as the training provider for the new Construction Skills Hub in Mastin Moor, which is set to provide specialist training for thousands of learners as part of the Staveley Town Deal.

The innovative Construction Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site in Mastin Moor.

Over ten years, the hub aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to be able to announce that the college and university will be working together to support this project. As well as providing support for trade skills, this partnership provides the opportunity to progress to a university level and develop the skills needed for roles like quantity surveyor or estimator, ensuring that everyone in Staveley can start, stay, and grow in the town.

“I look forward to working with them and our partners the Devonshire Group to progress the development of the Hub and start welcoming learners in Autumn 2023.”

A site has already been identified for the Construction Skills Hub in collaboration with the Devonshire Group, which will be bringing forward a new housing development in Mastin Moor. This will allow trainees to develop their skills on a live housing site, and in time there will also be opportunities to gain experience on other Staveley Town Deal construction projects.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director for Devonshire Group, said: “When I first saw the concept of a Construction Skills Hub and was asked if we could help deliver one for Chesterfield, my resounding response was yes, and I know just where.

“Devonshire Group are deeply committed to offering opportunities for learning and skills development, and to making a real difference to the lives and employment prospects of those in our communities, so we are delighted to be able to assist the Council in providing a home for the Skills Hub. Supporting the next generation of people who will help create our built environment is something to be truly proud of.”

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

Gavin Varley, Director of Advanced Engineering, Building Technologies and Construction at The Chesterfield College Group, explains: “We make a commitment to our students to not only provide them with the skills and qualifications they need, they are just the start, but with the work experience and industry knowledge that gives them the clarity of how and where to progress their career for years to come. We’re delighted to be a partner of this project as it comprehensively addresses this wider student experience, we commit to providing for all.”

Professor Chris Bussell, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted to have been appointed the training provider, alongside Chesterfield College, for the new Construction Skills Hub, which will provide real-world learning opportunities to thousands of people looking to embark on a career in the construction industry or develop their skills so they can progress onto new roles.

“The Hub will enhance the existing construction training offer by providing the opportunity for local learners to develop their skills in a live on-site centre. Our ambition is for this to be ground-breaking, delivering a model that builds on the innovative approach of other such centres, and we are looking forward to developing our relationship with Chesterfield College as well as working with prominent private sector companies on this exciting project.

“As a Civic University, we are committed to supporting the city and county’s long-term economic growth and prosperity, improving the life chances of people, developing a pipeline of talent that choose to live and work in the area, and addressing the skills gap through our involvement in initiatives such as the Construction Skills Hub.”

Working on a live construction site will not only allow learners to develop the skills they need, but it will also provide practical experience and help provide a link to construction companies where they could find permanent roles.

Staveley is set to benefit from £25.2 million of investment through the Town Deal with the aim to create a town where everyone can start, stay and grow. This investment will support eleven different projects across the town and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future by improving transport links, creating new housing, providing skills for local people, enhancing community facilities, and regenerating the town centre.

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal:

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Approval granted on widespread improvements for Staveley Town Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has given its approval to a new long-term vision for Staveley town centre and an initial £5m package of improvements, to be delivered over the next four years.

A public consultation which took place late last year showed strong support for the draft Staveley Town Centre Vision Master Plan, with 70% of respondents stating that they would be more likely to visit Staveley town centre if the Master Plan’s proposals were implemented.

The immediate improvements planned for Staveley town centre also received a high level of support from the public. These improvements include the regeneration of the Market Square, a shop front improvement scheme, a new and improved link to the canal, a new landmark pavilion building, an enhanced public realm and better signposting of facilities and attractions.

The initial package of improvements will be funded and delivered through the Staveley Town Deal and have been selected on the basis of their ability to improve the current town centre offer, uplift footfall, and prepare the ground for future investment. They are also deliverable within the set timeframe for the Town Deal.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy said: “We want Staveley to be a thriving town centre, that attracts both residents and visitors, encourages new business start-ups and supports existing retailers and businesses to flourish.

“We received lots of support for the ideas and proposals that we set out within the draft Vision Master Plan but we cannot deliver everything at once. Our aim is to make best use of the Staveley Town Deal funding to deliver an initial package of improvements that will help ensure Staveley has a bright future as a place to start, to stay and to grow.

“We will continue to work closely with Staveley’s retailers, businesses and residents to ensure we deliver the planned improvements to time and budget.”

The planned improvements, many of which are conditional on receiving planning consent, include the regeneration of the Market Square, which was supported by 77% of respondents to the public consultation. Elsewhere in the Market Square, the disused toilet block will be demolished and a landmark pavilion building with new commercial space created.

The Market Square will also benefit from new paving, lighting, planting, and benches, as well as improvements to Barnfield Close to encourage members of the public to shop and socialise. Ninety percent of respondents to the public consultation indicated that they would be more likely to visit the town centre if there was more space for festivals and events, which the planned improvements are designed to achieve.

The High Street will benefit from a rejuvenation of the public ream, and a shop front improvement grant scheme will encourage retailers to make changes to their store frontages.

There will also be a focus on increased connectivity both to the canal and wider Staveley area with improved signage, paths and cycling hubs. These improvements were supported by 74% of respondents to the public consultation. There will also be enhanced digital connectivity through the creation of a town centre wi-fi network.

As part of the process of developing the draft Vision Master Plan an independent review was undertaken by IntoPlaces Ltd., a team of three High Street Task Force experts. IntoPlaces Ltd. commented that the Vision Master Plan has the capacity to transform Staveley town centre into a vibrant hub by creating new and diverse spaces and enhancing the current offer. The planned improvements have also been supported by Derbyshire County Council.

The next step is for the Council to appoint a dedicated design team to finalise the planned improvements and seek planning consent, where applicable. More details about the future designs and how the community can get involved will be shared as soon as possible.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, added: “It will take time for us to finalise our plans and gain planning consent but we are committed to working with the community throughout the delivery process in order to ensure that we achieve the best possible outcome for Staveley town centre, its residents and businesses.”

Find out more about the Town Deal and the projects that have received funding on the council’s Staveley Town Deal page.

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Council seeks training provider for new Staveley Construction Skills Hub

Chesterfield Borough Council has published an exciting tender opportunity in order to secure a training provider for the Staveley Construction Skills Hub.

The Hub will provide an innovative on-site construction training facility where trainees can benefit from practical skills development in a wide variety of construction occupational areas on a live construction site in Mastin Moor.

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

There will also be a careers insight programme, which will be developed in collaboration with local schools, and opportunities for work experience to help young people make informed decisions about their futures.

The first cohort of learners will be engaged from the Autumn term 2022 with the training compound expected to be fully operational from September 2023.

Funding for the Construction Skills Hub has been allocated through the Staveley Town Deal and the land for the site has been provided by the Devonshire Group who are the developer for the major housing site.

The £25 million Staveley Town Deal is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

The deadline for tenders is Friday 19 August, more information about the tender can be found on Source Derbyshire.


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Children learn more about the Staveley Town Deal

60 local school children visited the canal where they learnt more about the projects being funded through the Staveley Town Deal.

Year six pupils from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School were taken on a trip along the Chesterfield Canal by the Chesterfield Canal Trust after speaking with Ivan Fomin Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board about how the funding will change the town and canal.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It was fantastic to go along and meet these pupils and tell them more about the Town Deal. They had some really great questions and ideas. It’s really important that we engage with everyone about the town deal but particularly important to speak to young people because we want to build a town where they can live, grow and pursue a great career.”

During the visit the pupils travelled along the canal onboard The Madeline through the new Staveley Lock, before walking the length of the canal from Staveley canal basin to Tapton Lock. They also learnt about how the canal has changed over the past 100 years and how it will continue to change with funding through the Town Deal.

Geography field trips like this one are used to observe and record the physical and human geography features of the locations. The geographical focus on this trip was the land use in each area.

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead, after Government approved the package of all eleven projects within the Staveley Town Deal Programme.

It is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Find out more about regeneration in Staveley at:

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Staveley Town Deal funding confirmed

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead, after Government approved the package of all eleven projects within the Staveley Town Deal Programme.

It is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board and Managing Director of Staveley based MSE Hiller, said: “The projects that are being funded through the Town Deal are designed to complement one another and have been developed in response to the challenges and opportunities in Staveley. The project sponsors have worked hard to get to this point but we are now moving into delivering these projects and ensuring that they can benefit everyone in Staveley.”

Chesterfield Borough Council is the accountable programme lead but will also be delivering three projects using Town Deal funding.

A round up of the key projects being led by each partner is included below.

Chesterfield Borough Council

The Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) is a rail innovation and training centre located in Barrow Hill. It is being developed by the Council in partnership with Barrow Hill Engine Shed Society, Chesterfield College, the University of Derby, Newcastle University and Talgo.

Staveley 21 aims to regenerate and revitalise Staveley town centre. It is based around the masterplan developed last year and includes Wi-Fi connectivity and environmental improvements to ensure the town centre is attractive, with a good retail and leisure offering that residents can enjoy.

The final project delivered by Chesterfield Borough Council is the Construction Skills Hub which is a movable construction training centre initially based on a live construction site in Mastin Moor. It is being developed with a training provider and construction sector businesses to ensure people can develop the skills they need for a successful career and be ready to embrace future modern and sustainable construction methods.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of the Town Deal Board said: “The Town Deal represents a once in lifetime opportunity for Staveley and its residents. Each project is fantastic in its own right, but together they are truly transformative for the entire area. We want everyone to benefit from this investment and to understand how each of these projects can enhance Staveley and the local community.”

champions event

Derbyshire County Council

Staveley Waterside is the first phase of a mixed-use development centred around the Staveley Canal Basin. This will include the creation of an access road, pontoons to create moorings, a café and flexible office and workshop space for small businesses.

Wheels to Work is focussed on ensuring everyone can access employment and training opportunities by providing bicycles and e-scooters for those who don’t have access to a private vehicle and have limited transport options.  There will also be real time passenger information and EV charge points.

Derbyshire County Council is also leading on the reinstatement of Staveley Railway Station but this is subject to confirmation of funding from the Government to restore the Barrow Hill Line. A decision on this is expected in the near future.

Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration and Member of the Town Deal Board, said: “This is a great opportunity to work together to benefit Staveley and the wider community.

“We’re looking forward to building on the success of our flagship regeneration site Markham Vale to open up the canal basin as a base for business and a visitor attraction.

“And we’re pleased to be widening out our Wheels to Work scheme to improve employment and training opportunities in the area as well as continuing to press the case for a train station in the town which will broaden opportunities for commuting for work and connectivity for business further still.”

Works road and canal basin

Staveley Town Council

Staveley Town Council is using the funding it has secured to extend the historic Staveley Hall and create a modern events space with an extension to the café and the creation of two flexible events spaces that can be used for informal community events and also business led events.

Councillor Paul Mann, Leader of Staveley Town Council, said: We are very excited about the proposed project to build a new conference and events centre at Staveley Hall. I believe that it fits well with the wider strategic plans for developing Staveley and it will provide a modern, energy efficient facility for the community and businesses that will add economic value and jobs to the Staveley area.”

Chesterfield events

Barrow Hill Community Trust

Barrow Hill Community Trust is the community development charity for the village of Barrow Hill and surrounding neighbourhoods. It is leading on the refurbishment of Barrow Hill Memorial Hall to create a modern community hub where local residents can access support services and socialise together.

Simon Redding, Chair of Trustees said: “The community trust and people of Barrow Hill are overjoyed that we will finally have the services which other communities take for granted.

The Memorial Hall will be a community hub for all, with the facilities which local people have asked for – all thanks to the Town Deal.”

Chesterfield Canal Trust

Chesterfield Canal Trust is restoring the Chesterfield Canal to the borough boundary. Works include the reconstruction of 850m of canal channel, a new aqueduct over the river Doe Lea, bridges, a new lock and 3km of footpath improvements along the towpath and connecting routes to multiuser trails, it complements other works the Trust is undertaking in Renishaw.

Peter Hardy, Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, said: “Our scheme will bring enormous benefits to the residents of Staveley and surrounding areas with the extension of the canal from Staveley Waterside almost to the river Doe Lea. Together with the other projects awarded money from the Towns Fund, it will enhance the environment, health and wellbeing of all who live in the area.

“We are indebted to the local company Suon Ltd. which has donated the clay to be used in this project; without this generosity the scheme would not have been possible.

“This project is the catalyst for the Chesterfield Canal Trust to complete the restoration of the canal.”

Hartington Industrial Park

Hartington Industrial Park is a 20-hectare site that has outline planning permission for industrial and warehouse development that will create more local jobs near to the successful Markham Vale site. The funding will support the development of infrastructure and enabling works to bring forward the development.

Simon White, Property Director at Tawnywood Ltd, said: “At Hartington Industrial Park we are delighted that the Town Deal has given us the opportunity to move this site from a relatively low grade secondary industrial location to one able to offer new businesses excellent access and infrastructure and so become an attractive location to companies seeking high quality modern manufacturing and warehouse accommodation providing numerous jobs across a wide range of opportunities. The proposal is to emulate the success of Markham Vale on a smaller scale and create quality buildings attracting a wide range of employment types boosting the scale and quality of the local environment and job offers in Staveley itself.”

Hartington Industrial Park

Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club

Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club is using funding to create an academy where young people earn BTECs or similar qualifications in sport. It includes the creation of two classrooms above the club house and will also use some funding to improve the car park near to the Chantry Playing Fields.

Terry Damms, Chairman of Staveley MWFC, said: “I’m really excited by the prospect of further facilities for the Staveley community and creating closer links for 16 to18-year-olds to develop their skills and complete their education. The purpose-built education facility will not only support local education it can also be used by other bodies like the Derbyshire FA to provide training and courses. Together with the Town Deal Accelerator Funding, the club will receive around £0.5 million of investment through the town deal and this supports funding provided through Viridor credits.

“The youngsters of Staveley have the best possible opportunities. We would like to thank the Staveley Town Deal Board for their commitment to us and support through the funding. The Trojans are here to serve the community and this is yet another clear example of us understanding and delivering the ethos required to suit this wide range of people within the Staveley community.”

You can find out more about the Town Deal and keep up to date with the latest developments here:

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£5 million restoration confirmed for Chesterfield Canal as part of Staveley Town Deal

The Chesterfield Canal Trust says it is delighted to have been awarded £5.3 million from the Staveley Town Deal Fund.

The funding means that over the next three years, the canal will be extended by half a mile from Hartington Harbour onto the Staveley Puddlebank which runs across the Doe Lea valley.

There will also be two miles of multi-use towpath all the way to Renishaw. There will be a new lock and two new bridges, and a siphon pipe to take the water from Staveley Waterside (the new name for Staveley Town Basin) to the new canal section. In addition, full designs will be prepared for further work.

Peter Hardy, Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust said: “Our scheme will bring enormous benefits to the residents of Staveley and surrounding areas with the extension of the canal from Staveley Waterside almost to the river Doe Lea. Together with the other projects awarded money from the Towns Fund, it will enhance the environment, health and wellbeing of all who live in the area.

“It will be the catalyst for the Chesterfield Canal Trust to complete the restoration of the canal.

“We are indebted to the local company Suon Ltd. which has donated the clay to be used in this project; without this generosity the scheme would not have been possible.”

The Trust further hopes to complete the canal restoration through to Renishaw. This will include the spectacular Doe Lea aqueduct, planned to be 37 metres long and 10 metres above river level.

The Trust’s volunteer Work Party has already started its Rewatering Renishaw project which will bring another half-mile of canal back to life. The aim is to join the two projects together finishing up with an extra 2½ miles of canal in the next few years.

For the next few months, the Trust’s Project Team, led by Mark Potter, will be making detailed preparations, preparing tender documents, appointing staff, and awarding contracts.

The first actual construction work will be the new Trans-Pennine Trail bridge, just east of the existing Eckington Road Bridge. This is scheduled to start early next year. The main earth moving to rebuild the Puddlebank will not start until 2024.

The Trust appointed George Rogers as its Development Manager just under three years ago. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to get the restoration to this point. Upon hearing the news of the award his reaction was “Now the hard work starts!”

The Trust has expressed its gratitude for all the support that it has received from Chesterfield Borough Council, the Staveley Town Deal Board, Derbyshire County Council, Lee Rowley MP, Toby Perkins MP, countless councillors and, perhaps most importantly, its membership and the local people in whose hearts the canal holds a very special place.

Chesterfield Canal Trust and Suon Ltd. support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Outdoor performance space created at Springwell Community College

A new performance canopy has been built at Springwell Community College with funding provided through the Staveley Town Deal.

The new canopy is next to the performing arts block – providing space for summer concerts and productions to be held outside. It can also be used by students during the day as a covered social and dining space.

Ian Wingfield, headteacher at Springwell Community College, said: “The SCART (Springwell Community Arts) provision at Springwell has had a challenging time through the pandemic and this investment will help to reboot and enhance this highly regarded programme. The new performance space is a welcome addition to our college and creates new opportunities for students to develop their skills and build on stage experience.”

The performance canopy was constructed during half term and benches have been placed under the canopy to provide a sheltered social and dining space.

As part of the Town Deal process, accelerator funding worth £500,000 was granted by Government to deliver projects ahead of the full set of projects that form Staveley Town Deal.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “The accelerator funding has really helped kickstart the Town Deal and demonstrates the broad ambitions of the Town Deal Board. The projects that have been supported through accelerator funding aim to improve the quality of life for local residents and ensure that Staveley is a place to start, to stay and to grow. I look forward to the summer when we can enjoy outdoor performances at Springwell Community College and I hope the community will turn out to support these performances too.”

Accelerator funding has also been used to create new play facilities on King George V Playing Field, upgrade CCTV in Staveley Town Centre, improve drainage on the Chantry Playing Fields and to undertake preparatory works for DRIIVe a rail innovation and training centre which will be built in Barrow Hill.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “The accelerator projects are really just the first step in delivering the wider Town Deal, there will be lots of updates around the eleven key projects that form the Town Investment Plan over the next few months as well as the opportunity for residents to get involved.”

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal on the Chesterfield Borough Council website:

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Residents encouraged to have their say on Staveley Regeneration Route

New proposals to build a road linking Chesterfield and Staveley have been drawn-up to cut congestion and open up land for employment and housing.

Derbyshire County Council is asking residents and commuters for their views on the proposals for the £130 million Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route before finalising its approach to government for funding for the project.

The project is designed to cut the amount of traffic using the A619 through Brimington, Hollingwood and Staveley, reducing issues with traffic delays and queuing, HGVs passing residential property, and improving noise and air quality.

Residents can take a look at the plans online and give their views on the proposals as well as commenting on the current issues with traffic along the A619 and how they might be affected.

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “This is a major project to level-up and bring extra investment to support economic growth in the area.

“As well as addressing problems with congestion and traffic flow on the A619 through Brimington, Hollingwood and Staveley, it will unlock opportunities to develop land alongside the route to bring much-needed new homes and jobs to the area.

“I’d urge everyone to take a look at the latest proposals and give us their views.”

The new route is proposed to stretch 3.7 miles from the roundabout by Sainsbury’s on the A619 in Chesterfield to Hall Lane in Staveley.

It is proposed to build 3 new bridges to carry the road over Chesterfield Canal which would need some slight realignments at 2 of the crossing points to accommodate the bridges.

The proposed route will include a 2 metre pavement on both sides of the carriageway, and a segregated cycle track. Connections to the Chesterfield Canal towpath will also be provided at several points along the route.

If funding for the project is approved, more detailed proposals will be drawn-up and further consultation with local communities will be held before any work can begin.

The closing date for comments is Friday 10 April 2022.

Major regeneration is set to take across Staveley over the next few years thanks to the Staveley Town Deal programme, with more housing and jobs set to be brought to the area.

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Staveley Town Deal project aims to build skills for the future

A project that ensures Staveley residents can develop the skills they need to have great careers and bright futures has been given the green light.

The Construction Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site in Mastin Moor. Over ten years, it aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

The Skills Hub is one of the eleven projects that will be funded by the £25.2m Staveley Town Deal. Following formal Government sign-off, work to secure a training provider and develop the site can begin.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This is a fantastic project for Staveley as it will help residents to access the training they need to secure good quality jobs. It serves as a great example of what we hope to achieve through the Staveley Town Deal – the creation of new opportunities, open to all. We can now start to work towards delivering this project and encouraging people to register their interest.”

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

There will also be a careers insight programme, which will be developed in collaboration with local schools, and opportunities for work experience to help young people make informed decisions about their futures.

The project has received support from local construction companies.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “Establishing the right connections between construction companies, training providers and local people from the outset will be key to the success of this project. It is critical that the training provided meets the needs of the sector. We want Staveley to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed – to start, to stay and to grow.”

A site has already been identified for the Construction Skills Hub in collaboration with the Devonshire Group who will be bringing forward a new housing development in Mastin Moor from the Autumn. This will allow trainees to develop their skills on a live housing site whilst in time there will also be opportunities to gain experience on other Staveley Town Deal construction projects.

A training provider will shortly be appointed to deliver the skills packages and operate the Hub. The provider will help influence how the Hub is developed to ensure that the space and facilities are optimised to meet the needs of learners and the sector.

The first cohort of learners will be engaged from September 2022 with the training compound expected to be fully operational from September 2023.

Staveley is set to benefit from £25.2 million of investment through the Town Deal. This investment will support eleven different projects across the town and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future by improving transport links, creating new housing, providing skills for local people, enhancing community facilities, and regenerating the town centre.

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal on the council’s website:


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Plans revealed for 600 new homes and major regeneration in Staveley

A developer has announced major plans to regenerate Staveley, with 600 homes set to be built on a brownfield site in the area.

Harworth Group plc, a leading regenerator of land and property for sustainable development and investment, has announced the freehold acquisition of a 133-acre strategic land site in Staveley, Derbyshire, capable of delivering 600 new homes, extensive green space and other amenities.

The brownfield site is located off Works Road, close to the A619 to the west of Staveley, and in an area known as the Staveley & Rother Valley Corridor. This area has been identified by Chesterfield Borough Council’s Local Plan as a Strategic Site allocated to deliver 1,500 new dwellings and employment opportunities, alongside a HS2 maintenance depot, primary school and energy generation opportunities. The site is also located along the Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route (“CSRR”), a proposed single carriageway road connecting Chesterfield to the M1, which is planned for completion in 2025.

Harworth will work collaboratively with Derbyshire County Council, Chesterfield Borough Council, adjacent landowners and other local groups to bring forward a comprehensive delivery plan for residential development along the CSRR. As part of this, Harworth will leverage its placemaking skills to transform the 133-acre land parcel, delivering 600 homes, including a mixed tenure product, alongside new green open spaces, a retail hub and other amenities in the vicinity. Harworth will also manage the closure of the landfill currently located on site, reclaiming the land for new habitat creation as well as the retention of ecology areas to ensure biodiversity net gain.

The site benefits from its proximity to Staveley, which last year was awarded funding by the UK Government’s Towns Fund programme to regenerate Staveley town centre, construct a new railway station and deliver additional employment land. Harworth will work with the Staveley Town Deal Board to ensure that the development complements and enhances these wider regeneration plans.

Submission of an outline planning application for the development is expected in 2023, to coincide with proposed timescales for the commencement of the CSSR.

Andrew Blackshaw, Chief Operating Officer at Harworth, commented: “Staveley is one of a number of recent acquisitions by Harworth as part of our strategy to grow our strategic land portfolio. We look forward to working with local authorities, landowners and other local groups to unlock the significant potential of this brownfield site.”

Andy Roberts, Acquisition Manager for Yorkshire & Central at Harworth, added: “Our freehold acquisition of Staveley presents an opportunity to take a leading role in delivering regeneration in the Staveley Corridor, building relationships with local stakeholders and using Harworth’s unique skillset to deliver new homes and amenities for the community.”

Harworth supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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