university of derby

Blue Plaque unveiled at University of Derby’s St. Helena Campus in Chesterfield

A Blue Plaque has been unveiled at the University of Derby’s Chesterfield campus to commemorate the building and its significance as a prominent former girl’s school in the area.

The plaque was unveiled at the Grade II listed building, St Helena, formerly Chesterfield Girls High School, by Dr Maureen Strelley, a former pupil and Bolsover GP, at an event hosted in collaboration with the Chesterfield Civic Society on Monday 7 March, 2022.

The building was originally designed by G.H. Widdows, one of the outstanding school architects of his day and was his first major project for the county council. Opened as a new secondary school in 1911 by the Duchess of Devonshire, the school provided transformative education for many pupils, before it closed in 1991.

In 2016, the University fully transformed the building, which is now regarded as a centre of excellence for health, providing some of the best teaching facilities in the UK for nursing courses.

Professor Keith McLay, Provost – Learning and Teaching at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted that a Blue Plaque has been unveiled at our St Helena building in recognition of its historic significance.

“The University sympathetically restored the building, retaining most of its original features, and is now a teaching and learning environment for students who are going into valuable careers in the healthcare profession. We are proud of the building and its heritage as a pioneering educational establishment.”

Philip Riden, Chairman of Chesterfield Civic Society, added: “It is fantastic that this wonderful building, which provided life changing opportunities for so many young people, has been recognised with a Blue Plaque.“Looking back at its history, the first secondary school for girls in Chesterfield was a private school run from a house called East Bank on Sheffield Road. Faced with the need to provide places under the 1902 Education Act, the county council bought up the school and got it temporarily recognised as a public secondary school on condition that they built a new school as soon as possible, which they did on an extremely ambitious scale.“This school, which was renamed St Helena School in 1947, and Chesterfield School, which offered education to boys, were important as major agents of social mobility for their pupils, which they took from a number of schools across the borough and adjoining county area. Both enabled their pupils to proceed to higher education and onto successful professional careers, which is very much aligned to the work and ambitions of the University of Derby today.”

Other attendees at the event included Dr Denise Baker, Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, Professor Stephen Wordsworth, Interim Deputy Dean of the same College, and Frank Gorman, Secretary of the Chesterfield Civic Society.After the unveiling ceremony, all attendees were invited to lunch and a tour around the campus.As well as learning spaces, the University’s Chesterfield campus is home to the Innovation Centre Chesterfield, which allows small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to incubate new business ideas, increase their speed of growth and de-risk the process of developing new products.

Chesterfield businesses are being invited to a ‘Planning for Growth’ event at the St. Helena Campus on 27th April 2022. Organisations will be able to discover the support available to help make their goals a reality and expand their network through meeting like-minded business leaders. To find out more and book your place, go to:

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Photo supplied by Richard Richards Photography

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Community Chesterfield reflects on voluntary sector impact

A partnership project between the University of Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) is reflecting on the impact it has made within the health and social care sector after creating almost 4,000 ‘meaningful connections’ across Chesterfield.

Community Chesterfield, which is nearing the end of its third year, links up the skills, knowledge and experience at the University of Derby with those of the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and has been a vital support network in the area since its launch in 2019.

The ‘meaningful connections’ between VCS organisations and the University is where the activity organised brings benefits to both. They have included Expert by Experience sessions, which have seen the project connect individuals from voluntary and community sector groups with university staff and students to share their lived experience.

Around 2250 students from the University of Derby have met 57 Experts by Experience, covering topics including family carers, medication management, mental health issues and hearing and sight loss.

Over the last three years, Community Chesterfield has also helped to successfully increase funding for local VCS groups by more than £110,000 as a result of the skills and knowledge they have gained through their involvement with the project.

The project’s online training model also continued to thrive, having delivered more than one thousand training hours in the last 12 months alone and 2271 hours in total since the start of the project. The sessions have been attended by more than 140 local health and social care sector organisations.

After assessing the need based on conversations and feedback from groups, Community Chesterfield also added in a provision for e-learning courses, as well as the project’s popular Training and Tea model – a series of 45-minute sessions at a regular day and time slot.

In addition to the popular training sessions, more than 570 participants attended shared learning workshops. These workshops, which include the Connect and Reflect sessions, aim to connect the community, the health and social care sector and the University to allow them to discuss, learn from and reflect on the common experiences we each have.

Jennifer Raschbauer, Community Chesterfield’s project manager, said: “The aim of our project has always been to bring together the University of Derby with the local community to create a resourceful, experienced and knowledgeable health and social care sector in Chesterfield.

“Despite having to negotiate through the ever-changing landscape because of the pandemic, we are extremely proud what we have achieved in the last three years and the visible positive impact with have had on the local VCS sector.

“By providing these valuable opportunities for the VCS and university to come together, we have been able to strengthen the skills of the local workforce in this sector, enabling them to be more resilient in the future and to provide the best possible support to their service users.

“As we look to the future of the Community Chesterfield project, we are excited to both cement and increase the connections we have made in the local community. We have plans to widen the reach of the work we do, which is an exciting prospect and will allow us to create more opportunities for more people across Chesterfield.”

Community Chesterfield has also facilitated 63 students to provide support to a variety of local VCS groups and supported more than 60 students on their negotiated module, where they can select a subject area of interest to them that’s not covered in the curriculum and which introduced them to a number of local charities and voluntary groups.

In addition, the project has organised five internships and 15 work placements and skills days, as well enabling the creation of one academic publication.

For more information about Community Chesterfield visit

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Support to help boost business performance and growth comes to Chesterfield

Small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across Chesterfield can access support in developing leadership and management skills through programmes which have recently been launched by the University of Derby.

The courses have been created to help those new to management, as well as senior managers and leaders. The Help to Grow: Management: Chesterfield cohort starts 30th March 2022.

Help To Grow: Management

Help to Grow: Management is ideally suited to managers and leaders, providing an opportunity to boost your organisation’s performance, resilience, and long-term growth. The next intake for the programme is 30th March 2022

The 12-week programme will combine online learning with face-to-face case study workshops in Chesterfield, 1:1 mentor support and peer group networking.

Topics include strategy, innovation, engaging teams, digital technology and building the brand. By the end of the programme, participants will have developed a tailored business growth plan to lead their business to its full potential.

Help to Grow is 90 per cent funded by the government. The University of Derby will be delivering the programme across the East Midlands and West Midlands, with their next cohort taking place in Chesterfield at St Helena’s.

Angela Tooley, Enterprise Development Manager at the University of Derby, said: “We are proud to be a partner in delivering the Help to Grow: Management programme.

“This programme has been designed in partnership with CABS, Small Business Charter accredited business schools from across the UK, and business leaders. Our hand-picked delivery team all have real-life relatable experiences to share from their own business careers and understand the pressures of working in a small business.

“Many small business leaders are time-poor and often struggle to find time to plan the future and engage with likeminded ambitious leaders. Our current participants are seeing the results both personally and professionally. Seeing the impact straight away from their actions they quickly start to reap the benefits of taking time to work on the business, rather than in it.”

Find out more about the programme here.

If your business would like to request more information from the University of Derby, click here. 

Smart and Inclusive Leadership

Participants will develop their unique leadership skills and learn how to build resilience in themselves and others, so that they can create positive impact within their organisation. The next intake for the programme is 25th April 2022.

The programme is suitable for aspiring leaders, graduates, supervisors, and managers and is funded by the European Social Fund and delivering partners (including the University of Derby), meaning participants can attend without any cost to their organisation.

The course will be offered through a blend of online learning methods and has been designed to allow participants to tailor learning to their individual needs. There are four taught units including Developing Your Inner Leader, Leading Through Challenge and Change, Inclusive Leadership, and Leader as Coach and Mentor.

Participants can decide whether to take a single unit or complete the entire programme. There are a choice of start dates with the next intake starting at the end of January.

Find out more about Smart and Inclusive Leadership.

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

St Helena's Chesterfield

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Community partnership project invites businesses to shape new consortium

A partnership project between the University of Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary Action is inviting Chesterfield-based businesses to an online focus group to assist in shaping a new business consortium.

Community Chesterfield, which works to strengthen local communities by bringing the University and local voluntary groups together, is set to launch a consortium to bring these same benefits to the business community.

To help structure the consortium, Community Chesterfield is hosting an exclusive focus group to give businesses from Chesterfield and the surrounding areas with more than 50 employees the opportunity to discuss how the new scheme could benefit them and establish new and mutually beneficial relationships across the region.

The consortium, which will be launched in the summer of 2022, will enable a select group of businesses, academics and voluntary sector organisations to transform the skills and knowledge in the region and strengthen our communities.

The consortium is being designed to enable the exploration of new opportunities to collaborate and work across the voluntary and business sectors, helping businesses to meet staff development and wider company needs, including a focus on corporate social responsibility and employee health and wellbeing, as well as creating positive stories to share.

Jenny Raschbauer project manager at Community Chesterfield, said: “Community Chesterfield is a polit project, so we are in the fortunate position of being able to come up with ways to further achieve our goal of strengthening the local voluntary and community sector here in Chesterfield.”

“The goal of the business consortium is to create a network of cross-sector individuals and organisations who can work collaboratively to bring create opportunities that benefit all parties, whilst ultimately having a positive impact with the Chesterfield area.”

“The benefits to businesses of the consortium will also be rigorously evaluated and assessed by University of Derby members, so participants will have evidential data about how working alongside community organisations in this way has been an advantage to them. It really is a win win situation.”

Attendees at the focus group, which takes place on 27 January, will receive a free Colleague Box business breakfast delivered to your address.

To sign up to the free event visit the Community Chesterfield Eventbrite page at

For more information about Community Chesterfield, click here

The University of Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary Action support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

chesterfield college

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Derbyshire Festival of Business launched

The University of Derby, in partnership with Vision Derbyshire, has launched the Derbyshire Festival of Business, a new initiative which aims to celebrate the resilience of our business community over the past two years and help businesses capitalise on opportunities as the county recovers from the pandemic.

The festival will help to connect and support local organisations, whilst showcasing Derbyshire’s extensive business capability to future clients, customers, and investors.

The University is working in collaboration with Destination Chesterfield to promote the wide range of free workshops, masterclasses and networking activities that are available to its members. There will also be an opportunity for businesses to host their own events as part of the festival, as well as participate in a business exposition which will be hosted within Chesterfield.

Professor Kamil Omoteso, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences said: “We are delighted to have launched the Derbyshire Festival of Business to businesses and community leaders alongside our partners, Vision Derbyshire and the East Midlands Chamber.

“This festival is an opportunity to showcase what our county has to offer, to identify current and future talent, and to create opportunities for collaboration between businesses, the University, policy makers and advisory organisations, which will help us build a strong, resilient and inclusive economy as we recover from the impact and challenges of the pandemic.”

Vision Derbyshire is a joint initiative involving the county council and district and borough councils in Derbyshire to improve outcomes for all its communities.

The festival’s programme of activities has been designed to give businesses the support and opportunities needed to revitalise the local economy following the pandemic and build-back-better by unleashing the talent that is available across the region and showcasing the best practice and innovation that has been fostered over the last two years.

Community focused open days and Expo events will promote Derbyshire’s businesses to its residents, and visits between the University, local schools, colleges, and employers are planned to provide careers related advice and showcase local businesses to the next generation of employees.

Online and face to face master classes from leading professionals and academics in Derbyshire are planned to raise the profile of the county as a thought leader within the UK business community, and as a place to do business.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Economic lead for Vision Derbyshire and Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, commented: “The Derbyshire Festival of Business is a great way of bringing the business community together because we need to cooperate in order to recover from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The event is really broad and aims to support the entire business community from new graduates to established leaders. I hope lots of residents will take part in the many events on offer.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, added: “We are proud to be part of a fantastic new event that will showcase the best of business across Derbyshire, a county that is home to some incredible examples of entrepreneurship and enterprise.

“The Chamber is a conduit for local companies to work closer together, share advice and seek new opportunities – something that has never been more important than right now as the economy recovers.

“Working alongside our strategic partner the University of Derby, we look forward to welcoming businesses to events over the autumn.”

If your organisation is interested in delivering a community day, an educational engagement activity or a masterclass please email

Find out more about the Derbyshire Festival of business here.

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‘Experts by Experience’ wanted by Community Chesterfield

Community Chesterfield, which links up the skills, knowledge and experience at the University of Derby with those of the local voluntary and community sector, is looking for ‘Experts by Experience’ from within the local community.

The project’s Experts by Experience scheme sees members of the community working within the voluntary and community sector contribute to lectures at the University of Derby.  It’s a great chance to help widen the horizons of future health professionals by sharing real life experiences on health and social care related topics.

Whether you are a community group wishing to enlighten our future health care professionals or a University Lecturer wanting to enrich your student’s learning, Experts by Experience can be of huge benefit to all.

Past speakers from the community sector have been experienced in subjects such as:

  • Hearing/sight loss
  • Being a family carer
  • Medications management
  • Mental health issues
  • Fibromyalgia

However, Community Chesterfield is currently looking for a range of expertise in all areas of health and social care and would love to hear from you!

If you have a lived experience that you’d like to share, why not contact Community Chesterfield via to discuss becoming an ‘Expert by Experience’.  A small financial contribution is paid to your charity of choice by way of thanks.

If you are a University lecturer and would like an ‘Expert by Experience’ to deliver a session to your students about a particular topic, you are also being invited to contact Community Chesterfield in order to arrange this.

Community Chesterfield is a Lottery funded project between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and University of Derby. For more information about Community Chesterfield, visit

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital Trusts Carers Project

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University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber pledge support for the UN Race to Zero

The University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber have become signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Race to Zero campaign.

Professor Kamil Omoteso, pro vice-chancellor dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University, and Scott Knowles, chief executive at East Midlands Chamber, made the announcement at last week’s annual Midlands Sustainability Summit, co-hosted by the University and Chamber, and supported by the Midlands Engine, last Thursday (23 September).

Race to Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero-carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.

The objective is to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonised economy ahead of COP26 in November, where governments must strengthen their contributions to the Paris Agreement. By joining the Race to Zero, the University and Chamber have demonstrated their commitment to the net zero agenda to global leaders at COP26.

Prof Omoteso, said: “I am delighted to announce that the University has become a signatory to the UN Race to Zero, cementing its existing pro-environmental commitments.

“This pledge provides a springboard for our ongoing efforts to support the shift to a sustainable economy across the region and beyond, and forms part of the University’s wider environmental ambitions and commitment to sustainability on our own net-zero pathway.”

East Midlands Chamber launched the Sustainable East Midlands campaign last year to encourage more businesses to engage with the low-carbon agenda by demonstrating its commercial benefits, as well as highlighting successful case studies.

A newly-appointed Sustainable East Midlands policy officer will aim to create a net zero plan over the coming months, with ideas including setting a baseline carbon footprint to measure against, installing energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and developing an employee engagement strategy to support behavioural changes in terms of workspaces, travel and waste.

Scott Knowles added: “As the business community looks to rebuild after a turbulent 18 months, the focus now shifts towards the future and the role we must all take in addressing the ever-pressing climate change challenge.

“As our commitment to this urgent challenge, where we feel it is important to lead by example, we are pleased to announce that the Chamber is setting our own net zero goal to cut our carbon emissions in half by 2030, with an aim to reach net zero before 2050.”

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Community Chesterfield launches next round of training and shared learning sessions

Community Chesterfield has launched its next phase of training and shared learning workshops to support the learning needs of staff and students at the University of Derby, as well as community and voluntary third sector groups across Derbyshire which help people in Chesterfield.

The project, which is a Lottery funded partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and the University of Derby, has announced the topics to be covered up to February next year across its different learning programmes.

A variety of workshops which are one to two hour long one-off sessions covering a range of topics, will take place throughout the rest of the year. The subjects being focused on are a Makaton taster, Introduction to Domestic Abuse Training (accredited), Introduction to Basic Counselling Skills and Gambling-Related Harm Awareness.

Due to its popularity during previous series, the project’s Training and Tea sessions are returning, the first of which is a series of seven sessions focusing on fundraising to be delivered by Anna Clyne, director of MTH Consulting, who has 15 years’ experience working in frontline and management positions within the sector.

She specialises in supporting UK and international charities to understand impact, build a strategic approach to income generation and develop compelling funding approaches. Her first session will take place on 6 October.

Andrew Deighton will also return to facilitate more Training and Tea sessions early next year, delivering subjects including Solving Problems and Generating Ideas, Personal Development Planning and Managing Your Time More Effectively.

Connect and Reflect, which aims to connect the community, the health and social care sector and the University to allow them to discuss, learn from and reflect on the common experiences we each have, will also continue on the second Tuesday of every month.

The interactive online networking and shared learning sessions will cover the following topics between August and December: Conversations about Coaching and Building Teams, Accessible and Creative Communication and End of Life: Those Who Give Support Need Support, Identity and Intersectionality and Social Media: Professionally Sociable.

Connect and Reflect is for community and voluntary third sector organisations or groups helping people in Chesterfield, staff and students at the University of Derby and individuals working within Health or Social Care for people in Chesterfield.

Community Chesterfield also provides access to E-Learning courses which can be completed at your own pace. Available topics include Assessing Display Screen Equipment (DSE), First Aid Awareness, Negotiation and Time Management.

Places on all the above training and shared learning are free for University of Derby staff and students with a connection to Chesterfield, as well as those working at or volunteering for Derbyshire-based ‘not for profit’ community organisations helping people in Chesterfield. Some subsidised tickets are available for Training and Tea for anyone in Derbyshire. Terms and conditions apply.

For the full list of training and shared learning or to book a place on any of the sessions, visit

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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University receives gold Ministry Of Defence award for supporting armed forces community

The University of Derby has been awarded Gold in the 2021 Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme for its commitment to supporting the Armed Forces community.

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) encompasses bronze, silver and gold awards and encourages employers to support defence and inspire others to do the same.

Gold award holders must have signed the Armed Forces Covenant, employ people from the Armed Forces, hold a valid ERS Silver Award and proactively demonstrate their forces-friendly credentials in their recruiting and selection processes.

As part of its commitment to the ERS, Derby has been working to embed and demonstrate support to the Armed Forces across all levels and departments of the organisation. In 2017, the University signed the Armed Forces Covenant and reaffirmed its commitment in 2020.

The University has revised its recruitment process to ensure members of the Armed Forces are recognised when they apply for roles at the University and it supports the ‘Step into Health’ initiative with the University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, to encourage veterans to consider careers in the NHS.

I am incredibly proud that the University has received this prestigious award for our work with serving and former Armed Forces personnel and their families.

Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, who served as an army officer, has been appointed Armed Forces Champion for the institution and is working closely with a range of veteran and military support organisations and charities to ensure that there is support for veterans, reservists and cadet adult volunteers.Speaking about the Gold award, Dr Holt said: “I am incredibly proud that the University has received this prestigious award for our work with serving and former Armed Forces personnel and their families.

“As well as engaging in research we actively support veterans and their families across Derbyshire and beyond. We have engaged in employability and resettlement activities and have ensured our own policies and working practices support and encourage staff commitment to reservist and cadet activities.’’

Professor Kathryn Mitchell DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, said: “I am delighted that the University of Derby has been awarded the Ministry of Defence’s highest badge of honour in recognition of our commitment to the Armed Forces community.

“At Derby, we are keen to attract service leavers as employees, and to encourage them to start new careers, education and training with us, recognising the outstanding transferable skills that veterans bring that can be built on in a second career.”

Minister for Defence People and Veterans, Leo Docherty, added: “I would like to thank all the organisations who have proven their support for the Defence community during such unprecedented and challenging times.

“The vast range of those recognised this year demonstrates how employing the Armed Forces community makes a truly positive and beneficial impact for all employers, regardless of size, sector or location.”

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

chesterfield college

University of Derby St. Helena Campus, Chesterfield

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Community Chesterfield expands training offering

Community Chesterfield is expanding the offering of its most popular training programme by providing subsidised tickets to anyone in Derbyshire.

The project, a National Lottery funded partnership between Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) and the University of Derby which supports local community and voluntary groups within the health and social care sector in Chesterfield, launched its Training and Tea sessions – 45-minute bite size introductions to a range of topics – during the pandemic.

The training has previously only available for free to University of Derby staff and students with a connection to Chesterfield, as well as those working at or volunteering for Derbyshire-based ‘not for profit’ community organisations helping people in Chesterfield.

However, some paid for tickets will now be available on each Training and Tea workshop for anyone living or working in Derbyshire.

Kate burns, skills co-ordinator at Community Chesterfield, said: “One of the key aims of the Community Chesterfield project is to upskill, develop and share knowledge within the voluntary and community sector in Chesterfield, and training was identified as a key way in which we could provide this support.

“Our Training and Tea sessions have been one of our most successful offerings since we moved to an online delivery model at the start of the pandemic. By being able to expand places on the workshops to anyone in Derbyshire, we can reach a wider demographic of voluntary and community sector groups, as well as individuals and businesses across the county who can benefit from the variety of topics we cover.

“This is an exciting development for the Community Chesterfield project and will enhance our reputation for creating exciting and innovative collaborations, providing an opportunity to expand on our already extensive network across Chesterfield.”

Community Chesterfield, which has provided a key support network for the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic, has delivered almost 1,000 training hours in the last 12 months alone, benefitting individuals from more than 100 organisations.

Subsidised Training and Tea tickets are available priced at £10 plus fees. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information.

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Council joins University of Derby’s new employee mental health support scheme

Chesterfield Borough Council has become the latest organisation to join the University of Derby’s Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (MHPP), which provides support to businesses and their employees affected by mental health issues.

The Council joins more than 30 other organisations, and their 10,000 employees, who have now signed up to the scheme funded by Midlands Engine.

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot implements new workplace interventions at pilot organisations and rolls out existing interventions in businesses, with the intention of reducing mental health distress and breaking down any barriers to accessing care.

The aim is to support employees who are experiencing mental distress or illness to either remain engaged and productive at work, or successfully transition back to work after a period of absence.

Since launching in 2020, the University of Derby has enhanced the original MHPP offer by working with academics within the University to offer new short courses and webinars to businesses involved in the pilot, and, in response to the pandemic, is now supporting several organisations with their Leadership and Management programmes, Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Covid recovery agenda.

Councillor Jean Innes, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Business Transformation and Customers, said: “We are really pleased to have joined the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot. As part of our commitment to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our staff, we want to create an environment where our staff can speak openly about mental health and be aware of the support that is available to them, and we believe joining the pilot will help us achieve this.

“As part of the pilot, we will be able to access new resources and training that will help support our health and wellbeing agenda, and raise awareness of mental health in the workplace. We look forward to working in partnership with the University of Derby.”

Dr Paula Holt MBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby and Clinical Lead for the MHPP, added: “I am delighted that Chesterfield Borough Council has chosen to join the growing list of organisations that the University is now working with as part of the scheme. We look forward to working with staff there to help reduce the prevalence of mental health difficulties and increase productivity among the workforce.

“We are now working with businesses in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire to help integrate effective mental health provision within their working environment and would welcome enquiries from businesses of any size who are interested in working with us to create a ‘road map’ of support for their employees.”

The pilot links employers directly to initiatives such as Every Mind Matters, This is Me and Mental Health First Aid, which all provide expert guidance.

Businesses taking part will be asked to commit to an initial meeting to discuss how the programme would work for their company, creating a roadmap for its success, and promoting their commitment to the pilot in the workplace.

This week is currently mental health awareness week, and organisations across Chesterfield are raising awareness through a variety of initiatives. You can find out more here. 

Dr. Paula Holt MBE

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