young people

Chesterfield FC Community Trust’s Camp Inspire receives praise from local MP

An initiative which has been providing activities, food and support to young people and families in need has been praised by a local MP, alongside receiving regional TV coverage.

Lee Rowley, MP for North East Derbyshire, recently visited Camp Inspire, the innovative programme delivered by Chesterfield FC Community Trust at Parkside Community School.

Camp Inspire was designed to help children and young people, many of whom are disadvantaged or vulnerable over the summer holidays.

After taking a look at the activities organised to keep the attendees engaged, Mr Rowley said: “It was fantastic to visit Camp Inspire again and see the great work happening every day by those involved.

“Having visited last year as well, it is brilliant to see Camp Inspire even bigger and better this year – and doing so much.

“Thanks again for allowing me to come and meet with the inspiring leaders and young people!”

Following the success of the inaugural programme, Camp Inspire returned on a larger scale this summer, with over 200 youngsters attending on a daily basis.

With funding from the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, every child is provided with a free, hot, nutritious lunch.

Camp Inspire also received television coverage on ITV’s Calendar news recently, displaying the work carried out by Chesterfield FC’s Community Trust for families in need.

Scott Atkinson, the Trust’s head of education and wellbeing, said: “We received so much positive feedback following the inaugural Camp Inspire and we are determined to make a similar impact this year.

“With over 200 attending daily, I understand that we are going to be the largest HAF provider in the East Midlands, catering for the most vulnerable children in our community, which is fantastic.”

Chesterfield FC Community Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Youngsters educated on healthy eating and internet safety by Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Chesterfield FC Community Trust has rolled out a number of initiatives aimed at educating the town’s young people, including the launch of internet safety workshops and a ‘Healthy Me’ nutrition project at Newbold Church School.

The children learned about how hydrated they are through the foods they eat and discussed the importance of eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables.

During the six sessions, the importance of a healthy diet was stressed and raising awareness of the use of food banks in order to help others was also covered.

Commenting on the project, the Trust’s activities co-ordinator, Alyss Hearnshaw, said: “The Y4 class were outstanding to teach and their contribution to the food bank, supported by other pupils and teachers in the school, was second to none!”

Nicola Finch, from the Derbyshire Community Hub, added: “Thank you so much to all involved.

“We have managed too take two boxes full of food out into the community to support those who are homeless. Fantastic work!”

Meanwhile the Trust is encouraging young people to take part in the recently-launched internet safety workshops, which are free to schools and parents for home schooling purposes.

These workshops focus on the theme of reliability online, opening conversations with young people about how they explore information, looking at the strategies they can implement to spot and speak out against harmful and misleading content online. The workshops can also be delivered in school upon requests.

Robert Stevenson, the Trust’s Premier League co-ordinator, said “The workshops focus on what to trust online, exploring how influence, persuasion and manipulation can impact young people’s decisions, opinions and what they share online.
“We want to give young people the skills to support one another and the strategies to spot and speak out against harmful and misleading content online.”

If your school would like to take part in the ‘Healthy Me’ nutrition social action project or the internet safety workshops, email for more information.

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Spireites Community Trust launches scheme to kick-start careers for young people

Chesterfield FC Community Trust is encouraging young people to access a new traineeship scheme aimed at helping to boost careers and employment across North Derbyshire.

The Trust’s REBOOT traineeship programme is offering an opportunity for young people looking to kick-start their future, reboot their career and achieve their goals.

The course takes place in the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere of the HUB at the Technique Stadium and is delivered by a friendly and supportive team of tutors.

Scott Atkinson, the Trust’s head of education and wellbeing, said: “Our expertise in working with children, young people and adults with additional support needs, through both our education and health & wellbeing programmes, makes REBOOT a great option for anyone who has struggled to overcome barriers in engaging with mainstream education.

“Although the course is focused on enabling students to achieve positive outcomes in education and work experience, we give equal importance to providing unrivalled pastoral care, through engaging personally, instilling confidence, raising aspirations and inspiring change.”

The 12-week traineeship course is for 16-24-year-olds who are not in education, training or employment (NEET). You may have just lost your job due to redundancy, completed your education but have not moved into employment yet, or need further work experience in an area you would like to work in or gain your qualifications.

It includes functional skills Maths and English (if required), employability skills, work experience and confidence building activities.

The support on offer has so-far achieved a 90% average of getting people into the next stage of their career either into employment, training or further education.

To enquire about the programme, email The course is due to begin on Monday, 19th April 2021.

Chesterfield FC supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through  Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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