
“When it comes to investment opportunities, the town has everything covered”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield has given his views on regeneration and investment across the town, following the successful Chesterfield Investment Summit 2022.

The content of the ‘Invest In Chesterfield’ event never fails to impress and this year was no exception. Once again, to a packed room, we heard how Chesterfield continues to punch above its weight.

This is a much-used term when it comes to describing our town, but it is accurate. The level of regeneration and new developments happening in Chesterfield right now surpasses most towns and even some cities.

More than £1billion is being invested in projects across Chesterfield, from social and private residential developments and office accommodation to industrial and leisure developments and retail. When it comes to investment opportunities, the town has everything covered, making it in attractive proposition.

However, there is no denying that tough times are upon us. The UK-wide energy crisis and rise in the cost of living has severely impacted families and businesses.

There is talk of recession but let’s not forget, it was during the last recession that the successful Destination Chesterfield campaign was launched in 2010 to market the borough and attract investment, and this has proved very successful.

As the former leader of Chesterfield Borough Council John Burrows said in 2012: “We could have chosen to bunker down and ride out the recession, but we didn’t. We chose to be proactive and forge ahead with our marketing plans.”

Destination Chesterfield has been instrumental in putting the town on the national and international investment map, ensuring that Chesterfield emerged from the recession stronger, with new employers, businesses and projects.

This forward-thinking approach to creating jobs, homes and opportunity for the people who live in Chesterfield very much remains at the heart of council policy today.

Consider more recent history. During the pandemic the Council invested in office accommodation at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place, placing the town in an excellent position to benefit from the demand for high quality, modern workspace post Covid.

In addition to numerous private residential developments, during the pandemic work also got underway on ‘the biggest council housing development in the Chesterfield borough since the 1980s.’ The 21 brand new properties at Badger Croft in Loundsley Green represent a fine example of Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to increasing the supply of affordable and accessible homes across the town.

When you consider that nearly 90% of local authorities failed to complete a single new-build council home by Q3 of 2021, this is a remarkable feat.

We have seen significant opportunities created by regeneration projects in and around the town centre and at Markham Vale. But there is more to come, a lot more.

Investment in Staveley is set to redevelop and regenerate former industrial areas, bringing with it new homes, jobs, leisure amenities and opportunity.

Recession or no recession, Chesterfield is a borough that won’t stand still. Watch this space.

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Approval granted on widespread improvements for Staveley Town Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has given its approval to a new long-term vision for Staveley town centre and an initial £5m package of improvements, to be delivered over the next four years.

A public consultation which took place late last year showed strong support for the draft Staveley Town Centre Vision Master Plan, with 70% of respondents stating that they would be more likely to visit Staveley town centre if the Master Plan’s proposals were implemented.

The immediate improvements planned for Staveley town centre also received a high level of support from the public. These improvements include the regeneration of the Market Square, a shop front improvement scheme, a new and improved link to the canal, a new landmark pavilion building, an enhanced public realm and better signposting of facilities and attractions.

The initial package of improvements will be funded and delivered through the Staveley Town Deal and have been selected on the basis of their ability to improve the current town centre offer, uplift footfall, and prepare the ground for future investment. They are also deliverable within the set timeframe for the Town Deal.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy said: “We want Staveley to be a thriving town centre, that attracts both residents and visitors, encourages new business start-ups and supports existing retailers and businesses to flourish.

“We received lots of support for the ideas and proposals that we set out within the draft Vision Master Plan but we cannot deliver everything at once. Our aim is to make best use of the Staveley Town Deal funding to deliver an initial package of improvements that will help ensure Staveley has a bright future as a place to start, to stay and to grow.

“We will continue to work closely with Staveley’s retailers, businesses and residents to ensure we deliver the planned improvements to time and budget.”

The planned improvements, many of which are conditional on receiving planning consent, include the regeneration of the Market Square, which was supported by 77% of respondents to the public consultation. Elsewhere in the Market Square, the disused toilet block will be demolished and a landmark pavilion building with new commercial space created.

The Market Square will also benefit from new paving, lighting, planting, and benches, as well as improvements to Barnfield Close to encourage members of the public to shop and socialise. Ninety percent of respondents to the public consultation indicated that they would be more likely to visit the town centre if there was more space for festivals and events, which the planned improvements are designed to achieve.

The High Street will benefit from a rejuvenation of the public ream, and a shop front improvement grant scheme will encourage retailers to make changes to their store frontages.

There will also be a focus on increased connectivity both to the canal and wider Staveley area with improved signage, paths and cycling hubs. These improvements were supported by 74% of respondents to the public consultation. There will also be enhanced digital connectivity through the creation of a town centre wi-fi network.

As part of the process of developing the draft Vision Master Plan an independent review was undertaken by IntoPlaces Ltd., a team of three High Street Task Force experts. IntoPlaces Ltd. commented that the Vision Master Plan has the capacity to transform Staveley town centre into a vibrant hub by creating new and diverse spaces and enhancing the current offer. The planned improvements have also been supported by Derbyshire County Council.

The next step is for the Council to appoint a dedicated design team to finalise the planned improvements and seek planning consent, where applicable. More details about the future designs and how the community can get involved will be shared as soon as possible.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, added: “It will take time for us to finalise our plans and gain planning consent but we are committed to working with the community throughout the delivery process in order to ensure that we achieve the best possible outcome for Staveley town centre, its residents and businesses.”

Find out more about the Town Deal and the projects that have received funding on the council’s Staveley Town Deal page.

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Staveley Residents invited to learn about local community groups and services

People living in the Staveley area are being invited to attend an event where they can find out more about community groups and services they can access.

The Great Chesterfield Get2Gether is a free event being held at the Speedwell Rooms in Staveley on Wednesday 28 September from 3pm to 6pm. It follows on from similar events held in the Winding Wheel and Loundsley Green earlier this year.

At the event there will be more than 40 stalls showcasing the excellent groups and services in Staveley, allowing residents to find out about what is on in the local area, join new groups and make new friends.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “One of our key priorities as a council is to improve the quality of life for local people. Our last event helped showcase the fantastic range of community groups and services that are available to our residents It’s great that we are able to bring this event to Staveley and make sure everyone can learn more about local opportunities.

“I hope lots of people will come along because you’ll be able meet new people and find out important information about the activities and services available in our community.”

For more information on these events, or if you run a local group and would like a stall at the Great Chesterfield Get 2gether – Staveley, please contact Wendy Blunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s health and wellbeing officer on 01246  959657 or email

The Great Chesterfield Get 2gether is organised through the Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing partnership.


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Barrow Hill Memorial Hall recieves lottery funding for centenary project

The Barrow Hill Community Trust has announced it has received initial support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for the Barrow Hill Memorial Hall Centenary Project.

The £90,400 award will support the work, which aims to renovate and repurpose the upper floor rooms and exterior of the Memorial Hall whilst preserving its heritage.

The initial development funding has been awarded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to help Barrow Hill Community Trust progress their plans to apply for a full National Lottery grant at a later date.

The project aims to restore the imposing frontage and key heritage features of the Memorial Hall and will renovate the first floor of the building, creating a learning, skills and heritage space in the reading room and a restored venue for celebrations and events in the former ballroom.

It will create a sustainable future for the building, filling community needs and providing accessible training opportunities for volunteers and staff. The building will be run with and for local people, and be open to the world. It will become a heritage-led wellbeing and cultural destination with community at its heart.

This first stage of funding will be used to replace the slate roof over the heritage space and appoint a Project Co-ordinator to plan a programme of activities that bring local heritage to life, giving local people the chance to find out about the past, get involved and have a say in this important development. Building on the last few years of consultation with local people, the Community Trust and our design team will be finalising the designs for the building and agreeing how the hall will be re-opened to again provide much needed community services’

Built in 1863 as part of Richard Barrow’s industrial model village, the Memorial Hall has long been a focal point for the area and, over the years, has been used as a Dining Hall, Workmen’s Hall, War Memorial and social centre. Gifted in trust to the community by the Staveley Coal and Iron Company in 1924, the project aims to renovate and modernise the Memorial Hall for the future while continuing to honour its legacy and its past.

Commenting on the award, Simon Redding, Chair of Barrow Hill Community Trust, said: “We’re delighted that we’ve received this support and would like to thank Lottery players for helping to make our vision a reality as we approach the centenary of community ownership of the Barrow Hill Memorial Hall. This grant will enable us to further our ambition to create a building which is truly inclusive and which embraces the whole community. It’s great to know that we are a step closer to conserving the Memorial Hall and preserving it for future generations.”

Chesterfield Community Hubs in Barrow Hill, Brampton, Town Centre & Loundsley Green support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Substantial support for proposed £130 million Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route

Plans to build a major regeneration route which would relieve congestion and open up new opportunities for jobs and homes have won substantial backing from people living in the area.

The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route (CSSR) will involve building a new 3.7 mile single carriageway road between the Sainsbury’s roundabout in Chesterfield, across Works Road, and through to Hall Lane in Staveley.

Estimates suggest the project could cost £130 million to deliver and Derbyshire County Council is now working on detailed proposals for the route so that it can apply for government funding.

The County Council carried out a non-statutory consultation during March and April so that the views of people living in the area can be factored into the emerging proposals.

More than 2,000 people visited the Virtual Consultation website which was set up online to give as many people as possible convenient access to all the information about the proposals.

Consultation documents were also made available at 5 sites in Chesterfield, Staveley and Brimington for those without internet access.

A total of 377 people made detailed comments about the CSRR proposals, with more than 60% of them in favour.

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route represents one of our most significant opportunities to help level-up north Derbyshire. Not only will it reduce congestion, it will also support investment in the economy in areas like Barrow Hill and Staveley, bringing brownfield land back to life.

“Securing public support for these proposals is therefore critically important as we build up to an application to government for funding to help deliver the route and all the opportunities it creates.

“We understand that people will have concerns about the potential impact of a new road on traffic, amenities and the environment. This is why we carried out this non-statutory consultation so that we can listen to people’s views and respond to them as we move forwards.”

The route will involve diverting 2 sections of the Chesterfield Canal and DCC will work closely with the Canal Trust to develop proposals. It will also be subject to a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and will include detailed plans for walking and cycling links.

Besides opening up access for new homes and jobs, analysis has shown that building the new route could reduce daily traffic volumes by up to 75% on Chesterfield Road in Staveley, and by up to 45% on the Chesterfield Road Crematorium area and Ringwood Road at Brimington.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route is critical to ensuring we realise the potential of Staveley and Chesterfield. It will create new and positive opportunities for our residents and businesses – complementing the significant and ongoing investment across the borough by the council and our partners.

“It will act as a catalyst for further investment in the Staveley Works corridor and support the investments made through the Staveley Town Deal. It will also help alleviate congestion for our residents by creating a better connection to the M1. I look forward to working closely with our partners to achieve this ambitious infrastructure project.”

Further work will now be carried out to develop detailed proposals for the Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route and it is expected that a formal statutory consultation will take place later this year or early next year.

A planning application to build the route would follow, and subject to approval and government funding, construction work could begin in 2025.

Find out more about regeneration in Staveley at:


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Children learn more about the Staveley Town Deal

60 local school children visited the canal where they learnt more about the projects being funded through the Staveley Town Deal.

Year six pupils from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School were taken on a trip along the Chesterfield Canal by the Chesterfield Canal Trust after speaking with Ivan Fomin Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board about how the funding will change the town and canal.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It was fantastic to go along and meet these pupils and tell them more about the Town Deal. They had some really great questions and ideas. It’s really important that we engage with everyone about the town deal but particularly important to speak to young people because we want to build a town where they can live, grow and pursue a great career.”

During the visit the pupils travelled along the canal onboard The Madeline through the new Staveley Lock, before walking the length of the canal from Staveley canal basin to Tapton Lock. They also learnt about how the canal has changed over the past 100 years and how it will continue to change with funding through the Town Deal.

Geography field trips like this one are used to observe and record the physical and human geography features of the locations. The geographical focus on this trip was the land use in each area.

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead, after Government approved the package of all eleven projects within the Staveley Town Deal Programme.

It is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Find out more about regeneration in Staveley at:

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Residents encouraged to have their say on Staveley Regeneration Route

New proposals to build a road linking Chesterfield and Staveley have been drawn-up to cut congestion and open up land for employment and housing.

Derbyshire County Council is asking residents and commuters for their views on the proposals for the £130 million Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route before finalising its approach to government for funding for the project.

The project is designed to cut the amount of traffic using the A619 through Brimington, Hollingwood and Staveley, reducing issues with traffic delays and queuing, HGVs passing residential property, and improving noise and air quality.

Residents can take a look at the plans online and give their views on the proposals as well as commenting on the current issues with traffic along the A619 and how they might be affected.

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “This is a major project to level-up and bring extra investment to support economic growth in the area.

“As well as addressing problems with congestion and traffic flow on the A619 through Brimington, Hollingwood and Staveley, it will unlock opportunities to develop land alongside the route to bring much-needed new homes and jobs to the area.

“I’d urge everyone to take a look at the latest proposals and give us their views.”

The new route is proposed to stretch 3.7 miles from the roundabout by Sainsbury’s on the A619 in Chesterfield to Hall Lane in Staveley.

It is proposed to build 3 new bridges to carry the road over Chesterfield Canal which would need some slight realignments at 2 of the crossing points to accommodate the bridges.

The proposed route will include a 2 metre pavement on both sides of the carriageway, and a segregated cycle track. Connections to the Chesterfield Canal towpath will also be provided at several points along the route.

If funding for the project is approved, more detailed proposals will be drawn-up and further consultation with local communities will be held before any work can begin.

The closing date for comments is Friday 10 April 2022.

Major regeneration is set to take across Staveley over the next few years thanks to the Staveley Town Deal programme, with more housing and jobs set to be brought to the area.

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Employability and Skills Conference to address future skills needs of young people to help the area meet its growth ambitions

With thousands of jobs set to be created in the borough as part of the regeneration of Staveley, business leaders and the education community are being urged to address the future employability and skills of young people now at a free conference next month.

Tickets are available now for the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference which is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub.

The conference, which returns in person for the first time since Covid hit, is taking place on Wednesday 9 February at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley, between 8:00am – 11:00am.

The annual conference, which is now in its sixth year, aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure that school leavers are work ready and have the skills required by businesses in the area.

This year the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference will address the future skills and green growth agenda and also examine the current recruitment challenges that employers face.

Speakers at the event will include Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal and Fiona Baker, Head of People and Skills at D2N2 LEP and Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield.

Ivan Fomin commented: “The regeneration programme in Staveley is very exciting and has the potential to create thousands of jobs. It’s important that businesses, the council and education and training providers work together to make sure these opportunities are fully realised for local people. The Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability & Skills Conference is the first step in making this happen.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m proud to be hosting the sixth annual skills and employability conference. This event is important because it helps strengthen the links between business and education, which ensures that young people in our borough can develop the skills local employers need. This year the conference also looks ahead to the skills needed to support green growth in Chesterfield, which is vital to helping meet our climate change commitments. We all need to work together to ensure that young people have a bright future in our borough and that they are developing the skills needed for the future.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “We’re delighted to be able to hold the conference in person once again. The last 19 months have been particularly difficult for both education and business. It has never been more important for these sectors to work together to ensure Chesterfield has the right skills to grow and recover from the challenges of Covid.

“There are so many exciting regeneration projects in the town, including Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and PEAK, and a lot of opportunities for young people. It’s crucial to ensure we nurture local talent and provide the right training to bridge those gaps and enable people and businesses in the borough to thrive.”

A number of local skills providers based in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire will also be showcased in an exhibition at the event.

Places at the free conference are limited. To book your free place at the event, please visit:

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First Staveley Town Deal project approved

Plans to improve parking facilities opposite the Chantry Road Playing fields in Staveley have been approved.

The project will see the number of parking places increase as well as better visibility of the site from the road, improved lighting and better access to the playing fields, cemetery and on to the Trans Pennine Trail.

Terry Damms, Chairman of Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club (MWFC), said: “To follow up on our Town Deal Accelerator Funding for our junior’s Chantry Pitches drainage scheme with this, is terrific news for the local community. There has been and is so much energy and commitment going into the Town Deal from all sides and we wish to thank the Town Deal representatives, Chesterfield Borough Council and their planning department who have guided and assisted us during these very difficult times through the pandemic.

“To see Staveley MWFC being awarded the first of the Town Deal funding and leading from the front is rather unique and sets the scene for the remaining £25.2m projects with their sponsors knowing that they can work towards the reality of seeing their own projects come to life with funding.

“We aren’t finished yet and with the further guidance and assistance from the Town Deal we hope our third project to build a Skills Hub Building above our clubhouse for local 16–18-year-olds to further their own sporting education will be supported by the Town Deal.”

Currently there are just 30 parking spaces available, once complete this will increase to 84 including several disabled bays – allowing even more residents and visitors to park up and enjoy and make use of the area.

Preparatory works are planned to start in the next month and completed in 2022 ready for work to begin on the improved parking facilities.

The application also includes plans to create a new pedestrian crossing which will make it safer to cross the road to access both the Chantry Playing Fields and the cemetery. It will also improve access to the Trans Pennine Trail.

Trees next to the road will be removed to increase visibility in the car park which should limit anti-social behaviour.

The works are being funded through the Staveley Town Deal. The Accelerator Funding, also part of the Town Deal supported the investment of the drainage improvements to the youth football pitches and playing fields.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “To go from discussing these projects at board meetings to delivering them so quickly is a testament to the hard work of all involved. Our plans aim to make Staveley a place to live, work and grow and we have selected a broad range of projects that will benefit the entire community. There is a long road ahead but if we continue to work together, we will see real improvements across Staveley.”

The money has been secured thanks to a Chesterfield Borough Council bid to the Government’s Town Deal – submitted on behalf of the Staveley Town Deal Board as part of wider plans to regenerate the area, investing £25m for capital projects.

Other projects in the Staveley Town Deal Investment Plan include, DRIIVe (Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle) which is a rail focussed innovation centre, a construction skills hub, an extension to the Staveley Hall Conference Centre, restoration of the Chesterfield Canal, and improvements to the Barrow Hill Memorial Hall. These projects are still being finalised and developed with further announcements over the coming months.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It’s fantastic to see these projects move forward, these improvements will ensure that the community can make great use of the Chantry football pitches and Playing Fields and also ensure more safer use for the Trans Pennine Trail. There are a range of other projects that are being developed which will bring even more positive changes for the entire Staveley community.”

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People encouraged to have their say on the future of Staveley Town Centre

Residents, businesses and visitors are being encouraged to have their say on the Staveley Town Centre Draft Vision Master Plan through a public consultation which launched today (Monday 8 November).

Chesterfield Borough Council is seeking the public’s view on draft proposals which set out a vision for the future development of Staveley’s town centre, including improvements to the look, feel and flow of Market Square and High Street, and are designed to harness the opportunities presented by wider investment in the town.

The draft plan has been brought forward as part of an ambitious regeneration package being delivered under the Staveley Town Deal programme, which has created a ‘golden opportunity’ to breathe new life into the former mining town for generations to come.

Members of the public will be able to participate in the consultation online until midnight on Sunday 12 December by visiting:

There will also be a public exhibition throughout the consultation at the Healthy Living Centre in Staveley where people can view the draft proposals and submit their feedback. Council staff will be available to answer questions in person, by phone or a Teams appointment. More details of these sessions can be found on the consultation webpage.

There will also be the opportunity to view the exhibition and submit feedback at several events in Staveley including the Christmas Market at Staveley Hall on 4 December, and in Morrisons.

The purpose of the consultation is to get public, community and business feedback on the draft proposals, so they can then be amended to reflect community and business ambitions and ideas and finalised in order to secure the Towns Fund grant.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This is a hugely exciting time for Staveley and the draft proposals, aim to enhance other local investments to transform the area for years to come – creating a place where people can start, stay and grow.
“Working closely with the strong community and many businesses in Staveley is key to unlocking the town’s potential and ensuring we create opportunities for everyone’s benefit.

“I’d urge everyone to take a look at our draft proposals and share their feedback as soon as possible, your opinions will help shape our final plans. By working together, we can do something remarkable and ensure that Staveley has a bright future.”

Just over £4.85m has been earmarked for town centre improvements to support the delivery of the vision for Staveley as part of the Staveley Town Deal programme – with funding subject to final approval by Government early next year.

Key proposals in the vision include:

  • Regenerating Market Square, including proposals for a new building called ‘The Market House’ which would create a commercial and community hub, with potential to host large indoor and outdoor events
  • Revitalising High Street, including plans to upgrade and improve landscaping, street furniture and cycle parking
  • Unlocking the development potential of underused or derelict sites which could be used to support a more vibrant evening economy, family facilities and leisure opportunities
  • Installing town centre Wi-Fi, to create a more digitally connected town centre for the benefit of businesses and shoppers
  • Improving signage, and adding new walkways which will link the canal with Staveley Hall and local shops / services – helping people to explore further and stay longer

The draft vision master plan has been put together following initial consultation with Staveley Town Council, local business representatives, community and key partners – with a view to gathering more detailed feedback as part of the six-week consultation period.

The updated draft master plan is designed to replace a previous version of the document which was drawn up in 2009 and now – due to changes in within the borough, as well as the national economic context – must be reviewed to ensure it provides a relevant and robust framework for the development of the town centre.
Discover more about the draft proposals and submit feedback by visiting:

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Plans to revitalise Staveley’s high street to be considered by Chesterfield Borough Council

Draft plans to revitalise Staveley town centre as part of the wider regeneration of the area are being considered by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The Staveley Town Centre Draft Vision Master Plan is to go before the council’s Cabinet on 2 November and, if approved, will be subject to a six-week public consultation starting on 8 November.

The proposals set out a vision for the future development of Staveley’s town centre, including improvements to the look, feel and flow of Market Square and High Street, and are designed to harness the opportunities presented by wider investment in the town.

The draft plan has been brought forward as part of an ambitious regeneration package being delivered under the Staveley Town Deal programme, which has created a ‘golden opportunity’ to breathe new life into the former mining town for generations to come.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Staveley town centre is a place with rich heritage and character – and a lot of untapped potential to make it the best it can be for the benefit of Staveley’s growing community.

“Taken together with the significant investment and regeneration which is planned for across this area, we have a golden opportunity to transform Staveley for generations to come.

“Currently, like town centres up and down the country – particularly those which are relatively small – Staveley is being hit by the rise of online shopping and changing customer habits, as well as the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There is also much more that could be done to better connect some of the area’s key sites and buildings, to make the town centre a real retail, leisure and community hub.

“Our draft vision master plan sets out a framework in which some key improvements can be brought forward and, if approved by Cabinet, we will continue to work closely with the community.

“Staveley’s businesses are key to the future success of the town centre, and we are committed to working with them to adapt and shape these draft plans.”

The draft vision master plan has been put together following initial consultation with Staveley Town Council, local business representatives and key partners – with a view to gathering more detailed feedback as part of the six-week consultation period.

The purpose of the consultation is to get public and business feedback on the draft proposals, so they can then be adjusted and finalised.

Just over £4.85m has been earmarked for town centre improvements as part of the Staveley Town Deal programme – with funding subject to final approval by Government early next year.

Key proposals include:

  • Regenerating Market Square, including proposals for a new building called ‘The Market House’ which would create a commercial and community hub, with potential to host large indoor and outdoor and outdoor events
  • Revitalising High Street, including plans to upgrade and improve landscaping, street furniture and cycle parking
  • Unlocking the development potential of underused or derelict sites which could be used to support a more vibrant evening economy, family facilities and leisure opportunities
  • Installing town centre Wi-Fi, to create a more digitally connected town centre for the benefit of businesses and shoppers
  • Improving signage, and adding new walkways which will link the canal with Staveley Hall and local shops / services – helping people to explore further and stay longer

The updated draft master plan is designed to replace a previous version of the document which was drawn up in 2009 and now – due to changes in within the borough, as well as the national economic context – must be reviewed to ensure it provides a relevant and robust framework for the development of the town centre.

Councillor Sarvent added: “This is a hugely exciting time for Staveley. Together with our partners, our aim is to deliver significant investment and improvements across key aspects of the town in support of our vision to create a legacy for the future – a place where people can start, stay and grow.”

If approved, the draft vision master plan proposals will be subject to a consultation period running from 8 November to 12 December.

This will be via a virtual exhibition, supported by a staffed exhibition at The Healthy Living Centre in Staveley.


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